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Character Profile: Dobrikash Onn Istay Foruuth

Age: 48 USY (Universal Standard Years)

Race: Darakishi
Height: 84
Weight: 320 lbs.
Home planet: Dara
Hometown: Yekiadass
Occupation: Daratodez Speaker/Archmage
Current family: Mother Kivesht Oss Foruuth Uden
Brother Grettis Onn Istay Foruuth
Sister Raveranath Oss Istay Foruuth
Family History: Father (Velendin Onn Toreki Istay) died in battle. Mother resides in
Yekiadass. Brother and sister reside on other planets
Items of importance:
Menagerie of flying creatures (various species)

Ancient tome, illegible

Physical Characteristics:

Among other Darakishi, Dobrikash doesnt stand out much other than his
less than average skin pigmentation and being on the higher end of the height
range for Darakishi. With dark blue skin and very long arms and legs, Dobrikash
does stand out among other races though. Especially as he usually towers over

Darakishi have three eyes arranged in an upside-down triangle. Each eye is

wholly prismatic in nature with no distinct sclera, iris, or pupil. As with all Darakishi,
Dobrikashs skin looks smooth. However, it is in fact a very fine and short layer of
incredibly thin hairs. This is even harder to see on Dobrikash given his darker

Dobrikash has three Kishon, fully prehensile appendages that emerge from
the back of Darakishi heads, that begin at the back of the skull and reach about
halfway down to his waist. There is one on top of the other two that is thicker, often
allowing him to hide the other two if he wishes. All three of his Kishon are trained in
being conduits for magic, in the same way that Dobrikashs hands and head are.

Dobrikash is very tall for a Darakishi. While his height makes him appear
quite large, he is not a particularly impressive physical specimen. Given his whole
life training in magic, Dobrikash is not exceptionally strong. This is reflected in his
thin appendages and more gaunt face.


Dobrikash is rather serious in nature. Many Darakishi are free-spirited and

carefree, and while Dobrikash has his moments he is a staunch believer in
practicality and discipline. He has taken his magical training very seriously, and to
that end takes his job as Speaker very seriously. While he has many responsibilities,
he is incredibly reliable. He is slightly distrustful of those he doesnt know and
expects respect from those he thinks owe it to him.

Not a particular believer in putting all of ones faith in the Progenitors,

Dobrikash has always trusted his own spellcasting and the nature of mana in
general. He is an excellent mage, and believes that magic is something to be used
as practically as possible. Nothing bothers him more than someone who distrusts
magic or mages themselves.

Dobrikash is a fierce combatant. While he is not particularly proficient in any

martial weapons, he is a very deadly spellcaster. Unlike many mages that prefer the
elemental magics, Dobrikash has always preferred subtler magic spells. Often
employing nullification magic as his go-to flavor of spell. Useful for regular enemies
and extra useful against enemy spellcasters. He is not one to waste an iota of mana
on being flashy or flamboyant with his magic.

Perhaps the strangest thing about Dobrikash is his love for birds. Really, any
flying creature. He has a large collection of them that he trains as a hobby and has
even requested a lofty bedchamber in Daratodez so they can live in the rafters.
Despite his serious nature, Dobrikash loves his flight-bound friends, more so than
many sapient beings.

Dobrikashs major flaw is his tendency to put everything else aside in favor of
furthering his knowledge. He is a fierce learner, always trying to absorb any
knowledge he can, often to the point of exhaustion and ignorance of what is
happening around him. He is dedicated to expanding the Universes understanding
of magic so much that he often lets it consume him and do some things he
otherwise wouldnt just to get results.

Darakishi have a tendency to want to always be moving. Staying in one
place is rare for them, however Dobrikashs family was forced to Yekiadass when
Dara was under siege by horrible monsters created by the Beastmother. This Honor-
less War is still fresh in the minds of many Darakishi, including Dobrikashs mother
who lost not only two of her kishon but also her husband (her bonded in the
Darakishi language) in the war.
Dobrikash remembers little of the war having been born near its end. This
also means he never knew his father growing up. The youngest of three siblings,
Dobrikash began his study into magic that could help people at a very young age as
he wanted to help his family. His brother and sister insisted that he didnt need to
help but he would not take that for an answer. Resources were scarce in Yekiadass,
but Dobrikash did everything he could to advance his understanding of the magic
within him.
As he aged, Dobrikash showed an incredible affinity for magic. So much so
that the mage guards stationed in Yekiadass requested he be trained in Daras
capital of Daratodez. Telekinetic manipulation, transmutation, elemental evocation,
and divination were skills that Dobrikash honed through years of intense study and
practice. Eventually, Dobrikash was selected to take the trials needed to become a
Speaker, those special few mages that can reach out into The Great In-Between and
contact other planets and lifeforms. The rigors of the trials proved little hindrance to
Dobrikash and he became a Speaker at the rather young age of 29.
Dobrikash has always wanted to make the Universe better in any way he can.
Despite his status as Speaker, Dobrikash often abandons his duties to go off on his
own. Often times, he will even explore uncharted planets for lost or unknown
knowledge. It was in these travels that Dobrikash came across the idea of lichdom.
Lichdom is a state of being that renders one almost immortal and in a way
invincible, but the price for such power is often more than one mortal can bear.
Becoming a Lich is an intensely painful process that often results in the subject
completely losing their sense of self. Dobrikash discovered the transition to lichdom
had been done in the past, to horribly disastrous results. Entire planets crumbled,
species were wiped from the annals of time, and the Lich themselves was hardly the
same being they began as.
However, where other mages would only see ruin in studying lichdom,
Dobrikash saw opportunity. Becoming a Lich was dangerous and difficult, but he
believed that if he found a way to stabilize and streamline the process he could
change the entire Universe. No more disease, no more lives wasted, no more
pointless conflicts, no more relying on the Progenitors whose power could barely
reach them. He saw potential, but he needed to know that it could be done. There
was only one person he could trust to be the test material for the transition.
For years, Dobrikash labored away trying to understand lichdom and all its
facets. There was precious little information however, and his research was
considered by many to be blasphemous and terrifying. This did not deter him.
On one of his journeys, Dobrikash found himself on a barren planet. Where
perhaps there had once been life was utterly reduced to ash all around him. It was
there he found the pages that would guide his path from then on. Tattered and
made from a material Dobrikash had never seen before, he decided to gather what
he could. The book he created detailed many dangerous magics. One of the most
important being the construction of a phylactery, a reservoir for a mortal soul
needed to ascend into lichdom.
Presently, Dobrikashs construction of a working phylactery is the most
important goal in his life. He is unsure of what will happen should he succeed, but
Dobrikash believes what he does is for the betterment of everyone. His job as
Speaker and Archmage is very important to him as well and often takes him far from
his home in order to oversee certain things, but his primary line of thought always
rests on uncovering the secrets to lichdom.

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