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All the movement got to be too much sometimes.

Thats why he
usually preferred to be secluded. All the hustle and bustle, the sounds of
anvils being hit, wheels on cobblestone, thrums of magical energy; it all got
to be a nuisance after a while. Zandus sorcerous eye was both a blessing
and a cure, it allowed him to analyze people very easily, find flaws in
construction, and he could even perceive the flow of mana across the
ethereal arcane channels.
Yet, its downsides were nothing to scoff at. Nothing was filtered out.
Every miniscule detail was scanned and identified the same amount as more
important details. The flood of information could be disorienting, it took far
longer than he hypothesized to become accustomed to it. So he kept his
head down as he snaked through the crowded thoroughfares of Wyshkita. He
was clearly not the only one in the middle of important business as he was
shouldered aside by other nervous-looking citizens. Every one that passed
his vision once again inundated him with tiny observations about their
That ones eyes were sunken in yet covered with makeup, a clear sign
of the attempt to hide exhaustion. The cuts on that Ondos hands indicated a
long life of manual labor, the shape and size of the scars pointed mostly to
working with wood. A Darakishi passed by with a slight limp, an old injury it
seemed if judged by the length of her gait, and the slight nods given to her
as she walked suggested she was well respected by people that knew her.
He caught other minutiae as well, he had gotten better at immediately
throwing out the pointless and repetitive information however. Wyshkita was
a fascinating city, one of the largest bastions of Arcanetic research in the
Universe. Raw arcane energy was filtered and transported through pipes that
webbed themselves all over the city. Sparks from blacksmith shops sprayed
onto the street as magically powered carriages parted the crowds of civilians.
Zandus loved the city dearly, the atmosphere he grew up in brought a
welcome relief from the travel he did on a regular basis. However, he had
little time to enjoy the citys sights. The Director of the Artifica Exemplus had
asked to see him, and no one kept them waiting for long.
Wyshkita, besides being on Zandus home world, was also the Artifica
Exemplus base of operations. The rest of the Universe did not have
knowledge of its existence, and the residents of Wyshkita made sure to keep
it that way. No gaudy tower or citadel marked the Exemplus headquarters.
Unfortunately, this made reaching them more difficult even if one was
already a member.
Zandus followed the large mana filtration pipe, roughly five feet in
diameter, that hung overhead of the market. It wormed its way between
buildings and alleys until finally turning downwards to the street. Though it
seemed to disappear below the cobblestones, Zandus had long ago
memorized the secret runes that would allow him passage to the Exemplus.
He traced the arcane runes into the pipes surface with his Arcanetic
tendrils. Each one moved fluidly, gliding past each other until the inscription
was complete. The surface of the pipe shimmered. Zandus reached his fleshy
hand through the now intangible piping, feeling the raw mana pour over it.
The sensation was strange, hot and slightly uncomfortable, but it lasted only
a moment.
His vision went white, and the same rushing feeling his hand had felt
now washed over his entire body. The feeling came and went in a flash and
his vision returned to him as he found himself within the familiar Halls of
Inspiration. A rather dull interior greeted him, cold stone and brick made up
the room and the smell of smoke filled his nostrils. The inhabitants of the
room were a rather different story, workbenches full of people pouring over
blueprints and magical devices were scattered about. A few groups were
working on what looked to be large mobile constructs, Zandus recognized
them as the Arcanetic Peacekeepers that patrolled Wyshkitas streets.
A few other Arcaneticists waved or acknowledged him quickly as he
passed. Zandus doubted any of them knew exactly why he was there; he
didnt want to let anyone in on his meeting until he knew exactly what it was
about. The Halls of Intricacy connected him to the Doyens Corridors which
eventually led him to the Asylum, where all of the Artifica Exemplus most
important meetings took place.
