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V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest

Word list for 3rd. Grade - Elementary

1 accident 41 calendar 81 direction 121 haircut 161 lotion
2 activity 42 cannot 82 disagree 122 handful 162 machine
3 actualize 43 carefully 83 disappear 123 haystack 163 magician
4 actually 44 carpenter 84 dishes 124 heavy 164 mansion
5 addition 45 chamber 85 dishonest 125 history 165 married
6 adjective 46 chatter 86 distant 126 hitched 166 massive
7 adverb 47 childhood 87 district 127 holiday 167 material
8 almost 48 children 88 division 128 however 168 mayor
9 alphabet 49 chilling 89 dollars 129 huge 169 measure
10 angle 50 Christmas 90 drinking 130 hungry 170 melody
11 anteater 51 climate 91 elderly 131 important 171 merely
12 apology 52 climbed 92 emergency 132 include 172 might
13 arcade 53 collision 93 England 133 increase 173 million
14 architect 54 common 94 enormous 134 inform 174 monkeys
15 athlete 55 community 95 entertain 135 instead 175 monument
16 available 56 complain 96 entire 136 instruments 176 moonlight
17 backpack 57 complaints 97 equation 137 interact 177 mountain
18 backstage 58 competitor 98 estate 138 interesting 178 multiplication
19 bakery 59 complete 99 Europe 139 invisible 179 myself
20 balance 60 conductor 100 experience 140 involve 180 narrator
21 banana 61 confuse 101 faithful 141 irregular 181 nation
22 baseball 62 consonant 102 farewell 142 Italian 182 natural
23 basketball 63 construct 103 feast 143 jailbreak 183 necessary
24 beautiful 64 contain 104 February 144 jury 184 neighbor
25 because 65 contract 105 fiction 145 janitor 185 newspaper
26 become 66 correct 106 filled 146 Japanese 186 nifty
27 bedsheet 67 country 107 finally 147 journal 187 nonsense
28 beginning 68 covered 108 flexible 148 knitting 188 object
29 belief 69 culture 109 flicker 149 known 189 observe
30 believe 70 curved 110 football 150 label 190 onion
31 between 71 darkest 111 form 151 language 191 overtime
32 birthday 72 daughter 112 forward 152 lantern 192 ownership
33 blaster 73 deadline 113 fraction 153 laundry 193 package
34 bronze 74 delighted 114 freedom 154 leaky 194 paint
35 brother 75 destiny 115 friendly 155 leave 195 painting
36 builder 76 determine 116 frown 156 librarian 196 paragraph
37 building 77 developed 117 furnish 157 library 197 paranoid
38 built 78 diameter 118 furniture 158 liquid 198 particular
39 burst 79 difficult 119 gallant 159 lodging 199 partly
40 cafeteria 80 dinosaur 120 garbage 160 London 200 partner
201 passage 241 repeated 281 squeeze 321 treatment
202 patrol 242 reporter 282 squirrel 322 triangular
203 payment 243 resident 283 state 323 tropical
204 pebbles 244 responsible 284 steer 324 trouble
205 pencil 245 riddle 285 stood 325 twine
206 people 246 riding 286 strange 326 umbrella
207 perhaps 247 sailing 287 studio 327 unable
208 pickle 248 sample 288 sturdy 328 underline
209 pilgrim 249 Saturday 289 subject 329 understand
210 place 250 saving 290 substance 330 united
211 plane 251 scarecrow 291 subtract 331 untidy
212 planet 252 science 292 subtracting 332 vacancy
213 poem 253 scratch 293 suddenly 333 vacation
214 poetry 254 scream 294 suffix 334 veins
215 popcorn 255 sculpture 295 Sunday 335 verb
216 porch 256 season 296 supplies 336 victory
217 portable 257 secretary 297 surface 337 vision
218 portions 258 shamrock 298 surprise 338 vocabulary
219 pottery 259 shelter 299 survive 339 voyage
220 pouring 260 shoelace 300 swimming 340 walking
221 practice 261 shopping 301 syllable 341 weather
222 predict 262 shrill 302 teaspoon 342 whistling
223 prevented 263 sign 303 temper 343 window
224 probably 264 signature 304 temperature 344 winner
225 process 265 silver 305 thick 345 witness
226 produce 266 skateboard 306 thinking 346 wonderful
227 promote 267 skeleton 307 thought 347 written
228 proper 268 sleepy 308 thorough 348 yesterday
229 property 269 smirk 309 thousands 349 young
230 protein 270 smooth 310 thread 350 zodiac
231 purple 271 sneeze 311 threaten
232 purpose 272 snoozing 312 through
233 puzzles 273 solution 313 thunderbolt
234 question 274 someone 314 timidly
235 quickest 275 something 315 together
236 quickly 276 somewhere 316 tradition
237 quietly 277 soul 317 traffic
238 rather 278 southern 318 trance
239 regulation 279 specific 319 transport
240 remember 280 square 320 treasure
V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest
Word list for 3rd. Grade - Elementary
1 accident an unforeseen, often unfortunate, event
2 activity project or task
3 actualize make reality of a dream or idea
4 actually really, truly, in fact
5 addition increase in the number of people or things
6 adjective part of speech that describes a noun
7 adverb a word that modifies or describes a verb
8 almost very nearly, not quite
9 alphabet a set of symbols used in writing a language
10 angle space between the meeting of two lines
11 anteater long-nosed nocturnal mammal, eats insects
12 apology an expression of sorrow for one's actions
13 arcade a hall where video games are played
14 architect a designer of buildings and other structures
15 athlete one doing sports requiring physical stamina
16 available able to be reached, used, or bought
