5b - Student Handbook 2017

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BYU-Idaho Child Labs

Student Handbook of Policies and


Position Name Phone

Child Lab Director Betty McQuain

Child Lab Coordinator Kriss Pond

Preschool Faculty Michael Godfrey 496-
Preschool Faculty David Allen 496-4106
Preschool Faculty Kaelin Olsen 496-4031
Toddler Director Jillisa Cranmer 496-


Child Lab Director: Accreditation,

scheduling, student issues,
public relations, finance.
Child Lab Manager: Registration, purchasing,
student certifications,
maintenance of facility, and
public relations.
Toddler Director: Toddler lab operations,
student issues, and public
Preschool/Toddler Faculty: Instruction and supervision
of student teachers.
Supervisors/Head Teachers: Instruction and
administration of lab
policies, in-service training
for team members,
supervision of daily lab
operations and budget.
Student supervisors report to
the preschool director and

In preschool labs, those referred to as supervisors in

this handbook are students enrolled in ECD 380 or
employed Head Teachers. In toddler labs,
responsibilities of the supervisor are completed by the
faculty instructor.

When problems arise we encourage you to talk with

the person(s) involved in a kind, sensitive, and
professional manner. If you cannot successfully
resolve the problem on your own, please go to the
next appropriate level (Matthew 18: 15-17). Problems
with parents or the public (press, school district, etc.)
should be handled by the lab director.

Administrative Levels
Student Supervisors Faculty Instructor
Preschool/Toddler Director Child Lab Director Home and
Family Department Chair
Dean, College of Education and Human Development

The purpose of the BYU-Idaho Child Labs is to provide
opportunities for students to promote the physical,
social, and cognitive development of all children, and
work in partnership with families.

Prepare BYU-Idaho students to create
learning experiences and environments that
promote the growth of all children.
Value and nurture each childs unique
qualities and potential while encouraging
progress of all children in each developmental
Develop family and community
partnerships that facilitate mutual respect and

R Children, the campus child labs, may pursue
national accreditation by the National Academy of
Early Childhood Programs, a division of the National
Association for the Education of Young Children.
Supervisors are responsible to work with the program
director and Child Lab faculty to maintain the high
standards required of a nationally accredited program.
All staff should acquaint themselves with the criteria
for accreditation and must follow all accreditation
standards. (Review standards at:


The goal of Steps to Quality is to help Idahos child
care programs provide a setting where all children
thrive. At each step, well help programs grow quality
in the following areas:
Health and safety
Staff education
Classrooms and playground
Inclusion of all children
Partnerships with families and
Professional business practices

Parents who enroll their children in the BYU-I Child
Labs have come to expect a quality experience for
their children. BYU-I students are an integral part of
that quality experience for both the children and

Carrying out responsibilities, interacting with others,

and acting professionally, both in the Child Labs and in
every other setting, is expected of everyone who
works with children.

Code of Honor
You must abide by the BYU-Idaho Code of Honor in
every detail. Using the copy card for other purposes,
borrowing lab supplies, eating lab food, plagiarizing
others work, cheating on tests or assignments, or
other violations of the Honor Code is considered
grounds for disciplinary action. We also abide by the
Code of Ethics agreed upon by NAYEC.

Dress Standards
You should adhere to BYU-Idaho dress code. More
specifically, your dress should be modest, comfortable
(not grubby), and easily laundered. Blue Jeans may be
worn while working in the Child Labs, if they are a dark
washed material, neat/professional looking with no
holes, rips, washed out or worn out areas. We hope
you will remember that your appearance is a reflection
on the Child Labs and BYU-Idaho, as well as yourself.
When working with the children, students are required
to wear a lab apron. Aprons will be handed out in the
Child Lab office (Clarke 217). Aprons will be charged
to your I-account for a fee of $25.00.

Academic/Professional Behavior
Students are expected to seek for academic excellence
in all of their classes.

