Project Portfolio: by Braden Gyorko and Daniel Perez

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Project Portfolio

By Braden Gyorko and Daniel Perez

Table of contents
Project Management.1
Problem Statement and Statement of Proposal.2
Justification of the Problem3
Problem Proposal4
Design Specification5
Brainstorming and Preliminary Sketches.6
Decision Matrix.7
Product Improvement Documentation.8
Ethical Considerations and Consequences.9
Business Plan (partial) .10
Design Proposal.11
Prototype Planning and Documentation.12
Change Orders.13
Prototype Images.14
Project Management (Gantt chart)

Problem Statement and Statement of Purpose
- Original Problem Statement: Around the world, millions of people in foreign and
third world countries lack access to clean running water. We want to create a
product that can filter water in a safe, cheap, and efficient manner so that it may
be distributed to those in need of clean water.
- Original Statement of purpose: Provide third world countries with easy access to
clean water.
- New Problem Statement: The general public needs a safer, cheaper and, easier
way to purify and store rainwater in order to distribute it to themselves. To
achieve this goal, we intend on making a product that can efficiently, safely, and
effectively filter and store rainwater. It should also be able to easily be distributed
to places in need of clean water.
Justification of the Problem
This concept satisfies the customers needs by allowing people to have access to clean

water. Since the device is made with thick plastic it can be moved into a more efficient

position. This meets design specifications by providing an efficient way to get clean


Problem Proposal
The devices purpose is to capture rain or any water put in it. The device has a funnel
at the top to allow the water to flow into the middle. It will have a filter under the main
hole. This hole will be around 3in in diameter. Once the water is through the funnel it
will go through a filter under the main hole. After the water is filtered it will be kept in
a storage container near the bottom of the device. At the bottom of the device on the
outside there will be a faucet to allow the water to be distributed. The device will be
made out of thick plastic to allow movement to other locations for better efficiency.

Design Specifications
1. Who is the customer:
The target consumers are people who have trouble obtaining water in third world countries.
2. Importance:
Customer Needs- about 10% of people go day to day without clean water, most water in third world countries is
contaminated and unsafe to drink.
Performance- Rainfall, runoff, and other water placed into our device will be funneled down until it gets filtered out. The
clean water will be stored under the filter, which will be safe to drink and distribute.
Safety- The water needs to be clean and free of bacteria and microorganisms, in order to make it safe to drink
Ergonomics- the user must have no trouble filtering or storing the clean water, also the product needs to be able to work in
its environment.
Durability and maintenance- Should be able to take little to no damage from weathering. Also should have no major
Cost- should be very cheap but efficient enough to serve its purpose, Should be no more than $75.
Materials- Lightweight mesh r, Thick polymer plastic is the outer layer of our design.
Operating Environment- This has to function in wet and dry environment and be able to filter any temperature of water
Service Life- should serve its purpose without fail for long periods of time without malfunctioning or in need for repair.
Product Life- should be able to be stored and last for multiple years, and keep water contained where no bacteria or other
contaminants could come into contact with it.
Size and Weight- this device should be small and light enough for one person to transport it also containing the water
Global Environment- Should not harm environment around the device and plastic needs to be disposed of properly.
Design Specification Cont.
3. Constraints:
We have about three months to complete our project so it can be presented.
The service life of our product should exceed but not limited to one year.
Production cost should be less than $75.
The dimensions of the product need to be around 5 ft long and 3ft wide.
The product should weigh no more than 30 lbs excluding the water and no more than 60 with the water.
Product should be able to operate in a wide variety of weather conditions, such as high and low pressure environments as
well as hot and cold.
Product needs to be able to filter at least one gallon of water with each use.
4. Validation from end users:
We have already attempted to contact ACSH and CFSAN employees to receive validation for the constraints of our
product, however they havent contacted us back yet.

Brainstorming and Preliminary Sketches
First off we came up with five designs that solved the problem that we previously
stated. Then we narrowed it down to three which we then put into a decision matrix

Decision Matrix

Product Improvement Documentation
1. One component that should be further tested is our filtration system, this is what makes our product unique
because there are other similar devices but those devices don't solve the same problem. Our problem that we
want to solve is to make rainwater safer to drink and easily distributable. Additional testing should be pursued
to further our component. We decided to rethink our filtration system because what we saw from our earlier
testing. What we discovered is that our filtration system was overcomplicated and had too many problems.
Some testing will include flow rate through our newly designed filtration system, the process would be
different than our previous testing, because we are removing some parts and making additional changes. We
intend to change our testing procedures and testing criteria to better test our new filtration system.

2. Problems with our old filtration system is that it had too many complications and failed tests. Whenever we
tried to test flow rate the water overflowed and leaked into the bottom of the barrel. We redesigned our filter to
allow rainwater to freely flow through the top of the barrel which contains mesh and our activated carbon. The
activated carbon will filter out microorganisms and contaminants out of the water better than our last design.

Ethical Considerations and Consequences
- Here we conducted research and decided that the plastic that our barrel was made

out of would be difficult to dispose of, but we would dispose of it properly. The

product is small enough that nothing should be removed from nature to have our

product work.

Business Plan (partial)
If we were to market our prototype and sell it as a product that people could buy and

use, our target demographic would probably be people living in third world countries

who dont have access to clean water. For a small price, several barrels could be

distributed to villages or refugee camps in foreign nations in need of safe drinking


Design Proposal
Out of all the water on the earth only 1% is clean for human consumption. Most of these people who have these problems live in

third world countries, and they are struggling to survive. This is why we have decided to create an efficient self purifying water

device. Water filtration is a major necessity that should used more often because the earth is running out of clean water. Rainwater

filtration is one alternative that we can start applying in third world countries to help with the lack of clean water. Our device

could filter any out contaminants in the water that runs through it. Our device could also distribute the water more efficiently

than other devices such as the LifeStraw. This is one way that we could help with the clean water problem around the world. We

will use what we know from the engineering design process and out chemical and mechanical skills to guide us through the

process. We have also took it upon ourselves to contact several experts and companies to help us with development ideas and give

us some constructive criticism. We thank you for devoting some of your time to read our proposal.

Prototype Planning Documentation

Change Orders

Prototype Images

How fast does water flow through the filter and product?

How well does the product filter out contaminants from the water?

How much will the product weigh with and without water in it?

How long will the filter last in our product before needing to be replaced?

Looking back we should have kept a tighter schedule, also we should have worked

more diligently. We could have researched more during the early stages of our project

so we wouldn't run into as much problems later on. Time management should have be

more of a priority

During our final prototype presentation we got feedback from our instructor and two

our our classmates. They told us that our design was unique but did not solve the

problem we were trying to fix. They gave us suggestions to better our design and help

us get closer to solving our problem. Also during this time

American Council on Science and Health

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Pelican Water Tech Dept.



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