17 backpack bag with two over-the-shoulder straps
18 backstage in the area behind a stage or theater
19 bakery a shop that sells baked goods
20 balance levelness or something which provides it
21 banana long, curved, sweet tropical fruit with a peel
22 baseball game of nine players on diamond shaped field
23 basketball ball that is thrown through a hoop in a game
24 beautiful pretty or delightful to look at
25 because since or for the reason that
26 become to turn or grow or change into
27 bedsheet large piece of cloth placed over a mattress
28 beginning the starting point or origin
29 belief something held to be true or right
30 believe to have confidence, faith or trust in
31 between located with something on both sides
32 birthday the date on which a person is born
33 blaster a worker who destroys using explosives
34 bronze an alloy of copper and tin
35 brother a male sibling
36 builder someone who constructs things
37 building a large structure to work in, live in or visit
38 built constructed or erected
39 burst exploded or broke
40 cafeteria a self-service dining area
41 calendar table showing each day, week or month of the year
42 cannot to be unable to or incapable of
43 carefully with special care, attention or caution
44 carpenter someone who builds things out of wood
45 chamber a room in a house, usually a bedroom
46 chatter to talk on and on about nothing
47 childhood the period of life before puberty
48 children sons or daughters
49 chilling becoming cooler
50 Christmas Christian holiday of gift exchanges
51 climate average state of weather in a time or place
52 climbed moved upward using the hands and feet
53 collision impact or encounter, often unintentional
54 common being ordinary or found in many places
55 community group unified by a shared location
56 complain to express dissatisfaction or discomfort
57 complaints criticisms arising from dissatisfaction
58 competitor one taking part in a contest, a rival
59 complete having all its parts
60 conductor a person who directs or leads
61 confuse to bewilder; perplex
62 consonant a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel
63 construct to build something large such as a building, bridge or sculpture
64 contain to hold or include
65 contract an official, often written, binding agreement
66 correct truthful, accurate, or fitting
67 country nation or land
68 covered overlaid the surface of
69 culture the art, literature, music, beliefs and practices of a particular group of people
70 curved bent or arched
71 darkest with the littlest or least light
72 daughter female child or offspring
73 deadline the time when something must be complete
74 delighted made extremely happy
75 destiny a predetermined fate
76 determine to figure something out, to set or fix
77 developed changed into a more mature or finished state
78 diameter a line segment bisecting a circle or sphere
79 difficult hard to figure out or deal with
80 dinosaur extinct prehistoric reptiles
81 direction the place something moves toward or faces
82 disagree to have a different opinion
83 disappear to go away completely
84 dishes containers and platters for serving or eating
85 dishonest not truthful
86 distant far off in time or space
87 district a part of a land area, such as a city
88 division the opposite of multiplication in math
89 dollars monetary units equal to one hundred cents
90 drinking consuming liquid
91 elderly quite old
92 emergency a situation that needs immediate attention
93 England part of the United Kingdom, east of Wales
94 enormous very large, gigantic
95 entertain to amuse or host
96 entire whole or complete
97 equation a math statement using symbols and numbers
98 estate a large piece of land, or everything one owns
99 Europe continent situated between Asia and Africa
100 experience familiarity with something or training
101 faithful is loyal or trusting to another
102 farewell goodbye to someone or something
103 feast a large, elaborate meal
104 February second calendar month of the year
105 fiction invented story
106 filled occupied a space or position, completed
107 finally at the end or in conclusion
108 flexible limber, easily bent or easygoing
109 flicker to burn fitfully or unsteadily
110 football popular team sport played with an oblong ball
111 form to give shape to something
112 forward in a direction toward the front
113 fraction an incomplete number
114 freedom absence of coercion or restriction
115 friendly being kind and sociable
116 frown facial expression of disapproval or sadness
117 furnish decorate and provide necessities for a room
118 furniture useful and movable items in a home or office
119 gallant displaying dignity, nobility, and bravery
120 garbage trash or useless material
121 haircut act or result of trimming a person's tresses
122 handful amount that can be held within one's palm
123 haystack straw, often tied together, piled in a high pile
124 heavy having great weight
125 history records of past events
126 hitched to be attached or tied to something else
127 holiday a day of celebration for a law or custom
128 however on the other hand
129 huge very big in size
130 hungry feeling a need or craving for food
