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V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest

Word list for 2nd. Grade - Elementary

1 adjective 41 breeze 81 exactly 121 hundred 161 moody

2 adverb 42 bright 82 excited 122 hungry 162 motion
3 against 43 bring 83 exciting 123 important 163 mouse
4 ahead 44 brother 84 explain 124 insect 164 nation
5 almost 45 bubble 85 explore 125 inside 165 nature
6 already 46 buffalo 86 family 126 interact 166 nephew
7 America 47 burst 87 farewell 127 interesting 167 nervous
8 animal 48 cannot 88 favorite 128 island 168 news
9 answer 49 careful 89 feast 129 ivy 169 ninety
10 anteater 50 center 90 feeling 130 king 170 north
11 anyone 51 certain 91 feet 131 kitchen 171 nose
12 arcade 52 chamber 92 ferns 132 language 172 notable
13 around 53 chance 93 field 133 lantern 173 nothing
14 artwork 54 chatter 94 fighting 134 laptop 174 nursery
15 available 55 coast 95 figure 135 lawn 175 oatmeal
16 awake 56 common 96 finally 136 leaky 176 onion
17 backdrop 57 compete 97 flicker 137 leave 177 opinion
18 backpack 58 complete 98 float 138 library 178 other
19 bakery 59 corner 99 folds 139 London 179 outside
20 banana 60 costume 100 food 140 lookout 180 oven
21 baseball 61 country 101 foolish 141 lotion 181 owner
22 because 62 cousin 102 forever 142 machine 182 pages
23 become 63 covered 103 forward 143 madness 183 paint
24 bedroom 64 covert 104 frown 144 magnet 184 pantry
25 beehive 65 cried 105 furious 145 mailbox 185 parents
26 beginning 66 curved 106 geese 146 mane 186 partly
27 behind 67 darkest 107 giggle 147 mansion 187 passed
28 better 68 delighted 108 glide 148 married 188 pattern
29 bird 69 dinner 109 going 149 massive 189 pebbles
30 birthday 70 dinosaur 110 goose 150 material 190 pencil
31 black 71 dishes 111 grain 151 mayor 191 people
32 blanket 72 dollars 112 ground 152 midnight 192 perfect
33 blood 73 drawer 113 grumpy 153 midway 193 picnic
34 blouse 74 eagle 114 hardly 154 might 194 picture
35 bored 75 earn 115 heard 155 miles 195 place
36 boring 76 east 116 helping 156 million 196 plane
37 bother 77 elbow 117 himself 157 minute 197 planet
38 bounce 78 ended 118 history 158 mistake 198 please
39 braid 79 energy 119 hitched 159 mixture 199 poem
40 branch 80 eraser 120 however 160 monkey 200 poison
201 porch 241 several 281 switch 321 woman
202 portion 242 shelf 282 system 322 yesterday
203 posters 243 shelter 283 talent 323 young
204 pottery 244 shirts 284 taxi 324 zipper
205 pounce 245 shopping 285 teacher 325 zoom
206 present 246 shrill 286 temper
207 pretty 247 sign 287 think
208 prevent 248 silver 288 thinking
209 prevented 249 singer 289 thirsty
210 produce 250 sister 290 thought
211 project 251 skateboard 291 thumb
212 promote 252 skill 292 thunder
213 puppet 253 snack 293 tooth
214 puppy 254 snail 294 toward
215 purple 255 snoozing 295 train
216 puzzles 256 someday 296 trick
217 question 257 someone 297 trust
218 quickly 258 something 298 tunnel
219 rather 259 soul 299 tusk
220 remember 260 south 300 twelve
221 replace 261 space 301 umbrella
222 respond 262 spider 302 under
223 restless 263 spinach 303 untidy
224 rewind 264 stand 304 usually
225 riddle 265 state 305 vacation
226 river 266 station 306 verb
227 road 267 storm 307 visitor
228 robot 268 stove 308 vowel
229 rubber 269 strange 309 voyage
230 rules 270 straw 310 walking
231 safety 271 stroller 311 washer
232 salad 272 strong 312 water
233 sandbox 273 stuck 313 waves
234 school 274 studio 314 wear
235 score 275 sturdy 315 weekend
236 screen 276 subject 316 weight
237 second 277 summer 317 wide
238 section 278 sunny 318 windy
239 segment 279 supplies 319 winter
240 sentence 280 swift 320 without
V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest
Word list for 2nd. Grade - Elementary

1 adjective part of speech that describes a noun

2 adverb a word that modifies or describes a verb
3 against in contact with so as to rest or press on
4 ahead in advance or in front of, forward
5 almost very nearly, not quite
6 already before the present, by now
7 America the country also known as the United States
8 animal a living creature with a moving body
9 answer to respond or reply
10 anteater long-nosed nocturnal mammal, eats insects
11 anyone any person
12 arcade a hall where video games are played
13 around following a circular course
14 artwork paintings or sculpture made to display
15 available able to be reached, used, or bought
16 awake completely alert or not asleep
17 backdrop a painted cloth hung at the back of a stage.
