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World J Surg (2010) 34:750757

DOI 10.1007/s00268-010-0394-7

Effect of Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication on Symptoms,

PPI Use, and pH-Impedance Refluxes of GERD Patients
Pier Alberto Testoni Maura Corsetti
Salvatore Di Pietro Antonio Gianluca Castellaneta

Cristian Vailati Enzo Masci Sandro Passaretti

Published online: 21 January 2010

Societe Internationale de Chirurgie 2010

Abstract refluxes, allowing interruption or reduction of PPI use in

Background Three previous studies from the same insti- 78% of patients with GERD.
tution have reported that transoral incisionless fundopli-
cation (TIF) with the EsophyX device is effective for
creating a continent gastroesophageal valve and for good Introduction
functional results as measured only by pH-metry in patients
with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The objec- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common
tive of the present study was to evaluate the effect of TIF disorder caused by reflux of the gastric content into the
on symptoms, use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI), esophagus. The disease clinically presents mainly with
esophageal motility, and pH-impedance in patients with heartburn, retrosternal pain, or regurgitation, and endo-
symptomatic GERD. scopic examination may or may not find esophagitis. These
Methods Twenty consecutive patients were enrolled to symptoms can significantly impair the quality of life [13]
complete the GERD-HRQL and GERD-QUAL question- and generally recur once medical therapy is stopped. Reflux-
naires while on and off PPI. They were also examined by related long-term complications are Barretts esophagus and
upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy to determine Hill in some cases esophageal adenocarcinoma [4, 5].
grade and Jobe length of the gastroesophageal valve, and to The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms, heal
check for hiatal hernia and esophagitis, esophageal esophagitis, and prevent the recurrence of symptoms and
manometry, and pH-impedance before and 6 months after complications. Antisecretory drugs and surgery relieve
TIF. symptoms and improve the patients quality of life, pre-
Results Six months after TIF, the GERD-HRLQ and venting endoscopic and symptomatic relapse [57]. Con-
GERD-QUAL scores off-PPI therapy and the number of cerns related to medical therapy are the need for continued
total and acid pH-impedance refluxes were significantly long-term medication to prevent the recurrence of esoph-
reduced (p \ 0.05). The PPI had been completely stopped agitis and/or symptoms, drug intolerance or unresponsive-
in 55% of the patient and was reduced in 22% of the ness, and the need for high dosages for long periods to heal
patients. the lesions and relieve symptoms or prevent relapses in
Conclusions At 6-month follow-up, TIF performed using patients with extra-esophageal symptoms.
the EsophyX device reduces symptoms and pH-impedance In the last decade, technological innovations for the
treatment of GERD have led to the transoral endoluminal
approach. A variety of endoscopic techniques aimed at
reinforcing the barrier function of the lower esophageal
P. A. Testoni (&)  M. Corsetti  S. Di Pietro  sphincter (LES) have been proposed or are under study as
A. G. Castellaneta  C. Vailati  E. Masci  S. Passaretti alternatives to antisecretory therapy or antireflux surgery
Division of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,
[8, 9]. These endoscopic strategies all appeared promising
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele
University, via Olgettina 58, 20132 Milan, Italy to begin with, but many were abandoned because of dis-
e-mail: appointing long-term results [10].

World J Surg (2010) 34:750757 751

A novel transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) 40 mg) twice a day. The PPI was then discontinued for
technique can now create an omega-shaped, full-thickness 14 days, and the patients were asked to complete the two
gastroesophageal valve from the inside of the stomach, questionnaires once again. Any drugs influencing gastro-
using the EsophyX device (Endogastric Solutions, Inc., intestinal motility were also discontinued 14 days before
Redmond, WA), that delivers multiple fasteners under each study. The patients then underwent: upper gastroin-
direct endoscopic view. Transoral incisionless fundoplica- testinal (GI) endoscopy to determine the Hill grade and
tion with the EsophyX device was documented in a canine Jobe length of the gastroesophageal valve, the presence and
model as a feasible, effective, safe, and natural means of size of hiatal hernia, the presence and severity of esopha-
performing orifice surgery for GERD [11]. Three studies in gitis according to the Los Angeles grading system [16];
humans from the same institution confirmed these findings, scintigraphic recording of gastric emptying time; stationary
showing both the persistence of the newly created valve at esophageal manometry and 24 h ambulatory pH-imped-
1 and 2 years and good functional results as measured only ance monitoring.
by pH-metry [1214]. The GERD-HRQL and GERD-QUAL questionnaires,
The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of upper GI endoscopy, esophageal manometry and pH-
TIF on symptoms, PPI use, esophageal motility, and pH- impedance were repeated 6 months after the TIF. During
impedance findings in a consecutive series of patients with these 6 months, patients were asked to keep a daily diary
symptomatic GERD. reporting the use of PPI. This was defined as continued
when the daily drug dose was the same as before the
procedure; reduced when any daily dose of PPI was
Materials and methods taken for less than 50% of the total number of days during
follow-up; and completely stopped when not a single
Patients dose of PPI was taken during the follow-up.

