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MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017 / SHAABAN 19, 1438 AH emergency number 112 NO. 16467 44 PAGES 150 FILS


Manhunt on for ransomware hackers
Threat rising, says Europol
LONDON, May 14,
(Agencies): Interna-
tional investigators
hunted Saturday for
those behind an un-
precedented cyber-
attack that affected
systems in dozens of
countries, including at
banks, hospitals and
government agencies,
as security experts
sought to contain the
fallout. Network cables are seen go-
ing into a server in an ofce
The assault, which began building in Washington, DC
Friday and was being de- on May 13. International in-
scribed as the biggest-ever vestigators hunted on May 13
cyber ransom attack, struck for those behind an unprec-
state agencies and major edented cyber-attack that af-
fected systems in dozens of
companies around the world countries, including at banks,
-- from Russian banks and hospitals and government
British hospitals to FedEx and agencies, as security experts
European car factories. sought to contain the fallout.
The recent attack is at an (AFP)
unprecedented level and will screens demanding payment
require a complex international of $300 (275 euros) in Bitcoin,
investigation to identify the saying: Ooops, your les have
culprits, said Europol, Eu- been encrypted!
ropes police agency. Payment is demanded within
Europol said a special task three days or the price is dou-
Dhows participate in the al-Gaffal traditional long-distance dhow sailing race near the island of Sir Abu Nuayr towards Dubai on May 14. Over a hundred traditional force at its European Cyber- bled, and if none is received
dhow racing boats are taking part in al-Gaffal race from Sir Abu Nuayr Island to Dubai. (AFP) See Page 9 crime Centre was specially within seven days the les will
designed to assist in such in- be deleted, according to the
vestigations and will play an
screen message.
Opinion Ramadan on May 27 important role in supporting the
investigation. But experts and government
The attacks used ransom- alike warn against ceding to the
KUWAIT CITY, May 14, (KUNA): The lunar ware that apparently exploited hackers demands.

Suicidal revolutions of Arabs month of Ramadan will begin on Saturday,

May 27, Meteorologist Adel Al-Saadoun told
KUNA Sunday.
The lunar calendar is the reference Muslims
a security aw in Microsoft
operating systems, locking us-
ers les unless they pay the at-
tackers a designated sum in the
Paying the ransom does
not guarantee the encrypted
les will be released, the US
Department of Homeland Se-
use for marking religious occasions and virtual currency Bitcoin. curitys computer emergency
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Amir congratulates Macron Continued on Page 37 Images appeared on victims Continued on Page 37

REVOLUTION to the last

cent, Soul and destruction of KUWAIT CITY, May 14,
the last house these words (Agencies): His Highness the
could sum up todays situation Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad
in the Arab world following the Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Sunday
complete destruction of coun- sent a congratulatory cable to
tries that fell in the trap of the newly-elected French President
so-called Arab Spring when Emmanuel Macron on his inau-
political forces were taken over guration.
by zeal that led them to a point In the cable, His Highness
of suicide and blinded them from the Amir hailed rm and dis-
seeing the legacy of past revolu- tinguished relations between
tions in various Arab countries. Kuwait and France, saying he
What did Arabs benet from looks forward to promoting
that bloody Arab Spring? and bolstering bilateral ties in
The answer to this question various elds for the common
can be found in the statistics interest of both friendly coun-
on four countries Iraq, Libya, tries.
Syria and Yemen released by His Highness the Amir
French newly elected President Em- also wished the newly elected
several Arab and international manuel Macron (right), poses with his
research centers. French president best of luck
wife Brigitte Trogneux at the Elysee and wellbeing, and everlasting
According to these statistics, Presidential Palace after the hando-
the infrastructural losses in these ver and prior to the inauguration cer- development and prosperity
four countries have reached $900 emony on May 14, in Paris. (AFP) in France as well as a further
billion. More then 14 million cit- development of bilateral rela-
izens of these countries became tions.
refugees and were displaced out- His Highness the Crown
side their countries. It resulted in Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ah-
eight million migrants, 1.5 mil- mad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and
lion cases of deaths and injuries His Highness the Prime Min-
and unemployment of 30 million ister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-
citizens. Hamad Al-Sabah sent the new-
As per the United Nations, the ly elected French president two
annual loss of the Arab GDP is $ cables of similar sentiments.
640 billion, which is about $ 3.2 Macron became president of
France on Sunday in a solemn
trillion for six years.
Elysee Palace ceremony and
Continued on Page 37 vowed to work to heal divisions
Email: in society a nod to the bitter
Follow me on: Special Report campaign he fought to defeat
the leader of the far right.
Photo shows Ali Al Hassan. Formed in His inauguration marked a
the summer of 2015 by Ali, Haitham, rst for the worlds fth largest Mahmoud and Hassan, Al Hassan economy and founding mem-
Brothers band and their music is in- ber of the European Union, in-
spired by a variety of musical back- stalling a 39-year-old newcom-
grounds. The bands music combines
Latin guitar and Rumba Flamenco er unknown to the wider public
US$/KD 0.30465/75 fused with Middle Eastern melodies, three years ago and outside any
creating a distinctive and contempo- traditional political grouping.
Euro/KD 0.3332 rary style. In this interview, Ali pro- The former investment
vides a glimpse of their journey. banker becomes the youngest
Yen/KD 0.0026 See Pages 19 & 20 post-war French leader and the
rst to be born after 1958 when
British /KD 0.3929 President Charles de Gaulle put
in place the countrys Fifth Re-
KSE -11.63 pts at closing May 14 Newswatch public.
See Page 35 In his rst word in ofce,
he addressed himself to the
Dow -21.50 pts at closing May 12 KUWAIT CITY: His Highness the
fraught and ercely contested
election campaign in which he
Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-
overcame the National Fronts
Nasdaq +5.27 pts at closing May 12 Jaber Al-Sabah sent Wednesday
a cable of condolences to Sudanese Marine Le Pen but which was a
President Omar Al-Bashir over the disappointment for almost half
of Frances 47 million voters.
FTSE +48.76 pts at closing May 12 martyrdom of ve Sudanese soldiers
and injury of several others as part of Many people feel dispos-
Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen. sessed by globalisation as man-
Nikkei -77.65 pts at closing May 12 In the cable, His Highness the
Amir prayed that Allah Almighty
ufacturing jobs move abroad
and as immigration and a fast-
would bestow mercy and forgiveness changing world blur their sense
Gold $1,231.25 per oz (London) upon the martyrs, and wished the
swift recovery of the wounded.
of a French identity.
Cables of similar sentiments were
The division and fractures
in our society must be over-
NYMEX crude 47.91 per barrel sent to the Sudanese president by His
come. I know that the French
Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh
expect much from me. Nothing
Brent crude $50.87 per barrel Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-
Sabah and His Highness the Prime will make me stop defending
3-month $ LIBOR rate 1.17956% Continued on Page 37 the higher interests of France
Continued on Page 37


Funds raised during events donated for various causes in India and Kuwait

Ex-Indian minister Khurshid releases Part 20 book on Achievers

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: The insisting on hard work and dis-
Indian FrontLiners (IFL), a cipline to make everyone suc-
non-profit organization which cessful in their lives. The seven
birthed in 1997 released Part mantras are the key success
20 book on Achievers at the factors, he said.
hands of former Indian minister The achievements of IFL
Salman Khurshid at The Cam- over the past 20 years were
bridge English School, Man- recognized by the chief guests
gaf. from India as a great service to
The funds mobilized during India.
such functions are donated for The service by Mathi for
various causes in India such as stopping the death sentence for
calamities, education for the 2 Indians with the involvement
poor, orphanages, hospitals and of the Indian Embassy was
also helping the workers in dis- well applauded by the guests of
tress in Kuwait. honor.
Prominent and dynamic In- Earlier, the President of IFL
dian personalities Salman welcomed the gathering and
Khurshid, former Indian cabi- thanked all the sponsors for
net minister on external affairs, their ongoing continuous sup-
India; D. Sivanandhan, former port for the event. He also ex-
director-general of police, Ma- tended warm greetings to Raja,
harashtra and the most popular Selladurai and to the entire or-
Rangaraj Pandey, Chief News ganizing team.
Editor, Thanthi TV made the The evening saw a variety of
evening a meaningful. Indian dances and songs which
Speaking to the gathering they instilled a sense of patriotism
emphasized on how the young- among the budding young
sters and their parents can help schoolchildren.
India a better place and thanked The national integration was
Kuwait for the opportunities well exhibited throughout the
given. four-hour event.
The event was a great suc- The guests were enthralled
cess as hundreds of people who with the show made by Jodi-
attended the function saw how 1 fame Mani and Fellina with
the organization has grown their flexible movements and
over the years, thanks to the Kavipriya Anandan gave a
selfless and untiring work by beautiful dance number.
writer N.C. Mohandoss who The excitement reached its
has been associated with Front- pinnacle when Rangaraj Pandey
liners since 1998. began his speech and Q&A ses-
TVS Group Chairman Hy- sions.
der Ali rightly put it saying IFL The crowd was uncontrollable
would not have achieved such with their variety of questions
a success without Mohandoss, and which was the limelight of
whose services to mankind are the event.
noteworthy. Indian FrontLiners (IFL), a
The former Indian minister non-profit social organization
Salman Khurshid (grandson of Photos from the IFL event held at The Cambridge English School, Mangaf has been in existence since
former president of India Zakir 1997 in Kuwait and has been
Hussain) urged the students and Thrilled to be a part of such an and transforms the young chil- harastra gave a presentation for life. helping the needy and the less
the youth to go beyond them- excellent community in Kuwait, dren. the young teenagers and par- He stressed on how the Inter- privileged people and has been
selves through hard work to he emphasized on the importance D. Sivanandhan, former di- ents with the hard facts gath- net and social media are taking participating in various volun-
make the country proud. of education because it elevates rector-general of police, Ma- ered from different walks of the life away from us. He was tary works.

Authority for partnership projects

invites SOQ for S. Jahra Labor City
Municipality to provide obstacle free project site
KUWAIT, May 14,
(KUNA): Kuwait Au-
thority for Partnership
Projects in collaboration
with Kuwait Municipal-
ity has invited local and
international compa-
nies/consortia and the
companies listed in the
Kuwait Stock Exchange
to submit Statements KUNA photo
of Qualication (SOQ) Kuwaiti doctor seen attending to a Syrian patient in Jordan.
for South Jahra Labor
City in accordance to Kuwaiti doctors treating refugees in Jordan
Law No. 116 of 2014 Re-
garding Public Private Al-Rahma International, an afliate of with the hospital management, is pre-
Kuwaits Social Reforms Society, has sent at the hospital for ve days per
Partnerships and its by- sent in a team of medical volunteers of week for treating the Syrian refugees.
laws (PPP Law). various specialties to treat Syrian refu- On the rst day of the mission which
KAPP stated in an an- gees in the Kingdom. has already begun, he said, up to 1,000
nouncement published in the Walid Al-Suwailem, the head of the ill refugees were admitted seeking the
ofcial gazette, on Sunday, charitys bureaus in Syria and Turkey Kuwaiti medical aid for free. In only two
and chief of the team, told KUNA on days, more than 50 surgeries were con-
that Kuwait Municipality Sunday that the association had sent ducted.
(KM) will be responsible for in the team of medical personnel in Saleh Al-Faqih, deputy chairman of
providing an obstacle free response to a request by the local Al- the hospital, said the team operates till
project site, as well as being Makased Hospital, which needed help late hours, praising devotion and sincer-
responsible for providing all due to its limited medical resources. ity of the Kuwaiti doctors and surgeons.
infrastructure connections up The team, upon an understanding (KUNA)
to the site boundaries includ-
ing water, electricity, sew-
age, and roads. Let them spend Ramadan with us drive
The project company will
handle all aspects of design, -
nance, build, operate, maintain
and eventually, the transfer of
Zakat House raises nearly $4m
the venture. KAPP also de-
clared that the project will be
procured based on a design, -
for release of Kuwaiti prisoners
nance, build, operate, maintain KUWAIT CITY, May 14, (KUNA): responding to emergencies and help-
and transfer model in accor- Zakat House has raised KD 1.205 mil- ing needy people around the globe, he
dance with the PPP Law. Thus lion (some $3.950) through the cam- pointed out.
,a public joint stock company
is to be established for the ven- paign it launched on Saturday night for Sheikh Mohammad commended the
ture (the Project Company) the release of Kuwaiti prisoners con- contributions of the private sector and
as KM will be the contracting victed on nancial charges. civil society institutions to such initia-
Public Entity with the Project The campaign let them spend Ra- tives that have great impacts on the so-
Company. madan with us was launched at Ku- ciety.
KAPP added, the term of wait TV in the pres- On his part, Al-Jabri said the new
the agreement with KM will ence of Minister of fundraising campaign translates into
be 40 years including a maxi- State for Cabinet action the instructions of the political
mum period of three years for
design, nance and construc- Affairs and Acting leadership for alleviating the nancial
tion of all infrastructure assets. Minister of Infor- burdens on the citizens.
The Project Company will mation Sheikh Mo- The strategy of the Ministry of
Photos from the event. be incorporated as a Public hammad Al-Abdul- Awqaf aims to involve the civil society
Joint Stock Company in which lah Al-Mubarak in all activities relating to the enhance-
the investor will hold at least Al-Sabah, Minister ment of family stability and social co-
Nursing essential part of healthcare 26 percent of the shares.
South Jahra Labor City
Project will consist of several
of Justice and Min-
ister of State for Mohammad
hesion, the minister pointed out.
Meanwhile, Dr Al-Azab reafrmed
KUWAIT CITY, May 14, profession. care sector. integrated components includ- National Assembly commitment of the Ministry of Justice
(KUNA): The nursing profes- On the two-day conference, he The Kuwaiti minister also ing residential areas, com- Affairs Dr Faleh Al-Azab, and Minis- to helping the campaign succeed in set-
sion represents a focal point of noted that it coincides with In- spoke of the Ministry of Healths mercial and neighborhood ter of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and tling the debts of convicts and ensure
services, community services, Minister of State for Municipal Affairs the release of the largest possible num-
the healthcare sector, Minister of ternational Nurses Day, where commitment to propel healthcare and municipal and utilities ser- Mohammad Al-Jabri. ber of them ahead of the holy month of
Health Dr Jamal Al-Harbi said participants from across the Gulf in the country to new heights. vices ,with a total land area of Speaking to reporters, Sheikh Mo- Ramadan.
on Sunday. region have assembled to exam- Meanwhile, Chairman of Ku- 1,015,000m2. KAPP indicated hammad said the Ministry of Informa- The campaign, organized in col-
Speaking to the press after ine strategies to further develop wait Nursing Association Bandar that the primary objectives of tion backs all humanitarian and philan- laboration with the Ministry of Justice,
the fourth International Nursing the profession. Al-Enezi said that the conference the Project are to improve the
living conditions and standards thropic initiatives in Kuwait. aims to release of deeply indebted pris-
Conference, organized by the Moreover, he encouraged na- also provides an opportunity for Tonights campaign, the second oners after revision of their respective
of low-income expatriates by
Kuwait Nursing Association, Al- tionals to dabble in the eld of the exchange of facts and knowl- providing adequate and afford- of its kind by Zakat House, material- les to make sure of their eligibility to
Harbi said that the event aims to nursing, given how crucial the edge germane to the nursing pro- able housing for 20,000 male, izes the humanitarian nature of Kuwait settlement of their debts and thereby
boost efciency in the nursing job is to ameliorate the health- fession. bachelor, expatriate laborers. which is known for pioneering role in early release.


Left to right: His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber receives Speaker, Foreign Minister and Defense Minister.

KUNA photos
Left to right: HH the Crown Prince with Interior Minister, Finance Minister and Information Minister

His Highness Crown Prince receives top officials

His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sa- Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sa- ister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and
bah met National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim at Bayan Palace bah, Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Acting Minister of Information Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak
on Sunday. Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Sheikh Al-Sabah and Minister of State for Housing Affairs and Minister of State for
His Highness the Crown Prince also received separately Acting Prime Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah. He then met with Deputy Premier and Min- Service Affairs Yasser Abul. (KUNA)

Amir support on womens issues

reflects appreciation of their role
Kuwaiti Womens Day today
By Suzan Nasser
Al-Seyassah Staff Training courses to be held for English teachers
By Rana Salem University where a number of Eng- important to everybody.
number of Kuwaiti feminists lish teachers participated. She add- Head of the English Department
Al-Seyassah Staff
KUNA photo
stressed that the patron- ed the courses include lectures on at Sulaibiya Preparatory School for
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: First In- the importance of English in practi- Girls Jamila Al-Azmi said she par-
His Highness the Crown Prince receives Yasser Abul at Bayan Palace. age of HH the Amir Sheikh structor of English at Jahra Educa- cal life and its relation to the ongoing ticipated in the informative lectures
Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber tional District Huda Al-Ammar has advancement in all elds. on teaching English in order to ob-
Al-Sabah of womens activi- unveiled a plan to launch training On the other hand, TESOL Chair- tain the most recent information in
Some universities suspended ties reects his keenness in
courses for English teachers in co-
operation with TESOL (Teachers of
person Dr Elian Al-Zaid explained
the organization works in coordina-
this eld. She pointed out the eld of
teaching English and methodology
supporting womens issues English to Speakers of Other Lan- tion with all ofcial bodies in the eld is developing day after day; hence,
MoE tender for uniforms approved and appreciating their role guages).
She disclosed TESOL recently or-
of enhancing the learning of English
that reects on the entire society. He
the need for teachers to follow up re-
cent researches so they will be up-
in society. The feminists dis- ganized training courses in different said all sciences are taught in Eng- dated with the latest developments
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Acting cations request to settle the tender institutions including the Arab Open lish so prociency in the language is in the eld of teaching.
Director of the Maintenance Depart- for preparing, designing and making closed this in a press state-
ment at the Educational Construction uniforms of students who will par- ment Saturday in prepara-
Sector Suzan Al-Satlan disclosed the ticipate in the 56th National Day and tion for Kuwaiti Womens ment Public Authority (EPA) Eng Sami- human resources in the country, Kuwaiti jects which are expected to kickoff in
additional air conditioning units in- 26th Liberation Day celebrations at Day on May 16. ra Al-Kandari praised the decision to women played a vital role although they 2018/2019 including in four hospitals
cluded in the Amiri Grant that HH the lowest price. She added a com- Head of Regional Ofce for allocate a day for Kuwaiti women, point- occupy only four percent of senior po- namely Sabah, Infectious Diseases, Can-
the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad pany which makes military uniforms ing out she is so optimistic about the fu- sitions. She added the decision of HH cer and Jahra hospitals as well as seven
Motherhood and Childhood Dr ture of women in Kuwait especially after the Amir to allot May 16 as Kuwaiti new medical centers among other pro-
Al-Jaber Al-Sabah launched last won the tender for KD 98,000. Suad Al-Suwaidan said the Kuwaiti
year (14,000 air conditioning units) Meanwhile, the committee formed they obtained important rights including Womens Day reects his appreciation jects.
woman plays an outstanding role parliamentary voting right that enabled of Kuwaiti women. It was mentioned in the letter that the
are ready for installation, reports Al- by Ministry of Higher Education for in pushing the development wheels
Rai daily. accreditation of universities has sub- them to participate in lawmaking. She Agencies add, the Civil Service Com- ministry is aiming to cover the short-
Al-Satlan urged the director of the mitted its report to the Minister of forward, stressing the woman has al- highlighted the vital role of Kuwaiti mission (CSC) will hold a meeting with age of staff in hospitals and specialized
Tenders Department at the Amiri Education and Higher Education Dr ways been a basic partner in sustain- women especially during hard times Ministry of Health in the coming days to health centers as well as carry out ex-
able development. such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. discuss the recruitment of 5,731 non-Ku- pansions and new openings mentioned
Diwan to contact a company which Mohammad Al-Fares, recommend- Global Quality Chancellor Jalila Al- waiti candidates to work in the ministry above for which skilled medical, tech-
She explained that specifying May 16
pledged to supply the air condition- ing suspension of accreditation of as Kuwaiti Womens Day is an appre- Hemdan expressed her happiness over in medical, technical and nursing jobs, nical and nursing staff are required for
ing units and carry out the required several Arab and foreign universities ciation of the role of Kuwaiti women by the achievements of Kuwaiti women reports Al-Anba daily. This meeting was operating them.
maintenance works in the Capital as well as some local private univer- the government and is considered one of that proved their worth as a distinguished decided after CSC received a letter from The positions for non-Kuwaitis re-
Educational District schools. sities, reports Al-Shahed daily. the achievements of the Woman Affairs housewife, mother, employee and em- the Ministry of Health to approve crea- quested by Ministry of Health for ap-
Meanwhile, Secretary-General of The report indicated that the af- Committee in the Cabinet. ployer. tion of 5,731 openings for non-Kuwaitis proval from CSC include 2,000 positions
the Central System for Public Ten- fected universities are academically On the other hand, Director of Plan- President of Pioneers of Peace Initia- in the ministry. for doctors, 2,600 positions for nursing
ders Haya Al-Wadaani announced weak and are suspected of exploiting ning Directorate and Evaluating the tive Fatima Al-Agrouga asserted that de- According to the letter, the candidates staff, 161 for pharmacists and 610 for
the approval of the Ministry of Edu- many students nancially. Environmental Feedback at the Environ- spite the deterioration of education and will work on execution of 11 new pro- technicians.

Kuwaitization policy violation

MoE planning to appoint
more expats in ministry
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Following reports of Un-
dersecretary of Ministry of Higher Educations refusal
to increase the salaries of several expatriate employees
of the ministry, it has been revealed that the same min-
istry is planning to appoint some expatriates. Such an
action is regarded as a violation of the Kuwaitization
policy, reports Al-Seyassah daily.
According to an informed source, the Assistant
Undersecretary for Administrative Affairs of the
ministry contacted the General Department of Crim-
inal Evidences afliated to Ministry of Interior, and
Ministry of Health to issue character certicates,
medical reports and certicates of physical tness
for several male and female expatriates as part of
completion of the procedures for their employment
in the ministry.
He said this action clearly violates the decision of
the Council of Ministers, which instructed the need
to prioritize Kuwaitis for appointments, followed by
non-Kuwaitis with Kuwaiti mothers.
The source explained that most of the vacant posi-
tions are in the section that handles evaluation of cer-
ticates, but the Council of Ministers clearly stated
that employing expatriates should be done in limited
and rare cases when the abovementioned categories of
candidates are unavailable.
He indicated that such a decision was considered
necessary when the government realized there were
too many expatriate employees in the public sector,
which was resulting in waste of public funds at the
expense of citizens.
Meanwhile, the ministry had formed the committee
with the aim of eradicating the phenomenon of fake
and bogus certicates, especially since there were sev-
eral complaints in that regard. It became evident that
Ministry of Higher Education approved certicates in
medicine and engineering from unaccredited and sus-
picious universities.


Capital Markets Authority gains

admission to IOSCO officially
Kuwait to sign MMoU on Tuesday
14, (KUNA): The Capi-
tal Markets Authority
of Kuwait (CMA) has
joined the Internation-
al Organization of Se-
curities Commissions
(IOSCO) as an ofcial
member, the CMA
Board of Commission-
ers Dr. Nayef Falah Al-
Hajraf announced on
Al-Hajraf added that Ku-
wait would sign the Mul-
tilateral Memorandum of
Understanding Concerning
Consultation and Cooperation
and the Exchange of Informa-
tion (MMoU) on Tuesday on
the sidelines of the IOSCOs
42nd Annual Conference to be
held in Jamaica for ve days.
Organized by the Financial
Services Commission (FSC)
of Jamaica, the conference is
themed The Role of Markets Top and above: Some photos of the event.
and Market Regulators in the
Post-Crisis World. The IOSCO
is the international body that College hosts 2nd symposium
KUNA photo brings together the worlds se-
Al Jarallah with the chief of IOM Mission in Iraq Thomas Weiss. curities regulators and is recog- The College of Comput- The symposium was from the Computing Sci-
nized as the global standard set- ing Sciences and Engi- aimed at showcasing the ences Department.
Al-Jarallah meets Chief of IOM Mission in Iraq ter for the securities sector. neering at Kuwait Univer- researches of the staff in Acting Dean of the
It develops, implements and pro- sity recently hosted the order to encourage compe- College of Computing
Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minis- During the meeting, they con- carried out by the IOM through motes adherence to internationally second symposium enti- tition and develop collective Sciences and Engineer-
ter Khaled Al-Jarallah met on sidered the IOMs efforts and ex- Kuwaits humanitarian aid in recognized standards for securities tled, Eye on Researches researches. It included lec- ing Dr Mostafa Abdulbar
Sunday with visiting Chief of the isting cooperation with the State Iraq. regulation, working intensively by the Staff of the College tures by Dr Hosam Abu Al- expressed his happiness
International Organization for of Kuwait. The meeting was attended by with the G20 and the Financial of Computing Sciences Fotouh, Dr Sapo Emanuel over the fruitful coopera-
Stability Board (FSB) on the global and Engineering. and Dr Yahya Yahyawi tion of the staff.
Migration (IOM) Mission in Iraq Weiss briefed the Kuwaiti of- Chief of the IOM Mission in Ku-
Thomas Weiss. cial on the humanitarian projects wait Iman Oreqat. (KUNA) regulatory reform agenda.
The Kuwaiti CMA had had
contacts with the IOSCO since
2012 on the requirements and the 90 percent of Kuwaitis residing
Al-Harbi OKs proposal to set up contact center conditions of membership, Al-

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: ing the Ports and Borders Depart- The center shall cooperate with
Hajraf said.
The CMA formed a task overseas live in Saudi Arabia
Minister of Health Dr Jamal ment, which is afliated to the Pub- contact points of WHO which force, led by the Vice Chairman KUWAIT CITY, May 13: A survey conduct- other nationalities other than Kuwaiti citizen-
Al-Harbi has approved the lic Health Sector, as the permanent will handle implementation of the of the Board of Commissioners ed on Kuwaitis residing overseas has revealed ship or they could belong there and have no
proposed establishment of a head ofce of the center. 2005 international health regula- Mishaal M. Al-Usaimi, to follow that 90 percent of them live in Saudi Arabia relatives in Kuwait but could only be connect-
national contact center to deal He disclosed the center will be tions. It will dispatch urgent let- up steps to full the relevant re- while 10 percent of them live in countries ed with Kuwait for financial benefits such as
quirements and the conditions to that have strong ties with Kuwait such as the housing, salaries, financial aids and commer-
with international health regu- in charge of implementing inter- ters regarding implementation of be a member in the international
lations in line with the recom- national health regulations. Its the regulations and letters among GCC member states, Egypt, Lebanon, Tur- cial licenses they are leasing.
body, he added. key, Morocco, London, France, Germany, The sources said about 100,000 dual citi-
mendations of World Health duties shall cover application of the concerned authorities. It will In addition, the authority
Organization (WHO), while the recommendations and decisions notify the WHO points of contact USA, Thailand and the Philippines, reports zenship holders visit the country only dur-
sought professional assistance Al-Shahed daily quoting sources. ing occasions such as elections of parlia-
center will appoint a comptrol- issued by the Higher National about all incidents which could from a consultancy office that They expressed their surprise over the large ment, municipal or cooperative societies or
ler for the national contact, re- Committee for Follow-up of Im- become a public emergency lead- revised all the legal commit- number of Kuwaiti residents in Saudi Arabia when they are requested to report to Public
ports Al-Anba daily. plementation of International ing to international concern in ments of being an IOSCO who have not visited the country for some Authority for Social Security or any other
Al-Harbi also approved allocat- Health Regulations. Kuwait. member. time, which prove that they might be carrying governmental agency.

Oct 6, 2016


legal clinic Panel okays proposal to regulate


with my life. Now I want to transfer
my Iqama (residence) to a compa-
ny ... so please let me know wheth-
er I can transfer my Iqama because
electricity, water, fuel subsidies
I am a South African male mar- I have been with a single sponsor
ried to a Filipino lady and we just
had our second child in Kuwait.
from last three years.
Please help me out with my is-
Approval for govt agencies and their employees
When applying for residency sue because I am suffering a lot.
they told me that my daughter has
to have the same passport as my- Name withheld By Abubakar A. Ibrahim
self which is South African, how- Answer: We sympathise with you Arab Times Staff
ever with my son (rst born) there
for your predicament, a situation in
was no issue that he has a Filipino
which many a worker has fallen into KUWAIT CITY, May
passport. The reason why we
initially got the Filipino passport in the hands of some unscrupulous 14: The parliamentary
is because my embassy takes 2 and lying employers. You can trans- Legislative and Legal
months and even more to obtain fer your Iqama since you have com-
a passport thus we want to avoid pleted three years with the current Affairs Committee ap-
the hefty ne. employer but the snag here is that proved Sunday the
Is there anything we could do you can only transfer your current proposal to regulate
and will the ministry accept a NOC visa into another farm visa but not to
from my embassy or do I have no a company visa. electricity, water and
choice but to apply and wait for fuel subsidies for gov-
a South African passport for my ernment agencies and
daughter and start the whole pro- Visit visa
cess again? their employees.
Hope you can help or guide me I am working in Kuwait for the The committee also ap-
please. past 20 years and my salary is proved bills on inclusion of
Name withheld KD 600.000. My husband just re- the children of Kuwaiti wom-
tired and went back to India. My
Answer: It is not uncommon for daughter who is 25 years old and en married to non-Kuwaitis
two different ofcials to interpret a working in England wants to visit and Bedouns in the national
rule on the same issue and arrive at Kuwait. Please advise whether I manpower support, address-
different conclusions as in your case. can be able to get the visit visa for ing problems of Kuwaiti em-
Since you are the one legally permit- my daughter for a month. ployees laid off from private
ted to sponsor your child, we will companies, and establishment
want to agree more with the second Name withheld
ofcial who is demanding that your Answer: Yes, you will have no of two State universities one
child must have the same passport problem in getting a visit visa for in Mubarak Al-Kabir or Ah-
as yours. We must point out that your daughter since your salary is madi and another in Jahra.
our conclusion is premised on the more than enough to qualify you to Committee Chairman MP Mo-
common sense approach and not on apply for such a visa. hammed Al-Dalal disclosed the bill
any law which we must confess we on electricity, water and fuel sub-
are not aware of. To prevent future sidies require government agencies
problems we advise that you begin Indemnity to fulll their nancial obligations
the process to get the South African directly from their budgets.
passport for the child. On the issue of I am really thankful to you, for He said the committee also ap-
NOC from your embassy you could your guidance provided to all proved the proposal to support
also try that but remember also that if through legal clinic. national employees in the oil sec-
the ofcial needed an NOC he would I joined my company on tor, while it rejected the recom-
have told you about that. 16/12/2013, directly from India mendation to increase the social
with a basic salary of KD 600 and allowance for children of Kuwaitis
KD 100 for car allowance. Out working in the private sector as it
Temporary visa of which only KD 600 deposited contravenes the Constitution.
regularly in my salary account and He added the committee ap-
KD 100 given to me as cash every proved the proposals to exempt an
Writing to inquire if I can trans- month.
fer my residence from Article 14 only child from mandatory military
On 26/09/2016 my company service; double the year in civil
to 18. Any possibilities of doing gave me termination letter in
so, as some people told me it is service for those who will render
which they mentioned that on compulsory military service; estab-
legally possible and can be done, the strength of the notice pe-
but only through my previous riod my last working day will be lish a development center for teach-
company. 26/12/2016, which I agreed. ers comprising of representatives
I was a local hire and had been Then in between the notice pe- from the Ministry of Education and
working with my previous compa- riod on 18/10/2016 I was informed Higher Education, Secretariat Gen-
ny for more than 2 years. Decided by management that from tomor- eral of Awqaf and Teachers As-
to resign by myself due to per- row no need to come to ofce and sociation; amend the Pre-Marriage
sonal reasons and was planning I could search for a new job out- Medical Examination Law such
on returning to my home country. side and my salary will be depos- that men who are planning to get
Served my notice period of 3 ited in my account till last working
months and before a week from married will participate in a two-
date mentioned in the termination week pre-marriage training course
my last due date, the company letter that is 26/12/2016, and they
Mandoub took me to Shoun and to learn about their rights and ob- The executive committee of the Arab Media Forum Al-Sabah. Secretary General Madhi Al-Khamees
actually deposited my salary till ligations if they wish to do so but (AMF) honored the parties that participated in the thanked the participants from various public sector
cancelled my Article 18 and put 26/12/2016.
me on a temporary Article 14 also it is not mandatory; set water and success of the 14th Arab Media Forum which was institutions as well as the sponsors from the private
Now when I joined my new electricity charges; and establish held in Kuwait on April 23-24 under the patronage of sector for their contribution to the success of the fo-
took away my Civil ID. Told me I company and transferred my
had 1 month to settle any other a Kuwaiti shareholding company His Highness the Premier Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak rum.
residency to the new sponsor, I to supply , install and operate an
matters and leave the country. asked my old company to settle
Suddenly due to circumstances I my indemnity but they are ask- automated system for reading elec-
had a change of mind and decided ing me to refund the salary which tricity meters and to allow advance
to stay back in Kuwait. Got hold of they deposited in my account af- payment of bills.
a sponsor who asked me to seek ter 18/10/2016 till 26/12/2016. As He added the committee de-
release from my previous company upon their instructions I didnt go cided to submit these proposals
where I was working. Was advised to ofce after 18/10/2016 but they to the competent panels so the
to get release paper work signed are saying that 18/10/2016 will be next meeting will focus on the
and bring it to the new sponsor for considered as last date to calcu- Anti-Corruption Law, while it
transfer. late my indemnity and leave sal-
When I went to the previous postponed taking a decision on
ary. the Small Enterprises Bill for
company, they denied saying I joined my new company on
youre residency is cancelled and further study.
04/12/2016 please help me to un- Meanwhile, Minister of Health
we cannot give you release for derstand the right way and proce-
that matter and concluded saying Dr Jamal Al-Harbi said the Min-
dure to calculate the indemnity. istry of Healths Licensing Com-
that you must leave the country.
Requesting you to advise on the Name withheld mittee found 18 medical errors
above matter and suggest options within three years (2014-2016)
I can opt to transfer my residence Answer: The management of your and 79 investigations were con-
from Article 14 to 18. old company have no business in asking ducted in the same period.
I am currently residing in Kuwait you to refund part of the salary deposit- This is in response to the
still. ed in your account during the notice pe- question of MP Mohammed Al-
Thank you riod. Indeed the stoppage of work after Huwailah about medical errors in
18/10/2016 was not initiated by you but private hospitals.
Name withheld to the contrary, they decided to forego Al-Harbi conrmed the com-
Answer: Article 14 visa is issued the remaining days of the notice period mittee conducted investigations on
to people to preclude them from be- and actually went ahead to pay you for the treatment of patients in private
ing classied as illegal residents the period you did not work for them. medical institutions in accordance
as they go through the processes of They cannot therefore make a u-turn with Therapeutic Institutions Law
rectifying their residence or work vi- and ask you for a refund. They cannot number 49/1960 and its amend-
sas. It is also issued as in your case, also calculate your indemnity from the ments, as well as decree number
to people who are exiting Kuwait for day that they asked you to stop work. 25/1981 on dermatology, dental
good, to enable them settle any other The calculation should be made up to and other supporting professions.
matters before leaving the country. It 26/12/2016. Upon receiving information or
is therefore not possible to transfer According to the Labour Law, in- complaint regarding medical errors
Visa 14 to 18 as your have been told. demnity has to be calculated on the in private medical institutions, the
As the Mandoub told you, your work latest remuneration which means ministry usually requests for the
permit has been cancelled and you the basic salary plus all allowances medical le of the concerned pa-
have no choice but to leave Kuwait received on a regular basis. This tient and then specialized medical
on or before the last day of validity of means that all things being equal, committees are formed. Depending
your Visa 14. your indemnity must be calculated on the patients condition, the min-
on KD 700 and not KD 600 but in istry looks into the technical and le-
your case all things are not equal be- gal aspects of the situation and the
Dependent visa cause KD 600 was transferred regu- case will be forwarded to the Medi-
larly into your bank account and KD cal Licensing Committee. If proven
Kindly let me know whether 100 handed to you in cash. If your that the doctors committed errors,
professional with dependent visa employees decided to calculate the they will be punished as per Article
is permitted to work in contracting indemnity using the KD 600, it will 41 of the decree. Penalties include
or consultancy ofce? be a tall order for you to insist on the warning which should be enforced
KD 700 since the additional KD 100 without summoning the offender to
Name withheld never reected in your bank account.
Answer: Under the laws of Ku- appear before the Medical Licens-
To be on the safer side we shall ing Committee, suspension from
wait it is an offence to work while calculate your indemnity using the
you are on a dependent visa, no mat- work for a period not exceeding
amount that was regularly transferred one year, cancellation of license to
ter whether you are a professional or into your account in this case KD
not. However the same laws permit a 600. The calculation of the indemnity practice the profession, and closure
person on dependent visa to transfer will therefore be as follows: of the clinic, the minister explained.
his/her residence to a work permit if Service 3.01 years On cosmetic surgeries, Al-
the applicant has been in Kuwait for Salary KD 600 Harbi disclosed the Health Per-
at least a year or she/he is a university You are entitled to 15 days for mits Department is in charge of
graduate. each of the service years = 3.01x15 inspecting and supervising the
= 45.15 days. private medical sector to ensure
But these days must rst be divid- compliance with rules and regu-
Visa Transfer lations, in addition to coordinat-
ed by 26 working days in a month =
45.15 divided by 26 (working days in ing with quality management and
I came to Kuwait on April, 2014 a month) =1.736 recognition bodies to apply qual-
on a farm (agriculture) visa. I am a Monthly salary = 1.736xKD 600 = ity standards in private hospitals
masters degree holder in Market- KD 816. or to improve them in line with
ing from United Kingdom. I came to Your total indemnity will be the global developments.
Kuwait on marketing manager post whole KD 816 since you were red He asserted that operations,
with an accepted salary of KD 500 by the company. such as cosmetic surgery, are
per month but my employer gave not permitted unless they are
me farm visa (electrician) and said done in hospitals or surgery cen-
when you come to Kuwait we will The Arab Times invites ques- ters for one day only in ac-
transfer it to company visa and also tions on all aspects of Kuwaiti law. cordance with the regulations
will change the designation. Almost If you face a problem, or need set by the ministry. He added
three years done with him on farm specic advice on any legal mat- medical errors in private medi-
visa, and also not giving me accept- ter, from commercial and invest- cal institutions are part of the
ed salary. The Salary mentioned ment law to divorce and labour, responsibilities of the concerned
in the Farm (electrician) Izne-amal send questions to the Managing medical facility, not the ministry
is KD 250 per month and he been Editor, Arab Times, P.O. Box whose role is limited to granting
paying 250 for the past three years, 2270, 13023 Safat, Kuwait, or permission to open treatment in-
and i was tolerating him because Fax to 24818267. E-mail: arab-
my passport is with him and playing stitutions and inspecting them as
per Article Two of Act 49/1960
on therapeutic institutions.


Put more economic pressure on Iran

Selling illusions of safety

PEOPLE of the Gulf are known to be emotional. We soon vide it with periodic reports every three months on the
get carried away by the sweet talk and promises made to us stages of execution of the new Kuwait International Airport
by politicians which are deceiving. Our expectations of the Terminal 2. The directive indicates the need to overcome
visit of the US President Donald Trump to Riyadh and his all obstacles and hindrances facing the stages of execution
meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council leaders and according to the schedule.
some Muslim leaders have been exaggerated and por- However, the headline of another news report which
trayed as a marvelous event that will help solve many of was published Sunday reads, Mangaf tunnel sinks the
our problems but this is contrary to the reality, columnist, public works organizational structure.
Dean of Technological Studies College at the Public In the first news, the government ignored the pre-
Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) liminary strategic works while sticking to the execution
KRCS team members visiting some of the victims of Mosul fighting in a hospital. and the Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Heritage Revival and control stage. The latter is the final stage of every
Society (IHRS) Dr Wael Al-Hassawi wrote for Al-Rai strategic project and many projects were not subjected
daily. to such details.

Kuwaits med aid brings hopes After the US strike on the Syrian base of Khan
Shaikhoun in response to the use of chemical weapons
by the forces loyal to Bashar Al-Assad against the
Syrian people, people saw Trumps attitude towards
The directive passed to the Ministry of Public
Works by the Council of Ministers in that regard is
definitely commendable, but this was not the case with
the other projects.

for victims of Mosul fighting

Muslims during his election campaigning and his fre-
quent attempts to prevent the entry of Muslims from
several countries to the United States. Expatriates were and are partners in the building of
People seem to forget the famous statement Trump our nation. Therefore, why such negative stances against
made during his presidential campaign that America our expatriate brothers every time there are problems in
should take money from the Gulf countries saying they the country? There is a lack of comprehension and
KRCS bears cost of medical treatment need our protection. This is not free but they have to pay understanding by some amongst us, as they tend to
blame expatriates for everything wrong in times like the
Today, we live in the obsession of confronting the current period, Abdulaziz Khuraibet wrote for
IBRIL, May 14, (KUNA): Iranian ambitions in our region. We hope that Trump will Al-Shahed daily.
do that job for us. This is a dream that has no place in real- They link the current phase with issues that have no
When Naufa Alwan decid- ity. All that Trump can do if he has good intention is basis at all. It does not make sense to place the burden
ed to stay at home since the to put more economic pressure on represented by all our problems on those living here
start of the military opera- Iran and prevent it from acquiring illegally or forgers and dual citizenship holders or even
more weapons or threatening its the large number of expatriates who are serving and
tion in Al-Intisar neighbor- neighbors. working in their second country.
hood in Mosul, she thought The United States has prac- Others have deviated from cases such as corruption
she would be safe. But one ticed a policy of putting pressure and waged war on innocent expatriates, insisting that
on Iran for many years, but this they are the cause for congestion in services and on
day, a rocket fired by the policy has proved in vain. Iran roads, and that the expatriates are taking up huge part of
so-called Islamic State mil- became fiercer and interfered in this countrys wealth. Why this hate and hostility? Some
itants hit her house. our affairs. Tehran has also turned are even calling for imposing fees on expatriates for the
into an aggressor state and this use of roads, increasing fees for their health services and
When I tried to get out, one imposing taxes on their remittances.
of the walls collapsed on my leg, aggression is crystal clear in Syria
because it has been occupying its Al-Hassawi They have forgotten that the same expatriates espe-
I was later taken to the hospital lands and this is because of the cially the Arabs among them had opened their doors for
where doctors decided to ampu- policies of the United States has been clumsy. We will us during our time of crisis. They welcomed us in their
tate my leg, tearful Alwan told not be wrong if we say here that the Americans have homes with hospitality. We did not feel like strangers
KUNA. handed over the file of Syria to the Russians and the with them.
The moment I lost my leg, all Iranians. This ugly racism is not part of the civilized human
hopes for the future have gone. I Those who dream that Trump will strike at Iran militar- nature that we grew up with. We were taught to respect
even have thought about commit- ily to brighten their hopes indeed fall in the category of others, and that our Arab expatriates are brothers with
ting suicide to end my pains. But, day-dreamers. Iran is a military power and an armed state whom we share very good relations that dates back to
everything changed when the that has supported the United States in many of its ambi- hundreds of years.
Kuwait Red Crescent Society tious projects such as to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq and
(KRCS) team in Ibril approached to counter the al-Qaeda and the Islamic State or the so- Despite the great advancement and urbanism
her and told her they would do their called DAESH threat. Do we think Trump is so stupid to achieved by humanity, men still look at women from a
best to help her walk again and get sacrifice all this for the sake of the people of the Gulf narrow perspective, limiting her to her body and consid-
back to normal life. The KRCS bore where terrorism breeds according to several decision- ering her as a source of amusement, Saleh Al-Shaiji
making institutions in the West? wrote for Al-Anba daily.
the cost of her treatment and pro- So the most important objective of Trumps visit to
vided her with a prosthetic leg. Despite the high level of technology enjoyed in the
Riyadh is to keep alive the US arms factories and sell the 21st century and the speeches of liberation, equality
They have turned my depression biggest weapons arsenal to the Gulf States in the range of
into hope, she told KUNA. laws and conferences on feminism, mens perspective
$20 billion to Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE, and $15 billion of women still remains the same. This is seen every-
Alwan expressed gratitude to to Saudi Arabia, as reported by the Al-Rai newspaper.
Kuwaiti government and people for where in the world East, West, North and South.
Trump is a businessman and can only think with As per human culture, the husband is supposed to be
their generous and desperately needed such mentality. We do not rule out that he is selling us
life-saving medical aid to victims of older than his wife. It is rare to see a couple where the
illusions of safety and security. wife is older than the husband by a year or two. On the
the Mosul military operations. It may be surprising when one reads the plan of other hand, there are many cases where the husband is
Injuries Trump to convince the Gulf States of the importance of older than the wife by 20 years or more. All human
making peace with Israel before solving the Israeli- communities accept such marriages and do not consider
Eight months of fierce fighting to Palestinian fiasco. This is what they call the policy
drive the so-called Islamic State (IS) them as strange or weird.
entering the arena from the outside and this is a big lie. On the other hand, if a man married a woman who
militants out of northern Iraqi city of Top: A child is recuperating with the help of KRCS team, and (above), Why the US want to link the GCC countries with the
Mosul have left thousands of civil- is 20 years older than him for example, such a marriage
Naufa Alwan walking with a prosthetic leg provided by KRCS. Israeli terrorism. Are we the cause of crimes committed
will be considered very strange and will be subject for
ians, especially women and chil- by Israel in the region?
Trump is supporting Turkey and the Syrian Kurdish mockery and gossip.
dren, suffering from critical war- Within the last two years or less, we saw two differ-
related injuries. Dr. Razkar Hamza, who is spe- Abdulqader who lost his legs and Democratic Forces which are seeking to establish their
cialized in rehabilitating disabled his eyes were wounded. The KRCS homeland on the border of Turkey despite the Turkish ent cases in this regard which will prove the abovemen-
Upon directives from His tioned claims. The wife of the American President
Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah people, told KUNA that the KRCS has treated Abdulqader eyes and rejection and the threat to fight that extremist entity.
has financed surgeries and post-sur- offered him prosthetic legs. What good intentions they are talking about? Donald Trump, Melania, is 24 years younger than him.
Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, We recently discovered that the wife of the French
Kuwait Red Crescent Society rushed geries healthcare for a considerable I feel as I have been born again, Also: President-elect Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte, is 24 years
to offer life-saving medical aid and number of people who lost their he told KUNA. older than him. The first case did not receive the reac-
limbs in the ongoing military opera- I am grateful to Kuwaits Amir, The headline on the front page of Al-Rai daily two
treatment for hundreds of the Iraqi days ago about the objectives of Donald Trumps visit tions of disapproval and astonishment that the second
war victims. tions in Mosul. government and people. For his to the region does not give a new meaning. The case did. The world accepted the marriage of Trump and
Among those who also benefited The KRCS has also financed a part, Public Relations Officer at President of the United States of America will come to Melania very easily but expressed shock over the mar-
from the KRCS aid, was three-year- series of complicated surgery to Ronahee Foundation Saleh Mahdi the Gulf States to put the price on the US protection, riage of Emmanuel and Brigitte who knew each other
old Rawaa who lost her mother, save the life of the 17-year-old Yusuf lauded Kuwaits important irrespective whether we call this price tag royalty or since the time he was her student. He married her
three sisters and two brothers when Yunis Qassem who severely injured and unmatched medical aid and sup- imperial tribute. The truth is that the region will be because he liked her personality, mentality and intelli-
a bomb hit their home in the Western when a mortar shell exploded near port to Mosul war victims. drained of the last penny, columnist Hassan Al-Issa gence. He did not look at her with a narrow vision that
side of Mosul and turned it into him. Through Kuwaits noble and wrote for Al-Jarida daily. considers a woman as just a body with external features.
generous initiatives, many lives In the news, it is said Trump will discuss with the Such a world is backward indeed!
rubble. Her father is being treated Harmed
from trauma after the tragedy. have been saved, he said. leaders of the region the danger of DAESH, and Iran,
We received Rawaa who was Yunis was in very bad condition He pointed out that Kuwaiti has which the US administration sees as part of the problem The current calmness of some lawmakers, especially
injured and lost her family in the when he arrived at the hospital, secured finance for treating over and not part of the solution. members of the Muslim Brotherhood Group, is only
shrapnel has severely harmed his 200 patients in the recent period, This vision is identical to the Israeli perceptions of temporary with the aim of rescuing themselves from
incident, Director of Ronahee the region. The US administration also looks forward to
Foundation, an Irbil-based humani- backbone and spinal cord, Yuniss noting that their treatment included certain cases. However, if they are pardoned, you will
doctor Amer Hashim told KUNA. carrying out 100 surgeries. the normalization of relations between the Gulf States see them start grilling the ruling family members one
tarian organization, Jiyan Merani and Israel.
told KUNA. He added that Yunis has under- According to a report issued by after the other, Nasser Al-Husseini wrote for Al-Shahed
gone several surgeries to treat his The Iranian threat has given direct credence to the daily.
After examination, it was found the World Health Organization on plan of normalizing ties with Israel and Iran will be the
that she has burns in the face and her backbone and spinal cord. May 7, a total of 12,081 cases were They are only pretending on the basis of the preten-
historic justification for the next Gulf-Israeli normaliza-
stomach was bleeding, scares in dif- Now, his condition is improving referred and treated in emergency sion to accomplish desire policy. Due to this, no matter
tion, which seems to be not far off.
and he is feeling his limbs again, and field hospitals in Mosul and how remorseful and good intentioned they appear, they
ferent parts of her body caused by The Gulf States are the most spendthrifts in the
will continue to think about how they can take over
shrapnel, Merani said, noting that Hashim said. neighboring Governorates since the world on armaments. It does not appear that the collapse
Yunis father Raad Qassem control of the Cabinets decisions.
the girl was also suffering post- start of Mosul liberation operation in the prices of oil has affected the volume of arms
For instance, they discovered that three ministers are
traumatic disorder and wakes up described KRCS as mercy angels on October 17th last year. deals, as if these things are sacred that should not be
performing well and started cooperating with them. The
crying and shouting the names of who were sent by God to save the WHO estimates that some 40, 000 discussed or any contrary opinion accepted in our coun-
tries where there is no place for the opinion of others. cooperation is not aimed at fighting corruption but accom-
her siblings and parents. life of his dear son. civilians will need trauma care due plishing transactions concerning transfers, appointments
After being informed about the God has sent His Angels to save to Mosul military operations. During his election campaign, Trump made known
his determination to ask the Gulf States to pay for pro- and so on. This is the reason why they support the continu-
case, the KRCS representatives said my son, grateful Qassem told According to the International ity of the ministers to sustain their influence.
KUNA. tection. He described the issue as fair because it is a
they would bear the cost of Rawaas Committee of the Red Cross, at least service and every service has a price. However, when they noticed that three ministers are
treatment at a well-equipped hospi- Similarly, the KRCS has financed 625 people from Mosul have lost an Here, it can be seen that the mafia also provides non-performers whose continuity is detrimental to their
tal in Irbil, Merani pointed out. the treatment of Mohammad arm or a leg in Mosul battle. protection services and asks the weak to pay royalties future, they decided it is a must to grill them and remove
for their protection against any danger but this danger is them from the Cabinet. The first stage is to rescue some
mostly created by the mafia. of them from certain cases and execute the government
pledge in some cases, so they will move into the second
Liquor sold The policy of Trump as a symbol of the new
right-wing rule to suck the surplus Gulf oil from high oil stage immediately after they might have accomplished
their desires. The second stage of their plans is to dis-
inside airport prices is not a new issue in the Western and American
politics. These surpluses are reinvested in the United miss powerful ministers to clear the atmosphere. They
dont want any strong personality among the ruling
parking lot States and the West through arms deals of astronomical
proportions. family members who can take decisions to guarantee
Noam Chomsky (American linguist, philosopher, continuity of their control.
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political
The Kuwait International activist) said during one of his lectures that opinion
Airport security personnel The advanced countries support their national econ-
polls show that a vast majority of the Arabs believe that omies the same way the Turkish President did when he
have arrested four the greatest danger comes from Israel and its policies, visited Kuwait to be a part of the foundation-laying
Bangladeshis for selling not from Iran. ceremony of the new airport because the project is being
local booze inside the air- Whatever the source of the danger for survival of our executed by a Turkish company. This clearly indicates
ports parking lot, reports countries now, the future will certainly not be beautiful. the highest political support for that company, Talal
Al-Shahed daily. The regional wars that drain the Arab blood and Al-Saeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.
The daily added, the money are widening with no solution in sight because Turkey believes that its big companies play vital
arrest came after police all the windows of dialogue between the countries of the roles in the national economy. Just imagine the size of
received a tip-off from an region are closed and the Zionist State remains the big- the six-year project and its effect on Turkey.
unidentified source. The gest beneficiary. By the way, the company has pledged, as voiced out by
police then put the area the Turkish President, to reduce the duration of the project
under surveillance and to four years instead of six years. The company will be
caught the suspects red- Anything is possible in Kuwait including the strate-
gic planning, ideologies, as well as regulations govern- creating a history over the completion of that project,
handed. Police have seized which will qualify it to take up more gigantic projects.
from their car some bottle ing hierarchical structures and even positions to which
people are appointed which are granted based on fantas- It is enough for Turkey as a country to stand behind
of booze and referred them this company and ensure all countries have faith in it.
to the concerned authority. tic innovation, columnist Dr Turki Al-Azmi wrote for
Al-Rai daily. Nothing is bigger than seeing the Turkish President
During interrogation the attending the foundation-laying ceremony of that proj-
suspects admitted to selling Take for instance the news report which was published
a few days ago. The news report read, The Council of ect.
each bottle for KD 10. They
have been referred to the Ministers has asked the Ministry of Public Works to pro- Compiled by Ahmed Al-Shazli
Deportation Center.


Electricity usage on Thursday

hit record close to red line
Studies on development of 4th Ring Road completed
Electricity consumption
MoI photo reached 11,147 megawatts
An Asian expatriate sustained injuries when his heavy vehicle toppled on Kabad
Road. According to security sources, when the Operations Room of Ministry of at 2:30 pm on Thursday
Interior received information about the accident, securitymen, reghters and a record close to the
paramedics rushed to the location. The victim was pulled out from the toppled red line indicating a very
heavy vehicle and paramedics referred him to the nearest hospital for treatment.
Securitymen removed the heavy vehicle from the road and organized the traf- hot summer, reports Al-
c. Investigations have been launched to determine the cause of the accident. Jareda daily.
Meanwhile, a Kuwaiti citizen sustained injuries when his vehicle collided with an With rising temperatures which
other on Jahra Road. Paramedics referred him to Jahra Hospital for treatment.
reached 45 degrees Celsius in
some parts of the country, the
electricity consumption rate went
up dramatically. This is the rst
Other Voices time that the electricity consump-
tion rate reached such records at
the beginning of summer.
Meanwhile, Head of the Ration-
Policeman deserved to be honored alization in Private and Public Sec-
tors Team at the Ministry of Elec-
tricity and Water Iqbal Al-Tayyar

The wonderful Mutairi called on consumers to fully coop-

erate with the ministry in reducing
power load.
By Ahmed Al-Sarraf ways without helping the driver She advised the public to refrain
take it to a safer location or to from using thermal appliances like
L AST Thursday as I was driv-
ing back home, it was past
3pm and the temperature was
stay with him until the tow truck
arrives. In most cases, the ofcer
washing machines and iron clothes
at noon when electricity consump-
sits inside his patrol vehicle and tion is higher, keep the curtains and
about 34 degree Centigrade. I windows closed in order to main-
then noticed a patrol vehicle stop enjoys the cool air of its air con-
ditioner, using social media such tain the heat outside, and adjust the
behind a small pickup vehicle on air conditioning units to automatic
a side road parallel to the Fifth as WhatsApp until the tow-truck
arrives. system.
Ring Road. She revealed the ministry teams
I wanted to However, this particular police-
man was quite different from the will soon start conducting eld
see what had tours to raise public awareness on
happened but others I have seen. He helped the the importance of saving electric-
I couldnt re- driver replace the punctured tyre ity.
verse my car, with a spare one under the hot On the other hand, sources said
so I drove to weather. I asked the policeman if completion of 95 percent of main-
the next U- I could take a picture of him, and tenance works in power plants,
turn, which I appreciated him for his humane conrming that maintenance works
made me cross attitude which deserves gratitude are ongoing as planned. They
half of Jabriya and admiration. added the maintenance works in all
area. This took Al-Sarraf What Majed Al-Mutairi, the power and distillation plants will be
30 minutes off kind policeman, did was an act completed by the end of May.
of civilization in a region where Sources said the ministry has
my lunch break but it was de- completed preparations for summer
nitely worth it. such actions are becoming rare,
especially with the existence of with 2,400 megawatts reserve over
When I reached the location and above the expected highest
and parked my car, I saw a sight many arrogant people who are
convinced that they are better consumption this season.
that was not familiar or common
here in Kuwait. The driver of the than others. Studies
broke-down pickup, which turned I really wish one of the major Meanwhile, Minister of Public
out to be an ambulance, did not leaders of Ministry of Interior Works Abdulrahman Al-Mutawa
know Arabic and spoke poor Eng- will honor this policeman Majed revealed that technical and nan-
lish. One of the vehicles tyres Al-Mutairi. If such an honor came cial ofcers from the consultancy
had been punctured and com- from the Minister of Interior him- bureaus, which have been assigned
pletely destroyed. The uniformed self, it would be perfect. From my the contract for development of
policeman left his air-conditioned side, I am willing to contribute to Fourth Ring Road, have completed
patrol vehicle and went out in the his honoring by offering a reward studies. This includes choosing an
not less than KD 500. I also call international consultancy bureau
heat to give a helping hand to the and working on receiving approv-
driver. on our dear readers to contribute
to the honoring of the wonderful als from the monitoring bodies for
I know from my experience signing the contract and ensuring
that there are strict instructions Majed Al-Mutairi.

the project will start by early 2020,
given to securitymen not to leave reports Aljarida daily.
a broke-down vehicle on high- email: habibi.enta1@gmail. In response to a parliamentary
question, Al-Mutawa said the ex-
pected time schedule for accom-
plishing the agreement and study-
Kuwait Today ing the design is 24 months.
He explained that the ministry
has set its eyes on the development
Prayer Timings Umm Al-Maradim 29 27 - 5ft SE of Fourth Ring Road with the aim
Sea Island Buo - - - - - of reducing the number of acci-
Fajr .................................................... 03:27 Salmiyah 36 29 - 5ft SE
Sunrise ............................................... 04:56 dents. This is within the framework
Zohr .................................................... 11:44 4 days forecast - Marine of developing expressways and
Asr ........................................................15:20 ring-roads in order to improve the
Maghrib ............................................. 18:33 Monday, May 15
Isha .................................................... 20:00 Expected weather ..............................................Hot countrys road network, infrastruc-
Sea state ...................................Slight to moderate ture and transportation.
Weather Wave height....................................................2-5 ft
Al-Mutawa revealed that the
Max Temp.........................................................44C
Expected weather for the next 24 hours:
By Night: Fair with light to moderate northwest-
Min Temp..........................................................27C ministry proposed assigning the
Wind Direction .................................................. NW consultation agreement for this
erly to light variable wind, with speed of 10-30 km/h. Wind Speed .......................................... 15-38 km/h
By Day: Hot with light to moderate northwest- Tuesday, May 16 project to international consultancy
erly wind, with speed of 15-38 km/h and some high
clouds will appear.
Expected weather ..............................................Hot rms for studying, designing and
Sea state ...................................Slight to moderate supervising the project.
Station Max Min Wave height....................................................2-5 ft
Exp Rec Max Temp.........................................................45C He indicated that the road is 17
Kuwait City 42 29
Kuwait Airport 43 28
Min Temp..........................................................28C km long, starting from the United
Wind Direction ........................................... NW-SW
Abdaly 43 24 Wind Speed .......................................... 12-35 km/h Nation Roundabout in the west
Bubyan 37 24 Wednesday, May 17 to the intersection of Salem Al-
Jahra 44 29
Failaka Island 38 25
Expected weather ..............................................Hot Mubarak Street and Mughera bin
Sea state ...................................Slight to moderate
Salmiyah 36 29 Wave height....................................................2-4 ft Shuba Street in the east.
Ahmadi 35 30 Max Temp.........................................................45C Al-Mutawa afrmed that the
Nuwaisib 37 27 Min Temp..........................................................29C
Wafra 42 27 project activities will consist of re-
Wind Direction ............................................ SW-SE
Salmy 42 24 Wind Speed .......................................... 10-30 km/h construction and expansion of all
4 days forecast - Weather Thursday, May 18 entries from areas along the Fourth
Expected weather ................. Hot+scattered clouds Ring Road and from the roads that
Monday, May 15 Sea state ...................................Slight to moderate
Expected weather ..............................................Hot Wave height....................................................1-4 ft it serves, as well as improvement of
Max Temp.........................................................44C Max Temp.........................................................46C several intersections on it due to its
Min Temp..........................................................27C Min Temp..........................................................30C trafc importance.
Wind Direction .................................................. NW Wind Direction ............................................NE-NW
Wind Speed .......................................... 15-38 km/h Wind Speed .......................................... 08-28 km/h He added that the project activi-
Tuesday, May 16 ties will also include construction Photos by Rizk Tauq
Expected weather ..............................................Hot Tide times at Shuwaikh Port of new free movement intersec-
Max Temp.........................................................45C The Embassy of Egypt in Kuwait, represented by the Egyptian Cultural Ofce, organized a forum for Egyptian
1st high tide: .................................................. 13:07 tions, pedestrian bridges and infra-
Min Temp..........................................................28C 2nd high tide: ................................................. 03:18 universities in the headquarters of the Cultural Ofce. Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait Yasir Atef led other
Wind Direction ........................................... NW-SW 1st low tide:.................................................... 07:48 structural improvement along with members of the diplomatic corps, ofcials of universities, interested students and their parents in the inaugura
Wind Speed .......................................... 12-35 km/h 2nd low tide: .................................................. 20:40 other services related to the project. tion of the forum.
Wednesday, May 17 Sunrise: ......................................................... 04:56
Expected weather ..............................................Hot Sunset: .......................................................... 18:33
Max Temp.........................................................45C
Min Temp..........................................................29C Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport
Wind Direction ............................................ SW-SE
Wind Speed .......................................... 10-30 km/h Max temp ..........................................................43C News in Brief
Thursday, May 18 Min temp ...........................................................28C
Expected weather ................. Hot+scattered clouds Max Rh ............................................................41%
Max Temp.........................................................46C Min Rh .............................................................12%
Min Temp..........................................................30C Max Wind..............................................SE 32 km/h
Wind Direction ............................................NE-NW Total Rainfall in 24 hrs ................................. 00 mm Asian held for drugs: The Ahmadi police have arrested
Wind Speed .......................................... 08-28 km/h in an Asian for possessing drugs, reports Al-Shahed daily.
Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin The suspect was arrested in Mahboula because a police
Marine Forecast Min/Max/ Air Temp ......................................30/36C patrol on duty in the area saw the man looked abnormal.
Min/Max Rel Hum .......................................19/70%
Station Max Min Sea Todays
Wind Direction/Wind Speed....................N/35 km/h When police searched him they found on his person two
Rec Exp Surf Waves sachets of heroin and shabu. The suspect and the contra-
Ht Dirn Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht ........................ N/-2 ft
South Dolphin 35 30 27 5ft SE Min/Max Sea Surface Temp ............................-/-C band have been referred to the concerned authorities.
Sea Current .............................................Upwelling
Umm Mudayrah 30 27 - 5ft SE
Beacon M28 - - - 5ft SE Directorate General of Civil Aviation,
Beacon N6 36 29 - 5ft SE Motorist injured: An unidentied Kuwaiti who was se-
Qaruh Island 30 27 - 5ft SE Meteorological Dept. riously injured when he hit a stray camel in Wafra has
been admitted to the Adan Hospital, reports Al-Rai daily.
deaths From the hospital bed, the Kuwaiti told a police inves-
Shama Mohammad Mohammad Omar, wife of Ali Husein Ameen, 70 years old, buried on Sun- tigator the humped animal surprised him and he could not
day. Condolences: (Men) Rawda, Block 2, Sulaiman Boukehail Street Dasman Ballroom, Tel:
66697933/97774722, (Women) Abdullah Mubarak, Block 2, Street 227, House 41, Tel: 99948860; avoid hitting the animal.
Salem Nasseeb Salem Al-Baloshi, 61 years old , buried on Sunday. Condolence: (Men) Bayan, As soon as the Operations Room of the Interior Min-
Block 4, Street 4, House 48, Tel: 94477782/66494556, (Women) Mubarak Al-Kabeer, Block 5, istry received information from passersby, paramedics
Street 29, House 19, Tel: 60910988; Nooriya Ghloom Haidar Malik, wife of Mohammad Husein
Malik 71 years old, buried on Sunday. Condolence: Salwa, Huseiniyat Sayed Mohammad, Al- rushed to the spot and took the man to the hospital.
Aksa Mosque, Tel: 99533285/99047439; Latifa Mohammad Ibrahim Al Khethair, wife of Isa
Al Melai, 71 years old, to be buried on Monday after Asr prayers. Condolence: (Men) Shuhada,
Block 3, Street 308, House 19, Tel: 94920202, (Women) Rawda, Block three, Street 37, House Egyptian assaulted: An Egyptian has led a complaint
30, Tel: 90907776; Hessah Abdullah Al-Ayoubi, widow of Mohammad Abdul Wahad Al Ayoubi, with a police station accusing a Tunisian, whose identity
87 years old, to be buried on Monday at 09:00 am. Condolence: (Men) Shuwaikh Housing, Diwan
Al-Qanaat, Tel: 99777987, (Women) Dasma, Block 3, Street 31, House 2; Badriya Ibrahim Al- has not been disclosed, of assaulting him while inside a
Juma, wife of Yousef Saud Al-Hawal, 76 years old, to be buried on Monday at 09:00 am. Con- cooperative society, reports Al-Anba daily.
dolence: (Men) Hiteen, Block 1, Street 101, House 16, Tel: 97677577, (Women) Hiteen, Block 3, The complainant has submitted a medical report to the
Street 316, House 9, Tel: 9966290.
May 14, 2017 police station.