1. 1. You should always use correct grammar,

punctuation, and spelling in any paper given to
faculty or parents. If you are weak in any of the
above areas, find ways to accommodate and
improve your performance so that your
academic skills are at a professional level. Use
spell check, have someone who is competent in
writing evaluate your work, seek help from the
writing lab, and/or take additional courses if
2. 2. Your course instructor must screen any
paper, note, or communication of any kind
before it is sent home.
3. You should never do lab work (cutting, coloring,
etc.) in any
other class.
4. Students should check their program
descriptions for minimum grade requirements.
Repeating a lab course may not be an option
due to limited space availability.
5. Photos and video of children may be taken and
shown to Child Lab staff in accordance with
practicum assignments. Photos of children
enrolled in the BYU-I Child Labs, and video
showing children while they are attending
preschool or toddler lab, may not be posted on
any electronic storage system (Facebook, Blog,
E-Portfolio) or stored on a personal computer or
device, etc. where access is available to anyone
other than Child Lab Staff.

Cell Phones/Personal Computer Use

Cell phones should not be brought into the lab and
must be turned off during classes. Personal computers
should only be used during class time with the
instructors permission.

We have a legal and ethical responsibility to protect
the rights of individual children in our care.
1. You must not discuss information about children
or their families with anyone other than lab
2. When in the booth, hallway, resource room,
workroom etc., avoid discussions about
sensitive matters. Be aware that these
conversations can be overheard.
3. Any request for photos, videos, interviews, etc.
of children, staff, or facilities must be cleared
with the lab director.
4. Child records, including attendance records,
must be kept secure and must not be left where
they can be seen by anyone other than lab staff.
Childrens files may be kept in the filing cabinet
located in each lab, as long as classroom doors
are locked at the end of the day. At the end of
the semester, supervisors should take all
childrens records to the lab manager for long
term storage.

Class and Lab Attendance

We expect that you will always come to class and lab
on time. Please leave personal problems at the door,
and develop a professional relationship with other
students, teachers, and parents. It is imperative that
you remember that you are a part of a team, and that
missing class or lab affects the morale, performance,
and experience of other team members and of the
children in your lab. You must give prior notice when
absence becomes necessary. You are to contact both
the supervisor and your course instructor, at home or
at school, prior to the beginning of school to acquaint
them with your situation.

Lab Hours
You are expected to arrive at or before the scheduled
lab time and not leave early. You must come to lab
prepared to give your undivided attention. It is
inappropriate for roommates, boyfriends, girlfriends,
fiancs, spouses, or others to infringe upon your lab
time by phoning, visiting or dropping by. Please
communicate to them that the lab is a class and needs
to be respected as such.

Children of Student Teachers in the Classroom

Students have the responsibility to arrange for
childcare away from classrooms, the workroom, and
study areas so as to preserve and enhance learning
opportunities for all students. In one-time emergency
situations, the teacher of a class may allow a student
to bring a child to class based on terms set by the

Professional Organizations and Student

Students are encouraged to become a member of
professional and student organizations.
1. The National Association for the Education of
Young Children (NAEYC). For membership
information check the web site (www.naeyc.org)
or call 1-800-424-2460. Annual dues are about
2. Council for Exceptional Children Division of Early
Childhood For membership information check
the web site (www.dec-sped.org) Annual dues
are about $70.00.
3. Child and Family Advocacy Society (BYU-I
student association). For information contact
Tim Rarick at
496-4034 or Clarke 223R.
4. Teacher Education Society- For information
contact Clint Payne at 496-9855.


We are legally responsible for the care and protection

of the children in our labs. Prudent and reasonable
behavior is required of students responsible for the
Supervisors are responsible for maintaining up-to-date
information about each child. This information must
1. Childrens intact form with current address,
phone number, emergency contact information
and health information.
2. Up-to-date immunization record or signed
immunization waiver.
3. Signed Child Lab legal form which includes
acknowledgement of risk.
4. Photo of each child
5. Record of any accidents occurring during
preschool or toddler lab.

All accidents are to be reported to the lab supervisor
immediately. The supervisor is then to assess the
situation and act in accordance to its seriousness. The
director and parent must be notified and an accident
report completed by the supervisor. For serious
accidents call 911. If emergency medical treatment is
necessary, an ambulance should transport the child to
a hospital. The emergency medical release form and
parent contact information must accompany the child
to the hospital.

