College Essay1

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Personal Essay: Confronting Lifes Challenges

My twelfth grade English teacher assigned the class a poetry analysis

project. Being a concrete, literal thinker who loves math and science, poetry

represents the last thing that I want to read. I found the poem, It Couldnt

Be Done, by Edgar Guest. To my surprise, this poem, which was first printed

in 1917, actually connects to my life. The poems message is that even if

everyone says that something cannot be done, the impossible task becomes

possible with hard work and personal faith. Unfortunately, my life has been

filled with obstacles. I have worked hard to overcome physical health

problems, mental anxiety, and detractors. Although my pathway to triumph

has been unsteady, the poems theme spurs me on knowing that with hard

work and belief in myself I will eventually prevail over any and all challenges.

My major obstacles in life are my health, anxiety, and nay-sayers. My

health has taken a drastic turn this year when I was diagnosed with

hypermobility, meaning I have loose joints that cause severe pain. The joints

in my shoulders, hips, knees, ankles and elbows pop out even without

movement. Due to this condition, my lifestyle completely changed. I no

longer play competitive golf, train vigorously in the gym, or walk freely

without pain. Another impediment that I face is anxiety, specifically,

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). For me, everything has a proper place

and everyday has a routine. Disruptions are anathema. Unfortunately, life is

bursting with unpredictable circumstances. Lastly, I have faced the nay-

sayers in my youth group who have labelled me a follower rather than a

leader. Altogether, hypermobility, OCD, and mean girls have been barriers

in achieving success.

These barriers can only be overcome with hard work and a positive

attitude. To be healed from hypermobility, I must do vigorous physical

therapy and home exercises that cause even more pain. Although progress

has been slow, I continue to dedicate long hours toward strengthening my

muscles. To manage my OCD, I accept risk, trust my own judgment, and

reject perfectionism. Golf requires concentration, awareness, and self-

confidence. I have worked hard to prevent my anxiety from overtaking me

when I play in matches and tournaments. To be a leader in my youth group

over the opposition of the chapter governance, I developed a detailed

platform of exciting ideas and programs. At election time, I delivered a

dynamic speech with a positive message of inclusion and innovative


Although I have not been healed of hypermobility, I am on my way.

Even though hypermobility prevents me from playing golf, I am still a captain

of my high school golf team and attend every match as the assistant coach.

Although my anxiety will never go away, I have made strides in dealing with

it. My grades are better than they have ever been. When I played golf, I

earned many accolades in my high school and ranked among the top golfers

in the state. Although everyone said that it could not be done, I am now Vice-

President of my youth group. I am responsible for planning weekly programs

in the areas of sisterhood, creativity, recreation, community service, social

action, and religion for over 100 girls every week. I plan to remain positive

and work hard in my college career and the rest of my life regardless of any

challenges. Hypermobility, anxiety, detractors, and other barriers do no

define me. I define me. In the words of Edgar Guest, when confronted with

challenges, I will with a lift of [my] chin and a bit of a grin do what needs to be


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