Over an 18-month period we enrolled 20 consecutive GERD-HRQL and GERD-QUAL questionnaires

patients (12 men, age 45 14 years, body mass index
[BMI] 24 3), with symptomatic GERD, as defined The GERD-HRLQ is a validated 15-item questionnaire that
according to Rome III criteria [15] and as judged by GERD measures the symptom severity of GERD patients. Six
health-related quality of life (GERD-HRQL) scores of 20 items measure satisfaction with the degree of heartburn;
or more after discontinuation of proton pump inhibitors two, dysphagia; one, with the impact of medication on
(PPI) for at least 14 days. Eight patients were completely daily life; and six, with regurgitation. Each item is scored
responsive to PPI at a standard dose twice a day for at least from 0 to 5. One item measures overall satisfaction with
4 weeks, eight were partially responsive (as defined by a the present condition [17]. The GERD-HRLQ total score
GERD-HRQL [12 on a standard dose twice a day for at was calculated for each patient as the sum of the individual
least 4 weeks), two were not responsive at all, and two item scores [17].
were intolerant to PPI. The GERD-QUAL is a validated 37-item questionnaire
Exclusion criteria were esophagitis grade D in the Los that measures the quality of life in GERD patients; each
Angeles classification; hiatal hernia [3 cm long; item is scored from 1 to 5 [18]. The GERD-QUAL total
BMI C 35; biopsy-proven Barretts esophagus; esophageal score was calculated for each patient as the sum of the
stricture; previous esophageal, gastric, or major abdominal scores for the individual items [18].
surgery; and other severe co-morbidity (including cardio-
pulmonary disease and collagen disease).
Geometric aspects of the gastroesophageal valve
Written informed consent for the procedure and data
management for scientific purposes was obtained from all
The geometry of the gastroesophageal valve were deter-
patients, and the protocol was approved by the medical
mined by measuring the Jobe length, defined as the dis-
ethics committee of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute of
tance (in centimeters) from the apex of the fundus to the
valve lip [19, 20], assessed by means of a standard biopsy
forceps with open valves (4 mm wide), and the Hill grades
Study protocol
[21], determined as follows:
At enrolment a full medical history was taken for all Grade I: a prominent tissue fold surrounding the
patients, including GERD medication usage, and they endoscopic shaft;
completed the GERD-HRQL and the GERD-QUAL ques- Grade II: a moderately prominent tissue fold that rarely
tionnaires while on a standard dose of PPI (20, 30, or opens with respiration and closes promptly;

