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Springfield College- Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Evan Chamberlain Date: 4/27/2017

School:Williams Middle School Facility: outdoors Grade: 8th grade

Generic Level:Control Equipment: circle cones, 1 tchoukball, 2

goals, pennies

Unit & Theme:Tchoukball Students: period 3: 14

Focus of Lesson: Defensive tactics outside

Student Performance Objectives (SPO)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(C) Identify proper positioning in relation to the ball. Identify 2 defensive strategies used in outside
tchoukball and how they differ between playing in and outside.
National Standard: Reduces open space on defense by staying close to the
opponent as he/ she nears the goal. (S2.M4.6)
MACF: 2.9

(P) Use spatial movement tactics as a team and apply proper positioning on defense and offense during
National Standard: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, and cutting
and passing quickly. (S2.M3.6)
MACF: 2.9, 2.14, 2.15

(A) Apply safe gameplay behaviors throughout the lesson and display respect of all students.
National Standard: Independently uses physical activity and exercise equipment
appropriately and safely. (S4.M7.6)
MACF: 2.7


Couturier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., Persse, D., Rettig, B., & Roberts, G. (2014). Grade-level
outcomes for K-12 physical education. SHAPE America.

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks. (1999).

Lesson Sequence: Day 2

Set up field prior to first period.

Students enter gym once changed and have a seat on the bleachers.

Class walks outside with teacher to the field.

Bring all equipment needed(cones, music, tchoukball, nets)

Instruction to class:
1. Lesson focus: Defensive strategies and how it differs playing outside.

2. Content: Positioning defense during attack

a. Defense positions themselves according to where the ball is.
b. Identify the wings position and how theyre role is used to score
c. Differs(much more space, visually different than indoors)

3. Review rules:
a. 2-5 passes(1 extra than usual)
b. No defense
c. Must hit off the netting of goal
d. Games are played until 2
e. May take 3 steps, hold for 4 seconds.
f. Score a point when ball touches ground.

4. Identify boundaries of each field

5. Turnovers occur when

a. Ball is thrown past goal
b. Ball is dropped during gameplay
c. More than 3 passes

6. Safety:
a. Be aware of others when throwing the ball.
b. No physical contact
c. Respectful to all students when outside.

Transition to Gameplay:
1. Identify teams:
a. Teams are pre made by teacher.
b. 3rd period: 2 teams of 7
c. Red, blue pennies

2. Game to 5
a. At the completion of 5 minutes, teams meet with teacher, review
things that worked and what can be improved. Play a second game.
3. 2 game fields adjacent to each other but with enough space.
4. Teacher ensures safety throughout lesson, feedback and officiates gameplay.

5. Check for understanding before gameplay.

6. Announce teams, distribute pennies

Begin gameplay.

Transition to teacher.

Closure: guided questioning

Review defensive strategies students displayed in gameplay.
Walk back into school, equipment in gymnasium


Couturier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., Persse, D., Rettig, B., & Roberts, G. (2014). Grade-level
outcomes for K-12 physical education. SHAPE America.

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks. (1999).

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