Public Prosecutor refers issue of touristic treatment to Criminal Court

4 expats deported, 13 juveniles referred to prosecution for driving sans license

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Four were impounded and 12 persons patients from receiving overseas their companions for medical treat-
expatriates have been deported and were arrested. treatment. ment at the expense of the Ministry
13 juveniles have been referred to Meanwhile, the Public Prosecu- The Prosecution has requested of Health in addition to paying for
the Juveniles Prosecution for driv- tor Consultant Dirar Al-Assousi the court to severely punish the cul- their travel and making them eligi-
ing without license, reports Al- has referred the issue of touristic prits because they deprived the de- ble for other benets illegally.
Anba daily. treatment to the Criminal Court, re- serving sick people of their rights The Public Prosecution in its
The suspects were arrested dur- ports Al-Qabas daily. through manipulation by submit- petition said the felony of touris-
ing surprise security campaigns in The Public Prosecution has ac- ting fake documents. tic treatment is linked to another
all governorates. During the cam- cused six doctors, some of them The court has accused the three crime in the form of forgery of of-
paign police also issued 34,757 senior officials, working for the ofcials of the Ministry of Health cial documents, using duplicate
trafc citations. Overseas Medical Treatment of embezzling public funds and forged seals and signatures and
According to the General Trafc Department of the Ministry of forging medical reports of 20 pa- manipulating the reports of medi-
Department last week 52 vehicles Health for depriving deserving tients to facilitate their travel with cal committees.

Two Iranians given death over

murder of royal, friend, maid
Indian, Sudanese truckers arrested with 40,000 drug pills
By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah Staff and
Agencies MoI photo
The bed used for the prostitution activities.
14: The Criminal Khaitan brothel raided
Court sentenced two
Iranian expatriates to By Meshal Al-Sanousi During interrogations, the suspect
death over the murder Al-Seyassah Staff confessed that he brings clients to his
apartment and offers them with services
of a ruling family mem- A man and a woman of Sri Lankan na- of esh pleasure at a cost of KD 5 per
ber, his friend and his tionality were arrested from a brothel in person. He also revealed that he has
Khaitan area. been involved in this business for three
housemaid in Salwa According to security sources, when months.
area. The court also im- Farwaniya securitymen received a tipoff The two suspects were referred to
posed a ne of KD 200 about a Sri Lankan expatriate who the concerned authorities for necessary
turned his apartment into a brothel, they measures.
each on two Kuwaiti monitored his movements. Meanwhile, securitymen arrested an
citizens for possessing After conrming the information, they Egyptian expatriate for offering shelter to
raided the apartment and arrested him a Filipina woman, who was in violation of
unlicensed weapons, and a woman with him. the residency law, in exchange for sex.
and ordered the con-
scation of these weap-
The Public Prosecution had
charged the rst suspect of
murdering the victims, and
the second suspect of prepar-
ing the necessary scenario
and equipment for the crime
such as the guns, plastic cable
wires and tape. It also charged
the two suspects of attempt-
ing to murder the driver of
the ruling family member, as
well as of stealing money and
mobile phones of the victims
along with the guns owned by
the ruling family member.
According to the case le,
the rst suspect went to the at
where the victims were staying.
The second suspect, who is a do- Photo by Mohammad Morse
mestic worker of the ruling fami-
ly member, had facilitated the en- Municipality ofcials checking some food items in one of the stores.
try of the rst suspect by leaving
the door to the at open. The rst Shops, eateries targeted ahead of Ramadan
suspect shot the victims, starting
with the ruling family member,
Top & above: some photos from the re-ghting operation.
Photos by Rizk Tauq
after the second suspect had tied
them up with plastic cable wires
Municipality inspection campaigns
Five laborers injured in market fire
and taped their mouths shut.
They then tried to kill the
driver by shooting him and then
result in disposal of 1.5 tons foods
Fire broke out in a public market in Shuwaikh Indus- Fireghting teams from Shuwaikh Industrial Area cutting his neck with a knife, but KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Kuwait Mu- ity of the Municipality due to the rising
trial Area, causing injuries to ve laborers. Fire Station under the leadership of Major Abdulmo- he managed to survive through nicipality has intensied its inspection number of expired food items discovered
The Public Relations and Security Media General nem Al-Freij rushed to the location and doused the medical assistance. campaigns targeting shops selling food- in these establishments.
Department at the Ministry of Interior said the re oc- re in record time. The injured were admitted to Al- stuff, restaurants, stores, companies and Also, the Emergency Team at
curred due to gas leakage. Babtain Hospital. cooperative societies as the holy month Mubarak Al-Kabeer branch conduct-
Contract nullified: The Com- of Ramadan is fast approaching, reports ed a number of field tours in coopera-
mercial Court of First Instance Al-Seyassah daily. tive societies to check cleanliness and
nullied a contract worth KD 2
million signed by a Gulf-based The Public Relations and Media De- advertisements, in addition to uncov-
construction company with a partment at the Municipality said Shu- ering violations in under construction
Spanish construction giant. waikh Food Center, which is afliated to houses and encroachment on State
The contract was for the con- the Food and Market Control Section in properties.
struction and maintenance of the Audit and Municipality Services Fol- This led to removal of 104 violating
some government houses at Sa- low-up Department at the Capital branch, advertisements, issuance of a citation to
bah Al-Ahmad Residential City. inspected meat and foodstuff shops in the owner of a house that is being con-
According to the case le, Shuwaikh. structed prior to obtaining a license and
the Spanish company sued the The campaign resulted in disposal of issuance of 12 citations to foodstuff
aforementioned Gulf company, 1.5 tons of foods found to be unsafe for shops and restaurants.
demanding compensation for human consumption and issuance of 19 This is in addition to review of two
liquidating the letter of guarantee citations for various violations. complaints about bachelor housing while
deposited by the plaintiff com- The Public Relations and Media De- three gardens on State properties were
pany at a local bank while the partment added that the Violation Re- removed.
contract was canceled. moval Department at Ahmadi branch The Public Relations and Media De-
KFSD photos However, counsel to the Gulf inspected the storerooms of a cooperative partment urged citizens and expatriates
Left: A reman putting out the blaze, and (right), remen after the re has been put out. company Lawyer Ghanim Al-
Suhail insisted that his client had society which resulted in the issuance of to call hotline number 1844448 or com-
22 citations and destruction of 300 kilo- municate through social media account
No injuries in basement carpentry shop fire the right to liquidate the deposit
and cancel the contract, since grams of spoilt foodstuff. @kuwmun in case they notice violations,
the Spanish company breached The department conrmed that coop- stressing that relevant action will be tak-
A huge re engulfed the base- of the building to a safe place carpentry shop where wood clauses of the contract. He said erative societies have become the prior- en immediately.
ment of a building in Farwaniya and helped others who were and paint were stored so the re the Spanish company was a sub-
on Thursday. trapped in the elevators when spread quickly with thick smoke contractor in the project, but
Fireghters, securitymen and electricity was disconnected. covering the entire building. failed to abide by the criteria,
paramedics were dispatched Firemen doused the The re protection ofcer in standards and schedule that were News in Brief
to the location soon after the re in record time and there Farwaniya Governorate has agreed upon.
Operations Unit at Kuwait Fire were no injuries or casualties been instructed to take action
Service Directorate received in- reported. against those behind the viola-
formation on the incident. Initial investigations revealed tions uncovered in the base- Drug pills seized: The cus-
toms officers manning the Ab- Woman held over alcohol: Police Clothes taken off: The Ahmadi
The rescuers guided tenants the basement was used as a ment. dali border crossing have ar- have arrested an unidentified Egyptian police are looking for an unidentified
rested two truckers an Indian woman for drinking alcohol and possess- Asian for taking off his clothes in the
and a Sudanese for attempt- ing a bottle of imported booze, reports parking of a commercial complex in

Muezzin finds remains of newborn ing to smuggle nearly 40,000

drug pills into the country, re-
ports Al-Rai daily.
Al-Shahed daily.
The woman was initially ordered to
pull over for reckless driving and while
front of a girl, reports Al-Anba daily.
As soon as the Operations Room of the
Interior Ministry received a call from the
By Munaif Nayef side a bag near the mosque in after opening the bag. The babys issuing a citation police discovered she girl securitymen rushed to the location but
The daily added, the truckers was under the influence of alcohol. did not find the Asian. Police are checking
Al-Seyassah Staff Salmiya. remains were referred to Foren- arrived from Iraq and the drugs
The Muezzin told police that he sics. She has been handed over to the con- the CCTV footage to identify the Asian.
were hidden in secret places. The cerned authorities.
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: An noticed the bag when he went out A case was registered two suspects and the contraband

Egyptian Muezzin found the of the mosque after Fajr prayer. and investigations are underway to have been referred to the General Wanted Egyptian held: Personnel
remains of a newborn baby in- He saw the newborn babys body identify the culprits. Department for Drugs Control. Young motorist injured: A young manning the Salmi border post crossing
man was slightly injured when he lost have taken into custody an unidentified
control of his car and crashed into the Egyptian who was wanted by law in
Citizen accused of attempting to kidnap Syrian woman wall of a house in Al-Riqqa area, reports
Al-Rai daily.
connection with kidnap and rape cases,
reports Al-Shahed daily.
According to a security source, the The daily added, the suspect was

Police impersonators rob KD 300 from Indian expats house young man is suffering from bruises. He
was rushed to the hospital for treatment
The daily added, the car was damaged,
attempting to leave the country illegally.
Police have reportedly seized from him a
bag of currencies.
By Munaif Nayef victim led a case at Khaitan Police accusing him of robbing her of her 5 arrested for drugs: The Hawally but the man escaped with minor injuries. The man was reportedly attempting to
Al-Seyassah Staff and Station against the unknown sus- two mobile phones and attempting police have arrested ve young peo- leave the country in company of a lorry
pects, providing them with the ve- to kidnap her. ple four men and a woman for driver. The suspect and lorry driver have
Agencies Student reports teacher: A Kuwaiti been referred to the concerned authorities.
hicle registration number of the car She informed securitymen that the possessing and trafcking in drugs, student (juvenile) has filed a complaint
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: An Indian using which the suspects had ed. suspect attempted to kidnap her in reports Al-Shahed daily. The daily with the Nugra Police Station accusing a
expatriate led a case against un- Investigations have been launched front of her house in Sabah Al-Salem added, the suspects were initially physical training teacher of assaulting, Father assaulted: A Kuwaiti working
known individuals who impersonated to nd and arrest the suspects. area. When she resisted, he grabbed arrested because the man behind the reports Al-Anba daily. for the Ministry of Interior has filed a com-
securitymen, barged into his apart- her mobile phones and escaped. wheel crossed the red trafc light. The daily did not give more details plaint with the Waha Police Station accus-
Securitymen have launched inves- about the incident. ing one of his relatives of assaulting his
ment in Khaitan area, tied him up, Without going into details the po-
robbed him of KD 300 and ran away. Kidnap bid foiled: A Syrian woman tigations to nd and arrest the suspect. lice said the suspects have been re- 70-year-old father, reports Al- Anba daily.
According to security sources, the led case against a Kuwaiti citizen, ferred to the concerned authorities.


Recognition for continuous support for Arab youth

Sheikha Al-Zain honored with Al-Haitham media award

AMMAN, May 14, (KUNA): The support to the Arab youth, offer- Meanwhile, Al-Amin congratu- hammed Al-Qasimi.
Undersecretary of Kuwaits Min- ing them opportunities, through lated Kuwait on being elected Cap- The UAMC, an independent
Al-Sudairi dies at age 73 istry of State for Youth Affairs
Sheikha Al-Zain Al-Sabah has been
investing their energies in positive
development matters that serve the
ital of Arab Youth 2017, wishing
the country more progress and pros-
Arab media body, was established
in Bahrain in 2012 and has three
honored with the Al Haitham Arab society, UAMCs Secretary General perity. main ofces in Manama, UAE and
Gulf Press Association pays Media Award of the United Arab
Media Council (UAMC) 2017, for
Haitham Al-Amin told a news con-
ference in Amman Sunday.
Since the prize was launched in
2012, it has been awarded to several
The council, whose executive bu-
supporting causes of the Arab youth. He added that the winner Kuwaiti Arab leading dignitaries, includ- reau is in Jordan, aims to develop a
tribute to Saudi journalist The decision of the awards high-
er committee in its current session
dignitary has been devoting her ef-
forts to serving youth, granting them
ing Bahrins King Hamad bin Isa
Al Khalifa, Governor of the Mecca
unied Arab media to support the
Arab and Muslim causes, as well as
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: The tinued working in that position has come in recognition of Sheikha the chance to be active in their so- Province Prince Khalid Al-Faisal enhancing ties among the media g-
Gulf Press Association mourns until not long ago. Al-Zains efforts and continuous cieties. and Ruler of Sharjah Sultan bin Mo- ures and bodies in the Arab World.
the loss of the renowned Saudi The late Al-Sudairi also played
journalist, former editor-in-chief a huge role in the development of

Doha Forum to discuss prospects

of Al-Riyadh newspaper and one the Gulf newspaper through his
of the founders of the Gulf Press chairmanship of the Gulf Press
Association Turki bin Abdullah Association since its inception in
Al-Sudairi, who died recently at 2005 until few months ago when
the age of 73. he decided to resign due to health
The late Al-Sudairi was known
for his generosity, diligence and
the tremendous efforts he exerted
in serving the free word and es-
tablishment of newspaper integ-
reasons and in order to pump new
blood into the veins of this Gulf
The Gulf press circle regarded
him as a humble person with high
of Mideast stability Al-Sabeeh
rity and ability to lead the Gulf sense of decorum, and the master
community and excel with it. of a journalism scheme that high- Kuwait ready to address humanitarian disasters
The Gulf press circle has lost lights the need to prepare new
one of its veteran journalists who generations and ensure they are DOHA, May 14, (Agen-
is considered as the pinnacle of capable of bearing the respon- cies): Kuwaiti Minister
journalism in the Kingdom of sibility and leading the future of Social Affairs and La-
Saudi Arabia and other countries phases. bor Hind Al-Sabeeh said
of the Gulf Cooperation Council On this sad occasion, the Gulf
(GCC) where scores of journal- Press Association offers its sin- Saturday the 17th edi-
ists learned from him. cere condolences to the family tion of Doha Forum will
The deceased represented a of the deceased as well as to the discuss ways to achieve
model of moral goodness. He was newspaper and media circle in stability and prosperity
known for his devotion and pro- Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, sup- in the Middle East and
ciency in performing his work plicating Almighty Allah to show
with diligence since the time he immense mercy to the deceased.
beyond with emphasis
joined His Majestys court. His May He provide the bereaved on the refugee crisis.
abilities became prominent when with patience and solace! Themed Development,
he was made the editor-in-chief Indeed we belong to Allah, Stability and Refugee Crisis,
of Al-Riyadh newspaper. He con- and to Him we will return. the Doha Forum 2017 opens
today, May 14, under auspices
of Qatari Amir Sheikh Tamim
bin Hamad Al Thani with
UAE team attends Vienna confab nearly 600 head of state and
government, decision-makers
MBRSC showcases first passive and economists and academ-
ics as well as representatives of
civil society organizations from
house for hot, humid climate around the world.
Al-Sabeeh, who doubles as
Minister of State for Economic Af-
DUBAI, May 14: The Sustainable nologies in that eld. fairs, represents His Highness the
Energy Programme Section team at Commenting on MBRSCs par- Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-
Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at the
the Mohammed bin Rashid Space ticipation in the conference, Engineer two-day gathering.
Centre (MBRSC) participated in the Abdulla Ahli, Manager of the Sus- Speaking to KUNA upon her ar-
International Passive House Con- tainable Energy Programme Section rival, she said the State of Kuwait
ference in Vienna. Among the team at MBRSC said: The goal of MBR- attaches great importance to inter-
members present at the conference SCs participation in the International national efforts meant to address
were Engineer Abdulla Ahli, Man- Passive House Conference in Vienna the humanitarian disasters and al-
ager of the Sustainable Energy Pro- is to shed light on the advantages of leviate the suffering of refugees in
gramme Section at MBRSC and its Sustainable Autonomous House the Middle East and other parts of
Khalifa Majid Al Falasi, senior engi- in one of the most important confer- the world.
The crisis in Syria displaced
neer at the section. ences in the world. millions of people and promoted
The team gave a presentation on Furthermore, by participating in Kuwait to host three pledging
MBRSCs Sustainable Autonomous this conference we aim to increase conferences for the UNs Syria
House, which is certied by the Pas- our scientic and technical knowl- appeals which raised $1.5 billion
sive House Institute in Germany as edge in the eld of passive houses in 2013, $2.4 billion in 2014, and
the rst of its kind Passive House for and learn more about advanced sci- $3.8 billion in 2015, the minister
a hot and humid climate. entic discoveries in order to build recalled.
The presentation provided informa- a sustainable knowledge-based She noted that Kuwait, together
with Germany, Norway, the UK
tion on the engineering practices and economy and ensure a prosperous and the United Nations, co-chaired
technology deployed in the house, in- future for our next generations, he the Supporting Syria and the Re-
cluding insulation techniques in both added. gion London 2016. Besides the
directions, a cooling system based This Sustainable Autonomous political, legal and humanitarian
on chilled water, mechanical air l- House reects the UAEs compre- dimensions of the refugee crisis, Top: The crew of Zilzal, a dhow captained by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad bin Rashid al-Maktoum, sails
tration, as well as a smart manage- hensive forward-looking vision, Doha Forum will discuss the chal- towards the finishing line off the coast of Dubai to win al-Gaffal traditional long-distance dhow sailing race. Above:
ment and control system. They also which aims to preserve and protect lenges facing economic develop- Dhows participate in the al-Gaffal traditional long-distance dhow sailing race near the island of Sir Abu Nuayr
stressed that the aim of the project is the environment, as well as using ment and investment in the re- towards Dubai, on May 14. Over a hundred traditional dhow racing boats are taking part in al-Gaffal race from Sir
gion, Al-Sabeeh went on. Abu Nuayr Island to Dubai. (AFP)
to decrease energy consumption, re- smart technology to make peoples The gathering will also deal
duce carbon emissions and meet peo- lives easier and happier, Ahli con-
ples physiological and psychologi- cluded.
with the possible impacts of the
US and Russian policies on the se-
UAE holds annual boat race
cal needs who live in hot and humid MBRSC launched the Sustainable curity of the region and the outlook More than 120 traditional dhows home from a day at sea. lion dirhams ($2.72 million).
temperature. Autonomous House project as part of the oil market as well as the re- retraced a centuries-old pearl div- The wooden dhows with billow- The tradition of dhows dates
On the side lines of the conference, of its research efforts in sustainabil- lationship between the Gulf region ing route off the coast of the United ing white sails made the 51.3 nau- back to pearl diving in the Gulf, a
the team took part in various work- ity and green buildings. The house and neighboring countries. Arab Emirates on Sunday for an tical mile (95-kms) journey from major industry for coastal commu-
shops discussing the eld of passive uses energy production and storing While developing Kuwaits annual boat race. the island of Sir Abu Nuayr to the nities until the mid-20th century,
ve-year development plan, the The Al-Gaffal race, Arabic for Dubai coast. when manufactured pearls made
houses, as well as lectures presenting technology similar to that used when General Secretariat of the Supreme The Return, traces the path pearl- The winner, the dhow Zilzal, or their way into international markets.
the latest and most prominent tech- building satellites and space shuttles. Council for Planning and Devel- divers would take on their return Earthquake, was awarded 10 mil- (AFP)
opment took stock of the future
trends of the economic, political
and security conditions in the re-
News in Brief gion and made this plan ready to Humanitarian and philanthropic efforts praised
accommodate to new changes,
she added. The minister was wel-
comed at Hamad International
Airport by Kuwait Ambassador to
Princess Lamia receives Change Maker Award
Kuwait to receive flag: Kuwait will placed people in the northern Iraqi city of Qatar Haz Mohammad Al-Ajami
receive the flag bearing the logo of the Irbil, part of an aid campaign launched LONDON, May 14: HRH Prin-
and a number of diplomatic staff of cess Lamia Bint Majid AlSaud,
Capital of the Arab Youth from by the Kuwaiti Society for Relief (KSR).
Speaking to KUNA, Kuwaits Consul the embassy. Secretary General of Alwaleed
Morocco on Monday, as celebrations on Meanwhile, western diplomats
the occasion will be launched in the General in Irbil Dr Omar Al-Kanderi Philanthropies Global, chaired by
said that the all-encompassing aid has shunned the opening ceremony of
country. Kuwait prepared a variety of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal
distinguished cultural, social, sports, reli- reached displaced Iraqis residing in cit- a conference in Qatar on Sunday
ies, who outnumber those inhabiting attended by Sudans president, Bin Abdulaziz AlSaud, receives
gious and artistic activities for this event the Change Maker Award from
during 2017, celebrating Kuwait as a camps. Moreover, he noted that the cam- who is wanted for war crimes by
capital of Arab youth. paign, dubbed, Kuwait is By Your the International Criminal Court the Director and Organizer Feraye
Total number of female and male Side, was launched to help out the Iraqi (ICC). Ozfescioglu at the Aid & Trade
Kuwait youth of the age group between people, many of whom are mired in mis- Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who Conference in London on May 11,
15-40 reached more than half million out ery. Meanwhile, Abbas Al-Jabbouri, the came to power in Sudan in a 1989 2017 in recognition of Princess
of the total Kuwaiti population of 1.25 head of an organization of volunteers for Islamist and military-backed coup, Lamias humanitarian and philan-
million, according to Kuwait Central relief and development, told KUNA that has continued to travel abroad
Statistical Bureau in 2015. 2,250 food baskets were given to dis- thropic efforts worldwide.
since the ICC charged him with During the Aid & Trade Confer-
The youth in Kuwait receive great placed Iraqi families that have been cut genocide and crimes against hu-
care, encouragement and support from off from the aid that is usually earmarked manity in 2008. ence, Princess Lamia delivered a
the States institutions and ministries in for people living in camps. But his appearance on a list of high-level keynote on the role of
all domains. (KUNA) He also thanked Kuwait for the copi- women empowerment in changing
ous amounts of aid the country has deliv- speakers at a humanitarian confer-
ence in Doha on Sunday attended the world. Princess Lamia stressed
ered to the autonomous region of Iraqi
PIC, Pembina sign deal: Kuwaits Kurdistan. (KUNA) by the deputy head of the United the importance of harnessing the
Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) Nations prompted the US, Cana- talents and skills of women and
announced signing an agreement with dian and Australian ambassadors young people everywhere to build
Canadas Pembina company to design a OAPEC to hold meet: The to boycott the event, according to a better tomorrow.
petrochemical complex in Alberta, Organization of Arab Petroleum two Western diplomats in Doha.
Exporting Countries (OAPEC) will hold Through our partnerships, we
Canada. The joint project the Kuwait- Spokespeople for the three em-
Canada petrochemicals company has a the 98th meeting at the delegates level aim to provide the necessary tools
bassies did not immediately re-
capacity up to 550,000 tons of in Dubai on Monday, the organization spond to a request for comment. and know-how to enable women
Polypropylene per year, said PIC in a said in a statement on Friday. Three European diplomats and youth to reach their dreams,
press statement on Sunday. The project is The agenda includes endorsement of and ensure that all women are
final accounts of the general secretariat who attended the event said they
part of PICs plan to expand its work walked out before Bashir ad- getting full access to education, Princess Lamia in London to receive Change Maker Award.
locally and abroad, said the companys and the judicial department for 2016 as
well as examining preparations for hold- dressed the Doha Forum attended employment, and intellectual free-
CEO Mohammad Al-Farhoud. soil drifts strike. regardless of gender, race or reli-
On his part, Pembinas CEO Michael ing the 11th Arab energy conference, due by the Gulf states emir and UN dom.
in Morocco in 2018. Conferees will also Deputy Secretary-General Amina The Aid & Trade Conference The organization takes prompt gion. It collaborates with a range of
Digler said he was looking forward to
execute such a huge project in Alberta to examine the quarterly report about global Mohammed. brings together the global aid and action by communicating with all philanthropic, governmental, non-
boost the field of chemical industries. petroleum markets conditions, following The Sudanese president is development as well as emergency reliable parties in the damaged ar- governmental and educational or-
He added that the two companies are up on environmental issues and activities wanted by the ICC so it would not community to learn, network, sup- eas such as international rescue or- ganizations to combat poverty, em-
strictly following safety measures and organized by the general secretariat dur- be appropriate to be present for ganizations and local embassies to power women and youth, develop
ing 2017, namely the 24th meeting for ply, and source. It attracts every-
quality performance in all facilities. his remarks, said one of the dip- aid victims, help alleviate the suf- communities, provide disaster relief
(KUNA) oil and gas industries, hosted by Kuwait lomats. one from major NGOs and global
in April. They will also discuss work of policy makers. Alwaleed Philan- fering, and provide nancial sup- and create cultural understanding
A UN ofcial in Doha declined
port to those in need. through education. Together with
the data bank, results of meetings at the to comment on Bashirs attend- thropies is amongst the rst to re-
Iraqis receive aid: Kuwait on Sunday Arab League levels and studies conduct- ance but said that the UN had at- spond when natural disasters such For over 37 years, Alwaleed Phi- its partners, it helps build bridges
handed out 2,250 food baskets to dis- ed by the secretariat. (KUNA) as earthquakes, tsunamis, seasonal lanthropies has supported and initi- for a more compassionate, tolerant
tended the conference for over a
decade in a spirit of cooperation. oods, hurricanes, and dangerous ated projects in over 124 countries and accepting world.


World News Roundup

evidence from a Russian criminal case.
In a statement Prevezon portrayed the
Records show violent history settlement as a victory, saying that the deal
was struck without it admitting guilt and
that the payment represented less than
Ohio nursing home three percent the amount initially sought
by the US government. (RTRS)

gunman kills 3, self Crimes an embarrassment: The
effort by former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee
KIRKERSVILLE, Ohio, May 14, (AP): An armed Baca and his underlings to derail an FBI
man gunned down a new village police chief on an investigation into beatings in the jails he
Ohio street on Friday and then killed two employees ran was dubbed Operation Pandoras Box.
in a nearby nursing home, where he later was found Like the Greek myth the name was
dead, a sheriff said. No nursing home residents were based on, it contained troubles the conspir-
ators never anticipat-
injured, nor were two hostages briefly held by the ed when federal
alleged gunman. investigators uncov-
The slain police chief, Steven Eric Disario, had ered the scheme and
headed the Kirkersville Police Department for only went after Baca and
about three weeks, Licking County Sheriff Randy his associates for
Thorp said. Disario was shot on a street near the Pine obstructing justice.
Kirk Care Center, and the two female employees and Baca was the final
the gunman were found dead inside, Thorp said. casualty when he was
Authorities identified the gunman as Thomas sentenced Friday to
Hartless, 43, of the nearby village of Utica. The three years in federal
employees were Marlina prison by a judge
Medrano, a nurse, and who rebuked the Baca
longtime lawman for
48-year-old Cindy Krantz, a failing to live up to the lofty values he
nurses aide. Medranos age preached, bringing shame to his depart-
was not available ment and forever tarnishing his legacy.
Disario, 36, was a father of US District Court Judge Percy
six children, with a seventh on Anderson, who exceeded a two-year term
the way, the sheriff said. recommended by prosecutors, said Baca
Flowers and flags appeared in would have received five years behind bars
an impromptu memorial out- if not for nearly a half-century of public
side the village police hall, service and because hes in the early stages
located less than a block from of Alzheimers disease.
Hartless the site of the shooting. The judge, however, took exception to a
Thorp called it a hard day for all. defense contention that Alzheimers is a
sentence of its own.
Weve lost a police officer. Its just a tragic As awful as Alzheimers disease is, its
event, he said. I guess the only peace of mind is not a criminal penalty, said Anderson,
that the threat is over. who said the suggestion was an insult to
Thorp gave the following timeline of events in the millions of others suffering from the condi-
village of about 500 residents, roughly 25 miles (39 tion who have not committed federal
kms) east of Columbus: crimes. Alzheimers disease is not a get-
The gunman was in a wooded area behind the out-of-jail card.
nursing home when he encountered two passers-by, Baca, 74, was the most prominent
whom he temporarily took hostage. defendant in the case that expanded from a
civil rights investigation of beatings by
Report guards in the nations largest jail system
Disario, responding to a report of a man with a into a broader corruption scandal that led
gun, apparently encountered the gunman in that area. to the top of the department. In addition to
Baca and his top lieutenant, 19 others were
The chiefs last radio communication said he had the convicted of crimes ranging from assaults
man in sight. to obstructing justice.
When a shot was fired at the chief, the hostages The sentence was a blow to Baca, who
escaped unharmed. had been seeking probation and home con-
We dont know the cause or the purpose or what finement.
drove this individual to do this, Thorp said, adding Baca, dressed in a light blue suit, deliv-
that was being investigated. ered a scattered address from hand-written
Responding officers found Disario on the street notes outside the courthouse after the sen-
and then investigated a report of a gunman at the (Top): American engineer and former astronaut Buzz Aldrin speaks during the 2017 Ellis Island Medals of Honor ceremony tencing in which he thanked the people of
nursing home, Thorp said. at the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) meeting on May 13, in New York. (Above): American-Indian Los Angeles County, his lawyers and his
Some of the nursing homes 23 residents barri- journalist Fareed Zakaria speaks during the 2017 Ellis Island Medals of Honor ceremony. (AFP) wife standing by his side, who he couldnt
caded themselves during the shooting, but none of immediately locate. (AP)

them was injured, he said. All were relocated to other Ellis Island medals go to Aldrin, Malala
facilities until investigators were out of the nursing Head of NYC jails resigns: The head
home. This years Ellis Island Medals of ager who won the Nobel Peace Prize groups. A ceremony is being held Sat- of New York Citys troubled jail system
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, who came Honor go to 90 Americans, from a for- after being shot in her native Pakistan urday on the New York harbor island. resigned his post Friday, after he was criti-
to the scene Friday afternoon, said search warrants mer astronaut and a yogurt company while ghting for a girls right to an Recipients in 2017 include Chobani cized for using his city-owned SUV to
had been executed on two vehicles owned by founder to a television journalist. education. National Ethnic Coalition founder Hamdi Ulukaya, PepsiCo repeatedly drive to vacations in Maine.
Hartless and at his home in Utica, about 30 miles (48 An Ellis Island International Med- of Organizations bestows the medals chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi, jour- Department of Corrections
kilometers) away. al of Honor is also going to Malala on Americans who have distinguished nalist Fareed Zakaria, and former as- Commissioner Joseph Ponte, who led
He later said Medrano had a relationship with Yousafzai (YOO-sahf-zigh), the teen- themselves within their own ethnic tronaut Buzz Aldrin. (AP) Maines state prison system for three years
before he was hired to reform New Yorks
Hartless. Officials said they lived on the same street. Rikers Island jail in 2014, announced he
Thorp said law enforcers were still working to was retiring in a statement that thanked
determine what, if any, relationship the man had correction employees for their work to
with the nursing home. The facility is secure, and its
unclear how the gunman got in, he said.
Health bring about meaningful reform and build a
culture of safety at the department.
The shooting closed down the main street in the Im confident that all the hard work
village, which was flooded with police officers from weve accomplished has positioned the
several surrounding agencies and with ambulances. department for even more meaningful
We dont have this stuff go on around here, said Missouri expands first-in-nation law reform in the days ahead, he said.
His departure comes after weeks of criti-
Ron Rogers, 67, a local shopkeeper. The only sirens
we hear are when the Fire Department goes out. cism over alleged ethical lapses.
A woman who lives across the street said she and
her 6-year-old son heard it happen. We heard it all,
said Tiffani Chester, 25. We heard yelling, we
State targets doc dearth New Yorks Department of
Investigation, an anticorruption agency,
released a report last month saying Ponte
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo, May 14, dont want to go to Podunk, said spent 90 days out of state last year in his
heard the gunshots, then it was just sirens. department SUV. About a third of those
Pine Kirk is licensed for 24 patients and had 23 as (AP): Numerous additional doctors Missouri Rep. Keith Frederick, an
from around the US could become orthopedic surgeon who sponsored days away came during the workweek.
of May 3, according to Ohio Department of Health City officials generally arent allowed to
eligible to treat patients in Missouris the assistant physician law.
records. A message was left with the center, whose underserved areas as a result of a This bill takes folks that very use their taxpayer-funded vehicles for per-
employees appeared wheeling medical carts out of planned expansion of a first-in-the- much want to ply their trade they
sonal trips out of the region, the report
the facility Friday evening to put them into storage said. The report said other officials at the
nation law aimed at addressing a just want the opportunity to provide agency used their vehicles for trips to Cape
while patients are away. pervasive doctor shortage. patient care and the bill requires Cod, the Hamptons and other destinations.
Representing A woman controls the canopy of her The newly passed Missouri legis- that they serve in an underserved Ponte promised to repay the city, but a
umbrella in strong winds during a lation would broaden the reach of a area, Frederick added. subsequent report accused corrections offi-
Peter Van Runkle, the head of the state trade asso- rainy day, on May 13, in Hoboken, 2014 law that sought to bridge the Nearly 6,800 places in the US are
ciation representing nursing homes, told the Dispatch cials of using internal affairs officers to
New Jersey. (AP) gap between communities in need of short on primary care physicians, eavesdrop on conversations between
that Pine Kirk caters to the forgotten members of doctors and physicians in need of from particular medical clinics to Department of Investigation investigators
society. jobs. That law created a new category certain urban communities and entire and inmate informants at the jail.
They provide them with a small environment of licensed professionals assis- rural counties, according to the US Mayor Bill de Blasio had defended
thats less institutional than some facilities might
be, he said. They do a good job of taking care of a America tant physicians for people who Department of Health and Human Ponte, saying people were missing the
forest through the trees.
graduate from medical school and Services. Of those, 225 are in
niche clientele. pass key medical exams but arent Missouri a disproportionately On Friday, the mayor said in a statement
Meanwhile, court records show the man authori- Man threatened Obama, jailed: An placed in residency programs needed high amount compared with the that he would look for someone with the
ties say gunned down an Ohio village police chief Oregon man who made threats to kill for- for certification. states population. same experience and progressive commit-
and two nursing home employees had a history of mer president Barack Obama over social But it took nearly 2 years before Since Missouris original law ment as Ponte.
violence, including against the nurse who was among media will serve five years in federal pris- Missouri finally began accepting passed, Arkansas and Kansas While much work remains, there is no
the slain. on. doubt that our citys jails are safer, more
applications on Jan. 31. By then, approved slimmed-down versions, rehabilitative, and more humane as a result
Records show Medrano had obtained civil protec- The Mail Tribune reported Friday that some applicants no longer qualified and Utah enacted a similar measure
US District Court Judge Michael McShane of Commissioner Pontes work, he said.
tion orders against Hartless. Hartless was released because too much time had lapsed this year. Lawmakers also have con- Rikers, a former dump near the runways
from jail in April after his latest domestic violence sentenced 62-year-old John Roos of since their medical exams. Missouris sidered similar programs in
Medford to 63 months in prison. of LaGuardia Airport, is accessible only by
case in March. State prison records show he served new legislation seeks to turn back the Oklahoma, Virginia and Washington. a narrow bridge between it and Queens. For
eight months in 2010 for the 2009 abduction of Roos was also sentenced to three years clock, so those who became ineligi- Missouris assistant physician
of post-prison supervision upon his release. decades, the city has sent its inmates there
another woman. ble during the slow roll out can still license is available to all legal US while they await trial. Violence, misman-
I am afraid to be alone with him, that he will hurt According to a US Department of get licensed as assistant physicians. residents who graduated from medi-
Justice news release, Roos pleaded guilty agement and corruption have been the sub-
me for good, Medrano wrote in her latest petition to charges related to the threats and other
Supporters hope the legislation, if cal school within the last three years ject of intense scrutiny by the media and
this month. The Columbus Dispatch reported that charges for possession of an unregistered signed by the governor, will help and passed the first two rounds of federal prosecutors in recent years. (AP)
court officials said Friday that protection order was explosive device. jumpstart a program that has been medical licensing exams within the
still in effect. Records show Medrano had reported promoted as a model for other states. last two years. It lets them provide
Roos said in court that he threatened to
Weve been trying for years to primary care in medically under- Unconstitutional pain: The firing
injuries including a concussion and cuts requiring kill Obama and the former first family on squad is the only appropriate method of
stitches. Twitter. According the release, Roos has address our maldistribution of physi- served areas with the supervision of execution for a condemned Georgia prison-
The Dispatch reported that she had earlier told also posted on Facebook threats to kill FBI cians in the country. We have all another physician. People can work er even though its not permitted under
police he once showed her a hole he had dug and said agents with hunting rifles. sorts of incentive programs and all as assistant physicians indefinitely, state law because the states lethal
he would put her in it if she didnt stay with him. She Roos has said the threats were not seri- sorts of ways to try to get them to go essentially sidestepping traditional injection drug could cause him to suffer
also told police Hartless doesnt like police. ous. (AP) out to Podunk, but a lot of them just residency requirements. more than the Constitution allows, his law-
Hartless neighbor, Connie Long, told reporters yers say.
Medrano had taken shelter in Longs home March 6 J.W. Ledford Jr is scheduled to die
Sentencing scheduled: The man who endorse Christie for re-election. (AP) dered proceeds of a $230 million tax fraud, Tuesday. He was convicted of murder in
after he attacked her. Long had posted a Facebook admitted orchestrating a colossal traffic
warning to the community that a violent man was ending a politically charged case days the January 1992 stabbing death of his
jam at the George Washington Bridge for before it was set to go to trial. neighbor, 73-year-old Dr Harry Johnston,
loose after Hartless was released only weeks later. political revenge is due to be sentenced. Money laundering case settled: A Federal prosecutors in New York near his home in Murray County, in north-
Disario headed the Kirkersville Police Department Federal prosecutors in New Jersey say Russian-owned group of companies has announced late Friday the surprise settle- west Georgia.
for only about three weeks, Licking County Sheriff David Wildstein will learn his fate June 14. agreed to pay nearly $6 million to settle ment between the US government and Ledford, 45, suffers from chronic nerve
Randy Thorp said. He was the father of six children, The former Port Authority of New York US civil allegations that the firms laun- Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, the pain that has been treated with increasing
with a seventh on the way, the sheriff said. and New Jersey official faces up to 27 owner of Prevezon Holdings, as both sides doses of the prescription drug gabapentin
Authorities say the gunman had taken two passers- months in prison. But prosecutors could were preparing to bring the three-year case for more than a decade, his lawyers said in
by as hostages in a wooded area behind the nursing seek less time due to his cooperation in the to trial next week. a federal lawsuit filed Thursday. They
home. Disario, responding to a report of a man with investigation of the long-running saga We will not allow the US financial sys- cited experts who say long-term exposure
a gun, said in his last radio communication that he known as Bridgegate. tem to be used to launder the proceeds of to gabapentin alters brain chemistry, mak-
had the man in sight. The hostages escaped unharmed, Wildstein testified against former Port crimes committed anywhere here in the ing pentobarbital unreliable to render him
as did all 23 residents of the nursing home. Authority executive Bill Baroni and US, in Russia, or anywhere else, Acting unconscious and devoid of sensation or
Ohio Gov John Kasich ordered that all flags be Bridget Kelly, a former deputy chief of Manhattan US Attorney Joon H. Kim said feeling.
staff for Republican Gov. Chris Christie. in a statement. Accordingly, there is a substantial risk
flown at half-staff at all public buildings and grounds Both were convicted and recently sen- The settlement comes after Prevezon that Mr. Ledford will be aware and in
throughout Licking County and at the Ohio tenced to prison terms. Both are appealing. was hit with key setbacks last week: US agony as the pentobarbital attacks his
Statehouse through sunset May 16 to honor the lives Wildstein testified Baroni and Kelly District Judge William Pauley denied a respiratory system, depriving his brain,
lost in senseless acts of violence in Kirkersville. were willing participants in the plot to pun- summary judgment motion by the defense heart, and lungs of oxygen as he drowns in
ish a Democratic mayor who didnt Obama Katsyv and granted a government motion to admit his own saliva, the lawsuit says. (AP)


People protest the possibility that the Trump administration may overturn the Temporary Protected Status for Haitians in front of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services office on May 13, in Miami, Florida. 50,000
Haitians have been eligible for TPS and now the Trump administration has until May 23 to make a decision on extending TPS for Haitians or allowing it to expire on July 22 which would mean possibly deportation for the
current TPS holders. (AFP)

Politics Voters

Trump addresses graduates Debate flares anew

Its outsiders who ID law proved insurmountable

change the world MILWAUKEE, May 14, (AP): State
Sen Mary Lazich was adamant: The
would have won the popular vote had
it not been for millions of people cast-
rent name or address.
Supporters of voter ID laws say that
LYNCHBURG, Va, May 14, (AP): Donald Trump, bill Republicans were about to push ing ballots illegally. Democrats and prohibiting out-of-state drivers licens-
the real estate mogul-turned-president, offered simple through the Wisconsin state Senate, voting rights groups said Trumps es reduces the possibility of voter
words of advice to university graduates Saturday as he requiring that voters present identifica- commission is merely a front for fraud and individuals filling out mul-
urged them to follow their convictions, prepare to face tion at the polls, would do no harm. allowing Republican state officials to tiple ballots. Research has shown that
criticism and relish the opportunity to be an outsid- Not a single voter in this state will enact tough registration and voting such voter fraud can happen, but its
er. be disenfranchised by the ID law, requirements that would restrict the very rare.
Its the outsiders who change the world, Trump Lazich promised. ability of minorities and the poor to After casting a provisional ballot,
declared in his first commencement address to more Five years later, in the first presi- cast ballots. Reynolds was told to return within
than 18,000 graduates of Liberty University, a dential election held under the new Courts also have weighed in on the three days with a Wisconsin drivers
Christian school whose president was one of Trumps law, Gladys Harris proved her wrong. topic, upholding laws that are gener- license, but he couldnt take the time
earliest and most outspoken supporters during last US President Donald Trump is pre- By one estimate, 300,000 eligible ally narrow in scope while striking off from work on such short notice.
years presidential campaign. sented with a Doctorate of Laws dur- voters in the state lacked valid photo down others considered too broad. A I only had between Tuesday and
Trump kept to a largely upbeat message during the ing the commencement at Liberty IDs heading into the election; it is federal appeals court last year struck Friday to get it done, and I just couldnt
roughly 30-minute speech, never mentioning his stun- University on May 13, in Lynchburg, unknown how many people did not down a package of laws passed in accomplish it in that time frame, he
Virginia. President Trump is the first
ning decision this past week to sitting president to speak at Libertys vote because they didnt have proper North Carolina, including voter ID, said.
remove James Comey as FBI commencement since George H.W. identification. But it is not hard to find saying they targeted black voters with When Alvin Mueller retired from
director. Trump said Comey is Bush spoke in 1990. (AFP) the Navy veteran whose out-of-state almost surgical precision. his job as a maintenance worker, his
a showboat and grandstand- drivers license did not suffice, or the The politicians and the lawyers may wife Margie, 85, quit driving and let
er who was fired because he dying woman whose license had be at loggerheads, but to Harris, the her license expire in 2010. The cou-
wasnt doing a good job. expired, or the recent graduate whose injustice is beyond dispute. ple never had trouble voting in
But the timing of Trumps
decision raised questions as he
America student ID was deficient or Harris, They prevented us from voting, Plymouth, a small city about an
who at 66 made her way to her polling she said, simply. hours drive north of Milwaukee
remains frustrated by FBI and place despite chronic lung disease and where theyve lived since they mar-
congressional investigations Obama-era rules reversed: Final a torn ligament in her knee. Polling ried 65 years ago.
into Russias role in the 2016 score: Republicans 14, Barack Obamas She had lost her drivers license just When Sean Reynolds went to his But they hit a snag during early vot-
presidential campaign that last-minute regulations, one. before Election Day. Aware of the new polling place at a local ice skating rink ing in November because Margie
Trump ended with Trumps election, Congressional Republicans anxious to law, she brought her Social Security on Election Day, he showed his valid Mueller couldnt cast a ballot with her
along with possible ties show voters they can get something done and Medicare cards as well as a coun- drivers license. The problem? It expired license. The staff at the city
between Trump associates and the Russian govern- are hailing their reversal of more than a ty-issued bus pass that displayed her wasnt issued in Wisconsin. clerks office said if she wanted to
ment. dozen Obama-era regulations on guns, the photo. Reynolds, 30, was taken aback. He vote, she would need to get a new ID
Trump said Saturday that he could name a new internet and the environment. Not good enough. She had to cast a had moved to Madison in 2015 to find at a DMV office about 15 miles away
director by Friday, when he departs on his first foreign Over a few months, lawmakers used an provisional ballot that ended up not work after leaving the Navy and in Sheboygan, the county seat, Alvin
trip as president to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy and obscure legislative rule to ram through being counted. receiving his associates degree from a Mueller recalls.
Belgium. Justice Department officials began inter- changes that will have far-reaching impli- university in neighboring Illinois.
cations for the coal industry, broadband
In the end, Wisconsins 10 Electoral Thats not unusual. The Brennan
viewing candidates in Washington on Saturday. College votes went to Republican After learning he could register to vote Center estimated that in the 10 states
customers, hunters and women seeking
Drawing parallels to what was widely viewed as a health care at Planned Parenthood and Donald Trump, who defeated on Election Day in Wisconsin, he with voter ID laws in 2012, more than
longshot presidential bid by Trump, who had never other abortion providers. Democrat Hillary Clinton by roughly thought all he needed to show at the 10 million eligible voters lived more
held elective office before winning the November The deadline for scuttling the rules that 22,000 votes. But the battle over voter polls was a current photo ID. After all, than 10 miles from a state ID-issuing
election, Trump urged the graduates to never stop Democrat Obama imposed during his final ID laws continues. his Illinois ID was good enough to office that is open more than two days
fighting for what they believe in. months in office was last Thursday. The board a plane, open a checking account a week.
1996 Congressional Review Act had given
Ballot and purchase cold medicine.
Ceremony Republicans the power to make the chang- Under the Wisconsin law, voters Coming home and being denied Drive
Remember this: Nothing worth doing ever, ever, es with a simple majority, within a specific must present a drivers license, state the right to vote because I didnt have Alvin Mueller said his wife was bat-
ever came easy, he said. Tens of thousands of people time frame. ID, passport, military ID, naturaliza- a specific drivers license is very frus- tling cancer in her lymph nodes and
packed an on-campus stadium to welcome Trump, the While the rest of Washington focused tion papers or tribal ID to vote. A stu- trating, said Reynolds, who served in lungs. The prospect of making the trip
second sitting president to address the universitys on the furor over President Donald dent ID is acceptable only if it has a both Iraq and Afghanistan providing to Sheboygan was overwhelming. Not
commencement ceremony, with applause and a stand- Trumps firing of FBI Director James signature and a two-year expiration support for special forces. I was a only did they not make the drive
ing ovation. Comey, Republicans were celebrating their date. Those who do not have their ID little incredulous that they wouldnt Alvin decided if his wife couldnt
Following your convictions means you must be effort to reverse the rules, arguing that it can cast a provisional ballot that will accept another states drivers license. vote, he wouldnt either.
willing to face criticism from those who lack the same would boost the economy and make it easi- be counted only if they return with the I didnt understand why it was not a Its not like they were strangers to
courage to do what is right, and they know what is er for businesses to operate. proper ID within a few days of the valid form of ID. the poll workers: We voted in
right, but they dont have the courage or the guts or I am almost speechless when I think election. Reynolds said he had been working Plymouth here for years. They know
the stamina to take it and to do it, said Trump, who about the success, said Sen Jim Inhofe, Supporters have long argued such 50-hour weeks, receiving hourly pay, us and everything, he said.
did not wear a gown. R-Okla. Senators pointed out that Congress restrictions are needed to prevent voter and could not afford to take time off Margie died on March 19.
Trump advised the graduates to never quit and to had only once before used the legislative tools
stemming from the Congressional Review Act fraud, while critics have decried the from his job in security management Im going to be 86 pretty soon, he
carry themselves with dignity and pride. laws as undermining democracy and to visit a local DMV and transfer his said. I dont think Ill be voting any-
Demand the best from yourself and be totally to quash a regulation until this year. In all,
the GOP was able to reverse 14 regulations that leading to the disenfranchisement of license from Illinois. more, as long as she isnt here. We did
unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed had or will get Trumps signature. elderly and minority voters such as A survey conducted by the Brennan everything together.
power structures, Trump said, in a dig at the Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the Harris. Center in 2006 estimated that while as Catelin Tindall brought these things
Washington political establishment he has vowed to Democratic leader in the Senate, argued The debate flared anew this week many as roughly 21 million voting-age with her when she went to her precinct
shake up. Does that sound familiar, by the way? that overturning rules passed at the end of when President Donald Trump signed US citizens did not have a valid gov- on Election Day: Her Ohio ID. Copies
Trump also urged graduates to treat the word the Obama administration hardly constitut- an executive order creating a commis- ernment-issued, photo identification, of her lease and utility bill. Her student
impossible as nothing more than motivation and ed an agenda. (AP) sion to investigate voter fraud. Trump an additional 4.5 million had a valid ID from the Milwaukee Institute of Art
relish the opportunity to be an outsider. maintains, without evidence, that he ID but one that did not have their cur- and Design.
The more that a broken system tells you that
youre wrong, the more certain you should be that you Broad support, big challenge:
must keep pushing ahead, he said. You must keep Mark Green is a rare bird in Washington
pushing forward. these days a Donald Trump nominee
Trump suggested they choose careers they love or with broad bipartisan support.
you most likely wont be very successful at it. But theres a catch to his potential post- Tanzania under President George W. Bush execute the mission of USAID under the
Trump won an overwhelming 80 percent of the ing as administrator of the US Agency for had collected an impressive array of endorse- proposed cuts and changes that President
white evangelical vote during the election, and a International Development. The agency ments from lawmakers in both parties, and Trump is proposing for this critical agen-
faces a starkly uncertain future, including from development groups that had up to then cy, said Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of
recent Pew Research Center survey marking his potentially big budget cuts and the possi- largely opposed other Trump nominees and
first 100 days in office a milestone reached on Delaware, a member of the Senate Foreign
bility of being folded entirely into a policies. That bodes well for Greens confir-
April 29 found three-fourths of white evangeli- restructured State Department. mation, even if it may not be enough to stave Relations Committee that will evaluate the
cals approved of his performance as president. Just Within hours of the White Houses off what some see as the Trump administra- nomination. The cuts would devastate the
39 percent of the general public held the same announcement of his nomination this past tions intent to dismantle USAID. United States ability to conduct diplomacy
view. week, the former Republican congressman Theres no way Ambassador Green, or and development and harm our national
from Wisconsin and US ambassador to anyone for that matter, could effectively Comey Green interests. (AP)


World News Roundup

Britains Kate, Duchess of Cambridge talks to a guest at a garden party at Buckingham Palace, London, on May 13, honouring the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces. (AP)

Britain Cyberattack

Robin Hood Tax eyed Alert researcher, teamwork help stem huge cyberattack
Conservatives lead 18
points over Labour: poll
UK to strengthen cyber security
LONDON, May 14, (Agencies): Britain from retaliatory attacks or for privacy. gura, a senior malware intelligence
LONDON, May 14, (Agencies): British Prime Minister is spending around 50 million pounds In a blog post Saturday, MalwareTech researcher at Malwarebytes, a San
Theresa Mays Conservative Party has an 18 point lead ($64 million) on improving the security explained he returned from lunch with a Jose-based company that has released
over the main opposition Labour Party ahead of a June 8 of the National Health Services (NHS) friend on Friday and learned that net- anti-ransomware software. The idea is
national election, according to an opinion poll conducted computer systems and had warned the works across Britains health system had to try to trick the victim into running a
by YouGov for the Sunday Times NHS it faced cyber threats, defence min- been hit by ransomware, tipping him off malicious piece of code.
The Conservatives were at 49 percent, up 3 percent ister Michael Fallon said on Sunday. that this was something big. The software usually is hidden within
from YouGovs previous poll, against Labours 31 per- In an interview with the BBCs An- He began analyzing a sample of the links or attachments in emails. Once the
cent, up 1 percent. British Prime Minister Theresa May drew Marr Show, Fallon said the British malicious software and noticed its code user clicks on the link or opens the docu-
The poll put the centrist Liberal Democrats on 9 per- speaks with visitors at the Balmoral government under Prime Minister The- included a hidden web address that ment, their computer is infected and the
cent, and the anti-European Union UK Independence Show near Lisburn, Northern Ireland, resa May had identied in its security wasnt registered. He said he promptly software takes over.
Party at 3 percent, both down 4 percent. Details of num- on May 13, during a general election review that cyber threats were one of the registered the domain, something he HOW RANSOMWARE WORKS
bers surveyed were not immediately available. campaign visit. Britain goes to the top three greatest threats for the country. regularly does to try to discover ways to Ransomware, like the name sug-
Meanwhile, Britains opposition Labour Party would polls on June 8 to elect a new parlia- We set aside 1.9 billion pounds to track or stop malicious software. gests, is when your les are held for
crack down on tax avoidance and introduce a Robin ment in a general election. (AFP) protect us better against cyber and a Across an ocean, Darien Huss, a ransom, said Peter Reiher, an adjunct
Hood Tax on nancial transactions to fund public ser- large chunk of that went to the NHS, 28-year-old research engineer for the cy- professor at UCLA who specializes in
vices if it wins next months national election, it said on Fallon said after a cyber attack forced bersecurity rm Proofpoint, was doing computer science and cybersecurity. It
Saturday. hospitals to turn away patients on Friday. his own analysis. The western Michigan nds all of your les and encrypts them
Labour, which is trailing
Mays ruling Conservatives Europe We are spending around 50 million
pounds on the NHS cyber systems to im-
resident said he noticed the authors of
the malware had left in a feature known
and then leaves you a message. If you
want to decrypt them, you have to pay.
badly in opinion polls, said that prove their security, weve encouraged as a kill switch. Huss took a screen shot
4.7 billion pounds ($6.1 billion) the NHS trusts to reduce their exposure of his discovery and shared it on Twitter. Lost
Suspicious package at airport: Leeds
could be raised through a Robin Bradford Airport in northern England was to the weakest system, the Windows Soon he and MalwareTech were com- The ransomware encrypts data on the
Hood Tax by modernising the closed on Saturday after a report of a suspi- XP ... and there is money available to municating about what theyd found: computer using an encryption key that
tax regime on share trading. cious package, West Yorkshire Police said in strengthen these systems, he said. That registering the domain name and only the attacker knows. If the ransom
It would close a loophole for a statement. Meanwhile, the cyberattack that redirecting the attacks to MalwareTechs isnt paid, the data is often lost forever.
banks and hedge funds and make A cordon has been put in place and the spread malicious software around the server had activated the kill switch, halt- When the ransomware takes over a
other forms of nancial assets, airport closed whilst the package is exam- world, shutting down networks at hos- ing the ransomwares infections. computer, the attackers are pretty explic-
including nancial derivatives, ined, it said. pitals, banks and government agen- it in their demands, Segura said. In most
Davis like options on shares, liable. No further information was immediately cies, was thwarted by a young British Team cases, they change the wallpaper of the
Labour would also take on those in Britain who dodge available. (RTRS) researcher and an inexpensive domain Huss and others were calling Mal- computer and give specic instructions
paying tax, closing loopholes and clamping down on tax registration, with help from another wareTech a hero on Saturday, with Huss telling the user how to pay to recover
havens. 20-something security engineer in the adding that the global cybersecurity their les. Most attackers demand be-
All were asking for is fairness in our tax system, Tunisian linked to attacker: Italy has
expelled a Tunisian suspected of ties to Berlin US. community was working as a team to tween $300 and $500 to remove the ma-
said Labours nance spokesman John McDonnell. Christmas market attacker Anis Amri, the Britains National Cyber Security stop the infections from spreading. licious ransomware; the price can double
Last week Labour said middle and low earners would interior ministry said Saturday. Center and others were hailing the cy- I think the security industry as a if the amount isnt paid within 24 hours.
not face tax hikes to fund its spending plans if it wins The 36-year old had been living in Catania bersecurity researcher, a 22-year-old whole should be considered heroes, he Law enforcement ofcials have dis-
power. in Sicily, where Amri spent time in prison identied online only as MalwareTech, said. couraged people from paying these ran-
In related news, Britains foreign secretary says Brus- before moving to Germany and killing 12 who unintentionally at rst dis- Heres a look at how malware and soms.
sels may have to pay Britain for its exit from the Euro- people by driving a truck through the market covered a so-called kill switch that ransomware work and what people can HOW TO AVOID THESE AT-
pean Union, rather than the other way around. last year. halted the unprecedented outbreak. do if they fall victim to attacks. TACKS
Amri was shot dead by Italian police in WHAT IS MALWARE AND RAN- The rst step is being cautious, ex-
Valuable Milan on Dec 23, four days after the attack Extort SOMWARE? perts say. But Villasenor said there is no
Boris Johnson says Britains share of EU assets is so claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group. By then the ransomware attack had Malware is a general term that refers perfect solution to the problem.
valuable that the EU may have to end up paying Brit- The Tunisian had given him a telephone crippled Britains hospital network and to software thats harmful to your com- Users should regularly back up their
ain when it leaves the bloc. He spoke to The Telegraph and stayed in contact with him after his computer systems in several countries in puter, said John Villasenor, a professor data and ensure that security updates
newspaper. departure for Germany, the ministry said. an effort to extort money from computer at the University of California, Los An- are installed on your computer as soon
Meanwhile, Scotland must have a choice on inde- Units from Italys serious crime division
in Rome and Catania tapped the phone and users. But the researchers actions may geles. Ransomware is a type of malware as they are released. Up-to-date backups
pendence at the end of Britains divorce with the Euro- have saved companies and governments that essentially takes over a computer make it possible to restore les without
pean Union when the exit terms are clear, First Minister discovered contacts between the Tunisian and
other suspected extremists. millions of dollars and slowed the out- and prevents users from accessing data paying a ransom.
Nicola Sturgeon said on Sunday. break before computers in the US were on it until a ransom is paid, he said. Fridays attack exploited vulnerabili-
In an interview with the BBCs Andrew Marr Show, Among those on the call log were suspects
Amri had become close to during his time in more widely affected. HOW DOES YOUR COMPUTER ties in some versions of Microsoft Win-
Sturgeon called on voters to back her Scottish National MalwareTech is part of a large global BECOME INFECTED WITH RAN- dows. Microsoft has released software
Party at an election on June 8 to strengthen her hand and the Caltanissetta detention centre.
Italian media named the Tunisian as Sayed cybersecurity community, working in- SOMWARE? patches for the security holes, although
make sure that Scotlands voice is heard in the Brexit Yacoubi, and said he had been scraping by in dependently or for security companies, In most cases, the software infects not everyone has installed those updates.
negotiations. Sicily as a farm hand. (AFP) who are constantly watching for attacks computers through links or attachments If your software is not patched, you
For me this is a question of, at the end of the Brexit
process, does Scotland get a choice about our future, and working together to stop or prevent in malicious messages known as phish- can exploit that user. Anyone who ap-
them, often sharing information via ing emails. plied the patch that Microsoft released
Sturgeon said. At the end of the Brexit process, I believe Romanian tourist buried: A Romanian Twitter. Its not uncommon for them to The age-old advice is to never click likely wasnt affected by this, Reiher
people in Scotland should have a choice over our future. tourist thrown into the Thames when an use aliases, either to protect themselves on a link in an email, said Jerome Se- said.
Britain is gearing up for rows with the EU over the extremist plowed into pedestrians on West-
structure of divorce talks and the future role of the Euro- minster Bridge in London was nally buried
pean court, fuelling an increasingly bitter war of words Saturday in this Black Sea port that was her
before negotiations begin. hometown.
David Davis, Brexit minister in Mays government, Andreea Cristea, 31, was knocked into
the river when Khalid Masood drove his had surgery for a blood clot on the brain. phalanx of priests who wafted incense during
described the EUs position on the talks format as il- She died on April 6 when life support was the service.
logical and said he took slight offence to sugges- rented SUV into pedestrians on Westminster
Bridge on March 22. She died two weeks withdrawn. She was the fth victim of Teodosie called Cristea young, beautiful,
tions that European courts were better than those in Masood, a 52-year-old former convict who hard-working and full of love. He also
Britain. later. Her boyfriend, Andrei Burnaz, who had
been about to propose, suffered a broken foot. had embraced radical Islam. Dozens more alluded to the forthcoming proposal from
The atmosphere between London and Brussels has Masood rushed onto the grounds of Parlia- were wounded in his rampage. Burnaz, an engineer who stood quietly during
soured in recent weeks as battle lines are drawn before ment, where he fatally stabbed a policeman About 150 mourners carrying ickering the service and wept occasionally.
the complex negotiations for Britain to leave the Europe- before being shot dead by another ofcer. candles gathered at St Marys church on Elder sister Magda Toi said family and
an Union are due to start next month, a year after Junes Police believe that Masood, who had convic- Saturday wearing badges with Cristeas photo friends dont think they lost Andreea, they
referendum vote to quit. tions for violent crimes, acted alone. which said: Forever in my heart! Orthodox will always remember her and she will
Cristea was pulled from the Thames and Archbishop Teodosie of Tomis headed a Cristea Masood always be with us. (AP)



