1990 - Feb J.L.gordon Hydro Turbine Sizing

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Design Hydro Turbine Sizing A new method, based on only four equations, estimates required diameter, speed, and setting of turbines. By JL. Gordon “Truce sing and seting is usualy undertaken by using turbine homolo- gous equations and empirical formulas based on specific speed. Since each type of turbine has different charac- teristics, there are also specific speed and sigma equations for each. This was demonstrated in a recent Hydro Review article, where 12 equations ‘were developed.’ However, the num- ber of equations can be reduced to only four for large and small Francis, propeller, and tube type turbines. This requires ‘the use of one additional turbine characteristic included in the formulas: the number of runner blades ‘or buckets. Kaplan and propeller turbines have three to seven blades, and Francis turbines typically require between 11 and 17 buckets. Due to energy densities or area joading, the number of blades or buckets is very appraxi- ‘mately a function of the turbine head, as shown on Figure 1. For a prelimi nary assessment, use the data in Figure 1 or Table 1. ‘One other unknown is submergence ‘of the unit. This can vary from +40 feet for large units to -8 feet for small units, Guidelines for a first-order estimate are: —Small horizontal axis units (S-type). Try to set the unit above tailwater, so that the bottom of the runner is about 1 or 2 feet clear of tailwater. —Large horizontal axis units (bulb or pit). Try to set the top of the runner between one half and one diameter below tailwater. Submergence is re- AL. Gordon is vice president of the hydro division of Monenco Con- sultants Ltd. ‘14 HYDRO REVIEW/FEBRUARY 1200 aoe ae Bee une [sucess es Range ame — Sta an Spd Cea Figure 1: Chart showing relationship between numberof runner blades and turbine net head. ‘The number of blades & buckets noaded lea luncton of turbine Need. quired for the horizontal conical draft tube to be effective. —Small vertical axis units. Try to set the runner above tailwater by 2 to 3 feet, —Large vertical axis units. Try’ to set the level such that the top of the steel casing, or semi-spiral concrete casing is submerged about 3 to 6 feet below tailwater. ‘A few trials with different settings are usually required to produce a combination of diameter and setting that will fit the site characteristics. The four basic equations for sizing and setting turbines are shown in the accompany box. ‘Tailwater Pressure Equation 1 This well-4mown equation, devel- oped from meteorological relationships, Table 1: Turbines and typical number of Dlades'buckete Type of Turbine ‘No.of blades Sal aoan of Pope e Kaplan o Propeller, Large bub turoine Small Prancis Turbine Latge Francis Tupine head Francis Turbine Latoe and smal oor te utine's runner ‘demote ‘Smalls eta han £2 ec Sahoo forges reve Pan 12 ont in hamete A hgh ead Francis tone has ovo 50 ea Mea, is used to calculate the barometric pressure less vapor pressure at tail water.’ The first term is simply the barometric pressure at sea level in feet of water. The second term adjusts the barometric pressure to the actual tailwater elevation (E in feet above ‘mean sea level {ft. msl)). The third term is the effect of water vapor pressure, which is a function of the water temperature (T) in degrees Fahrenheit. Throat Velocity Equation 2 This equation is used to calculate the turbine throat velocity (V) in feet per second (ft/sec), after the tailwater pressure (B) has been calculated and both the number of runner blades or buckets (b) and the turbine submer- gence (S) are selected. Submergence positive when the runner is below tailwater, negative above, and is ‘measured as shown in Figure 2. The conventions in this analysis are that, for propeller and Kaplan units, submergence is measured to the shaft centerline (for horizontal units) or the runner trunnion (for vertical units). For horizontal Francis units, submer- gence is measured to the shaft centerline, or, in a vertical axis unit, to a point 0.25 times the runner diameter below the distributor center- line, ‘Thus, for a vertical axis Francis unit, where the