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CODEWEST API-S10 COURSE - APL.S71 REVIEW Copraloht 2it3- CODEWEST=D0 NOT COPY O8 OSTRIDUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION PRACTICE QUESTIONS SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 4. A sudden opi facture under stress (eval or pple) whara the material exible or no evidence of dct or plasic deformation is called coburn fractre temper embitioment @ glass ko falu. G bate rec. 2, Thnoeof he ste sted beow are suscep obits ature, Pik the one thats not. Carbon sts 300 seis of stainless sels Low aly ste (0 serie of eins stone 5. Thre factors when tical combined ted to cause brite facture. Which of th four factors sted bow doesnot belong? The material's facture toughness (resistant to crack ike flaws) slow, “The Sze, shape and stress concentration of fa tonds to lad ofa. The temperature is high encugh oinuce fale. ‘The smeunt of residual an applied sasses onthe faw i enough o cause fracture 4. tn on ae, eile actus urs onl at temperatures below the Charpy pact Temperature, the point at whch the toughnoss ofthe mara drops off sharply. aire renston clea! stable 5. What year dd the ASME Boler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Vl, Dison 1 begin to require toughness asa err for vessels operating at cold temperatures? 1987 1982 1995 1988 6, Bite facture can occur at ambient temperature dung a hyro-tost due to unusual loading and high toughness at the testing temperature, high Impact stresces and platy a the testing temperature, high ssses and low fougrness a the testing temperature, high stengh materl ana jmperatres below 100 degrees F. 24 ‘CoDEWEST APL-S10 COURSE — APL.S71 REVIEW ‘corrnlahra.aine COBEWEST DO NOT COPY OR OSIRIOUTE WIHUT PERIRSSION 17. How do you mitigate bite fracture of new equipment use ony 400 series stainless stools ‘Use on 200 soves saloss steels Use material special designed for low temperature operation per ASMIE BAPY Code, Use material designed fr nigh temperature operation per ASME BEPV Code, £8, Thermal faguis tho result of, caused by variations in temperature. Becictermme ie sressos ‘yelsressos bering stresses 9, What ype damages caused by thermal fatigue? Damage nthe form ef severo oxidation and sealing. Damage i inthe form of cracking anywhere a movement o expansion is constrained. Damage sh the form o ens separation of high sessed pat of equipment nage inte form c bending of pais that are highly sessed. 40. Wht materials are atfeced by thermal fatigue? carson sts All morals of constuction. Low aly steel 400 serie sinless sea, 11, Key factors affecting tema fatigue ae the magnitude ofthe andthe (eee eal temparatur; rate (speek of equpment 25; completly (reac of constuction) tess loading, size (roase, decease of loads) mperatre Swing; Hoqvency (number of eyes) 42. Thermal fague cracking has been a major problem depropanizer vessels. ke rum shel. ol feed water tanks. eats slorage crus. 43, Thea fatigue ie best rovened trough crc. seleion of materi oe linemen to minimize thermal stresses and hecmal ‘design and operation alowance of tavel “coprmiais 13 -CODeWET-00 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERHISSION 2 ‘CODEWEST API-510 COURSE — API-S71 REVIEW copvmiour aon CODEWEST-00 NOY COPY OR OSTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERIASSION 14, Since cracking is usually surface connected, eflecve methods of inspection ar wut and LT. Et and AE. MT and PT ALT, ET, and RT, 45, Accelerated mechenicalrenoval of surface matral as a result of relave movement between, oF Impact fom gots, ils, vapor or any combination thereo Is known as weathering erosion ‘tron. 16. A description of tha damage that oceurs when corosion cotbuites to erosion by removing protective seer etsles, er by exposing the metal surface fo Furter corrosion under the combined action of {tosion and oorosion eal surface weathering etosion-attion @abrason-vesr 17. Equipment thats exposd to moving Huis andlor cats are subject 0 erosion and eosion- ‘rosin, What unis oat fen damaged by gas borne catalyst patcles? Jossatng Unt Motar OF Uni Crude ad Vacuum Unk Fld Cateye Cracker 48, What ype of uni suers sever ersion-exosion dust exposure to naphenic acids in some crude al? \cataic Reformer Rezctor piping. ECCU Fractonaor ovahioad ines. Hydroprocessing restr event ping {Ghide and Vacuum unt piping and vessels. 