Loss of clout feared

Macron win adds

to Poland worries
WARSAW/POLAND, May 14, (RTRS): While the
election of Emmanuel Macron as French president with
a vision of closer European Union integration was a re-
lief to much of Europe, for Poland and Hungary it fanned
fears of losing inuence.
Poland has been the most vocal among eastern EU
members fearing that their wealthier western neighbours,
keen to deepen cooperation among themselves, will
erode the single market that has been the biggest benet
of membership in the east and, in shifting power west-
ward, reduce nancial support for less wealthy countries.
Macrons arrival, and his support for the multi-speed
Europe idea that has been gaining support in Germany
and other EU countries since Britains decision to quit
the bloc, make it more likely that
a key decision-making circle
could exclude the former com-
munist capitals of Budapest and
It would also thwart their ef-
forts to shift power from Brus-
sels back to member states.
Underlining their concerns, SPD party leader and candidate for Chancellor Martin Schulz casts his vote with his wife Inge on May 14, in the western German town of Wuerselen, during North
Polish ofcials have accused Rhine-Westphalia state elections. About 13.1 million eligible voters go to the polls in North Rhine-Westphalia, with Chancellor Angela Merkels CDU party hoping to
Macron of double standards and deal a crushing blow to her main rival Social Democratic Party (SPD) four months before national elections. (AFP)
of contravening the spirit of the
Macron single market by calling for re-
forms of rules on moving work-
ers within the bloc. Germany
It is understandable that politicians, thinkers, are
looking for solutions, Polands deputy foreign minister,
Konrad Szymanski, told an economic forum in Katowice
on Wednesday.
But an EU division, a lasting division, is the worst Traffic jams, break-ins could cost SPD state vote
of possible prescriptions, because the rst victim of such
division would be the single market.
A decision by Whirlpool to shift a tumble drier fac-
tory from France to Poland took centre-stage in Frances
presidential campaign last month, with Macrons far-
Merkel party seeks key victory
right opponent Marine Le Pen saying she would nation-
alise the plant. DSSELDORF, Germany, May 14, 55, who secured 39.1 percent in a 2012 With 32 percent, the CDU were one
Macron, an ardent defender of globalisation as well as (Agencies): One in ve German voters vote, while the CDU clinched just over percentage point ahead of the SPD in
European integration, refused to be drawn into promis- headed to the polls in a key state elec- 26 percent. NRW just before the election and they
ing the workers he would prevent the company moving tion Sunday, with Chancellor Angela If Kraft succeeds, then the chances have a better chance than their rivals of
its production. Merkels party hoping to deal a crush- of the SPDs bid to take back the chan- forming a coalition with their resurgent
ing blow to her main rival four months cellery grow. If she loses, it would traditional partners, the liberal Free
Differences Lulzim Basha, leader of Albanias before national elections. mean that the Schulz train has slammed Democrats.
But he did say Warsaw was exploiting differences in main opposition Democratic Party About 13.1 million eligible voters in against a wall, the weekly Spiegel It would be the third state election
labour costs, which could not be tolerated. He alluded speaks to his supporters during a North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) were magazine said. victory this year for the conservatives,
to the problem of social dumping - a hot-button issue in protest to demand a caretaker cabi- casting ballots to elect a new regional Political analyst Oskar Niedermayer who have retained power in Saarland
France - which refers to companies employing cheaper net to take the country to the June 18 parliament for the sprawling industrial also noted the states signicance to the and ousted the SPD in the northern state
parliamentary election, on May 13. region, which has a large migrant popu- SPD, telling AFP that a defeat there of Schleswig-Holstein.
labour from other EU countries or moving production to Several thousand supporters walked
lower-wage countries. lation and has been a Social Democratic would be a disastrous symbol for the
peacefully along Tiranas main Mar- Party (SPD) stronghold for decades. party. Lead
Polish Finance Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told Po- tyrs of the Nation boulevard to Prime
lands state broadcaster that this amounted to discrimi- But surveys ahead of the vote showed Schulz, who held more than 30 ral- They have also extended their lead
Minister Edi Ramas ofce, guarded the centre-left party running neck-and- lies in the state, hopes that his push for over the Social Democrats at the na-
nation, and others said Macron was undermining the by hundreds of policemen. (AP)
principles of the single market. neck with Merkels Christian Demo- social justice will resonate in NRW, tional level.
It cannot be that when Poland is an export market cratic Union, with some even placing which has lagged behind western Ger- Support for the SPD surged in Janu-
then it is good, but when it attracts foreign investment, the CDU ahead. many economically. ary when the party appointed former
including from France ... thats not good any more, The opinion polls were the latest in- He argues that many people are European Parliament president Martin
Morawiecki said this week. dication that initial enthusiasm for the struggling in temporary or low-paid Schulz as its leader, vowing to boost
Szymanski said that Macrons win could be good for new SPD leader, Martin Schulz, could jobs even though the country as a whole welfare and reverse unpopular labour
Poland but that Warsaw wondered whether we are not be zzling out. is growing richer. market reforms that expanded Germa-
being excluded from a debate on protectionism and the The SPD had been ailing nationwide nys low-pay sector.
but saw a surge in support in February Pounding But Schulzs message of social jus-
single market.
We may want to change it, but we do not want to when Schulz took over. But that enthu- But Merkel has also been pounding tice has lost its appeal among voters as
abandon it, he said. siasm failed to translate into votes in the the streets in the state of 18 million peo- he has yet to spell out details of his plans
last two state elections, when the CDU ple, including 4.2 million of migrant and how much they would cost. At the
Macrons enthusiasm for a common euro zone budget
won comfortably. origin. national level, the SPD is now trailing
and nance ministry - although, crucially, viewed with
An election in Germanys biggest Meanwhile, Merkels conservatives the CDU and its Bavaria-based Chris-
scepticism in Berlin - has also raised fears among eastern
Pope Francis Pope Benedict state is always signicant, but this hoped to unseat the ruling Social Dem- tian Social Union sister party by about
countries that they could lose out on EU funds. ocrats (SPD) in an election on Sunday 10 percentage points. In the NRW cam-
Neither Poland nor Hungary is in any hurry to adopt years NRW vote carries higher stakes,
being the last regional vote before na- in Germanys most populous state, the paign, CDU candidate Armin Laschet
the euro; both say they need the exibility of a national nal electoral test for both parties be- criticised SPD Premier Hannelore Kraft
tional polls and having a direct impact
exchange rate in difcult times.
If in the end there is a euro zone budget, that means
Europe on whether the SPD can close the gap fore a federal vote in September. for failing to tame a rise in crime and
nationwide with the CDU. The Christian Democrats (CDU) x the states crumbling roads, frustrat-
there will be less money for countries that are not euro aimed to seize on anger among the 18 ing Germans who like to drive on the
zone members, Dariusz Rosati, a member of the Euro- Shrine has benefits: Pope Francis Acknowledged million inhabitants of North Rhine- extensive autobahn network where long
pean Parliament member for Polands opposition Civic has effectively dismissed reports of con- After casting his vote in his home- Westphalia (NRW) over clogged traf- stretches have no speed limit.
Platform, told Polish radio this month. tinuing apparitions of the Virgin Mary at town of Wuerselen, Schulz acknowl- c, rising crime, an underperforming Some 30 percent of all trafc jams
Poland is the largest beneciary of EU funds and is the Medjugorje shrine in southern Bosnia, edged Sunday that the race would be education system and relatively high reported in Germany last year were in
due to receive 77.6 billion euros ($84.4 billion) in the saying the visions dont have much value close, with 30 percent of voters decid- unemployment to win. NRW. In addition, 38 percent of all bur-
current 2014-20 budgetary period for infrastructure pro- even if the shrine itself has helped Catho- ing their pick at the last minute. Voter turnout was higher than in the glaries took place in NRW, home to 22
jects, its poorer regions and improving the competitive- lics nd God. That makes it thrilling to the last last election, ofcials said. In the rst percent of Germanys population.
ness of its economy. Francis provided the rst-ever details
about the contentious process that has been second. I hope of course that we will be four hours of voting to 12 noon (1000 I think this is disproportionate and
While a common scal policy may still be some way ahead in the evening, he said. GMT), 34 percent of eligible voters the state government must do some-
off, the notion of a Union of countries acting at different under way for years to determine whether
the Catholic Church should describe the Separately, the CDUs candidate cast ballots, up from 29 percent at the thing about it, because it is responsible
paces and intensity where necessary was mentioned in Armin Laschet, who cast his vote in same time in 2012. The polls close at 6 for that, Merkel said earlier this week
the EUs 60th-anniversary Rome Declaration, reecting Medjugorje visions as authentic. He was
asked to comment en route home from the Aachen, said: There is a real chance p.m. and rst projections are expected about the surge in crime in NRW.
the desire of the six founding members, including France that we can win. Now its time for the almost immediately. The numbers speak for themselves
and Germany, for faster integration. Catholic shrine at Fatima, Portugal, where
he commemorated the anniversary of the voters to decide. The SPD has governed NRW for and Armin Laschet is totally right that
Tandem visions of the Madonna reported by three Turnout appeared to be brisk at 33.6 most of the post-war years since 1945, something must be done.
shepherd children 100 years ago Saturday. percent as of midday, compared to 29.5 and losing power in what they regard as The conservatives ran on a platform
Hendrik Hansen, head of International and European Unlike Fatima or Lourdes, France, the percent at the same time in 2012. their bastion would raise serious doubt of beeng up security - raising prison
Politics department at Andrassy University in Budapest, Medjugorge phenomenon has never been The SPD is banking its hopes on in- about their chances of toppling Merkel terms for offenders and providing more
said a two-speed Europe was becoming more likely, and declared authentic, in part because the local cumbent state premier Hannelore Kraft, in just over four months time. funds for the police and security forces.
with Macron, the Franco-German tandem as a driving bishops have long cast doubt on the reli-
force of the EU will probably become more important. ability and interests of the seers.
Polands closest ally on the issue is Prime Minister Francis said he knew he was being of central Madrid on Saturday calling for In 2010, the Catalan government voted kicked off in Kiev.
Viktor Orbans Hungary. naughty in doubting the Medjugorje phe- bullghting to be banned in Spain, the to ban deadly bullghting in the northeast The Kiev-appointed head of the conict-
Hungarys stance on a two-speed Europe has been nomenon, in which six youngsters reported country that invented it. region but last year Spains top court over- riven Donetsk region said the civilians died
consistent ... this would basically mean the end of the seeing visions of the Madonna starting We are ghting to end the corridas and turned that decision, judging that it was when a shell hit an apartment bloc.
EU, Szabolcs Takacs, Hungarian state secretary for Eu- in 1981. Some have reported continuous any spectacle organised in Spain which part of Spains cultural heritage. (AFP) The Russian occupying forces attacked
ropean affairs, told Reuters this week. visions ever since, with precise messages mistreats animals for peoples amusement, a residential area of Avdiivka, Pavlo
A source close to Macron told Reuters on Wednesday being delivered at pre-designated times, 48-year-old lawyer Sandra Barrena, one of Zhebrivskiy wrote on Facebook.
that the idea behind reforming the euro zone was not to drawing skepticism that their claims were the protesters, told AFP. 4 killed ahead of Eurovision: A top Three women and one man was killed.
exclude countries from joining. It is to make sure that aimed more at bringing religious tourists Torture is not culture, chanted the Ukrainian ofcial said on Saturday that Avdiivka is a devastated ashpoint
those who will join, and there will be others, join a func- to the otherwise unremarkable rural spot in marchers, who also called for the end of all Russian occupying forces had killed four suburb of the Russian-backed insurgents
southern Bosnia. grants to bullghting events. civilians in the war-torn east just hours
tioning euro zone, the source said. before the Eurovision Song Contest nal
de facto capital city of Donetsk. (AFP)
Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 appointed an
Their (Eastern European countries) worry in general international commission of theologians and
is that it would fragment the single market, but thats not
the aim. The aim is to say that the euro zone is not prop-
bishops to formally investigate the reported Italy rescues 480 migrants: Over 480
apparitions, tapping his vicar of Rome, asylum seekers and refugees were rescued
erly equipped to face a possible future crisis. Cardinal Camillo Ruini to head it. (AP) in the Mediterranean on Saturday as they
Poland and Hungary, have, however, also fallen foul attempted the perilous crossing from north
of western EU countries with their own policies, which Africa, with seven bodies also recovered,
Macron has chosen to highlight. 3 die as train slams into house: An Italys coastguard said Sunday.
Both have come under re along with other eastern express train that slammed into a house Some 484 migrants were plucked from
member states for refusing to host refugees under an EU- after derailing near Greeces second city dinghies in four operations involving
wide plan. Separately, the European Commission ac- Thessaloniki killed three people and seri-
coastguard boats, an Italian navy ship,
cuses Polands government of undermining democracy, ously injured two others, the trains opera-
tor said Sunday. the German NGO Sea Eye and the OHIO
especially through an overhaul of its top court and moves mercantile ship.
to bring the public broadcaster and judiciary under more Trainose had initially reported four
deaths from the accident which occurred at The bodies of seven men were recovered
direct control. 1640 GMT on Saturday, with ve people during the operations.
Hungary has most recently been criticised over draft suffering serious injuries. More than 45,000 people have been res-
bills to tighten rules on non-governmental organisations It then revised the toll to just two dead, cued and brought to Italy so far this year, a
and foreign universities. but one of the injured later died. 44 percent increase from the same period in
In his campaign, Macron said the EU should be as The company did not identify the 2016, according to Italys interior ministry.
tough on infringement of civil liberties as it was on ex- victims, but said the train driver was among About 1,309 have died or are feared
cessive budget decits, although the sanctions that he the injured after all ve carriages of the dead after trying to make the journey, the
called for against Poland would be unlikely to secure the express train travelling from Athens left the International Organization for Migration
unanimous backing they need. track and the engine carriage ploughed into said.
In congratulating Macron on his election, both Poland the house. Nigerians make up the largest group, fol-
and Hungary stressed the need to talk about the future A 24-year-old man who lived in the lowed by people from Bangladesh, Guinea
house which was hit told reporters that he and the Ivory Coast.
of the EU. Nigeria is home to Boko Haram, which
Poland invited Macron to visit, and Foreign Minister managed to jump off a balcony to safety
just before the crash. (AFP) A derailed wagon is pictured near the village of Adendro some 40 km west of has terrorised the country with an eight-
Witold Waszczykowski said this week that Warsaw was Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on May 14. A Greek express train that slammed year ght to create a hardline Islamic state
expecting him to leave his pre-election rhetoric behind into a house after derailing near the northern city of Thessaloniki killed three that has killed some 20,000 people and
and explain his ideas on how to reform the EU in person. Thousands protest bullfighting: people and seriously injured two others, the trains operator said May 14, lower- forced at least 2.6 million others to ee
Thousands of protesters took to the streets ing the initial toll of casualties. (AFP) their homes. (AFP)


World News Roundup


Embassy moves impact eyed

Erdogan seeks to
sway Trump in US
ISTANBUL, May 14, (Agencies): Turkish President
Recep Erdogan seeks to sway Trump in USmeets
Donald Trump on Tuesday in Washington for the rst
time as president, hoping to entice the American leader
into major policy shifts to solidify a crucial but increas-
ingly strained relationship.
Ties became poisoned in the last months of the
Barack Obama administration by venomous disputes
over US support for Kurdish ghters in Syria and the
presence in the US of the Islamic preacher Fethullah
Gulen whom Erdogan blames for last years July 15
failed coup.
But analysts say that Erdogan faces a major struggle
to convince Trump to change tack, raising the prospect
of long-term tensions between
the US and NATOs main Mus-
lim member.
Preparations for the visit
were inauspicious, with Wash-
ington announcing for the rst
time it would arm Syrian Kurd-
ish ghters who Ankara consid-
ers to be terrorists.
Ankara initially had high
expectations of the relationship
between Erdogan and Trump,
Erdogan preferring to forget the new US
leaders most radical campaign utterances and banking Supporters of Iranian conservative presidential candidate and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, dressed in traditional costume, wave national ags as
on a strong personal chemistry between the two men. they attend a campaign rally in the Iranian capital Tehran on May 14. (AFP)
The Turkish president was hugely encouraged when
Trump congratulated him on winning the April 16 ref-
erendum on enhancing his powers, an enthusiasm that
contrasted with the reticence of not just EU leaders but
the US State Department.
Burhanettin Duran, head of the pro-government
SETA think tank, described the meeting with Erdogan
Missing reformists real heroes at rally
as a golden opportunity for Trump to x his prede-
cessors mistakes.
But Erdogan will now have to untangle a web of
problems, which also include the arrest in the United
Ex-Prez Khatami endorses Rouhani
States of Turkish Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab and TEHRAN, May 14, (Agencies): Irans handouts and create millions of jobs in The Green Movement, as the pro-
the chief executive of Halkbank Mehmet Hakan Atilla reformist ex-president Mohammad four years. tests came to be called, were the big-
on charges of helping Iran violate sanctions. Khatami on Sunday endorsed Presi- Khatami, considered the spiritual gest Iran had seen in three decades of
I am afraid the meeting could devolve into a diatribe dent Hassan Rouhani in a video mes- leader of Irans reformists, urged vot- Islamic revolution, driven by anger
of complaints ranging from the YPG to Reza Zarrab to sage, calling on voters to give him an- ers on Sunday to re-elect Rouhani and over the shock re-election of hardline
Halkbank, Aaron Stein, resident senior fellow at the other term in this weeks election. support his policy of seeking to end populist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Atlantic Councils Rak Hariri Center for the Middle Mr Rouhanis government has Irans isolation from the rest of the Brutally put down, the regime pre-
East, told AFP. been a successful one, despite all the world. fers to call it the sedition and the
Turkish ofcials repeatedly spoke of a new page limitations, problems and the great ex- Irans hardline security and judicial green ags being waved by youngsters
in relations after the bickering under Obama but the pectations, he said in the video posted powers, which operate separately to in the stadium on Saturday night might
Trump administrations announcement that the US Iranian president and presidential on social media. the presidency and are close to Irans normally have attracted the attention
would arm the Syrian Kurdish Peoples Protection candidate Hassan Rouhani attends We should all go and vote for Rou- ultimate authority Supreme Lead- of police or hardline militias.
Units (YPG) cast a heavy shadow over such optimism. his campaign rally in the capital Teh- hani, for freedom in thought, logic in er Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have But a slightly more permissive at-
Obamas policy to support the YPG as the most ef- ran on May 13. (AFP) dialogue, law in action, securing the banned media from publishing Khata- mosphere prevails six days ahead of a
fective ghting force against jihadists in Syria enraged rights of citizens and enforcing social mis image or mentioning his name. presidential election, when the regime
Ankara, who regard the group as the Syrian branch of and economic justice. But Khatami has played a prominent is keen to get as high a turnout as pos-
the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has waged Khatami praised the government for role in elections by using social media sible to buttress its legitimacy.
an insurgency inside Turkey since 1984. taming rampant ination of above 40 to urge voters to back pro-reform can- Only six candidates were allowed
The YPG arming announcement was made just after percent in 2013 to below 9.5 percent didates. to run this year by the conservative-
three of the most powerful men in Turkey army chief and the steps taken against stagna- We have started on a path with dominated Guardian Council.
Hulusi Akar, spy supremo Hakan Fidan and presiden- tion. Rouhani and we have come half way. Rouhani, a 68-year-old moderate
tial spokesman Ibrahim Kalin held talks at the White Unemployment has increased in the We have resolved some problems and cleric, came from nowhere in 2013 to
House with national security chief H.R. McMaster. past four years from 10.5 percent to bigger problems remain for us to re- win a sizeable victory after the tattered
Its obvious that the United States has sent a clear 12.5 percent, while youth joblessness solve on this difcult path with him, remnants of the reformist movement
message of we are going to go our own way on Syr- stands at 27 percent. Khatami said in a video message re- told their supporters he was their best
ia, wrote Mehmet Yilmaz, columnist for the Hurriyet leased on social media. It is now your hope for change.
daily. Resolved He still has the support of liberals
Abbas Chebbi turn to renew your vote for our dear
Erdogan said he would bring up his concerns with Many issues have been resolved Rouhani in order to strengthen hope for his efforts to rebuild ties with the
Trump and called on Washington to immediately re- but bigger issues remain, which we for a better future, he said. West and slowly improve civil liber-
verse the decision, indicating Turkey was still inter- must all help to solve, he said in the ties, even if he has markedly failed to
ested in a joint operation to oust the jihadists from Mideast video published on his Telegram mes- gain the release of Mousavi and Kar-
their bastion of Raqa so long as it does not include senger account. The 20,000 chanting fans might roubi as he vowed four years ago.
the YPG. Fatah weak in polls: Preliminary results Khatami, the de facto leader of the have come to support Rouhani on Sat- It was beyond his powers, said
Yet his reaction was relatively low-key compared in Palestinian municipal elections in the West reformist camp, has been under a me- urday but it was clear their real heroes Javad, a 30-year-old graduate in the
with previous ery utterances and Stein said he was Bank indicate a weak showing by the ruling dia ban during the past few years for were the ones still locked away by the crowd. He did everything he could.
holding re until after the Trump meeting. Fatah Party of President Mahmoud Abbas, supporting the Green Movement pro- regime. The president has considerable pow-
Erdogan has invested a lot of credibility in his court- even though the rival Islamic Hamas move- testors in the 2009 presidential elec- ers, particularly over the economy,
ship of Donald Trump.... I would expect Erdogan to try ment stayed out of the race. tion that saw hardliner Mahmoud Ah- Chanted but no control over the conservative-
and talk Trump out of this but even he has to know The vote provided Palestinians a rare madinejad re-elected. Mousavi! Karroubi! Khatami! dominated judiciary or security forces,
that this wont work, said Stein. chance to cast ballots after over a decade In 2016, he released a video that they chanted at deafening volume, and serves at the pleasure of supreme
The deterioration in relations under Obama has without presidential or legislative elections, played a crucial role in helping pro- over and over, at the election rally in a leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
meant the two sides failed to invigorate economic and Saturdays election was seen as a test for Rouhani candidates to defeat ultra- stadium in western Tehran. Rouhani dared not speak the name
ties while anti-Americanism in Turkey has sometimes Abbas embattled and nepotism-tainted party. conservatives in parliamentary and Those rst two names, drawing of the jailed dissidents directly in his
reached alarming levels, especially in the pro-govern- In Hebron, the West Banks largest city, Assembly of Experts elections. such passion from the crowd, belong speech, but received huge cheers when
ment press. Fatah won just seven of 15 seats. And in Nab- The video became well-known for he told the crowd he had not forgotten
lus, another major city, Fatah won 11 of 15 to reformist leaders who have not been
his use of the phrase I repeat. seen in public for six years now. his promises.
Pushed seats, but only after forming an alliance with This time, it is you who should re- Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Either they have been achieved, or
Meanwhile, Turkey has also pushed ahead with an Islamist candidates. Turnout in Nablus was
just 21 percent. peat. Repeat the vote for dear Rouhani, Karroubi both candidates in the I have been prevented from keeping
increasingly close relationship with Russias President Fatahs popularity has been hurt by a weak to boost hope for future, he said on controversial election of 2009 that trig- them, he said.
Vladimir Putin to the alarm of its Western allies. economy and frozen peace efforts. Sunday, referring to Fridays presiden- gered months of protests after allega-
Once a model partnership, the relationship dete- tial election. tions of rigging were placed under
Ofcial results are expected later Sunday.
riorated into a dysfunctional one with unsatisfactory (AP) In 2013, Khatami helped Rouhani house arrest in 2011, allowed out only The president has been on the offen-
results for both sides, said Kemal Kirisci of the Brook- take ofce by convincing reformist for medical treatment. The third is Mo- sive over the past week, framing Fri-
ings Institution and Asli Aydintasbas of the European Mohammad Reza Aref to step aside in hammad Khatami president from days vote as a choice between greater
Council on Foreign Relations in a study of Turkey-US Tunisians protest over graft: More than Rouhanis favour. 1997 to 2005 and spiritual head of the freedom and repression.
relations. 2,000 Tunisians protested Saturday in the It is yet to be seen if Khatami does reformist movement who is banned Let us salute freedom, salute re-
capital against a bill that would allow ofcials the same in this election to the reform- forms, salute moderation, salute the
being prosecuted for alleged corruption to from travelling abroad or appearing in
ist First Vice-President Eshaq Jahan- any form in the media. wise leader, salute Mohammad
Trump weighs embassy move impact on peace: be amnestied in exchange for reimbursing giri who is running alongside Rouhani. Khatami, he declared.
US President Donald Trump is assessing whether mov- embezzled funds.
Khatami also warned people against What Rouhani says is what we
ing the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would help Corruption will not pass! shouted dem- being deceived by baseless prom- An immense roar came from the have in our hearts, said 28-year-old
or hurt prospects for clinching an Israeli-Palestinian onstrators including prominent politicians in
central Tunis, after a call to protest from more ises from Rouhanis conservative ri- crowd when their images appeared on Hossein, who works in renewable en-
peace deal, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, re- vals who have vowed to increase cash the screen. ergy.
vealing Trumps criteria for a decision that could rever- that 50 non-government organisations and a
berate throughout the volatile Middle East. group dubbed Manich Msamah (I dont
Since taking ofce, Trump has backed away from his forgive in Arabic).
The protests come more than six years Israeli policy in east Jerusalem, captured and attacks in Israel. ment omitted that the incident, as bad as it
campaign pledge to move the embassy in a gesture to annexed by Israel in 1967. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi was, took place on occupied territory. He
Israel, instead saying hes still studying the issue. But after a popular uprising toppled longtime
dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali over griev- Jordan called Saturdays killing a crime. said Sunday that Jordan will confront all spoke on condition of anonymity, saying we
Tillerson linked Trumps deliberations directly to his ances including state corruption. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus kinds of terrorism, but did not refer to the dont want to get into a war of words with
aspirations for brokering Mideast peace. The protesters reject a bill that would branded Jordans response as outrageous, Israeli comments. them. (AP)
The president is being very careful to understand allow an amnesty for those being prosecuted demanding that Jordan must condemn terror A Jordanian ofcial says the Israeli state-
how such a decision would impact the peace process, for graft -- including businessmen and Ben
Tillerson said in an interview broadcast Sunday on Ali-era ofcials -- in exchange for them pay- Egyptian judges defy new law: Judges
NBCs Meet the Press. ing nes and reimbursing any illicit gains. from one of the Egyptian judiciarys three
He said Trumps decision would be informed by There will be no reconciliation (with the main branches voted Saturday to defy a
feedback from all sides, including whether Israel corrupt) without the truth being revealed and newly adopted and widely disputed law giv-
views it as helpful to a peace initiative or perhaps a dis- without the prosecution and the judgment of ing the president a degree of control over the
the corrupt, said Hamma Hammami, leader judiciary, nominating as head of their branch
traction. a judge who ruled against a government
Trumps decision is being closely watched as the of the Popular Front party.
Issam Chebbi, a lawmaker and top of- decision to surrender two Red Sea islands to
president prepares to depart Friday on his rst foreign Saudi Arabia.
trip. After stopping in Saudi Arabia, Trump will visit cial in the Al-Joumhouri party, said: While
the president insists on passing the draft State Council judges, who rule on disputes
both Israel and the Palestinian territories, in a nod to his law, we are determined to resist in a peaceful with the government, voted overwhelmingly
nascent bid to strike the Israeli-Palestinian deal that has manner. to put forward judge Yahya Dakroury, their
eluded his predecessors. President Beji Caid Essebsi defended most senior, as their nominee to head their
Jerusalems status is one of the most emotionally the bill on Wednesday, criticising calls for branch. The move clashes with the new law
charged issues in the conict, with both sides laying protests, saying that the legislation aimed that stipulates that each judiciary branch
claims. Israel captured east Jerusalem claimed by to improve the investment climate in the nominate three of its seven most senior
Palestinians for the capital of a future independent state country. judges to the president to choose one to head
from Jordan in 1967 and annexed it, a move not in- On Friday, non-government organisations each of the three branches.
ternationally recognized. warned against a text that they said threatened The judiciarys two other branches the
US presidents of both parties have repeatedly waived transitional justice. (AFP) court of cassation and government lawyers
already have complied with the new law,
a US law requiring the embassy be moved to Jerusalem. adopted by parliament and ratied by the
The most recent waiver signed by former president
Barack Obama expires on June 1. Trump is expected Jordan, Israel in rare row: Jordan and president last month with uncustomary speed.
to sign a six-month renewal of the waiver before it ex- Israel have traded rare verbal barbs over a Many judges see the law as an infringe-
stabbing in which a Jordanian was killed by Lebanese anti-government protesters chant slogans during a protest demand- ment of the judiciarys independence and a
pires, as he continues deliberating. an Israeli policeman whom he had attacked. ing the drafting of a new electoral law in the country, in downtown Beirut, Leba- violation of the principle of the separation of
The two countries spar sometimes over non, on May 14. (AP) government branches. (AP)


People watch a TV news program showing a le image of a missile launch conducted by North Korea, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea on May 14. North Korea test-launched a ballistic missile that landed in the
Sea of Japan, the South Korean, Japanese and US militaries said. The launch is a direct challenge to the new South Korean president elected four days ago and comes as US, Japanese and European navies gather for joint war
games in the Pacic. The signs read: North Korea launched missiles on April 16 and 29. (Inset): A TV news program shows an image of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea. (AP)

China North Korea

Program irresistible US, S. Korea, Japan condemn launch

Chinese spent $24b on
US, other golden visas N. Korea fires ballistic missile
BEIJING, May 14, (AP): When the sister of President SEOUL, South Korea, May 14, that North Korea has been a agrant It impacted so close to Russian
Donald Trumps son-in-law Jared Kushner promoted (Agencies): North Korea on Sunday menace for far too long. soil ... the president cannot imagine
investment in her familys new skyscraper from a Bei- test-launched a ballistic missile that The statement said Washington that Russia is pleased, the White
jing hotel ballroom stage earlier this month, she was ew for half an hour and reached an maintains its ironclad commitment House said, adding that North Korea
pitching a controversial American visa program thats unusually high altitude before land- to stand with its allies in the face of has been a agrant menace for far
proven irresistible to tens of thousands of Chinese. ing in the Sea of Japan, the South the serious threat posed by North too long.
More than 100,000 Chinese have poured at least $24 Korean, Japanese and US militaries Korea. The latest provocation Trumps national security adviser,
billion in the last decade into golden visa programs said. The launch, which Tokyo said should serve as a call for all nations H.R. McMaster, had phone conver-
across the world that offer residence in exchange for could be of a new type of missile, is to implement far stronger sanctions sations with his counterparts in Ja-
investment, an Associated Press analysis has found. a direct challenge to the new South against the North, it said. pan and South Korea to discuss the
Nowhere is Chinese demand greater than in the United Korean president and comes as US, New South Korean President situation.
States, which has taken in at least $7.7 billion and is- Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
arrives at his ofcial residence in To- Japanese and European navies gath- Moon Jae-In, slammed the missile China, which has been under
sued more than 40,000 visas to Chinese investors and er for joint war games in the Pacic. test as a reckless provocation after growing US pressure to help rein in
their families in the past decade, the AP found. kyo on May 14, after North Korea red
a ballistic missile which landed in the It wasnt immediately clear what holding an emergency meeting with the nuclear-armed North, called for
The Chinese investors ocking to these programs type of ballistic missile was launched, national security advisers. restraint. All relevant parties should
Sea of Japan. North Korea red a bal-
are people like Jenny Liu, a
doctoral student in the coastal
listic missile on May 14 in an appar- the seventh such ring this year, al- Moon said Seoul strongly con- exercise restraint and refrain from
ent bid to test the Souths new liberal though the US Pacic Command said demned this grave challenge to the further aggravating tensions in the
city of Nanjing, who sold her president and the US which have both
apartment two years ago and that the ight is not consistent with peace and security of the Korean region, the foreign ministry said.
signalled an interest in negotiations to an intercontinental ballistic missile. peninsula and the international com- Multiple sets of UN and US sanc-
moved in with her parents. She ease months of tensions. (AFP)
used the money from the sale Japanese ofcials, however, said the munity, according to his spokes- tions against North Korea have done
to invest $500,000 in a hotel missile ew for about 30 minutes, man Yoon Young-Chan. little to deter it from pursuing its nu-
project in the United States. If traveling about 800 kms (500 miles) clear and missile ambitions.
and reaching an altitude of 2,000 kms Reconciliation Meanwhile, the ballistic missile
the project creates enough jobs
in two years, shell get a prized Asia (1,240 miles) a ight pattern that Moon, unlike his conservative red by North Korea on Sunday did
green card and a pathway for could indicate a new type of missile. predecessors, advocates reconcili- not pose a threat to Russia, landing
a less stressful education for David Wright, co-director of the ation with Pyongyang but warned about 500 kilometres from its bor-
her 9-year-old son. Thai forces kill 9 drug smugglers: Global Security Program at the Un- Sunday that dialogue would be pos- der, the Russian defence ministry
Kushner My son has a lot of home- A gunght between Thai security forces sible only if the North changes its
and a band of Golden Triangle drug smug- ion of Concerned Scientists, said the said after Washington suggested that
work to do every day, but I dont think he has learned a glers left nine trafckers dead, a senior of- missile could have a range of 4,500 attitude. Moscow would be angry.
lot from school, Liu said. I hope he can actually pick cial said Sunday, the latest clash sparked kms (about 2,800 miles) if own Moon had said in his inauguration
up some useful knowledge or skills rather than only by the booming regional trade in narcotics. on a standard, instead of a lofted, speech that he was willing to visit Also:
learn how to pass tests. Narongsak Osotthanakorn, governor trajectory considerably longer Pyongyang in the right circum- WASHINGTON: The US Treasury De-
Investors of northern Chiang Rai province, said the than Pyongyangs current missiles. stances to ease tensions. partment said it is looking at every
reght broke out on Saturday evening two He said Sundays launch may have The North itself would be will- tool in its arsenal to cut off sources
The ood of investors reects how Chinas rise has kilometres inside Thailand from the border ing to hold talks with the US if the of international nancing for illegal
catapulted tens of millions of families into the middle been of a new mobile, two-stage
with Myanmar. conditions are right, according to activities in North Korea.
class. But at the same time, it shows how these families Authorities told them to halt but they liquid-fueled missile North Korea
are increasingly becoming restless as cities remain choked refused and started shooting. The two sides displayed in a huge April 15 military Choe Son-Hui, a senior ofcial at We dont comment on future
by smog, home prices multiply and schools impose ever- exchanged re for about 10 minutes leav- parade. the Norths foreign ministry, on Sat- sanctions, but we are obviously go-
greater pressure on children. They also feel insecure about ing nine smugglers killed and the rest ed, South Korea, Japan and the US urday. ing to consider every tool in our
being able to protect their property and savings. he told AFP, adding the smuggling group swiftly condemned the launch, The North is apparently trying arsenal to combat any illicit activ-
Their money goes toward government bonds, busi- was originally 15 people strong. which jeopardizes new South Kore- to test Moon and see how his North ity and terror nancing, a senior
nesses, mountain ski resorts, new schools and real es- Some 700,000 methamphetamine tablets an leader Moon Jae-ins willingness Korea policy as well as policy co- Treasury Department ofcial said on
tate projects, including a Trump-branded tower in New were found alongside semi-automatic ries, for dialogue with the rival North. ordination between the South and Saturday.
Jersey built by the Kushner Companies, once run by he added. The Golden Triangle, a region the US will take shape, said Yang The ofcial spoke before North
Jared Kushner, now a White House senior adviser. But in the borderlands of Thailand, Myanmar, Expressed Moo-Jin, professor at the University Korea red a ballistic missile in an
Laos and southern China, is the worlds
the industry is murky, loosely regulated and sometimes second largest drug-producing region after The president expressed deep of North Korea Studies in Seoul. apparent bid to test US resolve and
fraud-ridden in the US, federal regulators have Latin America.. (AFP) regret over the fact that this reckless The launch was also aimed at the Souths new president.
linked the EB-5 visa program to fraud cases involving provocation ... occurred just days af- maximising the Norths political We are entertaining all the tools

more than $1 billion in investment in the last four years. ter a new government was launched leverage ahead of possible negotia- in our arsenal, said the ofcial,
Despite criticism from Congress, Trump signed a Remove illegal content: Facebook in South Korea, said senior presi- tions with the US, as Pyongyang and which include programs originating
spending bill that included a renewal of the program Thailand could face legal action next week dential secretary Yoon Young-chan. Washington both recently signalled from the ofces of Terrorism and
through September, although federal authorities have after Thai authorities warned Facebook Inc
to take down content deemed threatening The president said we are leaving they were open to talks, he added. Financial Intelligence and Foreign
proposed more than doubling the minimum invest- open the possibility of dialogue with The North wants to show be- Assets Control.
ment. Just one day later, Kushners sister, Nicole to national security or violating strict lese
majeste laws, the telecoms regulator said North Korea, but we should sternly fore negotiations that their precious, After Sundays missile test Presi-
Meyer, was in Beijing courting Chinese for a new pro- deal with a provocation to prevent powerful weapon is not something dent Donald Trump called on all
ject funded by EB-5. Thats raised complaints about on Friday.
conicts of interest and new calls to revise or even
Thailands military government has North Korea from miscalculating. they would give up so easily, Yang nations to impose far stronger
ramped up online censorship, particularly Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo said. sanctions against North Korea.
end the program. perceived insults to monarchy, since seiz- Abe told reporters that the launch Meanwhile. President Trump US Treasury Secretary Steven
Growing ing power in a 2014 coup. was absolutely unacceptable and called for tougher sanctions against Mnuchin, speaking earlier Satur-
The National Broadcasting and that Japan will respond resolutely. North Korea after it test-red a bal- day, said the ght against terrorism
It is a growing industry and we do need more Telecommunications Commission said
oversight, said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an expert on the Facebook had failed to remove 131 of 309 Japans Foreign Minister Fumio listic missile Sunday in an apparent nancing was a major concern at
program and a professor at Cornell Law School. EB- web addresses on its platform which were Kishida said he and his South Kore- attempt to test the Souths new lib- the G7 gathering of nance chiefs in
5, when it is done properly, can and does benet the threatened security or violated the lese an counterpart agreed that dialogue eral president and the US. Bari, Italy.
economy. majeste law, which makes it a crime to for dialogues sake with North Ko- Let this latest provocation serve While international trade is impor-
The number of Chinese using investment migration defame, insult or threaten the king, queen, rea is meaningless. as a call for all nations to implement tant, the biggest focus is working
programs worldwide tripled between 2010 and 2015, heir to the throne or regent. The White House took note of far stronger sanctions against North with our partners on terror nancing,
the AP found among the countries in its survey. In the They formed part of some 6,900 web ad- the missile landing close to Russias Korea, the White House said in a Mnuchin told reporters returning to
last decade, Chinese have taken 75 percent of the inves- dresses which Thai courts have ordered to Pacic coast and said in a statement brief statement. Washington from the Bari event.
tor visas issued by the United States, 70 percent for Por- be removed or shut down since 2015.
tugal and 85 percent for Australia. China also remains Takorn Tantasith, secretary-general
the top recipient of investor visas in Canada, the United of the commission, said he had given
Kingdom, New Zealand, Spain, Hungary and Malta. Facebook until Tuesday to remove the 131
addresses. Manila looks to ease tensions with Asias the two countries would take place in
To be sure, those migrating make up only a small If Facebook still shows content top economic power. China. He added that the dispute between
fraction of the around 18 million households that declared illegal by court orders in Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, the two countries cannot be resolved
could be considered upper-middle-class or wealthier Thailand, action must be taken against who is visiting Beijing to attend a sum- overnight.
in China, but they echo the laments of many better- Facebook Thailand, Takorn told Reu- mit on Chinas ambitious new Silk Road China has not publicly announced any
educated, urban Chinese. ters. (RTRS) plan, has opted to court China for its such talks.
Middle-class investors choosing to leave shows business and investment and avoid the Duterte has been accused by critics of
rows over sovereignty that dogged his taking a defeatist position on China and
that their condence in their future, their dreams and
the regime in China is fading, said Zhang Lifan, an Sea talks looms: China and the Philip- predecessors. on defending Philippine sovereignty. He
independent political scholar in Beijing. pines will start bilateral consultations on Philippine ambassador to China Jose considers his approach to be pragmatic and
the disputed South China Sea this week, the Santiago Santa Romana told reporters late says challenging China risks triggering
Philippine ambassador to Beijing said, as on Saturday that the consultations between Duterte Tantasith war. (RTRS)


World News Roundup

Venezuelans send supplies:
Venezuelans living abroad are collecting
box loads of items including safety hel-
mets, gas masks and first-aid kits to
support the crowds marching in their
homeland against the socialist government
of President Nicolas Maduro.
Increasingly violent near-daily protests
that began April 1 have left a toll of 38
dead, and hundreds wounded and under
In Miami, often referred to as the capi-
tal of Latin America and a city with a
large Venezuelan community, meet-ups
where donations are
collected are increas-
ingly common.
The gatherings are
advertised among
community members
on Whatsapp,
Instagram or Twitter,
and identified with
Venezuelan flags and
signs like
Solidarity or SOS
Venezuela. Lists of
preferred items are Muduro
also posted online.
I did what I could to buy everything
that was on the list and contribute my grain
of sand to support these people who are
fighting for my country, said Michelle
Lewin, a 31 year-old fitness model who
lives in Miami.
Lewin dropped two large bags of sup-
plies on a table at a Colombian restaurant
where donations were being accepted.
Half of the 225,000 Venezuelans living
in the United States reside in Florida,
mostly in the greater Miami area.
Most donations are geared towards pro-
tecting demonstrators from tear-gas, pepper
spray and other crowd-dispersal gases used
by Venezuelan riot police. (AFP)

Venezuelans clog roads: Venezuel-
ans in cars and on motorcycles, bikes and
even horseback clogged roads Saturday
and police fired tear-gas at them in another
In this photograph taken on April 27, 2017, a mentally ill Afghan patient prays as he is across the country, who are unable to afford healthcare bring their family members to the day of protest against President Nicolas
chained at the Mia Ali Baba holy shrine in the village of Samar Khel on the outskirts of shrine, because they believe the treatment will be effective, or because they have no Maduro.
Jalalabad. The Mia Ali Baba shrine is thought to cure addicts and the mentally ill Inmates alternative. Security forces also used tear-gas to dis-
who spend 40 days chained up and confined to a small cell. They are allowed only The shrine was founded by Mia Sayed Ali Shah, known as Mia Ali Baba, who was born perse protesters in the northern city of
water, bread and black pepper to eat. Patients are only allowed to bathe their faces, in 1625. He is venerated as a holy man, and the treatment he prescribed has been Valencia and soldiers blocked the proces-
hands and feet, cannot change their clothes or use soap or shampoo, Their hair and nails handed down from generation to generation. It follows the Chishti school of Sufism, the sion from reaching its intended destination.
must be left uncut. With fourteen small windowless rooms, The shrine, located about 30 mystical strand within Islam. The shrine is still run by about 70 family members, who care In the capital Caracas, protesters goal
kms east of Jalalabad, has been in existence for more than 300 years, treating the men- for patients in shifts. It also attracts daily visitors who come for help with personal prob- was to fill 25 kms (16 miles) of a key
tally ill as well as people possessed by djinns, or spirits. Desperate Afghan families from lems and illnesses. (AFP) highway leading to the coastal state of
About two hours after the caravan got
under way, police on motorcycles fired
Subcontinent Afghanistan tear-gas to block the procession. The road
eventually cleared.
Venezuela is mired in an economic cri-
sis that has caused shortages of food, medi-
2 killed in Kashmir Taleban making gains: Coats cine and other basics in the oil-rich coun-
try. Protesters blame Maduro.
A total of 38 people have died in street
unrest since protests first broke out on
Nepal votes in first Trump weighs US troops April 1. Hundreds more have been injured.
Elected in 2013, Maduro, the hand-
picked successor of the late long-time left-
local poll in 20 yrs WASHINGTON, May 14, (AFP):
Hanging in a corridor outside the
from the militarys top brass to send
thousands more US troops back to
ist firebrand Hugo Chavez, is resisting
pressure for an early vote, calling the crisis
Pentagon press office, a blow-up of a Afghanistan. the result of a US-backed conspiracy. His
KATHMANDU, May 14, (Agencies): Nepal held opponents have branded him a dictator.
local level polls on Sunday, the first since 1997 and a Time magazine cover shows a weary Administration advisers are report-
US soldier drawing deeply on his edly urging him to green light some (AFP)
key step in the countrys rocky transition to democ- Indians take shelter at a bunker near
racy over a decade since the end of the civil war. cigarette. Barbed wire and snowy 3,000 to 5,000 additional troops, add-
their residence at Bhawani village at foothills loom behind him. ing to the 8,400 already there. Herrera laments murder: Venezuela-
Around a third of registered voters across three Nowshera sector, along the highly
provinces were eligible to cast their vote, with the rest The headline: How Not to Lose in The president is expected to make born fashion designer Carolina Herrera on
militarized Line of Control that divides Afghanistan. The date: April 20, the decision this month, and Pentagon Saturday lamented the killing of her neph-
of the country due to vote in a months time. the region between India and Pakistan
The vote has been split into two phases because of 2009. chief Jim Mattis said his own recom- ew in the crisis-torn country, in what
on May 13. Indian and Pakistani authorities called an apparent kidnapping.
unrest in the southern plains bordering India, where troops traded fire in the disputed More than eight years later, the mendation would come very short-
the minority Madhesi ethnic group is refusing to take Pentagon finds itself in the same ly. State prosecutors said the bodies of
Himalayan region of Kashmir on businessmen Reinaldo Herrera, 34, and
part until an amendment to the constitution is passed. Saturday, killing two civilians and quandary. US troop levels peaked at around
Again. 100,000 under Obama, who later Fabrizio Mendoza, 31, were found late on
Local representatives were last elected in 1997 and wounding six others, officials said. Thursday in a vehicle abandoned along the
their five-year terms expired at the height of the brutal (AP) This time round, it is President embarked on a steady drawdown
Donald Trump looking for answers, aiming to completely end Americas highway connecting Caracas to the
Maoist insurgency. Caribbean coast.
The 10-year war ended in just as Barack Obama and George W. combat role in the country. Our only hope is that the tragic assassi-
2006 and the country began a Bush did before him. nation of our young nephew, Reinaldo and
fraught transition from a Hindu Africa Having given Afghanistan little Outcome
his colleague, Fabrizio will serve to miti-
monarchy to a secular federal more than a passing mention as pres- The United States and NATO gate the terrible carnage and murders that
republic, which has seen it ident, he is now being forced to con- handed security responsibility over to are committed against our youth in
cycle through nine govern- Moroccan peacekeeper killed: A front the issue by a grim drumbeat of Afghan forces at the start of 2015, Venezuela, Herrera, 78, wrote on the
ments. Moroccan UN peacekeeper was killed bad news and warnings from his gen- but the outcome has been brutal. Instagram account of her fashion label.
The long gap between polls Saturday in an attack in the Central erals. Local troops have been slain in Venezuela, which has been rocked by
has left an institutional void at African Republics southeast, close to Almost any year from its turbulent their thousands, corruption remains anti-government protests for the past six
where five other peacekeepers also lost recent past can serve as a showcase endemic and as the Taleban contin- weeks, has long ranked among the worlds
the local level, which has seen their lives in recent days, the United
graft become a way of life in for Afghanistans dire predicament. ues to gain ground, even US com- most violent countries. (RTRS)
Nations said.
Nepal, hampering the delivery An overnight attack targeted civilians in Take 2016, which marked 15 years manders concede the situation is a
of basic services as well as the the town of Bangassou as well as a UN since the US-led invasion. Nearly stalemate at best. Over 20 escape jail: Some 22 gang
Gandhi recovery from a devastating 11,500 Afghan civilians were killed Unless we change something ...
mission field office and in the firefight, members escaped from one of Honduras
2015 earthquake. one peacekeeper of the Moroccan contin- or wounded, according to the United the situation will continue to dete- most overcrowded prisons this week ahead
Meanwhile, a bomb was also found early Sunday gent died from gunshot injuries, the UN Nations. riorate and well lose all the gains of a transfer to a higher-security facility,
morning outside the house of a mayoral candidate for mission MINUSCA said in a statement. that weve invested in over the last defying the military guards tasked with
the main opposition CPN-UML party in Bhaktapur, It said the attackers were members of a Security several years, Defense bringing order to the prison system, an
15 kms (nine miles) east of Kathmandu. It was dif- wide coalition including the mainly Adding to the carnage, local offi- Intelligence Agency chief General official said Saturday.
fused without incident. Christian anti-Balaka group who attacked cials say, the Taleban and other Vincent Stewart told lawmakers The inmates, who had been locked up in
civilian populations, targeting in particular insurgent groups killed about 7,000 this week. the special Scorpion unit for members of
Muslims, another sign of the continuing Afghan security force members However, a new troop commit- the notorious Barrio 18 gang, made their
Indian man rapes, kills ex-GF: A jilted man who sectarian violence that has ravaged the many of whom had been trained ment would stir resentment in escape from the medium-security Marco
kidnapped and raped his ex-girlfriend before smash- country. and supported by US and NATO America, which has seen about 2,400 Aurelio Soto prison late on Thursday, said
ing her head with bricks and running her over with a MINUSCA also said there were reports Rosa Gudiel, the head of Honduras
experts. troops killed in Afghanistan since National Penitentiary Institute.
car has been arrested, Indian police said Sunday. of civilians killed. Dan Coats, Trumps director of 2001 and another 20,000 wounded.
Police in the northern state of Haryana said the The head of MINUSCA Parfait The jails director and several guards
Onanga-Anyanga warned the militias that national intelligence, hammered Plus the US government has have been put on leave as authorities look
23-year-old victim was abducted by the man and his home the depressing point this week, already spent around $1 trillion on
friend who then allegedly raped and mutilated her, in the authorities would be relentless in for the prisoners and investigate the
the latest case of sexual violence in the country. finding and arresting those responsible for warning that the political and securi- fighting and rebuilding, much of escape, the biggest in more than a decade
They then dumped her in an isolated industrial area the killings. (AFP) ty situation will almost certainly which has been squandered on waste- in crime-ravaged Honduras, said Gudiel.
where a local resident discovered her four days later, continue to worsen. ful projects. The prisoners fled because arrange-
Meanwhile, we assess that the Trump is expected to announce a ments are being made to transfer them to
on Friday, when they noticed stray dogs nibbling at Video worries parents: The Boko new, high-security jails and they dont
her mangled body. Taleban is likely to continue to make decision while he travels to NATO in
Haram jihadist group has released a video gains, especially in rural areas, he Brussels and a G7 summit in Sicily want to go to those places, Gudiel told a
This savage and bone-chilling incident has shocked claiming to show Chibok schoolgirls who press conference.
the conscience of the nation, reminding each one of us said. later this month.
refused to be rescued as part of a recent Trump, who campaigned on an He will need to outline a coherent She did not say why authorities did not
about the crying need for revisiting the important issue swap deal with the Nigerian government. disclose the jailbreak before Saturday.
of womens safety and security, opposition leader America First platform and a Afghanistan policy and explain how
In the three-minute video, a woman who Honduras has been transferring impris-
Sonia Gandhi said in a statement late Saturday. pledge to reduce US overseas a few thousand extra troops will win oned members of the Barrio 18 and Mara
claims to be Maida Yakubu, one of the 276
involvement, must now decide or at least not lose there, when
schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in
whether to approve expected requests 100,000 troops could not.
Salvatrucha gangs to higher-security pris-
April 2014, is seen wearing a black veil ons in a bid to curb the extortion, killings
2 killed in northwest Pakistan: A Pakistani offi- and holding a gun. and drug deals they often coordinate from
cial says gunmen have ambushed a vehicle in a north- Flanked by three other women clad in behind bars. (RTRS)
west tribal region killing a government official and his black, she proclaims her loyalty to Boko
5 wounded in I. Coast: At least five ed for gunshots at Bouakes main hospital
paramilitary guard. Haram, which has been fighting the gov- following an attempt by city residents to
Irfan Khan said gunmen opened fire Sunday morn- ernment since 2009 in an insurgency that
people were wounded by gunfire during Mexico blast kills 4: An illegal pipe-
protests against an army mutiny in Ivory stage a protest march. line tap went up in flames in the Gulf coast
ing on an official vehicle carrying record-keeper has killed over 20,000 people. Two other protesters, who had been
Sarfaraz Hussain and his paramilitary guard Mumtaz Coasts second city, Bouake, on Saturday, state of Veracruz on Saturday, killing four
When asked by a man in the background according to a witness, as popular opposi- beaten, were also being treated.
Hussain in Olay Cheena in the lower Kurram tribal why she does not want to return home to suspected fuel thieves, Mexicos state oil
tion to the three-day revolt over bonus pay- (RTRS) company reported.
area bordering Afghanistan. her parents, she replies: The reason is that
Khan says both men died immediately and the they live in the town of unbelief. We want
ments grew. Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, said in
The witness saw five people being treat- a statement that four charred bodies and a
attackers fled the scene. them to accept Islam. Guard killed in suicide attack: A
The woman then speaks in the local burnt-out vehicle were found at the scene
security guard was killed early Saturday of the explosion near the town of El
Chibok dialect for the rest of the video. after two attackers blew themselves up in
2 militants killed in Kashmir firefight: Two Mango, in the municipality of Tierra
But the womans mother believes she Maiduguri, a city in northeastern Nigeria Blanca.
militants were killed in a shootout with security forces did so under duress. that has regularly been targeted by Boko It added that they were not Pemex
in Indian-administered Kashmir on Sunday, the army While the jihadists have lost significant Haram Islamists, officials said. employees and noted that fuel theft repre-
and police said. swathes of territory since Nigerian About an hour after midnight (00:00 sents a grave risk for people, communities
Acting on a tip-off, government forces surrounded President Muhammadu Buhari came to GMT) three suicide bombers, two men and the environment.
a thickly forested area near the northern town of power in 2015, they are still capable of and a woman, tried to enter the University Pemex said it turned off pressure in the
Handwara, 70 kms (45 miles) from Srinagar, trigger- launching deadly attacks on soldiers and of Maiduguri, but were spotted by univer- duct, put out the fire and was working to
ing the clash. continue to unleash suicide bombers in cit- sity security who stopped them for ques- close the tap.
The bodies of the dead were recovered along with ies and camps for internally displaced peo- tioning, the countrys NEMA emergency Mexicos treasury secretary said
their weapons, army spokesman Rajesh Kalia told AFP. ple in Nigerias ravaged northeast. (AFP) management agency said in a statement. Tuesday that fuel theft costs the country
Parfait Buhari (AFP) $780 million to $1 billion a year. (AP)


World News Roundup

Hasankeyf old city is pictured without the tomb of Zenyel Bey on May 12, at Hasankeyf in Batman, southeast- Caucasus and vied for supremacy with the emerging Ottomans. (Inset): The enormous, 600-year-old tomb is
ern Turkey, as it has been moved to stave off the risk of ooding from a dam project. Turkish authorities on May moved on a large wheeled platform, to make way for a hydroelectric dam on the Tigris river, in the village of
12 conducted a hugely ambitious and also controversial operation to move an over half-millenium old tomb Hasankeyf, southeastern Turkey. The domed Zeynel Bey Tomb, weighing 1,100 tons, was moved in one piece
to new location to stave off the risk of ooding from a dam project. The tomb of Zenyel Bey is a 15th century Friday, traveling two kilometers from the ancient settlement of Hasankeyf, where the majority of villages and
memorial to one of the key gures in the Ak Koyunlu tribe who controlled much of eastern Anatolia and the historic sites are at risk of being submerged in water when the Ilisu Dam is completed. (AFP/AP)

Space Oil

Over $5.5b in investments Theres battle, theres war

SLP delegates visit HQs
of UAE Space Agency
Pipeline opponents go after money
BISMARCK, ND, May 14, (AP): Op-
UAE, May 14: Delegates of the Sharjah Leadership position to the Dakota Access oil pipe-
Program; an initiative of the Sharjah Tatweer Forum,
a part of the Rubu Qarn Foundation for Creating Fu-
ture Leaders and Innovators, recently visited the head-
line has persuaded some banks to stop
supporting projects that might harm
the environment or tread on indigenous
Oregon port vote is latest
quarters of the UAE Space Agency, the government
entity responsible for the development of the countrys
space industry. The group was
rights, but calling the divest movement
a success might be a stretch.
It doesnt appear to be hurting the
local action on fossil fuels
welcomed by His Excellency In this Sept 1, 2015, photo, Lily West ability of energy companies to get - SEATTLE, May 14, (AP): Residents local regulations to prevent new
Dr Mohammed Al Ahbabi, (left), and Logan Strong plant seeds nancing and it doesnt seem to concern of a coastal community in Oregon projects.
Director General, UAE Space for their schools wood-heated aqua- lenders broadly. Yet pipeline oppo- are considering whether to try to As President Donald Trump ag-
Agency. ponics greenhouse in Kasaan, Alas- nents see victory in the fact that they derail a fossil fuel export project in gressively pushes fossil fuel explo-
During their visit, delegates ka. The state has released a new have made nancial institutions more their rural county, a decision that ration, opponents say theyre more
took part in a discussion cover- guidebook that other Alaska schools aware of indigenous rights and could put them at odds with the focused than ever on actions at the
ing key topics concerning the and community groups how to build theyre intent on keeping up the ght Trump administration. state and local level to stop the North-
agency and the space industry, greenhouses heated with a plentiful on projects such as Keystone XL even The ballot measure before Coos west from becoming a gateway for
which included supportive ser- local resource, wood. (AP) after failing to stop the Dakota Access County voters Tuesday would block exporting the nations fossil fuels.
vices, the countrys space strat- line. the $7.5 billion Jordan Cove Energy Weve all been waiting nerv-
egy and the future of the UAE We arent ignoring the fact we Project, a proposed liqueed natu- ously for the Trump administration
space industry, policies, legisla-
Al Ahbabi tion and partnerships. With in-
couldnt stop that pipeline, said Va- ral gas port that would be the rst of to dial up the intensity, said Eric de
vestments and interests totalling nessa Green, a campaign director with its kind on the US West Coast. Place with Sightline Institute, a Se-
around $5.5 billion, the country has been identied as the DivestInvest initiative. Theres a The vote comes weeks after a attle-based environmental research
the largest investor in the regions space industry. battle, and then theres a war. Trump adviser said the adminis- group.
The visit was aimed towards making the delegates The $3.8 billion Dakota Access tration would approve the project. Since 2010, at least 20 projects
aware of the UAEs current efforts to become a leader pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois Federal regulators denied a permit have been proposed in Oregon and
in the global space sector inspiring future genera- will be fully operational by June 1, a for the export terminal and pipeline Washington to handle and move
tions and seeing how the industry can help contribute half-year later than planned by Tex- under President Barack Obama. coal, crude oil, methanol, propane
to the national economy and support the transition to- as-based developer Energy Transfer In recent years, American In- or liqueed natural gas, but only a
wards sustainable development. Representatives of the Partners. The project was delayed by dian tribes and environmentalists few have come to fruition.
UAE Space Agency briefed the delegates on the sig- lawsuits from American Indian tribes have successfully fought a number Almost all the victories hap-
Brown Pruitt
nicance of utilizing space-inspired technologies for who fear it threatens cultural sites and of fossil fuel export projects in the pened at the state or local level, de
everyday activities as well as for more complex opera- drinking water, and months of protests Pacic Northwest, and pushed for Place said.
tions concerning national security or the management by tribal members and their support-
of natural disasters. Discovery ers. President Donald Trump pushed the pipeline. bank ABN-AMRO stopped providing
Todays visit to the UAE Space Agency is part of the project through shortly after taking
ofce. Some did. Paris-based BNP Paribas credit to a parent company of ETP.
SLPs continuing efforts to learn more about the coun- USA, Netherlands-based ING and Nor- Pipeline opponents also targeted cit-
trys emerging sectors, said Jassem Albloushi, Mem- Heated greenhouses: Cold-climate While the protests centered on a
ber of Board of Trustees, Rubu Qarn Foundation for greenhouses have long been an option for camp in North Dakota that at times way-based DNB sold off their shares of ies with some success, including in Se-
Creating Future Leaders and Innovators. The space in- increasing the limited growing season in housed thousands of people, oppo- a Dakota Access loan. Private investor attle, where leaders in February voted
dustry represents a new industry that the UAE is look- Alaska, where fresh produce is a rarity in nents also picketed banks in major Storebrand and Odin Fund Manage- to cut ties with San Francisco-based
ing to explore and excel in. In line with this, we sought a harsh environment. But for many remote U.S. cities and urged banks in Europe ment, both in Norway, sold shares in banking giant Wells Fargo in part due
to learn from the UAEs lead proponent, the UAE communities that rely on costly imported and even Japan to take a stand against companies linked to the project. Dutch to its role in funding Dakota Access.
Space Agency. The visit has given us an understand- diesel fuel for their power source, theyre
ing of its vision, mission and the strategies they wish too expensive to operate.
to implement to achieve sustainable development. We Now, the state has released a handbook during the weeklong trip. Both provinces energy and economic ties with China. Upend coal ash rule: A utilities
would like to thank HE Dr Al Ahbabi for welcoming us that shows scho ols and community groups are, along with California, part of the Un- The Pacic Rim county is the worlds top group asked the Environmental Protection
and giving our participants a detailed brieng about the how to build greenhouses heated with a der2 Coalition of regions that have pledged Agency on Friday to sweep away rules
plentiful local resource: wood. carbon polluter. The United States gener-
agency and the space sector. to limit global warming to below 2 degrees ates the second-largest amount of carbon governing the disposal of the poison-laden
The 98-page guide comes as greenhouses Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). ash left behind when coal is burned to
Delegates took note of the key points shared with gain popularity in the vast state for several pollution. (AP)
them during their visit. To date, a total of 500 profes- Browns ofce says the trip will generate electricity.
sionals work for the UAEs space program 50 per cent
reasons, including improved technology and strengthen Californias climate, clean The Utility Solid Waste Activities Group
heightened awareness, according to ofcials led a petition asking EPA Administrator
are comprised of UAE nationals, and 40 per cent are still who worked on the handbook.
in their youth. The country currently maintains and oper- Thousands of schools in the continental Scott Pruitt to reconsider broad sections
ates 12 satellites and has forged strategic international US have gardens and some have green- of the Coal Combustion Residuals Rule,
partnerships as part of the move to advance the UAEs houses where students learn to grow food. saying the regulations are ill-conceived and
space programs and initiatives, which in turn, reinforc- But Alaskas situation is unique given the burdensome.
es the countrys position as a regional centre for space lack of fresh produce from local sources in The EPA chief has expressed his will-
services and techniques. The agency, in particular, has remote parts of the state. ingness to gut environmental regulations
placed strong focus towards public-private partnerships. Theres nobody that comes close, says nalized under the Obama administration,
Participants were also briefed on the move to ex- Bob Deering, renewable energy coordinator especially if doing so aids the fossil fuel
plore new frontiers while also explaining why invest- for the Alaska region of the US Forest Ser- industry. Since his appointment, Pruitt has
ing in space poses great benets and advantages to the vice, the handbooks main funding source. repeatedly moved to block or delay rules
country like increased national knowledge, creating In villages off the states limited road aimed at curbing air and water pollution
global cooperation, economic expansion and consoli- system, for instance, goods must be own up from coal-red power plants.
dating the UAEs place among key players in the space or barged in. Steeply priced vegetables can Like President Donald Trump, Pruitt de-
industry. Lastly, the visiting delegation learned about be more than a week in transit and past their nies the consensus of climate scientists that
the UAE Space Agencys various programs and cam- prime by the time they arrive at stores.(AP) manmade carbon emissions are the primary
driver of climate change.
paigns that are part of the unied efforts to solidify the The nations coal-red power plants
countrys position as a global player in the space indus-
try, including its visionary plan to create a city on Mars Clean energy meeting: California Gov. produce tens of millions of tons of coal ash
Jerry Brown will travel to China to dis- each year that contain such toxic heavy
by the year 2117. metals as arsenic, lead and mercury. Much
The UAE Space Agency, the rst national space cuss clean energy policy with international
leaders next month, his ofce announced of the ash is in wastewater pumped into
agency in the region, was established in 2014, and is re- Friday. massive unlined pits near lakes and rivers
sponsible for organizing, regulating and supporting the Hell attend an international energy potentially used as sources of drinking
national space sector under federal law. This includes conference in Beijing with delegates from water.
the complete oversight and funding of space missions nearly two dozen countries during his visit Following a series of highly-publicized
such as the Mars Hope Probe, the UAEs unmanned during the rst week of June. spills, the EPA spent years developing new
mission to Mars. He will also visit Chengdu in Sichuan A photo taken during the Sharjah Leadership Program delegates visit to the rules to prod utilities to either recycle the
province and Nanjing in Jiangsu province headquarters of the UAE Space Agency. ash or dispose of it more safely. (AP)

Photos courtesy of the Al Hassan Brothers

The Al Hassan Brothers Kuwaiti roots and global inuences.


