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Rejoice Help

Rejoice will turn a P5 Glove and/or Joystick into a MIDI Controller.
Say you have an some software like Rebirth or Reason. There are lot of wheels, sliders and dials
to play with. The mouse isn't ideal for experimenting in realtime. A P5 Glove or Joystick give
you better control over how your music feels. A MIDI Controller Board can make things a lot
easier. These boards can be routed through reason so you can use them in conjunction with your
Joystick or P5 Glove.
You can also setup Rejoice to control external MIDI hardware.
Two people can "Jam", one person uses the mouse, one person using Rejoice.
Multiple copies of Rejoice can be installed to allow for mutiple joysticks so you can jam with
two people, two joysticks, or more :)
The P5 Glove can be used at the same time as a Joystick from the same copy of Rejoice.

A word on the P5 Glove

The P5 Glove is worth trying out. Even though I have a MIDI Controller Board with dials and
sliders and I prefer the P5 Glove as an external MIDI Controller. All the fingers are analog and
can be setup as "Note On" or "Controller Changes". You can set up Rejoice so when you bend
your index finger and "turn" your hand, the volume on a track goes up. Bend your middle
finger and lift your hand up, the amount of delay increases. Bend your pinky finger to trigger a
sample. Using your hand to "conduct" your track is very, very different from playing with
sliders and knobs. I highly recommend giving it a try. The experience so intuitive and unique
that I have added a button in Rejoice for non-P5 users that brings them to the P5 Glove home
page. These gloves cost less than some Joysticks and they are an amazing tool for realtime
musical experimentation. I prefer the P5 Glove to the Evolution uc-33 but I still use both.
Rejoice will route the commands from my Midi Controller to Reason.
Quick Start
The first thing you should do is setup your MIDI Software (Rebirth, Reason, whatever) to use
the MIDI Passthru port you installed. For example, in Reason, goto the Edit menu and choose
Preferences. Select the "Advanced MIDI Page" and select MIDI Yoke:1 from the "Remote
Control" pulldown. Remember which MIDI device you selected. You will need to select the
same device in Rejoice.
After installing Rejoice and starting the first time, the screen will look like this:
Step 1 - Choose your MIDI Out Device. Choose the port that your midi software is using for it's
remote control. Select the joystick you want to use with Rejoice.
Step 2 - Move your joystick around and push the buttons, make sure they are registering. Center
your joystick and push the calibrate button (not shown in screen shot)
Step 3 - Move your P5 Glove around to make sure it is registering. Put your hand in it's resting
position and push Center button.
Step 4 - Adjust your joystick and glove response. The response slider controls the size of your
dead zone. Play with this until you are happy.
If you made it this far you can start mapping your devices to MIDI commands.
Mapping Joystick/Glove to MIDI
Creating a mapping is easy. Say you want a MIDI Controller mapped to moving the joystick up
and down while you hold down a button. Simply press the button on the joystick, move it into
position and hit ALT-A or click the Add button. The mapping is added to the list. You should
configure the channel and other mapping options before hitting ALT-A. To edit a mapping, click
on the entry in the list. Any setting you change will be saved when you hit the Update button.
Connecting to Reason
Before Reason will respond to your new mapping, you need to tell it what midi commands you
want to use. Reason has an autodetect feature to make this step easy. In Reason, goto the
Options menu and make sure Edit MIDI Remote Mapping is checked. Click a knob you wish to
control. A "Midi Remote" Dialog box will appear. Select the "Learn from MIDI Input" checkbox.
Now Push a button on your joystick and move it inthe direction you want. Reason will
autodetect the midi channel you are using. Click ok. Now Push button 1 on your joystick and
move it around. The knob should move in Reason. Yay!
The next step is to create more mappings.

1. Channel & Controller

Channel and Controller fields will automatically increment as you create you mappings so
you don't really need to play with these values. It is sometimes usefull to assign two
mappings to the same channel and controller.
2. Inc
When applied to a button mapping, the controller will be incremented by this amount each
time the button is pushed. When applied to an axis, the controller will be incremented
when there is movement in the axis.
3. Low & High
Let's you set the low and high values. Usefull if some knobs sound terriable at full or low.
You can set the high and low values in rejoice to stop the dial from turning too far in
Reason. Also good when used with toggle to jump between two patterns.
4. Delay
Number of miliseconds to wait in between triggering this mapping. To slow down the
joystick for smoother transitions
5. Toggle & Wrap
Toggle tells the midi controller to toggle between the high and low values for this
mapping. Usefull to turn things on and off.
Wrap, when enabled, the controller will loop around to the other end instead of stopping.
Usefull when using a button to jump between patterns in Reason
6. Controller Change/ Note On/ Note Off
Tells Rejoice to send Controller Change (for dials and knobs) or Note On (for triggering
samples). The value send for Note On/Off are velocity. Note On Velocity 0 is actually
Note Off

Setup as many mapping as you can, then goto your midi software (Reason) and use the
autodetect to configure you knobs :)
Export & Import
Rejoice saves your progress automatically to it's own file. But to be safe you should export
your config once you are happy with it. You can also import configs for when you want to run
multiple copies for jam sessions. When you import a file, changes will not be saved to the
orginal file. You will need to export it again to update any changes.
Jam Sessions
Invite a friend over to jam with you. They can use the mouse, while you use the joystick.
There is a button at the bottom of the Rejoice window labeled "Route MIDI". Click on this to
route MIDI commands from external MIDI controllers. Reason only supports 1 remote control
MIDI device. This button lets you use as many as you like.

In order to use two (OR MORE!) Joystick's with Rejoice, you need to run multiple copies. Run
the installer again and install to a different directory, or create a new directory, and place a copy
of rejoice.exe in it.
Do not start two copies from the same directory. The key to using more than one joystick is
running multiple copies from different directories.

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