18 backpack bag with two over-the-shoulder straps
19 bakery a shop that sells baked goods
20 banana long, curved, sweet tropical fruit with a peel
21 baseball game of nine players on diamond shaped field
22 because since or for the reason that
23 become to turn or grow or change into
24 bedroom room furnished for and used for sleeping
25 beehive structure used to make and store honey
26 beginning the starting point or origin
27 behind in the rear or back
28 better more improved or good
29 bird feathered animal that flies and lays eggs
30 birthday the date on which a person is born
31 black the opposite of white
32 blanket a large cloth often used to keep warm
33 blood a reddish fluid circulated by the heart
34 blouse a loose fitting shirt-like garment
35 bored feeling tired due to lack of interest
36 boring not stimulating and uninspiring
37 bother to disturb or annoy
38 bounce to rebound off of a springy surface
39 braid decorative cord of multiple woven strands
40 branch a stem coming from the main trunk of a plant
41 breeze a gentle or light wind
42 bright full of light; vivid; intense
43 bring to transport to another location, take along
44 brother a male sibling
45 bubble a round, thin film of liquid full of air
46 buffalo mammal related to the bull or cow, bison
47 burst exploded or broke
48 cannot to be unable to or incapable of
49 careful showing caution or attention to detail
50 center the middle point
51 certain sure, convinced, definite
52 chamber a room in a house, usually a bedroom
53 chance an opening or opportunity
54 chatter to talk on and on about nothing
55 coast an area where ocean water meets land
56 common being ordinary or found in many places
57 compete to contend or vie as in a contest
58 complete having all its parts
59 corner the place where two lines meet
60 costume a type or style of clothing
61 country nation or land
62 cousin the child of an uncle or aunt
63 covered overlaid the surface of
64 covert secret, hidden, or in disguise
65 cried wept and shed tears
66 curved bent or arched
67 darkest with the littlest or least light
68 delighted made extremely happy
69 dinner meal of the day eaten at midday or evening
70 dinosaur extinct prehistoric reptiles
71 dishes containers and platters for serving or eating
72 dollars monetary units equal to one hundred cents
73 drawer boxlike sliding container in funiture
74 eagle large bird of prey with a hooked beak
75 earn to get as a reward or payment
76 east a map direction that is opposite west
77 elbow the joint connecting the upper and lower arm
78 ended to come or bring to an stop
79 energy usable power
80 eraser device for removing unwanted marks
81 exactly in a precise and accurate way
82 excited having or showing great energy and enthusiasm
83 exciting causing interest, emotion, or stimulation
84 explain to offer reasons for
85 explore to scout or investigate in order to discover
86 family related persons or things
87 farewell goodbye to someone or something
88 favorite something liked more than any other
89 feast a large, elaborate meal
90 feeling an impression or sense
91 feet the body parts one uses to walk
92 ferns non-flowering plants with feathery leaves
93 field a grassy expanse of land
94 fighting struggling in physical battle or conflict
95 figure to calculate, compute or determine
96 finally at the end or in conclusion
97 flicker to burn fitfully or unsteadily
98 float to move or drift on the surface of water
99 folds bends something over itself to become smaller
100 food something eaten to nourish the body
101 foolish lacking good sense or judgment
102 forever always, throughout all time
103 forward in a direction toward the front