Chords in crossroads Mi Luna and more

By Cinatra Fernandes
Arab Times Staff

n their debut album Mi Luna, Al Hassan Brothers bring together soulful
melodies and passionate singing, in a polished compilation that not only
a strong Spanish avour replete with the ourishes that make
Another uncle had shown me a video of the renowned amenco artist
called Paco de Lucia, and I was completely amazed by him, the music and
skill. In 1999, the internet played a vital role in broadening our access to the
favoured classic rock especially music from The Beatles, Led Zeppelin,
Deep Purple, Creed, etc.
AT: Lets talk about your album Mi Luna.
amenco music so bewitching to the listener, but also a steadfast display of discovery of new music and artists. I started to search for more musicians. Ali: I started to write and compose my own music quite early. Once I had
their Kuwaiti roots and global inuences. The mix of Arabic, English and I knew a couple of good musicians from Spain, I followed the Gipsy Kings learnt the chords, I had begun to play around with instrumental numbers and
Spanish numbers expands the groups palette, inducing an atmosphere of ardently, memorised all of their songs. So it was in this period that I really songs. Back then, writing lyrics was a challenge for me because my English
both contemplation and enthusiasm as evocative melodies strummed deli- got into amenco. wasnt that good. So I concentrated on the music more.
cately on the guitar give way to compelling traditional fare and more intense My aunt from my mothers side, Mahmouds mother, had bought a guitar Mi Luna as a rst album, contains the experiences of all the formative
rock ballads. In Mi Luna, you nd songs on the sea that match its ebbs and around 30 years ago that was just gathering dust in my grandfathers house, years of our experience with music and life for the four of us. We have been
ows, songs about love that reveal emotions beneath the surface, and songs nobody played it. So I picked up the guitar and played a couple of melodies. on a long journey of playing Spanish music together among the four of us
of wisdom and ideas that command attention. Then my mother found out that there were guitar classes at Bayt Lothan and and this comes through in our Spanish songs on the album. As it only needed
Formed in the summer of 2015 by Ali, Haitham, Mahmoud and Hassan, enrolled me there. That is where I met Nawaf Al Gheraibah, whose Ajna four guitars, it was easy to play anywhere, anytime and we love this kind of
Al Hassan Brothers band and their music is inspired by a variety of musi- records has produced the album. music.
cal backgrounds ranging from classical to jazz, from rock to amenco, Nawaf taught me nine courses, he taught me how to play basic guitar and We also have other compositions that include traditional Arab music as
from Celtic to bluegrass, not forgetting Kuwaiti folk. Keeping true to Latin he explained to me the fundamental chords that form the structure of most well as English rock music. So, with this compilation of twelve tracks, we
and Spanish guitar techniques, the bands music combines Latin guitar and songs. When I memorised these chords, I began to play the music that I tried to make a balanced album that reects our interests.
Rumba Flamenco fused with Middle Eastern melodies, creating a distinctive loved very easily by ear. I knew the sequences of the chords and it was a lot We have a traditional number Muhyee El Hawa in the style of Saamri
and contemporary style. The band signed on to Ajna Records in 2016, and of fun. I learned all the Gypsy Kings songs and I thought to myself that this characterised by its distinctive folkloric rhythm, the lyrics of which are made
released their debut album Mi Luna with accompanying live performanc- kind of music would be much better with a group. up of a poem by an old Kuwaiti poet. We also feature another Kuwaiti song
es. In this interview, Ali Al Hassan provides a glimpse of their journey. AT: Did you talk the rest of your band into it, then? which is modern with Su poetry.
Arab Times: Tell us about how Al Hassan Brothers, the band came to be. Ali: I was in my early twenties at this time and my brothers were in their We have two songs sung in both Arabic and Spanish. I dont speak Span-
Ali: I am the lead singer of the band, Al Hassan Brothers, where I play the pre-teen and early teenage years. I taught my brother who was nine years old ish so they were a challenge. Thanks to our avid fascination and love for
rhythm guitar. We started the band in 2015. Our origin story can be traced the basics and everything else I knew. I remember that I tried to go around Spanish music and Spanish songs, weve memorised a lot of lyrics which
back to a charity event held at the Embassy of the Philippines. We were teaching what I knew to anybody who was interested. I bought Yamaha C40 makes it easier to sing the songs. Spanish is also a very rhythmic language,
invited to perform there by a friend who had heard us play at the Radisson guitars for the kids, my brothers were young and had their studies so they so you can sing it easily. I tried to write lyrics using Google translate. First I
Hotel. When he was introducing us to the audience, he called us the Al Has- werent able to join me much then. I knew other musicians who I used to
san Brothers, we liked the name and went with it. play live with. just write the music and then follow the Carnatic style of writing with sounds
The band includes my brother Haitham who plays the lead guitar and AT: How quickly did their skill develop? that t into the melody but have no meaning. Then I search for lyrics that t
sings, and my cousins Mahmoud who plays the lead guitar and Hassan Ali: Oh they became good at guitar playing very fast. It took them less with these sounds and in a meaning that I like. The nal version of what Id
who plays rhythmic guitars and supplies the backing vocals. than a year to pick up the skill because they played all the time and from an come up with was looked over by a Spanish professor who made the neces-
AT: When did you rst become interested in music? early age, especially Haitham who tried to compose things from the get go. sary edits. When I have the Spanish phrase, I try to gure out the Arabic
Ali: Ive been interested in music from a very early age. We come from Mahmoud is extremely motivated so he was able to achieve a high level of words that would convey the same meaning, the main single Yo Tequiero
a family that loves music and played music all the time. We were always skill in playing. was developed this way.
listening to music being played from cassettes, even when being dropped Around this time, we met with a well-known Bahraini guitarist. I used to In this album, we wrote four songs about the sea. We love nature.
and picked up from school in the car. play with him by the seaside and on the weekends we would sit from one AT: How do you think amenco relates to Arab music? Do you nd
My uncle taught me how to play piano and I continued to play it until high night to the next morning. He is a very talented guitarist and we all enjoyed patterns of similarities between the two? What would you say is the main
school. After I graduated from high school, I became interested and intrigued playing along with him. difference?
by many genres of music, but one particular type of music that got a hold of AT: Were you interested in any other genres besides amenco? Ali: Of course, all music is linked and especially amenco. Flamenco has
my young heart was amenco. Ali: Of course, we were appreciative of many other genres but we Continued on Page 20

Ali Al Hassan Mahmoud Al Hassan Haitham Al Hassan Hassan Al Hassan


Arabic song writing. But Haitham does

and he writes Arabic songs.
Another difculty we encountered
was in terms of time management for
the group. But fortunately we are fam-
ily, so I can go to my uncles house
and nd everybody there to practice.
In terms of writing music, we have
an open door policy where each mem-

Chords in crossroads
ber is encouraged to write whatever
he wants and we also get together and
try to write something collectively in
different combinations, it lends a dif-
ference to the experience and output.
AT: What do you think of the music
industry in Kuwait? What is needed
for it to thrive?
Ali: The music scene has gotten
bigger in Kuwait. It is everywhere.
When the weather is nice, everybody
is organising outdoor events with live
performances, this is a recent positive
I am grateful for my music teachers in
school. I loved playing with a group then.
The feeling and joy of playing in a band
developed from my schooldays even
though I mightve played music not to my
taste. Ive always liked the idea of playing
music with other people and I hope that
music education in schools will be made a
priority and kids can be introduced to the
wonders of making music.
For the music industry in Kuwait to
thrive, I hope that people would write
what comes from the heart and not try
to mimic popular trends or pander to
the audience. It has to be honest and
the people will feel that and respond
to it. If you do this, you are adding
something new to the music scene.
Sometimes you have much better
things to contribute that gets lost if you
are trying to please other people.
AT: What advice would you give to
young musicians?
Ali: Young musicians have to rst
listen to a lot of good music and enjoy
it. For those who want to start their
own bands, I would urge them to make
time to practice.
The Al Hassan Brothers in concert AT: What are your expectations for
Mi Luna?
Ali: I havent thought about the future
Continued from Page 19 Ali: There are a lot of bands that Ali: I think we are quite different AT: What themes have you ex- get a lot of things about the previous AT: How are your sea songs a de- on this album? What is the process of to get it done. with Mi Luna. Im just living in the
many roots that include Arab, Indian, we look up to. The Beatles has always when compared to other bands. Our plored in the album? day. Some dreams are made up of a parture from the traditional fare? putting it all together? Ajna has become a second home, moment and enjoying the process. We
been a very big inspiration to us. music taste, what we like in music and Ali: The English songs comprise of truth that is sometimes more real to us Ali: The songs are of our experi- Ali: We started working on it last we love it. This is another great benet are very happy with the music we have
African, Persian, and European inu- put out and we hope that our joy will
ences. Flamenco has an easy adapt- Other bands and musicians that have the variety that we offer, I believe, sets powerful rock anthems as well as slow than the everyday reality of our lives. ence with the sea, where we sit by summer and we encountered some dif- of music that you get to know new
inuenced us are Led Zeppelin, Black us apart in the music scene. rock renditions. We have themes of love So the song, More real than reality, it and play guitar into the night. The culties. Nawaf Al Gheraibah of Ajna open-minded, loving and giving peo- reach people. We hope the album Mi
ability that you can always mix it with Luna will be enjoyed and we are eager to
anything. I think that this is the beauty Sabbath, Gypsy Kings, Paco de Lucia, AT: How would you describe your and support of family and friends. As a explores this idea of the dream being songs of the sea of the past are more Records is a very busy man because ple and connect with them
know what the audience makes of it.
of amenco music it blends beauti- Camarn de la Isla, among many other audience? band we have experienced a situation more real than reality and how it might tragic in tone because a lot of people he is very supportive to everyone. We AT: What are the challenges you AT: What is your hope for the
fully with other types of music and musicians we admire. There is an Ali: I think with the variety of where we received immense support from affect your life and your days more died at sea, the sea was a contender. were fortunate to know him closely as face as a musician? future?
there is a lot of room to develop differ- American alternative rock band Live styles and languages we offer in our the people in our lives and not the system. than the waking experience. In Kuwait we have a very famous we started this project. Ali: When I rst started, the Ali: Im happy that the music scene is
ent styles and varieties of it. The main whose album Throwing Cooper had music, we cast a wide net and try to So some of the songs carry with it that Another song in the album is Zors song called tob tob ya bahrar which We had difculties amongst our- language and lyric writing was a chal- getting wider and I hope that there will be
difference between amenco and Arab an impact. For the vocals, I see Nusrat touch every kind of listener from those anger and insistent style of singing. Night, and it is a song about the Zor laments the carnage of the sea. But our selves because we have responsibilities lenge. But as time passed, it became more opportunities and venues for musi-
music would be between the chords Fateh Ali Khan as one of the best. interested in lyrics to those drawn to Another theme we explore is on the Beach in Kuwait where we have had songs are more pleasant and joyful. In and commitments outside of the band, easier. My English improved and I g- cians to express themselves, more places
and harmonies used. AT: How do you see yourself within melodies, for those who like traditional nature of dreams and reality. Some- many great times since childhood. We Muhyee El Hawa we have the power with family and work obligations. So ured out a way to write in Spanish. As to perform and enjoy music. It is my
AT: Who are your inuences as a the spectrum of Kuwaiti music, where Kuwaiti music to others who prefer times we have a very old dream that have other songs that talk about the sea of singing from the old traditional side. in the beginning we had a difcult I dont listen to a lot of Arabic songs, dream that every area in Kuwait would
band? do you see yourself placed? English and Spanish songs. we remember so clearly while we for- and the peace of mind it brings. AT: When did you start working time recording and it took a long while I dont have that much inspiration for have a space for the youth and for the arts.

Laughter is the way you hook the audience

Guardians set Marvel on new path for superhero movies

LOS ANGELES, May 14, (RTRS): The surprise success of the rst studios upcoming releases, including Spider-Man: Homecom- for repeat viewings, which Feige compared to the fan-favorite Star
Guardians of the Galaxy, with its intergalactic gang of mists ing and Thor: Ragnarok, are expected to build humor into their Wars lms or the Harry Potter franchise.
and quirky tone, launched Marvel Studios into making action mov- audience appeal. Theres only one way to do that - to make lms entertaining
ies starring lesser-known comic book gures that could make audi- The Guardians franchise has gone farther by putting comedy at enough and have the mythology of our stories rich enough and deep
ences laugh. the core of the movie. Audiences fell in love with the roguish Peter, enough that there are things worth continuing to experience, he
Two years later, the bet that comedy could help catapult charac- no-nonsense Gamora, the alien Drax who didnt understand irony said in the Reuters interview.
ters such as the Guardians, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange into and the bromance between Rocket Raccoon and tree-alien Groot. Disney-owned Marvel has seven upcoming lms mapped out un-
box ofce stars has paid off again. Laughter is the way you hook the audience, and then you can til 2019, including Spider-Man: Homecoming, a joint production
The Guardians, led by actor Chris Pratts Peter Quill, debut- scare them, then you can hopefully touch them emotionally deeper with Sony Pictures due in July.
ed in 2014 with more than $700 million at the global box ofce. than they were expecting to in a lm about a tree and a raccoon The lm taps the teen comedy genre in the retelling of Spider-

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 opened in the United States last and aliens that dont understand metaphors, Feige told reporters Mans origin story as his alter-ego Peter Parker navigates the perils
week and has already grossed more than $500 million worldwide. in April. of high school.
The rst Guardians of the Galaxy lm allowed us to perhaps But comedy has not always paired well with superheroes.
go a little bit further, not just in humor, but types of characters, Secret George Clooneys 1997 Batman & Robin, which featured
Kevin Feige, chief executive of Marvel Studios, told Reuters. Humor is the secret into the audiences other range of emo- goofy jokes, was savaged by critics and was one of the worst-per-
Comedy has avored Marvel movies since 2008s Iron Man tions, he added. forming superhero lms, grossing $238 million worldwide accord-
featured star Robert Downey Jr.s cocky one-liners. Many of the Its also part of Marvels strategy to keep audiences coming back ing to


This image released by Amazon Studios shows Julianne Moore in a scene from Wonderstruck. (AP)


From mysterious beast to migrant tales

LOS ANGELES: Blade of the
Samurai, which debuts in Of-
cial Selection in the Cannes
Film Festival next week, is set
for a theatrical release in North
America. Rights to the lm were
Cannes dishes one of tastiest lineup
acquired by Magnet Releasing LOS ANGELES, May 14, (Agencies): Ask just red-carpet rush. wounded soldier who seduces the women around
from HanWay Films. about any critic heading to next weeks Cannes him, including Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Dunst.
The action drama is the 100th Film Festival for their thoughts on the lineup and Success Redoubtable
movie to be directed by the pro- youll get much the same verdict: On paper, at least, Which isnt to say Cannes cant mint an Oscar The buzz is also good on this cheeky comedy
lic Japanese lm maker Miike its one of the tastiest in years. Usually we speak of success story. The narratives involved just tend to about the legendary New Wave movie director
Takashi. It is also his fourth in the Cannes programmes being front-loaded or back- be more surprising and slow-burning. Jean-Luc Godard from Michel Hazanavicius, the
Cannes festival. Last year, Isabelle Huppert picked up Cannes
Based on Hiroaki Samuras loaded in terms of major auteur works; this year, man behind the whimiscal multi-Oscar winner The
long-running manga of the same its simply loaded. raves for her performance in Elle, but Paul Ver- Artist.
title, Blade follows an immortal The rst two days of this years fest alone see pre- hoevens nervy rape-revenge thriller was widely Okja
warrior who is enlisted by a young mieres from Todd Haynes (Wonderstruck), An- assumed to be a non-starter for Academy types. It Netix are pushing the boat out for their big-
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017

girl to avenge her parents slaughter drei Zvyagintsev (Loveless), Arnaud Desplechin took months of nurturing by Sony Pictures Classics budget E.T.-like creature feature Okja, star-
at the hand of a group of master (Ismaels Ghosts) and Claire Denis (Black to prove otherwise. David Mackenzies Hell or ring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tilda Swinton, which tells
swordsmen. The screenplay was Glasses). The last two days, by which point the High Water, meanwhile, bowed in the Un Certain the tale of a girl who risks everything to protect a
adapted by Tetsuya Oishi, with the crowds usually thin out, have Lynne Ramsay (You Regard section and was considerably well-received
lm produced by Jeremy Thomas, shy giant animal.
Were Never Really Here) and Roman Polanski by critics, yet it still wasnt pitched as a sure-re The Meyerowitz Stories
Misako Saka, and Shigeji Maeda, Oscar player coming out of the fest. It stood tall as
with Warner Bros. Japan. (Based on a True Story), not to mention David The streaming giant has also snapped up Noah
Magnet, the specialty arm of Lynchs feverishly awaited Twin Peaks reboot. a solid bet when the dust of awards bait also-rans While Were Young Baumbachs story about
Magnolia Releasing, plans to re- In between is an all-you-can-eat cinephiles buffet settled later in the season, however. a neurotic New York boho family trying to deal
lease the lm later this year. Mag- boasting new works from Michael Haneke (Hap- The year before, it was Todd Haynes breathless- with their difcult artist father. Ben Stiller, Emma
nolia and Magnet have pre-bought py End), Soa Coppola (The Beguiled), Noah ly received Carol that left Cannes with the strong- Thompson, Candice Bergen and Dustin Hoffman
two other Cannes titles: Arnaud Baumbach (The Meyerowitz Stories) and Yorgos est headwind of Oscar buzz. George Millers Mad complete a top-notch cast.
Desplechins opener Ismaels Lanthimos (The Killing of a Deer), among many Max: Fury Road, meanwhile, enthralled the Croi-
Ghosts, and Ruben Ostlunds You Were Never Really Here
others. sette but was dismissed out of hand as an awards Scotlands Lynne Ramsay made her Cannes de-
The Square. (RTRS) player. We all know which one landed a best picture
In short, anyone who decided on a curtailed but with the unforgettable Ratcatcher. This year
Cannes trip this year is probably kicking themselves. nomination in the end. she will close the festival with this drama of a war
LOS ANGELES: Indias Dangal Yet from industry pundits who tend to weigh From the tale of a mysterious beast to a migrant veteran (Joaquin Phoenix) who tries to save a victim
is set to swap places with Guard- festival selections in terms of future awards-season who nds he can levitate after being shot on a bor-
ians of the Galaxy vol. 2 and take of sex-trafcking.
prospects, the reaction to Canness class of 2017 is a der fence, these are the 19 movies competing in the Loveless
the top spot at the Chinese box little more muted, more wait and see than gimme main competition at this weeks Cannes Film Fes-
ofce. Both will trounce newly Russian director Andrey Zvyagintsev wowed
released King Arthur. gimme gimme. Thats no slight on the quality of tival: Cannes in 2014 with Leviathan, a darkly funny
The Aamir Khan-starring the selections, of course: However much they feed Wonderstruck
meditation on family bonds and religion. Family is
Dangal topped the Chinese charts into each other, the festival circuit and the Oscar Todd Haynes in back in period mode after his
huge hit Carol with the rst of two Amazon- again the focus of his new lm about a clan with an
on both Friday and Saturday, with campaign trail are two very different tracks, with aversion to affection.
sharply improved scores, compared sometimes differing notions of prestige. backed movies to have made the cut. Julianne
with its opening frame. On Friday Moore and Michelle Williams star in the story of Good Time
Take Ken Loach, for example. Last year, the
Dangal grossed $6.21 million, fol- two deaf children living parallel lives in the 1920s Billed as a grindhouse movie with a brain, New
80-year-old doyen of social realism took his sec-
lowed by $13.9 million on Saturday. ond Palme dOr, for I, Daniel Blake, and ex- and 1970s. York indie brothers Benny and Josh Safdie have
The previous weekend Dangal tended his record as the most-selected lmmaker in Jupiters Moon cast Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson as a
had scores of $2.27 million and
Cannes Competition history. For all that Croisette Hungarian director Kornel Mundruczowho bank robber struggling to evade the police.
$4.70 million on the comparable Happy End
days and nished its three-day open- love, however, none of his lms has ever received won the newcomers prize with White in 2014
a single Oscar nomination. Cannes has never been has turned his lens on the European migrant crisis, No one has ever won the Palme dOr three times.
ing with $11.3 million. But with Isabelle Huppert again by his side fresh
Exhibitors increased the lms the prime hunting ground for suspected US awards with this story of a young refugee who discovers
outings to 35,000 screenings on bait, not least because of its early position in the amazing powers when he is shot. from her accolades for Elle, Austrian-born Mi-
Friday and 55,000 on Saturday. calendar. In recent years, studios have preferred the The Beguiled chael Haneke could write his place in history with
That compared with an average balmy late-summer climes of Venice to launch such Soa Coppolas starry and much-touted Ameri- this family drama set in northern France against the
of 30,000 a week ago. Per screen heavyweights as La La Land, Spotlight, Gravi- can Civil War thriller, a remake of the 1971 movie backdrop of the migrant crisis.
takings were the highest in the
chart. (RTRS) ty and Birdman, heading straight into the autumn with Clint Eastwood, features Colin Farrell as a Continued on Page 22

LOS ANGELES: Guardians of the
Galaxy Vol. 2 is on track for its King Arthur: Legend of the Snatched is expected to make that it will be handling upcom- the suburbs, only to discover its
second straight box ofce win with Sword starring Jude Law and $16 million this weekend, while ing horror/psychological thriller actually haunted. There is current-
Friday night pulling in $16.4 million Charlie Hunnam this Mothers King Arthurs potential numbers Grifns Ghost from The ly no cast attached, but casting is
at 4,347 theaters despite debuts from Day weekend. Snatched took continue to fall -- its now facing Blair Witch Project co-director underway with a start date set for
both King Arthur and Snatched. in an estimated $5 million from a $14 million debut, down from Eduardo Sanchez. AGW will be the fall. Pulitzer Prize-nominated
It is expected to amass a total of 3,501 theaters Friday night. King the initial $18 million projection. distributing the lm from Nous Broadway playwrite Jack Zemen
$63.5 by weekends end. Arthur managed to attract a (RTRS) Entertainment, and will be launch- wrote the screenplay.
Saturday estimates show Amy slightly higher number of $5.3 ing later this month at Cannes. AGW head of sales and dis-
Schumer and Goldie Hawns million from 3,702 theaters, but it Grifns Ghost will follow tribution Terese Linden Kohn
Snatched through 20th Century is still projected to place third after LOS ANGELES: Angel Grace Grifn Kidder and her husband spoke highly of director Sanchez
Fox barely beating Warner Bros tallying the three day totals. Takashi Khan Worldwide announced Saturday as they move into a xer-upper in in a press release. (RTRS)


People & Places


Glamour & glitz

Some actresses who

have shaken Cannes
Continued from Page 21
The Square
The Swedish director Ruben Ostlund best
known for Snow Therapy was a late entry with
his dystopian tale of a place without rules where
people can do what they want.
The Killing of a Deer
Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell team up for
the second time in the competition, this time in
the story of a boy trying to bring a surgeon into
his dysfunctional family, with disastrous conse-
quences. With Greek maestro Yorgos Lanthimos
at the helm, expect the weird.
Gerard Depardieu has
already had a go at playing
Frances greatest sculptor.
This time Vincent Lindon
picks up the chisel to por-
tray the artist in a biopic that
marks the centenary of his
In The Fade
Hamburgs Fatih Akin of
Madonna Head-On fame returns to
home ground in a promising
story of vengeance set among Germanys Turk-
ish community.
Amant Double (The Double Lover)
No one does thrillers like French director Fran-
cois Swimming Pool Ozon. His latest follows a
young woman who falls in love with her therapist
before realizing hes not who she thought he was.
120 Beats Per Minute
Drama by Franco-Moroccan director Robin
Campillo set among a group of people working
with an AIDS charity in Paris in the 1990s.
Japans Naomi Kawase returns to the competi- Soprano Renee Fleming looks to the audience during the curtain call for Richard Strauss opera Der Rosenkavalier in New York on May 13. (AP)
tion three years after her Still the Water with
a lm following a photographer whose eyesight
is failing.
The Day After
South Korean director Hong Sang-Soo is
bringing two lms to Cannes. His new feature
The Day After is in the main competition with
a special screening for Claires Camera, which
Peoples diva excited about new singing challenges
features Isabelle Huppert, and was partly shot
during last years festival.
A Gentle Creature
A woman tries to learn the truth about her hus-
Fleming bids adieu to signature role
band held in a remote prison in Russia when a NEW YORK, May 14, (Agencies): classical literature that has anything sic roles for which her voice is suited.
package for him is returned to her in Ukrainian Opera superstar Renee Fleming bid to do with women who are really fully Fleming has increasingly shown an
director Sergei Loznitsas sombre story. adieu Saturday to one of her trade- drawn, who have the complexity and interest in fresh works, seeking newly
The Cannes Film Festival which starts this mark roles, performing Strausss Der the challenges that they truly face, she composed pieces that bet a grown
week is famous for glamour and glitz. With Rosenkavalier for the last time before told AFP last year. woman.
the festival celebrating it 70th anniversary, we a warm and enthusiastic crowd at the Throughout her time on stage Sat-
Metropolitan Opera in a sold-out mati- Symbolic urday, Flemings voice revealed a
look back at some of the actresses who have lit nee. So often in opera, women are sym- combination of lightness and rich-
up the red carpet: Fleming beamed from the stage bolic and sort of archetypal and mostly ness, especially near the end of act
La Lollo vs Sophia and patted her heart in gratitude to the very young, mostly victims, she said. one and in a trio near the nale of the
In the late 1950s, two curvacious Italian ac- cheers at the nale of Strausss bitter- Raised in Rochester, New York, and opera with Octavian and Sophie, the
tresses competed for the attention of rowdy pa- sweet comedy as confetti shimmered the daughter of two music teachers, younger woman whom Octavian falls
parazzi: Gina Lollobrigida, affectionately known to the stage from above. Fleming has attained unique stature for. Fleming acted with understate-
as La Lollo by fans, and Sophia Loren, born Priyanka Chopra attends Paramount Fleming, 58, often considered the within opera, enjoying rare crossover ment and reserve that lent weight to
Soa Scicolone. Pictures world premiere of Baywatch leading American soprano of her gen- appeal among the general public and the sense of melancholy at the passage
in Miami Beach, Florida on May 13. eration, plans to continue to sing in a nickname as the peoples diva, a of time.
The press revelled in their supposed public (AFP) concert and some staged opera. testament to a combination of glamor, While the Strauss opera worked the-
rivalry and Cannes became a key battleground But she has retired many of her talent and a touch of grittiness. matically as a kind of not-quite-sen-
where the divas competed for the eyes and imagi- signature opera roles, saying she is She sang the top 10 list for for- doff for Fleming from the Met, it did
nations of lm buffs. excited about new singing challenges mer late-night host David Letterman in not include obvious applause lines for
Loren gained the upper hand in 1962 when she and that she feels it is time to move 2013 and won praise for her rendition the audience to express its appreciation
won the best actress Oscar for Two Women by on from playing women decades of the national anthem at the 2014 Su- during the performance.
Vittorio De Sica. younger who comprise most of the per Bowl. The Met crowd on Saturday how-
Even so, she still had to compete at Cannes possibilities for a lyric soprano in the That prominence has made Fleming ever made up for that with a standing
with other rising Italian stars Claudia Cardi- opera repertoire. a reliably bankable star, a status on full ovation for Fleming at the end.
nale, Monica Vitti and Silvana Mangano for Fleming is not on the Met schedule display with Der Rosenkavalier, one Confetti fell from the top of the
attention. for 2016-17, but a Met spokeswoman of the Mets most highly anticipated Metropolitan Opera and bouquets
said she will be back in the 2018-19 new productions of 2016-7, a season were thrown from the crowd during a
Bardot mania season. that commemorates 50 years at Lin- nine-minute ovation that followed the
Then an unknown, Brigitte Bardot rst ap- In Der Rosenkavalier, Fleming coln Center. performance on the nal day of the
peared at Cannes in 1953 and caused quite a sen- Kilmer Dennings was cast as the wife of a eld marshal Five of the nine Met performances companys 2016-17 season. Fleming
sation, lounging on the beach while Kirk Douglas in Vienna high society in the early 20th of Der Rosenkavalier completely plans to concentrate her appearances
plaited her hair. century who turns away a much junior sold out and the run as a whole reached on concerts and will consider singing
Fourteen years later the French star returned lover, sensing that it is only a matter of 98 percent capacity, making it the best in new operas.
as an international sex symbol for the festivals Variety time before he rejects her for a younger attended Met opera of the season, a Fleming rst sang the Marschallin,
closing ceremonies in May 1967 where she was woman. Met spokeswoman said. an aristocrat who accurately predicts
to pay tribute to Swiss actor Michel Simon, the An emotional high point occurs at Besides Rosenkavalier, Flemings her lover will leave her for a younger
LOS ANGELES: French luxury power- the end of the rst act when Fleming, other signature parts include Dvoraks woman, at the Houston Grand Opera
nights guest of honour. house Kering has joined forces with lm
whose character is called the Mar- Rusalka, Tatiana in Tchaikovskys in 1995. Saturday was her 70th staged
But photographers battled each other amid a promotion org UniFrance to expand the
footprint of its Women in Motion program schallin, ponders the passage of time Eugene Onegin and Desdemona in performance of the role, which in-
massive crowd trying to catch a glimpse of BB and imagines herself as an old woman. Verdis Otello. She has appeared cluded productions in San Francisco,
globally and launch it at international lm
as she enter the auditorium. events throughout the year. Everything fades away like mist nearly 250 times at New Yorks pre- London, Paris, Zurich, Baden-Baden
Police had to ght to clear the way for Bar- Created by Kering and running along- and dreams, she tells the young lover miere opera house in 22 roles. She has and Munich, and with the Met on tour
dot as her husband Gunter Sachs pleaded for the side Cannes Film Festival, the Women in Octavian, shortly before she sends him also sung in all of the worlds major in Japan. She sang additional concert
crowd not to crush her. Motion program hosts roundtables with away. opera houses including Milan, London versions in Boston, Washington, D.C.,
In bed with Madonna prominent industry execs and talent who Fleming has praised the character and Paris. and Paris.
At the height of her fame in 1991, the US icon discuss womens contribution to lm. as one of operas most fully developed A representative for Fleming said I feel satiated, she said outside her
Kicking off during the upcoming 3rd for a woman. the diva does not like to be a repeater dressing room. Its time time to
came to Cannes to present her documentary Ma- edition in Cannes, the two-year agreement There is so little repertoire in the and has already performed most clas- say goodbye.
donna: Truth or Dare. between the two orgs will allow Women in
Holed up in the ve-star Hotel du Cap-Eden- Motion to roll out at UniFrances French
Roc, she stopped trafc on the winding roads of Film Festival in Japan on June 22-25 in chance to meet Kilmer after the Cinema the group kept in contact. (AP) Girls has been canceled after six seasons
Cap dAntibes for her daily 15-kilometre (10- Tokyo. Twain show in Wickenburg last Decem- at CBS, Variety has learned.
As part of the partnership, UniFrances
mile) run surrounded by 15 bodyguards. ber. Kilmer told the couple of his ideas to The series starred Kat Dennings and
managing director Isabelle Giordano will LOS ANGELES: Comedy series 2 Broke Beth Behrs as waitresses at a Brooklyn
On the night of the screening, a crowd of at also host a panel during the Cannes-set
sell Doc-inspired artwork in the area, and
diner who one day dream of opening their
least 10,000 onlookers gathered in front of the Woman in Motion edition on May 17-28. own business. The only thing standing in
Palais des Festivals to try to catch a glimpse of Kerings alliance with UniFrance marks their way is the fact they are dead broke.
the star, whose limo inched through the crowd. a key step forward for Women in Motion. The series also starred Matthew Moy,
Chaos ensued as Madonna, wrapped in a pink Last year, the program had teamed up with Jonathan Kite, Garrett Morris, and Jen-
cloak, strolled the red carpet, before halting, turn- Sundance Institute to organize a Women at nifer Coolidge. The series was co-created
ing and revealing the cream conical designed Sundance Fellowship Programme for six by Michael Patrick King and Whitney
female directors and producers. (RTRS) Cummings, with King and Michelle
by Jean Paul Gaultier she wore underneath.
Nader executive producing. Warner Bros
A female television presenter was thrown to Television and MPK Productions produced.
the ground live on-air, as were several photog- TOMBSTONE, Arizona: Val Kilmer, who The series posted solid ratings through-
raphers. famously played Doc Holliday in the movie out its run. Season 6 averaged a 1.3 rating
Tombstone, is making plans to visit the in adults 18-49 and 5.6 million viewers per
Sharon Stone: A star is born Arizona Old West town this summer as part
In 1992, the festival opened with the whodun- episode, airing mostly on Monday nights.
of a festival that pays tribute to the gunghter. It briey moved to Wednesdays and Thurs-
nit Basic Instinct, an erotic thriller by Dutch Kilmer announced he would be coming to days during its fth season. (RTRS)
director Paul Verhoeven. Arizona in August on Facebook, the Sierra

The main female role a novelist who stabs Vista Herald reported Thursday. The visit is
her victims with an ice pick while engaged in part of the Tombstone Lions Club and Tomb- LOS ANGELES: The Freeform series
stone Mustacherys rst Doc Holli-Days Baby Daddy will end at the conclusion of
acrobatic acts was played by US star Sharon event taking place Aug 12 and 13. its sixth season, Variety has conrmed.
Stone. In the movie, the character is based The May 22 season nale will now serve
Completely at ease and oozing glamour, Stone, off of John Henry Doc Holliday, a as the series nale. The series followed Ben
up to then known for just secondary roles, caused dentist known for his part in the legendary (Jean-Luc Bilodeau), a young man in New
a minor riot among cameramen as she ascended shootout at O.K. Corral. York City living a bachelors life with his
Cannes red carpet in a low-cut gown. The event is still in the planning stages, buddy Tucker (Tahj Mowry) and his brother
Tombstone Mustachery co-owner Sherry A Palestinian mans silhouette is seen on a placard at a lm festival showcasing Danny (Derek Theler). Their lives are turned
Stone became a regular feature at Cannes, turn- Rudd said. He kind of let the cat out of lms focusing on human rights in Gaza City. The festival, which is in its third year, upside down when they came home one day
ing her into a worldwide star. the bag, she said, laughing. coincides with the Cannes Film Festival and aims to show that there is an alternative to nd a baby girl left on the doorstep by an
Rudd and her husband, Kevin, got the to the catwalks and glamour of its French counterpart, Saworki said. (AFP) ex-girlfriend of Bens. (RTRS)


Portuguese singer representing Portugal with the song Amar Pelos Dois Salvador Vilar Braamcamp Sobral aka Sobral performs during the nal of the 62nd edition of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Grand Final at the
International Exhibition Centre in Kiev on May 13. Inset: Sobral holds the trophy as he celebrates on stage. (AFP)

Music Music
NYs LightsOut show Ballad beats glitz at singing contest
Dancing in the dark:
club turns lights out
Portugals Sobral wins Eurovision
KIEV, Ukraine, May 14, (Agen- nations diplomatic and military con- rap while Azerbaijans act that came
NEW YORK, May 14, (AFP): With ashy lights and cies): A gentle romantic ballad chal- ict. 14th featured a man wearing a horses
lasers increasingly the norm at concerts, a New York lenged the Eurovision Song Contests Russia is one of Eurovisions heavy head on a stepladder.
promoter is trying a new effect to bring the focus back decades-long reputation for cheesy, hitters, tied with Sweden for the most Macedonias contestant Jana
to the music darkness. glittery, unbridled excess and won top-ve nishes this century. But this Burceska failed to make the nal but
In an experiment Friday night, more than 300 elec- easily. years Russian entrant, Yuliya Samoy- stole the show during the semi-nals
tronic music fans surrendered their smartphones to Portugals Salvador Sobral sang his lova, was blocked from competing by receiving a televised marriage pro-
dance in a light-sealed room as Amar Pelos Dois (Love For Both) in a by Ukraine because she had toured in posal and screaming Yes! as her
their senses recalibrated to the high, clear tenor accompanied by quiet Crimea after Russias 2014 annexation boyfriend knelt down with a ring.
Vulcan Materials Teaching award strings and a piano in Saturday nights of the peninsula. Britain may be experiencing a
audio. winner Philip Ojo and Oprah Winfrey
After an initial hour of extravaganza, which was watched by Jon Ola Sand, executive supervisor post-Brexit vote chill in Europe, but
attend the 128 Commencement at
moderate lighting while a DJ Agnes Scott College on May 13 in De- millions around the world. of Eurovision afterwards praised the pulled out all the stops with a big bal-
warmed up the crowd with catur, Georgia. (AFP) Unlike the 25 other competitors who amazing set-up in Ukraine and So- lad performed by Lucie Jones, com-
dance-friendly house music, performed on a wide stage backed by brals performance. ing 15th.
the stage turned black except ashing lights, bursts of ames and He said the winner was bringing Portugal was celebrating their big
for a single light-bulb during other special effects, Sobral sang from music back to the Eurovision Song win Saturday with President Marcelo
the main set by Eprom, whose a small elevated circle in the middle of Contest. Rebelo de Sousa saying: When we are
tracks are heavy on bass yet the crowd, an intimate contrast to oth- But the glitzy contest was marred very good, were the best of the best.
experimental with quirky me- ers bombast. by the ongoing ghting with Moscow- Congratulations Salvador Sobral.
lodic riffs. Music is not reworks, music is backed separatists in eastern Ukraine Ahead of the show, fans streamed
Jarre feeling, he said while accepting the
We want people to be less and Ukrainian President Petro Po- into the venue, an exhibition centre
distracted by shiny objects and more focused on what award. roshenko opted not to attend after four outside the city centre, wearing ower
the actual product is. A concert is all about the mu- Sobral won in a landslide, captur- civilian deaths. garlands and draped in national ags
sic, said Jay Rogovin, executive adviser of the Good ing 758 points, 143 more than second while some waved rainbow gay pride
Looks Collective entertainment agency, which put on place. Catchy ags.
the inaugural LightsOut show. Runner-up Kristian Kostov of Bul- The annual celebration of catchy Its just so great. Everyone loves it.
Hoping to startle the senses further, the LightsOut Tyrese Bono garia wasnt short on feeling his europop, ludicrous costumes and glit- And you just wanna be here! shouted
show which took place at the Knitting Factory in powerful song Beautiful Mess was tering divas watched by some 200 mil- Jasmine from Britain, wearing a gar-
Brooklyn jarringly ashed red strobe lights at sev- awash in melodrama, the singer ap- lion TV viewers was being hosted by land of ribbons and owers.
eral points to remind the crowd of the darkness. pearing almost wrung out by romantic Ukraine for the second time. For the contest, Kievs main Kresh-
The setting appeared to loosen inhibitions, with a Variety turmoil. Bulgarias big-voiced 17-year-old chatyk Street was transformed into a
number of club-goers throwing their arms in the air Moldovas Sunstroke Project n- singer Kristian Kostov came sec- Eurovision fan zone with a large stage,
with a joyful abandon that may have otherwise been ished a surprising third in the 2017 ond with a condent performance of beanbags and European Union ags.
hampered by self-consciousness. NEW YORK: Platinum-selling R&B sing- contest with a bouncy, jazzy song Beautiful Mess.
As proof of how difcult the zero-distraction con- ers Tyrese, Brandy, Anthony Hamilton called Hey Mama in which the fe- Third was Moldovas SunStroke Also:
and Kem celebrated Mothers Day two
cept can be, at least one person smuggled in a phone days early at a concert in front of feverish male backup singers hid their micro- Project with a raucous song called KIEV: Ukrainian police have detained
and, as is commonplace at shows, spent the night con- fans in Brooklyn. phones in bridal bouquets. Hey, Mamma featuring a saxophon- a Ukrainian prankster for jumping onto
stantly messaging friends. The second annual SJ Presents Mothers Francesco Gabbani of Italy had led ist in sunglasses and dancers in wed- the stage at the Eurovision Song Con-
Day Good Music Festival took place at the bookmakers tallies for many days ding dresses and veils. test and dropping his trousers while
Deposit leading up to the nal, but he ended The latest edition of the contest, that singer Jamala was performing, Inte-
Barclays Center, which also included rising
Fans were asked upon arrival to deposit their phones singer-songwriter Major. up placing sixth even though his act began in 1956 with just seven coun- rior Minister Arsen Avakov said on
in pouches developed by the start-up rm Yondr. Brandy was energetic as she worked the seemed the epitome of Eurovisions tries, offered the usual wacky stage Sunday.
Although they were allowed to keep the phones, stage left to right, singing memorable hit cheerfully tacky aesthetics singing acts and cheesy beats. The man, identied by Avakov as
the devices remained locked inside until they exited, songs such as I Wanna Be Down, Full a driving number about spirituality Italian Francesco Gabbani, who prankster Vitalii Sediuk, took to the
when the staff opened the bags using technology simi- Moon and Sittin Up In My Room. while accompanied by someone in a came sixth, invoked Hamlet and Des- stage draped in an Australian ag and
lar to the security tags at department stores. Tyrese, also a star of the Fast & Furious gorilla suit. mond Morriss anthropology book ashed his bottom.
Despite the theme, the club was hardly pitch-black box ofce franchise, closed the four-hour Eurovision, in its 62nd year, is The Naked Ape in his song while The incident was beamed to an audi-
and no one groped in the dark. show. aimed at apolitical entertainment. But a gorilla-costumed dancer boogied ence of millions around the world and
Besides an illuminated red emergency exit, required Hamiltons performance went from up-
beat to soulful as fans sang along with the those sweet intentions were soured this alongside him. widely shared on social media during
by law, light seeped in from the hallway as well as the year when Russias participation was Romania came seventh with an un- Saturdays show, which took place in
bathrooms. The minimal lighting was no oversight, Grammy-winning singer. He was supported
by The Hamiltones, his lively backing band scuttled by host Ukraine over the two likely combination of yodelling and Kiev.
Rogovin said. The promoters believed maintaining
who earned loud cheers from the crowd
some light important for safety reasons to keep people when hitting impressive high notes. (AP)
from tripping over one another. spective, reveals his identity and a little of Beatles podcast Things We Said Today, Both of us try to top each other with nd-
Stage theatrics have a long history in pop music,
his history for the rst time. credited the nd to Frank Daniels, who ing obscure stuff that I jokingly say only
and the advent of electronica in the 1970s brought di- LOS ANGELES: U2 kicked off The Spizer, who talked about the discovery wrote an essay for the book on Babington you, me and 15 other people in the world
verse ideas about visuals. Joshua Tree Tour 2017 at BC Place in and the book this week on the weekly under the pseudo name Max Gretinski. will care about, Spizer told the radio
The French electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel Vancouver Friday night, debuting a brand show. Babingtons identity was conrmed
Jarre found a complementary form of expression new song in the process. The previously by one of the men who were involved with
through elaborate light shows that sometimes encom- unheard The Little Things That Give creating the cover, Spizer said.
passed whole cities, while German innovators such as You Away will be the rst track from the In the essay, Gretinksi (Daniels) details
Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream believed a colder, ro- Irish bands upcoming album, Songs of some of Babingtons military history,
botic stage presence best encapsulated their computer- Experience. including his service in the 16th Queens
based music. Bono & Cos current concert series is Lancers in the Second Boar War and the
in celebration of the 30th anniversary of First Calvary Brigade in South Africa.
But as electronic dance music has soared in popu- U2s rst No. 1 album, The Joshua Tree, (RTRS)
larity in recent years, becoming a mainstay of summer
festivals, visuals have become a must-have with lights
released March 9, 1987. The band is play-
ing all 11 tracks off the album, in addition
that often have little to do with the sounds. to seldom played favorites like A Sort of LOS ANGELES: With the body of work Billy
Dark concerts have also started in Britain, where Homecoming and Ultraviolet (Light My Joel assembled from the 1970s through the
the Blackout show brought experimental music with Way). 1990s, he can induce considerable nostal-
no lights last year. The band also had professionals on hand gia among his fans when he cranks out the
Dark dining, which took off in the late 1990s, has to record their performance of Where the greatest hits in concert. But it seemed like
followed a similar philosophy at restaurants nota- Streets Have No Name, the rst track off Joel himself was sucked down memory lane
bly the Paris-based chain Dans Le Noir that serve The Joshua Tree. (RTRS) Saturday by the Dodgers Stadium venue
where he was performing.
food in darkness aimed at encouraging diners senses Though this master craftsman of pop is
to zero in on taste. The latest New York concept came
from Rogovins associate Blake Oates, who tried the LOS ANGELES: While the picture of the better known as a New York native, Joel
man depicting Sgt Pepper in the Beatles spent three formative years living in Los
idea on a smaller scale in Atlanta. Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Angeles in the early 1970s, just before
Rogovin plans more New York editions. And al- album looks like a character out of a story he rose to fame. And from the opening
though he also hopes to take the series elsewhere, he book, he was actually a real person. His moments of his show, he made it clear this
is under no illusion that he stands on the brink of an name was James Melvin Babington, and baseball park-where hes never previously
anti-MTV revolution. author Bruce Spizer says his new book Katy Perry performs onstage during 102.7 KIIS FMs 2017 Wango Tango at performed-was bringing him back to that
The Beatles and Sgt Pepper: A Fans Per- StubHub Center on May 13 in Carson, California. (AFP) part of his life. (RTRS)


German artists win 2 Golden Lions

At Venice Biennale, US artist engages social issues

VENICE, Italy, May 14, (AP): Mark Bradford lose our citizenship? No. They need us more water, Bradford said. not try to make Mark into an activist; he is an
has his feet in two worlds: social engagement than ever now, Bradford said this week during It is an apt metaphor as politicians on both extraordinary artist who, through the power of
and producing art. Often they mix, as at the 57th previews ahead of the contemporary art fairs sides of the Atlantic seek to close borders. And his abstractions, offers us an understanding of
Venice Biennale where he is representing the Saturday opening for its six-month run. while the rancorous global discourse has given the multilayered perspectives of communities
United States. Towering at nearly 6 foot 8, Bradford happily his project an urgency, it did not inspire it. marginalized by location and identity.
His Biennale show, Tomorrow is Another engaged the line of tourists waiting to see his I have been mining these territories longer Also:
Day, examines both allegorically and autobio- show inside the US pavilion with white columns than November. This idea of people in need.
graphically what it is to be marginalized, part of in the Venice Giardini. That is how I dont end This idea that things are out of kilter. This is not MILAN: Germany has swept the 57th Venice
a trend at the Biennale of artists engaging with up isolated, he said. new, Bradford said. Biennale, winning top Golden Lion prizes for
communities on the fringe. Bradford breaks down the barriers that often That the show has political signicance and the best national pavilion and best artist in the
But it is more than that for Bradford. Along- separate artists from their public, a gift that his speaks to the experience of African-Americans main curated show on opening day of the six-
side his Biennale show, the Los Angeles-based partner Allan DiCastro says comes from having is clear from the inclusion of an essay titled month contemporary art fair, the worlds oldest.
artist is launching a six-year collaboration with spent years working with his mother in a hair Speaking Truth, in the catalog by Anita Hill, Anne Imhofs bold Faust exhibit mixing
a Venice non-prot that provides employment salon in South Central Los Angeles. whose testimony about sexual harassment dur- performance, sculpture and installation with
opportunities at a local prison. His project, an But his show also pointedly seeks to break ing Clarence Thomas conrmation hearings touches of goth and S&M was cited by the jury
extension of programs in Los Angeles with down borders. Instead of grooming the forecourt to the US Supreme Court made her a target of as a a powerful and disturbing installation that
foster children and engagements in other cit- to the Palladian-style pavilion, Bradford left public wrath. The two met when Bradford was poses urgent questions of our time and pushes
ies where hes produced art, involves helping piles of gravel that were part of his worksite to doing a show at Brandeis University, where the spectator into an aware state of anxiety.
female inmates make artisanal products to sell at prepare for the show. It gives the feeling of ne- Hill teaches. She joined Bradford in Venice for Winning the Golden Lion in the main Viva
a Venice shop. glect, and also makes the yard indistinguishable a public conversation marking the pavilions Arte Viva exhibition was Franz Erhard
While some artists may opt for the bubble German artist Anne Imhof holds up her from the Giardinis graveled walkways. unveiling. Walter, a 77-year-old artist based in Fulda,
where art speaks for itself, not Bradford. Golden Lion for Best National Pavillion A ruin. A work site. Abandon. You cant In her essay, Hill discusses about the Germany who is recognized as one of the most
As artists, we have citizenship in the world. award at the 57th Venice Biennale Con- tell where the American pavilion starts, and dominant narrative that casts African-American radical artists of the second half of 20th century
We should be at the table with the politician, temporary Art show in Venice, Italy on May the gravel stops. I wanted to kind of erase that women as untrustworthy and of little political or whose work has inuenced many young con-
with the doctor, with the lawyer. When did we 13. (AP) national border. It just kind of bleeds in. Its social value. She also cautions that we should temporary artists.

DAI Events Poetry

Just tell me some story:
No matter, which one.
Youll remind me a glory,
Which is already done.

Just to sound louder

Than uneasy heartbeat.
We are both a bit proud-
Is this story complete?

I just want you to speak

Not to refashion.
This affaird been weak.
But I still have a passion.

