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‘CODEWEST API-510 COURSE - API 572 ee S.C gupta ene ‘They may bo used by anyone dosing odo so They may be used oly by API Cartied Inspectors, 2. Users of API RP 572 shouk!nolely exclusively onthe information contalne in. Thay should use goverment, ast stlestc, gue nes and insructons wh nsttons in RP 572 sound business, scent, enginestng & safely judgment in employing information in R872. india cout experiment & safety gelnes when employing testo In RP S72 Cartel bias, experimental &thearetea gules empl scons I RP B72 8. "Shall a8 used na standerd devotes: rule produced and develoged under AP standardization that is usualy flowed 2 recommendation Dat is aevised but nt required inorder lo match tha speceation maximum requirement cecer to obey the russ ofthe speciation, ‘.mininum requementn oder to conform to he specticaton. 4, Whats emphasized by RP 5721 Safe operation Fret eles inspection. ‘ Adherenes to OSHA regulations, Desecpons of pressure vessels 5. Wht done TEA st Toriconical Extemporaneous Municipal Agency oe ‘Turbulont Equipment Martane Allanes Transportation Expert Managing Agency Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, 6. The largest nazle or opening in pressure vessel I a NPS 24 inch manway. The owner ofthe pressure vessel wishes fo installa NPS 3D neh eanuay, Ths addon would be classed as a repair. ‘an aeration aerating ‘restucting 1owtsar: Thickness Monitoring Locatiows. 4 Erno ten Loco Corrosion Montorng Locators Corrosion Meaering Point, ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018-cODEWEST -0O NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERUISSION $ CODEWEST APL10 COURSE -APIS72 ‘coPraighr o a's -CoDeWEST -BONOT COPY Om ISTABUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 8. An imperfection whose se a ype exceeds the applicable acceptance clr caled: a dect En imperfection, shabnealty 98, An area define by acre having a diame | Inces is calod an examination pont 10. The minimum wal thickness pressure vessel neoded to hold design pressure atthe design temperatufe {2 determined using the rating coe formula called he minimum don hie. ‘maximum design hickness oe \preasiredosign ees rominal design cess. 1YApretoue esac esas owshtnd___or_ pes. teste, pata exer vca ier ra localized, vacuum 12. Which of ta items listed belo wouldnthe considered a pressure vessel. Towers reac Exchange x oon overs 18. Most pressure vessels are conscted with welded joints 2 riveted ints, ‘orge welded joints, bolted Joints "4, What method of vessel contusion is used somtimes for igh pressure, heavy-wall vessels such 2s hyroteaters or hydrocracker reactors? Ths method does nt prosuce a longitudinal seam i the oer, Muttayer construct, Welded consrucion, x< Hot forged construction, Riveted constuction ‘coPYRiGi © 203 -CODEWEST 0 NOT COPY OR DASTRSUTE WITHOUT PERIISSION 6 ‘CODEWEST API-510 COURSE - API 572. 15. Whats the most common material used to construct pressure vessels? *.Alumioum ‘Stainless sos Carbon stee, ‘Tania 18, What materials commonly used fr heat exchanger tubes and may be found in pbtochomical plant vessels? Copper and copper soy, “Tanum, ‘oy 400 17, What advantage does ated vessel shell have over a vessel shel thats made ofa sot materia? ‘The lined vosso shelisussaly easier to form into a cylinder, ‘The lined vessel shells Usball easier fo weld “The lned vessel shel is ustally more economical. ‘Th ind vessel heli ual easier f Inspect. 18, Nonmetali ners may be used to resist corosion and ereson or reduce fouling, They may also be sed to elt and tic te eprtieon th a of reser veel insulate and increase the temperature on the walls of a pressure vessel, 8 ‘Sn nd pms hier onsrotar one wal of fesse es Stott and it elves on ease ress vessel 19, The most commen nonmetal ning materials ae: U ‘Alloy 400, rcko, lead, copper, stainless steel, Mone, ee tainforcad coneret, refactor mater, epoxy coatings, dass, plat, ee 5300 series stainoss sles, #00 series stainless see, ncooy 800, ee. incon, aluminum, Huningzn aloy HX, Admialy brass, nickel aluminum bronzo, ets 20, Pressure vessels may be conducted fiom nonmetal materials. This nonmetal materials usualy FR, terra ste ZL RP’ filament