Bumps, small bruises and scrapes that dont require a

Band-Aid do not require an accident report, but must
be verbally reported to the childs parent. Any
information reported to parents should be

Injuries that require Band-Aids, that leave significant

marks, or that involve the head require that an
accident report be filed and that the parent and
program director be notified.

A first aid kit is located in the cupboard above the shelf

in the laundry room. Gloves must be worn when
administering first aid to a child who is bleeding, or
when there is the potential for contact with body

All teachers in each classroom have pediatric first aid
certification. A copy of the certificate is kept on file.
Give first aid certification information to the Child Lab

Supervisors are responsible to assure that all staff

members and children receive necessary safety
training. All teachers should know where the first aid
kits and fire extinguishers are located and how to use
them. Straw, hay, corn stalks, lighted candles, open
flames, or other combustibles or sources of ignition
may not be used in the building. The university fire
protection officer must be contacted at least two (2)
days in advance, for approval of any outdoor fire that
produces an open flame. Check the BYU-I website for
the form.

For students and childrens safety, no child should be

alone with an adult, student or faculty member, while
attending the Child Lab. Any activity that requires
children to go into the hallway, to another room, or
outdoors must be supervised by at least two teachers.
Materials must not be used that pose a significant
safety risk to young children. Avoid choking hazards,
items that would fit inside a choke tube (coins, small
toys) and latex or rubber balloons. Grapes, hot dogs
and carrots (other than mini carrots) should be sliced
in half, then cut horizontally before serving.

Guests and Visitors

The only people authorized to interact with children
who are enrolled in R Children Child Labs are college
students enrolled in a lab course (ECD 350, 360, 370,
380), and Child Lab faculty. Parents of children may
also be invited to participate in their childs classroom.
Other guests or visitors must be approved by the
course instructor.

Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is an important part of our curriculum
and should be planned every day, weather permitting.
Supervisors and directors must use common sense
when determining if weather conditions prevent
children from safely going outdoors. Factors to be
considered include temperature, how children are
dressed, length of time children will spend outdoors, if
the sun is shining, the amount of precipitation, and
wind chill.
15 F and above or below 90 F are
0 F-15 F use caution
Below 0 F or above 90 F NOT recommended

Proper clothing on cold days, for teachers and for

children, is a must. Teachers are responsible for
assessing weather conditions and determining what
outer clothing is necessary. In cold weather, coats
must be zipped and mittens and hats on.

Careful supervision is imperative when children are

outdoors. At least two teachers from each classroom
must be on the playground at all times. The
supervising teacher must carry an emergency pack
with her when on the playground. The pack should
contain disposable gloves, large gauze pads, and other
first aid supplies.

Emergency Drills
Fire drills must be conducted monthly. Fire drill
information and procedures are posted in each
classroom, including evacuation paths. Preschool
children will leave the building through the exterior
doors and gather on the playground. Toddlers will
leave the building through the emergency exit, travel
down the ramp, and gather in the quad between the
Clarke and Romney buildings. In a real emergency,
supervisors should gather children in the foyer of the
Smith Building, then call parents and ask them to pick
up their child in the lot East of the Clarke building at
the North entrance to the Smith Building. Supervisors
should maintain a record of all safety drills conducted.

Teachers sometimes carry items in their
handbags/backpacks that may be harmful to children
(medication, metal fingernail file, etc.) For this reason
you must keep your personal belongings out of the
reach of children. Keep handbags/backpacks in the
closet with the door shut and locked.
Each staff member is responsible to see that all caustic
substances are kept on high shelves, out of childrens
reach and in a locked cabinet. If a child does ingest a
poisonous substance, you should contact a faculty
member and use the following procedures:
1. call Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222
2. make a written note of the caustic substance,
amount ingested, and time of poisoning
3. write down instructions given by Poison Control
4. have child transported to the hospital for
therapeutic intervention and observation if
5. contact parents or guardians about the accident

Food for Art and Sensory

NAEYC recommends that food be avoided in art
projects, such as finger painting with pudding and
stringing cereal. Faculty encourage using alternatives
to food in the classroom including the sensory table
and art projects. This is to respect children and
families who may live in poverty and find using food
wasteful or insensitive to their life situation. In
general, if the item is presented to the children in a
state that is edible (apples for prints, cereal in the
sensory table, etc.) the activity will not be approved.
When food is used in the classroom it is expected that
a logical and reasonable purpose would back up the
activity. For exceptions talk with program director or
your faculty instructor.