104 frown facial expression of disapproval or sadness
105 furious marked by excessive anger
106 geese large, web-footed long-necked water birds
107 giggle laugh performed in short bursts of breath
108 glide move smoothly without interruption
109 going moving or traveling
110 goose a water bird with a long neck that honks
111 grain the hard seed of plants used as food, cereal
112 ground surface of the Earth or floor
113 grumpy in a bad mood, irritable
114 hardly barely or with great difficulty
115 heard perceived a noise or sound with the ear
116 helping aiding or assisting
117 himself referring to he or him, often with emphasis
118 history records of past events
119 hitched to be attached or tied to something else
120 however on the other hand
121 hundred a number equal to ten groups of ten
122 hungry feeling a need or craving for food
123 important of great significance, value or authority
124 insect creature with six legs and a segmented body
125 inside in a position within something
126 interact work or function with one another
127 interesting causing curiosity or a wish to know more
128 island area of land completely surrounded by water
129 ivy a type of climbing vine
130 king a male monarch of a country or nation
131 kitchen a room equipped for preparing meals
132 language word or speech system of a nation or people
133 lantern a portable light inside a protective glass case
134 laptop small, portable computer
135 lawn a tended and mowed area of grass
136 leaky allowing contents to escape; not airtight
137 leave to go away or depart
138 library a place full of books; a collection of books
139 London seat of government and largest city in England
140 lookout a person stationed to keep watch
141 lotion a thick substance used on skin for moisture
142 machine man-made device with moving parts
143 madness state of lacking mental stability, craziness
144 magnet metal object that attracts metal
145 mailbox a receptacle for letters and packages
146 mane a long thick growth of hair
147 mansion a very large residence
148 married joined together in an official union
149 massive of or on a very large scale
150 material fabric or cloth
151 mayor the elected head of a town or city
152 midnight twelve in the morning, when it is dark.
153 midway in the middle of the way
154 might used to express an uncertain possibility
155 miles largest non-metric measure of distance
156 million a number equaling one thousand thousands
157 minute 244
158 mistake an accidental error
159 mixture an even blend of ingredients
160 monkey a small animal with a long tail, a primate
161 moody frequent changes in feelings and attitude
162 motion the act of moving
163 mouse a small rodent
164 nation a community of people under one government
165 nature the natural world or wilderness
166 nephew the son of a sibling or sibling in law
167 nervous characteristically excited or anxious
168 news report of recent events
169 ninety the number equal to ten groups of nine
170 north the direction opposite of south
171 nose the part of your face which detects scent
172 notable something worth paying attention to
173 nothing zero, not a single thing, a blank
174 nursery a child's bedroom
175 oatmeal a whole-grain mushy cereal, often eaten hot
176 onion an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell
177 opinion a belief or judgment held without proof
178 other something that is different or not the same
179 outside in the open air
180 oven a heated compartment for baking or roasting
181 owner a person who possesses something
182 pages leaves of a publication
183 paint liquid pigment brushed on paper, walls, etc.