The large, convoluted door sprang to life as Zandus approached. Gears
turned, levers were switched, and the thrum of magical energy made the
hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The door raised up just enough for
Zandus to fit through before closing itself once again. The Asylum, despite its
name, was a rather welcoming place. Lit by pyrelights and the only fireplace
in all of the Halls of Inspiration, a large ovular table was set up and three
figures were already waiting quietly.
Reveesh, a slender built Akos Ondo, sat just to the right of the other
end of the table. Her hands, one regular and one made of a golden metallic
substance, were gently clasped together. She gave a small, polite nod as
Zandus took his seat at the other end of the table.
To the tables left stood Marettnakal Onn Guer Depelgi. The slight
whirring of the servos and gears in the short Darakishis artificial legs were
the only sound that filled the room. Zandus marveled at his Arcanetic
prostheses, they were a marvel of engineering combining both form and
function to recreate the legs he had once lost in exquisite detail.
At the head of the table was who Zandus had come to speak with. The
Director himself, Yshk. It had taken to being called a he but truthfully, Yshk
was not a gendered being. What stood, or rather floated, at the head of the
table was a being that had no original physical form.
Your presence is a pleasure Zandus. Our conversing can commence,
the voice seemed to come from everywhere at once. Its sound was tranquil
yet powerful, as if thunder itself spoke into his ear.
The Director was an Aok-Naal. A race that even the most well-read
researchers only heard about in text. The Aok-Naal were creatures of pure
essence, they spawned with no solid physicality and instead chose their own
within their lifespan. The Director chose to gain physicality through
Arcanetics, grafting beautiful machinery around its luminescent essence
core. The Arcanetic plates hovered and shifted freely across the Directors
nucleus. Their translucent surfaces lit up brilliantly as the soft light from his
core shone through them, revealing the dense and intricate web of Arcanetic
wiring throughout them.
It feels good to be back, Zandus replied with a small nod to each of
the rooms inhabitants, Will the rest of the Doyen be joining us?
Hulgrah spoke of other pressing matters she is inundated with, the
Director said, his core shifting ever so slightly as the voice once again rang
out from all around.
We havent heard from Evard yet, you know how he gets when
someone distracts him. Marettnakal said turning and plopping down into his
own seat at the table. He watched Zandus from only one eye, the annoyance
easy to read on his face.
Lets get straight to it, Reveesh spoke up, we all have things to do,
Your contact has given you the information, the tranquil nature of the
Directors voice disappeared. The rooms temperature seemed to drop
slightly, Trouble has found its way to us, and we react accordingly.
The overclocker Zandus pocket still occasionally vibrated as the
remnants of the device Pelden had given him randomly gave another death
throe, So Im guessing we all suspect the Augmenters are the culprits
They are amassing power for some reason, Marettnakals face
betrayed his calm voice. His eyes shifted nervously about the room, Zandus
could tell he was putting on a brave face, Hesheda has almost completely
fallen into their control, the coup in Torvath sheds more blood every day, and
even Selvenita is not immune to their influence if what were hearing is
This position is undesirable, Yshks voice grew darker still, The
Augmenters work in obscurity and undermine the entirety of our progress.
Knowledge is scarce where it should not be, our informants are their skills
or resources deficient?
We dont know Director, all two hundred and twelve have reported
back to me but their information is useless, the frustration was clear as
Reveesh spoke, she normally took great pride in her information network,
Zandus, we need to know every detail you have about these devices and
about who might be able to create them.
Yes enlighten us, oh sagacious Zandus, Marettnakal began, not
even trying to hide the contempt that he felt for the Humota, Tell everyone
here how it couldnt possibly be your fault that the Augmenters are using
machinery of your creation to amass power. Zandus eye scanned the
Darakishi. He was irritated, restless, and clearly in the mood to blame
someone. The two of them had never seen eye to eye, and this was not the
first time he tried to make Zandus take the fall for some unrelated failure
Im sorry is that why Im here? Is this to be a trial? Zandus didnt
want to beat around the bush. He knew what Marettnakal was about to
attempt, I was under the impression that you summoned me for counsel
and understanding, not to accuse me of something.