restrained paige. FFRP, factred researched prosthesis RP, freed reserved plank 21. Wha term below best describes the folowing: baffles, trays, cyclones, pipe col, or catalyst bed supports? ‘Vessel intemal Process uma. Gude ol processors Treaters of gas al 7 CODEWEST APL-S10 COURSE - API572 ‘CoPrmioHT© att) -CoDeAEST -BO NOT COPY Of BITRIBUTE WITHOUT FER 22. What ype vessel probably has internal bracing? @ Large Sphiervids. Boprere x Amoaphate processing ners yorooche rece 23. What ype vessel probably has Intomalor external stifning ings onthe shel? ud Catalytic Cracker Receneratore ebutanzes, yarteater reactors. vacuum vessels 24, Wien pressure vesels ar used in refineries or petrochemical plans, they are used to — y onlin process ud, retard os or chemical heat fished hycrocarbon ids 25, Which Division of tha ASME BVC provides requirements applleabe ta the desig, fatrication, inspection, testing, and cetication of pressure vessols operating at ela iniral or extral pressures exe=eding 15 sl, Division 4 WA ‘sin 3 sion 2 ison 1 28, What Secton and Dison of tle ASME BPC do most U.S. Refineries use when they have a pressure vessel bu? ws Section Vl Diviion Seaton Vl Divison 3 Section I, Division 2 )Soction Vl, Dion 27. Th inspector shoud be fami with any regulations (ty, coun, parish, provincial, state, or national equations govering inspec and maintenance of preure vessels, What Is the acronym of he U.S, national etgantation fats mos often ced? atonal oard ae }OSHA. ‘TEMA 28, The basic reasons for inspection of preseur veseelo to detemine the ofthe vessels and to 4etermine the typo, at, and cases of damage mechanisms and associated deleTavaton, facade pearance Physical eonditon shape ‘COPYRIGHT © 218 -CODEWEST 00 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION ® CODEWEST APL.S10 COURSE - API 72 28. Th informaton gained fam ageneral inspection contributes tothe planning of fur inspection, repairs, replacement and yet ‘that may form the basis of arek-based Inspection (El) aesasement atistory a present condltion ammunition future underpinning 30, Ono ofthe primary reasons to conduct paride scheduled inspections I to dently defences that could result ina nl shutdown, process safely incident Toss of production fins by PSHA\ 51, Defelencis found in prassua vessels shoud bs ecktessed inmedkaely though sal ofthe below valuation repair ures inspection £22, Extemal inspections performed while equipment using nondestructive (NDE techniques may ‘veal portant information wihout equtng ent isin operation fut of eevee ISat conice temperature isiale 38, Data obtain fom extemal inspesons can contrbute overall plant etait by: ing the use of risk-based inapectons. ing the number offal inspections, ‘educing the number or durafon of unplanned shutdowns. keeping OSHA inspections tea minimum. 34, Regulatory requremenis ypiealy cover only those conatons that proce ficiency in process requirements Jatect satel and envronmaral concerns, creat correct oparation af th equipment. ‘make condone favorable forthe companies and unions 86. was developed fo provide and Industy standard forthe inspection of in-service pressure vase APLRP S72 ‘P1510, alc. ASME B&PV Cade ‘copra © 213 -cODEWEST -D0 NOT COPY OR DISTRUTE WATHOUT PERMISSION ° CODEWEST APL510 COURSE - API S72, 36, Factors te conser when an effet inspection plan is develope are isted below, One of the std items a not belong, Pick the norect fam, . shat ofthe equipmert . Known o anticipated degradation modes. ee Expected degraiatio ratesuscoptbily Remaning ie. 837. Active damage machanisms and rats of degradation wil vary markedly depending on the ‘Note: One of te em fated Selon isincorect. Pek the one that is wrong. process steam and its conlaminants or coredent eves, temperature of exposure ingestion ofcorosion ies, materials of constuction, 38. What API document provides deta guitare in evaluating degrada mechanisms? aorne sri jarinesre IAPLRD S73 4 APR S74 28, The peed between vossl inspections is narmay planned so that tlast_tha remain Mex t there sched specton oat ea threo cutee one garter ra | 40, The predetermined teqvency ct inspection shel allow fr_chanesinconesion rats where propio a any nantcpsted Kooun ~ Ifa vessels suspected of having localized corrosion what must be done to ensure ha his damage is dstected. Use risk-based inspection. vA inspect txger areas andor enpley mule inspection techniques. Consult OSH for the best course of action, Consuit AP 683, 4 42, When a changin the deteioraion rate occurs ors aniipated in a vessel, what should happen? ‘Tho vessel should be intemaly inspected thoroughly at fs next downtine. ‘The recommended inspection ntval shouldbe changed accordingly. 