Just to hear your voice,

The strongest voice I
Was that my choice?
Or was it your glow?
Written by Yana, Ukrainian
poet and cabin crew, living in Ku-

stage. For more information visit: http://ght-

Invitation to Grand Mosque: The Visits
Department is pleased to invite you to visit the
Grand Mosque, which is one of Kuwaits most
Flyers from the events. treasured religious and cultural landmarks to
discover the beauty of Islamic arts and archi-
tecture. Free guided tours are available all year
There are no fees. This is a genuine public addiction problems. Totally confidential: experience with each other. There are lot of round on ofcial working days between (9-11
service. 94087800 English/Arabic. things which even doctors cant tell so be am) and (5-7 pm), within a special tour pro-
click member of this website and start sharing your
experiences which may help others. October is
gram designed to cater to the needs of different
age groups. The program is as follows:
Drinking problem?: Friends of Bill W. are Cancer online support group: If you recognized as National Breast Cancer Aware- Reception; Auditorium show; (according to
Alcoholics Anonymous: If you know available to help. Totally condential. Email: are Cancer patient or family member ghting age group); Touring the Mosque; Q & A; Art ness Month (NBCAM). The primary purpose
someone who cant stop drinking and would with this deadly disease, come join our online is to promote self examination and screening workshops; (according to age group between
like to help them please check us out and we support group. Best way of dealing with this mammography as the most effective way to
promise to try to help at Narcotics Anonymous: NA can help with disease is providing support and share our save lives by detecting breast cancer at early Continued on Page 25


High note
Cezarys Picks
A soul cleaning medicine

Add music for happier,

wiser and healthier life
By Cezary Owerkowicz even at school) makes a difference.
Special to the Arab Times The more efcient the working
memory, it allows us to store in our
M usic is good for everything,
may be for me at least, be-
cause I love it. I know sometimes
memory bank more information. It
is very useful in the entire world
which is full of uncounted number
love is blind but I can prove what of all kinds of distracters.
I believe in. Music calms sorrow and it is
Many renowned scientists work- most effective when we listen to
ing with prestigious universities the melancholic songs. Research
around the world have been trying by Annemieke van den Tol shows
to identify how music inuences us that even a majority of us prefer
and helps people with amazing re- listening to some happy melodies,
sults some of which are discussed when we need to be alleviated;
and published in the media, in the we prefer to take Chopin or Adele
form of books and even science songs. People treated by psycholo-
magazines. gists said thanks to sorrowful (mi-
In this respect I have been col- nor) melodies because it was eas-
lecting whatever possible in the ier to deal with difcult moments
form of photos and press releases of their life and negative emotions,
from a few people here and there waking up to such moments.
who are dear to me. From psychological and social
However, the inuence of music point of view sad people feel hap-
on humans and their lives has been py when they listen to the unhappy
signicantly music because, thanks to them,
noticeable they concentrate on problems of
from ancient the other people instead of their
times, even own.
from the time From the neurobiological per-
of legend- spective the relief that we get after
ary Greeks listening to the last album of Leon- (KUNA - Sami Al-Khulai)
including ard Cohen can be a result of pro- An artistic shot of a dragony
Orpheus and lactin which helps our body and
Eurydice. brain to deal with the difcult or
Orpheus even traumatic events. (Merci, Mr
was a talent-
ed musician Owerkowicz
Cohen; God bless your soul!)
Music motivates, music pre-
Pioneers of Kuwait
and when he pares our body to move, our heart
lost his love he went to Hades, begins to beat faster, we take deep
in the Kingdom of the Dead. The breath and we feel sudden inow Sheikh Sabah encourages free expression of constructive opinion
door was guarded by a tri-headed of energy, except that under the
beast, Cerberus. Orpheus sang and music inuence level of dopamine
played so beautifully that the beast
did not even bark or move an inch.
The music softens stress and
in our brain is rising.
In the end our ability to concen-
trate on really important matters
Pioneer aims to make Kuwait commercial hub
the contemporary scientists have and dropping tries is growing. This is the 22nd in a series of The commotion they stirred lasted criticism which only hinders reforms
proved that it is the most efcient (Of course, music will not help articles on His Highness Sheikh for some time hampering the work that would affect the economy and
weapon when it comes to ghting us to know what is important and Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, pio- of both the legislative and executive the life of the nation.
fatigue. Music protects our organs, what is not!) neer of the political development bodies, to the ultimate loss of the Free thinking and open views
especially the heart against fatal of modern Kuwait and 15th ruler countrys interest. are of paramount importance in
Listen of Kuwait.
disease. Obviously, because Kuwait is reaching a proper evaluation of
When we feel very nervous it Music immunizes organism: Editor little more than a city-state, fewer facts and disclose what is needed to
is good to release emotions with Those who listen to music and constituencies serve the purpose of be done in the country, hence, since
create it is helping grow the cells choosing the right people represent he became involved in political and
some more lively rhythms and af-
ter switching to something quiet, in the immune system. Thanks, By Lidia Qattan the nation. state affairs in 1962 Sheikh Sabah
romantic (like the 19th century we are dealing faster with infec- What affects the economy affects Al Ahmad has been encouraging a
Special to the Arab Times greater cooperation in the critical
bards - Schubert of Mendelssohn?) tion. It is conrmed by the team the whole tenure of life of a nation.
Coming back to our ancient ro-
mantic hero, Orpheus, thanks to
of Prof. Daniel J. Levitin that the
scientists analyzed four hundred H is Highness Sheikh Sabah Al
Ahmad came to power in 2006,
after years of experience in govern-
Determined to overcome the
economic drawback, HH the Amir
Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad set his
role of the media and its power
to affect public opinion, while
cautioning the press and the mass
his charming music, he convinced scientic research papers from
ment affairs, during which he proved objective of making Kuwait a com- media in general to present facts
Charon to take him free of charge that eld. The effect is seen when wisdom in decision-making ,temper- mercial hub with a new policy aimed Sheikh Sabah in a clear view of understanding
across the border river Styx but we listen to the music, but it is ance, tact and clever diplomacy in ,and refrain from spreading false
still better when we sing, for ex- at engaging the ebullient enterprising
scientists are unable to give us the trying situations. spirit of young people in particular observed during parliamentary ses- notions that could cause trouble and
exact denition of this incident, ample. (However in the case of In becoming Amir he was faced by and spurring a cultural revival. weaken national solidarity.
strong throat-ache I would sug- sions, especially by MPs who are not
however, one thing is for sure it critical circumstances that needed the Indeed the progress of any country enough politically mature to shoulder Indeed, the destructive power
was music, charming music. gest a guitar?) full cooperation of his government is not dened by the material cri- of negative criticism, hinders the
the responsibility of representing
Music relieves the pain: Some Music builds a conscience. and the Parliament in shaking off the teria alone, more importantly what the collective interest of the nation, process of reform, especially in
people nd consolation in listen- Never mind we have found hap- lethargy that had been affecting the determines its progress is the degree thereby causing more trouble, instead economy which is the lifeblood of
pier times with rap, jazz, cham- country for some time. of moral, aesthetic, political and of solving salient problems of critical the country.
ing to the music, because for them This malady caused by corruption
ber music, techno or blues. It is environmental harmony it has been importance! Economy exerts a strong impact
music is some kind of medicine in the system was aggravated by the on the lives of people and nations, it
that relieves the pain, confessed difcult to nd a better way to able to achieve. Maturity comes when one gains
contact our own emotions than in Iraqi invasion of 1990-1991 and the Culture is a powerful factor in inuences their psyche, shapes their
Aristotle (384-322 BC) years ago. aftermath of liberation, besides the perspectives on himself realizes
music. This is an excellent meth- every development; from the eighties there is still room for learning from institutions and national character and
In ancient times people rst rec- sharp reduction in the price of oil that and especially after the Iraqi invasion restructures family life and politics.
ognized music as a soul cleaning od of expressing and identifying affected the economy. experience.
our emotions. When we know and the aftermath of the liberation What affect the family unit affects
medicine but it is worth remem- Cooperation and mutual solidar- the moratorium on high culture in Problem society, which in turn affects politics.
bering that singing songs was the how to make it grow we become ity is the key in counteracting the The new era in human develop-
more conscious. Kuwait. Any problem seen narrowly seems
primary incantation against illness deleterious effect of corruption in the The reason for its decline may be formidable and in trying to reach a ment, the information revolution is
and death. Music connects people and com- machinery of state. solution new problems are created radically changing the world we are
traced to the fact that the Kuwaiti
mon music creates a society. When HH Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad was society consists of two elements that give rise to hopeless pessimism; living in.
Relieved we try to synchronize with some- still at the beginning of his political Nations and cultures coming closer
the original Kuwaitis who founded on the other hand when the same
Dr Cornelius Conrad from the body to get a common rhythm, we career in the sixties when alert to the state of Kuwait and worked hard problem is seen in perspective it to one another are revolutionizing
Harvard University, surgeon and begin to feel that persons positive the spreading of this malady he tried to make it prosperous and fought for becomes more manageable, easier to peoples ways of thinking, strength-
musician convinces us, that music attitude. During one such attempt to prevent it from affecting his own its independence, and the new settlers nd a good solution or an alternative! ening or weakening their belief
relieved the pain of his patients. of coordinated activities the level ministry of foreign affairs, but could from the Badya, tribal people who Order in a system can be fostered through the exchange of ideas and
After he performed the surgeries, of endomorphin, a hormone initi- not stop it from spreading to other have their own culture and loyalties. and maintained through drastic opinions.
ating our good feeling is growing. government sections. The original Kuwaitis are ruled by changes, but as mentioned, without Greater awareness of individual
except for standard interventions, Corruption took root when some
he fed to his patients, music from It is a result of research made by the merchant mentality, hence they the full cooperation of his govern- decisions and actions is shaping the
MPs began abusing their constitu- look at the wider picture and plan ment even a wise and capable leader surrounding, and the surrounding in
Mozarts Sonatas through head- Stephen Koelsch, the psychologist tional power with granting higher
from the Freie Universitat in Ber- ahead for the future, hence the clash can only do so much, unless he turns turn is shaping human destiny.
phones. The patients who were positions to some individuals at the More than ever before in human
treated this way needed less anal- lin. (Maybe when two rival teams of opinions during parliamentary into a dictator.
expenses of others more deserving This is not the option in Kuwait, a history there is a pressing need of
gesic medicines, just A-minor So- of sportsmen (and especially their the job ,thereby causing drag and sessions in which the conservatives
are a majority, hence they have the country that has been ruled from the structure in peoples lives that ts
nata instead of Paracetamol. fans) sing together their matches lethargy in the country. into the larger scheme of things in a
and attitude would be fairer?) upper-hand. start on democratic principle reminis-
Music supports empathy, be- Action From the very beginning of his cent of the old tribal system adapted coherent synthesis of new ways of
cause under the inuence of mu- Music facilitates resting. Do you involvement with the Parliament to a merchant mentality; such a looking at life.
sic parts of the brain responsible think that the entire world runs so Trying to rectify the situation ac- In this transitional stage from one
tion was taken to rectify the power of in 1963, HH democracy built the community and
for empathy activate. It helps us fast that you stop to follow all Sheikh Sabah Al made it prosperous. era into another governments have to
the Parliament through a restructure
to understand better what other changes? The music in adequate of the constituencies. A special com- Ahmad proved The golden rule of a merchant be yet more alert and competent in
people are thinking and feeling. tempo (speed) helps you regulate mittee of erudite and experienced tolerance and mentality is honesty, generosity and coordinating a host of institutions and
The scientists have proved that breathing and heart beats, espe- individuals was appointed to study patience. Being a an open-minded disposition alert to organizations within a framework of
children from the elementary cially since relaxing results in slow the electoral law, the result of the strong supporter passing opportunities. Such a mental- rules that enhance productivity and
school, taking part in the ensem- rhythm as Largo (60 metronome study was transferred to the Constitu- of democracy ity ruled Kuwait in the past and fused minimize waste, while providing jobs
beats per minute). tional Court by the majority of MPs, he has been en- the community into a loving family. for their citizens.
ble music activities developed From the very beginning of his
within one year more empathic When we want to get rid of our but when it was decreed in favor of couraging the Working with the future of his
ve constituencies to give a chance free expression country in mind HH Sheikh Sabahs involvement in government affairs,
abilities than their colleagues tiredness it is advised to listen to when HH Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad
taking part in other theatre activi- Mozart, Bach or Vivaldi. Some- to the more responsible and capable of construc- ultimate objective is to shake off the
candidates to win the elections, tive opinion lethargy caused by an incongruous he was still a young man (in 1952)
ties at the same time. body said even Gregorian chorales his whole endeavor has been to spur
Kyrie elejson (God, have mercy whose interest was at stake roused an Lidia Qattan because much management that has been crippling
Music also helps to sleep and avalanche of protests and criticism. can be gained in the nation. coordinated effort. Now, as the ruler
half of the people who took on us...) would help. Always of Kuwait he is yet more keen in
there is some chance to be heard... Some MPs resorted to the media, a controversy of points of views in He believes in freedom of expres-
part in research conducted by even to satellite channels to voice which everyone respects the opinion sion, free thinking and open opinions coordinated effort of all government
the University of Shefeld saw Thanks to music, of course! their protests with issues unfamiliar of everyone-else. as the prerequisite of a dynamic sectors.
how music treated insomnia. What a resume from so many to the general public. However, no such respect has been society, but warns against negative To be continued
The best is to listen to classical proofs? Listen to music as much as
music, but it also depends on in- possible and - teach music to your
children to make them healthier, visitors max; Evening: 45; 16 and For school visits, teachers are hibition, Blue Nights, which features
dividual taste and habits such as above: Morning: 140 visitors max, responsible for their students and are the work of eleven contemporary
pop, folk, jazz, electronic music, wiser, happier and stronger. My Evening: 105: required to cooperate with the staff artists. Curated by Mark Dean, this
even - metal! (Unfortunately we benets... I just hope to have more Tour language: Arabic- English- members of the Grand Mosque. group show of contemporary pop art
havent got the answer from sci- comrades who love music the way click French; Arabic (English upon prior Photography is allowed inside is a continuation of the Miami-based
entists if speed metal accelerates I do. request); Arabic- English- French; the Grand Mosque (please note gallerys biannual collaboration
falling asleep compared to death Arabic (English upon prior request); that disrespectful poses are strictly with the historical Sultan Gallery in
metal, which brings harder sleep- Latest Arabic- English- French: Arabic prohibited). Kuwait. It will be on view from May
Editors Note: Cezary Owerko- (English upon prior request) If you would like to book a tour, 16 to June 15, 2017
ing?) wicz is the chairman of the Kuwait Rules and Regulations: The exhibitions title takes its
Music improves concentration. Chamber of Philharmonia and
Continued from Page 24 please contact us:
Please arrive in time for your visit. Tel: 22980813/ 22980815/ name from Joan Didions memoir,
Listening to music at an early talented pianist. He regularly or- All visitors are kindly required to Blue Nights, originally published in
ganises concerts by well-known 5 and 18 years old); Snack break; 22980812
age (childhood days) and play- abide by the mosques dress code. Email: 2011. Much like Didion a writer
ing instruments help the brain to musicians for the benet of music Distribution of the Grand Mosque Male visitors should wear long pants. known for exploring the cultural
lovers and to widen the knowl- publications and souvenirs; End of Fax: 22473708
improve and process the sounds. Shorts and sleeveless shirts are not values and experiences of American
edge of music in Kuwait. His e- tour. allowed. Female visitors: should life the works in this group show
Thanks to the technology, this is mail address is: cowerkowicz @ According to these age groups: May 16
easier to concentrate and digest wear head cover and long loose comment on contemporary pop cul- and cowerkowicz@ Age group: 5 to 9 years old: clothing (available at the mosque). Blue Nights at Sultan Gallery: ture and the current global mood.
reading even a noise around us (as Morning: 60 visitors max; Evening: Foods and drinks are not allowed DEAN PROJECT is pleased to
20; 10 to 15 years: Morning: 100 inside the prayer halls. announce the opening of its next ex- Continued on Page 28


Firm seeks to support and inspire youth

Zain honors winners of company program competition

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Zain, participation in the competition support them to further develop tor. Through strategic partner-
the leading telecommunications came in line with the com- and prosper. ships with Kuwaits business
company in Kuwait, awarded the panys strategic partnership INJAZs Company Program and education sectors, and with
winning team of the Most Inno- with INJAZ, and in line with Competition aimed at encour- the help of qualied and dedi-
vative Product category at the its Corporate Sustainability and aging students, from across cated volunteers, INJAZ deliv-
INJAZ Company Program Com- Social Responsibility strategy, Kuwaits universities and high ers educational programs on
petition for university and school which aims at contributing to schools, to come forward with entrepreneurial and leadership
students. The event came under the development of the youth their innovative ideas and print skills aimed at inspiring and
the patronage of His Excellency and education sectors. a positive change in the soci- educating future generations.
the Minister of Education and Zain continues its strategic ety. The competition includes a INJAZ Kuwait is operated by
Minister of Higher Education Dr partnership with INJAZ, through number of phases, and educates INJAZ Al-Arab.
Mohammad Al Fares. which the company seeks to sup- students to make use of business Since 2005, INJAZ-Kuwait
Zain Kuwaits Corporate port and inspire the youth from opportunities, launch products, reached over 40,000 students,
Communications and Relations across Kuwaits universities and create an added value, and be- through 3000+ volunteers at
Director Waleed Al Khashti schools. Through their partner- coming young entrepreneurs. 60+ schools and universities to
awarded the Youth Creation ship, Zain and INJAZ organize a INJAZ Kuwait was founded provide students with knowledge
team for winning the Most number of educational initia- in 2005, as a non-prot, non- and experience that will assist
Innovative Product category Zain Kuwaits Corporate Communications and Relations Director Waleed tives all year long to foster the governmental organization, them in their personal and career
prize for universities. Zains Al Khashti awarding the winning team. energies of Kuwaits youth and driven by Kuwaits private sec- development.

Caring, empowering youth

Ooredoo strategic partner

in Arab Youth Capital 17
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Ooredoo,
Kuwaits fastest network, proudly
announced its strategic partnership
in the regional initiative Kuwait
Capital of Arab Youth 2017.
The initiative was announced earlier
with endorsement from the Arab
League. Ooredoo Kuwait stated that
this partnership stems from its deep-
rooted values of caring, connecting
and challenging, and is in tandem
with its corporate social responsibil-
ity agenda, which aims to enrich
the experience of youth and support
their passions. Ooredoo aims to
participate in a number of events
A photo from the event
that are part of the initiative in the
following month, activating the
Jewellery retailer honors Chest Diseases Hospital senior officials memorandum of understanding that
it signed with the Ministry of State
for Youth Affairs last year.

Malabar commemorates Intl Nurses Day Kuwait was chosen in the 38th
assembly of the Arab Ministers
of Youth and Sports Council. A
number of activities will take place
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Mala- throughout the initiatives program,
bar Gold & Diamonds, one among with a focus on involving private
the BIG 5 global jewellery retailer sector entities in enriching youth
has celebrated the International experience under the umbrella of
Nurses Day in association with Chest corporate social responsibility.
Diseases Hospital on May 13, at the Additionally, the initiative will
Chest Diseases Hospital. International
Nurses Day is celebrated around the conclude with declaring a charter
world on every May 12, which is the for building a constructive national
anniversary of Florence Nightingales youth policy.
birth. Nursing is a profession within Empowering youth is among
the health care sector focused on the Ooredoos top priorities through
care of individuals, families, and com- its CSR strategy. The company has
munities so they may attain, maintain, recently signed a memorandum of Value shoppers
or recover optimal health and quality understanding with the Ministry of
of life. Nurses may be differentiated State for Youth Affairs, to sup-
from other health care providers by
their approach to patient care, train-
port youth projects and initiatives,
making it the rst telecom provider
Splash launches
ing, and scope of practice. in Kuwait to sign such a high-level
Malabar Gold & Diamonds has
took the initiative to celebrate the
agreement. Ooredoo is continuously Fashion @ Value
working with the Ministry to enrich
International Nurses Day as a token youth experience in a variety of KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Splash,
appreciation to the Nurses for their elds, with a focus on volunteerism. the regions fast fashion retailer
seless contribution. Commenting on has launched its fashion-value label
the celebration, Afsal Khan Zonal Fashion at Value.
Head, Malabar Gold & Diamonds With a fresh interpretation of
said, Malabar Gold & Diamonds are styles, this collection includes ele-
Dr Hilal Al Sayer honor Dr Anwar Al Mudhaf in the presence of Richard Groves, Moataz El Rae, Lama Al-Othman, glad to associate with Chest Diseases ments of ease and practicality, and
and Shaimaa Al-Shatti. Hospital to celebrate the International is always characterized by qual-
Nurses Day and we thank the man- ity fabrics and young silhouettes.
Bank aims to assist families in financial need agement and ofcials for the whole
hearted support.
With FAV, the brand aims to de-
Malabar Gold & Diamonds has
sign a new kind of essential for the
honored 15 senior ofcials of the Chest consumer.

AUB donates to Red Crescent Society Diseases Hospital by giving a memento

as a token of appreciation for their
service. Cake cutting ceremony along
FAV Man: Long line tees with
placement prints and stripes added
with color blocking. Casual joggers
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: As part of with some fun games has been arranged and shorts along with hooded tees
its comprehensive social responsibil- as a part of the event. and printed shirts which can all be
ity program, Ahli United Bank (AUB) We thank Malabar Gold & Dia- easily thrown upon to give a more
announced that it has recently made a monds for their gesture towards us and enhanced look.
donation to the Kuwaiti Red Crescent also celebrating International Nurses Fabrics Light-weight cottons
Society in support of its philanthropic Day with us and it was indeed a new and poly/cotton blends with a soft
and humanitarian activities across the experience for all of us here, said Sadeq hand-feel.
country. Abdul Hadi Al Feeli, Nursing Director, Price points KD 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4
This new initiative comes as part Chest Diseases Hospital said during the FAV Woman: Crop tops/ trendy
of the Banks overall drive to provide event. The event also marked the impor- silhouettes in owy bodies with long
more humanitarian support to the tance of World Hygiene Day which tunics and printed bottoms to keep
wider community. The cheque was falls on May 5. up your style statement.
presented by Dr Anwar Al Mudhaf,
AUBs Chairman, to Dr Hilal Al Sayer, Al Tijari announces winners of Burgan Bank reveals
Fabrics Soft lightweight rayon,
poly/viscose and cotton/poly blends
President of the Red Crescent Society for drapes.
at the Banks headquarters, in the pres-
ence of Richard Groves, AUBs CEO, Al Najma account daily draw Yawmi draw winners Price Points KD 1, 2.5, 3.5, 4
, 4.5
Moataz El Rae, Senior Deputy CEO KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Burgan FAV Collection is available across
Banking Group, Mrs Lama Al-Othman, KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Commercial that would start from KD 100,000 to
Bank of Kuwait held the Al Najma Ac- KD 250,000. Bank, the second largest in terms of all Splash stores in Centrepoint and
Manager Development Resources at the assets, announced today the names of at Splash The Avenues, Phase II
Red Crescent along with Mrs Shaimaa count daily draw on May 14, 2017. The 1st quarter KD 100,000; 2nd quar-
draw was held under the supervision of ter KD 150,000; 3rd quarter KD the daily draw winners of its Yawmi and at Salam Mall- Salmiya.
Al-Shatti Deputy Manager of Develop- account draw, each taking home a
ment Resources. the Ministry of Commerce & Industry 200,000; 4th quarter KD 250,000.
represented by Abdulaziz Al Ashkanani. With Al Najma you have more cash-prize of KD 5,000.
The cheque donated by AUB is
specically to assist families in need The winners of the KD 7,000 Al Naj-
ma Daily Draw are: Krishna Giri; Hayaa
chances to win greater prizes
Each KD 25 kept in your account
The lucky winners are: 1. Naser Ab-
dulaziz Al Awadhi; 2. Yousef Soud
River Island unveils its latest
of nancial support, keeping in touch Al Khlai; 3. Nawal Mohamad Al
Meteib Zaidan Al Rasheedi; Fares Salal gives you one chance to win
and communicating with residents of
social affairs residences, visiting patients Al Moutiri; Hassan Javid Ahmed Javid;
Aftab Ahmed Khan Ahmed Khan.
Each KD 25 kept in your account
for one week will give you a chance to
Hamdan; 4. Kaid Joher Hakimuddin;
5. Kamal Saleem Kelkawi.
exclusive Ramadan collection
across a number of hospitals all with In addition to the daily draw, Burgan
the overall objective of providing the Al Najma awards are now brighter enter the daily draw. KUWAIT CITY, May 14: River oral prints. Statement pieces in-
and bigger than ever Each KD 25 kept in your account Bank also offers a Quarterly Draw with
right social, community and medical more chances to win higher rewards, of- Island is excited to launch its latest clude a gold sequin mesh bodycon
With the revamped Al Najma ac- for 3 months will give you chance to en- Ramadan womenswear edit. The maxi dress, oversized oriental ki-
care. Dr Anwar Al Mudhaf, said, We count, all your dreams will be turned ter the quarterly draw. fering the chance to one lucky customer
are delighted to help support the Red to win KD 125,000 every three months. collection is specically designed mono inspired blouses with uid
to reality. On top of offering the high- Additional features
Crescent Societys programs and overall est daily prize in Kuwait for KD 7,000, ATM card The Yawmi Account offers Daily and for the Middle East market to ca- sleeve detailing, and ornate beaded
objectives, which are admired across the now our Mega prize draws got bigger to Issue a credit card against your ac- Quarterly Draws, wherein the Quarterly ter to occasion wear throughout the cropped jackets.
society due to the continuous support the reach KD 250,000. count Draw requires customers to maintain a month of Ramadan and the festive Fleur is an elegant collection
society provides to those in need. The new prizes scheme for AlNajma Obtain all CBK banking services minimum amount of KD 500 in their ac- Eid period. of stylised orals and embroidered
Dr Al Mudhaf added, Social account You deserve to win! Open an account count for two months prior to the draw The collection consists of 40 key patterns etched onto feminine sil-
responsibility is one of the core pillars Daily draw to win KD 7,000 now with just KD 500 and you will enter date. Additionally, every KD 10 in the styles ranging across clothing and houettes. The collection is built up
the Bank focuses on alongside its day- Quarterly draws to win great prizes all draws. account will entitle customers to one accessories, providing a stylish edit in tonal washed pinks juxtaposed
to-day banking operations as an Islamic chance of winning. If the account bal- of chic full length dresses and jump- with accents of black and white
nancial institution. The Bank is keen ance is KD 500 and above, the account suits, co-ords and separates perfect along with hints of green. State-
on diversifying its support to achieve towards the Societys activities. for special needs, blood donation drives holder will be qualied for both the quar-
increased levels of sustainable develop- It is important to note, that AUB amongst many other initiatives that reaf- for occasion dressing. ment soft rufes feature through-
terly and daily draws. Artisanal is an ultra-glam out, with intricate beading adding
ment, and help drive the right values has supported and driven an extensive rm the Banks commitment towards For more information on opening
across the society. Dr Hilal Al Sayer, range of social activities throughout the developing the social fabric of Kuwait. a Yawmi account, the new quarterly eveningwear inspired collection a premium edge. Oriental inspired
President of the Red Crescent Society past year, including the launch of its For more information on Ahli United draw or on any of the banks products featuring bodycon styles in luxe kimono cover ups and dresses with
commended AUBs role in supporting comprehensive Ramadan social program Banks latest products and services, and services, customers are urged to metallic fabrics with heavy sequin heavy embellishment round out the
various humanitarian initiatives across in partnership with LoYAC, along with customers are invited to visit any of the visit their nearest Burgan Bank branch, embellishment. Built on a colour core look and feel of the edit.
Kuwait, including the Red Crescent So- providing Iftar meals for fasting individ- Banks branches or dial the customer or simply call the banks Call Center at palette consisting of shimmering The Ramadan collection will be
cietys activities. Dr Al Sayer thanked uals, Quran memorization competition, service Hayakum on 1812000, or 1804080. Customers can also log on to gold, monochromatic black and available in selected River Island
the Banks Board as well as executive as well as supporting Autistic children log on to the Banks website www. Burgan Banks for white and deep blue, key styles stores across the Middle East from
management for their continued support through specialized training programs further information. are accented with bold appliqued late April 2017.


h o r o s c o p e
By Jacqueline Bigar
Happy birthday for Monday, May 15, 2017:
certain responses. A higher-up or someone who
really cares about you is even more responsive Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) new path that perhaps you would not have
considered in the past. Continue to return calls.
You will feel much better if you relate to others
Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): tive way of getting around some difcult prob-
lems. Once more you demonstrate your abili-
than usual. Tonight: A must appearance. **** Your intuition carries you through ***** Your ingenuity comes out when deal- ties. Youll gain a fresh perspective by taking
This year you evolve into a stronger, more on an individual level. A child could interfere
your dealings with authority gures. An over- ing with a difcult situation. Your ability to go the time to reect and center yourself. You
grounded person. You will be able to adapt
more easily than in recent years. There is some- Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18) whelming amount of people could seek you
with your plans. Tonight: Not to be found.
with the ow is one of your greatest strengths. seem to be learning a lot. Tonight: Favorite
one around you who demonstrates how gratify-
ing it can be to be less rigid. If you are single, *** You understand that you have the grace
out for advice. You might need to adapt your
schedule accordingly. Look at a fundamental Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) Many people wish they could roll with the
moment like you can. A romance becomes
friend, favorite spot.

you could meet someone special from out of

the blue sometime after summer. This person
and intuition to know when you must close
down and pull away, even if only for a day.
change in your life as a positive. Tonight: Till
the wee hours.
**** Defer to others, and make sure you
understand where everyone is coming from in
more intense than it has in a while. Tonight:
Ever playful.
Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
might be Mr. or Ms. Right. If you are attached, You will re-emerge feeling great and on top this process. You will see a situation much dif-
you will have many great moments together.
You are likely to develop a new hobby as a
of your game in a short while. Taking a break
from the hectic pace serves you well. Tonight:
Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) ferently when you step back and make a point
of seeing the big picture. You could reverse the
Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) *** Be wary of a change that seems to be
heading your way. You might not hear the
couple. Capricorn amazes you, as he or she Do your thing. ***** Reach out to someone who knows direction you are heading in. Tonight: Out late. *** A family member or a precarious situ- complete story of what is going on, as some-
seems so composed all the time. more about the subject at hand than you do. A ation in your personal life could have you jug- one seems to be leaving out some facts. Ask
The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll
Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20) friend or loved one could be his or her usual
vague self, but the odds are high that this person
Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) gling many different calls and interests. Trust
the fact that you will clear up the issue and
questions and clarify what is happening. Con-
rm what you thought youve heard. Tonight:
2-So-so; 1-Difcult will come through for you right now. Be grate- ***** You sense what is going on with a come out on top. This matter calls for time Order in.
**** Zero in on your priorities. You can do ful. Tonight: Put yourself in someone elses and patience. Take a walk, if need be. Tonight:
strategic associate. How you handle what hap-
Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19) only so much by yourself. All you need to do is
ask for what you want. Do not hesitate to make
shoes. pens will amaze many people, including you.
Dont just assume that this persons behavior
Head home early.
**** You could discover that you have more
clout than usual. Part of the reason is that you
your requests known. You could be surprised
and delighted by the response you get as a
Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) has something to do with you. Assess how to
make a positive change. Tonight: First, choose
Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Born today: Author L. Frank Baum
(1856), painter Jasper Johns (1930), musician
seem to know which way to go in order to get result. Tonight: Be where the crowds are.. **** One-on-one relating takes you down a a stress-buster. **** Speak your mind. You have an effec- Brian Eno (1948)

home decor indoor gardening beauty tips taste buds

faux mercury glass ornamental pepper plant lemon juice to reduce age spots chicken cutlets with herbs
Dress up your table with a faux mercury glass vase. The ornamental pepper plant (botanical name: The vitamin C present in lemons is a strong antioxi- Ingredients:
Spray the inside of a glass vase with water some Capsicum annuum) is grown as an annual plant in- dant. Besides, its bleaching action works wonders 4 chicken breast halves, salt and pepper, plain
of the water will bead, and some will run down in- doors, although its a perennial when grown in the on age spots and freckles. Just squeeze out the our for dredging, 1 large egg, fresh thyme, leaves
side the vase. Spray the inside of the vase with a correct conditions. While this species does produce juice from a lemon, apply and leave on your skin chopped, fresh rosemary, leaves chopped, fresh
coat of Krylon Looking Glass spray paint, while the small white owers its main attraction is the fruit for about 15 minutes every day and then rinse with chives, nely chopped, 1 1/2 tsp. poultry season-
interior is still wet. Let dry, then spray on another which appears after owering. plain water. ing, breadcrumbs, olive oil, for sauteing cutlets
coat of paint. The nished texture is a mirror im- Temperature: Cool temperatures from For even better results, combine 1 teaspoon of Method: Tenderise the chicken breasts to 1/2-
age of mercury glass. 55F/13C - 65F/18C are ideal during the night lemon juice with half teaspoon of milk cream and cm thick. Season the chicken with salt and pep-
and 70F/21C - 80F/26C, during the day. 1 teaspoon of egg white. Mix all these ingredients per. Coat the chicken with our, reserve. Beat egg
Light: A lover of bright light and some sunshine and apply on the face; after 15 minutes, rinse with with splash of water in a dish. Take breadcrumbs
(2 -3 hrs), close to an east or west facing window. cold water. in a plate and season with the herbs and poultry
Water: A thorough watering is required but re- Lemon juice in combination with honey is also a seasoning. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-
move excess water from the bottom of the plant very effective remedy for ageing skin because hon- high heat. Coat the chicken in the egg then bread-
tray after. ey has a soothing action. Mix one teaspoon each crumbs and add to the pan. Saute until golden and
Soil: A potting soil mix which drains well and can of lemon juice and honey and massage it into your rm, 3 to 4 minutes on each side.
retain some water is ideal. skin. Keep for 20 minutes and then wash with warm

Dear Abby
Friend banned from social
circle dreams of revenge
By Abigail Van Buren
Dear Abby: My friend has decided she can no longer
tolerate my husband. She feels he doesnt respect her.
This is far from the truth, in my mind.
We have supported her emotionally and nancially
from time to time for many years. My husband does have
a habit of making clunky jokes (anything for a laugh or to
ll the void). But a real friend should see beyond that to
the loving, supportive person he is at his core, in his heart,
and forgive.
We are now banned from her so-
cial group. I nd this very harsh Colors and shapes begin to teach children the concepts of same and different. Colour Week from April 30th to May 4th 2017. Each day of the week is marked as a
cruel even. I guess my friendship After learning colors and shapes, children can start to group objects together, which specic colour day. It was a week of learning through enjoyment and entertainment
doesnt count, as Im being thrown will become an invaluable part of learning how to count, add, and subtract. Being for the blooming buds.
out with the perceived trash as well. able to identify differences and similarities also increases analytical skills. In view of Students and the teachers dressed up in respective colour for the day and took
Im depressed and angry, and I want this, students of kindergarten of The Indian Community School, Khaitan celebrated part in various creative activities.
some kind of revenge and to hurt her
back. I was so happy with our little

whats on today
group. Now its been taken away
from me. Advice?
Abigail Van Buren
Tossed aside in New York emergency number 112
Dear tossed: Yes. Rather than seek revenge, tell
the woman how hurt you feel after having befriend- Civil ID info: 1889988
ed her all these years. Time is our most precious Site for checking travel ban
commodity. The more time you spend plotting retali-
ation, the more space this ungrateful woman is tak-
ing up in your head, and its not healthy for you.
Once you have spoken to her and gotten this
off your chest, go on with your life. Continue to
see others in the group on an individual basis, if
necessary. If they are real friends, Im sure theyll Abdullah Al Otaibis expo: Dar Al BBBC weekly services: Bible
be glad to do that. Funoon showcasing The Area of Pres- Believers Baptist Church (BBBC) in
ence and Absence by Abdullah Al Otai- Mangaf invites you to visit us for our
bi through the 15th of May 2017. weekly services in English. Friday
Dear Abby: I am a 34-year-old single mother (by Born in Kuwait 1983 Abdullah ac- morning Bible teaching starts at 10:30
choice) of a beautiful 3-year-old boy. Because of infertil- quired a diploma in Information Technol- am. The Sermon and Childrens Church
ity problems, it took years for me to conceive. I love my ogy at the Public Authority for Applied begins at noon. On Monday evening we
son beyond measure and, when Im not working, Im usu- Education and training. His passion for hold our prayer meeting and Bible study
ally shuttling him to extracurricular activities and making arts led him to participate in numerous at 7 pm.
time after cooking and cleaning to play with him. workshops and courses in Kuwait and For more details, please call
Because my world revolves around being a mom, I other Arab countries. 66220416 or email faithful.stewards@
have a hard time participating in adult conversations Since 2007 Abdullah started partici-
without talking about my son and how proud and happy I pating in group exhibitions and received
am to be his mom. I realize this can be irritating to others, awards at Al-Khoradi International Bi-
and it has become frustrating for me. ennale for Arab contemporary Art in Enlightenment into Islam course:
Im educated, opinionated and well-read, but I seem 2010 and Public Authority for Youth and Enlightenment into Islam would like to
to have lost the ability to relate to other adults and make Sports in 2011. announce the courses on Tawhid is
friends away from my role as a mother. Any advice Abdullahs canvases are black and Salvation And Shirk is Destruction.
would be helpful at this point. white with many shades of gray. His g- Every Monday from 5 7 pm in Qurtuba.
ures are human masses casting shad- For details contact: 25322684,
Proud to be a mom 97743327, email: fa-tanweer@hotmail.
Dear proud: Considering the fact that your total ows on white planes.
focus is on your child, its not surprising hes your The bright colors and the light brush
strokes brighten the paintings and sub-
main topic of conversation. However, because
you want to expand your repertoire, broaden it by tly echo the determination of nding Fathers Love Intl Ministries:
bringing up current events, which should give you new destinations. Have you had a challenging week?
plenty of fodder for conversation. Gallery Hours Sunday to Thursday: Want to hear something different for a
10 am - 1 pm & 4 - 8 pm Saturday by change? Something positive and ener-
A yer of the event.
gizing? At FLIM, you will find all this and
Dear readers: I am honored to again partici- much more ... Love, laugher, life and
pate in National Womens Health Week. Wom- appointment. all 3 sessions. liberty. You will find a community of
en are the primary caretakers in most societies Getting to the Gallery Al-Watiah, Be- Places are limited - register at Bayan God-loving believers, who come every
including our own but in the process, we hbehani Compound, House No 28. For ofce any evening 5-8pm. Friday, Saturday, Monday and
too often forget to care for ourselves by eating further information call +965 22433183 Wednesday to praise and worship
right, lowering our stress levels with regular ex- together. There always a word of bless-
ercise and scheduling regular medical checkups. El Shaddai weekly fellowship: The ing and edification for everyone who
Please dont procrastinate. National Womens Football coaching workshops: In- El Shaddai DWXI-PPFI Kuwait Chapter comes to the Fathers House. So, dont
Health Week is a perfect time to begin. Visit wo- terested in Coaching/professional de- invites all the Filipino in our weekly fel- be left out! Come join the family! You for more information. velopment? lowship. will be restored, received, renewed and
Love, Abby This weekend Everton Academy, Every Monday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm greatly rewarded!
Bayan will be welcoming three top St Joseph Hall (Basement), Holy Family Fathers Love Encounter Service on
coaches from Glasgow Celtic F.C., the Cathedral, Kuwait City. Friday at 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also Scottish Premier League Champions, Every Friday (except 1st Friday), African service on Saturday at 7:00
including their International Academy 12:30 pm to 4 pm, Sacred Heart Hall, pm to 9:00 pm
known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by Manager, Tony Massie. Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City.
her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby Empowerment Services on Monday
They will be delivering a certied For more information please call any at 6:30 pm 8:30 pm
at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Celtic Coach Education program on of the following nos: 66758948,
Angeles, CA 90069. Tamil Service on Wednesday at 7:00
Saturday, 6-8pm, Sunday, 6-8pm and 66523946, 99615956, 99495832, pm to 9:00 pm
(Source: Universal Uclick) Happy birthday Nirmal Upreti. Best Monday, 8- 9.30pm. Certicates will 66078953 and 67067956. Please call 66020972, 99874730,
wishes from friends. only be awarded to coaches attending 51003531


Couch slouch
Elementary, Amazing Race renewed

McCarthy and Baldwin take

aim at Trump, Spicer in SNL
LOS ANGELES, May 14, (RTRS): Alec just put this whole Russia thing to bed. Trump
Baldwin was back as President Trump in is innocent. How do we know? Because he
Saturday Night Lives cold open, parrying told us so. Theyre going to prove it with a
with Michael Che in a spoof of this weeks certied letter.
much-publicized interview with NBC News McCarthy then read off the tracking
Lester Holt. Host Melissa McCarthy delivered numbers only then to realize it was his
a lengthy sketch spoong the travails of White own bank routing number. No one use it,
House press secretary Sean Spicer. McCarthy declared.
The opening sketch lobbed several zing- McCarthy then brought a set of Russian
ers at Trump, including a risque reference nesting dolls to illustrate the relationship be-
to Trumps claim to have coined the phrase tween Trump and Comey, ultimately explain-
priming the pump. Baldwins Trump ing that Comeys ring was due to Trumps
insisted that it was a description of his need to good friend Jeff Sessions, illustrated by
tug at myself for about a half an hour before Pikachu.
Melania comes in so she can nd it easier. When asked: Where you surprised Trump
The cold open incorporated numerous red James Comey instead of you, McCarthy-
headlines from another eventful week for the as-Spicer ripped a pillar off the wall and threw
Trump administration, from the ring of FBI into the press corps.
director James Comey to the revelation that Pressed on if Trump is lying to him, Spicer
the President likes two scoops of ice cream for insists he wouldnt do that, hes my friend.
dessert. Mikey Day made an appearance as an Spicer then left the press brieng room on his
over-eager House Speaker Paul Ryan deliver- motorized podium, driving through the streets
ing ice cream to Trump. of Manhattan in search of Trump. I promise
Among Baldwins best lines from the Ill talk better, he yelled while rolling down
sketch: 58th Street.
Some people have called me a serial Sumo wrestlers hold up crying babies during a Baby-cry Sumo event at the Kamegaike-Hachiman Shrine in Sagamihara, Kanagawa
Also: prefecture on May 14. (AFP)
tapist when youre President they let
you do that. I sit on every chair like its a LOS ANGELES: CBS has given a sixth season
renewal to Elementary and a 30th season
toilet. Nothings going to stop me because
I have the Republicans in the palm of my nod to its durable reality franchise The Amaz- Annual ceremony believed to bring infants good health
hand.Referring to his presidency as a TV ing Race.
show, he vowed it will run for eight years. Elementary, from CBS Television
In an upcoming episode we will nd out
that Kellyanne (Conway) has been dead this
whole time.When pressed by Holt about his
Studios, has been a workhorse for CBS with
multiplatform viewing factored in although
viewership is down in its fth season. The
Bawling babies face off in Japans crying sumo
choice to replace Comey, Trump vowed that Sherlock Holmes-inspired procedural starring
Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu has averaged TOKYO, May 14, (AFP): More than 100 ning and I felt a little bad, Tomoyo Wata- than 400 years.
it will be someone so bonkers youre going 7.7 million viewers and 1.2 rating in adults Japanese babies faced off Sunday in a tradi- nabe, the mother of Zentaro, told AFP. The rules vary from region to region in
to wish like hell it was Judge Judy.Ches 18-49 this season in Nielsens live-plus-seven tional crying sumo ring, an annual ceremony But as I watched my baby crying, I was some places parents want their offspring to be
Holt pressed Trump on the reason for ring ratings. believed to bring infants good health. praying for him to grow up healthy and strong the rst to cry, in others the rst to weep is the
Comey. When Trump responded because of Theres speculation that the show could be In the sumo ring at the precinct of the after this event. loser.
Russia, Holt spoke into his earpiece Did I a midseason entry next season. This year the Kamegaike Hachimangu shrine in Sagamihara The crying sumo is held at shrines and In the Sagamihara event, which has been
get it? Is this all over? before repeating the show delivered 24 episodes in the Sunday 10 west of Tokyo, two hulking wrestlers held up temples nationwide, to the delight of parents running since 2011, the babies accompanied
answer: Absolutely nothing matters. toddlers wearing tiny sumo belts and aprons to and onlookers. by parents and grandparents were rst taken
p.m. time slot behind Madam Secretary. try to make them bawl. The cries of babies are believed to drive before a Shinto altar and puried by the priest.
Later in the show, McCarthy made a trium- Elementary has also been a success for CBS
phant return as Spicer in a long sketch that had Wrestlers sometimes shake the babies gently out demons and protect the infants from Pairs of toddlers were then brought into the
Television Studios in international markets to encourage tears. troubles, said priest Hiroyuki Negishi. sumo ring where most of them were bawl-
him battling for his job after Sarah Huckabee and through its SVOD deal with Hulu, which
Sanders began lling in this week. My boy was crying from the very begin- The ceremony is believed to date back more ing even before facing off against their rival.
made its down-to-the-wire renewal something
The segment began with McCarthy-as-Spic- of a surprise.
er hiding in the bushes outside the window, come. Figurative and abstract, the exhibited Grossman, Brad Howe, Hendrik Kerstens,
with Sanders (Aidy Bryant) lling in at the po-
works are executed in diverse media, yet Robert Polidori, Hunt Slonem, and Donald
dium, and the press corps begging her to stay LOS ANGELES: American Idol may of- cohesively come together to speak about the Sultan.
on. Cant you just do this full-time instead of cially be coming back on ABC, but its look- universal contemporary human experience
him? they pleaded.
But McCarthys Spicer returned to the
ing increasingly likely that none of the original click and to export these ideas from the United
States to Kuwait.
May 19
Fox judging panel will be taking part. Thats IMAs welcome Ramadan event: Indian
lectern, armed with a re extinguisher to put because Simon Cowell further conrmed this DEAN PROJECTs rst exhibition in Kuwait
Muslim Association Kuwait cordially
his pants out for lying. Spiceys back, week he will not be involved in next seasons Latest was ten years ago, and for the gallery, this
invites you with family and friends for a Public
Sarahs out, announced McCarthy as he reboot. project marks the passage of time and an an-
niversary. Blue Nights brings together diverse Program in English on the topic Welcome
sprayed the extinguishers white foam at In an interview with Extra last Thursday, Continued from Page 25 Ramadan.
reporters. the former judge revealed that the network artists working across disciplines to address
contemporary issues of our existence and to Date: Friday, May 19, 2017
McCarthy swatted away questions from the had in fact reached out to him. I was asked to Visually, all the works in Blue Nights con- Venue: Masjid Al Muzaini, Block 10,
reporters questioning Trumps mental tness. share these experiences with a broader, more
do it, and the answer is no, Cowell admitted. tain or are the color blue. Similar to Didions global audience. Salmiya
If hes crazy, hes crazy like a fox with men- I have no interest. My memories are when titular reference to the nal lingering hours Artists featured in the show: Lluis Barba, Timing: 8:30 pm (soon after Isha prayers)
tal problems, McCarthy said. we rst started. It was a different time with of daylight in summer, the blues used in the Vincent Beaurin, Tim Berg & Rebekah Myers, Separate seating arrangement for ladies, din-
Asked about Trumps connections to Rus- Randy, Ryan, and Paula. You cant recreate show warn of darkness, though simultane- Carlos Betancourt, Mel Bochner, Max Steven ner will be served.
sia, McCarthy-as-Spicer responded: Let me that. ously seem to suggest that it may never For more information contact: 67696747

tv highlights
Cinema programme from Thursday 11/05/2017 to Wednesday 17/05/2017

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword 19:15, 00:05 360 14 16:00 (No Mon) Grand Gate 4 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Avenues 6 11:30 (No Fri) 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
Fanar 1 12:45 (No Fri) 21:15, 24:05 Avenues 8 22:30, 00:30 Humpback Whales 3D 11:30 am
Sharqia 1 11:30 (No Fri) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
15:00, 17:15, 19:30, 21:45 Bairaq 2 18:45 360 3 01:00 09:30 pm
14:15, 21:15, 23:45 (Hindi Film)
Marina 1 11:45 (No Fri) Ajial 2 16:30,19:00 360 6 14:00 (Fri) Flying Monsters 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Sharqia 2 12:15 (No Fri)
20:00, 22:15, 00:30 Fanar 3 17:30 18:45 Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
14:45, 17:15, 19:45, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Avenues 1 00:15 (No Fri) 360 3 15:15, 21:45
22:15, 00:45 Smurfs: The Lost Village Tuesday
14:30, 16:45, 19:00, Muhalab 1 21:30 Plaza 21:30 (No Thu, Fri, Mon)
Muhalab 1 11:30, 16:30 (No Fri)
21:15, 23:30 Fana 2 20:45, 23:15 Ajial 1 15:15, 18:30, 21:45 (Thu) Avenues 10 15:15 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
14:00, 00:30
360 5 13:30, 18:00, 20:15, Marina 2 19:30, 22:00 Grand Al-Hamra 8 15:00, 18:15, 21:45 360 5 11:30 (Sat) Journey to Space 3D 10:30 am
22:00 (Thu, Fri, Mon)
22:30, 00:45 Avenues 9 11:30 (No Fri) Grand Gate 7 14:30,17:45, 21:00 15:45 04:30 pm
Muhalab 3 13:15 (No Fri)
Al-Kout 2 12:00 (No Fri) 14:00,16:45, 00.45 00:15 (Thu, Fri) Grand Gate 6 14:30, 16:30, 18:30,
15:45, 18:30, 21:00, 23:30 Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
14:15, 16:30, 18:45, 23:30 19:15 (No Fri, Mon) 20:30, 22:45
Fanar 3 12:30 (No Fri) The Boss Baby 09:30 pm
23:30 22:00 (No Thu, Fri, Mon)
Youm Min Al Ayam (Arabic Film) 360 8 12:00 (No Fri) Fanar 5 16:00 Spark: A Space Tail 3D A Beautiful Planet 3D 12:30 pm, 02:30 pm,
Fanar 4 12:00 (No Fri) 05:30 pm, 08:30 pm
14:30, 17:00, 19:30, Sharqia 3 12:45 (No Fri) 14:45, 17:30, 19:15, 23:00 Marina 2 17:30 Grand Gate 8 14:00, 16:15, 18:15
18:15, 20:00, 22:00, 00:05 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 01:30 pm
22:00, 00:30 360 9 11:30 (No Fri) Avenues 2 17:00
Fanar 5 12:00 (No Fri) Humpback Whales 3D 03:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Marina 2 12:30 (No Fri) 360 13 13:00 (No Fri) Avenues 3 11:30 (No Fri) Safra 5 Stars Secret Ocean 3D 07:30 pm
15:00, 00:30 14:00, 18:00, 19:45, 15:45, 21:15, 00:05 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, 20:15 Grand Gate 8 20:15, 22:15
21:30, 23:13, 01:15 Al-Kout 2 21:00 Avenues 4 14:00 00:15 (Thu, Fri)
Marina 3 11:30 (No Fri)
Avenues 10 13:15 (No Fri)
14:00, 16:30, 19:00, Grand Al-Hamra 2 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:15 360 1 11:30 (No Fri)
19:15, 21:15, 23:15, 01:00 01:00 (Thu, Fri) 360 9 17:00 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
21:30, 00:05
360 2 12:00 (No Fri)
Soukar Barah (Arabic Film) Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Avenues 2 11:30 (No Fri) Grand Gate 3 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:30 360 11 12:30 (No Fri) Avenues 10 17:15
14:00, 18:15, 20:15, (Thu, Fri) 14:45, 17:00, 19:15, 05:30 pm
14:15, 19:15, 22:00, 00:45 360 2 16:00
Avenues 4 11:30 (No Fri) 22:15, 00:15 21:30, 23:45 A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
16:00, 18:45, 00:15 Al-Kout 3 18:00, 20:00, 22:00, 12:15 Fast & Furious 8 Al-Kout 1 16:45 Georgettans Pooram 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
21:30 (No Thu) Bairaq 3 11:45 (No Fri) Fanar 1 00:05 Bairaq 1 13:45 (Fri) (Malayalam Film) Humpback Whales 3D 12:30 pm
Avenues 5 11:45 (No Fri) 21:30, 23:30 Avenues 3 22:30 Bairaq 2 14:00,16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
360 3 18:30
23:00 Avenues 5 14:30, 20:00 Laila 18:00 Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
Howard Lovecraft & The Frozen Avenues 7 12:45 (No Fri) Grand Al-Hamra 3 14:00, 16:00, 18:00,
Plaza 15:30 (No Fri)
Avenues 6 13:30 (No Fri)
16:15, 19:00, 21:45, 00:30
Kingdom 18:30, 00:15 20:00, 22:00
18:30 (No Fri, Sat, Mon) Thursday
Ajial 3 15:45, 18:45, 21:45
Avenues 11 12:45 (No Fri) Sharqia 14:45, 16:30 360 3 12:15 (No Fri) Grand Gate 2 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
15:30, 18:50, 21:00, 23:45 Muhalab 2 13:30 (Fri) 360 6 13:15,16:00, 21:00, 23:45 20:15, 25:15 Bisteri Rajel (Arabic Film) A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
360 1 13:30, 16:15, 19:00, 15:15, 17:15 360 9 21:45 07:30 pm
Monolith 360 4 21:30
21:45, 00:30 Fanar 2 13:15,15:00,17:00,19:00 360 13 18:30 Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
360 7 11:45 (No Fri) Marina 1 14:00, 16:00, 18,00 Grand Al-Hamra 4 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Avenues 3 01:15 The Lost City Of Z 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Avenues 8 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 12:30 pm
18:30, 20:30 360 4 23:45
360 9 14:15, 00:30 How to find us Grand Al-Hamra 7 14:15, 16:45, 19:15, 22:30 Journey to Space 3D 05:30 pm
360 10 12:15 (No Fri) 360 4 11:30, 13:30, 15:30,
Humpback Whales 3D 08:30 pm
15:00, 17:45, 20:30, 23:15 17:30, 19:30 1. 360 Zahraa Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of Meri Pyaari Bindu (Hindi Film)
360 12 12:30 (No Fri) Al-Kout 3 12:30 (No Fri) King Faisal Highway Friday
14:30, 16:15 360 14 13:30 (Fri, Sat)
15:15, 18:00, 20:45, 23:30 2. Ajial Ajial Complex, Fahaheel A Beautiful Planet 3D 02:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
Bairaq 3 13:30, 15:15, 17:00 18:45
360 15 13:15 (No Fri) 3. Al Bairaq Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West Ajial 2 21:30 09:30 pm
16:00, 21:30, 00:15 4. Al Fanar Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near
Al-Kout 1 11:30 (No Fri) The Circle Ajail 4 16:00 (No Fri) Journey to Space 3D 03:30 pm
Sultan Center, Salmiya 18:30 (Thu) Humpback Whales 3D 04:30 pm
14:15, 18:45, 21:15, 23:45 Grand Al-Hamra 1 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:00
00:30 (Thu, Fri)
5. Al Kout Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, Secret Ocean 3D 05:30 pm
Al-Kout 4 12:15 (No Fri) Fahaheel Saravanan Irukka (Tamil Film)
14:45, 17:15, 19:45, Grand Gate 5 14:45, 17:00, 19:15, 21:30 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
22:15, 00:45 23:45 (Thu, Fri) 6. Al Muhalab Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawally Clinic, Hawally Ajial 1 15:45, 18:45, Flying Monsters 3D 08:30 pm
Bairaq 1 13:15 (No Fri)
7. Al Sharqiya Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital 21:45 (No Thu)
15:45, 18:15, 20:45, 23:15 Radha (Telugu Film) 8. Laila Gallery Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Saturday
Bairaq 2 11:30 (No Fri) Muhalab 1 16:30 (Fri) 9. Marina Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & IMAX Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
22:00, 00:30 19:15 (Fri Mon) Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya Imax film programme at The Scientific Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Laila 15:30, 20:00, 22:30 22:00 (Thu, Fri, Mon) 10. Metro Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel & Center 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
Grand Al-Hamra 5 14:00,16:30,19:00, 21:30 Avenues 6 13:00 (Fri) Farwaniya Garden A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
00:00 (Thu, Fri) Avenues 9 19:15 (Fri, Mon) 11. Plaza Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Sunday 03:30 pm, 08:30 pm
Grand Al-Hamra 6 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:15 Plaza 15:30 (Fri) 12. The Avenues The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
00:45 (Thu, Fri) 18:30 (Fri, Sat, Mon) Road & Ghazali Road Intersection Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am 09:30 pm
Grand Al-Hamra GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 21:30 (Thu, Fri, Mon) NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm 07:30 pm Humpback Whales 3D 01:30 pm
22:30, 13:00 (Thu, Fri) Ajial 4 15:30 (Fri) Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital KD3.500; VIP show A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 02:30 pm
Grand Gate 1 14:15,16:45, 19:30, 22:00 18:30, 21:30 KD6.000. On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm Secret Ocean 3D 04:30 pm
00:30 (Thu, Fri) Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm
Grand Gate GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sarkar 3 (Hindi Film) Cinescape cinema movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456 Humpback Whales 3D 05:30 pm Notes: All films are in Arabic. For
01:00 (Thu, Fri) Muhalab 1 23:15 13. The Scientific Center IMAX Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 08:30 pm English, headsets are available upon
Fanar 3 15:00, 20:45 request. Film schedule is subject to chang-
A Family Man 14. Grand Al-Hamra Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grand Monday es without notice.
Avenues 5 17:15 (No Thu)
Sharqia 1 16:45, 19:00 Avenues 7 15:30, 21:15 15. Grand Gate Grand Gate, tel: 22056464, Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am For information call 1 848 888 or visit
Muhalab 2 13:00 (No Fri) 360 9 18:00 A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am

Experts in Congo identify two more suspected Ebola cases

Tibetan medicine lures patients seeking drug-free cures

DHARAMSALA, India, May 14, (Agencies):
Before dawn in the Indian Himalayas, scores of
patients clutching small vials of urine queue pa-
Hospitals struggle to cope with patients influx
tiently to see Yeshi Dhonden, a Tibetan monk
who became a legend as personal healer to the
Dalai Lama. 115 dead as Yemen cholera outbreak spreads
Tibetan medicine, known as Sowa-Rigpa,
draws on centuries-old techniques such as SANAA, May 14, (AFP): A cholera outbreak poorest country.
blood-letting, cupping, and moxibustion in war-torn Yemen has killed 115 people Yemen is witnessing a devastating war
burning herbs on energy points of the body and left 8,500 ill as hospitals struggle to between the Saudi-supported government
to try to heal ailments. cope with an inux of patients, the Interna- and Iranian-backed Huthi rebels, and less
The practise draws on aspects of traditional tional Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) than half of the countrys health facilities
Chinese medicine and Indias Ayurvedic sys- said Sunday. are functioning two years into the conict.
tem as well as its own unique theories and treat- We now are facing a serious outbreak of Stillhart said hospitals were lled beyond
cholera, said ICRC director of operations capacity with patients displaying symptoms
ments. It also features spiritual practises includ- Dominik Stillhart at a news conference in of cholera, a bacterial infection contracted
ing meditation and Buddhist prayer. the capital Sanaa. through ingesting contaminated food or
Today it attracts devotees from all over the Citing gures compiled by the Yemeni water.
globe, hoping for help with conditions from health ministry, Stillhart said 115 people There are up to four cholera patients in
back pain to cancer and degenerative diseases. had died of cholera between April 27 and one single bed, Stillhart said.
If the sick come to me I will take care of Saturday. There are people in the garden, and
them, Dhonden told AFP at his private clinic More than 8,500 suspected cases of the some even in their cars with the IV drip
in McLeodganj, surrounded by Tibetan scrolls waterborne disease were reported in the hanging from the window.
and beaming images of his most famous client. In this photograph taken on March 23, 2017, a staff member of Tibetan medical practitio- same period in 14 governorates across Ye- The World Health Organization (WHO)
Dhonden who spent three decades tending ner Yeshi Dhondens Tibetan Herbal Clinic packs traditional Tibetan medicine to send to men, Stillhart said, up from 2,300 cases in now classies Yemen as one of the worst
the health of Tibets spiritual leader relies on patients by courier in the Indian town of Dharamsala. (AFP) 10 governorates last week. humanitarian emergencies in the world
his senses to divine what ails patients. This is the second outbreak of cholera in alongside Syria, South Sudan, Nigeria and
I dont go for tests like X-ray and all. I trust are believed to have originated in Tibet. The traditions of Tibetan medicine are based less than a year in Yemen, the Arab worlds Iraq.
myself. I just test the pulse and the urine, he But as it features elements of both ancient on four root texts known as the tantras that
explained. Chinese and Indian healing practises, and is evolved in two medical colleges, Chakpori and re and place it against the body to offset pain Government and World Health Organiza-
A touch at the wrist is how he ascertains the rapidly evolving from a niche tradition into Men-Tsee-Khang, in the Tibetan capital Lhasa. and other common malaises. tion (WHO) ofcials reached a remote area of
health of vital organs and blood pressure. popular alternative treatment, both nations have These tantras classify thousands of diseases The idea behind our medicine system is Bas-Uele province in northeastern Congo near
The urine, held in a white porcelain cup, is scrambled to claim it as their own. into separate categories, with unique mixtures that one should not have to take medication all the border with Central African Republic on
stirred with two small bamboo sticks. Colour, In April, the Asian giants nominated Tibetan of herbs and minerals mostly sourced from his life for chronic problems like arthritis and Saturday for a eld investigation, WHO said.
bubble formation, sediment and smell can all medicine for inclusion on a UNESCO list for the upper reaches of the Himalayas listed as diabetes, Din said in McLeodganj, nicknamed Experts say to prevent the spread of the virus
shape the diagnosis. intangible culture. China and India have en- remedies for each ailment. Little Lhasa for the large Tibetan community they must quickly track down, test, isolate and
Devotees swear Tibetan medicine works, gaged in countless spats over the Tibetan com- We believe diseases are caused when our residing there.
though few scientic studies have been con- treat suspected cases. They also need to pro-
ducted into its efcacy.
munity since New Delhi granted sanctuary to inner energies are imbalanced, said Tsewang Also: tect health workers and educate the population
the Dalai Lama in 1959. Tam Din, a medical practitioner at the McLeod- KINSHASA: Health experts have identied two about hygiene measures.
Messages Beijing took control of Tibet eight years ganj branch of the Men-Tsee Khang school, more suspected cases of Ebola in Democratic The rst case and possibly the index case, a
The teachings contained in some 2,000 text- earlier and was furious when India granted the one of many across India. Republic of Congo, a day after the government 39-year-old male, presented onset of symptoms
books and the messages of the Buddha, consid- Dalai Lama permission to headquarter a gov- Taking a delicate golden hammer, Din dem- declared an outbreak of the disease that has killed on 22 April, 2017, and deceased on arrival at
ered the guardian deity for all spiritual healers ernment-in-exile in McLeodganj. onstrated how healers heat the instrument over one man, the UN health agency said on Saturday. the health facility, a WHO statement said.
Snapchat faces harsh reality check after earnings miss Oman lending growth slowing
Snapchats ambition to become the next big pects to challenge Facebook faded. future is that of a niche company dominating nar- Annual growth in lending by Omans conventional banks in March
slowed further to its lowest pace since at least 2008, while money
social media platform hit a brutal reality check Snap disappointed analysts with reported rev- row segments of the population rather than a supply growth fell, central bank data showed on Sunday.
with the first earnings report from parent company enue of $149.6 million in the three months ending company with broad mass market appeal, and Oman Money Supply End- End- End-
Snap Inc. in March. that has significant implications for its valuation, March 17 Feb 17 March 16
The $2.2 billion loss reported Wednesday for That was up 286 percent from a year ago but Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research said in a blog M1 change yr/yr (pct) -5.5 -3.8 2.8
the first quarter along with weaker-than-expected below Wall Street estimates of around $158 mil- post. M2 change yr/yr 3.1 3.9 7.9
revenue and sluggish user growth prompted a lion, and a significant miss for the fast-evolving Richard Windsor, an analyst who writes the M2-M1 pct change yr/yr 7.6 7.9 10.8
wave of selling and harsh comments from ana- social media segment. Radio Free Mobile blog, said Snaps growth is Total credit yr/yr 3.5 5.1 9.5
lysts about the firm known for its disappearing Snap said the number of daily active users not nearly good enough given its lofty valuation. (conventional banks)
Oman C. Bank Foreign Assets
messages. grew to 166 million at the end of the quarter, a 36 Snaps challenges are difficult because bln rials 7.776 7.207 7.060
Snap shares plunged 21.5 percent to close percent increase from a year ago but just five Facebook is introducing features based on change yr/yr 10.1 12.4 1.0
Thursday at $18.05, the lowest level since its percent higher than at the end of 2016. Snapchat for its main social network as well as its Note: Percentage changes are Reuters calculations based on
March share offering, as optimism over its pros- The conclusion from all of this is that Snaps Instagram platform. (AFP) the official data. (RTRS)

Market Movements 12-05-2017

Change Closing pts Change Closing pts
INDIA - Sensex +13.97 3,637.52 PHILIPPINES - All Shares -8.62 4,648.26
EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 +13.97 3,637.52 HONG KONG - Hang Seng -62.83 30,188.15
GERMANY - DAX +59.35 12,770.41 AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries -41.10 5,870.90
FRANCE - CAC 40 +22.00 5,405.42 JAPAN - Nikkei -77.65 19,883.90
S. KOREA - KRX 100 -31.08 4,621.89

China pledges $124 bln for new Silk Road

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping (center), and countries leaders and delegates attending the Belt and Road Forum pose for a group photo on stage at the China National Convention
Center in Beijing, Sunday, May 14. Xi called Sunday for closer cooperation among countries across Asia and Europe in areas from anti-terrorism to finance, as officials from dozens of governments met to promote a Beijing-led
initiative to expand trade links across the region. (AP)

New way to boost global development: Xi Deal for expansion of its airports
BEIJING, May 14,
(RTRS): Chinese President
Xi Jinping pledged $124
The trains and sea ports of new Silk Road Dubai govt secures $3bn financing
billion on Sunday for his DUBAI, May 14, (RTRS): The Dubai
government said on Sunday that it had
new Silk Road plan to forge BEIJING, May 14, (AFP): China giant and Laos attempts to be secured $3 billion in long-term financ- Crude prices near years lows
a path of peace, inclusive- opened its Silk Road summit the first overseas route that con- ing for the expansion of its airports.
Sunday to showcase its ambi- nects with the vast rail system in
ness and free trade, and The expansion is one of three multi-
called for the abandonment
of old models based on
tious plans to revive ancient
trade routes from Asia to Europe
and Africa.
China. Once finished, it will be
the longest and fastest in the
southeastern Asian country.
billion dollar infrastructure projects
that the emirate is planning to fund
through debt, together with the build-
Oil traders mull options
President Xi Jinping hailed Another 873-kms high-speed
rivalry and diplomatic
power games.
Xi used a summit on the initiative,
the initiative for a massive net-
work of rail and maritime links
dubbed One Belt, One Road
railway project between China
and Thailand will link the Chinese
border to Thailands ports. It will
ing of Dubais World Expo 2020 exhi-
bition site and an extension of Dubais
Metro system.
as OPEC cut disappoints
as a project of the century transform southwestern Yunnan The funding will be used for the LONDON, May 14, (RTRS): Oil the market is uncertain about
attended by leaders and top officials in his address to delegates at province into a trading hub that expansion and development of Dubai
from around the world, to bolster traders are snapping up options to whether it will be $40 next or
the two-day conference in exports Chinas goods to south- International Airport and Al Maktoum protect against another steep $55.
Chinas global leadership ambitions Beijing. east Asian markets. International Airport, the emirates price drop in case OPEC and its A put option, which gives the
as US President Donald Trump pro- Russian President Vladimir In Africa, OBOR will include a new airport being developed on the partners fail to deliver enough of holder the right, but not the obliga-
motes America First and ques- Putin and Turkish counterpart 471-kms railway between edge of Dubai, it said. The facility
Recep Tayyip Erdogan are Nairobi and Mombasa on the a supply cut to satisfy investors tion, to sell oil at a set strike, or
tions existing global free trade deals. signifies the first stage of a larger of their commitment to tackle a price, by a certain date, is one way
among the 29 leaders expected Indian Ocean coast. Passenger funding plan which will transform Al
We should build an open platform to attend, along with delegations trains will zoom at 120 kms per three-year-old surplus of unused of securing that protection.
of cooperation and uphold and grow Maktoum International into the pri- crude. Volatility on three-week put
from North Korea and the United hour, while freights will run at 80
an open world economy, Xi told the States. kms per hour and carry 25 mil-
mary airport for Dubai, serving up to The Organization of the options with strikes well below the
opening of the two-day gathering in Few Western leaders are tak- lion tonnes of cargo per year. 146 million passengers by 2025, it Petroleum Exporting Countries current price has risen to 37 per-
Beijing. ing part. Sea ports said. meets on May 25 and will discuss cent from around 32 percent a
China has touted what it formally Beijings grand vision Three state-owned Chinese The deal, for which HSBC acted as extending its agreement forged week ago.
calls the Belt and Road initiative as a unveiled by Xi in 2013 enterprises bought Turkeys financial adviser, included a $1.63 bil- with a number of its rivals, includ- When OPEC announced its
new way to boost global development includes the Silk Road third largest port, Kumport, lion, seven-year conventional loan ing Russia, late last year to cut decision to cut supply this year,
since Xi unveiled the plan in 2013, Economic Belt, which extends which is considered an impor- and a $1.48 billion-equivalent, seven- output by 1.8 million barrels per volatility rose to nearly 70 percent
aiming to expand links between Asia, from China to central Asia tant joint between the belt and year ijara facility denominated in dir- day in the first half of 2017. on similar options.
Africa, Europe and beyond under- through Europe, linking northern the road. hams. Ijara is a common lease-based That the supply agreement will Options on July Brent futures,
pinned by billions of dollars in infra- Xian city with Dushanbe in In Pakistan, a controversial structure used in Islamic finance. be extended is being billed as a which expire on the day of the
structure investment. Tajikistan, Moscow, Rotterdam trade route was inaugurated in Twelve international and local dead cert, not least by the de facto meeting itself, show most open
Xi said the world must create con- and Venice. November to link southwestern banks acted as joint mandated lead leader of OPEC, Saudi Arabia, interest is clustered in put options
ditions that promote open develop- The 21st-century Maritime Gwadar port, on the Arabian arrangers and joint bookrunners. They whose energy minister said the at $50 a barrel, followed by call
ment and encourage the building of Silk Road is a maritime trans- Sea, with Kashgar, a city in included Abu Dhabi Commercial
port route that plans to connect Chinas northwestern Xinjiang group would do whatever it takes options - which give the right to
systems of fair, reasonable and Bank, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Bank to reduce global inventories. buy at an agreed price - at $52 a
Chinas east coast with Europe province.
transparent global trade and invest- via the South China Sea and the The economic corridor has of China, Citibank, Dubai Islamic But the price of crude oil is lin- barrel.
ment rules. Indian Ocean. alarmed India because it cuts Bank, First Abu Dhabi Bank, HSBC, gering around $50 a barrel, close to Further ahead, open interest in
Hours before the summit opened, OBOR spans some 65 coun- through Gilgit and Baltistan in Industrial and Commercial Bank of its lowest levels this year. the last week has spiked in
North Korea launched another ballistic tries representing 60 percent of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, China, Intesa Sanpaolo, JPMorgan, Volatility, one way of measur- December $40 and $45 puts, which
missile, further testing the patience of the global population and disputed territory that New Delhi Noor Bank and Standard Chartered. ing the price of an option, remains suggests investors believe the
China, its chief ally. The United States around a third of global GDP. claims is illegally occupied. Al Maktoum International is fairly muted by historical stan- underlying Brent futures could
had complained to China on Friday The China Development Bank The port will provide China planned to become the main airport dards, but has picked up the most well be trading below those levels
over the inclusion of a North Korean alone has earmarked $890 bil- with safer and more direct for Dubai as well as the home to for bearish sell options expiring on by the end of the year.
delegation at the event. lion for some 900 projects. access to the oil-rich Middle Emirates Airline starting in 2025. May 26, one day after OPECs Id argue you could see $8-10
Xi pledged a major funding boost to Here are some of them: East than the waterway trade The financing was raised by a con- meeting. off the price (in case of disap-
the new Silk Road, including an extra Trains route it currently uses through sortium of Dubai state entities, com- This suggests investors are will- pointment), one options trader
100 billion yuan ($14.50 billion) into the The China-Europe Railway the narrow Malacca Straits. prising the Department of Finance, ing to pay up more for protection said. You will see more put buy-
existing Silk Road Fund, 380 billion Express includes 51 rail links A new international airport will state-owned fund Investment against a sudden, sharp drop in the ing here and even with an exten-
yuan in loans from two policy banks and connecting 27 Chinese and 28 also be built in Gwadar. Corporation of Dubai, and the Dubai price. sion, you still might see a sell-
60 billion yuan in aid to developing European cities, with freight Central to the project in Aviation City Corporation.
trains that offer shorter transport Pakistan is the renovation of a
Before, OPEC was given the off.
countries and international bodies in Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin benefit of the doubt. Now, the mar- The price of oil fell by 5 percent
countries along the new trade routes. time than sea routes. 487-kms road that is part of
A planned 418-kms (260- Chinas only land passage to Rashid al-Maktoum in September 2014 ket says show me the data, said last week, under pressure from
In addition, Xi said China would mile) rail line between the Asian the Middle East. approved a $32 billion investment to Ole Hansen, senior manager at investors concerned over OPECs
encourage financial institutions to expand the emirates new airport, with Saxo Bank, referring to figures on ability to cut supply enough to
expand their overseas yuan fund busi- the aim of handling up to 120 million global inventories. It is a testing counter rising U.S. output.
nesses to the tune of 300 billion yuan. passengers a year by 2022. time, no doubt. But the options market can often
Xi did not give a time frame for the Citing a source close to the situa- There are still many (bullish paint more than one picture. While
new loans, aid and funding pledged on tion, Reuters reported in February that players) in the market that are interest in bearish sell options has
Sunday. the facility carried a margin of 200 potentially starting to look for a picked up, traders have also
Leaders from 29 countries attended basis points across both the interna- handbrake and that has increased snapped up cheap buy, or call,
the forum, as well as the heads of the tional and local tranches. demand for downside protection ... options.
United Nations, International
Monetary Fund and World Bank.
Britains finance minister told the
summit his country was a natural
partner in the new Silk Road, while
IDB to provide $453m of funding across region
the prime minister of Pakistan, Nawaz DUBAI, May 14, (RTRS): The Islamic Development The IDB has approved more than $10 billion in
Sharif, a close Chinese ally, praised Bank (IDB) has agreed $453.3 million in financing financing for Turkey since 1977, with about a third
Chinas vision and ingenuity. deals across the Middle East and Africa, including arriving in the past two years.
Such a broad sweep and scale of $200 million for renewable energy projects in Turkey, It extended financing worth $1.5 billion in 2016 and
interlocking economic partnerships
and investments is unprecedented in the lender said on Sunday. $1.4 billion in 2015, mostly in the financial and trans-
history, Sharif said. Turkeys Clean Energy and Energy Infrastructure port sectors.
White House adviser Matt Pottinger Programme will receive $200 million, while $78.7 A senior official at the Saudi-based lender told
said the United States welcomed million will go to a Tunisian water project and $79 Reuters last month that it is planning to take at least a
efforts by China to promote infrastruc- International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde, (right), million to a Jordanian emergency health project, the 10 percent stake in Turkeys state-run stock exchange
ture connectivity as part of its Belt and arrives for the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing
Sunday, May 14. Chinese President Xi Jinping has called Sunday for IDB said on its website. as it ramps up activities in the country.
Road initiative, and US companies The remainder of the financing is earmarked for The latest deals were approved by the banks board
closer cooperation among countries across Asia and Europe in areas from
could offer top value services. anti-terrorism to finance, as officials from dozens of governments met to countries including Uganda, Suriname, Kenya and at a meeting in Jeddah ahead of the annual meeting of
Continued on Page 31 promote a Beijing-led initiative to expand trade links. (AP) Rwanda. the banks board of governors this month.