Marettnakal has made it known that you are the only Arcaneticist in
recent memory to create such a device that can render null our
machinations, the Directors plates orbited his core faster as the tension in
the room grew, Prosecution was not our intent, but we see all outcomes
before us your possible betrayal of the Exemplus for personal gain is
simply one of many outcomes.
Despite his words, the Directors voice was in no way accusatory.
Zandus did not believe he truly thought betrayal had been committed, the
Director seemed to simply be acknowledging that it was one option.
Marettnakal made his opinion very clear as he scoffed at the Directors
Director Yshk is kinder than you deserve Zandus. You cannot pretend
there is no sense in my argument. Your initiation into the Artifica Exemplus
involved you using an invention, incredibly similar to the one we found, to
overload and disable an entire city blocks worth of arcane peacekeepers. Let
us not pretend like there is no basis for my assumption.
Marettnakal leaned over the table, all three eyes squinted and focused
on Zandus as he reeled from the unexpected inquisition. Reveesh remained
motionless, her eyes closed and her head bowed. The Directors plates had
halted, hovering in the air around his luminescent core.
I am barely here for half an hour and I am unjustly attacked this is
why these Halls never felt like home to me. I would never betray the
Exemplus trust-
You never had our trust to begin with!
Marettnakal, enough! Reveesh finally spoke, whipping her head up
and standing suddenly, Zandus is here to assist us. I am keeping all
possibilities in play, as is the Director, but this is not why we called him
Why did you call me here then? The anger boiling in Zandus chest
began to bubble over, I can explain every detail about this device to you if
you want, but that wont get us anywhere! The Augmenters gain more
influence every day, and this is what were wasting our time on?!
The others believed you would have insight into who could make such
a thing, who had the resources, where we could find them. Marettnakal
turned his back to the group as he spoke.
We hoped to establish a plan to contain the damage already done by
the Augmenters, Reveesh said, as well as prevent any more from
Weve been doing such a wonderful job of that, havent we? He
tossed the box with the deactivated device from his pocket onto the table.
Id say not a single second has been wasted since I arrived!
Your ridiculous wit utterly infuriates me Zandus
Believe me, your paranoia is a blast to listen to!
You both are acting like children!
Cease this noise immediately The Directors voice was not a yell,
but its finality caught everyone off guard. The room grew silent, the chill in
the room grew even colder as Yshk rose higher into the air. This prattling is
worthless and bothersome. All of your words have been recognized,
analyzed, and comprehended. They are not useful.
Behind Zandus, the sound of the door rising caught the attention of all
the rooms inhabitants. A large figure walked forward with purpose, staring
directly at Yshk, not even acknowledging anyone else in the Asylum. He
walked with purpose, his stride long and quick.
I could not agree more Yshk Im just as tired of these words as you
are. The Humota man stopped at the edge of the table and picked up the
box that Zandus had thrown down with an Arcanetic device attached to his
forearm like an armored gauntlet. The device seemed to move independently
of the arm it was attached to as its small tendrils lifted the box with delicate
Observing the man he had only seen a few times before, Zandus
noticed that he didnt quite look his age. The lines of his face were deep and
dark, especially around his eyes. The gray in his hair blended with his rather
pale complexion. His walk was the walk of someone full of confidence,
nothing about his posture or position betrayed the idea that he was not fully
in control.
Evard! Perhaps you can talk some sense into these two
Apologies Reveesh, the time for speaking has ended. No more noise,
just as the Director instructed. The strange arcane glove deftly opened the
box and removed the pieces of the overclocker from within.
You bring plans Evard? The Directors voice returned to a more
neutral tone, We seem to be in dire need of such things.
Oh I bring many plans, good Yshk. Ive already briefed Lady Hulgrah
on the details, Evards other arm reached into one of his belt pockets and
removed a piece of bluish metal. The man threw the piece onto the table
unceremoniously as he continued inspecting the overclocker.
