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Date: May 17th

Topic: What are you going to cook?

Learning Goals: By the end of the class, students will be able to use
vocabulary related to food.

Language Skills:

Reading: Students will read the text the trainee will provide them, they will also
read the exercises and their answers.

Speaking: Students will read aloud their answers and the text.

Writing: Students will produce words and complete the exercises.

Listening: Students will listen to the trainee while she speaks and to their

Language System:

Vocabulary: Students will learn new vocabulary related to food.

Grammar: Students will use the correct structures of grammar to express


Phonology: Student will use the right pronunciation for each word.

Target Sentences:

Im going to cook a stew.

Phonetic Script:

Source of material:
Sheet of paper



Lead-in (5): The trainee will ask the students if they ate something during the
break, she will tell them that she is very hungry and that she is planning to cook
some pasta. She will use the structure going to. (I didnt eat anything, Im very
hungry and Im going to cook some pasta when I get home.)

Learning for Today (15): The trainee will hand out a sheet of paper containing
a short dialogue. She will tell the students that they will listen to Katherine and
John, a young couple who is talking about the stew they are going to eat for
dinner. The trainee will turn on the audio and the students will have to listen to it
carefully twice, while they follow it in their papers. After listening, the trainee will
ask the students what the dialogue is about and what they think about it. After
their response, she will highlight the use of the expression be going to in the
dialogue, and she will remind them what it means. She will also ask them if they
could understand everything and she will explain what they didnt.


A: What are you going to cook tonight?

B: I think Im going to prepare a stew.
A: Great, I have some ingredients.
B: Do you have tomatoes?
A: Yes, I have. I also have garlic, onions, ginger, spring onions, potatoes, rice,
carrots, aubergine, parsley and some beef.
B: Oh! Great! It is going to be a delicious stew!

Systematization (10):

Exercise 1: The trainee will take out some flashcards containing food, some of
these will be on the list from the dialogue and some others wont. The trainee is
going to draw a cooking pot on the board and the students will have to put the
flashcards containing the ingredients for the stew in the pot, according to the
dialogue. Every time a student goes to the board to stick a flashcard, the trainee
will ask them the name of the ingredient theyre adding to the stew and they will
have to say it out loud.

Wednesday, May 17th

What are you going to cook?


Answer exercise 1:

Wednesday, May 17th

What are you going to cook?

Follow up (10): The trainee will give the students one exercise and five
minutes to do it while she monitors, after those five minutes, she will ask each
student to tell her one ingredient of the list they have written and she will write it
on the board, when every student has told her one ingredient, she will ask to the
class if they have written something that is not already on the board ("anything
else?") and she will write it down.

Exercise 3: Write down the ingredients you need to prepare empanadas.

Possible answers to exercise 3:

Beef, cheese, onions, garlic, parsley, tomato, egg, flour, oil.

If there is time left: Students will complete an exercise on the board.

Exercise 4: Match the words/items with the correct topic.

Peach Fruit
Cabbage Vegetables
Answers exercise 4:
Peach Fruit
Cabbage Vegetables

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