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Abacus is the base for all computers & calculators of modern age.

Calculations are done on beads. Abacus education is a brain development

program and child can be trained to use abacus to achieve calculation
speed at par with computers!
Abacus has a system to impose stress on the brain gradually. On the 1st
day, the children work with four formulas. On second day, with eight formulas.
At the end of first level, they work with thirty four formulas at a time.
The same process continues till eight levels. We use abacus with both
hands. By using the left hand, we activate the right brain..
Human mind can be trained to use abacus to achieve calculation speed at
par with computers!
Vedic Math's was discovered by Poojyapad Swami Bharti Krishna Tirtha Ji
Maharaj, Jagadguru Shankaracharya for the Goverdhan Math.

This program is based on sixteen formulas and thirteen sub formulas of

Vedic mathematics.

Once you understand the basics of Vedic maths, a regular practise will
make you a human calculator.

You can answer the question 9999999999 X9810965679 within 20 sec..

You can answer the squire of 85 in 3 sec.
Our brain consists of two parts: left brain and right brain. The Left brain
governs the right side of the body. Similarly the right brains governs the
left side of the body.
The characteristics associated with The characteristics associated with
the Left Brain are: the Right Brain are:
Logic Creativity
Analysis Imagination
Sequencing Intuition
Mathematics Arts
Language Rhythm
Facts Feelings
Think In Words Visualizations
Words Of Songs Tune of Songs
Computation Day Dreaming
To improve / activate any body part the most simple thing is to work more with
that body part. Brain is an internal organ, so it is not advised to do any physical
exercise for it, Arithmetic is the best brain exercise. Arithmetic has a vital role in
Abacus education/Brain Development Program.

Our left brain is activated by using right body parts and right brain is activated by
using left body parts. Most of children are right hander so the left brain of children
is developed already. Abacus education and Vedic Mathematics along with the
earlier discussed programs help to improve the efficiency of the right brain.

As we know, Vedic mathematics based on arithmetic calculations hence Vedic

Mathematics is an effective technique to improve the efficiency of brain.
Here we are mentioning few equations
which an abacus or Vedic Maths trained child can solve in the given time Mentally
without using calculators, abacus etc.
376 x 743 = ? ( in 45 sec)
254 + 43.54 + 98.3 - 45.76 - 34.23 + 37.65= ? (in 60 sec)
Square of 637 = ? (in 45 sec)
54 x 245 / 25 = ? (in 45 sec) How it seems, Impossible? No, its true & all kids
with average I.Q. can do it.
Helps to increasing the
abilities as
Enhance the memory power Creativity, Imagination,
Concentration, Confidence Visualization
Analyzing & Reasoning ability And Intuition etc
Brain Master System Pvt. Ltd. is a leading company, having one of the fastest growing Abacus
learning franchise networks in India. Brain Master has a very talented pool of Abacus and Vedic
Maths Experts who are the proponents of the Education Sector.

Having trained a large number of students in these wonderful mental maths techniques, we wish
to be the global business pioneers in the growing education industry. With the present network of
165 franchises spread across the 18 states of our nation, If you feel the need to improve the
mental math skills of your kid, or have an inclination to begin your own business wander.

Presently, most parents find it difficult to locate a centre where they can get their kids enrolled for
Abacus education and Vedic mathematics course. And, also it is impossible for them to get centers
in each and every location. To solve this problem, Brain Master one of the leading companies has
decided to work on it. After a long process of research and development for years, we have come
up with online training courses of Abacus Education and Vedic Mathematics.
We have provided the free demo classes along with question sheets so join free
demo classes.

I assured that you will find one of the best solution for Abacus education and Vedic
Maths training.

To start free classes click this link

If you wish to discuss any thing related to the details, Just give us a call
Anil Dixit
Cont. Nos.: +91 9810963339, +91 9810963334 (8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.)

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