Zandus recognized what he had thrown before it had even hit the
table. Hulgrah was the kindest member of the Doyen in his opinion. A grave
accident scarred the side of her face when she was younger and she created
an Arcanetic mask of sorts to cover up the markings.
The mask that hit the table could be no one elses. Zandus stomach
sank as he saw chunks of torn flesh still clinging to one side of the metal. The
entire Asylum grew still except for the sounds of Evards glove moving the
pieces of the overclocker. Waves of realization washed over all of them as
they each moved away from the table and the grisly remnant of their former
W-what have you done!? Marettnakal stuttered as he raised a mana
cloaked fist up to point at Evard.
How can- w-what did-, Reveesh stood in horror, hands covering her
What did you do?! Zandus said, following Marettnakals lead and
unleashing his tendrils from within their confines in his shoulder. All seven
tendrils fanned out and pointed towards the seemingly unfazed man. The
device on his arm finished its reassembly of the overclocker and once again
it looked as it did when Pelden first showed it Zandus.
I moved forward, Evards face held no indication that he cared about
the two men that were threatening him. His gauntlet moved the overclocker
back and forth allowing him to carefully inspect every part of it, I certainly
waited long enough.
Your mind is addled, the Director said, his form bristling in rage, you
forget your place and your deeds will be reprimanded. Your lunacy must be
contained. Light burst forth from Yshks core. The light struck his plating
and magnified, surging outward towards Evard. Zandus winced, he hoped the
Director would not reduce Evard to ash they had much questioning to put
him through.
When the beam of light ceased, Evard stood unharmed. He held the
overclocker out in front of him, the device glowing white hot and luminous.
The other Doyen were stunned and Zandus could feel the rooms air change
as the Director realized his attack had failed.
Hah! Thank you Yshk! Evards smile was hideously wide, his other fist
clenched and unclenched in anticipation. Zandus could see the muscles of
his face twitching and his pupils were incredibly wide, That was an excellent
demonstration Allow me to retort?
His hand twisted quickly, and Zandus body crumbled in agony.
The mana that sustained his Arcanetics flew into overdrive. He was
unable to control the influx of power and quickly fell to his knees as the side
of his head was wracked with unrelenting waves of pain. Raw mana seeped
and spurted out from his sorcerous eye and the tendrils attached to his
shoulder began to wildly flail about, unable to handle the excess energy.
All Zandus could hear was screaming, his own suffering mixed with
that of Reveesh and Marettnakals screams. When he could open his eyes
between the surges of pain he saw both of them also on the ground, crying
out. Their Arcanetic prosthetics also were malfunction in erratic ways.
Director Yshk, while not screaming, his form was growing unstable. The
plates around him stuttered and jerked back and forth under the cores
growing instability.
Zandus could make out Evards form making its way around the table
to the director. He walked slowly, with practiced poise. The overclocker still in
his gauntlet emitted a faint purple energy that seemed to roll off of its
surface like smoke gently rising off a fire. He made his way around the back
of the Director as he kept the overclocker between them.
This is what its all been for, my new little thrall. This is how the story
was always meant to unfold, the closer Evard held the overclocker to Yshks
core the more it shuddered and seem to come apart, But this is only the
beginning of a new chapter. Unfortunately, we need to put an end to the
previous one before we can move on. Yshk my pet, you see these
creatures writhing before you?
The room around them seemed to warp under the Directors distress.
Combined with the shocks still paralyzing his body, Zandus began losing grip
on what was really happening. The rooms walls and ceiling had melted
away, the forms of the Director and the Doyen were twisted and blurry. He
desperately tried to muscle through the knives in his skull in order to stand
up, to no avail.
I need you to erase them.
His vision turned to darkness. Screams became silence, and all the
world was pain.

It was a strange feeling, to wake up and feel utterly exhausted. As

Zandus consciousness returned, so too did the pounding in his head and the
aching in his shoulder. He very quickly remembered what had happened
previously and wondered if he had perhaps moved onto the next life. He
hoped not the headache told him that was probably not true.