Field Trip Permission:

Off Campus Field Trip

Talk with your Faculty Instructor.

On Campus Field Trip

Written parent permission is not required for field trips
that are conducted on campus, but parents must be
notified in advance of the prepared filed trip in writing
about the intended activity. On campus field trips
must be cleared in advance as a part of a lesson plan
and by notifying a faculty member. The student
planning the trip must complete the R Children On
Campus Field Trip Planning Form and return it to the
course instructor at least two days before the date of
the intended excursion. A supervisor, Head Teacher,
or course instructor must accompany each group on a
campus field trip.
Any time a group of children are taken away from the
classroom or playground the group leader must
indicate the group destination on a sign posted outside
the door, with an intended return time. The group
leader must notify the lab manager when the group
will be leaving and returning and must be assessable
by cell phone while away from the lab facility.
Exchange phone numbers with the lab manager so
that communication is possible if the need arises.

Child Abuse Reporting

It is your responsibility to report any suspected cases
of non-accidental physical injury, sexual molestation,
neglect and/or emotional abuse to the lab director.

Meeting with Children after Lab

All of your associations with children are to be during
the lab hours. You are not to initiate contact with the
children outside of regularly scheduled lab hours. Talk
with the lab director about any exceptions to this rule.

Teachers are responsible to evaluate the health of
children as they arrive. It is our policy to refuse
admittance to children who are obviously ill at check
in. If the child becomes ill during the lab time, the
supervisor is to call the parents and remove the child
to an isolated area until a parent comes for the child.
You must wear gloves when caring for illness that
involves body fluids. Teachers should follow the same
exclusion policy as children, and not attend when there
is a significant risk of spreading the illness. Contact
your faculty instructor if absence due to illness
becomes necessary.

Administering Medication
Children must not be administered any medication
without first consulting with the lab director.
Medication can only be given after first receiving
written permission from a parent and written direction
from a physician. When you administer any
medication, you must make a written record which
includes name of the child, name of person
administering the medication, type of medication,
time, date and dosage of medication. A copy of this
record must be given to a parent when the child is
picked up from school.

Assisting with Medical Equipment

Parents whose children have any sort of medical
equipment, either pumps or tubes attached to the
child or aids for hearing, walking, etc. must provide a
detailed instruction sheet to guide teachers in the
event they need to attend to the child regarding their

Special Medical Conditions

Before the first day of lab, each staff member needs to
be aware of any special medical conditions (e.g.
allergies, medication, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) of any
child in her lab. The supervisor must report any
special medical condition or need of children to the lab
director and Child Lab manager.

Health Concerns
All students that work in the child labs must be tested
for Tuberculosis (TB Test). Student teachers are
responsible for obtaining a TB test and must submit
proof of a negative lab result to the lab manager
before the first day of preschool or toddler lab. TB test
results are not available until two days after the initial
test. Students with a positive lab test or those who do
not submit written proof of a negative lab result before
the first day of school, will not be able to attend the
lab. Students who have had a TB test within two years
will not need to repeat another test if they provide a
copy of the negative results of the test prior to the first
day of lab.

Children who attend must submit proof of
immunizations or a signed certificate of exemption
prior to attending. Supervisors must notify lab
directors of any deficiencies before the first day of
school. It is the directors responsibility to follow up
with parents until all required vaccinations have been

Hand Washing
You must give strict attention to cleanliness. The most
effective way to reduce the spread of communicable
illness is proper hand washing. Children and teachers
must thoroughly wash their hands in the following
1. upon arriving at preschool
2. before preparing, handling or serving food

3. After going to the toilet

4. before eating snacks and after eating finger
5. after handling animals
6. after wiping nose
7. after hands have come in contact with body
fluids (saliva, urine, blood, etc.) even when
gloves are worn.