distributor centerline is used as the setting reference level, it should be calculated as follows: Given tailwater elevation (E) of 125.0 fi. msl, submergence of -3.5 feet, and runner diameter of 6.0 feet,” the distributor centerline is 125.0 + 3.5 + (0.25 x 6.0), oF 130.0 ft. msl. The corresponding expressions in Equation 2 are B+S when the runner is below tailwater, and B-S when the rrunner is above the tailwater. Runner Diameter Equation 3 This equation is used to calculate diameter after the allowable throat velocity is determined in Equation 2. Equation 3 is actually a simple identity (Q=1), which may be shown by substituting in the equations HP = Qhe.8 and Q =v Where A is the throat area and Q is discharge through the turbine at ‘maximum power output. If Q is known, the second form of Equation 3 may be used. The only assumption here is the turbine efficiency at full load. As a guide, use Table 2. These efficiencies may appear to be low, but they represent the full load efficiency, which is about 2 to 4 percent below peak efficiency. The submergence and the number Table 2: Turbine Full Load Efticlency Eticiency %, for rumor ameter Tubine type 25H 6.158 1508 Propeller a ee) Kaplan 8 9 Francls Stet teyet 00: of blades or buckets selected will determine the throat velocity. Throat velocity will, in turn, determine the runner diameter through Equation 3 so Equation 2 is the primary con- tribution of this article. One can determine, on a preliminary basis, the impact of a chosen. submergence or number of blades/buckets on the diameter of the turbine runner that will be required. Speed of Rotation Equation 4 ‘The speed equation is used to calculate the speed of rotation after determination of runner diameter and throat velocity. It is accurate within plus or minus 15 percent in about 90 percent of the cases tested. Equation 4 was empirically determined through a log-linear fit of turbine data, similar to Equation 2° Turbine speed is primarily a function of the head across the runner, which is the rated head less draft tube losses, which in turn, are a function of the type of draft tube and the turbine throat velocity. Hence, Equation 4 includes a factor k for the type of draft tube and the turbine where: i = 0.01 for straight conical dat tubes = 0.02 for elbow type drat tubes = 0.025 for Scype dal tubes Application of these basic turbine ss Basic Turbine Equations, ‘ ; ‘Applicable to all types of reaction turbines: is.q.. jyune eq 1 Equation 1:8 = 938 Equation 2: V = 2.686 (S + B)*5 po2® Equation 3: = 2.38 HPV We} oF Euan a = M00 Os 2 ne BF os pps 7 barometic pressure head loss vapor pressure at taiwalor(t). 2 ver © 2 cate see ene ca 3. 5 nine’ sieve é 8 E> = talwater elevation (mals. T temperature (F} 5 fort han oF boston nna me = runner diameter (t). fe = rans tn ant hr = not hood on tute © = turbine efilency eestor): Q_ = turbine discharge at maximum power output (cf). i ‘= ‘rotational speed of runner (rpm), k= coatficient for draft tube head losses SRE een em eailinc cecal oe rece ea 002299 + 0,018 (F- 32) [Raa on 2 (QP pe pen re Sieh rem Z coe iil al tian HYDRO REVIEWIFEBRUARY 190 75 con PEE on Figure 2: Schematic showing submergence reference lovels and how submergence is measured. equations will be illustrated in four case studies, Case Study 1: Charlot River Determine the distributor centertine levation, runner diameter, and speed for a small vertical axis Francis unit with an elbow draft tube. The required turbine horsepower is 7,500, tailwater elevation is 694.9 feet above sea level, and rated net head is 92.0 feet. Water temperature is 40°F. Calculate baro- metric pressure (B) less vapor pres- sure from Equation 1. Then select the number of runner blades from Figure 1 and use the calculated B to calculate the throat velocity (V) from Equation 2. Use 13 blades (b), as this is a ‘common number on many Francis runners. Select the desired submer- gence (S); try setting the runner 4.75 feet above tailwater so that wicket gates can be inspected without de- watering the draft tube. The calcula- tions are as follows: 38.8 - 0.0022 694.9992 0,018 (40-32) 5278 686 (32.75 - 4.755 x 199% = 29.147 Rise. Next, use Equation 3 to calculate runner diameter (€) and Equation 4 to figure runner speed (n). In Equation 3, assume a full load efficiency of 89 percent. 