Campaign Proposal Product: TH TH

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Campaign Proposal

The products are 3 images being produced, 1 is landscape and the other 2
are portrait. The landscape one will be for a billboard and the portrait ones
will be for a magazine, newspaper or bus stop. Finally, the product is for a
fashion charity shop advert.
Target Audience
The target audience I am aiming at are:
The age range I am producing the adverts for are 16-30 years old because
they will produce an income which means they will buy their own clothes.
The gender that the product is aimed at female because, a charity shop
has donations from both genders so will appeal having clothes for them.
I will be focusing on a social class of lower/working class as a charity shop
will have affordable prices and nice clothing which they can afford without
spending lots of money. Also this will then determine where the locations
of my adverts will go as I am aiming at a social class of lower/working
Campaign Message
The campaign message will be that you can buy nice and smart looking
clothes for affordable prices. When you buy clothing from there youre
getting the help you need and a charity is getting income for helping
someone else in need.
Launch Date
7th June because the 7th June is 2 weeks before the start of summer. So
people will be getting ready for needing a new wardrobe to fit in with the
summer season, or people could be going on holiday so want cheap
summer clothes for a holiday instead of buying dresses/shorts which are
Schedule of Advertisements
First advert- 7th June-
I have chosen this date as it 2 weeks before the official date of summer
and people will be getting ready for the new season.
Second Advert- 21st June -
I have chosen the 21st June as it is the official date of summer and people
will be needing some new clothes for that season.
Third Advert- 5th July
I have chosen the 5th July as it is 2 weeks after the second advert being
launched which will reinforce the fact that it is summer and you can get a
new wardrobe for a cheaper and affordable price and good quality clothes.
All Adverts- 19th July
I have chosen that my adverts will all be out at the 19th July to reinforce
that you can get cheaper clothes, as well as giving people who havent
seen the adverts and are in the need to but some clothes which are
affordable a chance to see the adverts. Also this means that all my
adverts will be out in the last month of summer which is August.
Close of Adverts- 22nd September
I have chosen the 22nd September to take down all my adverts down as
the summer season will be over, hopefully people have had the chance to
get affordable clothing for the summer season. Also the next season of
clothing of Autumn will be ready to be coming out so will need to be
updated ready for the next styles to come out.
Locations of Advertisements
First Advert- Billboard near a shopping centre
I have chosen to put my first advert by shopping centre which will be
located by Manchester Arndale shopping centre as most people go to buy
clothes from well-known shops and try and get the best out of the money
they have and hopefully the advert will be seen and people know where
they can get affordable clothing from.
Second Advert- Bus Stop
I have chosen to put my second advert at local bus stop at Penketh
Greystone bus stop as people get the bus as a transport to get to their
location. So putting my advert where a large people pass everyday will
get it out there that a charity shop has affordable clothing and youre
helping a charity with people who are in need get donations.
Third Advert- Newspaper
I have chosen to put my final advert in a newspaper the Warrington
Guardian as a large amount of people mostly tend to read a newspaper
and the advert will be in there so it will reinforce that message of you
dont have to pay expensive prices for a dress from Debenhams, you can
get a suit or dress for good quality and an affordable price from a charity
Legal and Ethical Considerations-
Copyright is where the law gives the creators of literary, dramatic,
musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and
typographical arrangements of publishes editions, rights to control the
ways in their material may be used.
For my adverts if I wanted to use a certain design or part of a well-known
logo I would have to write and ask for permission off that person or
company. This means that with my adverts I have to make them my own
and original as I cant rip off another advert or copy another advert.
Defamation Act-
Slander: Spoken- TV and Radio- Chat shows and interviews
Libel: Written- Newspapers, Magazines and Online.
This means that in my adverts it will not focus on one particular person
who is well known and wont damage their reputation as no harmful
comments will be made about them or an unsuitable setting of the
adverts will damage their reputation.
Obscenity Act-
Under this law it is an offence to publish an obscene article, or to have an
obscene article for publication for gain.
Something is considered obscene if it tends to deprave or corrupt, those
likely to read, see or hear the matter contained in it e.g. pictures of death.
This is a criminal law.
For my advert I will make sure that I will not put in my adverts any
obscene photos or content. However, I am aware of this law is important
and will follow this law by not putting any obscene content or photos in
my 3 adverts.
Equality & Ethical Representation-
My advert will be ethically right as I will use no content that will be used to
harm sexuality, gender, age, ethnicity or disability. The adverts will be
inclusive it wont offend anyone but I will make sure that it will appeal to
my target audience of females and males. I will make my adverts
appropriate for my target audience for males and females.
I will also make sure my adverts will include females and males
disregarding if they have a disability, what sexuality they are, what
ethnicity they are as my adverts will be approachable to everyone and are
all equals.
Code of Practise-
Advertisements must not materially mislead or be likely to do so. They
must not mislead by hiding material information or presenting it in an
unclear manner. This means that my advert wont advertise anything
false so it wont mislead something about the charity that isnt true. I
found these rules at
Privacy is that individuals should be protected from any unwanted privacy.
This means that in my adverts the person who will feature in my
advertisement I will have to ask for permission if they want their name
being known. Implying any personal approval of the advertised product;
marketers should recognise that those who do not want to be associated
with the product could have a legal claim. I found this information at

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