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Kai Sunahara

Ms. Martin

U.S. History

8 February 2017

Annotated Video #2

Chant, Time De, and Eleanor Nelson. "Genetically Engineering Almost Anything."PBS. PBS, 17

July 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2017.

For more than 60 years we have understood the basic of DNA. Since then we have

strived to learn more and more about how to modify DNA to our will. With Cas-9 or CRISPR

what took years and months to do will now only take days. We are now learning how to combine

gene editing with gene drive. This is basically selfish genes that are more prominent in offspring.

So to do this all we have to do is slip in the new gene into the gene drive. This can change a huge

population of organisms in a more efficient way. The article shows the advancements that we

have made with DNA. With the ability to change a whole population of mosquitoes so that they

would not carry malaria. They could use a technique which uses deleterious genes, which states

that the gene will take over the entire population in only a few generations.

This article talks about what we can do with this technology. It also helps to put into

perspective how fast developed this technology. In only 2 years to studying Cas-9 we have

already found ways to use it efficiently. This information was written by PBS. PBS stands for

Public Broadcast System which is large public media enterprise. This goal of the source is to

provide a classroom for people to be in and to be a reliable window to the world.

This article was really helpful to me because it helped my put into perspective the effects

that this can potentially have in the world. It can potentially get rid of Malaria. The positives of

this technology will definitely have to overcome the negatives. This can help to show that

Genetic Engineering is worth working and developing. This technology will become our future

because it will provide a positive outcome that will affect the world, if it doesnt then we are

giving future generations a disadvantage.

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