'APIT1 shoul be used to prec the next shutdown, Plant Management shouldbe consulled on what course of action should be taken, ‘CODEWEST APLS10 COURSE -APIS72 43, Won an ouneruser chooses to conduct an RBI assessment includes olay of ne eensonct pans nth ot ote sho, } ne ot te ssl pretest urn 2 tayo hr ant cargos fae robe reresng tenn ave be hry bn nant shown, 4, The requency with which a pressure vessel shouldbe inspected depends on eaveral factors, The mest Important actors are he sizeof ho vessol andthe Fequency of inspection, {temperature and pressure and th date ofthe next inspection. age of the vessel and the ante‘pato remaining useful io rte of detroraton and te coresponding remsining useful ie 46. The maximum intemal or exena inspection inlervals shoud be set in accordance vith /APL RP 572 and API 580 [API 510 or ether jursactoral requkremens, AP 510 and tna NSIC ‘OSHA and NAIC ‘They must be inspected at an interval established by APL SEO and 88. ‘They must be inspected one yea after they have been placed ih service. They shouldbe inspected a a reasonable tine fier being paved in savioe “Thay should be inspected ir accordance with intervals se by management 47. What ther factors may determine a length of un for vessels? 48, When should new vessels be Inspected after they have been placed inservice? vA ‘Assess ably of the vesse where toa plant or unt operations are curtailed. ‘Avail of foroas to condjct an eet and shor shutown Operational neces relate fo seasonal product requirements (Operational performance ted to ceanlness and nema ung. sntenance, panning and OSHA ‘management, corosion sped, procass and government agencies inspection, human recourses, planing and jurisletonsrequlements, process, mechanical inpecion andor mardates of 3 jurisdiction. e 48, The actual ime for inspection vil usualy be determined trough the elaboration of y 48, Why are cortain heat exchange'son a unit provide with spares? “They allow greater baat exchange ithe capac ofthe nts increase, -They alow inspection an oppetunay to inspect the exchangers without causing unit shutdown, They allow cleaning of ah exchanger without causing unt shutdown, They provide oppomtuntyformastonance to perform work & redices force requirement at shutdowns. " CODEWEST APLS10 COURSE APIS72. COPYRIGHT © ot -CODEWEST 00 NOT COPY OR DISTRBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 50, Recuoed exchange of heat fom exchangers or colers may indate decreased flow of ho protuct or he colng water ineraased How of the proctor the cooing water. heavy crasn deposits on oe sb tunes ver doein ofthe heat exchanger or cole. 4% 51. Safety recautons are criclfor intemal vessal inspection werk. This Is because of ne ease of acoess to down vessels imitod access and egress within confined spaces, the operators may start fv In an oocuped ne workers outside a vesss! may open or close valves that endanger inspectors. 52, Before an internal inspection ca vessel stats you obtain an entering petit and check he vessel externally ‘to make sue al tho requrements ofthe permit has been met. You then immediately enter tho vessel and begin your laspection inform all persons werking round the vessel that people wl be working inside the vessel contac the safety suporiscr ana have his person check the entenng permit ‘0 0 control house and estuss the entering pain he operato® ‘58, All workers inside a vessel sheild be informed when any werk wil be done on the exttior of the vessel ‘This is done to sesh ho yng eer tor tenet Neer en ea a a ements eters eta onryertunsthes MS ri a Serr srw ‘54, Breathing ar hose coupings shal be Incompatle wih coupings used fr uly gas systems. “his core: make sur at beating srs no used fr unning a bowers ae [prevent inadvertent cross crnestons