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Cecilia Pitchford

Spring, 2017
Intro to Education
Case Studies in Education
Educational Record

Biographic Information
Students name: Sam

Age: 16

Grade: 11

Ethnicity: African American

Gender: Male

General Description: Sam is a handsome, polite, and reserved young man. He has a medical

diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), confirmed in middle school, for which he s

prescribed medication. Sam is also a special needs student; his eligibility for special education

services was first determined in kindergarten. Results of psychological and educational

assessments place him in the Low Average range of intellectual ability with significant learning

disabilities. Sam received language therapy and other types of therapy to help him better himself,

however same is still hard to understand. Sam lives with his mother and younger sister.

Extracurricular activities include participation in the school cross country/track program and,

interestingly, concert choir.

Educational Record [title of chapter}

Chapter No. _____ Date: _____

Question No.: _____

Educational Record

Chapter (No. and Title): The Profession / Unit 1 Date: ______

Student: Sam

Age: 16 Grade: 11 Gender: Male Ethnicity: African American

Category: Type of Person to Whom the Student Responds

Information: Sam responds positively to a teacher who is authoritative. He is most successful

when he is structured environment where he can focus his energies and know what the

expectations are each day

Category: Students Academic Demeanor

Information: Sam functions in the low average intellectual range he is actively engaged in

educational tasks and is very persistent. He makes connection between things taught in school

though is slow process information. Often he needs reteaching.

Category: Parents perspective of the School

Information: The mother is supportive of the school and the teachers. She does not take the

initiative but is very cooperative when the school communicates with her about Sam. She can be

instrumental in Sams academic success.

Question 1: The reasons that have brought me to the possibility of teaching career serve the

needs of Sam from teaching the correctly. Working with Sam will meet the personal needs I wish

to fill by becoming a teacher, I will show Sam time management skills, and put him in a correct

learning environment.

Question 2: Out of the four pedagogical competencies discussed in this chapter, the ones i

perceive as strengths are and the ones that i feel are the weak ones are

Educational Record [The Strategic Nature of Teaching}

Chapter No. 2 Date: _____

Question No.: _____

Educational Record

Chapter (No. and Title): The Strategic Nature of Teaching Date: ______

Student: Sam

Age: 16 Grade: 11 Gender: Male Ethnicity: African American

Category: Instructional Techniques to Which the Child Responds

Information: He has developed compensatory skills to adapt to various instructional

techniques. The most effective teaching strategy for him is a multisensory approach. He is most

productive and concentrates best when working alone in minimal distractions.

Category: Response to Role Models

Information: He responds well to positive role models and is not easily misled or influenced

by others. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and no history of behavior problems in

school. If he anticipates a potential problem with a classmate, he will consult with a teacher or

other adult about his concerns.



Educational Record [Student Diversity}

Chapter No. 3
Educational Record
Category: IQ Score
Information: On the wechsler scale for children, third edition sams verbal scale score
was in the 8th percentile. On the Wechsler individual achievement test, Sams scores
were as follows: Basic Reading- 5th percentile spelling- 2nd percentile numerical
operations- 2nd percentile written expression-2nd percentile.
Category: Self-Concept
Information: He is well aware of his learning problems. His frustration sometimes
manifests itself as anger, but he is receptive to one on one teacher intervention. He is
resilient and self-directed and does not appear to view himself as inferior.
Category: Cultural/Cognitive Concerns
Information: Cognitively, Sam falls in the low average range of intellectual ability. His
educational achievement in reading, written language, and math severely discrepant
from his intellectual potential, resulting in a diagnosis of specific learning disabilities in
these three areas. Consequently, he is entitled to and receives special education
Question: The combiination of your students IQ and test scores and information about

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