49, Pts, grooves, gules, waves, rounded holes & valleys exhibiting a creconal pattern are abrasion and abrasion wear. rosion and ersion-caesion coprisait © 313 -CODEWEST-00 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERINSSION 2 ‘CoEWEST APL-510 COURSE - APIST1 REVIEW coprajanre 2a -cOpeWEST ~DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 20. Erosionceroslon is bast controlled by using__ anor ating the process environment toed carstly. sion irhibtors ar plates rar facing by weld oversys more coresionsesistantaioys 24, What ype of material offers Improved resistance tonapthenc cid coresion? gherehvome containing ays. Higher nicks eating alors, Higher mobedenum contig alloys Figher eotumbium contahing allys. 22, Insgeeton methods for detecting the extent of metal loss duo to erosion and erosion corosion aro: AE, MT and ET VF, UT, and RT. PT. ET, and AT TET, and WEMT 23, What type of on stream inspection method can detect the loss of efracter onan operating unit? Visual inspection inraed scan Utasonie scan. Eddy curent scan, 24. Whats the typical erosion corrosion rate in mpy of Monel imersedn a seawater fume with th Seawater traveling over tat fps? 02 mey 02 mpy b py 03 my 2, Whatlypes of materia ar affected by mechanical feiqus cracking? 100 and 400 sores staross steels ae affected. ‘Only catbon ste s feted . Al enginering alloys are affected, Mona a copper eantaning metas ae affected 26, Tree types of equipment wth mechanical oadng that ar affected by mechanical fatigue cracking To teed below. One of fe four toms sted below Is not core Pik the Ieorect tm, Rotating shafts on centrfugal pumps that have stress concentrations du okey ways ‘Small ameter piping tat brats because of adjacent equipment. Large, nea, cst steel ompressor cases, High rebeure drop contol valves or stam reducing stations tat have serious vibration probloms, coPvRiGhT © 201 CODEWEST D0 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERIISSION 4 ‘CCDEWEST APIS10 COURSE — APL.S71 REVIEW oprmioht ©2517 GODEWEST DO NOT COPY O8 DSTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERIRSSION 27. Aetigu falure exits hat type of appearance? ei rset tan mat yet eet ate fo crack og 3 (Slur exnbieaclan shell type of ngerpt that hs concenic lags called “beach marks" he fale exis away ype of tiger that is random i nature, far xbits a Yagped rough ype of fogerrnt that emanates from the failure pont 28, The best defense againtinechanical fatigue cracking is hich helps minimize tress {oncenttaton of components tat ae in cyte serve. 12 material selection (good desion he use ofthe tnnest mata vale (Oos90d operations 20, NDE techniques suchas, and _can bo usd to detec fatigue cracks at known fateas of stoxs concontaion, ET, AE LT PT, SW, AT, WEUT, RFEC RT, PAM, FR 30. Inwhat ype of environment would atmosphetc corosion be most severe? Merine envtonments an molt polluted indus envionment Dever environments, an old dy rural envionment : Areas exposed tothe ning Sun and prevaling winds torrent enveonmente ith avn expose o cd and snow, £31. What materials ae affected most by atmosphere coresion? Nickel 200, none, anaincoloy one, Ten, Durniskel alloy 301 Oe ‘and cast fon }arbon ste, ow alloy sels and copper allyed aluminum. 32. Ifa bare carbon see ine located next to a cooing tower wth mit rom the tower onthe ne, whet "Nout you expec happen Ihe pipes only protected by poorly coated aluminum paint? severe esta oxidation due to atmosphere conditions. The pst wl protect helne and no corresion wl eccur Mine atmoephere coreion could be expected. Nething il heppen. The cantons for eatrosion are not present 58, How many mis per year would you expecta carbon slee net lose expased toa marine frvironment? ge "| ‘copriici 2013 CODEWEST-D0 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERISSION Ps ‘CCDEWEST APLS10 COURSE — APL-ST1 REVIEW opens zo! CODEWEST ~D0NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION ‘34, Whats the atmospheric carrosion rate if earbon see is exposed in acy ral environment?

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