of breathing at wih gases that shouldnt be inhaled. aver the use of breabing a for Cleaning areas by use of or lowing, stop personnal rom cantamnating nlogen gas supply ines with oxygen, 55. Which ofthe fllowing tools is not usually cared by aninepector buts usualy avaabe for use? VA Prtesing equipment Aashigh it gouge 58, Pressure vessels shoud be cleaned prior to inspection In some eates high ressure water basting or other methods ar used. These estracleanng methods are used when change of servic of he vessl is anticipated tess corrosion cracking or thr metallurgical foms of degradation ave suspected operations suspects a pobien and as requested thatthe Inspector look for causes, maintenance needs very clea areas fo make weld very reps, ‘2 ‘CODEWEST APL510 COURSE - P1572, Copvaicnre 21 CoOEWREST 80 NOT COPY OR DISYNBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 57. The inspector should develo and exarcies on the extent and kinds of inspection requite for each vessel jexteme care Sound judgment cureery opaion| ‘eatonable estimation '58, Careful sua inspection ofvssa is of paramount importance to: igo at pci io hres peer rer >< rte oe ty tobe ae Sse ancerache ea ein 9, An Inspector cametinspect he exterior ofa pressure vessel because ofthe insulation onthe vessel. The ‘vessel insulation appoars fo tain good cendion, There are no buges ar ndcatons of problems with the Insulatlon, The vessel shel has not been inspected for ten years and thar ae ndcations of ust at ome of {he CW locations. The ingastor shoul requir the removal ofa rslaton from the vessel and make a thorcugh nepection, Insist hata least the bottom thd of hs insuton be removed forthe vessel shel Inspection, cal for emoval of smal potions of tia insulation to lnves gat te Vaeel shell condition not require the removal of ny insulation for inspection purposes 60, Whats the primary tool used 3 inspectors to cbisn thickness measurements ofveselshels? Calpers Jur instruments Radiography Magnet x scanning ot. The ngewe Sony bei at bao iss meson eats on esa So sr tts een now an ta eb tag mest tron ear / resus fom preveusinepacions and the consequences of oss containment svete it would be mare ficient fo take more readings atthe nat inspection ox do Know. the manpower required t eke the readings and tho best na to take the realngs. 62, The bts of vessel wal loss, de to corrosion and other detroraon mechanisms, that may be tolerated ‘must be known. The we mostimportnt factors ofthis problem re the typeof deterioration and tne source ofthe cormosion, ‘he locaton of the deteroraton on the vessel and the chenical in the vessels contents on he metalurgy of th vessal andthe chemieal contents ofthe charga tothe vessel, tn retng theknoss of tho vessel and he rato of deterioration, 68. When corrosion or eosin i causing deterioration, the rate of metal los can usualy be obtained by ‘comparing consecuhe inspecton records. Data and graphs showing this infrmaton shoul be kepk: vith he vessel recon, in th inspectors dosk with ho enginea's records, we In unt records COPYRIGHT © 2013 ODEWEST-00 NOT COPY OROISTIRLTE WITHOUT PERIASSION 8 ‘CODEWEST APL-S10 COURSE - API 572 ‘coprnicitr © 2012-COOREST-00 NOT COPY OR DISTUTE WATOUT PERMSION 84, In some cases, the excess thikness of vessel shellor head ie used by the designer for nozzle Feinfreement. This may affect he: i inn te een sar cent Uy ae eerltet Sete oa 85, Whats the prime factor ffectng setng the retiring thickness ofa vassal? / [sary Etciency of operations. Longth of vessel dum tn. Avalablty of a replace partor vessel (66, The extemal inspection ofa pressure vessel should stat with inspection of vessel foundations and vessa anchor bls. les, stakways, platforms or allways connected or bearing onthe vessel vessel nazis and connecting Ping, Protective coatings, nslatien, and insulation acketing, 67. Why do you check depressions.on platform plates? The depression may be atioing hazard, The bos holding the platform late may have been overloaded because of weight Water may colletin deprossons and can acoalrae corrasion, A depression ina flor pate maybe sesheticaly acceptable, 168, Wnere would you expecto find reves corosion dung platform inspection? round heads of