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Teacher 1 : Good morning, class

Students : Good morning, Mam

Teacher 1 : How are you today?

Students : Im fine, Mam. Thank you. And you?

Teacher 1 : Oh Im pretty good.

Okay, before we start our lesson, better that we pray together. Galih, please lead
your friends to pray together.

Student 1 : Guys, before we begin this lesson, lets pray together. In the name of Allah

Teacher 1 : Thanks, Hmm.. Is there any student absence today?

Students 2 : No one, Mam.

Teacher 1 : Thats great. Im so happy to see u all again after the semester break. Is there anybody
know what kind of matter that will be discuss today?

Students 3 : No, Mam., No

Teacher 1 : okay lets we start our class today. In the last semester we have already known about
what kind of tissues in plant. If you can remember it, please one of you tell me and your
friends about what kinds of tissue that consist in plant. Raise your hand, please.

(Students rises her hand)

Yes. Tell us please, students.

Student 3 : There are 2 types of tissues in plants. The first is meristematic tissue. Meristematic
tissues are group of cells, which have the ability to divide to form new cells. These tissues are capable of
stretching, enlarging and differentiate into other types of tissues as they mature. There are 3 types of
meristematic tissues : Apical meristems, Lateral meristems, and Intercallary meristems. Meristematic
tissues give rise to permanent tissues. The second tissues is permanent tissues. This tissues, which are
derived from the meristematic tissues, are called as permanent tissues. They are the tissues, which have
lost their ability to divide as they have attained their mature form.
Teacher 1 : Good answer. After learning about the plant tissues, in this meeting, its time to us to
learn about what is growth and development and what kinds of factor that can affect the
growth and development in plant. Some of you, has anybody understood about this topic?

Students : Yeeeesss. Nooooo! Yes! No!

Teacher : okay before we start our lesson, I will show you about the learning objectives today.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to define the terms growth and development, the
differences between growth and development, and describe the factors affecting plant growth
and development.

Student : thats great .

Teacher 1 : Okay, pay attention and I will show you some pictures which related with this topic
that well be learnt today, and I hope after this all of you can mention the differences
between the pictures. Also, you can predict why the phenomenon occurs to the
picture. (teacher shows pictures to students).

Students : (pay attention to the pictures).

Teacher 1 : After you look at the pictures, what can you get from that pictures?

What are the differences between the pictures? Raise your hand please

(Student 4 rises her hand)

Okay indah please tell us.

Student 4 : There are some differences between the pictures. The first picture has the bigger and
the higher size. The second picture has the smaller size.

Teacher 1 :Thats great. Your answer is right. Letss go to the second picture. What is the
differences between the pictures?

(Student 4 rises her hand). Okay tika please tell us

Student 4 : the first picture the plant has so many flower and one fruit. In the other hand the
second picture just have leaves without the flower

Teacher1 : yeah good answer. So is there anybody know which picture that represent the
growth and which picture that represent the Development? Raise your hand please.
Student 3 : I think the first picture is represent the growth and the second picture represent the

Teacher : thats great answer. Students, have you ever try to sow a seed in your garden or in a
pot? If you sow a seed, after few days you would find a tiny seedling coming out from
the seed as you see in the picture, right? Have you ever know that?

Students : yes mam , yes. last holiday I have been sow vegetable seed with my mom in garden.

Teacher : wow , your holiday was so great aoda. To make it easy for you, lets check this video.

Student : (pay attention)

Teacher : students, If you sow a seed, as days pass, the seed will germinate and the tiny seedling
grows in size, the number of leaves increases, and later, it grows into a mature plant and
produces flowers and fruits. From this, you should know which phenomena that
represent the growth and development. To understand about that, you must know what
is the meaning of and the differences between the growth and development. What are
they? Lets check this out!

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