752 World J Surg (2010) 34:750757

Grade III: a barely present fold that fails to close around percentiles obtained in this series were considered the
the endoscope; upper limit of normal. Values of the Johnson-De Meesters
Grade IV: lack of a muscular fold; the esophageal lumen score [14.7 were considered abnormal.
stays open all the time, allowing the squamous epithe-
lium to be viewed from below. Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF 2.0)
with the EsophyX device
Jobe length and Hill grade of the gastroesophageal valve
were determined before the procedure and during the fol-
Transoral incisionless fundoplication using the EsophyX
low-up period by an endoscopist involved in the study but
device (EndoGastric Solutions, Redmond, WA) is classified
not in the fundoplication procedure.
as a suturing technique. It reconfigures the tissue for creation
of the gastroesophageal valve. The procedure was designed
Gastric emptying time by scintigraphy to create full-thickness serosa-to-serosa plications and con-
struct valves 34 cm long and 200300 degrees in circum-
Gastric emptying time was measured by scintigraphy, as ference. During a single insertion, the neo-valve is created
previously reported, after patients had ingested a Tc-99 by retracting tissue from the fundus of the stomach with a
standardized meal [22]. The half-emptying time (t1/2) was helical retractor. Sufficient tissue can be retracted by mas-
recorded for each patient. saging the fundus with the mold while simultaneously
pulling on the helical retractor; this gives a 34 cm long full-
Stationary esophageal manometry thickness serosa-to-serosa plication, which includes the
muscular layers. The retracted tissue is secured by deploying
After an overnight fast, a 12-French diameter, PVC water- multiple non-absorbable polypropylene fasteners through
perfused catheter for esophageal manometry with six the two layers in a circumferential pattern, around the gas-
recording side holes (Bioengineering Laboratories SpA, troesophageal junction [12]. If there is a hiatal hernia not
Meda, Italy) was introduced transnasally. Esophageal exceeding 23 cm in length, it can be reduced by returning
manometry was then performed in the usual way with a the squamo-columnar junction to its natural position below
stationary pull-through technique for localization and the diaphragm by means of a built-in vacuum invaginator.
measurement of the resting pressure of the LES and In our procedure the EsophyX device was inserted
esophageal motor function [23]. The mean LES pressure transorally over a standard front-view endoscope (Pentax
and distal esophageal amplitude (DEA) were calculated. EG 2770 K) with the patient in the supine position. The
procedure was done under general anesthesia; one endos-
24 h pH-impedance copist operated the device and controlled the implantation
of fasteners, while another operated the endoscope and
After removal of the manometry catheter, a 24 h ambula- ensured continuous visualization throughout the procedure.
tory pH-impedance catheter (VersaFlex Z, Alpine Biomed The fasteners were deployed starting at the posterior and
Corporation/Natus Medical, San Carlos, CA) was intro- anterior sides of the gastroesophageal valve at the level of
duced transnasally and placed 5 cm above the LES. the greater curvature of the stomach, then continuing cir-
Patients were given a personal diary in which to note meal cumferentially around the gastroesophageal valve, in order
times and record time spent in the recumbent position. Data to create an omega-shaped valve with 200300 degrees of
from the MII-pH probe was transmitted and recorded on a circumference [12]. This technique (TIF 2.0) differs from a
portable data recorder (Ohmega, Ambulatory pH & previous one (TIF 1.0) in which fasteners were deployed
impedance recorder, Medical Measurement System, MMS, starting at the middle of the gastroesophageal valve.
Netherlands). Meal periods were excluded from the anal- At the end of the procedure, Hill grade and Jobe length
ysis. Liquid reflux, gas reflux, mixed liquidgas reflux, acid of the newly created valve and the number of fasteners
reflux, weakly acidic reflux, and weakly alkaline reflux deployed were recorded. Patients were scheduled to stay in
were defined as previously reported [24]. The following hospital overnight and were discharged the next day after
parameters were obtained from the impedance and pH clinical and laboratory examinations; broad-spectrum
recordings: number of total, acid, weakly acidic, weakly antibiotics and PPI were given after the procedure in all
alkaline reflux episodes, number and percentage of refluxes cases. Patients were instructed to follow a liquid diet for
with proximal extent (reflux reaching the 15-cm impedance the first 2 weeks and a soft diet for the next 4 weeks. The
site), and Johnson-De Meesters score. For comparison, PPIs were discontinued 7 days after the procedure.
normal values were obtained from the study by Zerbib Outpatient assessment was scheduled by telephone at
et al. [25] in 72 healthy subjects followed in ambulatory postoperative weeks 1 and 2, and again 6 months after the
conditions with non-standardized meals. The 95th procedure, as established by the study protocol.

World J Surg (2010) 34:750757 753

Endoscopic fundoplication was performed in all cases Table 2 Esophageal motility and pH-impedance findings in GERD
by the same endoscopist, who had previous experience in patients before and 6 months after TIF
in vivo animal models and human beings. Before TIF 6 months after TIF p Value

Esophageal manometry
Statistical analysis
LES pressure (mmHg) 85 10 3 0.13
Intra- and inter-patient characteristics, GERD-HRLQ and DEA (mmHg) 69 28 73 29 0.74
GERD-QUAL total scores, Jobe valve length, t1/2, LES pH-metry
pressure and DEA, and esophageal pH-impedance findings DeMeester score 20 13 18 17 0.57
were compared by Wilcoxons test and the MannWhitney Impedance
test. Fishers exact test was used to compare frequencies. A Total refluxes (no.) 63 43 43 41 0.02
p value \0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data Acidic 31 19 14 15 0.001
are presented as mean SD. Weakly acidic 31 38 98 0.25
Weakly alkaline 6 11 9 33 0.65
Proximal 26 22 15 16 0.11
Results % Proximal 43 19 31 17 0.06
LES lower esophageal sphincter, DEA distal esophageal amplitude
Clinical and morphofunctional findings before TIF 2.0