bolts and rts, at connections of sta treads, and at ladder supports Jt tne center pont ofa ladde rung, mira of walkways, and safety chains at adder access openings. Any locaton on the platform support boams and a the canter ofthe wala plates Around ran oles in waewey plates al onthe midpcints of platform sat toe ral 68, The condton of most adders, ladder parts, pars and walkways canbe determined by. i Hanmer isting. ice rushing. Caliperng 70. Grades for horizontal vessel area location fr moisture to eallac and corrosion tobe excessive. What can be done to prevent his cowosion? thing, Seal weld to crac to the vessel Inspect equenty ‘lth opening between the cade and vessel thoroughly. ‘COPYRIGHT 2019. CODEWEST-CO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 4 ‘CODEWEST APL-S10 COURSE - API S72 71. When settement ofa vessel hundation occurs (even itis uniform), what shouldbe checked fst? the tent solo decd ecg Fe geet cela hy es oct A re ane cls aa be bere tte el ee ere 172. fa vessel anchor bot is suspected of being thin wher incase in concrete (below the nut), what methods) may be used to determine the bats tvnning? Vetta mrt J 73, What sone ofthe best methas of protecting steel etuctures fom corrosion? ‘Coat with a mastic compourd, vA }2R Painting, Pairing, Gabvaniting 74, horizontal vess! that has a fred support wth anchor bots on one end anda eating suppor (ona side Plat) on the oer is usually desired for unequal weights of the vase end, ve ‘easier inspection, quick removal thermal expansion. 76, An inspectors checking a vted joint ona vessel. The inspector suspects rvet shank oorosion. What ‘method{s) would he select? PT testing or EF testing, MT testing or Visual testing AE testing or Leak testing Hammer osting or spot ralographe at an angle, 176, An inspectors asked to test thefullengh ofa guy wie to @ units flare, What method should he use? VF inspecton. RT inspection Aur inepecton AE inspection 77, fan inspector has questions about ho fenson in a guy Wire toa stucture, what should he do? A structural engineer shouldbe coneutod. /Awite rope handsook shoul 9 conse, & representative from the goverment Jrsccton shoud be consulted, ‘A petroleum enginesr should be conse, ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018. cODEWEST-DONOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERRISSION| ‘8 ‘CODEWEST API-S10 COURSE - API 72, ‘copra © 20s. CODEWEST-BONOT COPY OR DISTREUTE WITHOUT PERIASSION 78, What part of guy we assombly may be subjected o crevice corasion? tetrad pa othe imbues reece >< each ton te ge S a Sel a ae, 78, An inspector checks a guy wis rope cps. Whore would you lok forthe numb of lp requed? Ask the maintenance foreman on the Job. ack the operations engines. Look up na wire rope caalog or in an engineering handbook. Look up inthe records oferiginal instalation. 80, Catalytic retormers operating a temperatures mare than S00F may experience creep embrttement damage. How woul you chedk fr ths damage? Many refers use visalnspecton to detect his damage. sti emisiontetng has proved successul in detacting this damage, picaon sa useful technique in detecting tis damage Thulomated ulrasoni testirg has bon used ta detect his damage, 81, Some of te things that can damage nozzle connections ona vessel are lise below. Which one does not belong? hyerotesting vessel settement tres Interml explosions £82. grounding connocion on avassel shold have recommended resistance of ___ofms or {oss ana th restaneolenotb exceed obma. 25,50 0,28 a 5. 25 ‘8 88. Some aulary equpment on a vessel sisted below. Pik the tm that does net belong gauge connections sight gasses satey vaves 4, Which of he foling intake eston of conan fr aha exchngur? Where clssniar metals aren cose contact a ‘On the extemal surface of hs ena on the ouside surface of tutes midway between bates Jon the ottayns of sels a contact with nencorosivedeposts CCoPYAIGKT © 2919 CODEWEST 00 NOT COPY OR EISTAIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 6 ‘CODEWEST API-S10 COURSE - API 572 85. Inspection fr CUI should be considered fr extemal insulated carbon steal and ow alloy ste! vessels subject io moisture gross and which operate between ages Fan sarees F 10,360 ZZ 440,400 32.212 200, 