Greece cuts GDP forecast in new budget plan

Eurozone recovery, Macron win give ECB chance to consider unwinding policy
ATHENS, May 14, (Agen- agency ANA reported. That along with pension cuts for During negotiations with credi- outlook in the euro zone mean the Weidmann said at a meeting of the
The latest estimate also falls short the 14th time since the beginning of the tors, Tsipras managed to secure some European Central Bank may be able nancial leaders of seven leading
cies): The Greek govern- of the European Commissions pro- crisis is projected to earn 4.5 billion measures against poverty, such as to look at normalising its ultra-loose world economies in Bari, Italy.
ment Sunday slashed GDP jection of 2.1 percent growth, set in euros ($4.9 billion), according to ANA. cafeterias to serve free meals, day monetary policy, German Bundes- But he said a rise in ination should
growth forecast for 2017 as February. Part of a July 2015 bailout deal with care and rent subsidies. bank President Jens Weidmann said become more sustainable before the
it moved towards submit- The downward revision appeared the EU and IMF to provide debt relief But the countrys main unions on Saturday. ECB considers such a move.
in the governments budget proposal for the country, the new proposals are called for a national general strike Weidmann, one of the most con- He added Macrons victory in
ting new austerity meas- for 2017-2021, handed to parliament set for adoption Thursday night, ac- Wednesday. servative ECB policymakers, said Frances presidential election should
ures, including a wider tax Saturday night, along with a bill pro- cording to the parliamentary ofcials. Tsipras had pledged his govern- the election of Emmanuel Macron as help boost growth in the euro zone.
net, for approval by law- posing a tighter budget, ANA said. Lagging in the polls for being seen ment would not implement new aus- French president should give the sin- Macron won on a platform of reform-
Greece is seeking to meet the de- as caving to creditor demands, Prime terity measures without debt reduc- gle currency bloc an additional eco- ing France and a business-friendly vi-
makers. mands of creditors in an arduous bail- Minister Alexis Tsipras will need full tion in exchange. nomic boost. sion of European integration.
The government lowered the out process, with a proposed new law backing from his small majority of The question has served as a point The strengthening economic de- The election victory of Macron
GDP growth target for the year to projecting tax increases for 2019 and 153 out of 300 seats in parliament. of contention between the IMF and velopment in the euro zone and the gives a chance that the euro zone
1.8 percent from a previous esti- 2020, even for income just above the The right-wing opposition has said Berlin for months. robust outlook make a normalisation economy gets an additional momen-
mate of 2.7 percent, the state news poverty level. it will vote against the programme. An economic recovery and robust (of monetary policy) conceivable, tum, Weidmann said.

Cut in panhandling
could curb begging
PORTLAND, Maine, May 14, (AP): Cleaning trash
and landscaping public parks might not be glamor-
ous work, but Derek Cote says it beats begging for
change in a trafc median at rush hour, and hes
looking forward to his hometown giving him a
chance to do it.
As soon as I get an ID, Ill be doing it, Cote,
33, a panhandler in Maines largest city, said while
holding a sign that read: Homeless, spare a buck.
Cotes home of Portland, Maine, is the latest city
in the US to try to cut down panhandling by tak-
ing people from curbside begging to municipal jobs
such as cleaning walking trails and picking up litter.
The city launched the Portland Opportunity
Crew this month, and the program is employing
panhandlers to do landscaping and clean up public
areas at the minimum wage of $10.68 per hour. Cit-
ies including Albuquerque, New Mexico, and San
Jose, California, and Chicago have tried similar pro-
grams with varying degrees of success.
Portland is a city of about 67,000 people with a
homeless population of a few hundred, making it
much smaller than other cities that have tried similar
programs. But panhandlers are a common sight on
downtown streets and trafc medians around the city.
The program launched May 4 and immediately
signed up four people, said Jessica Grondin, a spokes-
woman for the city. The effort is a pilot program that is
expected to last until November, she said.
First and foremost, its to get people job training
and employment support services so they can have
good futures and long-term employment, she said.
If the result of that is less panhandling, thats all
for the better.
The program will cost the city $42,000 this year.
Social service workers have been reaching out to pan-
handlers to let them know about the program, and will
set up signs at intersections to let them know that its
underway. Workers will be paid via a debit card, so
they will not need to cash paychecks, though the pro-
gram hopes to link people with banks, Grondin said.
Despite the high hopes, some in Portlands home-
less community have been resistant about the pro-
gram. Ofcials are hopeful the program will get a
good reputation in the community if they are able to
link hundreds of people with jobs, as Albuquerque
did last year.
But for William Conley, a 57-year-old veteran
who panhandles near the waterfront, not wanting to
participate is a matter of pride.
Im not cleaning trash up, Conley said. Id
rather suffer and go without.
Portlands history with its homeless commu-
nity includes a failed attempt to ban loitering and
panhandling on street medians four years ago. The
measure was deemed unconstitutional, and an in-
fringement of free speech, by courts.

China pledges
Continued from Page 30
India refused to send an official delegation to Beijing,
reflecting displeasure with China for developing a $57 bil-
lion trade corridor through Pakistan that also crosses the
disputed territory of Kashmir.
No country can accept a project that ignores its core
concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity, said
Indian foreign ministry spokesman Gopal Baglay, adding
that there were concerns about host countries taking on
unsustainable debt.
China plans to import $2 trillion of products from coun-
tries participating in its Belt and Road initiative over the
next five years, Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said.
But some Western diplomats have expressed unease
about both the summit and the plan as a whole, seeing it as
an attempt to promote Chinese influence globally. They are
also concerned about transparency and access for foreign
firms to the scheme.
Australian Trade Minister Steven Ciobo said Canberra
was receptive to exploring commercial opportunities
Chinas new Silk Road presented, but any decisions would
remain incumbent on national interest.
China is willing to share its development experience
with all countries, Xi said. We will not interfere in other
countries internal affairs. We will not export our system of
society and development model, and even more will not
impose our views on others.
In advancing the Belt and Road, we will not re-tread the
old path of games between foes. Instead we will create a
new model of cooperation and mutual benefit, Xi said.
North Korea, which considers China its sole major diplo-
matic ally and economic benefactor, raised eyebrows when
it decided to send a delegation to the summit.
The North Korean delegation largely kept a low profile at
the summit, and there was no evidence that its presence had
affected participation despite US misgivings.
Xi said the new Silk Road would be open to all, including
Africa and the Americas, which are not situated on the tra-
ditional Silk Road.
No matter if they are from Asia and Europe, or Africa or
the Americas, they are all cooperative partners in building
the Belt and Road.
The idea of cooperation and inclusiveness extends to
funding projects and investments along the new trade routes,
which are being developed both on land and at sea.
We need joint effort among Belt and Road countries to
boost financing cooperation, Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of
Chinas central bank, said.
To sustain the projects, Belt and Road nations should
allow companies to play a key role, as government resourc-
es are limited, Zhou said.
The active use of local currencies will also help to mobil-
ise local savings, lower remittance and exchange costs, and
safeguard financial stability, he said.
At the forum, finance ministries from 27 countries,
including China, approved a set of principles that will guide
project financing along the new Silk Road.
Germany, which was not among the countries that
approved the financing guidelines, said its firms were will-
ing to support the Belt and Road initiative, but more trans-
parency was needed.
Some of Chinas close allies and partners were at the
forum, including Russian President Vladimir Putin,
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Kazakh President
Nursultan Nazarbayev.

CEO of Algerias Sonatrach urges simplifying business, focus on output

The new chief of Algerias state energy company delayed projects and increase energy production to It is not the rst time Sonatrach has pushed to potential. Lower oil prices have made Algerias offers
Sonatrach has urged employees to simplify bureau- offset lower prices. streamline its operations in the last three years, but less competitive for investors.
cracy, and focus on the core business of production Algeria has seen its energy revenues halved since the new CEOs call comes as Sonatrach looks to bet- But oil and gas production has been increasing
as the North African state deals with lower oil prices, the oil price drop began in mid-2014, forcing the gov- ter bilateral relations with foreign partners. since last year. Sonatrach said in 2016 that it would
an internal company letter shows. ernment to cut budget spending and start small re- Ould Kadour, an engineer who graduated from the start working with companies on a bilateral basis for
The message from new CEO Abdelmoumen Ould forms to the vast social welfare system nanced by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and headed new elds instead of through bidding rounds as a way
Kadour was sent to Sonatrach employees just over energy earnings. US-Algerian rm Brown & Root Condor in the 1990s, to cut through bureaucracy and make dealings more
a month after he took the job as the oil giants sixth We need to simplify the way we work, review our was appointed at the end of March in a surprise deci- exible to help increase production. Algeria remains
chief executive in seven years, a period marked by procedures, make a qualitative leap and focus our ef- sion to replace Amine Mazouzi. dependent on oil and gas earnings, which provide 60
instability and a collapse in global crude prices. forts on the core business of our company namely In recent years Algerias production stagnated percent of the state budget, and Sonatrachs perfor-
It appeared to be another sign of exibility from production, the development of our activities, Ould as investors stayed away, put off by tough contract mance is key to the economy. But there is debate
Sonatrach as it looks to increase oil and gas pro- Kadour said in the message, a copy of which was terms and state bureaucracy that made the North Af- within government circles on how best to work with
duction and work with foreign partners to open up seen by Reuters. rican country a tough sell for oil companies despite its and attract more foreign oil investors. (RTRS)

Experts provide insight on developing trend in Cyber insurance and what protection is available

Gulf Insurance Group organizes Cyber Insurance workshop

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Gulf
Insurance Group K S C P [gig],
a leading insurance service pro-
vider in the Middle East and
North Africa, organized a Cyber
Insurance workshop on Sunday.
KFH joins GBSA
Representatives from the Cen- KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Kuwait Fi-
nance House (KFH) has announced
tral Bank of Kuwait, the banking that it has joined as a member of The
and nancial sector, as well as Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association
the oil sector gathered with inter- (GBSA). KFH is the rst and leading
national Cyber Insurance experts Sharia compliant bank in Kuwait and
to discuss cyber risks and the will be the rst fully Islamic Financial
available insurance solutions. institution in Kuwait to join GBSA as
an active member of GBSAs Kuwait
Global specialty insurers and Chapter.
brokers were at hand to provide As a member of GBSAs leadership
insight on the developing trends community, KFH-Group intends to
in cyber insurance and what pro- engage with the regulatory and invest-
tection is available. ment communities to further advance
With the increased risk of cy- the Sukuk market. KFH has a long
ber threats that have emerged this track record of achievements in the
Sukuk market as it is keen on support-
past week, it is more vital than ing Sukuk markets in this region and
ever to raise awareness on the beyond to help sovereigns and corpo-
issue to avoid disruption to busi- rates access capital markets and diver-
nesses and clients. sify their sources of funding.
As part of a prudent corpo- KFH-Group has expanded its in- KFH Headquarters
rate governance and risk man- vestment in Sukuk and trading in the
agement, companies should be primary and secondary markets. Being said, GBSA is delighted to welcome
a very active market maker, the group KFH as a key member. He continued,
looking for insurance protection Photo from the event has achieved total Sukuk trading in the Our market building initiatives will
as a key component of their cyber secondary Sukuk market amounting be strengthened by harnessing KFHs
security program., said Khaled CEO. been a pioneer in the Kuwait insurance solutions to its valuable $11.4 Billion in the year 2016. unsurpassed credentials as a global
Saoud Al Hasan, gigs Group He also added, gig has always market to introduce innovative clients. GBSA President Michael Grifferty leader in Sukuk and Islamic nance.

Nationwide campaign for BP Visco lubricants

BTB rewards customers with valuable prizes
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Bump-
er-to-Bumper (BTB), that is part
of Yusuf A. Alghanim & Sons
Automotive Group, announced
the grand winners of valuable
prizes in its nationwide campaign
for BP Visco lubricants, reward-
ing the rst place winner with a
Chevrolet Tahoe LS and the sec-
ond place winner with a Chevro-
let Cruze LS, in addition to many
valuable prizes that included over
75 electronic prizes of iPhones,
LED 42 screens and Lenovo
Launched in February, the BP
Visco lubricants campaign aimed
to reward customers with the best
offers and valuable prizes in Ku-
wait. Customers entered the draw
with a coupon for every purchase Some of the winners pose with their prizes.
of a four-liter BP Visco 2000 oil,
AUM students visiting Alghanim Industries booth two coupons for every purchase exhaust systems. Five years later in cious lounge area and much more.
of a BP Visco 3000 TG, and three 1985, the brand BTB was created Indeed, choosing BTB service
coupons for every purchase of a as a unique concept in the Kuwaiti centers means turning over your car
Company engages with potential candidates at local universities BP Visco 5000 oil. market. to a crew of specialized technicians
The campaign ran for customers Today, BTBs clear mission is who operate the most advanced
Alghanim Industries sponsors career fairs changing their vehicles oil with
a BP Visco lubricants in any of
the BTB centers and retail stores
to exceed expectations by offer-
ing the best in car maintenance
and spare-parts services, for both
equipment and analyzing tools to
produce a highly-detailed report and
an accurate estimate of total cost of
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Al- The company is committed to ket leader in almost every major across Kuwait. individual customers and cor- repair. To top it off, BTB service
ghanim Industries, one of the larg- empowering youth through edu- sector of its operations, which in- BP Visco lubricants have a porate owners. But what makes centers offer genuine spare parts for
est privately owned companies in cation, with particular interest in clude: engineering, retail, automo- proven record of ensuring car en- BTB truly stand out is the highly- all car models, as well as warran-
the region was the Platinum spon- acquiring talented graduates from tive sales and service, insulation gines cleaner for a longer period of trained team of technicians and ties for parts and labor. BTB service
sor of American University of Ku- both international and local uni- and pre-engineered steel building time, making them the best choice professionals, who collectively centers also offer easy nance solu-
waits (AUK) career fair, and also versities. Alghanim Industries also structures, logistics and warehous- for customers to protect their vehi- provide an unprecedented level of tions such as installments and other
sponsored the career fair at the focuses on gender diversity, recruit- ing, fast moving consumer goods, cles. BTB, as part of Yusuf Ahmed support through state-of-the-art payment plans.
American University of the Middle ing and retaining female talent. In food & beverage, oil & gas, ofce Alghanim & Sons Company, is equipment and auto maintenance BTB service centers are stra-
East (AUM). addition to its Kuwaiti Mentorship automation, advertising, insurance, committed to always providing the knowledge. tegically located throughout Ku-
Representatives from the com- Program, which aims to further ad- consumer credit and travel. The highest level of service and prod- As one of the strongest local wait including Sharq, Fahaheel,
pany were present at the career vance the skills and talents of Ku- company is actively growing its ucts to customers to fulll their brands in the country, with more Shuwaikh and Jahra, and are also
fairs to answer students questions waiti employees in the company. brand portfolio, with a focus on top- needs efciently. than 160,000 vehicles serviced integrated in Alfa Petrol Stations
and raise awareness of the different Alghanim Industries is one of the tier global partners. Throughout the years, BP Visco each year, in one of 160 service
businesses at Alghanim Industries, in Shaab, Agaila, Shuwaikh and
oldest and largest, privately-owned Among them: Avis, British Air- lubricants has been one of the most platforms in 11 service centers South Surra & KNPC stations in
the opportunities available, and em- companies in the MENA region. ways, British Petroleum, Cathay trusted brands amongst customers, throughout the country, BTB pro-
ployment and internship programs Ardiya, Ishbilya and Jahra Al-
Founded at the turn of the century, Pacic, Daewoo, Honda, Saint- and continues to grow footprint vides customers with total conveni- waha area.
such as the Alghanim Future Lead- in Kuwait, the company today em- Gobain and Toshiba. Additionally, as a result of customers satisfac- ence and peace of mind, dealing
ers Program (AFLP) and the Sum-
ploys more than 14,000 people in Alghanim Industries has created a tion of the quality standards of the with all car makes and models. At
mer Internship Program. 30 businesses across 40 countries in number of successful regional busi- brands engine oils. BTB, the customer comes rst and For more inquiries about ser-
vices, campaigns and locations,
Commenting the Middle East, North Africa, East- nesses, including X-cite (consumer Founded in 1980, BTB started each center is designed with the customers may contact BTB at
Commenting on the companys ern Europe and Asia. electronics), and Safat Home (life- as quick-service shops that spe- customers comfort in mind, in- 24969821/885 or visit their website
participation, George Lambros, Alghanim Industries is a mar- style and home furniture). cialized in replacing and repairing cluding free wireless access, a spa-
Chief Human Resources Ofcer at
Alghanim Industries, said: As the
school year comes to a close, Al- CIB agrees to sell
ghanim Industries is happy to have
participated in ve career fairs at lo-
cal universities.
10% of CI Capital
CAIRO, May 14, (RTRS): Egypts
These events provide us with the largest listed bank, Commercial In-
opportunity to establish relationships ternational Bank, has agreed to sell
with local talent interested to learn 10 percent of its investment banking
more about the variety of career op- arm CI Capital to a local investor, CI
portunities and internship programs Capital CEO Mahmoud Attalla said
we offer. Weve seen some great on Sunday.
candidates at this years career fairs, CIB nalised a deal in March to
and we look forward to having many sell about 75 percent of CI Capital to
of these talented young people join a group of Egyptian and Gulf inves-
our company as interns or permanent tors in a deal worth about $40 mil-
employees. lion.
Zahraa AlQudaihi, Human Re- The bank has been seeking buyers
sources graduate from AUM, at- for its investment banking unit ever
tended the career fair and com- since a planned sale to Beltone Fi-
mented saying: It was a good nancial, agreed in February last year,
opportunity for me to pass by the Group Chief Audit Executive Mohsen Ali (right), and Riyad Hanbali from Anuj Rohtagi (right), being awarded KIPCO Best Employee of the Year failed to win regulatory approval.
career fair. Its a step forward in my KIPCOs Internal Audit Department (center), receiving the KIPCO Group 2017 by KIPCOs Vice -Chairman (Executive) Faisal Al-Ayyar.
Employee of the Year 2017 award from KIPCOs Vice-Chairman (Execu- Attalla said CI Capital aims to
career path, and a chance to get to tive) Faisal Al-Ayyar. increase its assets under manage-
know Kuwait companies recruit- ment to 10 billion Egyptian pounds
ing styles and job opportunities. As KIPCO announces 2017 achievement awards at its Annual Gala Dinner ($551.88 million) this year, from 8
an HR major, I think the career fair billion pounds currently, and is plan-
benets the companies, students ning to do a capital increase in the
and graduates at the same time. Im KIPCO the Kuwait Projects Com- at the companys 11th Annual Gala MENA region. Riyad Hanbali from KIPCOs Inter-
pany (Holding) has announced Dinner. The event, which took The KIPCO Group Employee of nal Audit Department. rst quarter of next year.
very happy that I met innovative, the winners of its annual achieve- place in the Sheikha Salwa Hall at the Year 2017 award went to the The winner of the KIPCO Best CI Capital also plans to launch a
diverse and talented employees at ment awards. The awards were the Marina Hotel, brought together Group Internal Audit Team. The Employee of the Year 2017 was company in the fourth quarter of this
the Alghanim Industries corner dur- presented by KIPCOs Vice-Chair- over 300 KIPCO Group employees award was received by Group Chief Anuj Rohtagi from the Financial year that will focus on funding mi-
ing AUMs career fair. man (Executive), Faisal Al- Ayyar, from over 20 companies across the Audit Executive, Mohsen Ali, and Control Department. cronance projects, Attalla said.


IBA says debt to be restructured totals $3.3 bln Bank of China given licence to operate in Pakistan
International Bank of Azerbaijan, to its lowest level in over a year. government rescue package failed Pakistans central bank has The Bank of China aims to pro- branches in major cities across
the energy exporting countrys The banks problems show how to x. The bank published on Fri- granted government-run Bank of vide differential and specialised the country.
biggest lender, said it needed to Azerbaijan is still wrestling with the day what it said was its proposed China a licence to operate in the banking services to effectively It said the Bank of China will
restructure more than $3 billion fallout of a prolonged slump on restructuring plan. According to country to ease the nancial re- serve the nancing needs of Chi- rst bring in $50 million to meet
of its debt, most owed to foreign the global oil market, even though this, the total level of debt subject quirements of Chinese-led Belt na Pakistan Economic Corridor minimum capital requirements.
creditors, to tackle bad loans left prices recovered some lost ground to restructuring stood at $3.34 bil- and Road projects, the central (CPEC) related projects by lever- Ofcials expect a huge uptick
over from the slump in oil prices. in early to mid-2016. lion as of April 18. This included bank said on Saturday. aging on its experience and global in trade between the two coun-
The state-controlled bank an- An economic slowdown caused debt owed to entities including China has pledged to invest technology platform, the central tries once Pakistans Arabian
nounced it was suspending pay- by the oil prices - which remain commodities trader Cargill, Italian some $57 billion in Pakistans rail, bank said in a statement. Sea port of Gwadar is functional
ments on some liabilities and around half 2014 levels - left many lender Intesa Sanpaolo, Germa- road and energy infrastructure The statement outlined the and motorways are nished to
seeking creditors support for re- of the banks creditors unable to re- nys Commerzbank and Bayer- through its vast modern-day Silk Bank of Chinas ambitions to be- allow goods to cross the Himala-
structuring. The news sent IBAs pay their loans. That built up non- ische Landesbank, and Frances Road network of trade routes link- come one of Pakistans leading yas to and from Chinas western
dollar-denominated bond tumbling performing debts that a previous Societe Generale. (RTRS) ing Asia with Europe and Africa. nancial institutions by opening Xinjiang province. (RTRS)

weekly report on FX markets

Swiss International Financial Brokerage Co

Dollar trades in a range amid summer lull

Report prepared by Ahmed we can take. If the measured pace re- ment statistics though may present for global traders. The worlds second come back into global investors con- Friday. All of the importance can-
Shibley mains, a reasonable target, lower risk ashes of activity. For themes, we have largest economy and one of the largest sciousness. As the markets attention not be limited to trading near weekly
and proximate stop is exactly appro- the concerted effort by the Fed to accli- markets seemed to be operating just returns, the evidence of trouble will lows on Friday, but also that we
T he Dollar has seen a pickup in ac-
tivity with larger daily swings, but
those moves still are not translating
priate for what prevails. If the markets
start to gain traction on substantial and
persistent moves, we can jump into the
mate the market to a future that puts the
central bank on the path of QE reduc-
tion. This is likely to be a pivotal devel-
ne on paper. However, there was evi-
dence that pressures were building and
policy ofcials were struggling to con-
start to grow more obvious. Consid-
erations like the rising USD/HKD ex-
change rate which preceded previous
failed to see further upside beyond
the 100-DMA and Ichimoku Cloud.
This breakdown in US10Y Yields
into meaningful direction. For global trend multiple times until we develop opment for risk trends - but only when tain it. Back in August 2015, after an USD/CNH and general China nancial (among other things) could well ar-
equity indices and other risk-leaning conviction that start-and-stop volatility the markets are ready to acknowledge extended period of extreme quiet from troubles is already raising serious ags. gue that there is not enough ina-
assets, there is a similar lack of convic- is being replaced by lasting moves. The its impact. On the other end of the the markets, Chinas policy author- Weak US data continues to pile tion pressure on the horizon to keep
tion but none of the short-term volatil- pairs that I will be paying closest atten- spectrum, we have remarkably familiar ity announced that it was changing the up. The Citi Economic Surprise Treasuries bid and DXY supported.
ity. Volatility measures this past week tion to on the open of the coming week circumstances in current conditions to way it would calculate the ofcial x Index hit its lowest level in a year The last insight worth mentioning
- from the VIX, alternative asset activ- will be set to this pace. USD/CAD has the Chinese-led collapses of 2015 (Au- on its local currency (the Yuan). While on Friday after US retail sales and gained on Friday was that the options
ity measures and the 10-day S&P 500 one of the densest technical backdrops gust) and 2016 (January). they had said this was a move aimed CPI data was released. Many trad- market continues to show downside
realized volatility - ticked up from their in the market among the majors and a Sudden market turns can be motived at a more market-based pricing mecha- ers were encouraged earlier in the exposure preferred on USD vs. up-
extreme lows dredged the previous distinct relationship to another conges- by surprise fundamental or speculative nism, global investors were concerned month at the FOMC meeting when side. A few options metrics like 25d
week. Yet, even with the pickup, we tion bound asset - crude oil. With a developments, but the breadth and in- it was an overt move to bolster its trade the Fed saw the soft data as transi- risk reversals or riskies on ten-
stand at extremely low levels of market greater amplitude risk response, EUR/ tensity of those moves is rarely found- advantage (devalue its currency) and tory. However, it is worth noting that ors from one week to one year are
turnover. On one hand, this likely re- JPY and GBP/JPY have shaped ap- ed in the catalyst. The backdrop market in turn raise the prospect of a more other economies with more resilient showing an expectation for lower
ects the seasonal Summer Lull. That pealing technical patterns with tenta- conditions determine how far and ag- intense trade war with the rest of the data of late had central bankers this volatility and dollar downside. Spe-
said, the extent of the deated activity tive turns on hand. For NZD/USD, a gressively market trends run. Looking world. The reaction from the S&P 500, week that saw the good data as tran- cically, per Bloomberg, one week
readings puts us in conditions more fundamentally-conicted backdrop at the lack of preparation, low return global equities, emerging market and sitory, and the RBNZ even shifted 25-delta risk reversals on GBP/USD
akin to the extremes witnessed in the can turn the focus on larger technical and tolerance for pushing expensive other risk-based markets was intense. their ination forecasts lower. are the highest since November, and
summers of 2014 and 2015. Compla- levels. markets even higher; it is hard to dis- In subsequent volatility for the months This week, we have seen a few same goes for one month 25-delta
cency ran rampant through seasons that Looking at fundamental landscape pute that the backdrop is not ripe for a following, the concern surrounding larger bets in the Fixed Income space risk reversals on EUR/USD. Higher
lasted longer than many had expected. for the coming week, there is a notable possible crisis. However, when liquid- China was a frequent reference for risk align with what has been seen in the 25-delta riskies shows that traders
And, they both ended in spectacular drop in high prole event risk. The rate ity thins out and complacency hits ex- reduction. commodity markets, lower ination are putting a premium on capturing
volatility. decisions, NFPs, elections of previ- treme levels, sensitivity can increase to In recent months, we have seen the and likely less need for aggressive the upside as opposed to the down-
The motto, hope for the best, pre- ous weeks are absent. The traditional the serious fundamental sparks. There fear over Chinas detrimental inuence central bank action in regards to side. While this is not a crystal ball,
pare for the worst is appropriate for economic measures dont carry much are plenty of explicit threats that obser- to the worlds nancial health diminish raising interest rates. Specically,
our current conditions. We are expe- it shows that traders are not paying
promise for focused volatility. Euro- vant traders have kept track of over the signicantly - though its fundamental there has been buying in short-term
riencing a dichotomous situation of area GDP readings (including Greeces weeks and months, but the most prob- backdrop actually improved little. This rates markets that would benet or to protect against USD upside in
remarkable quiet with the persistent 1Q), UK ination and Chinese data are lematic can be those that receive little is likely owing to a greater number of less Fed action than expected, which multiple markets. That may be worth
threat of sudden collapse. To reason- all headline worthy; but do little to tap appreciation even in these underpre- distractions to pull attention in other di- would be expected to pull down noting.
ably position for this low-return-high- investors broader concerns. A history pared conditions. rections. Yet, as volatility drops off and DXY. We can see a strong move
risk state, trading reduced risk and time of more discreet volatility reactions to Not too long ago, Chinas nancial other concerns like elections start to re- lower in the US 10yr yield, which For more information please visit
frame is the most exible approach event risk like the Australia employ- and economic health was a top concern treat, this consistent threat is likely to quickly reversed to weekly lows on

Some skeptics wonder how long cooperative tone will last

US-China trade pact: a Trump triumph or rehashed news?

WASHINGTON, May 14, (AFP): The
new trade agreement unveiled Friday

India skips Chinas summit

between China and the United States
is yet another olive branch from the
Trump White House to Beijing, but
some skeptics wonder how long the
cooperative tone will last.
One thing is sure: the initial mea-
sures of the 100-day action plan
launched in mid-April by China and
the United States stand in stark con-
trast with the anti-Chinese rhetoric New Delhi warns of unsustainable debt burden
Donald Trump used on the campaign
The president has signicantly soft- NEW DELHI, May 14,
ened his stance, declining last month to (RTRS): India has not sent
declare China a currency manipulator an ofcial delegation to at-
one of the most strident pledges he
made as a candidate. tend the Belt and Road Fo-
And, at least at rst glance, the new rum in Beijing and instead
Sino-American trade deal appears to criticised Chinas global ini-
have vindicated this softer approach
that is starting to bear fruit.
tiative, warning of an un-
We have made ... more progress in sustainable debt burden for
40 days than the prior trade negotiators countries involved.
had in this century, Commerce Secre-
tary Wilbur Ross said recently on Fox Chinese President Xi Jinping is
News. hosting dozens of world leaders
The two-page plan of action calls and senior ofcials on Sunday for
for the lifting of the 13-year embargo the countrys biggest diplomatic
Beijing had kept on American beef, as showcase of the year, touting his
well as gradually opening the Chinese vision of a new Silk Road that
market to certain US nancial services. opens trade routes across the globe.
Its impossible to overstate how Government ofcials from New
benecial this will be for Americas Delhi did not travel, Indian ofcials
cattle producers, said Craig Uden, said, although scholars from Indian
president of the National Cattlemens think-tanks have own to Beijing to
Beef Association, adding that he was attend some of the meetings at the fo-
eager to court 1.4 billion new consum- rum.
ers in China. Indian foreign ministry spokesman
As important as they may be, these Gopal Baglay, asked whether New
developments are not entirely new. Delhi was participating in the summit,
Plans to lift the beef embargo had al- said India could not accept a project
ready been agreed to in principle last that compromised its sovereignty.
September under former president India is incensed that one of the key
Barack Obama. Belt and Road projects passes through
The only truly new development Kashmir and Pakistan. The nuclear-
was the plan to speed up direct exports armed rivals have fought two of their
of American liqueed natural gas to three wars over the disputed region.
China, delighting some in the Ameri- No country can accept a project that
can hydrocarbon industry. ignores its core concerns on sovereignty
Its a strong signal from both gov- and territorial integrity, Baglay said.
ernments that there is a real interest In this photograph taken on Feb 6, 2017, employees of Indian company Nuts and Boltz work in their ofce in New Delhi. Since coming to power in 2014, He also warned of the danger of debt.
in using LNG produced in the US in Narendra Modi has been looking to overhaul Indias image as an awkward country in which to do business and instead emulate China by becoming a One of the criticisms of the Silk Road
China, Charlie Riedl, director of the global manufacturing hub. While much of the focus has been on travails of foreign rms, local entrepreneurs who should be the poster boys of Indian plan is that host countries may struggle
Center for Liqueed Natural Gas, told manufacturing are also struggling. (AFP) to pay back loans for huge infrastructure
AFP. projects being carried out and funded by
As for the Chinese, they got the US ... the government wont let me grow Chinese companies and banks.
to lift trade barriers to Chinese exports Connectivity initiatives must fol-
of cooked poultry, a concession that low principles of nancial responsibil-
does not appear to worry US produc-
It would serve a niche market and
Red tape, taxes put brakes on Make In India push ity to avoid projects that would create
unsustainable debt burden for commu-
nities, Baglay said.
we dont think that it would be a prob- NEW DELHI, May 14, (AFP): When country in which to do business and boys of Indian manufacturing are also Nuts and Boltz six years ago from a New Delhis criticism of the Belt
lem for our domestic industry, said Saurabh Ahuja tried to import a $600 instead emulate China by becoming a struggling. basement in northwest Delhi to provide and Road initiative came as Xi pledged
Jim Sumner, director of the USA Poul- 3D printer for manufacturing drones global manufacturing hub. The printer that Ahuja did eventu- other budding entrepreneurs a place to $124 billion to the plan, and called
try and Egg Export Council. in his Delhi workshop, he ended up In September that year, the right-wing ally manage to import from China to experiment with product ideas. for the abandonment of old models
According to Douglas Paal, a China spending another $900 in taxes and premier unveiled Make in India as a build everything from drones to robots For an hourly rental fee, clients have based on rivalry and diplomatic power
expert at the Carnegie Endowment for bribes and waited three months for it agship initiative which would have an had nearly 300 parts. access to equipment such as 3D print- games.
International Peace, these achieve- to clear customs. unprecedented overhaul of out-dated He rst had to submit a sheaf of ers and circuit boards. Leaders from 29 countries and min-
ments are the low-hanging fruit. We lack in technology and indus- processes and policies at its core. documents, including details of the But while the prototypes can be craft- isterial delegates from many more are
Its not negative but its not a ma- try to make the smallest things, so we The government has tried to woo exporter and the product catalogue to ed in India, nearly all the manufacturing attending the forum in Beijing, includ-
jor step, he said. These are the easy have to import, Ahuja said as he listed investors by promising to simplify the ofcials at Delhi airport. ends up being outsourced overseas. ing Indias smaller neighbours not
steps. The heavy work hasnt started the frustrations entrepreneurs still en- tax regime and liberalise rules on for- He was then told each part would Maker spaces are great because you just Pakistan, but also Sri Lanka and
yet. counter since the government launched eign direct investment (FDI). have to be tested before being let can quickly launch a prototype and get Nepal.
Indeed, the agreement does not its Make In India project. But in the World Banks most recent through. Three months and 150,000 credibility, said Navi Radjou, co-author Baglay said India supported greater
touch on theft of intellectual property If my business grows, the country chart ranking countries for their ease of rupees ($2,250) in warehouse charges of the book Frugal Innovation. connectivity across the region and
or the American manufacturing sector, grows with me. But the government doing business, India came 130th out later, he got his consignment only after But then you open a Pandoras Box listed the initiatives it was involved
which has suffered most of all from wont let me grow. of 190. he coughed up a bribe, he said. because if a customer asks for 2,000 in, including highway projects and the
Chinese competition and which Since coming to power in 2014, While much of the focus has been Ofcials at the airport did not respond units of your product, youre screwed North-South corridor in Central Asia,
Trump had promised to rescue on his Narendra Modi has been looking to on the travails of foreign rms, local to an emailed query for comment. since you cant make it at that scale but he said these had to be developed
arrival in the White House. overhaul Indias image as an awkward entrepreneurs who should be the poster Ahuja, 29, launched his company and that leads to a lot of frustration. in a transparent manner.


Japan Post to buy Nomura Name: Kuwait Sharia Bloomberg Todays Todays closing Prev closing % 1-week 3-month YTD 12-month 24-month
Index name ticker value as of value value change change change change change change
Compatible Indices Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite AMIC May 14, 2017 172.29 172.87 -0.33% 1.68% -6.85% 3.25% 12.92% -7.27%
Japan Post Holdings will buy Nomura Real Estate Hold- Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only AMIC May 14, 2017 164.34 164.79 -0.28% 1.82% -6.35% 2.84% 10.96% -8.97%
ings to strengthen its presence in the real estate develop- Providers: Al Madar Finance & Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
ment market, national broadcaster NHK reported. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 51.98 51.60 0.72% 1.18% -14.96% 10.64% 11.58% -21.54%
Japan Post is preparing to issue a tender offer bid to Investment Co. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 21.65 22.26 -2.73% -3.38% -16.21% 37.33% 51.74% -17.02%
buy Nomura Real Estate, NHK said, citing sources it did Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 49.84 50.49 -1.30% 2.74% -7.35% 2.23% 5.48% -10.05%
not identify. Telephone calls to Japan Post and Nomura Description: Index of Sharia Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 142.70 143.62 -0.63% 0.64% -5.03% 17.74% 16.72% 0.25%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 214.87 214.74 0.06% 2.44% 0.88% 8.84% 22.57% 2.13%
Real Estate were not answered. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 359.46 356.61 0.80% 1.53% -6.35% -5.44% 1.58% -7.27%
Japan Post has been acquiring other companies, but not compatible companies traded on Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 129.29 129.78 -0.38% 1.45% -11.39% 0.22% 11.27% -12.85%
all the transactions have gone well. Last month, Japan Post Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector AMIC May 14, 2017 495.46 501.51 -1.21% -0.46% -14.28% 11.75% 66.55% 51.93%
announced a shock $3.6 billion writedown on its purchase of the KSE Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price KWSEIDX May 14, 2017 6,658.84 6,670.47 -0.17% 1.43% 0.03% 15.84% 23.41% 4.75%
S&P 500 SPX May 13, 2017 2,390.90 2,390.90 0.00% -0.35% 3.23% 6.79% 16.82% 13.93%
Australian logistics rm Toll Holdings Ltd. (RTRS) Website: DJ Islamic Index. DJIM May 13, 2017 3,234.14 3,226.38 0.24% 0.45% 6.34% 11.27% 15.52% 7.77%

oil market monthly report

KAMCO Research

Crude prices slip back into mid-40s range

A fter witnessing initial gains dur-
ing the start of April 17, oil pric-
es were in a free fall mode since the
third week of the month until the rst
week of May 17. OPEC crude lost al-
most 13% in sixteen trading sessions
and broke the critical support level of
$50/b to reach $46.6/b by the end of
rst week of May 17. The decline in oil
price also started after OPEC indicated
that the production cuts would not be
The decline in Brent crude was even
higher at 13.9% but the international
crude grade made signicant recovery
during the second week on the back of
news that the ongoing production cut
agreement between OPEC and non-
OPEC members would be extended.
The increase in oil prices over the last
few trading sessions also came on the
back of larger-than-expected draw-
down in US crude inventories which
declined by 5.3 million barrels during
the last week. In addition, the absence
of a corresponding increase in gasoline reached 1.44 mb/d to an average daily Middle East region, Saudi Arabia re- oil sector has resulted in a decline in
inventory suggested that the supply of demand of 95.12 mb/d. ported a decline in demand in March Mexican oil production which resulted
oil is already in a decit and the glut is Oil demand growth expectations 17 due to fuel substitution effect after in crude exports hitting a record low
reducing at a much faster pace. for 2017 was kept unchanged at 96.38 the Kingdom started the natural gas in March 17 and expected to be even
Nevertheless, crude output in the US mb/d, an increase of 1.27 mb/d as com- red Wasit gas plant saving 92 tb/d of lower in April 17, according to Pemex.
has continued unabated over the past pared to 2016. Revisions were made to oil. The shortfall in investment globally is
eleven months with rig count up for the Q1-17 oil demand data for the OECD World Oil Supply one of the key factors that could result
17th straight week increasing by 9 to region and lowered by around 12 tb/d Non-OPEC oil supply estimates for in supply decit in the near term.
reach 712 oil rigs, according to Baker for 2017 on the back of lower-than- 2016 was further revised downwards According to Bloomberg data,
Hughes, the highest level since April 15. expected demand in OECD Ameri- by 18 tb/d led by revisions in historical OPEC oil output continued to decline
As a result, US crude production has in- cas due to a fall in gasoline demand. production data for Russia during the and reached a 23-month low level of
creased more than 10% since mid-2016 This decline was partially offset by last quarter of 2016. Non-OPEC sup- 31.895 mb/d during April 17 after
and has reached more than 9.3 mb/d, an upward revision in Q1-17 demand ply for 2016 is now expected to have declining marginally by 40 tb/d as
close to the level produced by Russia and from OECD Europe by 50 tb/d led by averaged at 57.30 mb/d resulting in a compared to March 17. Production by
Saudi Arabia, and is expected to expand weather conditions. According to the contraction of 0.71 mb/d as compared Saudi Arabia remained almost at dur-
further by the end of the year if US grade latest available numbers, oil demand to the previous year. ing the month at 9.95 mb/d, whereas
crude remains above $50/b. Moreover, in the US declined during Feb 17 due Contrastingly, non-OPEC supply the next ve producers (Iraq, Iran,
in the Asian market, China, which has to slowing growth in Q1-17. growth for 2017 was revised upwards UAE, Kuwait, Venezuela) slashed
been importing oil at breakneck speed However, preliminary data for by 0.36mb/d to average of 58.25 mb/d production by a total 155 tb/d during
over the past couple of months, would March 17 and April 17 indicated return indicating a growth of 0.95 mb/d. Ac-
to growth in the industrial and road cording to the latest monthly data, the month. OPECs secondary sources
not be doing so in the coming months
due to a new rule that bans oil imports by transportation sectors. On the other world oil supply fell by 0.41 mb/d also indicated a decline in produc-
smaller reneries termed as teapots. On hand, Canada and Mexico reported in April 17 as compared to March tion during April 17 although slightly
the other hand, Indias higher demand for softer demand gures. In OECD Eu- 17 to average 95.81 mb/d, although lower at 18 tb/d as compared to the
crude during April 17 (+3.3% to 16.79 rope, in addition to the aforementioned the production was 0.83 mb/d higher previous months average after Angola
mn tonnes) comes as a supporting factor factors, car sales remained strong than a year ago and increased by 363 increased production by almost 0.1
for oil prices as the country has been re- reaching a record for the month of tb/d y-o-y in Q1-17. Changes were mb/d during the month. Angola, which
porting declining demand since the start March 17. Demand for aviation fuel primarily made in demand data from said it is in full compliance with the
of the year. was also high for the region on the the US with supply growth is now production cuts, is expected to further
World Oil Demand back of a strong aviation sector. In expected to be higher by 0.28 mb/d boost oil production after a number of
World oil demand growth estimates OECD Asia Pacic, oil demand in Ja- to 0.82 mb/d. As a result, US crude offshore oil projects are expected to most of the crude grades from the region in the prices with demand expected to
for 2016 was revised up by 65 tb/d pan continued to decline in March 17 production has increased more than come online and add almost 0.4 mb/d came back online. show improvement, while supply is
reecting adjustments to data from by 3.8% primarily due to fuel substi- 10% since mid-2016 and has reached to total capacity in the next 18 months. According to recent reports, OPEC estimated to fall short even further if
OECD Europe based on latest available tution and warmer weather conditions. more than 9.3mb/d, close to the level Meanwhile, Libya, which reported has agreed to extend the oil output cut OPEC cuts are increased. On similar
numbers. Higher demand in the region Oil demand growth for the non-OECD produced by Russia and Saudi Arabia, a decline in average oil output in April agreement until the end of the year lines, IEA said that the production cut
came on the back of low oil prices in region was revised slightly higher by and is expected to expand further by 17, has reportedly boosted production pending formal announcement that agreement has succeeded in turning
addition to improving economic condi- 12 tb/d for 2017 on the back of higher the end of the year if US grade crude in May 17 to more than 0.8 mb/d for the would be made at the OPEC meeting the market around and has resulted in
tions, positive vehicle sales and colder March 17 demand from China par- remains above $50/b. This higher out- rst time since 2014. Libyas NOC said later this month. There are also specu- a supply decit. The agency expects
weather conditions. Demand from oth- tially offset by downward revision for put corresponds with OPECs updated that the production would have been lations that the cuts could extend into supply decit during 2Q-17 and added
er Asia was also raised by 0.03 mb/d in the Other Asia region, primarily from supply expectations in which it raised even higher at 1 mb/d if contractual is- 2018 and could include deeper cuts that demand is expected to outweigh
the latest report whereas from Ameri- India until March 17. Chinas crude oil non-OPEC crude supply growth esti- sues were resolved. On similar lines, Ni- for a faster recovery in the market. supply even more during 2H-17 result-
cas was lowered by 0.05 mb/d. With stocks stood at 49.7 million barrels at mates by 64% to 0.95 mb/d and low- geria increased production during April On the other hand, there are increas- ing in an even deeper decit if OPEC
the aforementioned changes, demand the end of March 17, after witnessing ered OPECs demand by 0.3 mb/d. On 17 adding 50 tb/d after stability returned ing speculations that the market is al- agrees to extend its production cuts,
growth in 2016 is estimated to have the highest monthly increase. In the the other hand, lack of investment in in the Niger Delta region and exports of ready in decit and could soon reect which is now almost certain.

investment funds
Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated
Value (NAV) Value (NAV)

National Bank of Kuwait Index Funds GCC Large Cap Index Fund Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 1.152 1.191 April 13, 2017
Equity Funds Al-Mamoun Fund A Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 0.635 0.652 April 13, 2017
Money Market Funds
Watani KD Money Market Fund II NBK Capital Weekly April 11, 2017 KD 1.024 1.024 March 28, 2017 Al-Mamoun Fund B Global Weekly April 26, 2017 KD 0.635 0.652 April 13, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly April 11, 2017 USD 10.202 10.190 March 28, 2017 GCC Large Cap Fund Global Bi-weekly April 25, 2017 USD 144.980 146.310 April 11, 2017
Watani KD Money Market Fund (Acc Al-Noor Fund Global Bi-weekly Jan 31, 2017 SAR 197.090 197.090 Jan 24, 2017
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly April 11, 2017 KD 1.023 1.022 March 28, 2017 Global Saudi Equity Fund Global Bi-weekly April 25, 2017 SAR 206.000 208.630 April 11, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc Money Market Funds Global Money Market Fund Global Weekly Nov 20, 2016 USD 1.160
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly April 11, 2017 USD 10.070 10.069 March 28, 2017 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly April 25, 2017 USD 107.150 108.510 April 11, 2017
NBK Kuwait Equity Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.670 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly April 25, 2017 USD 98.360 100.140 April 11, 2017
Gulf Equity Investment Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 USD 10.105 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly April 26, 2017 KD 1.169 1.197 April 13, 2017

Gulf Bank Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC)
Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly March 28, 2017 USD 7.037 7.070 Feb 28, 2017 Al Wasm Fund KFIC Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 0.420 0.421 Feb 15, 2017
Coast Fund Coast Investment & Dev. Co. Monthly March 28, 2017 KD 0.666 0.672 Feb 28, 2017 Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund KFIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 7.073 6.853 Dec 31, 2016
Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Weekly Jan 26, 2017 KD 0.561 0.561 Dec 30, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 1 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.912 0.917 Dec 31, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 2 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.942 0.940 Dec 31, 2016
KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2017 KD 1.065 0.889 Nov 30, 2016
Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund Bi-annual Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.417 1.418 Jan 31, 2017
KAMCO GCC Opportunities Fund KAMCO Monthly July 31, 2016 USD 115.890 114.380 Feb 29, 2016

KAMCO MENA Plus Fixed Income Fund KAMCO March 31, 2017 USD 11.840 12.551 Jan 31, 2017
Al Ahli Bank KAMCO Real Estate Yield Fund KAMCO March 31, 2017 USD 10.320 10.220 Jan 31, 2017
Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.901 0.894 March 31, 2017 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quartely Sept 30, 2016 KD 1.457
Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.802 0.812 March 31, 2017

Wafra International Investment Co.

Burgan Bank Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.902 0.911 Jan 31, 2017
Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly April 23, 2017 KD 1.772 1.809 March 26, 2017 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.034 1.032 Jan 31, 2017
Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.816 0.817 Jan 31, 2017
Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.675 0.695 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Bank
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly May 2, 2017 KD 1.062 1.062 April 25, 2017
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund II Boubyan Bank Weekly May 2, 2017 KD 1.008 1.008 April 25, 2017 Shuaa Capital Co.
Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 AED 15.110 15.070 Jan 31, 2017
The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 USD 28.160 29.040 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Capital Investment Co.
Boubyan USD Liquidity Fund Boubyan Capital Investment Co May 2, 2017 USD 10.200 10.200 April 25, 2017
Boubyan Multi-Asset Holding Fund Boubyan Bank April 30, 2017 USD 10.530 10.530 April 25, 2017 Al Aman Investment
Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Weekly Dec 31, 2016 KD 0.342 0.322 Nov 1, 2016

Kuwait Investment Co.
Local Fund Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 4, 2017 KD 0.978 0.989 April 30, 2017 Tharwa Investment Co.
Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 0.688 0.694 March 30, 2017 Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly March 13, 2017 KD 1.379 1.406 Dec 31, 2016
Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.540 0.540 April 29, 2017 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Bi-weekly July 31, 2016 USD 1.977 2.251 June 30, 2016
Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 30, 2017 KD 1.095 1.095 March 31, 2017 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 31, 2016 USD 1.024 0.986 March 15, 2016
International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 26, 2017 USD 24.840 24.640 April 19, 2017 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 13, 2017 KD 0.571 0.590 Dec 31, 2016
Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly May 3, 2017 USD 19.150 19.090 April 26, 2017
European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 26, 2017 Euro 20.800 20.800 April 19, 2017 Bank Al-Bilad
Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly April 26, 2017 USD 30.170 29.600 April 19, 2017 Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily May 7, 2017 KD 0.403 0.418 April 19, 2017
North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly March 31, 2017 USD 18.260 18.100 Feb 28, 2017

Commercial International Bank

National Investment Co. (NIC) CIB Money Market Fund (Osoul) CI Asset Management Weekly May 10, 2017 EGP 289.630 289.360 May 7, 2017
Al-Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.604 0.613 Feb 28, 2017
CIB II Equity (Isthethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly May 10, 2017 EGP 142.730 138.960 May 4, 2017
Al-Darij Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.353 0.355 Feb 28, 2017
CIB and Faisal Islamic Al Aman CI Asset Management Weekly May 10, 2017 EGP 80.660 78.650 May 4, 2017
Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.506 0.513 Feb 28, 2017
Hemaya CI Asset Management Weekly May 2, 2017 EGP 172.900 172.460 April 2, 2017
Zajil Fund NIC Monthly April 30, 2017 KD 0.752 0.744 Feb 28, 2017
Thabat CI Asset Management Weekly May 10, 2017 EGP 170.790 170.610 May 4, 2017
Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Weekly April 30, 2017 USD 0.766 0.773 Feb 28, 2017
Takamol CI Asset Management Weekly May 10, 2017 EGP 137.820 136.400 May 4, 2017

Misr El Mostakbel CI Asset Management Weekly May 7, 2017 EGP 24.050 24.050 May 4, 2017
Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz)
Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly April 13, 2017 KD 4.045 3.992 March 31, 2017
MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly April 13, 2017 KD 3.086 3.039 March 31, 2017
Noor Financial Investment Co.
Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Feb 29, 2016 KD 0.613 0.645 Dec 31, 2015
Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly April 13, 2017 KD 1.596 1.574 March 31, 2017

Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Nov 10, 2016 KD 2.990 2.920 Nov 3, 2016
FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 0.954 0.972 Feb 28, 2017 Al Zumorroda Investment Co.
Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 1.415 1.412 Feb 28, 2017 Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2016 KD 0.481 0.543 Dec 31, 2015
Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly April 13, 2017 USD 10.970 11.520 March 31, 2017
Mawazeen International Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 26, 2017 USD 9.050 9.140 March 19, 2017 KFH Capital Investment Co.
Markaz MENA Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly April 13, 2017 USD 10.640 10.740 March 31, 2017 Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.357 0.354 Jan 31, 2017
Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.683 0.673 Jan 31, 2017
Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Baitak GCC Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.916 0.957 Jan 31, 2017
Al Rouyah Fund KMEFIC Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 1.386 1.414 Feb 28, 2017
Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Oct 31, 2016 KD 0.944 0.918 Sept 30, 2016 CapCorp Investment Co.
CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly March 30, 2017 KD 0.926 0.941 Feb 28, 2017
Global Investment House


Emaar Pposts 15 pct jump in first-quarter profit

Dubais Emaar Properties, builder of pany said. First-quarter property sales
the worlds tallest tower, reported a SICO Bahrain and EFG Hermes jumped 44 percent year on year to
15 percent rise in first-quarter net had forecast Emaar would make a 6.049 billion, it said, with a project
profit on Sunday, broadly in line with quarterly profit of 1.424 billion dir- backlog of 46.245 billion dirhams to
analysts expectations. hams and 1.350 billion dirhams be recognised as revenue in the
The developer, in which Dubais respectively. next few years. The company has
government owns a minority stake, Quarterly revenue was 4.072 bil- seen an increase in property sales in
made a net profit of 1.384 billion dir- lion dirhams, against 3.529 billion Dubai, chairman Mohamed Alabbar
hams ($376.9 million) in the three dirhams a year earlier. said in the statement.
months to March 31, it said in a state- Recurring revenue, from the likes The total value of property transac-
ment. of hotel, entertainment and shopping tions in Dubai jumped 45 percent
That compares with a profit of mall operations, contributed 39 per- year on year in the first quarter to $21
1.205 billion dirhams in the corre- cent of the group revenue, Emaar billion, according to the Dubai Land
sponding period last year, the com- said. Department. (RTRS)

Kuwait index kicks off

week on sluggish note
Americana gains 20 fils; Jazeera Airways drops
By John Mathews climbed 7.4 pct to stand close paused at 99 fils and 44 fils respec-
Arab Times Staff behind. Kuwait Cinema Co slid 8.9 tively whereas Securities Group Co
pct, the steepest decliner of the day eased 1 fils to 98 fils. Bayan
and Al Salam topped the volume Investment Co took in 1 fils and
KUWAIT CITY, May 14: with over 8 million shares. KFIC was up 0.5 fils at 40 fils.
Kuwait stocks sagged on Reflecting the days drop, the Noor Financial Investment Co
losers outnumbered the winners. 38
Sunday as it kicked off stocks advanced whereas 51 closed
fell1 fils to 50 fils and Sokouk
the week on sluggish note. lower. Of the 133 counters active Holding Co closed 0.5 fils lower at
on Sunday, 44 closed flat. 4722 45 fils. Al Imtiaz dialed down 2 fils
The price index slipped after trading over 2 million shares
deals worth KD 11.7 million were
11.63 pts in volatile trade transacted a 25.3 pct dip in and Warba Insurance Co slipped 88
to 6658.84 pts tracking the value from the day before. fils.
weak regional peers. Some National Industries Group was National Real Estate Co was flat
unchanged at 114 fils off slight at 104 fils with a volume of 1.9
of the heavyweights shone early highs and Gulf Cable was up million shares and Salhiya Real
even as the broader senti- 5 fils at 420 fils. Heavy Engineering Estate too did not budge from its
ment remained mixed. Industries and Shipbuilding Co earlier close of 370 fils. Mazaya
The KSX 15 benchmark rose gained 10 fils while Contracting Holding too stalled at 110 fils.
and Marine Services Co paused at The market was mixed during
3.18 pts to 914.25 points while 62 fils.
weighted index was little changed last week. The price index closed
Jazeera Airways dropped 10 fils
at 400.65 pts. The volume turno- to 485 fils and ALAFCO was flat at higher in three of the five sessions
ver meanwhile slipped close to the 265 fils. Kuwait Foundry Co and dipped 81 points week-on-
100 million mark. 103.99 million climbed 20 fils to 305 fils while week. It had slumped 182 points
shares changed hands a 32.8 pct Metal and Recycling Co inched 1 from start of the month and is trad-
drop from the last session. fils into red. ing 15.84 pct higher year-to-date.
The sectors closed mostly in the Boubyan Petrochemical Co fell KSE, with 208 listed companies, is
red zone. Oil and gas outshone the 10 fils to 560 fils and Al Qurain the second largest bourse in the
rest with 3 pct jump whereas health- Petrochemical was unchanged at region.
care shed 2.32 percent, the steepest 325 fils. Al Rai Media Group In the bourse related news,
clipped 2 fils. Burgan Well Drilling Ooredoo Kuwait has posted 26.6
decliner of the day. In terms of vol- Co was flat at 88 fils and Shuaiba
ume, nancial services accounted for pct jump in profits during the first
Industrial added 5 fils. quarter of 2017 to KD 12.93 mil-
the highest market share of 46.3 pct NAPESCO vaulted 100 fils to
and real estate trailed with 28.3 per- lion from KD 10.21 million) in
KD 1.580 and Automated Systems
cent contribution. same period last year. It had
Co gained 10 fils. Educational
In the individual shares, National Holding Group slipped 10 fils and recorded a growth of 75% in profits
Bank of Kuwait rose 10 fils to 680 KCPC followed suit to wind up at to KD 46.67 million during 2016.
fils on back of 2.38 million shares 156 fils. Injazzat Real Estate Development
and Kuwait Food Co (Americana) Humansoft Holding and AWJ has recorded a 71.5% surge in the
climbed 20 fils to KD 2.460. Holding stood pat at KD 3.900 and first quarter of 2017 to KD 2.35
Tamdeen Investment Co shed 20 76 fils respectively whereas million from KD 1.37 million in
fils and Mabanee Co slid 30 fils to Mowasat Hospital dipped 20 fils to Q1 of 2016,
close at 800 fils, 315 fils. Mezzan Holding rose 10 The earnings were boosted by
Zain rose 5 fils to 440 fils and fils to KD 1.000 and Zimah Holding the sale of one of the companys
Ooredoo was unchanged at KD eased 1 fil. assets at a profit of KD 1.97 mil-
1.220 after closing in red in the Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport lion. In 2016 the profit was up
previous session. Kuwait Co took in 1 fils to close at 59 fils
Telecommunications Co (VIVA) 2.9% at KD 3.2 mln.
and KGL Logistics held ground at National Petroleum Services
fell 10 fils to 850 fils and Agility 57 fils. Yiaco Medical slipped 10
added 10 fils before settling at 650 fils to 248 fils erasing last ses- (Napesco) first quarter profit
fils. sions gains. surged 62.7% year-on-year to KD
Kuwait Finance House was flat Gulf Bank and Commercial Bank 2.31 million as to compared to KD
at 490 fils and Burgan Bank gave were unchanged at 244 fils and 365 1.42 million in same period last
up 5 fils. The bank has registered a fils respectively while Ahli United year. It company had earned KD
24.6% year-on-year increase in its Bank shed 10 fils. Al Ahli Bank 7.71 million in 2016, up 35.6%
profits to KD 17.81 for the first was not traded during the day. from 2015.
quarter of 2017. The net operating Boubyan Bank was flat at 410 Aayan Real Estate has recorded a
profit however saw a drop of 3.4 fils and Kuwait International Bank 164.7 percent jump in its profits to
pct to KD 29.16 million. dialed down 2 fils to end at 244 KD 536,890 for the first quarter of
The market opened firm and rose fils. Warba Bank took in 2 fils to 2017 from same period in the year
briefly in early trade. The main wind up at 244 fils. before. During 2016, the profit saw
index scaled the days highest mark National Investment Co and
of 6,696.63 pts and drifted side- a 1.5% uptick to KD 2.75 million
KAMCO clipped 2 fils each to
ways before falling sharply amid close at 104 fils and 79 fils respec- in 2016 from the previous year.
selling in select counters. It spiked tively whereas Kuwait Investment Kuwait National has registered a
again but slipped back into red to Co inched 1 fils higher. Al Mal 26.17 pct jump in profits to KD
bottom at 6,653.39 pts and closed Investment was flat at 18 fils with 3.23 million during the first quarter
in red. a volume of 3.7 million. of 2017 from same period in 2016.
Top gainer of the day, Remal ral- Kuwait Financial Centre The net operating profit surged
lied 7.6 pct to 70 fils and Tijara (Markaz) and Securities House Co 61.3% to KD 1.3 million.