184 pantry cupboard or room for storing food or utensils
185 parents mothers and fathers
186 partly not completely; partially
187 passed went by, continued or proceeded
188 pattern a set of repeating features
189 pebbles small, smooth rocks
190 pencil a wooden tool used for writing or marking
191 people a group of human beings
192 perfect just right
193 picnic a casual meal eaten outdoors
194 picture a photograph or illustrated design
195 place area or defined space
196 plane a winged vehicle that flies in the air
197 planet large object that revolves around the sun
198 please used to ask politely for something
199 poem written work that uses verse
200 poison harmful substance capable of causing illness or death
201 porch a covered entrance to a house or building
202 portion amount, share, allotment, or part
203 posters large fliers on walls with photos or ads
204 pottery ceramic dishes made of clay
205 pounce attack suddenly with a swoop or spring
206 present a gift for a special occasion
207 pretty attractive in appearance
208 prevent to keep back or stop from happening
209 prevented stopped or hindered someone from something
210 produce to develop fruit
211 project a task requiring effort to complete
212 promote to advance, move forward
213 puppet doll made to move by strings or a hand inside it
214 puppy a baby dog
215 purple color made by mixing red and blue
216 puzzles entertaining problems set to challenge the mind
217 question an inquiry about something one wants to know
218 quickly very fast, or hurriedly
219 rather more willingly or preferably
220 remember to keep or to recall an idea to mind
221 replace to change or provide a substitute
222 respond to answer or reply to
223 restless never, or unable to remain, still or calm
224 rewind to reverse the winding of or wind again
225 riddle a joke told in question and answer format
226 river large, flowing body of water
227 road a designated path for vehicles to travel on
228 robot a mechanical device able to perform tasks
229 rubber a tough, elastic material
230 rules regulations, principles, procedures
231 safety the condition of being free from danger
232 salad a mixture of cold food, often vegetables
233 sandbox child's play box full of a grainy substance
234 school an institution of learning
235 score points earned in a game or competition
236 screen a barrier, often of mesh, plastic or glass
237 second one-sixtieth of a minute, a moment
238 section a part or portion of something
239 segment a divided part of a whole
240 sentence a complete thought expressed in words
241 several more than two or three but not many
242 shelf flat board or plane often for storage, ledge
243 shelter place of protection from danger or weather
244 shirts clothing for the upper body with sleeves
245 shopping examining goods with the intent to buy
246 shrill having a high-pitched and piercing voice
247 sign a board with a message written on it
248 silver valuable, shiny metal of whitish color
249 singer one who makes music with their voice
250 sister girl sharing at least one parent with someone
251 skateboard a board on wheels ridden while standing
252 skill the ability to do something well
253 snack small amount of food eaten between meals
254 snail a slow mollusk with a shell for protection
255 snoozing taking a quick nap
256 someday at an unspecified time in future
257 someone an unidentified person
258 something an unspecified object
259 soul an individual person
260 south the direction opposite of north
261 space blank or empty area
262 spider an eight legged arachnid that spins webs
263 spinach a dark green, leafy vegetable
264 stand to be in an upright position on the feet
265 state politically organized territory
266 station origin, end or stop on a train or bus route
267 storm weather with much wind, rain or snow
268 stove device to provide heat for warmth or cooking
269 strange unfamiliar or out of the norm
270 straw a long thin tube used for sucking a drink
271 stroller a wheeled carrier for a small child
272 strong intense or overwhelming
273 stuck not moving, caught
274 studio work space of artistic people or performers
275 sturdy strongly made or built
276 subject person or object doing action in a sentence
277 summer warm season between spring and fall
278 sunny bright with sunlight
279 supplies necessary or useful items
280 swift fast or moving or acting quickly
281 switch a device used to control electricity
282 system a set of different parts acting to form a whole
283 talent a natural aptitude or skill
284 taxi a vehicle that carries passengers for a fare
285 teacher one who educates others
286 temper emotions or state of mind, often negative
287 think to consider or reflect on, to believe
288 thinking having thoughts or ideas
289 thirsty needing or wanting water
290 thought an idea
291 thumb a short and thick finger on a human hand
292 thunder a loud sound produced by lightning
293 tooth hard bony mouth part for biting and chewing
294 toward in the direction of
295 train joined rail cars running on a track
296 trick an act performed to deceive or amaze
297 trust confidence, reliance
298 tunnel covered passage through or under an obstacle
299 tusk a large, long tooth jutting out of a mouth
300 twelve a number that is one more than eleven
301 umbrella a collapsible device for weather protection
302 under below or beneath, less than
303 untidy messy and disordered
304 usually as is normal or customary
305 vacation a trip or time for pleasure or relaxation
306 verb a part of speech which expresses an action
307 visitor one who stays briefly or travels from afar
308 vowel letter that is not a consonant; a, e, i, o, u
309 voyage a journey, especially a journey by sea
310 walking moving at a normal speed by foot
311 washer a machine to clean clothes
312 water a clear liquid without taste or odor
313 waves ridges or swells in water
314 wear to put on or have clothing on the body
315 weekend he period from Friday night to Sunday night
316 weight how heavy something is
317 wide extending in a long measure from side to side
318 windy with much breeze
319 winter the cold season between fall and spring
320 without in the absence of
321 woman an adult female
322 yesterday the day before today
323 young having few years
324 zipper a long fastener with two rows of teeth
325 zoom speed along, move quickly with humming noise

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