Children should be instructed on, and teachers and

children must follow, correct hand washing procedures:
1. turn on warm water
2. wet hands and lower arms under warm, running
3. put liquid soap on hands
4. rub hands and lower arms vigorously under
running water for approximately 20 seconds
5. rinse hands thoroughly
6. use disposable towel to dry hands
7. turn off faucet with a paper towel

Diapering Procedures
General Guidelines
1. Support the childs desire for privacy.
2. Allow the child to be as independent as he is
3. Safeguard yourself against any possibility of
being accused of misconduct.
4. Protect yourself and the child from disease-
causing pathogens.

Before changing, gather all the necessary materials.

This includes: diaper or change of clothing, cleansing
wipes for child, disinfectant wipes for diapering
surface, gloves, plastic bag(s), changing pad (if using).
Encourage child to do as much as he is able by and for
Basic procedures:
1. Collect supplies
2. Put on gloves
3. Have child stand over or lay on changing pad
4. Remove wet or soiled diaper or clothing, place in
plastic bag
5. Wipe the childs diaper area in a front-to-back
motion with a diaper wipe, and place in same
plastic bag
6. Put fresh diaper or clothing on child, assist him
in pulling up his pants if necessary
7. Remove gloves, put in plastic bag
8. Return child to classroom (if diapering was
conducted outside of classroom)
9. Assist child to wash hands, and wash own
10. Clean-up changing area. Put on gloves, disinfect
changing pad with hydrogen peroxide and black
micro-fiber towel, wipe dry with paper towel,
and discard paper towel and gloves in same
plastic bag. Place micro-fiber in bin.
11. Tie the bag shut and discard, either in covered
diaper pail or outside.
1. 12. Wash and dry your own hands.

Sanitation Procedures
You must wash and sanitize classroom surfaces used
for eating and/or food preparation before and after
each use. Use hot water, castile soap and designated
micro-fiber towels to wash surfaces.
You also need to sanitize bathroom faucet handles,
bathroom counters with vinegar and a micro-fiber

You also need to clean any item that a child places in

their mouth with a micro-fiber cloth and either hot
water and castile soap or vinegar.

Surfaces contaminated by blood, vomit, urine or stool

must be cleaned with a stronger bleach solution (one-
part chlorine bleach to ten parts water). Commercial
chlorine wipes may be used on the diaper changing
pad, but should not be used on surfaces used for
eating or food preparation. Chlorine bleach must be
stored out of the reach of children in a locked cabinet.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to teach

students proper cleaning procedures.

*Use white cloths for cleaning dishes, kitchen counter

tops, snack carts, and tables after snack has been
eaten. Use green and purple cloths for cleaning paint
and art mediums from surfaces and toys. Orange
cloths are rags for wiping floors and for really dirty
jobs. Do not use anything but white cloths for

Toy cleaning
Mouthed toys must be immediately removed from use,
then cleaned and sanitized before re-using. Some toys
may be sanitized in the dishwasher.

See toy cleaning guidelines in the kitchen or on the lab


Food Preparation/Service
Hands must be washed thoroughly before preparing
any food. Food service gloves must be used when
handling foods. Foods that should be kept cold must
be stored in the refrigerator, not left on the counter or
cart. Do not store food in the refrigerator in metal
cans. Opened containers or leftovers that are then
refrigerated must be dated (write date on a piece of
masking tape) and used within seven days. No one
who has any symptoms of illness should be
responsible for food preparation.

Check snack schedule posted on fridge to determine

how much snack to prepare each day. Food which has
been served on the tables cannot be reused. Served
leftovers must be discarded or may be consumed by
staff during post lab.
Unserved leftovers should be labeled with a date. Put
away and used by a later lab or another day.
Supervisors are responsible to see that leftover food is
used and that the refrigerator is kept free of spoilage.
Food service containers, utensils, and trays (the red
trays) must only be used for food products. Do not use
kitchen equipment for art and other activities that are
not food related.