Mideast Stocks
IMF deal fails to lift Egypt bourse

Gulf slips as Q1 loss hits PetroRabigh

DUBAI, May 14, (RTRS): Most Gulf first quarter. A year ago, it had report- the IMF stressed the need to bring
stock markets edged down on Sunday ed profit attributable to equity holders down inflation, which could mean
with Saudi Arabia dampened by a of 122.1 million dirhams. tighter-than-expected monetary and
much wider first-quarter loss at Amusement park operator DXB fiscal policy in coming months.
PetroRabigh, while agreement Entertainments sank 3.3 percent to its Global Telecom dropped 4.3 per-
between the International Monetary lowest level since August 2015. Last cent, continuing a slide that began on
Fund and Cairo did little to help Wednesday, it reported a 291.8 million Thursday when it reported a first-quar-
Egypts bourse. dirham loss for the first quarter and ter net loss attributable to shareholders
The Saudi stock index slipped 0.4 said attendance at its parks, which has $26 million versus a profit of $48 mil-
percent as PetroRabigh tumbled its 10 disappointed investors, was likely to lion a year ago.
percent daily limit after reporting that dip in the coming two quarters. Naeem brokerage said it was
its quarterly loss ballooned to 240 mil- Qatars index slippedx 0.5 percent, reviewing its recommendation for
lion riyals ($64 million) from 37 mil- partly because of a 1.3 percent pull- Global, blaming the loss on weakness
lion riyals a year earlier, and compared back by Qatar National Bank. But the at the companys Algerian business
to a profit in the previous quarter. most heavily traded stock, Vodafone and rising overheads.
The company blamed the bigger Qatar, surged 2.6 percent.
loss, which contrasted with solid first- The Omani market edged down 0.2 Saudi Arabia
quarter earnings at many Saudi petro- percent after Standard & Poors cut The index fell 0.4 percent to
chemical firms, on reduced margins Omans credit rating to junk status, 6,853 points.
for refined products and a downtrend saying low oil prices had eroded the
in crude oil prices, which hit inventory countrys external reserves to the point Dubai
valuations. Also, the firm reclassified they could no longer offset the threat The index edged down 0.1 per-
some payments and temporarily shut a of low oil prices. cent to 3,416 points.
facility in the first quarter. Trade was very thin. Analysts had
The stock had been in a strong expected banking stocks to be most Abu Dhabi
uptrend since mid-March in anticipa- vulnerable to the downgrade because it The index dropped 0.3 percent to
tion of good first-quarter earnings. could mean the banks face higher costs 4,593 points.
Medical insurer Bupa Arabia in financing themselves, but while
climbed 4 percent to 116.50 riyals Bank Muscat and Bank Sohar fell Qatar
after saying its international parent modestly early on Sunday, National The index lost 0.5 percent to
Bupa would increase its stake to 34.25 Bank of Oman rose. 10,062 points.
percent from 26.25 percent, by pur- In Egypt, the IMF said on Friday it
chasing part of Nazer Groups stake. had reached a staff-level agreement Egypt
The planned purchase would occur at a with Cairo on a second loan instal- The index slid 0.3 percent to
price of 143 riyals per share. ment, and would make available about 12,871 points.
But another insurer, MedGulf, $1.25 billion.
plunged 10 percent after saying it had The agreement had been expected, Kuwait
swung to a 93 million riyal loss in the but it came sooner than some analysts The index fell 0.2 percent to
quarter from a year-earlier profit. It had anticipated, and was accompanied 6,659 points.
cited a jump in provisions for doubtful by an IMF statement that the finance
debts and lower net underwriting ministry had drafted a very strong Bahrain
income. budget which, if enacted by parlia- The index rose 0.3 percent to
Dubais index edged down 0.1 per- ment, would put public debt on a 1,310 points.
cent in thin trade as Islamic real estate clearly declining path to sustainable
finance firm Amlak dropped 2.9 per- levels. Oman
cent after reporting net profit of 7.5 However, the Egyptian stock index The index dropped 0.2 percent to
million dirhams ($2.0 million) for the fell 0.3 percent. In its talks with Cairo, 5,420 points.


Cigna free to leave proposed Anthem merger AIIB eyes 85 members by end-2017
The US health insurer Cigna is free to leave Following Thursdays ruling Anthem did not demanding a $1.85 billion breakup fee plus China-backed Asian Infrastructure In- membership to 77.
a proposed merger with Anthem, with a judge immediately respond to an AFP request for more than $13 billion in additional damages. vestment Bank (AIIB) expects to have The seven prospective members
declining a request for a preliminary injunction comment. Anthem rejected the claim calling Cig- 85 members by the end of this year, its Bahrain, Cyprus, Samoa, Bolivia, Chile,
to block the exit. Cigna had initially been favorable to An- nas purported termination of the deal inva- president Jin Liqun said on Sunday. Greece and Romania will ofcially join
The Delaware Court of Chancerys rejected thems takeover plan, a $54 billion merger lid. Now we have 77 members. By the AIIB once they deposit their rst instal-
Anthems request to stop Cigna from termi- that would have created the largest US health Another proposed health insurer merger, end of this year, we expect to have ment of capital with the bank.
nating the deal between the health insurance insurer. between Aetna and Humana, was blocked
titans, which a federal court has blocked on But the company threw in the towel in mid- in January with a US federal judge ruling that about 85 members, including Hong Kong Beijing-based AIIB, formed in Janu-
antitrust concerns. February after the deal was successfully op- the combination would stie competition in the SAR, Jin said at the Belt and Road Fo- ary 2016, aims to provide infrastructural
The judge did stay the rulings implementa- posed in federal court by the Department of health sector. rum in Beijing. nancing in the Asia-Pacic region. The
tion until Monday, allowing Anthem to decide Justice with backing from eleven US states. Those companies said they had mutually On Saturday, AIIB said its board of multilateral development bank has been
whether to appeal. Anthem petitioned the US Supreme Court agreed to end the merger agreement, with governors had adopted resolutions ap- viewed as a rival to the Western-domi-
We look forward to closing this nal chap- last week to intervene in that dispute. Aetna saying it would pay Humana a $1 billion proving seven applicants to join the nated World Bank and Asian Develop-
ter, Cigna told AFP. Cigna has also led suit against Anthem breakup fee as set by the agreement. (AFP) bank, bringing the banks total approved ment Bank. (RTRS)

Focus on e-commerce

Wal-Mart pushing to
Dollar hits 3-week high on Fed
catch up with Amazon
NEW YORK, May 14, (AFP): Part of Wal-Marts objec-
hike speculation, labor report
Wal-Mart Stores, the 800-pound tive is to become a go-to place Euro slips off 6-month high against USD
gorilla of retail, is running hard online for essential products,
to catch up in an increasingly such as toilet paper, beauty By National Bank of Kuwait porate earnings and the interest rate ahead. UK. Carney said This is going to be
crucial segment where it is nei- products, groceries and holiday probabilities placing June hike as a a more challenging time for British
ther the biggest nor the best: e- gifts and childrens toys. United States certainty for now. The Yen closed the Europe & UK households.
commerce. We are focusing on the type week at 113.33. Our monetary policy was success- The bank asserted that it could be
The company, founded in
1962 by Sam Walton, has been
of products that customers buy
most, said Wal-Mart spokes-
D uring the second half of 2017,
only when the political shenani-
gans stop to be the center of the global
In the commodities complex, oil
prices rebounded last week after a
ful. Is it time to exit or time to think
about exit or not? This time hasnt
the end of 2019 before we nally see
a rate rise and increasing rates would
gobbling up smaller and niche man Ravi Jariwala. We want to large drop in U.S crude oil invento- come yet. not be an effective way of curbing
scene, it is likely that the world turn ries. The Energy Information Admin- ECB President Mario Draghi de-
players in e-commerce in an make sure that we have the best their attention to the debate over the higher living costs.
prices, shipping to your home or istration reported that the stockpiles fended the banks loose monetary poli- On the economic front, the trade
effort to reach online shopping Fed balance sheet management as well shrank by 5.2 million barrel last week. cy this week. The ECBs stimulus pro- decit continues to widen by 5.7 to
market leader Amazon. offering a pickup discount. as the Fed funds rates hikes as well as Moreover, Saudi Arabia oil minister gram has come under pressure from GBP 10.5 billion. As to the indus-
Whether those efforts are Wal-Mart in February their implications on the state of the stated on Monday that oil producers EU members like the Netherlands and
global economy and the US consum- trial and manufacturing sectors, both
paying off will be a focal point scrapped a subscription delivery would do whatever it takes to rebal- Germany mainly on the back of the have been declining for the past three
when Wal-Mart Stores reports program that was a rival to Ama- ers. ance the market and that he expects a negative impact of ultra-low interest
Looking only at the state of the US months consecutively. These sectors
quarterly earnings on Thurs- zon Prime in favor of a guarantee global deal on cutting crude output to rates. Draghi however claimed that the are highly sensitive and positively cor-
of free two-day shipping for or- economy, the labor market remains be extended to the end of 2017 or pos- bank was in no rush to tighten its mon-
day. close to full employment. Unemploy- related to consumers demand, which
A bit more than half of all ders of more than $35. sibly longer. WTI crude oil ended on etary policy despite insistence from has been subdued recently as rising
ment rate stands at a 10-year low of Friday at 47.84. these countries.
funds spent online in the United Under the program customers 4.4%, ination remains close to the living costs and relatively dull wage
can also pick up orders below US consumer ination rose in April, According to Draghi, the lat- growth take its toll on consumers.
States now goes to Amazon, ac- Fed target and the equity markets in however still missed market expecta- est datas out of the EU suggest that
cording to the bank Macquarie. $35 for free if they go to one of strong shape. Even Fed speakers re- economic recovery is strengthening Asia
tions for a second successive month.
Part of Amazons success Wal-Marts 4,700 US stores. main optimistic as Fed president Ka- The index rose from a previous read- and headline ination is gain upward
plan stated he still viewed three rate Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda
stems from its breadth of offer- Efforts ing of -0.3% to 0.2% as energy prices momentum, but core ination remains said that the central bank will con-
ings, which includes the Kindle hikes appropriate this year. jumped 1.1% in April. On a yearly well below the ECBs target. In addi-
These efforts may cut into So it is denitely likely that during sider reporting calculations on how a
that people use for reading and Amazons lead in e-commerce, the second half of 2017, a more promi-
basis, the CPI increased 2.2%, down tion, wage growth remains subdued. future monetary tightening possibility
the Prime service that broad- from Marchs 2.4%. The latest data To reiterate this point, ECB Gov- could affect its balance sheet nancial
but overtaking Amazon appears nent point of discussion becomes the still remains above the 1.7% aver- erning Council Philip Lane said that
casts popular television shows, unlikely anytime soon. Fed moving towards a reduction of its health despite not currently thinking
said Krista Fabregas, e-com- age annual increase over the past 10 risks in the Eurozone economy are about any specic amendments to the
They have invested heav- sizeable balance sheet and potentially years. Excluding volatility, core prices still below balance but moving to-
merce staff writer at FitSmall- continuing on its path to increase in- BoJs monetary policy. The Governor
ily on channels. It will restore increased 0.1% on the month with the wards balance. He also emphasized claimed that economic recovery is growth that was necessary for terest rates. Whether a two or three year on year rate declining to 1.9% the need to see evidence that wage in-
Its because Amazon has rates hikes, the reduction in the Fed rmer, but uncertainty over US eco-
survival, said Keith Anderson balance sheet accompanied with tight-
from 2.0% previously. ation is actually on its way to a level nomic policies remained the biggest
been doing such a great job at of e-commerce analytics rm Producers price index rebounded consistent with the target. Regarding risk to its outlook.
injecting itself into our every- er monetary policy are guaranteed to in April by 0.5% from the previous future monetary policy path, Lane said
Protero. dramatically slow global growth and The monthly business condence
day life, she told AFP. I dont see anything that sug- reading of -0.1% amid an increase in that something has to happen in the survey released by the National Aus-
cause major malaise in the next twelve food and energy prices. On a yearly rest of this year given there needs to
Wal-Mart is not part of eve- gests that Wal-Mart would catch months. tralian Bank for the month of April
ryday life, nor is Macys, nor is basis, the cost of imports jumped be a plan in 2018. indicated that business condence
up to Amazon or beat Amazon, Although the French election was 4.1%, supporting producer prices to The European commissions spring
Gap, nor the other stores. We but its still very early, he said. a land slide for Emmanuel Macron, it surged to 7 years high. The condence
dont have a connection with expand at a rate of 2.5% annually in forecast, expects the Eurozone to grow index jumped by 7 points to 13. Any
The vigor of Wal-Marts on- didnt yield the expected results over April. Excluding food and energy at an annual pace of 1.7% in 2017, up
any of them throughout the the state of the Euro in the short term. gure above zero suggests improving
line investments today contrasts volatility, prices surged 2.1% annually by 0.1% from its prior forecast and an conditions. The rise in the index is
day. with its initial reticence in e- This could be explained by the fact from 1.7% in March, suggesting the expansion of 1.8% in 2018. In a further
Wal-Mart has been doing that the win gave a sense of market mainly attributed to ongoing improve-
commerce, which was due to Fed could reach their ination target sign of a healthier economy, unemploy- ment in employment conditions.
some shopping of its own, in certainty that the Fed would raise rates sooner than previously thought. ment rate is expected to shrink to 9.4%
worries that growth of online in June, hence pushing rates differen- Needless to say that further policy
an effort to make up ground shopping would cut into sales at US job openings unexpectedly this year from 10% in 2016, before tightening may pressure domestic
against Amazon. tials again in favor of the US dollar. edged higher for March as economists descending further in 2018 to 8.9%, a
brick-and-mortar stores. On the currency front, the US dol- demand in the months ahead. On the
It spent $3.3 billion last year Wal-Mart also was slow to in- predicted a slight decline. The num- bigger drop than previously estimated. other hand, markets anticipate that
lar index started on a strong tone on ber of job vacancies rose by 61,000 The improving conditions forecasted
to buy, which was start- troduce platforms for individual speculation that the FED will increase growth will hold well given the rela-
ed by e-commerce entrepreneur coming at 5.74M. The opportunity for by the commission are largely due to tively bright outlook for the global
vendors who sought a venue for interest rates after the latest release of obtaining a job in the US is at the high- populism losing ground in Europe.
Marc Lore, whose previous goods and did not introduce US labor market data. The index ap- economy this year.
est level since September 2016 and In Germany, growth continues to Looking at ination, Chinas ina-
company was sold to Amazon such an online marketplace until preciated to the highest level since workers who voluntarily left their jobs gain momentum despite the politi-
for $550 million. April 21 at 99.88. However the Dollar tion rose more than expected in April.
2015, much after Amazon. remained unchanged at 2.1%, indicat- cal tension in Europe and around the The CPI index increased by 0.3%,
Lore is now chief executive Hannah Donoghue, direc- lost some ground on Friday after ina- ing that the labor market continues globe. The economy advanced by
tion readings came below expectation. coming at 1.2% for the year. The rise
of Walmart eCommerce US, tor of advisory at Planet Retail to tighten. Therefore, the data should 0.6% in the rst quarter from 0.4% in headline ination is elevated due
where he oversees 15,000 em- The index closed the week at 99.189. support the FOMC to increase the fed- in Q4 2016. Year on year, GDP rose
RNG, said it is still relatively Failing to move higher on the back to a rise in non-food prices growing
ployees split between Silicon early in the game as far as e- eral funds rate in June. to 1.7% as exports grew more than 2.4% from last year and higher pro-
of the French yielding a Pro Europe In the retail sector, sales picked up imports and higher inows of invest-
Valley, Boston, Omaha and commerce. President, the Euro spent the major- ducer costs from the previous quarter
Bentonville, Arkansas, where Amazon is the strongest last month adding further evidence of ments across most sectors. has started to shift into higher prices
ity of the week unable to hold its steady consumer spending. The main The BoEs Monetary Policy Com-
Wal-Mart is based. right now, they are far ahead gains against the dollar, falling from for consumers.
sectors that saw stronger demand mittee voted seven to one on keeping a On the producer front, ination
His annual salary at $237 but there are a lot of innovations a 6 months high of 1.1020. The pair were auto dealers, hardware stores status quo. On the ination front, price
million is 10 times that of Wal- underway, Donoghue said. I fell indeed to a thirteen days low on cooled down for the month of April
and e-commerce outlets. Retail sales growth is expected to reach 2.8% this after fears of weak domestic demand
Mart chief executive Doug Mc- dont think Amazon will be the Thursday at 1.0838 after US data were increased 0.4% versus an expected year from an earlier estimates of 2.4%.
Millon. only one. There will be another unexpectedly better than expected. In in China lowered commodity prices.
0.6%. Higher sales last month might The bank also expects that average The PPI index rose below expecta-
In less than ve months, Lore strong player. Addition, as the ECB explained their be an indication that delayed tax re- earnings will expand at a rate of 2%
reasoning for not altering their mon- tions coming at 6.4% and easing fur-
has directed Wal-Mart to a For now, Wall Street is giving funds in 2017 are starting to make this year from the previous estimate
etary policy, the Euro did not get any of 3%, which is likely to decrease fu- ther from the previous months gain of
number of acquisitions, includ- the edge to Amazon, valuing the their way to citizens wallets, provid- 7.6%. The recovery that emerged last
support throughout the week. It was ing additional support in the months ture living standards of citizens in the
ing ($70 million), technology giant at $453 mil- only until Friday that the disappoint- year in the economy is mainly attrib-
ModCloth ($45 million) and lion, compared with Wal-Marts ing US data led the way higher to close Rates May 14, 2017 uted to higher commodity prices and
MooseJaw ($51 million). $230 million. at the 1.0933 level. with market interest rates at a tighter
Wal-Mart is also in talks to Thats in spite of Wal-Marts Having been the best performing Previous Week Levels This Weeks 3-Month mode, economic expansion may mod-
acquire the menswear chain far greater overall revenues, G10 currency until mid-April, the Expected Range erate in the coming quarters.
Bonobos for $300 million, ac- which were $485.9 billion in Japanese Yen appreciated by 4.7% Currencies Open Low High Close Minimum Maximum Forward
against the Dollar between mid-March EUR 1.0996 1.0838 1.1022 1.0927 1.0740 1.1180 1.0985 Kuwait
cording to a person close to the 2016, more than 11 times those
and April. Since then, it seems that GBP 1.2979 1.2842 1.2987 1.2883 1.2790 1.3085 1.2930 Kuwaiti Dinar at 0.30445
matter. of Amazon. JPY 112.97 112.37 114.36 113.33 112.40 115.15 112.85 The USDKWD opened at 0.30445
unconvincingly tables have turned
on the back of the positive US cor- CHF 0.9887 0.9863 1.0099 1.0005 0.9935 1.0215 0.9950 on Sunday morning.

exchange rates May 14

US dollar Sterling pound Euro Japanese yen Swiss franc Canadian dollar Swedish krona Saudi riyal UAE dirham Bahraini dinar Omani riyal
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .301450 .303200 .303200 .388506 .387506 .387506 .326402 .326402 .326402 .002734 .002734 .002734 .301657 .302657 .302657 .221161 .219161 .219161 .029458 .029458 .029458 .079993 .080493 .080493 .081357 .081300 .081300 .799929 .799428 .799428 .783320 .777819 .777819
Sell .305850 .305550 .305550 .398506 .397106 .397106 .335402 .333502 .333502 .002914 .002914 .002914 .312657 .309657 .309657 .230161 .229161 .229161 .034458 .034458 .034458 .081293 .081133 .081133 .083057 .082750 .082750 .808429 .807928 .807928 .789000 .788819 .788819
Muzaini Sell .304650 .305850 .305850 .385980 .385980 .327870 .327870 .002697 .002697 .302970 .302970 .230510 .230510 .081654 .081654 .083356 .083356 .813070 .813070 .795218 .795218
Dollarco Sell .305800 .305350 .305350 .386500 .385255 .385255 .328000 .326577 .326577 .002750 .003760 .003760 .313000 .310110 .310110 .232000 .230175 .230175 .082000 .082425 .082425 .083700 .083640 .083640 .812500 .810950 .810950
Commercial Bank Buy .301000 .303400 .303400 .389000 .390097 .390097 .329000 .329401 .329401 .002837 .002837 .306000 .306109 .306109 .224000 .225454 .225454 .033372 .033372 .077000 .080741 .080741 .082149 .082421 .082421 .800355 .803169 .803169 .784615 .786308 .786308
Sell .307250 .307000 .307000 .399000 .394725 .394725 .339000 .333310 .333310 .002871 .002871 .315000 .308233 .308233 .235000 .227019 .227019 .033603 .033603 .083000 .081301 .081301 .082975 .082993 .082993 .808399 .808742 .808742 .792501 .791764 .791764
Gulf Bank Buy .304150 .304150 .304150 .389090 .389090 .389090 .328440 .328440 .328440 .002810 .002810 .002810 .308020 .308020 .308020 .222680 .222680 .222680 .033320 .033320 .033320 .080170 .080170 .080170 .081890 .081890 .081890 .797750 .797750 .797750 .781220 .781220 .781220
Sell .306250 .306250 .306250 .396940 .396940 .396940 .335050 .335050 .335050 .002890 .002890 .002890 .317690 .317690 .317690 .229520 .229520 .229520 .034340 .034340 .034340 .081890 .081890 .081890 .083600 .083600 .083600 .814380 .814380 .814380 .797480 .797480 .797480
NBK Buy .303700 .303700 .375890 .375890 .323290 .323290 .002863 .002863 .307200 .307200 .225290 .225290 .033320 .033320 .080610 .080610 .082340 .082340 .801620 .801620 .785390 .785390
Sell .306800 .306800 .386170 .386170 .333030 .333030 .002895 .002895 .310750 .310750 .227610 .227610 .033630 .033630 .081310 .081310 .083030 .083030 .808570 .808570 .791970 .791970
Burgan Bank Buy .303200 .303200 .372069 .372069 .320585 .320585 .002792 .002792 .307446 .307446 .225799 .225799 .033837 .033837 .080340 .080340 .082054 .082054 .799406 .799406 .782777 .782777
Sell .307300 .307300 .392484 .392484 .338196 .338196 .002946 .002946 .309736 .309736 .227450 .227450 .034084 .034084 .081115 .081115 .082850 .082850 .807107 .807107 .790274 .790274
ABK Buy .301650 .304150 .304150 .389430 .392910 .392910 .326990 .329910 .329910 .002711 .002711 .304400 .304400 .221940 .221940 .342200 .342200 .079570 .080280 .080280 .082447 .082230 .082230 .798750 .798750 .785120 .785120
Sell .307750 .306250 .306250 .399770 .397490 .397490 .336060 .334150 .334150 .002743 .002743 .308680 .308680 .224540 .224540 .349700 .349700 .082290 .081820 .081820 .083276 .083610 .083610 .813890 .813890 .798020 .798020
KFH Buy .302490 .303200 .303200 .362625 .368024 .368024 .312805 .318087 .318087 .002776 .002776 .305609 .305609 .224967 .224967 .033368 .033368 .080090 .080518 .080518 .081786 .082223 .082223 .794037 .801697 .801697 .777623 .785047 .785047
Sell .308020 .306300 .306300 .398639 .390287 .390287 .346368 .336777 .336777 .002933 .002933 .311255 .311255 .228483 .228483 .033799 .033799 .081861 .081369 .081369 .083591 .083088 .083088 .816600 .808785 .808785 .799556 .791970 .791970
KBE Sell .306250 .306250 .380900 .380900 .332100 .332100 .082810 .082810 .806500 .806500
Danish krone Indian rupee Pakistani rupee Sri Lanka rupee Bangladesh taka Philippine peso Australian dollar Hong Kong dollar Singapore dollar Jordanian dinar Egyptian pound
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .040530 .040529 .040529 .000030 .004461 .004461 .002697 .002869 .002869 .001651 .002020 .002020 .003383 .003827 .003827 .006142 .005800 .005800 .224322 .222322 .222322 .037033 .036532 .036532 .213951 .214951 .214951 .423775 .422147 .422147 .017442 .021482 .021482
Sell .045530 .045529 .045529 .004184 .004537 .004537 .002987 .002901 .002901 .002231 .002062 .002062 .003967 .003871 .003871 .006442 .006267 .006267 .236322 .235322 .235322 .039783 .039632 .039632 .223951 .220951 .220951 .432775 .429647 .429647 .024695 .022251 .022251
Muzaini Sell .004754 .004754 .002908 .002908 .002062 .002062 .003853 .003853 .006156 .006156 .039456 .039456 .215040 .215040 .431200 .431200 .023900 .017300 .017300
Dollarco Sell .004760 .004737 .004737 .003050 .002916 .002916 .002270 .002014 .002014 .004000 .003819 .003819 .006350 .006158 .006158 .433500 .431140 .431140 .020000 .017031 .017031
Commercial Bank Buy .044221 .044221 .004000 .002000 .005000 .229000 .228750 .228750 .038936 .038936 .216649 .216649 .420000 .016000
Sell .044749 .044749 .006500 .004547 .004547 .002923 .002923 .003500 .002065 .002065 .003897 .003897 .007900 .006315 .006315 .235000 .231477 .231477 .039400 .039400 .219232 .219232 .434000 .432199 .432199 .024000 .034598 .034598
Gulf Bank Buy .043920 .043920 .043920 .230110 .230110 .230110 .038790 .038790 .038790 .214770 .214770 .214770
Sell .045260 .045260 .045260 .004660 .004660 .004660 .002960 .002960 .002960 .002090 .002090 .002090 .003940 .003940 .003940 .006370 .006370 .006370 .234790 .234790 .234790 .039570 .039570 .039570 .221340 .221340 .221340 .435960 .435960 .435960 .034920 .034920 .034920
NBK Buy .044130 .044130 .004470 .004470 .002010 .002010 .006090 .006090 .232450 .232450 .216640 .216640 .424370 .424370 .033890 .033890
Sell .045080 .045080 .004650 .004650 .002950 .002950 .002080 .002080 .006260 .006260 .235440 .235440 .219340 .219340 .431750 .431750 .034430 .034430
Burgan Bank Buy .043536 .043536 .004399 .004399 .002829 .002829 .002044 .002044 .003838 .003838 .006239 .006239 .228040 .228040 .218767 .218767 .424741 .424741 .033796 .033796
Sell .045929 .045929 .004667 .004667 .003003 .003003 .002066 .002066 .003894 .003894 .006321 .006321 .229778 .229778 .220417 .220417 .428904 .428904 .034417 .034417
ABK Buy .043540 .043540 .004652 .004652 .231160 .231160 .039110 .039110 .217710 .217710 .428480 .428480
Sell .044650 .044650 .004763 .004763 .003003 .003003 .002132 .002132 .006683 .006683 .234220 .234220 .039560 .039560 .220280 .220280 .435740 .435740 .018290 .018290
KFH Buy .044029 .044029 .004492 .004492 .002868 .002868 .002033 .002033 .003802 .003802 .006148 .006148 .231898 .231898 .216405 .216405 .424743 .424743 .017393 .017393
Sell .044901 .044901 .004632 .004632 .002934 .002934 .002078 .002078 .003914 .003914 .006328 .006328 .235376 .235376 .219743 .219743 .429924 .429924 .017702 .017702
KBE Sell .004594 .004594 .002901 .002901 .002057 .002057 .003873 .003873 .006211 .006211 .017995 .017995
Cyprus pound Yemeni riyal Thai baht South African rand Korean won Syrian pound Iranian Riyal Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Indonesian rupiah New Zealand dollar
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .001374 .001364 .001364 .008291 .008230 .008230 .016426 .000255 .001286 .001285 .001285 .000084 .000147 .000181 .000181 .068677 .067416 .067416 .000019 .000018 .000018 .215304 .213304 .213304
Sell .001454 .001464 .001464 .008841 .008645 .008645 .024926 .000270 .001506 .001505 .001505 .000085 .000247 .000201 .000201 .074677 .074416 .074416 .000025 .000025 .000025 .224804 .224304 .224304
Muzaini Sell .001229 .001229 .008601 .008601 .002182 .002182 .002040 .002040 .068841 .068841
Dollarco Sell .695000 .168730 .168730 .009000 .009820 .009820 .000750 .002425 .002425 .069800 .069775 .069775
Gulf Bank Buy .215310 .215310 .215310
Sell .022540 .022540 .022540 .000020 .000020 .000020 .219690 .219690 .219690
ABK Buy .212340 .212340
Sell .216090 .216090
KFH Buy .001199 .001199 .008485 .008485 .000197 .000197 .070853 .070853
Sell .001229 .001229 .008803 .008803 .000206 .000206 .071672 .071672
KBE Sell .001550 .001550 .002377 .002377

travellers cheques US dollar Sterling Euro local gold Gold 999 kg Gold 999 10 tola Gold ounce Gold gm 22k Gold gm 21k Gold gm 18k 100 gm 999 10 gm 999
BEC .3055500 .3971064 .3335024 BEC All rates in KD per unit of
Commercial Bank .3070000 .3947250 .3333100 Muzaini Exchange 12,743.760 1,506.100 406.820 11.700 11.160 9.570 134.265
.3062500 .3969400 .3350500
foreign currency
Gulf Bank
Al-Ahli Bank .3062500 .3974900 .3341500


Pope Francis prays for Yazidis as Iraq troops advance

Iraqi forces attack IS in Mosul as battle approaches endgame

BAGHDAD, May 14, (Agencies): US- uters. God willing, this is the nal arrayed against them, the militants are mand and control. without giving more details. Muslim, or from minority groups like
backed Iraqi forces pushed deeper into phase. ghting back with suicide car bombs By taking back all the districts sur- The operation to retake Mosul was the Yazidi, who are suffering tragic
the last pocket of Mosul controlled by The elite Counter Terrorism Service and snipers embedded among hun- rounding the Old City, the militants launched in October and the citys east violence and discrimination, Francis
Islamic State militants on Sunday as (CTS) stormed the Ureibi and Rifaie dreds of thousands of civilians they are will have no chance to receive any was declared liberated in January. Iraqi said after his regular Sunday address
the battle for the city approaches an districts at dawn on Sunday, according effectively holding hostage. back-up or reinforcements, he said. forces launched the operation to retake in the Vatican.
end after seven months of gruelling to a statement from the Joint Opera- Conditions in the shrinking area un- A senior military commander says the west the following month. I encourage the different communi-
urban combat. tions Command. der militant control are increasingly government forces have launched a In recent weeks, US-backed Iraqi ties to follow the path of dialogue and
The militants have now been dis- At the same time, the armys ninth desperate as civilians resort to eat- new push to drive Islamic State group troops have slowly closed in on a small friendship, to build a future of respect,
lodged from all but a handful of dis- division and the Interior Ministrys ing weeds and many are killed under militants from four neighborhoods in cluster of neighborhoods in the citys security and peace, far from any sort
tricts in the western half of Mosul elite Emergency Response Division at- heavy bombardment. west Mosul. west. of war.
including the Old City, where Islamic tacked the Islamic State bastion of 17 The number of people eeing Mosul In a statement Sunday, Lt Gen The battle for Mosul, the densely
State is expected to make its last stand, Tammouz. has more than doubled to about 10,000 Abdul-Amir Rasheed Yar Allah says Also: populated northern Iraqi city that Is-
taking advantage of narrow streets and DAESH (Islamic State) is drawing a day since Friday, according to Iraqi Iraqi special forces are moving to the VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis called lamic State made its de facto capital,
its dense population. its last dying breath, the commander government gures. al-Eraibi and al-Rifaie neighborhoods, attention on Sunday to the plight of was approaching an end on Sunday af-
Brigadier General Yahya Rasoul of the ninth division, Lieutenant Gen- Defence analyst and former gen- while militarized federal police and people affected by war and conict in ter seven months of gruelling combat.
said the area controlled by Islamic eral Qasim Nazzal, told state televi- eral Jasim al-Bahadli said the strategy regular army forces are ghting IS in the Middle East as US-backed forces Many Yazidis, whose beliefs com-
State was no more than 9 percent of sion on Sunday. DAESH ghters are adopted by Iraqi commanders was to nearby al-Ektisadieen and 17th of July close in on Islamic State militants in bine elements of several Middle East-
west Mosul, which is bisected by the broken and quickly retreating from splinter the remaining militants into neighborhoods. Iraq. ern religions, were persecuted and held
River Tigris. fronts. smaller groups and attack them on Yar Allah says the forces have bro- So many innocent people are be- in Mosul by Islamic State, which con-
Its a very small area, he told Re- Vastly outnumbered by the forces multiple fronts to disrupt their com- ken through the enemy fortications ing sorely tested, be they Christian, or sidered them devil-worshippers.

shown in the media relates to some

Suicidal revolutions
Continued from Page 1
The statistics of losses further in-
Over 2,200 evacuate rebel-held personal devices which specialised
technical teams will address, Saudi
Arabias biggest telecoms operator
said in a statement on Sunday.
Meanwhile, US President Donald
clude about $300 billion, which were Trump ordered his homeland security
spent on counter revolutions, and a
similar amount spent on refugee care.
The bill of corruption reached to $1.2
trillion. The total losses in the past ve
years reached about $5 trillion
Damascus district: state media adviser, Tom Bossert, to hold an emer-
gency meeting Friday night to assess
the threat posed by a global computer
ransomware attack in at least 150
countries, a senior administration of-
Instead of achieving justice, free- cial told Reuters.
dom and equality, these revolutions
ended up increasing the level of illit-
Qatari Amir reiterates political solution to Syria Senior security staff held another
meeting in the White House Situation
eracy to 57 million people, while more Room on Saturday, and the FBI and
than 14 million children did not join DAMASCUS, May 14, National Security Agency were trying
schools during those years. to identify the perpetrators of the mas-
This is the outcome on the destiny of (Agencies): More than sive cyber attack, said the ofcial, who
nations brought by revolutionary zeal 2,200 civilians and rebels spoke on condition on anonymity to
and political immaturity. evacuated an opposition discuss internal deliberations.
However, this trend of losses started
in 1952 with the so-called Revolu- district in Damascus on Escalate
tion of the Free Ofcers Movement Sunday, state media said, The unprecedented global cyberat-
in Egypt. It launched the era of over- bringing the government tack has hit more than 200,000 victims
throwing monarchy regimes in several in scores of countries, Europol said
Arab countries. That was when the closer to cementing its con- Sunday, warning that the situation
actual strive to achieve Israels objec- trol over the Syrian capital. could escalate when people return to
tives of destroying the Arab world us- work.
ing the hands of Arabs began.
The evacuations from the Qabun An international manhunt was well
Arabs get easily fascinated by revo- district in northeast Damascus fol- under way for the plotters behind the
lutionary slogans. Six years back, they low similar departures from the worlds biggest-ever computer ransom
failed to analyze the end of previous Barzeh and Tishrin neighbour- assault.
revolutions and how such revolutions hoods earlier this week. The indiscriminate attack, which
transformed into dictatorship entities. The rst phase of the agreement in began Friday, struck banks, hospitals
This concurs exactly with what the the Qabun district has been completed and government agencies in more than
American historian Barbara W. Tuch- with the evacuation of 2,289 people, 150 countries, exploiting known vul-
man said Every successful revolu- including 1,058 armed men, Da- nerabilities in old Microsoft computer
tion in time puts on the robes of the mascus governor Beshr Assaban was operating systems.
tyrant it deposed. quoted as saying by the ofcial SANA US package delivery giant FedEx,
For the sake of history, some of the news agency. European car factories, Spanish tele-
monarchies which were overthrown He said the aim of the evacuation coms giant Telefonica, Britains health
at that time could not be regarded as was to end the presence of armed service and Germanys Deutsche Bahn
tyranny. For instance, Egypt under forces in the neighbourhood. rail network were among those hit.
the monarch Farouq was wealthier An AFP correspondent inside Qa- Europol executive director Rob
and more advanced economically and bun saw around a dozen white buses Syrian pro-government forces manoeuver a tank as they advance through Qabun district, on the outskirts of the Wainwright said the situation could
educationally than the Egypt of Abdul- carrying out residents and ghters, af- capital Damascus, on May 13, during an offensive to retake the area from opposition ghters. (AFP) worsen on Monday as workers return
nasser. ter a deal for the neighbourhood was to their ofces after the weekend and
Iraq under the monarchical system announced late Saturday following Others showed off a tunnel they had ti-government protests in March 2011. Amir afrmed that the asylum crisis log on.
was more stable than the Iraq after the heavy ghting. discovered, one of many that rebels But the government has made secur- is the product of regional conicts, Weve never seen anything like
17 July Revolution when the streets At the edge of the district, two wom- used to connect besieged neighbour- ing control of the last remaining rebel civil wars and displacements on racial, this, the head of the European
of Baghdad witnessed random killings. en embraced and wept as they faced hoods. districts in the capital a key priority. ethnic or other sectarian backgrounds, Unions policing agency told Britains
The Libya of Sanousi was free of the the prospect of parting ways. This tunnel is ten metres (more Meanwhile, Qatars Amir Sheikh some of which date back long ago such ITV television, calling its reach un-
huge political prisons that were preva- Suad, 22, was leaving behind her than 30 feet) deep, and connects Qa- Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani has un- as the Palestinian refugees displace- precedented.
lent during the era of Gadda when friend Mona, also 22, to follow her bun with the town of Arbin in rebel- derlined the necessity of concluding a ment in 1948 during the Palestinian The latest count is over 200,000
forced disappearance of people was family to Idlib province, a rebel-held held Eastern Ghouta, one soldier said. political solution to the crisis in Syria. Nakba (catastrophe), whose anniver- victims in at least 150 countries. Many
rampant. area in northwest Syria. It was used by militants to smuggle In the end the solution must be a sary coincides with these days. of those victims will be businesses, in-
These revolutions the past and I didnt want to leave, but I have to weapons and food. political one that achieves justice for He noted that the issue of Palestine cluding large corporations.
present ones exposed the backs of stay with my family, and they prefer to He said another tunnel had been dis- the Syrian people who have passed started as a cause of people who have Were in the face of an escalating
Arabs, and pushed some countries in go to Idlib after my uncle left with the covered between the Barzeh and Qa- through an unprecedented experience been uprooted from their land; other threat.
crisis into the hands of Irans regime. group from Barzeh, said Suad. bun neighbourhoods and destroyed on because they have dared to aspire to cases are relatively recent, such as the Im worried about how the num-
The latter became fearless after the I never thought one day Id be in this Saturday. freedom and justice, the Amir added. situation of displaced Iraqis eeing bers will continue to grow when peo-
success of 1979 Khomeinis revolution position, she added, sobbing heavily. It was the width of two cars. This was the core of the Amirs the siege and war, while some of them ple go to work and turn on their ma-
and aimed at invading the Arab world I cant describe how I feel. A lieutenant, who declined to give statement to the opening session of were displaced on sectarian cleansing chines on Monday.
in order to share inuence with Israel. Those evacuating carried small bags his name, said the capture of Qabun the 17th edition of the Doha Forum, background.
In light of this horror represented by with them as they boarded the buses, had been months in the making. themed Development, Stability and The Amir said that development
while others who had decided to stay This battle lasted for 15 days Refugee Crisis, on Sunday. and stability are interdependent and
the Arabs losses owing to the spring
revolutions, under the absence of a registered their names at a military but we have been planning it for six The war launched against the Syr- intertwined; there is no development Newswatch
national security umbrella, and amid post. months, he said. ian people continues to take its toll on without stability, and no stability
huge economic destruction, the quote The evacuation deal came on Satur- We would not have been able to them in terms of devastation and dis- without development. The absence
of Russian writer Andrei Platonov ac- day night after government forces ad- succeed without controlling the net- placement, Sheikh Tamim said. of development and stability triggers Continued from Page 1
curately depicts the reality. He said, vanced inside the neighbourhood. work of tunnels. We found more than According to international statis- trans-border inux of refugees, there-
The Syrian army yesterday man- 10 tunnels so far, and there are still tics, the number of Syrian refugees fore national commitment to achieve Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-
At the time of the revolution, dogs Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sa-
howled day and night. In other words, aged to encircle dozens of armed ele- more. has reached ve million since the out- them should not be separate from the
ments inside Qabun neighbourhood, The deals for Qabun, Barzeh and break of the crisis, while the displaced international commitments on this is- bah. (KUNA)
the number of thieves increases and
become more audacious than they forcing them to surrender and hand Tishrin neighbourhoods follow a pat- people inside Syria itself have reached sue, he said.
were in past to mug and rob. over their weapons, a source from the tern of agreements under which the nearly twice this gure, he added. Kuwaits Minister of Social Af- KUWAIT CITY: Five decrees
pro-regime National Defence Forces rebels agree to surrender in exchange The Qatari Amir stressed that the fairs and Labor, and State Minister of have been issued to allow ve
militia told AFP. for safe passage to opposition-held ter- increasing conicts and crises in the Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh, is expatriates (two Jordanians, a
Ramadan on The signs of the recent ghting, as
well as years of prior bombardment
ritory elsewhere.
The government says the deals are
world today have led to the displace-
ment of millions of refugees around
attending the forum as a Representa-
tive of His Highness the Amir Sheikh
Yemeni, a Lebanese and a Syr-
ian) to own property in Kuwait,
and clashes, were visible all around the best way to end the six-year war, the world. This means millions of sto- Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. reports Al-Rai daily.
Continued from Page 1 with rubble from partly and complete- but the opposition says it is forced into ries of individual and family suffering The opening session was attended The decrees were issued fol-
seasons. Ramadan is the ninth month, ly destroyed buildings strewn across the agreements by regime bombard- that are not measured quantitatively; it by of Sudanese President Omar Al- lowing a review of the Kuwait
the roads. ment and siege. also means tampering with the destiny Bashir, President of Mali Ibrahim Constitution, Decree No. 5/1959,
devoted to fasting from sunrise till the Real-Estate Registration
sunset with more prayers and acts of Tanks sent up clouds of dust as they Two groups of evacuees left Barzeh of nations and communities. Boubacar Keita, Lebanons Prime
manoeuvred over mounds of debris, neighbourhood this week, with one What is certain is that this matter Minister Saad Al Hariri, and Somali Law and its amended laws, and
worship also observed by the devotees. decree Law No. 74/1979, regu-
The start of Ramadan is not an- and dirt and black smoke rose from leaving from Tishrin. redoubles the international commu- Premier Hassan Ali Khayre, together
res still burning in the neighbour- All three headed to Idlib province. nitys responsibility and requires fur- with numerous ofcials, businessmen, lating the non-Kuwaiti owner-
nounced according to astrological cal- Damascus has been insulated from ther efforts to nd just and sustainable academics, parliamentarians, intellec- ship of real estate as amended by
culations alone. A testimony of sight- A few days ago we couldnt be some of the worst violence of Syr- radical solutions to these conicts that tuals, journalists, representatives of re- Decree No. 119/1986.
ing the crescent by two men or a man According to Minister of Jus-
here. The road was too dangerous, ias war, which has killed more than bring about refugees and at the same gional and international organizations tice, expatriates are authorized
and two women is required for the call said one soldier. 320,000 people since it began with an- time to alleviate their suffering. The civil society organizations.
for fasting. to own residential properties
in one of the residential areas
clear missile launch codes was handed the Arc de Triomphe where he stood ers. in Kuwait with the approval of
Amir congratulates over. in a downpour, without raincoat or Manhunt on It issued guidance for people to the Council of Ministers and in
Macron then accompanied his polit- umbrella, to light the ame in tribute protect their systems, while taking accordance with the conditions
ical patron, for whom he once worked to Frances war dead at the tomb for the highly unusual step of reissuing stipulated in Article 3 of decree
Continued from Page 1 as economy minister, down the red the unknown soldier a powerful re-
Continued from Page 1 security patches rst made available Law No. 74/ 1979.
carpet to a waiting car in which the minder of Frances role in the NATO response team said. in March for Windows XP and other
and for working to reconcile the
French, Macron declared. Socialist leader departed to applause defence alliance. It only guarantees that the mali- older versions of its operating system. CAIRO: A colonel in the Egyp-
A convinced European integration- from VIP guests and his former house- A visit to French troops in Mali cious actors receive the victims mon- US software rm Symantec said tian military was killed and three
ist unlike Le Pen and other leadership hold staff. planned for next Friday was a strong ey, and in some cases, their banking the majority of organisations affected recruits injured on Sunday when
candidates, Macron went on: The In a ceremony conducted with all symbol of his commitment to pursue information. were in Europe, and the attack was be- their armoured vehicle was hit
world and Europe need more than ever the pomp and glitter of high state occa- Frances military and peacekeeping Experts and ofcials offered differ- lieved to be indiscriminate. by an explosion in the Sinai
France, and a strong France, which sions in France, Macron was presented role in the Middle East and Africa. ing estimates of the scope of the at- The companies and government peninsula, security sources said.
speaks out loudly for freedom and with what is effectively his chain of Macron showed determination too tacks, but all agreed it was huge. agencies targeted were diverse. The attack in the northern
solidarity. ofce a heavy golden necklace in the ght against terrorism by shak- Mikko Hypponen, chief research In the United States, package deliv- Sinai was the latest in an area
mounted on a red cushion that makes ing hands with well-wishers on the ofcer at the Helsinki-based cyber se- ery group FedEx said it was imple- where security forces have
He will launch his bid for closer ties been battling the local afliate
with EU anchor nation Germany at him Grand Master of the National Champs Elysees, not far from where curity company F-Secure, told AFP it menting remediation steps as quickly
Order of the Legion dHonneur an a policeman was shot dead by a gun- was the biggest ransomware outbreak as possible, while French carmaker of Islamic State, which authori-
talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel ties say has killed hundreds of
on Monday in Berlin where he will honours system for servants of the Re- man acting for Islamic State shortly in history, saying that 130,000 systems Renault was forced to stop production
public. before the May 7 second round of the in more than 100 countries had been at sites in France, Slovenia and Roma- members of the security forces.
ram home the message that the bloc is (RTRS)
resilient despite Britains Brexit vote But he also appeared determined to election. affected. nia.
create an impression of personal mod- More than 230 people have died in He said Russia and India were hit Elsewhere, Saudi Telecom Co(STC)
and a spate of nancial and migration
crises that has boosted the far right. esty at the start of his rule. attacks claimed by Islamic State in particularly hard, largely because Mi- has denied that its systems were af- TEHRAN: A 5.7 magnitude
On Monday, Macron is to name his Aides went out of their way to em- France over the past two years as the crosofts Windows XP -- one of the fected by the ransomware virus that earthquake near Irans border
prime minister, whose job will be to pi- phasise that the dark suit he wore to country has taken part in military ac- operating systems most at risk -- was has spread across 150 countries since with Turkmenistan killed two
lot the presidents liberalising reforms stride up the red carpet to power cost tion against the militant group that still widely used there. Friday, responding to photos circulat- people, injured hundreds and
aimed at reducing high unemployment about 450 euros or just under $500. controls parts of Syria and Iraq. French police said there were more ed on social media claiming to show caused widespread damage,
and reviving the sluggish economy. The Vuitton lavender blue costume Fifteen hundred police were mo- than 75,000 victims around the globe, infected STC computers. state media reported Sunday,
The rise of Macron, which was worn by his wife Brigitte, who was at bilised to ensure security for Ma- but cautioned that the number could The photos showed desktop com- citing the countrys seismologi-
his side, was on loan from the fashion crons inauguration while a large increase signicantly. puters displaying the hallmark red cal centre.
marked by a 21-gun salute at the Es- The quake, which struck at
planade des Invalides behind the Eiffel house, journalists were told. section of Paris was closed to traffic The virus spread quickly because window of the WannaCry virus that
But he also displayed youthful all morning. the culprits used a digital code be- has locked up more than 200,000 com- 1800 GMT Saturday in and
Tower, signalled at least a pause in the around the city of Bojnurd,
anti-globalisation trend that elevated vigour and hardiness during the tele- In coming parliamentary elections lieved to have been developed by the puters worldwide. North Khorasan province,
businessman Donald Trump into the vised proceedings. At one point, he in June he must try to win a majority US National Security Agency -- and In one photo, multiple computers killed a 54-year-old woman and
US presidency and led British voters to raced up the Elysee stairs to meet a for his start-up Republic on the Move subsequently leaked as part of a docu- are shown displaying the red windows a teenage girl, ISNA news agen-
choose a future outside the European protocol requirement, something not (REM) party that has blown apart tra- ment dump, according to researchers at in what appears to be a large opera- cy reported.
Union. all previous French presidents might ditional French political boundaries. the Moscow-based computer security tions room with an STC logo visible in It left more than 370 people
Macron assumed power after an have managed. Macron, who rose to prominence as rm Kaspersky Lab. the background. injured and damaged as many as
hour-long private meeting with out- Later, departing from tradition, he Hollandes economy minister between Microsoft said the situation was The company claries that its net- 40 percent of houses in the area,
going President Francois Hollande in chose to be driven by military jeep 2014 and 2016, might therefore strug- painful and that it was taking all works and systems were not affected, it said. (AFP)
which ofcial access to Frances nu- rather than civilian limousine up to gle to get the country behind him. possible actions to protect our custom- thank God, and further that what was


Shermans Lagoon By J.P. Toomey


Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Hagar The Horrible By Chris Browne

Beetle Bailey By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds n ends
CHEFCHAOUEN: If nothing is
done, this species will disappear
within 10 years, warns a poster
on Ahmed Harrads ageing 4x4
showing Moroccos famed Bar-
bary macaque monkey.
Harrad spends his time criss-
Garfield By Jim Davis crossing northern Morocco to
try to convince locals to protect
the endangered monkey.
The only species of ma-
caque outside Asia, which lives
on leaves and fruits and can
weigh up to 20 kilogrammes
(45 pounds), was once found
throughout North Africa and
parts of Europe.
But having disappeared from
Libya and Tunisia, it is now re-
stricted to mountainous regions
of Algeria and Moroccos north-
ern Rif region. Another semi-wild
population of about 200 individu-
als in Gibraltar are the only free-
ranging monkeys in Europe.
Today, the only native pri-
mate north of the Sahara, apart
Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott from humans, is in danger of
extinction, according to the In-
ternational Union for Conserva-
tion of Nature (IUCN).
Conservationists blame ille-
gal poaching, tourists who feed
the monkeys and overexploita-
tion of the cedar and oak forests
that form the species natural
In response, Morocco has
launched a campaign to save
the species.
We are working on two ar-
eas monitoring and making a
census of the species in the Rif
and raising awareness among
locals so that they actively help
rescue it, Harrad said.
As head of a local associa-

Conceptis Sudoku Challenger tion, Barbary Macaque Aware-

ness & Conservation (BMAC),
Harrad has become a tireless
The grid must be so completed that every row, column advocate for the animal.
He says it is often sold to
and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive A Barbary macaque looks on from a tree branch in a forest near the Moroccan town buyers in Europe for between
of Azrou, in the Atlas mountain chain on April 15, 2017. (AFP) $110 and $330 (100 and 300
DIRECTIONS: euros) despite laws forbidding
the trade.
Fill each square
with a number, one
through nine.
contract bridge A lot of foreigners buy mon-
keys as pets, he said.
Seen as quiet and cute when
it is young, the adult monkey
Horizontal By Steve Becker can become a burden, Harrad
squares should said.
add to totals on It breaks things, bites, ghts
right. with children and climbs the
Vertical squares curtains, prompting many own-
should add to ers to abandon their pets, he
totals on bottom. But that hasnt stopped the
Diagonal tailless monkeys, with their
squares through thick grey-and-ginger fur, being
center should add highly sought-after by passing
Yesterdays solution travellers throughout the ages.
to total in upper
According to National Geo-
and lower right. graphic, skeletal remains of ma-
caques have been discovered
THERE MAY BE in the ashes of Pompeii, deep
MORE THAN ONE within an ancient Egyptian cata-
SOLUTION. comb, and buried beneath an
Irish hilltop where the Bronze
Age kings of Ulster once held
Todays Challenge court.
Time 4 Minutes Zouhair Ahmaouch, an ofcial
Answer to yesterdays puzzle 16 Seconds at Moroccos High Commission
Your Working for Water, Forests and Combat-
Time __ Minutes ing Desertication, said the new
conservation plan focused on
__ Seconds tackling poaching. (AFP)

Word by Word

Blind Ama
None are so blind as those who will not see.
Laisa ahad ashad ama men olaeka al theena la yore-
doun an yobssero.