Symptoms and medications

Esophageal motility, gastric emptying time, and 24 h
All patients had symptoms of heartburn and/or regurgita- pH-impedance
tion at enrolment and had been on PPI maintenance therapy
with a standard dose of PPI (20, 30, or 40 mg) twice a day Table 2 illustrates the esophageal motility and 24 h pH-
for at least 3 months during the period before the impedance findings. Eighteen patients had pathological
enrolment. esophageal reflux as measured by pH-impedance, and two
The mean GERD-HRLQ and GERD-QUAL scores off were within the normal range. The mean gastric emptying
PPI therapy were significantly higher than the mean score time was 81 44 min.
on PPI therapy (p \ 0.01) (Table 1).
TIF 2.0 details and geometry of the new
Geometry of the gastroesophageal valve gastroesophageal valve at the end of the procedure

Eleven of the 20 patients had a hiatal hernia 12 cm long, All procedures were successful, with a mean operative time
one had a 2.5-cm hiatal hernia, and another had a 3-cm of 77 21 min. A mean of 10 2 fasteners were
hiatal hernia. Three of these patients suffered from grade A deployed to construct each valve. In all cases hiatal hernias
esophagitis. The Hill grade was II in 16 patients, III in 3 were reduced and the Hills grade of the newly created
patients, and IV in 1 patient. The mean Jobe valve length valve was I; the mean Jobe length of the valve was sig-
was 1.17 0.8 cm. nificantly greater (2.5 0.8 vs. 1.17 0.8 cm; p \ 0.01).
Figure 1 shows the gastroesophageal valve before the TIF
procedure, soon thereafter, and 6 months thereafter in one
Table 1 GERD-HRLQ and GERD-QUAL mean scores on and off Hospital stay was one day in all cases, as required by the
therapy before TIF and off therapy after TIF
protocol, and no serious complications arose, such as per-
Before TIF p Value* 6 months p Value** foration, bleeding, or severe infection. All patients com-
after TIF plained of mild to moderate epigastric pain in the 6 hours
after the procedure, requiring analgesics in 12 cases (60%);
GERD- 20 14 45 20 0.0006 16 14 \0.001 and 15/20 patients (75%) complained of a 24 h pharyngeal
HRLQ irritation, a result of insertion and manipulation of the
GERD- 80 25 114 29 0.001 74 21 \0.001 device. Four patients (20%) reported mild epigastric pain
QUAL persisting for 35 days, but not requiring analgesics. White
* p ON versus OFF therapy cell count 24 h after the procedure was slightly high
** p OFF after versus OFF before transoral incisionless fundoplica- (12,000 2,700, normal values 4,80010,800) in 18/20
tion (TIF) patients (90%).

754 World J Surg (2010) 34:750757

Symptoms and medication use

The GERD-HRLQ and GERD-QUAL scores off PPI

therapy were significantly lower than before treatment
(p \ 0.01) (Table 1). Six months after treatment, 10 of the
18 patients had completely stopped daily PPI altogether
(55.6%), four had reduced it by more than 50% (22.2%),
and four continued with the same dose as before the pro-
cedure. Esophagitis disappeared in two patients; in one it
was still present, and in three it appeared (Table 3).

Geometry of the gastroesophageal valve

Eight patients (61.5%) no longer had hiatal hernia after

TIF. The Hills grade remained I in 10 patients (55.6%),
but it returned to II in 4, III in 3, and IV in 1. Four of 14
(28.6%) patients with pre-procedure Hills grade II and all
those with grades III and IV returned to the pre-procedure
grade (Table 3). In no cases was the grade worse than
before the procedure. The mean Jobe length of the newly
created valve remained at the immediate post-procedure
value in the 10 patients with persisting Hills grade I, but it
was smaller in the others.

Esophageal motility and 24 h pH-impedance

As reported in Table 1, the LES pressure and the DEA did

not change significantly after treatment. There were sig-
nificantly fewer total and acid refluxes after treatment. The
percentage of refluxes reaching the proximal extent tended
to be lower, whereas the number of weakly alkaline re-
fluxes was not significantly different. The number of
weakly acidic refluxes decreased after treatment, though
not to a significant extent. The De Meesters score did not
change significantly.