Teachers serving snack may have a portion. All
children eating snack receive a adult portion.
Tips about snacks:
Measure each portion
Do not serve too much
Any unused portions that have remained
covered, leave in the fridge with the date on it

A nutritious snack that meets accreditation guidelines
must be served each day. The Child Lab manager will
prepare a snack schedule for the entire semester. This
schedule has been carefully prepared to ensure that
children are served a variety and balance of foods
from different food groups, and should be followed
strictly unless permission has been given to serve a
substitute snack.

A substitute snack may occasionally be served when a

specific food experience would support a lesson topic
or objective; however, the snack should still meet
accreditation standards. Approve any snack changes
with lab manager at least one week in advance.
Parents must be notified what children will be served
for snack. Teachers can do this by sending home the
snack schedule, posting a note outside the classroom
door, and/or listing the snack on the posted lesson


Child Assessment:
Since one of the primary missions of the Child
Development Laboratory is to prepare students, and
assessment is a primary source of data for children in
future places of employment, students in the
laboratory may assess children if needed or required
within the following guidelines:
Written explicit consent MUST be obtained from
the childs legal guardian before assessment
takes place. Child assent must also be obtained.
Assessment requiring the child to leave the
room must be kept to a minimum and not
exceed any single child leaving the classroom
more than three times a semester and not more
than 20 minutes each time. Pullout should occur
during self-selected activities.
Children should not leave the room for
assessment during the last two weeks of their
laboratory experience.
Occasionally a student not enrolled in the labs may
need to assess children. They will need to apply
several weeks prior to the assessment deadline and
have the application reviewed by the Child Lab
Steering Committee. If approved, the student will need
to spend considerable time building rapport with the
child by spending time in the classroom with the
children and follow all the guidelines for students in
the lab. The faculty will notify the lab team of any
student not enrolled in lab of these students.
Students are encouraged to observe their classroom
and other classrooms from the booth as occasion
permits. These observations should occur on days
when everything is running smoothly in their lab, they
are not an integral part of the activities happening in
the classroom during the observation, and they have
permission from the lead teacher, the level III teacher
(if applicable), the head teacher (if applicable), and the
supervising faculty member. The observing student
should share the results of their observation with the
lab they are observing.
Child Lab Up-Keep and Security
ALL lab participants are responsible to see that the
labs and work areas are kept clean and tidy. Students
who work in the Child Labs are responsible to maintain
the cleanliness and organization of the lab facilities.
Labs sharing a classroom must work together to
maintain a clean, attractive classroom. Following each
preschool or toddler session, all materials that need
sanitized can be put back in their proper places. In
addition to the regular daily clean-up, each lab will
have a general assigned area to clean at a deeper
Supervisors are responsible to see that cleaning
assignments are completed and that the Child Lab
facilities are left clean at the end of each lab period.

It is the responsibility of the supervisors in the morning

to see that all doors and gates are open and all areas
available. The afternoon supervisors are to see that
the lab facilities are locked before they leave.

Child Drop Off and Pick Up (Preschool Only)

Everyone in the lab is responsible for the courteous
and safe reception of children. This is the primary
contact with most parents. Make sure you are friendly
and professional.

Supervisors are responsible to set up a system for

check-in and check-out. Teachers interact with
parents and children and observe the environment
noting suspicious individuals or behavior. When
checking in and out from the parking lot curb, a
teacher must escort the child to and from the
classroom (the runner). At check-out it is imperative a
teacher who knows the travel arrangements watches
to ensure each child is with the proper person.
This can be the teacher at the curb and/or the runner.
Children are only to be released to the childs parent or
another designated adult. If the parent has notified
teachers an adult other than the parent, legal
guardian, or typical ride may pick up the child, the
adult must be accurately identified by showing a photo
ID before the child is placed in his/her care. Children
cannot be released to another child, even the childs
sibling. The runner should bring as few children as
possible and reasonable to the curb at a time (two
children are suggested). The number of children is
dependent upon the number that can reasonably be
handled in the hall and outside.

Toddler Check-In and Check Out

A teacher will greet parents at the check-in table
outside the classroom door. Parents will sign in a child
and wash their hands and put a name tag on the back
of their clothing. Parents may accompany a child to
hang up their coat and backpack then leave at
teachers guide the children to an activity.