600 88, Extemal meta surfaces of vossols may be inspected visually pcking, raping and ited hammering io locale contaded areas, Whal should an inspoctor be extremely care about? Extreme care should be used on mothballed equipment containing protective substances, id xtreme care shouldbe use on opefating eaulpment containing harmful substances, Extreme cafe should be used ten pking atnazzies on down equipment Extreme car shouldbe used when an inspector dos not have at operator wth him fortis type job 87, Under normal condlons (witnne major cortosion) how many UT thickness readings does API 572 say is equred for cynical vessels shall rings? eiont £88, Crain types of corosion may b found on extemal surfaces of a many carbon steel or lw alloy welled Pressure vessels. Three types.are sted below Plck th one yp of erosion tat normaly wil het be found bn tho exterior ofa veese coophaye caronion v. s0 corrosion nyaogen blistering staph corsion £88, In welded vessel, cracks mastcommony found ___,inweld seams, and at bracket and support lug wel, nse the vessel, atnezae cations ot manvay gasket faces at ck to veseal Weide 80.11 carbon steel vessl i oprding inthe temperature range of _‘F to_°F, duo to faiure of intemal insulation orf the oparaing temperate has beon lath Sed ange, en consteration of cking boat samples or using fepeaten should be considered, This shoul va for creep or stess rupture damage, 5008 to east 260° to SOO" 200% to 200" 0 vo 000% ‘COPYRIGHT © 2049 -cODEWEST -DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION v CODEWEST APL510 COURSE -APIS72 51, What ype materials patculy susceptible to poythionicsrees coroslon cracking (PSCC) and stress cones racking? : earbonstea! austenitic stares steels copper and copper alloys ickel base aloys 625 and625 82, The degree of surface preparation for an intemal inspection ofa pressure vessel il vary wth several factors. Foremost among these are he 230 of vessel ety and tho cost of preparation, avaiebily of uipment are cost of he equipment ype of deterioration expected and ncaion ofthe detorioraton, time required to complete the inspecton na the manpower avalabe 21 Ina sno genoa rca wa then eect onal prey bo (eee Serna ka jon te epi ob vse. A ra sons Istall equipment required make an inspocton ofthe vessel consult wih maintenance and estabish ine dat the vseel wl be reay for inspection 84, Information onthe type of corsion and unevennoss of corasion (units, vessels, location, appearance, etc) ‘ound inainery eatipment canbe found ‘APL Standard $10 APIRPSIO APIRP S71 APIRP STS 25, What typo of corceion would you oxpoat olin the upper she a op hea of ractonatn an dstiltion towers? sulfide conosion chloride aac palthionc se ootrosion €arburzaon comes 98, Why does cortosion or cracks eften occur or accelerate near Welds? The wel area Is songer thet the parent metal whlch increacescorosion ofthe parent metal [The welds or HAZ are harder than the sureuncing areas and thus corodo 0” eack saser [There has been weakening of he metal in these areas [There have been metalurgiel changes caused by te heat of wetng 97, What tay happen i dssmiar tas ar ncose contact? ‘The less noba ofthe two mari wil orode An electe cll il be formedand the most noble of tha materials wil corrode The more noble of tie mater wl protect the less noble om corrosion "Nathing wit happen, {OPYRUGHT © 2013 CODEWEST 00 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERISSION 8 ‘CODEWEST APL.S10 COURSE - API 572 ‘CoPrRioh © 011. cODEWIEST-00 NOT COPY OR DISTRGUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 98, Shells of vessels adjacent to het impingement plats ae subject to carburization eid attack racking 99. Inepectos, ofthe vessel, ntl, and each nozele fo assess findings. should empathize each par shou uncestané tha uncon should appreciate tha impostance should comprehend the vals 100. When aninspector checks the depth of pits he usual ses = ot gouge plumb gauge Hubler gauge hook gauge 101, A careful inspection using ws means should be made when cracks ae suspected, What tol) willbe sexsi eee acta 4 8 strong light and a maging gaze lesnsing of tho area and many rage a source of water and leaning rage 102. creck are found using visual mesns, what