Necta Civics 2015 Examination Answers (Marking Scheme)

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NECTA 2015

1. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix X



i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x


-The author talks about child labour in different ways example child
trafficking, domestic child labour, under age children.
b)Root cause of child labour in Tanzania
Desire to become rich by exploiting cheap child labour
Emergence of child trafficking business
c) Two risks facing domestic child labour
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse
d) Child labour according to the international labour organization-Is a child
between the age of 5 and 17, working in different sorts of hazardous jobs

e) Risks of having unprotected sex

Infectious diseases
4. a) Responsibilities of good citizens in Tanzania
Defending the country from enemies
Paying tax to the government
Behaving well in the society
Respecting and protecting rights of others
Taking care of oneself and supporting family
Protecting and maintaining public property
Protecting the environment

539 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani Dar Es Salaam (+255) (0) 75 290 4152;
b) Importances of Human rights to Tanzanians
Ensure freedom of association and religion
Meaningful and enjoyable life
Good governance
Freedom of opinion and expression
Equality before the law
Right to work and improved living standard
Human equality
Powers of the government against the people

5. Tanzania parliament is the supreme legislature of the country. It consists of the

president of the united republic and the national assembly. Parliament is sovereign in
the sphere of legislation.
Functions of the parliament of The United Republic of Tanzania
Effective instrument for overseeing government programs and plans
Grants money for running the administration of the country
To pass laws for the good governance
To provide by giving legislative sanction to taxation and acquisition of means
to carrying out the work of the government
To scrutinize government policy and administration, including proposal for
expenditure and to debate major issues of the day
To deliberate upon and ratify all treaties and agreements

6. Culture combines many elements to create a unique way of living for different
people. Culture was defined earlier as the symbols, language, beliefs, values, and
artifacts that are part of any society. As this definition suggests, there are two basic
components of culture: ideas and symbols on the one hand and artifacts (material
objects) on the other. The first type, called nonmaterial culture, includes the values,
beliefs, symbols, and language that define a society. The second type, called material
culture, includes all the societys physical objects, such as its tools and technology,
clothing, eating utensils, and means of transportation. These elements of culture are as
a. Symbols
Every culture is filled with symbols, or things that stand for something else
and that often evokes various reactions and emotions. A common one is
shaking hands, Other objects have symbolic value for religious reasons. Three
of the most familiar religious symbols in many nations are the cross, the Star
of David, and the crescent moon, which stand for Christianity, Judaism, and
Islam, respectively.
b. Language
language is crucial to communication and thus to any societys culture.
Children learn language from their culture just as they learn about shaking
hands and about the significance of the flag and other symbols.
c. Norms
Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards and expectations for
behaving. Norms differ dramatically from one culture to the next.
d. Rituals

539 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani Dar Es Salaam (+255) (0) 75 290 4152;
Different cultures also have different rituals, or established procedures and
ceremonies that often mark transitions in the life course. As such, rituals both
reflect and transmit a cultures norms and other elements from one generation
to the next.
e. Values
Values are the things that people consider important, such as love, loyalty,
hard work, compassion, knowledge and humanitarianism. Values define what
is just, fair and good in a given society. They represent a society's ideal culture
and social standards but may not reflect how people actually behave
f. Artifacts
The last element of culture is the artifacts, or material objects, that constitute
a societys material culture. In the most simple societies, artifacts are largely
limited to a few tools, the huts people live in, and the clothing they wear
g. Beliefs
Beliefs are the things that most people in a society consider to be true. Beliefs
create a bond among people from the same culture.

7. Where life skills education is well developed and practiced, it enhances the well
being of a society and promote positive outlook and healthy behavior. In particular, it
enables the individual to:

Translate knowledge, attitude, skills and values into action;

Behave responsibly and this leads to healthy living;
Develop positive attitude towards themselves and others;
Develop full potential;
Promote the state of mental well being as this motivates them and others;
Promote risk free behavior;
Communicate effectively;
Develop negotiation skills;
Improve self-perception by:
Building self confidence
Savings are increased as money used e.g. on management and control of HIV
and AIDS can be invested elsewhere. Resources such as time and money are
saved as learners acquire skills to manage themselves and their environment
Reduces learner problems such as truancy, absenteeism drug and substance
abuse and teenage pregnancies

8.National festivals at present Tanzania has a total of 17 public holidays, eight

religious holidays and three national holidays two commemorating the death
anniversaries of inaugural leaders of its constituent states and the remaining four of
other national importance.
Mark of important event of the country
Keeps the history of the country
Provide opportunities for the citizens to meet and share views
Enhance unity to the Tanzanians
Helps leaders to identify problems in the society
Its a sign of appreciation to the late leaders

539 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani Dar Es Salaam (+255) (0) 75 290 4152;
9. Local Government exist for the purpose of consolidating and giving more power to
the people to competently participate in the planning and implementation of
development programs within their respective areas and generally throughout the
country. In modern nations, local governments usually have some of the same kind of
powers as national governments do. For instance, they have some power to raise
taxes, though these may be limited by central legislation.
1. Planning
Formulation, coordination and supervision of the implementation of all plans
for economic, industrial and social development in their areas of
jurisdiction. Including council plans, financial plans, municipal strategic
statements and other strategic plans
2. Service delivery
Local government is responsible for managing and delivering a range of
quality services to their communities such as public health and recreational
facilities, local road maintenance and public libraries
3. Law making and enforcement
Subject to the laws in force, doing all such acts and things as may be done by
a people's government. Making by-laws applicable throughout their areas of
jurisdiction, and considering and improving by-laws made by village councils
within their areas of jurisdiction.
4. Representation
Council always represents their local community on matters of concern to
those constituents. Linking local community with the central government
5. Advocacy
Local government has a role in advocating on behalf of their constituencies to
the state and federal level of government, statutory, authorities and other
6. Monitoring
Regulating and monitoring the collection and utilization of revenue of village
councils and township authorities.

10. Economic development is the change or increase in the economic growth and
the distribution of the increased goods and services among the population.
For economic development of Tanzania the following factors are needed;
a) Land
Land provides space where production can take place. Industries that depend
on land include all extractive occupation such as mining, farming, quarrying,
and fishing. All theses economic activities contribute a lot in the national

b) Good governance
The government must enact good policies which will favors the workers in
terms of good salaries and favorable working environment.

c) Education
Education reduces expenditure on foreign labour ,improve efficiency of
human labour,

539 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani Dar Es Salaam (+255) (0) 75 290 4152;
d) Technology
High technology increases production. The availability of technology affects
the rate of growth. It increases the production of capital and labour and the
creation of the new

e) Labour
Labour is an important factor of production because it utilizes other natural
resources that are available in production

f) Infrastructure
Land, labour and capital need to be organized in order to produce. The person
who organize the business is known as entrepreneur. He has to employ
labour, buy or rent land and arrange capital. Entrepreneurs make some
important decision regarding the business.

539 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani Dar Es Salaam (+255) (0) 75 290 4152;

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