131 important of great significance, value or authority
132 include to take in or place in a category or group
133 increase to grow in degree, amount, or size
134 inform to supply facts or data; to make known
135 instead in place of or rather than
136 instruments tools for music, writing, or something else
137 interact work or function with one another
138 interesting causing curiosity or a wish to know more
139 invisible not visible, unable to be seen
140 involve take part in, include
141 irregular not symmetrical or uniform
142 Italian being of or from Italy
143 jailbreak an escape from jail
144 jury group of people sworn to pass a legal verdict
145 janitor a person who cleans and maintains a building
146 Japanese being of or from Japan
147 journal a written record of thoughts or actions
148 knitting the act of interlacing yarn with needles
149 known to have been aware of or had knowledge of
150 label a sticker or tag fastened to something to tell more about it
151 language word or speech system of a nation or people
152 lantern a portable light inside a protective glass case
153 laundry clothes in need of washing, or just washed
154 leaky allowing contents to escape; not airtight
155 leave to go away or depart
156 librarian one who takes care of a collection of books
157 library a place full of books; a collection of books
158 liquid a substance that flows, a fluid
159 lodging a place to live or sleep
160 London Largest city in England
161 lotion a thick substance used on skin for moisture
162 machine man-made device with moving parts
163 magician a person who does magic tricks and illusions
164 mansion a very large residence
165 married joined together in an official union
166 massive of or on a very large scale
167 material fabric or cloth
168 mayor the elected head of a town or city
169 measure to find the size of something
170 melody sequence of music notes that form a song
171 merely only, and nothing more
172 might used to express an uncertain possibility
173 million a number equaling one thousand thousands
174 monkeys small apes
175 monument something built to honor a person or event
176 moonlight light from the earth's large natural satellite
177 mountain giant hill with steep sides and a peak
178 multiplication act of increasing an amount a set number of times
179 myself referring to me or I, often with emphasis
180 narrator the person who tells a story
181 nation a community of people under one government
182 natural found in nature, not made by people
183 necessary essential or needed
184 neighbor one who lives nearby to you
185 newspaper publication that features current events
186 nifty great or clever
187 nonsense foolish or absurd
188 object a purpose or goal
189 observe to watch or study carefully
190 onion an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell
191 overtime in a way that exceeds normal work hours
192 ownership legal right to the possession of a thing
193 package box in which things are contained or wrapped
194 paint liquid pigment brushed on paper, walls, etc.
195 painting a piece of art done with paint
196 paragraph group of related sentences
197 paranoid suspicious of one's motives and actions
198 particular specific piece, an individual item or thing
199 partly not completely; partially
200 partner one who shares a common interest with another
201 passage a route, corridor or pathway for traveling
202 patrol to survey an area watchfully
203 payment money paid or the act of paying
204 pebbles small, smooth rocks
205 pencil a wooden tool used for writing or marking
206 people a group of human beings
207 perhaps in a way that is possible, but not for sure
208 pickle small cucumber preserved in brine or vinegar
209 pilgrim a person who travels in search of something
210 place area or defined space
211 plane a winged vehicle that flies in the air
212 planet large object that revolves around the sun
213 poem written work that uses verse
214 poetry literary form using words to express emotion
215 popcorn type of corn kernels that burst when heated
216 porch a covered entrance to a house or building
217 portable able to be carried from place to place
218 portions parts of a whole; helpings or servings
219 pottery ceramic dishes made of clay
220 pouring making liquid flow in a guided way
221 practice to do something repeatedly to improve skills
222 predict to foresee or foretell future events
223 prevented stopped or hindered someone from something
224 probably in a possible manner
225 process series of actions that someone does in order to achieve a particular result
226 produce to develop fruit
227 promote to advance, move forward
228 proper right or correct
229 property something owned or a possession
230 protein substance in food necessary for growth
231 purple color made by mixing red and blue
232 purpose a plan, cause, or reason for something
233 puzzles entertaining problems set to challenge the mind
234 question an inquiry about something one wants to know
235 quickest fastest or swiftest
236 quickly very fast, or hurriedly
237 quietly with no noise, silently, at a low volume
238 rather more willingly or preferably
239 regulation a rule designed to control behavior
240 remember to keep or to recall an idea to mind