For Check Out a teacher will be at the east gates on

either playground with a clipboard and a sign-out
sheet. Parents may come onto the playground after
they have signed them out.

Late Fees
It is the supervisors responsibility to assess late fees
and notify a parent who was late picking up a child.
Late fees begin 10 minutes after the scheduled pick-up
times10:50 for A.M. labs and 3:50 for P.M. labs. Fees
are 50 cents per child for each minute. Direct parents
to the main office for payment.
Lost Child Procedure
In the event a child becomes lost, or the adults in a lab
do not know the location of a child, the lab faculty
must be notified immediately. The childs photograph
will be retrieved. All teachers for all labs not otherwise
assigned to the immediate care of children will meet in
the lab managers office for instructions. Each lab
should continue to operate with a minimal staff (i.e. 2
in-class adults) and provide for the needs of the
children and their parents.

Discipline Policy
Our discipline goal is to help children develop self-
control and problem-solving skills. In achieving this
goal, generally . . .

We will:
1. structure the environment and curriculum to
minimize problems
2. model appropriate behavior
3. set reasonable and positive expectations
4. offer choices
1. 5. trust children, respect feelings and calmly
talk about problems
6. reinforce childrens success in self-control and
problem solving
7. remind children of safety guidelines when they
forget and engage in inappropriate behavior
8. redirect inappropriate behavior to something
9. restrain or limit a childs choices, or remove
him/her from the classroom if he/she resists
previous guidance techniques

We will not:
1. humiliate a child by isolating him/her in a
separate room or using a time out chair
2. take away food, rest, or bathroom privileges as
3. use corporal punishment
Bathroom Concerns
The children should use Child Lab bathroom facilities.
Children who have had toileting accidents must be
changed promptly. Each child should have a change of
clothes for such accidents.

Observation Booth Concerns

Anyone (students, parents, faculty, etc.) using the
observation booths should be acquainted with the
rules governing its use. If there are problems (loud
talking, joking around, inappropriate talking about
children or staff) the supervisors are responsible to
enforce the rules of appropriateness. If the problem
persists, the supervisor should notify a faculty member
who will take necessary action.
Observation booths or Labs are not to be used as a
study area or a hang out area.

The supervisor of each lab is allocated a dollar amount
with which to operate. Teaching supplies outside of
resource materials available in the resource rooms
may be needed for your lab and are to be purchased
with that money. You need first to receive approval
from your supervisor then submit a shopping list to the
Lab Manager at least one week prior to planned
lesson. Supervisors are accountable for the labs
budget balance to the Child Lab manager. In order for
her to do that, it is necessary for all students to keep
track of and report any expenditure (e.g. media lab,
purchases, etc.) made. At the end of the semester the
supervisor will meet with the lab manager to report on
expenditures during the semester. Please be aware
that legal implications exist whenever there is financial

The workroom was designed and furnished with
materials to be used by the students who are currently
enrolled in preschool or toddler labs. Students wishing
to work on assignments related to the labs or their
corresponding courses have priority over students who
are working on assignments for other courses. ONLY
students registered for CHILD LAB CLASSES or CHILD
DEVELOPMENT PRACTICUMS should use the workroom.
Roommates, friends and spouses should not use the
workroom. Students should plan their time so that
they can use the resource books, as well as most of
the other resources, in the workroom.
Because of the large number of students who need
access to the workroom materials, books and music
CDs, must only be used in the child development lab.

The workroom is shared space that must be kept neat

and orderly. Personal belongings must be stored in
your individual mailbox or lab closet. Teaching
materials too large to fit in the closet may be left in the
workroom the day they are being used in the lab, but
then must be taken home.

Conference Room
During the time the child labs are in session the
conference room is available for the following
pre and post labs conferences for Toddler Labs
child testing and therapy room
diaper/clothing changing area for preschool-aged
isolation area for sick children while waiting for a
parent to pick up the ill child
conferencing with parents
Any other uses of the conference room should be
scheduled with the child lab manager.

