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Change the narration of the following sentences:

* The skipper said, Alas! We have lost the match!

* He said, Where did you stay in Sweden last year?


(i) The Skipper exclaimed with sorrow that they had lost the match.
(ii) He asked where you had stayed in Sweden previous year.

Change the Narration:

This letter is full of mistakes shouted the manager. I did it in a hurry, admitted the typist.

ANSWER: When Manager shouted over typist and saying that the letter is full of mistake, then typist
admitted that he has done in hurry.

Change the narration:

Ali said to his younger brother, Do not disturb me while I am studying. I said to my friend, Do not
rely on others.

ANSWER: Ali told his younger brother that doesnt disturb him during his study.
I said to him that does not rely on others.

Change the narration:

Ali said to his younger brother, Do not disturb me while I am studying. I said to my friend, Do not
rely on others.

ANSWER: Ali told his younger brother that doesnt disturb him during his study.
I said to him that does not rely on others.


Change the Narration:

My boy, said my uncle, be quite and listen to me. It is not like good boys to interrupt when their
elders are speaking. Dont you think, you had better give tongue a rest, Learn manners?


My uncle addressed me as a boy and advised me to be quite and listened to him. It was not like good
boys to interrupt when their elders wee speaking. Did not I thought, I had better to give tongue a rest
you should learn manners.

Change the following into indirect narration:

(a) . He said to me, I am going to Islamabad by air tomorrow.
He informed me that he was going to Islamabad by air the next day.

(b) He said to the student, Clean the blackboard.

He ordered the student to clean the blackboard.

(c) Raheel said, I have completed my work.

Raheel informed that he had completed his work.
(d) They said, Alas! We cannot attend the party.
They exclaimed with sorrow that they could not attend the party.

(e) The teacher said, The earth is round.

The teacher said that the earth is round.

Change following into indirect speech:

The traveler said, Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn? Yes, said the peasant. Do you want
one in which you can spend the night? No replied the traveler, I only want a meal.

ANSWER: The traveler asked if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn. Yes, said the peasant if he
wanted one in which he could spend the night. No, replied traveler, he only wanted a meal

Change into indirect speech:

I am very sorry, answered the Miller, but it is my new lantern and it would be a great loss to me
if anything happened to it.


Miller answered that he was very sorry but it was his new lantern and it would be a great loss to him if
anything had happened to it.

Change the following into indirect speech:

(a) Kiran asked, What is the correct answer?

Ans. Kiran asked what the correct answer was.

(b) The doctor said, I am leaving now.

Ans. The doctor told that he was leaving then.

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