English PPT 2017

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Section A

[10 marks]

Question 1
Questions 1 - 10 are based on the text . The first and the last lines are
correct .For the remaining lines, there is one grammatical error in each

Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning
of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in this text.

In 2001, Fernandes was the vice president for ASEAN 1.. at

on Warner Music South East Asia. One night, he saw a Easy 2. ___________
Jet television ad and got interested in the concept off low- 3. ___________
cost carriers. 4. ___________
He realised that is what he wanted to do. He call his 5.____________
wife and told her of his plan, and she couldnt stop laughing. 6. ____________
Fernandes sell his house and then rallied a couple of his 7.____________
buddy in the music industry to set up Tune Air Sdn. Bhd. The 8. ____________
Malaysian government, however, turn down the license 9. ____________
application. Fernandes quickly arranged an meeting with 10.
then Prime Minister Dr Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Dr Mahathir ___________
suggest that, instead of getting an license, Fernandes should 11.
buy the failing AirAsia, a heavily indebted subsidiary of an ___________
government-owned conglomerate. 12.
With youthful audacity he announced, I will buys ___________
AirAsia for one Malaysian ringgit! He got this reply: Yes,
you can buy it tomorrow.
Question 3
Read the leaflet below, and answer the questions


As students, you may sometimes face problems in school, be it with your

friends or with your schoolwork. Here are some groups of people that you
can turn to for help.


Parents are the people that are closest to you. So, when you face problems,
you should pour your hearts out to your parents. You should tell your parents
about what is troubling you. Your parents will be eager to help. They often
offer advice, provide support and show their understanding based on their
own experiences.


There are counsellors in every school. Counsellors are trained to help

students overcome their fears, anxieties and worries. They are qualified to
give professional help to students to deal with personal, social and even
problems related to schoolwork. Sometimes they offer students career
guidance. To do this, the counsellors help students identify their personalities
and attributes so that the students can choose the right career path.


There are many volunteers who work in these help centres. They are trained
to talk to troubled students through phone calls. Some students prefer to
talk about their problems to someone they do not see face-to-face. One help
centre that offers this service is Befrienders.


In school, there are peer facilitators who assist the counsellors. These peer
facilitators are selected by students themselves, and they are interested to
help other students. They are given training on how to be a good listener.
Some students find it easier to talk to someone of their age group. They
think that peers understand them better than adults especially when it
comes to issues such as peer pressure, schoolwork and the challenges of
being a teenager today.
Questions (a) (d): Based on the leaflet, state whether the following
statements are TRUE or FALSE. [4 marks]
(a) Parents often offer advice to their children based on their own
experiences. ( )
(b) School counsellors give professional help to students because they
have the right personalities and attributes. ( )
(c) School counsellors give students professional help, offer students
career guidance and suggest the right career for students. ( )
(d) Peer facilitators are better than adults because they are well- trained.
( )
Questions (e) (i): Read the leaflet carefully and answer the questions
(e) How do troubled students get in touch with the volunteers in help centres?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(f) Who are peer facilitators?

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the leaflet. [2 marks]
i) 'to tell someone everything that you are feeling' -> (
ii) 'influence from people of the same age group' -> (
(h) Why do some students prefer to seek help from volunteers in help centres?

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(i) Why do you think some students find it easier to talk about their problems to
peer facilitators?

__________________________________________________________________________ [1
(j) Your English teacher asks you to write an email to your friend Raju about ways
to find help if he has problems in school. In about 50 words, write an email to
your friend Raju.
In your email:
1) tell him about who can help him if he has problems in school and
2) where he can find them.
3) add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

To: ________________
From: _____________

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