Copy Card
The lab copy/print card should be used for
preschool/toddler lab purposes only. This includes
lesson plans for team members, notes sent home to
parents, and pictures or copies used in lessons. Copies
for personal use, handout for classes, resource files,
sharing with friends, etc. should be made with your I-
card. In rare situations, the lab copy/print card may be
used when making personal copies; however you must
pay for any copies made for personal use, including
documents printed that are for non-lab courses. The
cost for personal copies is 10 cents a copy for black
and white, and 50 cents for color. Payment for
personal copies should be made immediately, and
should be put in the wooden box on the wall in the
student workroom.

There is a machine available for your use in the
Workroom. However, we must be good stewards of
the resources available to us and the below guidelines
followed to keep this available:
1. You may laminate class projects and
portfolio projects or personal use for 10
cents a sheet. You will need to place
money in the drop box on the wall by the
rolling shelves. Or you can leave your
name, I-# and number of copies and your
account will be charged. Please
remember to do this!

2. If a project is approved by your

supervising faculty and is used in the
classroom, then it becomes the property
of the Preschool and can be filed in the
three ring binder for future use and is at
no cost to you. However, it must be
something approved and of good quality
and useful to others.
3. Please do not waste sheets. Cut them in
half if you are only copying one or two
small items.

Child Lab Audio-Visual Equipment

Camcorders, digital cameras, tape recorders,
autoharps and CD players are available for lab use.
Please use them with care. You may not check these
out for anything other than lab teaching purposes.
Equipment not available in the lab may be scheduled
through the library audio-visual office at extension
3150. Faculty approval is generally needed to check
out equipment.

Photos/ Videos
Each team is responsible for taking a photograph of
each child at the beginning of each semester. One
copy is to be placed in the childs folder, one on the
child web, and others may be used in the classroom
such as on the wall or for alphabet posters.

Photographs and video recordings of children in the

child lab classrooms may be made and viewed by the
child lab faculty, staff, and children for educational
purposes. Other uses require explicit consent from
each parent or guardian and the child lab faculty. This
includes photographs used in portfolios for other
classes. A faculty member must approve portfolios or
other works created on or for children before others,
including parents, see the work.

Students should use cameras provided by the lab to

take photographs of children. Photos should be
uploaded only to the designated computer in the
workroom. If photographs are taken but not used for
the child or in permanent lab materials, they must be
deleted by the end of the semester. Under no
circumstances should confidential information,
including names, be available on the internet.

Occasionally child lab staff creates videos or take

photographs of the childrens child lab experiences
that are given to parents. These creations need to
provide instructions stating that it is for in-home use
only and pictures of other children should not be
shown outside the homefor example, they should
NOT be placed on the internet. Using copyrighted
music in these productions has legal implications and
must be avoided.

Use of Keys
To allow students appropriate access to facility and
equipment, while maintaining necessary security, we
have established the following guidelines:
1. you are to use the facility and equipment only in
connection with the child lab responsibilities and
duties (any exceptions must be cleared with
program director)
2. supervisors will be issued keys to the lab; this
key should not be loaned
There is a $250.00 fee for each lost key.

Computer Usage
We ask that you please adhere to the following priority
list in deciding who should be on the computers in the
1st - child lab business (no charge for printing)
2nd - preschool/toddler class assignments (pay
for printing)
3rd - other class assignments (pay for printing)

Computers are set up to print from the child lab

workroom printer. Students should use their personal
I-card when printing from the computer unless the
material is directly related for use in the preschool or
toddler labs and is for the children.

If others are waiting with similar priorities, please dont

have them wait more than one hour before you
relinquish the computer.
Use the computers wisely. If you dont know how,
please seek help.
Report any concern about mechanical malfunction to a
program director.
Each of you should have your own CD or jump drive on
which to save your work. Periodically the hard
drive will be purged of saved items.
Printing charges for personal use:
10 cents per page (black and white)
50 cents per page (color)
You should bring no food or drink around the
Computer Maintenance
As labs are scheduled more heavily during the day, the
time during devotional is often the only maintenance
window that IT has to do the needed work to keep the
labs running. Often that work is done remotely or
through automation. There is potential that
maintenance could affect the performance or ability of
students to use the computers during this time, and
can potentially include automatic shutdowns of

BYU-Idaho Child
Labs Student
Handbook of
Policies and
Revised 1/1/17

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