Subgroup analysis
Fig. 1 Gastroesophageal valve before (a), soon after (b), and
6 months after the transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) proce- Dividing the patients on the basis of PPI use 6 months after
dure (c) in one patient TIF and considering as responders only those who com-
pletely stopped the therapy, comparison of the patients
main characteristics brought to light some differences
before and after the procedure (Fig. 2). Of all the patients
Clinical and morphofunctional findings 6 months after with hiatal hernia, 46% were responders and 54% were
TIF 2.0 non-responders. The only two patients with a hiatal hernia
[2 cm were non-responders. Further, 72% of all the
All patients undergoing the TIF procedure did the tests, as patients with a before-TIF Hills grade B2 were responders
scheduled in the study protocol; however, the present and 28% were non-responders (p = 0.05). All the patients
analysis included only the 18 patients with pathological with a before-TIF Hills grade [2 were non-responders,
gastroesophageal reflux before the TIF procedure, as whereas none of them were responders (p = 0.02). All
measured by pH-impedence. The two patients with 24 h responders had Hills grade I at 6 months. Of the patients
pH-impedance within the normal range were excluded with esophagitis before TIF, 33% were responders and
from this follow-up study. 67% were non-responders. Esophagitis persisted or

World J Surg (2010) 34:750757 755

Table 3 Hills grade, presence

Patients Hill grade Hill grade Hiatal hernia Hiatal hernia Esophagitis Esophagitis
(1) or absence (0) of hiatal
before after before after grade before grade after
hernia and esophagitis and Los
Angeles Classification grade, 1 II II 1 1 1a 1b
before and 6 months after TIF
2 II II 1 1 0 0
3 IV IV 1 1 0 1d
4 III III 1 1 1a 0
5 III III 1 1 0 1b
6 II II 1 0 0 0
7 II II 1 0 0 1a
8 III III 0 0 0 0
9 II I 1 0 0 0
10 II I 0 0 0 0
Responders, if they completely 11 II I 1 0 0 0
stopped proton pump inhibitors 12 II I 0 0 0 0
(PPI), are reported in gray 13 II I 1 0 0 0
(entries 918); non-responders,
14 II I 0 0 0 0
in white (entries 18)
15 II I 1 0 0 0
The two patients excluded from
the analysis because of pre- 16 II I 1 0 0 0
treatment esophageal reflux 17 II I 0 0 0 0
within the normal range are not 18 II I 1 0 1a 0

100% barrier function of the LES. However, compared with PPI

Responders Non responders
therapy or surgical fundoplication, endoscopic approaches
72% have not proved so successful in reducing reflux, measured
by 24 h pH-metry and healing esophagitis [5]. A limitation
54% * of these endoscopic techniques was that they did not permit
modifiable, patient-tailored approaches, as can be done
33% with surgical fundoplication.
Transoral incisionless findoplication with the EsophyX
* device was found in a canine model to offer feasible,
0% effective, and safe natural orifice surgery for GERD, cre-
ating a valve similar in shape and circumference to the
Hiatal hernia Hill grade 2 Hill grade >2 Esophagitis valve created by Nissen fundoplication [12].
Fig. 2 Pre-TIF endoscopic findings in responders and non-respond-
Three studies from the same institution in humans have
ers, as defined according to complete cessation of proton pump confirmed the results in the canine model, showing at 1 and
inhibitors (PPI) use at 6 months. * p \ 0.05 2 years the persistence of the newly created valve and good
functional results, as measured only by pH-metry [1214].
recurred after the TIF procedure only in non-responders The present study assessed for the first time the effect of
(Fig. 2). During the TIF procedure itself, significantly TIF 2.0 by means of the EsophyX device in patients with
fewer fasteners were employed in the non-responders than symptomatic GERD, evaluating pH-impedance. Clinical
in the responders (9 1 vs. 10 3; p = 0.02). evaluation 6 months after the TIF procedure showed that
As regards manometry and pH-impedance findings, the GERD-HRLQ and GERD-QUAL scores of patients
responders and non-responders did not differ except for LES off-PPI therapy were significantly lower than before
tone, which was significantly lower in non-responders than in treatment. The numbers of total and acid refluxes as mea-
responders at baseline (5 5 vs. 10 5 mmHg; p = 0.03). sured by pH-impedance were significantly lower, too,
whereas the LES basal pressure did not change; 55.6% of
patients had completely stopped and 22.2% reduced their
Discussion daily PPI use.
The discordance between the relief of overall symptoms
The concept of endoscopic therapies for gastroesophageal and conflicting motility test findings has also been reported
reflux, just like surgery, is to control reflux by boosting the in previous studies evaluating other endoscopic procedures

