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Grade & Div: Date: No. of Students: Girls and Boys:

Subject: Topic: SEN Educational Bias

Smoking & Students : Verbal- X
Respiration 1. X
2. Y Spatial-Y

Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome

To identify the medical problems posed by Few of the students will be able to
smoking by conducting an experiment explain the challenges that smoking
To describe how smoking affects the health of poses to the process of respiration
an unborn baby and children. and circulation.
Most of the students will be able to
explain the effects of smoking on
different systems of human body.
Almost all and will be able to
identify the risks posed by smoking
on the respiratory system.
SEND understand that smoking
causes medical problems.
New Vocabulary: Respiration, second hand smoke, tar, alveoli
Teaching Learning Experience
on by: Task/
t for
Stage of Resource/
Learning Engagements Learning
Time Inquiry Outcome/Su
Self/ Peer/
Tuning in Recap about respiratory system and derive threats to Share
the respiratory system.What is the most preventable responses
cause of death in our society?The atlas, launched on the
during the ongoing World Conference on Tobacco or whiteboar
Health (WCOTH), shows that smoking and smoking- d.
related diseases are far from under control.

Give each student a drinking straw. Ask them to place
the straws in their mouths and breathe only through
Main part
the straw for 30 seconds. You will time them. It may
of the
lesson help students to hold their noses. Be sure to let them
know they can stop the activity if breathing becomes Task
very difficult or if they feel dizzy. After one minute,
LA will
ask students to write down their reactions. Some Group
conduct an
students may say their breathing felt normal; others assessments
may say it was difficult.
Case study of people dying in UAE due to heavy
MA will
perform Case studies

HA: HA model
Working of smokers lungs.Create smokers lungs by
lungs Vs
referring to the following website:
healthy lungs.
y_photo_essay/article.htm. Relate it to the threats
caused in circulatory system.

Making And it is not just cigarettes that are the devil.

connection Water pipes or shisha, particularly popular in
the Middle East, also kill. Create anti-tobacco
advertisements targeted at teenagers. Let
students choose the medium, such as a radio
spot, a television announcement, a print
advertisement, or an Internet site. Let each
group present its advertisement. Then discuss
the strategies that make an anti-tobacco
campaign successful.

Interchange of ideas through activity or mind map in
the notebook.

Action Find how much a light, average or heavy
smoker in UAE will spend if a cigarette pack
costs Dhs.5(each year).

Quit line services in UAE and ways to help friends

and family quit smoking.

Learners Values to be inculcated: Interpret evidence, Team work, Co operation, Personal

Personal responsibility
Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, reasoning, social skills.
Health and Safety Care: Smoking is injurious to health.
Name of the teacher: Initial:

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