4 = 3.35 (7500109.147 x 92.0 x 0.895 4 = 5.938 8 actual is 5.830 .) 3400 (92 - 0.305 «0.02 x 29.1473): 5.98609 x 2TH x 1H f= 248.6 400 76 HYDRO REVIEWIPEBRUARY 190 ‘The two nearest synchronous speeds are 225 revolutions per minute (rpm) (16 pole generator) and 257.1 rpm (14 pole generator). The actual speed installed is 257.1 rpm. Finally, caleu- late the distributor centerline elevation from the schematic in Figure 2. ‘Add tailwater elevation (694.90 feet), submergence (4.75 feet), and one-quarter runner diameter (0.25 x 5.938) to get the distributor centerline (701.13 feet). This compares to the actual distributor centerline of 701.11 feet. Case Study 2: Main Canal Determine runner diameter and speed for a bulb turbine with a conical draft tube. The rated turbine flow is 8,000 cfs, tailwater elevation is 1,527.0 feet above sea level, rated net hhead is 42.0 feet, and water tempera- ture is 60°F. Turbine shaft centerline is set 37.0 feet below tailwater. Use Equation 1 to calculate atmospheric pressure at tailwater. Then figure the allowable throat velocity from Equation 2; since bulb units usually have four blades, use that in the calculation. Since turbine flow is given, use the second form of Equation 3 to get turbine runner diameter (@). The calculations are: B = 33.80.0022 15279% - 0.018 (0.32) Bak V = 2.686 (1.48 + 375 x 4008 Vv > 276 Ree 4 = 2 90001.14 x 32.7699 4 = i78st The turbine runner diameter arrived at with these calculations (17,63) is almost equal to the actual runner diameter of 17.53 feet. It can now be used to calculate the runner rotational speed (n) from Equation 4, using k= 0.01 for the horizontal conical draft tube always used on bulb units 00 (2 0.395 0.0 32.769022_ . 708 5 428 176000 x3 n= 1046 rpm ‘The nearest synchronous speeds ‘are 100.0 rpm for a 36 pole generator, and 112.5 for a 34 pole generator. ‘Actual speed is the higher 112.5 rpm. Case Study 3: Swift Rapids Determine the runner diameter and speed for a new horizontal axis tubular unit with an S-type draft tube. Rated net head is 47 feet, avaiable full load flow is 825 cfs, tallwater is at elevation 650.3 ft. msl, shaft centerline at elevation 655.33 ft. msl, and water temperature is 60°F. A five-blade runner is chosen. Calculations from Equations 1 and 2 are atmospheric pressure at talwater (B) of 32.44 feet and allowable throat velocity (V) of 22.07 fi/sec. Hence, for a rated flow of 825 cfs, required diameter is 6.90 feet, from Equation 3. At Swift Rapids, a 77-inch diameter runner (6.42 feet) had been installed, resulting in a throat velocity of 25.51 fulsec. Serious cavitation was immediately evident upon commission- ing, and the units are currently operating with a limit on output to prevent cavitation. The unit speed (277 rpm) can be verified with Equation 4 as: 3400 (47 - 0,305 x 0.025 x 22.0700 6.9089 x 2.06 SPH n= 277.89 cor, with actual runner diameter and velocity of 25.51, to artive at 275.2 rpm. Thus, the runner speed was correct, but the runner diameter was too small for the selected setting. The result was a turbine unit with severe cavitation problems and an anticipated limit on power output. Case Study 4: Grand Coulee The three prior case studies incide small and low head power plants. What about larger units? The formulas can also be applied in such cases. For example, the third powerplant at Grand Coulee has 820,000 hp units operating at a rated head of 286 feet with 13 blade runners of 30.25 feet diameter rotating at 72 rpm. Tailwater is at 958 feet and the distributor centerline is at 946 feet. Runner submergence is thus 12 + (0.25 x 30.25), or 19.56 feet. From Equation 1, B' = 32.08 with 60°F water. Equation 2 will give a velocity (V) of 39.58 fUlsec. Using this in Equation 3 fives diameter of 30.08 feet, assuming 4 full load efficiency of 90 percent. Finally, Equation 4 produces a speed (0) of 72.77 rpm Discussion From these four examples, it is obvious that the key assumption is the turbine setting, and to a lesser extent, the number of runner blades or buckets. A higher setting will result in a larger