756 World J Surg (2010) 34:750757

for gastroesophageal reflux [5]. However, with the present retract sufficient tissue from the fundus to create a robust
technique it can be argued that it is more the greater length valve, as indicated by the smaller number of fasteners we
of the newly created valve than its pressure that acts as a could fix in these cases. These were the patients in whom
barrier to gastroesophageal reflux. esophagitis recurred or appeared. This observation helps us
The findings obtained by pH-metry and impedance could to find a possible explanation for poor response to treatment
seem contradictory when considered separately. However, and suggests, as already reported in previous studies [27],
as recently stated, the analysis of the number of refluxes and that patients with more seriously impaired gastroesophageal
their proximal extent allows a quantitative evaluation of the junction are probably not the best candidates for endolu-
efficiency of the anti-reflux barrier, while the esophageal minal procedures.
exposure time could express a combination of both anti- The inclusion in the present study of symptomatic GERD
reflux barrier and esophageal clearance failure [26]. A recent patients, either responsive (completely or not) or non-
study has demonstrated that the odds of normalizing 24-h responsive to PPI therapy, might be considered question-
pH-metry after endoluminal gastroplication is significantly able. However, these patients represent a tertiary care cen-
greater in thinner patients with mild reflux disease [27]. Our ters normal case mix, so this study could be considered the
results could suggest that the newly created anti-reflux first to assess the effect of the EsophyX device on the real
barrier is efficient while the characteristics of the enrolled patient every specialist might meet in clinical practice.
patients (presence of hiatal hernia in the majority of cases), The uncontrolled design of the study and the short fol-
suggestive of a moderate GERD, do not allow normalization low-up period are, of course, a limitation, as they do not
of pH-metry. Further studies should clarify this aspect of the allow exclusion of the placebo effect on the results.
treatment in order to define the selection criteria for endo- However, the results are in accordance with those of pre-
luminal therapy in the treatment of GERD patients. vious uncontrolled studies with a follow-up period of 1
From the technical point of view, 6 months after TIF, 2 years [13, 14].
hiatal hernia was no longer detectable in 61.5% of those In conclusion, the present study found that TIF using the
who had had it before the procedure; the Hill grade of the EsophyX device improved patient symptoms and quality of
newly created valve was still I in 55.6% of cases and the life, and that it significantly reduced the number of cases of
Jobe valve was significantly longer in all cases with Hills gastroesophageal reflux as measured by esophageal pH-
grades I and II. In 38.5% of patients with hiatal hernia the impedance, enabling about 78% of patients to stop or
competence of the newly created valve, judging from the reduce by less than 50% the PPI use in a 6-month follow-
Hills grade, declined over the 6-month period, whereas it up. The persistence over time of a robust valve was the
remained unchanged (Hills grade I) in all patients without only factor associated with a successful result, and this was
hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia[2 cm was associated with poor achieved with the current technique only in patients with
technical results. pre-procedure hiatal hernia not exceeding 2 cm in length or
The evaluation of Hills grade is subjective, and this with Hills grade \ III valve. Considering our and previous
could be a limitation in assessing technical results. In results, at the moment, the TIF procedure doesnt seem to
particular it is difficult to differentiate between a prominent represent a substitute for fundoplication surgery but a
and a moderately prominent tissue fold surrounding the complement to medical therapy in those patients with small
endoscopic shaft (Hills grades I and II), while the differ- hiatal hernias and not severely compromised gastroesoph-
entiation between Hills grade III and the more advanced ageal junction who refuse surgery, who partially respond to
degrees is easier and reliable in experienced hands. How- PPI therapy (i.e., persistent regurgitation), present esoph-
ever, it is the only tool, together with the Jobe length of the ageal motility alterations, refuse to continue long-term PPI
valve, with which to evaluate the morphology of the fun- therapy, or are intolerant to it. However, long-term and
doplication by upper GI endoscopy. controlled results on more patients should be obtained
Looking at the correlation between anatomical and before drawing conclusions about the efficacy of the TIF
clinical data, we observed that only the persistence over procedure and clinical indications for this procedure with
time of a Hills grade I valve allowed patients to stop using respect to surgical fundoplication.
PPIs completely. Considering altogether the 14 patients
with pre-TIF Hills grades I and II, we found that 71.4% of
them (10 cases) completely stopped PPI use. In contrast, a References
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