Something was shaking him. He attempted to open his eyes but found
that his eyelids were extremely heavy at that moment. The shaking
continued, more frantic this time. He could hear muffled voices. Was Evard
still there? Did he wish to gloat before truly ending them? He felt a small
pinprick in his shoulder. He panicked for a moment, before the soft feeling of
healing magic flooded in through the tiny incision.
The weight of his eyelids lifted and with some effort he opened them.
His vision was not what he was used to, his Arcanetic eye had malfunctioned.
The Asylum around him seemed much duller than before, details were far
scarcer with only his regular eye working. A body hovered over his side, thin
and small. It breathed deeply and moved little, as though it was focusing
very intently on something.
As the restorative mana dispersed within his body, movement returned
to his limbs and his regular eye regained more of its normal sight
capabilities. The body next to him had not been in the Asylum previously. It
was Hulgrah, the only Doyen that was not in attendance earlier.
Her faceplate had obviously been removed by Evard, leaving the left
side of her face exposed to the open air. Deep pockmarks and burn scars
marred an otherwise lovely Humota face, where there was no damage the
skin was smooth and dark. However, every inch of it was covered in layers of
sweat and the already damaged part had fresh wounds near the jawline that
still slowly leaked blood. Miss Hulgrah seemed to have gone through much
turmoil to reach them.
Hulgrah what
Easy, easy. Were safe for now. Im glad youre okay, Zandus. Her
voice was a welcome break from the throbbing in his head. It was soft, but
The Director hewhere is he?
Gone. Along with Evard, the spineless coward. He never was good at
finishing his projects, She removed some sort of device from his shoulder,
he guessed whatever had been healing him, I believe Yshk attempted to
resist Evards control, I can only imagine that is why you three are still alive.
Using what little energy had been imparted to him, Zandus raised
himself off of the ground onto his elbows. The pounding in his head was still
present but the blurriness of his sight had faded allowing him to see
Marettnakal hunched in the corner, his hands clutching the sides of his head.
He spotted Reveesh still lying, unmoving, on the floor. Her chest was moving
slightly, enough to recognize she was still alive, but it was faint
She got the worst of it Hulgrah collapsed onto her back next to
Zandus, Shell be okay if we get her proper restoration; I just need a
Zandus saw Hulgrah was more injured than he thought. Blood-soaked
bandages covered her stomach and her arm was cake in dried blood and dirt.
Those, on top of the fresh wounds on her face, painted a grisly picture of
Evards betrayal.
W-what can we do? What are o-our options? The trembling voice of
Marettnakal caught both of their attentions, We cant just let him just let
him run away!
Save your breath Marett, its been hours since he left. I watched him
tear a path through the Halls almost half a day ago at this point. We need
to be able to think clearly.
That might take a while, Zandus said, raising a hand to rub the
temple near his currently failing eye, Believe me, I want to stop him just as
much as you do.
Im sorry The words were quick, as if Marettnakal simply spat them
out to get them out of his mouth. Over the pulsing in his temple, Zandus
could still hear him. He was taken aback by the sudden change of heart, I
was blinded, foolish. This is what I get for trusting
Hey! Relax Zandus was angry, but he had never been one to lose
his head over a seemingly unsolvable problem, None of us could have seen
this. There was no precedent. Even the Director was caught off guard.
I apologize as well. My automatic safety measures stabilized me after
Evard ambushed me, but I was still too weak to reach you in time.
The Asylum grew silent as each conscious inhabitant analyzed their
situation. They looked to one another, confirming without words that there
was work that needed to be done. Work that needed all of them to complete.
Well get Reveesh somewhere safe, Zandus said as he attempted to
pull himself into a sitting position, his shaky arms gave out from the effort
and caused him to slam back down to the floor, Well rest up and then well
plan. Evard wants a story? Hell have to write the words in his own blood.

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