mean() should ba used to further explo the extent of ‘racking scraping an picking he aree coustc emission testing oe PT, NT, angle beam UT, WELPT Vi leak isting, AE 103. If crooks in a deserator are being checked, whats the recommended method to use? Ae arr wemer ur 104, laminations suspected (rate than crack) but net open enough for a feeer tobe inserted to checks Jo, heating the lamination to epproximataly witha torch wil cause the edge of tio amassten ‘ward 300% 00°F 50°F !200"F == ‘COPYRIGHT 2012. CODEWEST-0O NOT COPY OR DISTIBUTE WITHOUT PERAISION 0 ‘CODEWEST APLS10 COURSE - API 72, ‘coPrnici © 218 -CODEWEST: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERISION 105, What other methods) may be used to tace a lamination? Manual and seaming UT Wear Acoustc Emission Ey Current Testing 108, Erosion ls characterized by ee Shocpheay annette 7 Set Eecouicrencty 107. Blisters on vessel shal are nost easly fund by: Pr ur vr ur 108. outofroundness occurs at ntsvas throughout the length ofa vase, measurements shouldbe taken st Intervals and compared wth studies rom operations manuals ns criginal shel dimansionsor measurements Information obtained atthe st nepectons. npecton data fom tke or smlar equipment 109, The supports for ways, bafles,serens, grid, piping, intemal stifeners, and other intemal equipmentin ‘vessels shouldbe examined forlssof metal by corrosion I Were appears o be meal fos, messiements should be takon. The measurements may be made with see! tpes, straightedge, ant plumb bob hammer testing, AE testing of VF testing renstror direct eacing capers, micrometers, or UT intuments. magnifying las, hook gauge ube gauge or pointed sraper 110, The promaneo some vessel tye epndet on th sunt sto. The anauntf stags oops a pacha rons esl 2 Seoatone maintenance inspection 41. Ileal ng in veesl may bo chocked uc oot condition by: iva nspecon and testing. femmer eng sts omleion testing, oak testing, ‘COPYRIGHT © 218. cODEWEST DO NOT COPY OR DISTIAUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 20 CODEWEST APLs10 COURSE -APIS72. COPYRIGHT © 201. CODEWEST-DONOT COPY OR DISTRRUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 112, Vessel nozztes shouldbe caeuly inspected. What ype important vessel nozzte may have unacceplable ‘amounts of deposits? Pressure reo safety vave nozzles. oe Charge it aes. ret tet noses atic ocd 119; Heavy wall ydroprocessing reactors operate a high pressure and have special inspection requirements Usual, these vessels ae cotuctd fam C-0.5 ho, 1.25 Cr0.8 Ma, 2.25 Gr ho steels. Experience has identified several areas ofconcem ith spect crack damage, Several are fisted below Ono ofthe lame isincocect Pek the incarect te, ‘manway cover pate and patform attachment igs Internal component atachment welds, main weld seams gasket grooves (rng ont fenges) nozzle attachment wads 116, Vessel nozzles, when aocessble, shoul be inspected tena for corosion, cracking and aistorton, eorect se, ea Proper insta, plumbness 118. The primary purpose ofa vesstsinernal metalic ning Isto protect it rom: 4 corrosion or erosion. heat or chemical rection thermic reaction or expasion. ‘endothermic reacon of contacton 118. Thera ar vain kinds of oem ning used fo ifamal linings of vessel. They are gs, plea, ‘rubber, ceramis, concrete, and earn block or brik inings. These materiale are used most offen for Insulation and fre protection, ‘corrosion and erosion resistance, ase erosion resistance, Corosion resistance, ‘17. When operating depos, suct as coke, are present inside a large vessel hoy may have corrosion ‘beneath the deposit, This may require: removal of coke completly fom the vessel and thorough inaction ofthe vessel removal of coke in selected cial areas anda thorough inspection of those areas, hammer tasting of the coke e make sue that has not cebonded fom the vessel ‘seaflod ofthe exterior ofthe yossel fora thoraugh UT scan forconsion 118. Portable hardness testers can be used to detect fauly heat treating, carburization, iting, ‘carburization, and eter processes that cause thinning in metal high tompersture, changes in haraness, faulty processes, ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 -C2DEWEST-DO NOT COPY OX EISTRIBLTE WITHOUT PERSSON