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CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

History & Background of the relation between both the countries:

China and Pakistan are the two countries which shares fine relation of friendship
since 1950 when Pakistan recognizes PRC. Both countries have been acting as real
companions of each other in every ground after they made alliance against India. Most
of the time Pakistan is at the receiving end which makes Pakistan loyal to China may be
that is because of China has granted economic, technical and military support to
Pakistan which makes them strategic alleys. China always wants a stable and peaceful
Pakistan because both the countries shares border with each other and some of the
Chinese Imports and Exports are done through sea ports of Pakistan. Pakistan act as a
bridge between China and the other Muslims countries either it is about trade or some
specific talks. China also provides political support to Pakistan to solve regional issues.

CPEC: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor:

CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) is an advance infrastructure project

which was projected by Nawaz Sharif vice president of Pakistan and Li Keqiang premier
of China when he visited Pakistan on May 2013. The project will transform economy of
Pakistan by joining Pakistan`s Gwadar port with Northwestern region of China called
Xinjaing via set-up of railways, roads and pipelines to transfer natural resources like oil,
gas and many other commodities imported to Pakistan for China . From Gwadar to
Kashgar the the length of the project will be approximately 3,000 km. Energy, transport
infrastructure, telecommunication and intelligence sharing are also significant and
undertaken element of the mega project.

CPEC in numbers:

Before the CPEC on daily basis China use to spend around $18 million on import of
oil shipment but after linking its import from Gwadar to Kashgar one third of the cost
will be cut down.
The proposed and estimated cost for this project is up to $46 billion from which $5.9
billion is to be invested on roads, $3.7 billion on railway, $66 million for Gawadar port
and bigger chunk of $33 billion on energy projects as part of CPEC in Pakistan and the
project is expected to be completed by 2017.
10,400 megawatts of energy will be added by coal, hydro and solar energy projects
which will also cost $15.5 billion.
Short term projects costs $17 billion in investment which includes Peshawar-Lahore-
Karachi railway line costing $ 3.7 bn, expansion of Thar coal blocks costing $2.2 bn,
Bahawalpur solar park costing $1.3 bn and the Gwadar International Airport which will
cost $230mn. The upgrading of Gwadar city only requires $ 1 billion which is to be
financed @ 0% interest by Exim Bank of China to Pakistan.
Fiber optic wire will connect Pakistan and China will also be constructed using loans @
2% rather than 1.6% applied on other projects.
10 % fraction of the cost will come from Public center development program and the
remaining 90% from credit financing through government of China.
cpec expository essay

1. 1. CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR Presented By: Zain ul Hassan

2. 2. EXPOSITORY ESSAY??? It is the Essay which uses evidence, examples, or
facts to explain a concept or to inform about a topic with a thesis as its base.
3. 3. EXPOSITORY ESSAY ON 5 PARAGRAPH Thesis statement. Paragraph 1 with
supporting details. Paragraph 2 with supporting details. Paragraph 3 with
supporting details. Conclusion.
4. 4. THESIS STATEMENT CPEC from all counts will prove the game changer for
Pakistan .Investment by China will boost Pakistans economy $274 billion by over
15%. It is a network of 3000km of roads , rail ways , pipelines and optical fibers.
5. 5. GAME CHANGER It has been correctly termed as a game-changer for Pakistan
because it will link China with markets in Central Asia and South Asia. Presently
China is some how 13,000Km from Persian Gulf with a long shipping time of
about 45 days. CPEC will shrink this distance to merely 4000 Km (80% reduction).
The shipping time will reduce to 10 days (78% reduction) and it is also important
for the equal development in china.
6. 6. TOTAL INVESTMENT Here we can see that there are 33 mega project of
energy , transport infrastructure and to build the Gwadar International Port and
China is going to invest 46 billion $ in these projects and this project is estimate
to be completed in 2025. Sr. No. Sector No. of Projects Estimated Cost (Million $)
01 Energy 21 33,793 02 Transport Infrastructure 4 9,784 03 Gwadar 8 792.62
7. 7. NETWORK The main purpose of the CPEC is to connect the Gwadar
international port to Kashgar the Chinese city for the purpose of import and
export of its goods and oil reserves in middle east, Europe and African countries
through the roads and railways infrastructures in which the railways and fiber
optics pipeline are the main components of the network.
8. 8. Conclusion In short I want to say that through CPEC is the source of mutual
corporation between the both countries and both countries are keen to enhance
the trade activities and there should be a Infrastructural improvement and there
should the 7 lac Job opportunities for Pakistani civilians.
9. 9. OVERALL VIEW CPEC from all counts will prove the game changer for
Pakistan .Investment by China will boost Pakistans economy $274 billion by over
15%. It is a network of 3000km of roads, rail ways, pipelines and optical fibers. It
has been correctly termed as a game-changer for Pakistan because it will link
China with markets in Central Asia and South Asia. Presently China is some
13,000 Km from Persian Gulf with a long shipping time of about 45 days. CPEC
will shrink this distance to merely 2500 Km (80% reduction). The shipping time
will reduce to 10 days (78% reduction) and it is also important for the equal
development in China. Here we can see that there are 33 mega project of
energy , transport infrastructure and to build the Gwadar International Port and
China is going to invest 46 billion $ in this project and this project is estimate to
be completed in 2025. The main purpose of the CPEC is to connect the Gwadar
international port to Kashgar the Chinese city for the purpose of import and
export of its goods and oil reserves in Middle East, Europe and African countries
through the roads and railways infrastructures in which the railways and fiber
optics pipeline are the main components of the CPEC. In short I want to say that
through CPEC is the source of mutual corporation between the both countries
and both countries are keen to enhance the trade activities and there should be
an Infrastructural improvement and there should the 7 lac Job opportunities for
Pakistani civilians.

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