diameter, slower speed unit, and conversely, a deeper setting will produce a smaller diameter higher speed unit, This is where experience and a knowledge of the powerhouse site is required in order to select an appropriate setting. How to keep your fish from becoming sushi. ‘Until recently, short of using an expensive drum screen, or similar device there” has not been an effective way to keep your fish out of trouble. Especially around things like hydroelectric generators, irigation pumps and spillway. GRADUATED FIELD, FISH BARRIERS AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS (One of our new patented systoms is The Model GFFG-0.5-Dis used toot. boundtobe exact whatyounsedtohelp —fectively guide downstream fish away | keepyourtshsale. he ModelGFFB-1.5- _fromdangerous situations. Both systems Uietherightehoiceorblockinguptream. _havean electrode array thatresides onthe bottom andwinotcolectfioating debris or ater water ow. MODEL GFFB-1.5-U Using series otindependentty adust- ‘able electrodes, placed on a steam bed, the GFFB-1.5-U effectively blocks up- stream migrationotfih. Each electrode ot the array can be precisely controled so theamountot nonethal, etanizingpulses ‘gradually increases as fish enter he bar fer, Unable to passthrough the barr, fish fall back and search for an alternate causes isto gradually shitthei postion route. The GFFB-1.5-U Is best used in in the waterway. This technique can also Fighvelocty waters,indepihs uptoGteet, be usedto guid ishto shalower depths. No an MODEL GFFG-00-D ‘Because down stream fish can be ‘sweptintothevery dangers youre trying tokeepthemouto,somediferentconsié- ‘erations are in order. stead of a tetan- ‘zing barter, the GFFG-0.5-D uses non lethal, non-etanizng, pulses to guide rather than blockthe fish passage. Placed in lw velocty waters, the angled array = = ==G > WATER FLOW| 7 WATER FLOW > = a > ‘Downstream Guidance ‘Upstream Blockage eB Synri-KOOT, NC. 5 Hae ueetstne a Jt ge sacar pa ce ne Hert Pow sap Your Teh om being a 14014 N.ESalmon Creek Ave, ‘Vancouver, Washington U.S.A, 98686 LECTROPISING-ISH COUNTERS RADIO TRACKING WE Tac THESCTMCAL PI BARIERS ELSCTROPSDING BOATS BOAT STSTEMS TGRCLE TH ON READER SERVICE CARO ‘78 HYDRO REVIEW/FEBRUARY 1990 ‘The equations are particularly useful in determining the characteristics of a new runner installed in an existing turbine, or of a new turbine in a power plant. For a new runner, since Band S are known, an allowable throat veloc- ity can be’ determined from Equation 2, after selecting an appropriate value for the number of blades or buckets. Then, since the diameter (d) is also fixed, Equation 3 can be used to determine the horsepower output from the new runner. For a new unit in an existing powerplant, the setting is usually fixed by the geometry of the powerhouse (Swift Rapids case study). Conclusions ‘The basic turbine equations can be used to obtain an initial assessment of runner size, setting, and speed, for any type of reaction turbine, How- ever, they are not to be considered as substitutes for manufacturer's mode! test data. When a manufacturer proposes a unit where the combination of setting and diameter, or speed, differs substantially from the data derived from the formulas—it should be questioned. Finally, it should be mentioned that the formulas ignore such factors as runner material-stainless steel run- ners are more cavitation resistant, and ccan be set higher than carbon steel runners. Also, plant usage should be taken into account—highly loaded units should be set lower than lightly loaded peaking units. Experts should be consulted for advice on these other factors. o Mr. Gordon can be reached at Monenco Consultants Lid., PO. Bax 6088, Stn. A, Montreal, Que- bee; (514) 499-3009. Notes: * Kapordze, C.S.K. “A new Method for Selecting and Sizing Turbines Hydro Review, Vol. Vil, No. 1, February 1988, pp. 38-44. * Gordon, J.L., “Submergence Fac- tors "for “Hydraulic Turbines,” ASCE Journal of Energy En- gineering, Vol. 115, No. 2, ‘August 1989, pp. 90-107. * Gordon, J.L., “A New Approach to ‘Turbine Speed," International Water Power and Dam Con- struction, Plamed for August

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