241 repeated did or said something over and over again
242 reporter someone who writes for a paper or magazine
243 resident someone who lives in a place
244 responsible having care of or being careful, trustworthy
245 riddle a joke told in question and answer format
246 riding using for transportation or travel; present participle of "to ride"
247 sailing traveling at sea
248 sample a small part representing the whole
249 Saturday the day between Friday and Sunday
250 saving to keep or put away for future use
251 scarecrow mannequin used to scare birds away from crops
252 science study of facts, principles and methods
253 scratch to cancel
254 scream to utter a sudden, loud cry
255 sculpture a work of art created by carving or casting
256 season to add ingredients that give food flavor
257 secretary a worker who assists and keeps records
258 shamrock a small flowered clover plant
259 shelter place of protection from danger or weather
260 shoelace cloth or leather strip for fastening shoes
261 shopping examining goods with the intent to buy
262 shrill having a high-pitched and piercing voice
263 sign a board with a message written on it
264 signature the name of one written by oneself
265 silver valuable, shiny metal of whitish color
266 skateboard a board on wheels ridden while standing
267 skeleton the bones in a human or animal
268 sleepy drowsy or in need of rest
269 smirk a smug or sly smile
270 smooth marked by ease; fluid and polished
271 sneeze to expel air forcibly from nose and mouth
272 snoozing taking a quick nap
273 solution the answer to a problem
274 someone an unidentified person
275 something an unspecified object
276 somewhere an unspecified place
277 soul an individual person
278 southern of or in the direction south
279 specific detailed and exact
280 square a shape of four equal sides and right angles
281 squeeze to compress inward
282 squirrel a small animal with a bushy tail
283 state politically organized territory
284 steer to move something in a certain direction
285 stood rose to one's feet from a sitting position
286 strange unfamiliar or out of the norm
287 studio work space of artistic people or performers
288 sturdy strongly made or built
289 subject person or object doing action in a sentence
290 substance a kind of material with definite properties
291 subtract to take away one amount from another
292 subtracting taking away, withdrawing from the whole
293 suddenly happening quickly or without warning
294 suffix letters put at end of word to change meaning
295 Sunday the day between Saturday and Monday
296 supplies necessary or useful items
297 surface outer layer of something
298 surprise to catch someone off guard; astonish
299 survive to continue to live or exist
300 swimming propelling oneself through water
301 syllable a unit of pronunciation with one vowel sound
302 teaspoon a small spoon used for drinks or measuring
303 temper emotions or state of mind, often negative
304 temperature measurement of heat or cold
305 thick densely covered or filled
306 thinking having thoughts or ideas
307 thought an idea
308 thorough fully complete, accurate or careful
309 thousands multiples of ten groups of one hundred
310 thread a very thin string
311 threaten to express or warn of plans to do harm
312 through up to and including
313 thunderbolt a flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder.
314 timidly shyly or with hesitation
315 together in a group or gathering, with each other
316 tradition a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time
317 traffic objects or information traveling together
318 trance a half-conscious state
319 transport move from one place to another
320 treasure riches, such as jewels and gold
321 treatment manner of handling someone or something
322 triangular having three sides and angles
323 tropical characteristic of areas near the equator
324 trouble difficulty or problem
325 twine a rope or thick string
326 umbrella a collapsible device for weather protection
327 unable lacking the ability
328 underline to draw a mark below for emphasis
329 understand to comprehend the meaning of
330 united coming together to agree or work the same way
331 untidy messy and disordered
332 vacancy unoccupied room or position, emptiness
333 vacation a trip or time for pleasure or relaxation
334 veins vessels that carry blood to the heart
335 verb a part of speech which expresses an action
336 victory defeat of or triumph over someone or something
337 vision ability to see
338 vocabulary sum of words used by a group or person
339 voyage a journey, especially a journey by sea
340 walking moving at a normal speed by foot
341 weather the conditions and temperature outside
342 whistling forcing air through an opening, making a tune
343 window an opening in a wall usually covered with glass
344 winner one who succeeds over others; a champion
345 witness person who saw something take place
346 wonderful excellent or unusually good
347 written expressed in writing rather than speech
348 yesterday the day before today
349 young having few years
350 zodiac calendar using twelve constellations

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