History of Photography Timeline Assignment

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History of Photography

By: Joe Hilley

Earliest Known Photograph
The first photograph, or the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was
taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1826 or 1827. The image depicts the view from an
upstairs window at Niepces estate, Le Gras, in the burgundy region of france.
Origin of the word Photography
The word photography was created from the greek roots owtoc (photos), genitive of owc
(phos), light and ypaon (graphe), representation by means of lines or drawing,
together meaning drawing with light. Hercules Florence, a french painter and inventor
used the french word photographie in private notes in 1834.
Louis Daguerre is a french artist and photographer that introduced the Daguerreotype
process in 1839, which produces highly detailed photographs on silver plated sheets of
William Henry Fox Talbot was a british scientist, inventor, and photography pioneer who
invented the salted paper and calotype process in 1841, precursors to photographic
processes of the later 19th and 20th centuries.
Wet Collodion process
Requires the photographic material to be coated, sensitized, exposed and developed within
the span of fifteen minutes, necessitating a portable darkroom for use in the field. The
collodion process was invented in 1851 almost simultaneously by Frederick Scott Archer.
Color photography
James Clerk Maxwell presents a projective additive color image of a multicolored ribbon in
1861, the first demonstration of color photography by the three-color method he suggested
in 1855.
Dry Plate Photography
Dry plate, also known as gelatin process, is an improved type of photographic plate. It was
invented by Dr. Richard Maddox in 1871, and by 1879 it was so well introduced that the
first Dry Plate factory had been established.
Kodak roll film
In 1888 George Eastman constructed a new small and simple camera that was meant for amateur
photographers who didnt want to bother with chemicals and technical processes: the Kodak.
The camera was a great success and many people, among them a lot of woman, started taking
photographs. When the 100 pictures of film were shot, the photographer could mail the
camera to Eastman Kodak, where all the technical work would be done by skilled people.
Kodachrome film
Kodachrome is a brand name for a non-substantive, color reversal film introduced by George
Eastman, Kodak in 1935. It was one of the first successful color materials and was for both
cinematography and photography.
Polaroid Instant camera
The polaroid instant camera is a type of camera which uses self-developing film to create a
chemically developed print shortly after taking the picture. The invention of commercially
viable instant cameras which are easy to use is generally credited to american scientist
Edwin Land, who unveiled the first commercial instant camera, the model 95 land camera, in
First Digital camera
Created In december 1975 by an engineer at Eastman Kodak named Steve Sasson, now regarded
as the inventor of the digital camera. Digital camera or digicam is a camera that produces
digital that can be stored in a computer, displayed on a screen and printed.
Most modern camera
Lytro Inc. is an american company founded in 2006 by Ren Ng which developes light-field
cameras. Lytro began shipping its first generation pocket-sized camera, capable of
refocusing images after theyve been taken, in 8GB and 16GB versions on February 29, 2012.

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