Fr ‘CODEWEST APL-510 COURSE - API 672 119, When hammer testing, the proper striking fore to be used for various jobs Is sted in Figure 25 of ATRLRP 572, valle in ASNT SNT-TC-1A ‘240 8.z hammer delving 14 foot bo 172 foot b bow learned only tough expeience 120, Hammer testing used to find thinning of metal termine aprovimaietheknass que. Supplement veual nspecton, instead of wsual inspection *124. Ha lrge vessos supporting structure cannot suppot the vessel filed wth water or a hydrotes, then ‘an extansive visual test may have to sue no test may havo tobe made, = pneumate tst may be censidere, 2 fine element analysis may be made in feu ofa hydrotest 122, Consieraton shoul be gan othe temperature at which tetng of a pressure vessel is done, Many of the common steels used in vessel fabrication ex severe reduction in mpocttesstance at oir femperaures. API 510 recommends tha vessels consinicted ith hese sles be tested at torperatuos notless than above tha UDMT fr vesse's plat more than 2 inches thick and nt les ban sor vessel's plato Te55 than inches thick, soe 08 ‘ 109%, oF 128, On ofthe primary ecusesofs press nest epecton salty OSHA's requirement, establishment ofa pressure vessol's abit o safely continue operons. ydrotst the vessel ‘estabishment ofa pressure vessel abil to prtrm i required function 124 What an be done with a rest vossa of sold sito, bu does not et the constuction coe eee forth presi and formar of curd ang Deating or fn for sane shoul be conser UA ‘The vestel mst be removed fom sone peranendy The vessel mosthave ipa cho, how) res } Sole votsl or srap anya aw vessl 125. Vessel ‘measurements are uselto confi thinning rates of lack of thining when possile. thickness height weg operation ‘COPYRIGHT © 213 -coDEWEST D0 NOT COPY OR DSTROUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 2 CODEWEST APLS10 COURSE - API 572 ‘CoPraloKTw 2013. CODEWEST-0O NOT COPY OR DISTSUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 126, Once a vessel's condtion fas bean iantfed as scent, the shouldbe evaluated o ensure tho vescel can safely confine operation atleast ull tna net scheaUed spec, iovrecteode jype tert to use maining fe operations 127, The corect codes and standards undor which a vessels tobe rated shouldbe stused to assure thatthe ‘method of repairs wil not vote appropiate requirements, This should be done: ater any repairs are madato a vessel before any repars aro mace ta a vessel store any tosis ae applied tothe vesoe tore a Vessel eperation rapert is submited, operations authorizes and rquies one, tne authorized pressure vessel inspector belloves that one Is necessary. 128, Aer a repair to a vessel hasbeen completed, pressure test should “—/ maintenance authorizes oe. the job planner has sched one, 129. Inspection records are quite by API 510, NB-23 and jurisdictons. These records form the basis ofa Scheduled maintenance program, and are very important A complete racord fils shoul oatan tres pes of information: piping and vessel data, inspaclo notes, end inspection tne, uA ‘vessel data piping data, heater data, basic dea, ld notes, data fat accumulates i the cmtnuous is (progressive records per APIG10 es a oe 130 copes opts eonening ate shou be seo apopieanagener ups whieh wut a ea enna, oeaing and nahtnare dopant 7 sec cr ta eps process, cfely, and operating daperiments chemical, heath an safely and engineering departments ‘COPYRIGHT © 203 -CODEWEST-D0 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT FERIASSION 2 ‘CODEWEST APL-S10 COURSE - API S72 ‘corraucnr © 218 CODEWEST-DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WiTHOUT PERMISSION ANSWER KEY = wae 5 sd 934 ‘ ob gat 2 @ c 942 3 sb Bas 6 oo 943 b 5 boas a 8d aa3 e arte) ° 8d 943 6 sb 84a 6 10. 844s : tL b saan e fo2 ¢ 9442 ° 102 © aaa 5 104d 9aaa ° 105 2 8aa2 a 108. 6 94a3 6 10. 6 ona a 108 b 944s a 10. 6 oaas a 10 a 9452 é ib 9453 5 12 a 9454 6 M3 2. 9655 4 M4 2 946 e 15 8 087 ° 116 4 948 ° Wb 040 6 Me e968 a 10 dona a m0 6 874 e woe 872 6 moa 972 b mb tod a moe IAs e m5 a 103 . me 6 ins ° wb 105 é mb in544 5 moe in 6 wo. 812 ‘ ‘CoPYmIGHTb 2013 -coDEWEST-00 NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PERMISSION 24

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