7556 Seven
fifty six
thousand five hundred

Sabat alaf wa khamso maah

wa setah wa khamsoun


Sale fans out 12, guides Bosox past Rays

Bautistas 3-run homer leads Blue Jays 7-2 win over Mariners
BOSTON, May 14, (AP):
NFL Roundup Chris Sale struck out 12
while pitching seven solid
innings and Mookie Betts
Cards sign Holden hit a two-run homer, lead-
ing the Boston Red Sox to a
Saints expect Unger 6-3 victory over the Tampa
ready in preseason Bay Rays on Saturday.
It was Sales seventh straight start
NEW YORK, May 14, (RTRS): with double-digit strikeouts. The
The New Orleans Saints now ex- 6-foot-6 left-hander allowed three
pect center Max Unger, who re- runs and two hits, both homers.
cently underwent foot surgery, to Joe Kelly worked the eighth before
be ready to play in Week 3 of the Craig Kimbrel nished the three-hitter
preseason. for his 11th save.
There were reports speculating Betts also doubled in a run in Bos-
that Unger would miss start of the tons four-run fth inning. Deven Mar-
regular season, but Saints coach rero drove in two runs, helping the Red
Sean Payton said otherwise on Sox to their 14th win in their last 19
Saturday. games against the Rays.
We antici- Kevin Kiermaier and Logan Mor-
pate probably rison homered for Tampa Bay, which
early August, has dropped seven of 11. Blake Snell
Payton told re- (0-4) allowed six runs and six hits in
porters on day 5-2/3 innings.
two of rookie Nationals 6, Phillies 4
when asked In Washington, fresh from getting
about Ungers a big deal, Bryce Harper hit a game-
return. ending home run with two outs in the
T h e ninth inning that sent Washington over
31-year-old Philadelphia.
Unger Hours before the game, the Nationals
Unger has
announced they had reached agreement Los Angeles Dodgers Justin Turner (left), dives back into rst base as Colorado Rockies rst baseman Mark Reynolds elds the pickoff throw in the rst
been dealing with the same foot
with Harper on a $21,625,000 contract inning of a baseball game on May 13, in Denver. (AP)
injury that caused him to miss one for the 2018 season, covering the slug-
game last season. ging outelder through his last year be-
Payton said Saturday that Un-
ger decided to have surgery about
a week ago to insert a screw into
fore he can become a free agent.
Then in the ninth, the 24-year-old
star provided an immediate payoff.
Port Adelaide big winners in Australian Rules match in China
the foot after not seeing positive Pinch hitter Adam Lind led off with
results following the initial plan SHANGHAI, May 14, (AP): The Port Fairfax Media in Australia re- After players and umpires took ofcial said.
a single against Edubray Ramos (0- Adelaide Dockers have easily beat- ported that the pre-match festivities their positions for the Australian The mistake was quickly rectied
of resting the injury. 3) and two outs later, Harper lined an
en the Gold Coast Suns 16.14 (110) became an issue when the Port Ad- and Chinese national anthems at and the Australian national anthem
0-1 pitch over the wall in center for his to 4.14 (38) in the rst regular-sea- elaide teams theme song was ini- Jiangwan Sports Centre, a ground was eventually played. At the end
Cleveland Browns safety 11th homer of the season. son Australian Rules football match tially played instead of the Austral- operator had accidentally pressed of the match, Port Adelaides theme
Jabrill Peppers signed his par- Cardinals 5, Cubs 3 played in China. ian national anthem. the wrong button, a Port Adelaide song was played without any issues.
ticipation agreement on Saturday In St Louis, Carlos Martinez pitched
and took part in day two of rookie into the seventh inning and collected two times and Kansas City beat Baltimore.
minicamp practice.
Peppers, the No. 25 overall
hits, leading the Cardinals to the win. Karns is the rst in franchise his- MLB Scoreboard
St Louis also got another solid per- tory to strike out 12 in ve innings.
pick out of Michigan, sat out the formance from Tommy Pham, who The last major league pitcher to ac-
rst practice of minicamp on Fri- had two hits and two RBIs. The out- complish that was Jake Arrieta of the
day because he had not signed the elder is batting .387 with seven extra- Chicago Cubs on June 5, 2016. WASHINGTON, May 14, (Agencies): Results Trout, Los Angeles, 23; 4 tied at 22.
agreement that protects him in from the MLB games on Saturday: RBI: Cruz, Seattle, 31; Sano, Minnesota,
base hits in eight games since being Baltimores Chris Davis homered Detroit 4 LA Angels 3 30; Cano, Seattle, 28; Judge, New York, 28;
case of injury. recalled from Triple-A this month. off Seth Maness (1-0) to tie it 3-3 in LA Dodgers 4 Colorado 0 Alonso, Oakland, 27; Gallo, Texas, 27; Betts,
Peppers begins his career in the sixth, but Brandon Moss homered Pittsburgh 4 Arizona 3 Boston, 25; Garcia, Chicago, 25; Pujols, Los
Stage One of the NFLs drug pro- Texas 6 Oakland 5 Angeles, 25; 2 tied at 24.
gram because of a diluted sample
BASEBALL off Alec Asher (1-2) to put Kansas Kansas City 4 Baltimore 3 HITS: Pillar, Toronto, 47; Castro, New York,
City back ahead later that inning. Atlanta 3 Miami 1 46; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 45; Garcia, Chi-
at the NFL Combine. On Friday, In a rematch of the season opener, Mar- Hosmer had two hits and walked Milwaukee 11 NY Mets 4 cago, 43; Benintendi, Boston, 42; Bogaerts,
Peppers denied allegations by a Chicago W. Sox 5 San Diego 4 Boston, 42; Cruz, Seattle, 42; Escobar, Los
tinez (3-3) again topped Jon Lester (1-2). twice. The Royals scored three runs Washington 6 Philadelphia 4 Angeles, 42; Hosmer, Kansas City, 41; Segura,
red ESPN Cleveland contribu- Martinez allowed three runs and ve hits in 4-1/3 innings off Chris Tillman. Minnesota 4 Cleveland 1 Seattle, 41; 3 tied at 40.
tor that he was using illegal rec- in 6-2/3 innings, striking out seven. St Louis 5 Chicago Cubs 3 DOUBLES: Moreland, Boston, 15; Betts,
reational drugs. Giants 3, Reds 1 San Francisco 3 Cincinnati 1 Boston, 13; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 11; Pillar, To-
Top Cubs prospect Ian Happ homer- Toronto 7 Seattle 2 ronto, 11; CSantana, Cleveland, 11; 8 tied at 10.
ed off Martinez in the seventh for his In San Francisco, Brandon Belt
Boston 6 Tampa Bay 3 TRIPLES: Castellanos, Detroit, 3; Miller,
rst hit in his major league debut. Lest- and Justin Ruggiano homered, Matt Tampa Bay, 3; Adduci, Detroit, 2; Beckham,
Coach Mike Tomlin of the MLB Standings
er was charged with four runs, three Moore pitched into the eighth inning Tampa Bay, 2; Bogaerts, Boston, 2; Garcia,
Pittsburgh Steelers liked what and the Giants beat the Reds in a American League Chicago, 2; Judge, New York, 2; Sano, Min-
he saw from the newest players earned, and six hits in 5-2/3 innings. Eastern Division nesota, 2; Trout, Los Angeles, 2; 16 tied at 1.
Seung Hwan Oh pitched the ninth matchup of weary teams. HOME RUNS: Judge, New York, 13; Gallo,
on the team during the three-day San Francisco and Cincinnati had a W L PCT GB Texas, 12; Alonso, Oakland, 11; Davis, Oak-
rookie minicamp. for his 10th save in 11 opportunities. NY Yankees 21 12 .636 -
quick turnaround after they played 17 land, 10; Morrison, Tampa Bay, 10; Sano, Min-
Tomlin and his staff got an Rangers 6, Athletics 5 Baltimore 22 13 .629 - nesota, 10; Gonzalez, Houston, 9; Machado,
innings Friday night, with the Giants Boston 19 17 .528 3-1/2
up-close look at their draft picks Chicago White Soxs Yolmer Baltimore, 9; Trout, Los Angeles, 9; 4 tied at 8.
In Arlington, Texas, Elvis Andrus winning 3-2 on Buster Poseys game- Tampa Bay 18 21 .462 6 STOLEN BASES: Cain, Kansas City, 10;
outside linebacker T.J. Watt, and Nomar Mazara had consecutive ending homer. Toronto 16 21 .432 7 Sanchez hits a winning single Dyson, Seattle, 10; Altuve, Houston, 9; Ells-
receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster, two-RBI hits as Texas rallied earlier Moore (2-4) provided a lift with Central Division against the San Diego Padres bury, New York, 8; 7 tied at 6.
cornerback Cameron Sutton, 7-1/3 innings of one-run ball. He al- W L PCT GB during the ninth inning of an in- PITCHING: Keuchel, Houston, 6-0; ESan-
this time, beating Oakland for its sea- tana, Minnesota, 6-1; Bundy, Baltimore, 5-1;
running back James Conner, son-best fth straight victory. lowed eight hits, struck out seven and Minnesota 19 14 .576 - terleague baseball game in Chi- Tanaka, New York, 5-1; Triggs, Oakland, 5-2;
quarterback Josh Dobbs, corner- The Rangers loaded the bases in the walked three. Cleveland 18 17 .514 2 cago, on May 13. (AP) Vargas, Kansas City, 5-1; 7 tied at 4-1.
Detroit 18 17 .514 2
back Brian Allen, long snapper seventh when reliever Ryan Dull (1-2) The last-place Giants (14-24) won Chicago W Sox 16 18 .471 3-1/2 Wilson (9) and McCann; Nolasco, Petit (7), B.
ERA: Vargas, Kansas City, 1.01; Paxton,
Colin Holba and outside line- Seattle, 1.43; ESantana, Minnesota, 1.50;
allowed a hit and two walks before Liam consecutive games for just the second Kansas City 15 21 .417 5-1/2 Norris (9) and Maldonado. W_A. Wilson 1-1. Keuchel, Houston, 1.69; Carrasco, Cleveland,
backer Keion Adams. Hendriks took over on the mound. time this season. Western Division L_B. Norris 1-2. Sv_J. Wilson (2). HRs_Detroit, 1.86; Sale, Boston, 2.15; Triggs, Oakland,
Upton, Martinez 2. Los Angeles, Trout.
Andrus then grounded a single Scott Schebler homered for Cin- W L PCT GB
2.21; Bundy, Baltimore, 2.27; Holland, Chica-
cinnati, and Lisalverto Bonilla (0-1) Houston 25 11 .694 - go, 2.43; Miley, Baltimore, 2.46; 1 tied at 2.54.
Head coach Bill OBrien of the through the left side of the ineld to San Diego 101 010 0104 6 1 STRIKEOUTS: Sale, Boston, 85; Archer,
tie it at 4. Mazara followed by lining a pitched a six-hitter for his rst career Texas 18 20 .474 8
Houston Texans already is more LA Angels 18 21 .462 8-1/2 Chicago 010 120 0015 10 0 Tampa Bay, 59; McCullers, Houston, 57; Es-
two-run double over left elder Khris complete game. Seattle 17 20 .459 8-1/2 Cahill, Torres (7), Quackenbush (7), Hand trada, Toronto, 53; Salazar, Cleveland, 53;
involved in the offense this off- (8) and Hedges; Covey, Swarzak (5), Kahnle Darvish, Texas, 52; Porcello, Boston, 52;
season after the teams struggles Davis and to the wall. Twins 4, Indians 1 Oakland 16 20 .444 9
Keuchel, Houston, 50; Pineda, New York, 50;
(7), Jennings (8), Dav. Robertson (9) and K.
National League
on that side of the ball in 2016. Dodgers 4, Rockies 0 In Cleveland, Jose Berrios pitched Smith. W_Dav. Robertson 2-0. L_Hand 0-3. Karns, Kansas City, 48; 1 tied at 46.
Eastern Division HRs_San Diego, Cordoba, Myers, Margot. National League
The Texans offense sputtered In Denver, Alex Wood struck out 10 neatly into the eighth inning in his Chicago, Garcia.
W L PCT GB BATTING: Zimmerman, Washington, .397;
with now-departed Brock Os- in six innings and drove in a run with rst start of the season and the Twins National League Harper, Washington, .368; Posey, San Fran-
Washington 23 12 .657 -
weiler at quarterback last season a well-placed bunt on a squeeze play, beat the Indians in a game delayed NY Mets 16 19 .457 7 Cincinnati 000 001 0001 8 0 cisco, .359; Turner, Los Angeles, .353; Free-
and OBrien expects signicant leading Los Angeles past Colorado. several minutes when a squirrel ran Atlanta 13 20 .394 9 S. Francisco 110 000 10x3 6 1 man, Atlanta, .342; Gyorko, St Louis, .337;
improvement in 2017 with Tom around the eld. Philadelphia 13 20 .394 9 Bonilla and Mesoraco; M. Moore, Strickland Cozart, Cincinnati, .336; Kemp, Atlanta, .333;
Brett Eibner supplied additional of- (8), Law (9) and Hundley. W_M.Moore 2-4. Murphy, Washington, .331; Reynolds, Colo-
Savage and rookie Deshaun Max Kepler connected to give Miami 13 22 .371 10
fense with his rst home run of the sea- Central Division L_Bonilla 0-1. Sv_Law (3). HRs_Cincinnati, rado, .331; 1 tied at .327.
Watson under center. son and Austin Barnes and Justin Turner the Twins a home run in 14 straight Schebler. San Francisco, Belt, Ruggiano. RUNS: Harper, Washington, 39; Thames,
Ive been probably doing games, their longest streak since W L PCT GB Chicago 010 000 2003 6 2 Milwaukee, 34; Freeman, Atlanta, 30; Hernan-
added RBI doubles for the Dodgers, who St Louis 20 15 .571 - St Louis 001 202 00x5 8 1 dez, Philadelphia, 30; Goldschmidt, Arizona,
more coaching myself in the last won their 100th game at Coors Field, the 1988. He also had an RBI single in Milwaukee 20 17 .541 1 Lester, Strop (6), Montgomery (7) and Contre- 28; Zimmerman, Washington, 28; Votto, Cin-
four or ve weeks than Ive done most by any visiting club. a three-run fourth for the AL Central Cincinnati 19 17 .528 1-1/2 ras; C. Martinez, Bowman (7), Rosenthal (8), Oh (9) cinnati, 27; Pollock, Arizona, 26; Reynolds,
in the three years that Ive been Wood (4-0) fanned at least one bat- leaders, who handed Cleveland its Chicago Cubs 18 18 .500 2-1/2 and Molina. W_C. Martinez 3-3. L_Lester 1-2. Sv_ Colorado, 26; Yelich, Miami, 26; 2 tied at 25.
third straight loss. Pittsburgh 15 22 .405 6 Oh (10). HRs_Chicago, Happ. St Louis, Gyorko. RBI: Zimmerman, Washington, 36; Votto,
here, OBrien told reporters on ter in ve of his six innings and struck Cincinnati, 33; Harper, Washington, 31; Reyn-
Western Division Atlanta 000 200 0103 7 0
Saturday during rookie minicamp. out the side in the third en route to The squirrel appeared from right Miami 000 000 1001 5 1 olds, Colorado, 31; Murphy, Washington, 30;
reversing a dismal history at Coors, eld with Michael Brantley batting in
Colorado 23 15 .605 -
Teheran, OFlaherty (7), Vizcaino (8), John- Shaw, Milwaukee, 30; Goldschmidt, Arizona,
29; Ozuna, Miami, 29; Blackmon, Colorado,
where he had gone 0-2 with an 11.25 the Cleveland sixth. Play was halted son (9) and Flowers; Volquez, J. Garcia (7),
The Texans placed injured LA Dodgers 22 15 .595 0-1/2 Wittgren (8), Phelps (9) and Realmuto. W_Te- 27; 5 tied at 26.
ERA in four previous starts. as the squirrel cut across the ineld. Arizona 21 17 .553 2 heran 3-3. L_Volquez 0-5. Sv_Johnson (6). HITS: Zimmerman, Washington, 50; Murphy,
veteran offensive tackle Derek It eventually hopped into the stands San Diego 14 24 .368 9 HRs_Miami, Bour. Washington, 46; Myers, San Diego, 46; Black-
Newton on the reserve physically Blue Jays 7, Mariners 2 San Francisco 14 24 .368 9 mon, Colorado, 45; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 45;
and play resumed. New York 030 010 0004 10 2
unable to perform list, ending his In Toronto, Jose Bautista hit a three- MLB Linescores Milwaukee 110 080 10x11 16 0 Pollock, Arizona, 44; Harper, Washington, 43;
2017 season. run homer, and the Blue Jays earned Tigers 4, Angels 3 Gsellman, Robles (5), Sewald (6), R. Turner, Los Angeles, 43; Arenado, Colorado, 42;
American League Reynolds, Colorado, 42; 5 tied at 41.
In Anaheim, California, JD Mar- Montero (8) and Plawecki; Davies, Hughes (6),
Newton sustained a gruesome their sixth win in seven games. Tampa Bay 010 020 0003 3 0 J. Barnes (7), Scahill (8) and Bandy. W_Davies DOUBLES: Zimmerman, Washington, 14;
injury last season against the Kendrys Morales also connected for tinez powered up in just his second Boston 002 040 00x6 7 0 4-2. L_Gsellman 2-3. HRs_New York, Walker. Arenado, Colorado, 12; Pollock, Arizona, 12;
game of the season, hitting his second Snell, J. Diaz (6), Moreno (8) and De. Norris; Bryant, Chicago, 11; Cozart, Cincinnati, 11;
Denver Broncos when he tore the Toronto, and Kevin Pillar had three Sale, J. Kelly (8), Kimbrel (9) and Leon. W_Sale
Milwaukee, Shaw.
homer of the game in the ninth inning Philadelphia 000 310 0004 8 0 Freeman, Atlanta, 11; Murphy, Washington,
patellar tendons in both legs. He hits, raising his AL-leading total to 47. 4-2. L_Snell 0-4. Sv_Kimbrel (11). HRs_Tampa Washington 000 040 0026 10 0 11; Polanco, Pittsburgh, 11; Turner, Los Ange-
avoided tearing his ACL but un- Devon Travis became the rst player to lift Detroit over Los Angeles. Bay, Morrison, Kiermaier. Boston, Betts. Pivetta, L. Garcia (5), Rodriguez (7), Neshek les, 11; 5 tied at 10.
derwent two surgeries. to steal home for the Blue Jays since Martinez opened the ninth with a Seattle 000 011 0002 12 2 (7), Benoit (8), Ramos (9) and Rupp; Roark, TRIPLES: Blackmon, Colorado, 6; Cozart,
solo shot off Bud Norris (1-2) to snap Toronto 001 001 32x7 11 0 Blanton (5), J. Turner (6), Romero (7), Glover (7), Cincinnati, 4; Hamilton, Cincinnati, 4; Fowler,
Newton will be paid his $4.75 June 2, 2015, scoring on a double steal Weber, Zych (6), Vincent (7), Pazos (8) and St Louis, 3; Pollock, Arizona, 3; 14 tied at 2.
a 3-3 tie. He came off the disabled list Kelley (9) and Wieters. W_Kelley 3-0. L_Ramos
million salary this year as part of his in the eighth. Gosewisch, Ruiz; Stroman, Grilli (7), Loup (7), 0-3. HRs_Washington, Turner, Harper. HOME RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 13;
ve-year, $26.5 million contract, ac- Dominic Leone (1-0) got one out for Friday after missing the Tigers rst Leone (7), J. Smith (8), Campos (9), R. Osuna Pittsburgh 000 211 0004 9 0 Zimmerman, Washington, 13; Freeman, Atlan-
33 games with a sprained right foot. (9) and Maile. W_Leone 1-0. L_Vincent 1-1. Arizona 010 000 0113 8 2 ta, 12; Reynolds, Colorado, 12; Harper, Wash-
cording to the Houston Chronicle. the win as Toronto improved to 8-4 in HRs_Toronto, Bautista, Morales. ington, 11; Ozuna, Miami, 11; Stanton, Miami,
Martinez opened the scoring in the Williams, Nicasio (6), Rivero (7), Watson (9)
May. Seattle right-hander Ryan Weber Minnesota 000 301 0004 5 0 and Cervelli; T. Walker, Wilhelmsen (7), Chan 11; 4 tied at 10.
left with a sore shoulder after 3-2/3 second inning, following Victor Mar- Cleveland 001 000 0001 3 1 (8), Delgado (9) and Mathis. W_Williams 2-2. STOLEN BASES: Hamilton, Cincinnati, 19;
The Arizona Cardinals signed innings in his season debut. Nick Vin- tinezs single with a two-run homer Berrios, Rogers (8), Kintzler (9) and Castro; L_T. Walker 3-3. Sv_Watson (8). HRs_Arizo- Gordon, Miami, 11; Pollock, Arizona, 11; Brox-
tackle Will Holden, running off Ricky Nolasco. Clevinger, Otero (5), McAllister (7), Goody (9) na, Ahmed 2, Goldschmidt. ton, Milwaukee, 9; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 9;
cent (1-1) got the loss. and Gomes. W_Berrios 1-0. L_Clevinger 1-1. Los Angeles 020 010 1004 7 0 Owings, Arizona, 8; Peraza, Cincinnati, 8; Vil-
back T.J. Logan and cornerback Alex Wilson (1-1) pitched the Sv_Kintzler (10). HRs_Minnesota, Kepler. lar, Milwaukee, 8; Inciarte, Atlanta, 7; Nunez,
Rudy Ford to four-year rookie Royals 4, Orioles 3 Colorado 000 000 0000 7 0
eighth and got the win. Justin Wilson Baltimore 001 011 0003 6 0 Wood, Fields (7), P. Baez (8), Jansen (9) San Francisco, 7; 3 tied at 6.
contracts. All three are 2017 draft In Kansas City, Missouri, Nate Karns struck out three in the ninth for his Kansas City 010 021 00x4 12 0 and A. Barnes; Anderson, Oberg (6), Dunn (7), PITCHING: Kershaw, Los Angeles, 6-2;
picks. struck out a career-high 12 in ve in- Tillman, Asher (5), Hart (8) and Pena; Ottavino (8), Qualls (9) and Hanigan. W_Wood Senzatela, Colorado, 5-1; 11 tied at 4-1.
second save. Karns, Maness (6), Minor (7), K. Herrera (9) ERA: Leake, St Louis, 1.94; Nova, Pitts-
nings, Eric Hosmer reached base four 4-0. L_Anderson 2-4. HRs_Los Angeles, Eibner.
Pirates 4, Diamondbacks 3 and S. Perez. W_Maness 1-0. L_Asher 1-2. MLB Leaders burgh, 2.23; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 2.42;
Sv_K. Herrera (7). HRs_Baltimore, Pena 2, Scherzer, Washington, 2.59; Gonzalez, Wash-
In Phoenix, Trevor Williams Davis. Kansas City, Moss. American League ington, 2.64; Lynn, St Louis, 2.75; Greinke,
pitched ve strong innings and Pitts- Oakland 000 120 1105 11 0 BATTING: Segura, Seattle, .366; Gar- Arizona, 2.79; Ein, Philadelphia, 2.81; Senza-
Texas 001 100 40x6 10 0 cia, Chicago, .347; Castro, New York, .341; tela, Colorado, 2.86; Freeland, Colorado, 2.93;
burgh snapped a six-game losing Gray, Dull (7), Hendriks (7), Montas (8), Cou- Bogaerts, Boston, .339; Trout, Los Angeles, 1 tied at 2.98.
streak with a victory over Arizona. lombe (8) and Maxwell; N. Martinez, Barnette (7), .336; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, .326; Cruz, Se- STRIKEOUTS: Scherzer, Washington, 62;
Nick Ahmed homered twice for Kela (8), Bush (9) and Chirinos. W_Barnette 1-0. attle, .323; Pillar, Toronto, .315; Judge, New deGrom, New York, 60; Greinke, Arizona, 58;
the Diamondbacks, the second to L_Dull 1-2. Sv_Bush (3). HRs_Oakland, Alonso. York, .315; Betts, Boston, .305; 1 tied at .302. Kershaw, Los Angeles, 57; Martinez, St Louis,
Detroit 020 001 0014 6 0 RUNS: Judge, New York, 28; Sano, Minne- 57; Ray, Arizona, 57; Samardzija, San Francis-
make it a one-run game in the ninth. Los Angeles 000 020 1003 8 1 sota, 26; Lindor, Cleveland, 25; Gallo, Texas, co, 55; Cahill, San Diego, 51; Lester, Chicago,
It was Ahmeds rst career multi- D. Norris, Greene (6), A. Wilson (8), J. 24; Castro, New York, 23; Pillar, Toronto, 23; 49; Cole, Pittsburgh, 47; 2 tied at 46.
homer game.
Williams (2-2), in his second start
since taking the rotation spot vacated ing the Brewers beat New York. runs and seven hits in ve innings. for his sixth save in eight chances.
when Jameson Taillon left to begin Milwaukee sent 11 batters to the
treatment for testicular cancer, gave Braves 3, Marlins 1 White Sox 5, Padres 4
plate in its highest scoring inning of
up a run on four hits, striking out four the season. Orlando Arcia had a two- In Miami, Julio Teheran pitched six In Chicago, Yolmer Sanchez singled
and walking one. run single and Jesus Aguilar drove in scoreless innings, leading Atlanta to with one out in the bottom of the ninth
Taijuan Walker (3-3) gave up four two runs with a double before Shaw the road win.
runs, three earned, on eight hits in six to score Tyler Saladino and snap Chi-
connected for his eighth homer. Nick Markakis had three hits and cagos six-game losing streak.
innings. Neil Walker homered for New York, drove in a run for the Braves, and Matt
Tony Watson gave up a run in the Kemp extended his hitting streak to 13 Wil Myers, Manuel Margot and Al-
which has dropped three in a row. Rob-
ninth but got his eighth save. games with a single in the eighth. len Cordoba all had solo homers for
ert Gsellman (2-3) was charged with
Brewers 11, Mets 4 six runs, ve earned, and nine hits in Teheran (3-3) beat the Marlins for San Diego.
In Milwaukee, Travis Shaw four-plus innings. the rst time in seven starts. He al- David Robertson (2-0) pitched a
Oakland Athletics starting pitcher Sonny Gray throws to the Texas Rangers dur- capped Milwaukees eight-run fth Milwaukee right-hander Zach Davies lowed three hits and walked two. scoreless top of the ninth for the win.
ing the rst inning of a baseball game on May 13, in Arlington, Texas. (AP) inning with a three-run homer, help- (4-2) got the win despite allowing four Jim Johnson pitched a perfect ninth Brad Hand (0-3) took the loss.


No. 37 Lexus LC 500 KeePer TOMS continue to hold lead

Lexus sweeps top 6 positions in AUTOBACS SUPER GT series

KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Lexus ers and support staff for their outstand-
GAZOO Racing made a memorable ing efforts and the terrific performance
start to the 2017 AUTOBACS SUPER of our cars. Moreover, the support of
GT series, sweeping the top six posi- fans has been one of the driving fac-
tions in the opening round of the tors behind our success in motorsports,
GT500 race class in a dominant per- and I would like to thank each one of
formance at the Okayama International them for inspiring us to keep perform-
Circuit, Japan. The No. 37 LEXUS LC ing better.
500 KeePer TOMS driven by Ryo Race Notes:
Hirakawa and Nick Cassidy clinched No. 37 LEXUS LC 500 KeePer
the top spot in the seasons inaugural TOMS (Ryo Hirakawa and Nick
race, with No. 6 LEXUS LC 500 Cassidy)
WAKOS 4CR finishing runner-up Race: 1st, 81 laps
and No. 1 LEXUS LC 500 DENSO Best Lap: 120.291
KOBELCO SARD claiming the third No. 6 LEXUS LC 500 WAKOS
position. 4CR (Kazuya Oshima and Andrea
Rounding off the top six were No. Caldarelli)
38 LEXUS LC 500 ZENT Cerumo, Race: 2nd, 81 laps
No. 36 LEXUS LC 500 au TOMS and Best Lap: 119.784
No. 19 LEXUS LC 500 WedsSport No. 1 LEXUS LC 500 DENSO
ADVAN, who finished in the fourth, KOBELCO SARD (Heikki Kovalainen
fifth and sixth positions respectively to (Left): Action shot taken during the opening round of the 2017 AUTOBACS SUPER GT series. (Right): No. 37 LEXUS LC 500 KeePer TOMS driven by and Kohei Hirate)
make sure that Round 1 of the new Ryo Hirakawa and Nick Cassidy. Race: 3rd, 81 laps
season was a Lexus show all the way. Best Lap: 120.608
The race got off to a delayed start at the start was No. 6 LEXUS LC 500 LEXUS LC 500 KeePer TOMS contin- rowing to virtually nothing, the contest only able to make a clean sweep of the No. 38 LEXUS LC 500 ZENT
after a pair of cars from a rival manu- WAKOS 4CR, with the No. 37 ued to hold the lead, with the other LC turned into a hot sprint race to the goal. podium positions, but claim the first six Cerumo (Yuji Tachikawa and Hiroaki
facturer experienced mechanical prob- LEXUS LC 500 KeePer TOMS 500 cars also running strongly toward Eventually, despite stiff competition positions in the race. The final laps in Ishiura)
lems during the formation run, which closely behind. Shortly after, on the the front. From around the 30th lap, the from No. 6 LEXUS LC 500 WAKOS particular were marked by constant Race: 4th, 81 laps
brought out the Red Flag to stop the hairpin turn of the second lap, the No. teams began to make their routine pit 4CR in the final stages, the No. 37 excitement, with the LC 500 cars com- Best Lap: 120.222
race. As all the cars returned to take 37 with Cassidy at the wheel stops. When all of the GT500 class cars LEXUS LC 500 KeePer TOMS peting hard against each other for the top No. 36 LEXUS LC 500 au TOMS
formation again, it now was the turn of made a decisive move going into the had completed their pit stops and now with Hirakawa at the wheel spots. The result marks a memorable (Kazuki Nakajima and James Rossiter)
yet another competitor car to face turn with tires smoking and grabbed returned to the race, the battles between was able to maintain its lead until the debut for the LC 500 at the AUTOBACS Race: 5th, 81 laps
mechanical failure. the lead. From there, Cassidy contin- the LC 500 cars intensified again, with checkered flag and secure the win. SUPER GT series, and the insights Best Lap: 120.455
The race finally started around 2:45 ued to run strongly in the front until the No. 36 LEXUS LC 500 au TOMS Takayuki Yoshitsugu, Chief gained on the racetracks will serve as a No. 19 LEXUS LC 500 WedsSport
in the afternoon, with the delay caus- the sixth lap when more mechanical and No. 6 LEXUS LC 500 WAKOS Representative, Middle East and North valuable learning experience that will ADVAN (Yuhi Sekiguchi and Yuji
ing one lap to be cut from the race trouble again involving a competi- 4CR fighting hard for second place. Africa Representative Office, Toyota help us create ever-better cars. Kunimoto)
distance, leaving the teams to compete tor car interrupted the race. As the gaps that had begun to open Motor Corporation, said, We are Yoshitsugu added: I would like to Race: 6th, 81 laps
for over 81 laps. Racing into the lead After the race restarted, the No. 37 up between the competitors began nar- immensely proud that the team was not extend my congratulations to the rac- Best Lap: 120.601

Colombias Nairo Quintana wears the pink jersey of the overall leader as he stands on the podium after winning Governor of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Ahmad Abdullatif Al-Rujeib with the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Equestrian Club
the 9th stage of the Giro dItalia, Tour of Italy cycling race, from Montenero di Bisaccia to Blockhaus on May 14. Chairman and members.

Equestrian Club expresses appreciation to Al-Rujeib

Quintana doubles up Governor of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Ret Lieutenant

General Ahmad Abdullatif Al-Rujeib held a meeting
with the Chairman of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Equestrian
Club Lawyer Raed Al-Waheeb, and some members of
the club Alam Al-Kandari, Bader Al-Naseeb, Khaled
The objective of the meeting was to express appre-
ciation and gratitude to the governor for the care he
shows towards members of the administration council
of the club.
They also discussed several issues related to the

as Giro rivals suffer

Al-Armali and Nasser Al-Shamali. club.

Rising Pune demolish Kings XI

Pinot second in overall standings Supergiant march into IPL playoffs

PUNE, India, May 14, (AP): Rising
BLOCKHAUS, Italy, May Pune Supergiant demolished Kings XI
Dos Santos TKO
Punjab by nine wickets and stormed
14, (AFP): Colombias Sierra 2nd, Bronzini 3rd into the Indian Premier League play-
Nairo Quintana soared to
victory on a dramatic ninth
offs on Sunday.
In a must-win game for both teams Miocic retains UFC
stage of the Giro dItalia
Sunday that secured the
Rivera wins third stage of to qualify for the playoffs, Kings XI
were bundled out for 73 in 15.5 overs heavyweight crown
their lowest total in the IPL.
race leaders pink jersey
and dented the victory Womens Tour of California Supergiant finished off the game in 12
overs when it reached 78-1 as Ajinkya
Rahana (34 not out) smashed a six off
DALLAS, May 14, (AP): A piece of
history and a measure of revenge both
came swiftly for Stipe Miocic.
hopes of several key rivals. SACRAMENTO, California, May 14, Were really excited to be here and captain Glenn Maxwells off-spin. Miocic beat Junior Dos Santos with
Quintana, a two-time runner-up (AP): Coryn Rivera brought her win- be in the yellow jersey in this field, Supergiant ended up second in the a technical knockout at 2:22 in the first
at the Tour de France who won the ning ways back to home soil. Hall said. We expect another aggres- points table with 18 and will take on round to defend his heavyweight title
2014 Giro, had been expected to The American cyclist out-sprinted sive race tomorrow but we have a first-placed Mumbai Indians in the at UFC 211 on Saturday night.
blow the race apart on a punishing Arlenis Sierra and Giorgia Bronzini on really strong team. first playoff on Tuesday. In the co-main event, Joanna
Saturday to win the third stage of the The finale of the womens race The loser of this game will have one Jedrzejczyk of Poland scored a unani-
13.6 km climb that gave Belgian Womens Tour of California, follow- Rising Pune Supergiant cricketer mous, five-round decision over third-
legend Eddy Merckx his maiden coincides with the start of the seven-
ing up two prestigious wins in Europe Rahul Tripathi plays a shot during ranked Jessica Andrade to defend her
Giro win in 1967. stage mens race. They will also begin the 2017 Indian Premier League
And the diminutive Movistar team
earlier this season, while Katie Hall in Sacramento before heading on a CRICKET (IPL) Twenty20 cricket match
womens strawweight championship.
maintained the slimmest of overall Since the heavyweight division was
climber fulfilled predictions by leav- 104-mile course that returns them to between Rising Pune Supergiant formed in 1997, only Miocic, Randy
ing defending champion Vincenzo Riveras teammates on Sunweb downtown. and Kings XI Punjab at The Couture, Tim Sylvia, Cain Velasquez
Rivera grew up in California and more chance to qualify for the final by Maharashtra Cricket Association
Nibali, and several others, in his wake worked with the Cylance team to bring taking on the winner of the eliminator and Brock Lesnar have won two title
after a series of attacks launched inside one of her first significant wins came Stadium in Pune on May 14. (AFP) defenses. Miocic avenged a loss to
back the break, then helped position between defending champions
the final six kilometres. Rivera to finish in Sacramento, so she has been target- Sunrisers Hyderabad and Kolkata Dos Santos in December 2014 in
Quintana soloed over the finish the 73-mile stage ing the Tours third stage all season. Knight Riders, who finished third and
from Elk Grove to But her confidence was bolstered by fourth respectively.
the California wins at the Tour of Flanders and Was fortunate to win the toss, the MMA
CYCLING capitol. Trofeo Alfredo Binda, two marquee ball was stopping, Supergiant captain
We tried to races earlier on the calendar. Steve Smith said. Really good to finish
put it in the gutter She hung around the front of the second and have bites at the cherry. Phoenix, which was a five-round bout
23secs ahead of Frenchman Thibaut a couple times peloton, safely out of trouble, while Nothing went right for Kings XI that left both fighters bloodied.
Pinot and Dutchman Tom Dumoulin and get everyone her teammates did most of the work after they lost the all-important toss Miocic (17-2) stunned Dos Santos
to wrest the race lead from suffering. It didnt Saturday. Rivera also got some help and were asked to bat on a wicket midway through the round with a
Luxembourgs Bob Jungels. quite work out the which had plenty of moisture. series of punches ending with a hard
He is now 28 ahead of FDJ rider when Cylance standout Kirsten Wild
way we wanted it punctured close to the finish, taking Seamers Shardul Thakur (3-19) and right to Dos Santos left cheek as the
Pinot in the overall standings, with to, but we just Rivera Jaydev Unadkat (2-12) destroyed the challenger was backing away. That
two-time champion Nibali (Bahrain) one of the fields premier sprinters out pushed him into the cage before he fell
refocused on the of the running. top order and Kings XI limped to 32-5
1min 10secs behind after trailing home lead-out to the finish, Rivera said. inside the first six overs of batting to the mat. Miocic then straddled Dos
in fifth place one minute in arrears. We tried to make the race hard on Santos and fired away with a series of
The girls were perfect. There was powerplay.
While Dumoulin (Sunweb) and some chaos on the side, but we just the crosswind sections but it wasnt lefts that ended the fight.
Martin Guptill (0) was caught off
Bauke Mollema (Trek) moved up to stuck to the plan. exposed enough for it to work, Team Thakurs first ball of the match at short The fourth-ranked Dos Santos (18-
third and fourth overall at 30 and Meanwhile, Hall lost time during an Sunweb coach Hans Timmermans cover, Shaun Marsh (10) holed out to 5), whod hurt Miocic with multiple
51secs behind respectively, compatriot intermediate sprint and will have a said. A lot of riders were really tired Steve Smith while Eoin Morgan (4) kicks, called the loss terrible.
Steven Kruijswijk is now over three single-second advantage over Olympic as a result of this, which wasnt an was run out by Unadkats smart direct Saturdays victory was Miocics
Stipe Miocic celebrates his knock-
minutes in arrears. road race champion Anna van der ideal situation for us. throw. Unadkat plucked a spectacular out win against Junior Dos Santos fifth straight since the loss to Dos
Im happy to win the stage and to Breggen heading into Sundays finale. We were still able to bring Coryn diving catch at short fine leg to dismiss in their heavyweight title bout dur- Santos. As for whos next, the affable
take some seconds from my rivals, Riders will face a 90-minute circuit into a perfect position for the sprint. Rahul Tewatia (4) and Maxwell (0) ing UFC 211 at American Airlines champ said, Right now, its my kitch-
said Quintana. I had to attack. But I race on a 2.2-mile course in downtown Its a fantastic win for her and the team flicked the ball to the safe hands of Center on May 13 in Dallas, Texas. en. The kitchen when I get home.
want to say thanks to my team. They Sacramento. in her home state. Rahane at deep square leg. (AFP) Thats all Im worried about.
did a great job. The 34-year-old claimed his crown
Jungels started the 149km stage with a first-round knockout of Fabricio
from Montenero di Bisaccia to
Blockhaus with a 10 second lead on
Quintana but struggled on a drama-
Kipchoge, Wanjiru, Keitany make Kenya team for London Worlds Werdum in May 2016 in Brazil. He
defended against Alistair Overeem last
September at home in Cleveland
filled stage that has almost certainly NAIROBI, May 14, (AFP): Olympic in Monza, Italy early this month. Wanjiru, 24, will be returning to the The selectors also named Keitany, with a first-round knockout.
ended the podium hopes of British pair marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge Kipchoge set a world-leading time British city where he recorded his the three-time London marathon wom- Will Miocic become the first UFC
Geraint Thomas and Adam Yates. and London marathon winners Daniel of 2hr 00min 25sec but it was not rec- greatest marathon victory, beating the ens champion, in the team after she heavyweight to defend his title three
They were among several riders to Wanjiru and Mary Keitany will repre- legendary Ethiopian Kenenisa Bekele was ignored for the Rio Olympics last times?
come down when Sunweb rider Wilco sent Kenya in the event at this sum- on April 23. August. Keitany will be partnered by Dos Santos is 3-4 since his champi-
Kelderman clipped a police motorcy- mers World championships in the ATHLETICS Former World record holder and two-time world champion Edna onship loss in a rematch with
cle parked at the side of the road. British capital, officials said. 2012 London Olympic bronze medal- Kiplagat and former world half mara- Velasquez in December 2012. The
Despite his shoulder having Kipchoge, 32, is one of Kenyas most list Wilson Kipsang completes the top- thon record holder, Florence Kiplagat. Brazilian returned to the octagon on
popped out, Thomas got back on his consistent runners and was part of a ognised as a world record considering three list, with the 2017 Boston mara- Reigning Paris marathon champion Saturday following a 13-month
bike to finish, but is now over five three-man Nike team that attempted to the circumstances the race was held thon winner Geoffrey Kirui and Purity Rionoripo and Agnes Barsosio absence that began with surgery on his
minutes in arrears. break the two-hour mark in the marathon under. Gideon Kipketer as reserves. are the reserves. right shoulder.


Vettel finishes 2nd as Ricciardo 3rd

Hamilton wins thrilling Spanish Grand Prix title

MONTMEL, Spain, May 14, (AFP):
Lewis Hamilton roared back into se- F1 Standings
rious contention for a fourth drivers
world title on Sunday when he drove
to a well-judged victory for Mercedes
Futsal tournament to start on sixth day of Ramadan
Driver and Constructor standings after KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Board time in response to the public de-
in a dramatic Spanish Grand Prix. the Formula One Spanish Grand Prix
The three-time champion recovered at Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya on Chairman of Jabriya Cooperative mand. The tournament will be held
after losing the lead from his 64th pole Sunday. Society Hussein Mahmoud Dashti from the second day of the month
Drivers Points: 1. Sebastian Vettel
position to make the most of key stra- (Germany) Ferrari 104; 2. Lewis Ham- announced the start of registration of Ramadan until the fth day in the
tegic decisions and win with power ilton (Britain) Mercedes 98; 3. Valtteri for the 11th Jabriya Martyrs Rama- Hall of Fahad Al-Duweiri School.
and precision ahead of championship Bottas (Finland) Mercedes 63; 4. Kimi
Raikkonen (Finland) Ferrari 49; 5. Dan- dan Futsal Tournament as well as The Futsal tournament is due
leader Sebastian Vettel of Ferrari and iel Ricciardo (Australia) Red Bull 37; a volleyball tournament which is
Australias Daniel Ricciardo, who was 6. Max Verstappen (Netherlands) Red
to start on the sixth day of Rama-
Bull 35; 7. Sergio Perez (Mexico) Force
being held for the rst time by the dan and end on the 14th day. The
third. India 34; 8. Esteban Ocon (France) cooperative society.
Hamilton nished the 66-lap con- Force India 19; 9. Felipe Massa (Bra-
matches will be played at Muham-
He declared this during a press mad Ismail Al-Ghanim School hall.
test 3.5 seconds ahead of the four-time zil) Williams 18; 10. Carlos Sainz Jr
conference held at the cooperative
champion German, having blasted past (Spain) Toro Rosso 15; 11. Nico Huel- The tournament will be based on
him to regain the lead after 44 laps.
kenberg (Germany) Renault 14; 12. societys headquarters.
Romain Grosjean (France) Haas 5; 13.
Dashti afrmed that the registra- knockout system, whereby there
It was his second win in ve races Pascal Wehrlein (Germany) Sauber 4; will be four groups, and each team
this year and the 55th of his career and 14. Kevin Magnussen (Denmark) Haas tion is being done based on the con-
4; 15. Daniil Kvyat (Russia) Toro Rosso cept of First Come, First Serve, will consist of seven players, three
it brought him within six points of Vet- 4; 16. Marcus Ericsson (Sweden) Sau- of who should be residents of Jabri-
tel in the title race. The German now ber 0; 17. Lance Stroll (Canada) Wil- stressing that the registration will
liams 0; 18. Fernando Alonso (Spain) close immediately after the number ya area.
McLaren 0; 19. Antonio Giovinazzi (It- The volleyball tournament will
aly) Sauber 0; 20. Jolyon Palmer (Brit- of registered teams reaches 32.
MOTOR RACING ain) Renault 0; 21. Stoffel Vandoorne Regarding the volleyball tourna- also be based on the knockout sys-
(Belgium) McLaren 0. tem, whereby each team will have
Constructors Points: 1. Mercedes ment, Dashti explained that the co-
has 104 points and Hamilton has 98. 161; 2. Ferrari 153; 3. Red Bull TAG operative society will organize the eight players, two of who should be
After being edged into second place Heuer 72; 4. Force India Mercedes Board Chairman of Jabriya Cooperative Society Hussein Mahmoud Dashti. volleyball tournament for the rst residents of Jabriya area.
during a contest that delighted the 53; 5. Toro Rosso Renault 19; 6.
Williams-Mercedes 18; 7. Renault 14;
crowd in Catalonia, Vettel said: I 8. Haas Ferrari 9; 9. Sauber Fer-
was pushing. I had a really good start. rari 6; 10. MacLaren 0.

Ryans overtime goal lifts

Lewis and myself picked up wheel-
spin straight away. I pulled the clutch
in and could gain on him.
Hamilton owed his recovery to key
decisions including switching to a set
of medium tyres at his rst stop, when
Vettel remained on softs, and a self-
less contribution from his team-mate
Valtteri Bottas, to win with power and
Bottas, who claimed his maiden F1
victory in Russia last month, retired
when his engine failed while he was
running third.
Sens past Pens in opener
Ricciardo, in a Red Bull, was more
than a minute adrift of the leaders, Anderson makes 27 saves
ahead of Mexican Sergio Perez and
his Force India team-mate Frenchman
Esteban Ocon. PITTSBURGH, May 14,
German Nico Hulkenberg came (AP): Bobby Ryan beat
home sixth for Renault, ahead of com- Marc-Andre Fleury on a
patriot Pascal Wehrlein of Sauber,
who lost his place due to a time penalty breakaway 4:59 into over-
for a pit-lane mistake during the race. time to give the Ottawa
Mercedes British driver Lewis Spaniard Carlos Sainz was eighth on Senators a 2-1 victory over
Hamilton celebrates on the podium the road, but classied seventh, ahead
after the Spanish Formula One of Russian Daniil Kvyat who did a su- the Pittsburgh Penguins on
Grand Prix on May 14, at the Circuit perb job for Toro Rosso after starting Saturday in Game 1 of the
de Catalunya in Montmelo on the at the back of the grid, and Frenchman
outskirts of Barcelona. (AFP) Eastern Conference Finals.
Romain Grosjean of Haas. Ryan took control near center ice
and raced by Pittsburgh defenseman
Olli Maatta before ipping a back-
Keselowski takes second hander past Fleury to give the upstart
Senators early control of the series.
I knew at some point those pucks Id
Truex finally wins at Kansas been chasing all year long, they were go-
ing to come, Ryan said after picking up
his fth goal of the playoffs. You just
Speedway after late restart want to redeem yourself. You let your
teammates down (during the regular sea-
son). Now Im getting to redeem myself
KANSAS CITY, Kansas, May 14, (AP): a little bit. Thats all Im trying to do.
Martin Truex Jr nally ended his string Game 2 is Monday night in Pitts-
of rotten luck at Kansas Speedway. burgh.
Danica Patrick was left to rue more Ryan assisted on Jean-Gabriel
bad luck of her own. Pageaus rst-period goal. Craig Ander-
Truex pulled away from Ryan Blaney son made 27 saves.
and Kevin Harvick on a late restart Sat- Evgeni Malkins goal late in the third
urday night, winning the NASCAR Cup period forced the extra period, but the
Series race that he seemed to dominate defending Stanley Cup champions strug-
every year without reaching victory lane. gled to generate any consistent pressure.
Theyre all so special, honestly. Fleury made 33 stops, but let Ryan deke
These races are so hard to win, said him out of position as the Penguins fell
Truex, who had a uke tire change prob- behind in a series for the rst time in the
lem rob him of the win after leading 172 playoffs. Matt Cullen #7 of the Pittsburgh Penguins takes a shot on Craig Anderson #41 of the Ottawa Senators during the
laps last year. Any of those restarts I Pittsburgh only had 72 hours to re- first period in Game One of the Eastern Conference Final during the 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs at PPG
could have gotten beat on. You never charge following a draining seven-game PAINTS Arena on May 13, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (AFP)
know whats going to happen. series against Washington. While the
Brad Keselowski made a pass on Penguins insisted they would have no
the nal lap to take second, followed
by Harvick and Blaney. Kyle Busch
Martin Truex Jr, driver of the #78
problem turning the page with a spot in
the Stanley Cup Finals on the line, there Russia meet Latvia
rounded out the top ve after winning
the Truck Series race Friday night. Auto-Owners Insurance Toyota, cel-

ebrates in Victory Lane after winning
the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup
Series Go Bowling 400 at Kansas
Speedway on May 13, in Kansas
ICE HOCKEY US extend winning run at worlds
City, Kansas. (AFP) was a dip in intensity both on the ice and COLOGNE, Germany, May 14, Gaudreau grabbed his second The US is top of Group A, a
We were really good all day and in the stands.
just never had a chance to show it, (Agencies): The United States of the game to start the third point ahead of Russia. The two
For long stretches, it felt like the game defeated Slovakia 6-1 Sunday to teams meet Tuesday in Cologne.
Keselowski said. Every time we had a could have been played in mid-Decem- period Hayes again with the
chance to pass cars and cycle up front,
something happened, which was a real
Power captures ber instead of mid-May, which was just
ne by Ottawa. The Senators stressed
stretch its winning run at the ice
hockey world championship to
assist before Lee scored on a The Russians rst face Latvia on
Monday, when the US is not in
bummer. Toward the end we made power play.
some runs and made the most of it.
The race was halted with 67 laps to
Indy GPrix title they werent simply just happy to reach
the NHLs nal four for the rst time in
a decade. While Ottawa hardly seemed
ve games ahead of its Group A
showdown with Russia.
Earlier, Switzerland stunned
go when a broken brake rotor turned Johnny Gaudreau nished with two-time defending champions
CHICAGO, May 14, (AFP): Austral- overcome by the stage, the neutral zone
Joey Loganos car into Patrick, sending trap coach Guy Boucher installed upon two goals to take his tournament Canada with a 3-2 win after extra
her hard into the fence in the rst turn. ias Will Power captured his 30th ca- tally to six, and an assist, while time in their Group B clash at the
reer IndyCar victory on Saturday, win- his hiring last spring didnt exactly cause
Aric Almirola had nowhere to go and the Penguins problems. Jimmy Howard made 19 saves world ice hockey championships
slammed into Logano, the force of the ning the Grand Prix of Indianapolis by
5.2 seconds over New Zealands Scott Instead, Pittsburghs issues came after for the Americans. on Saturday.
impact lifting his car into the air. it gained the offensive zone. The team It was the rst defeat for the
Logano and Patrick were treated and Dixon for his rst 2017 triumph. that led the NHL in scoring during the
Clayton Keller, the youngest
released from the ineld care center, Pole-sitter Power led 61 of the 85 laps player at the tournament, opened Canadians who remain top of
regular season and ousted the rst and
while Almirola was airlifted to the Uni- over the 14-turn, 2.439-mile (3.925km) fourth overall teams during the rst two the scoring, assisted by Anders Group B with 13 points after ve
versity of Kansas Medical Center. He Indianapolis Motor Speedway road rounds of the playoffs despite being out- Lee. It was the 18-year-old Kel- games two points ahead of the
was conscious and alert. course in the nal tuneup for the Indi- shot every game looked tentative, often second-placed Swiss and still
anapolis 500, the series namesake oval lers fth goal of the champion-
I hope Aric is OK. Hes denitely passing up open looks in search of better on course for the quarter-nals.
feeling the worst of everybody, Patrick classic on May 28. ones that never materialized. Only the
Power, who also won the Indy road Gaudreau followed suit early The champions had gotten
said. NASCAR does everything it can fourth line led by 40-year-old Matt Cul-
to make it safe for everybody but these race in 2015, struggled with equipment in the second period, set up by off to a ying start in Paris with
len and not the top two led by Malkin
things happen. One of these times, these failures before a runner-up effort at and Sidney Crosby seemed intent on Kevin Hayes on his rst start Ryan OReilly and Mitch Marner
accidents arent going to be good for Phoenix two weeks ago. getting to the Ottawa net. before Martin Gernat pulled one US Brock Nelson and Slovakias scoring in the rst period.
me. Theyre all big. Ive been fortunate American Ryan Hunter-Reay was Were looking for that next play in- Michal Cajkovsky vie during the
so far. When it comes to escaping ac- third with Frances Simon Pagenaud stead of putting pucks at the net, Pitts-
back. Hayes and Brady Skjei had
IIHF Ice Hockey World
cidents unharmed. But Patrick has had fourth and Brazils Helio Castroneves burgh coach Mike Sullivan said. just joined Jeff Blashills roster Championships first round match ICE HOCKEY
very little fortune on the track, crashing fth in a race with no caution ags. The Penguins had plenty of chances following the New York Rang- between Slovakia and USA in
out of the last four races and failing to Castroneves passed Power for the lead to take control but produced nothing out ers elimination from the NHL Cologne, western Germany on May But the Swiss cheered on by
nish ve times this season. after the rst series of pit stops but Power of four rst-period power plays, includ- playoffs. 14. (AFP)
thousands of vocal home fans at
Just out of nowhere. Everything was retook the lead on lap 46 during the sec- ing 45 seconds of a 5-on-3 that went Two quick-re goals from
ne and then it took a hard one, Logano ond refuelings and kept the edge after the nowhere. Ron Hainsey hit the crossbar a packed Paris-Bercy Arena
said. I hate that Im the part of it that last set of stops with 20 laps remaining, early and Patric Hornqvist dinged the Christian Dvorak, assisted by piled on the pressure and it paid
started it. I dont know what I could have taking his 27th Indycar road course tri- left post but thats as close as Pittsburgh Gaudreau, and Jacob Trouba put off with Fabrice Herzog and Vin-
done. umph. would get to slipping one by Anderson. the US in a comfortable position. cent Praplan scoring late to send
the game into extra time. Herzog
scored the winning goal.
Afghan wounded warriors compete for spot in Invictus Games Russia now remain the only
unbeaten team after claiming a
KABUL, Afghanistan, May 14, (AP): the rst time. About 40 athletes participated in Ka- ber who lost both hands in a roadside fth victory with a 6-0 win over
Wounded warriors from Afghanistans At the events opening, US Gen John bul but only seven athletes and several bomb during ghting a few year ago Slovakia in Group A.
National Security Forces competed Sat- W. Nicholson, NATO commander in alternates will be chosen for the team in eastern Kunar province. We want
urday for a spot in the Invictus Games Afghanistan, said the games in Toronto that competes in Toronto in events in- to show that Afghan wounded warriors Russia have the best attack in
to be held in Canada in September. will be the largest Invictus Games ever, cluding indoor rowing, seated volley- can also participate in such events. the championships with 27 goals.
The NATO Resolute Support mis- with more than 550 competitors from ball and power lifting. Shah was completing in the indoor Evgeny Dadonov was man of
sion hosted a selection event for seven 17 nations, with 13 of the 17 nations In Canada, alongside other wound- rowing event. the match on Saturday with two
openings on the Afghan forces wound- having sent soldiers to Afghanistan at ed warriors from other countries who The Invictus Games include a dozen goals and an assist.
ed warriors team that will compete some point. have lost their limbs in Afghanistan adaptive sports, including archery, cy- In Cologne, Germany kept
against soldiers and veterans from 17 This isnt just about the warriors ghting against al-Qaeda and terror- cling, golf, swimming and wheelchair A wounded member of
countries in Toronto Sept 23-30. The who will be competing, it is about the ism to establish democracy and defend basketball. Afghanistans National Security
their chances of qualication
Invictus Games are an international support and the celebration of a warri- from human rights, we will also fulll The Games are being funded by the Forces takes part in trials for alive in Group A by overpower-
Paralympic-style multi-sport event cre- ors spirit, he said. It is a recognition the presence of Afghan wounded war- Canadian government, the Province of Invictus Games at the Resolute ing Italy 4-1 with the ticket to the
ated by Britains Prince Harry. Afghan of the sacrices that you and the other riors, said Ahmad Shah, 50, a former Ontario and the City of Toronto, as well Support Headquarter, in Kabul, nal phase set to be played on
soldiers and veterans are taking part for competitors have made. Afghan national security forces mem- as corporate partners. Afghanistan, on May 13. (AP) Tuesday against Latvia.


We want to finish series strong in London

South Africa beat Scots to clinch title

PARIS, May 14, (AFP): South Africa
were crowned winners of this seasons
ment victory and just one round
remaining, in London on May 20-21,
title-winning Bok team in 2008/09.
Last year we came close, but this
Africa in pool play on Saturday.
But the Blitzboks had their revenge
Jamie Farndale had the first real
break for Scotland, but he didnt back
tackle to race away down the touchline.
He was brought down by George
World Rugby Sevens Series on Sunday, South Africa clinched the title after time we managed to do it. I have to at a packed Jean Bouin stadium in himself against the covering Branco Horne as he grubbered ahead, but
beating Scotland 15-5 in the final of the third-placed England lost 19-17 to give the guys credit, they are an incred- western Paris, dominating a Scottish Du Preez. With no support to hand, the Snyman was on hand to touch down
penultimate leg in Paris. Scotland before comfortably seeing off ible group that never feared hard work side that had gelled well but looked defence quickly turned over possession the ball for South Africas third try to
The Blitzboks arrived in the French New Zealand 26-5 in their own semifi- and they deserve this. tired. and Cecil Afrika linked up with Chris seal a comfortable victory.
nal. Powell added: We are not finished South Africa dominated the opening Dry to spin the ball wide for Dylan New Zealand won the bronze medal
South Africa coach Neil Powell said though, we want to finish the series minutes, and it didnt take long for Sage to cross in the corner for a 10-0 match, tries from Sam Dickson and
RUGBY the series win was one three years in strong next week in London and keep them to work the ball into some space lead at half-time. Sherwin Stowers cancelling out an
the making. chasing that perfect game. We have wide on the right. Scotland were not done, however, early Will Edwards five-pointer for
We are extremely grateful and high standards and keep pushing to A long pass from skipper Philip James Fleming breaking and linking England in the 12-5 victory.
capital 25 points ahead of closest rivals blessed, the team worked for this for improve as a squad. Snyman and Werner Kok danced away with Glenn Bryce, whose offload back United States, for whom speedster
Fiji in the standings on the back of four three seasons, said Powell, who Scotlands run of form saw them from the defence for the opening try. inside found Scott Wight, who went Perry Baker had been outstanding over
tournament wins and seven consecu- became the first person to win the snap a 13-match losing run to stun The Scots struggled to get out of their over the whitewash to reduce the lead. the two days of competition, claimed
tive finals. World Rugby Sevens Series as a player Olympic champions Fiji 24-0 in the own half, the Blitzboks hard-nosed But the Boks hit back, replacement fifth spot with a 24-19 victory over last
With 22 points on offer for a tourna- and as a coach, having played in the quarter-finals, having also edged South defence keeping them pegged back. Rosko Specman brilliantly evading a seasons winners in Paris, Samoa.

Sporting stop Orlando

Toronto FC push winning streak to six

TORONTO, May 14, (AP): Tosa-
int Ricketts scored his third goal in a
week to lift MLS-leading Toronto FC
to a 3-2 victory over Minnesota United
and push the MLS leaders club-record
winning streak to six games.
Also Saturday, Sporting Kansas
City earned 2-2 draw at Orlando to be-
come the rst team to deny the Florida-
club a victory at its new stadium and
Nemanja Nikolic scored a brace in the
Chicago Fires 4-1 rout of the Seattle
At Toronto, Giovinco scored from
the penalty spot in the 20th minute
for his sixth of the season to give the
hosts the lead, before leaving the eld
through injury just before half-time to
be replaced by Jozy Altidore.
Kevin Molino scored twice for ex-
pansion Minnesota. He tied it in the
52nd minute only to see Toronto pull
back into the lead on Christian Ram- Orlando Citys Cristian Higuita (7) tries to get position on Sporting Kansas
irezs own goal two minutes later. Citys Graham Zusi (left), during the rst half of an MLS soccer match on
Molino tied it again in the 62nd minute, May 13, in Orlando, Fla. (AP)
South Africa team players celebrate on the podium during the trophy ceremony after winning the Rugby 7 tapping in a rebound after Alex Bono
Paris tournament nal rugby match between South Africa and Scotland at the Jean Bouin Stadium in Paris on saved his penalty.
May 14. (AFP) Altidore set up the winning goal
with a run down the left ank, beating Paris 2024 bid is ready right now
PARIS, May 14, (AP): Paris bid Hamburg, Germany, and Buda-
Urawa pull ahead of Kashima leaders want to capitalize on the pest, Hungary, all pulled out.
SOCCER sense of optimism surrounding The IOC has four vice presi-
new President Emmanuel Ma- dents looking into the prospect

Zhang keeps Evergrande on top several defenders before sending in the

cross that found Ricketts head, for his
third goal in two games after scoring a
cron to beat Los Angeles and
secure the Olympic Games in
2024 not 2028.
With the IOC currently as-
of awarding the 2024 and 2028
Games at the same time in Sep-
tember. We have one goal dur-
ing these few days: to convince
BEIJING, May 14, (Agencies): China international tive and also very demanding, said Stojkovic. Our brace in Torontos 2-1 comeback vic- sessing a proposal to award you that Paris is the right city,
Zhang Linpeng scored the only goal of the game as opponent is a super team. tory at Columbus on Wednesday. the next two Olympics one with the right vision, at the right
six-times champions Guangzhou Evergrande main- We can say that the teams performance was very Toronto moved to 25 points and to each city Paris ofcials in- moment, Paris mayor Anne Hi-
tained their lead at the top of the Chinese Super League good and we got a draw, which is a very good result. maintained its six-point lead atop of sist the French capital city is the dalgo said. The right city with
right choice for 2024. world-class venues and accom-
on Sunday with a 1-0 win over Changchun Yatai. We had to ght very hard from the beginning, and after the Eastern Conference standings. The 39-year-old Macron, modation, and the best public
Luiz Felipe Scolaris team took all three points going 0-1 behind to be able to draw the game is good. Minnesota has 11 points and is seventh Frances youngest-ever presi- transport in the world, ready
after Zhangs rising drive from outside the area ar- Guizhou Zhicheng beat Tianjin Quanjian 2-1 in Gre- in the West. dent, ofcially took ofce on right now.
rowed into the top corner in the 61st minute before gorio Manzanos rst game in charge as Fabio Can- Latif Blessing scored his rst two Sunday as the IOC evaluation International Olympic Com-
Changchuns Odion Ighalo hit the post with 12 min- navaros side went a fth league game without a win MLS goals and Sporting Kansas City commission started a three-day mittee members were in Los
drew 2-2 at Orlando City, ending the visit to Paris. Angeles earlier this week to
utes remaining. to drop to 10th while Beijing Guoans Burak Yilmaz Florida clubs ve-game winning Our team has a new member, meet with the U.S. bid leaders
We expected difculties in this away game because scored a brace in their 2-1 victory over Yanbian Fude. streak at its new stadium. the new President of France, and inspect their planned ven-
we have never won easily here and today it was the Shanghai Shenhua, still without the injured Carlos Blessing, who had played only 36 Emmanuel Macron, bid leader ues. While Los Angeles Mayor
same, the match was really tight, said Scolari. Tevez, were held to a 0-0 draw by Henan Jianye and minutes this season, scored in the ninth Tony Estanguet said on Sunday. Eric Garcetti appeared at least
Today we were better at creating Liaoning Whowin picked up a 2-1 win over Chong- minute for Kansas City, cleaning up a Hes been a fantastic supporter willing to consider hosting the
and converting chances and thats loose ball, and equalized in the 74th on of our bid from the beginning. He 2028 Olympics if the city isnt
qing Lifan. will be with us all the way to Lima awarded its rst choice of 2024,
why we won. a rebound off goalie Joe Bendik.
Orlando tied it in the 16th when Car- and hopefully beyond. Hidalgo said Paris is set for the
Victory means Evergrande main- los Rivas curled a left-footed pass from Los Angeles and Paris are the earlier edition.
tain their two-point lead at the top SOCCER outside the box into Cyle Larin, who only two bidders left for the 2024 With nancial and political
of the standings over Shanghai Games, which will be awarded in stability and support, we are
volleyed home for his seventh goal this September at a meeting of Olym- ready right now, Hidalgo said.
SIPG, who beat Tianjin Teda 1-0 season. Kaka gave Orlando the lead in pic leaders in Peru. The race At the right moment, as the no
on Sunday thanks to a solitary goal In Tokyo, Shinzo Koroki scored his league-leading the 26th with his third goal, scoring off began with ve cities, but Rome, risk option.
by Fu Huan. eighth goal of the season on Sunday as Urawa Reds a deep cross from Scott Sutter.
Shandong Luneng, however, thrashed Albirex Niigata 6-1 to overtake Kashima Ant- Both teams have 19 points, with Or-
slipped up as Felix Magaths side lers in the J-League standings. lando having played a game more. the season in the 76th minute to com- brought Montreal level.
Zhang At Chicago, Nikolic converted from plete the victory. Haris Medunjanins opened the
surrendered a one-goal lead to al- Musashi Suzuki opened the scoring for the hosts just Chicago has 15 points and is sixth in scoring on a 25-yard blast and the Phil-
the spot in the 25th minute to open the
low Jiangsu Suning to pick up their rst win of the two minutes in but the lead didnt last long as Yuki scoring but, moments later, Seattles the East, while Seattle (11 points) has adelphia Union added three more in a
season. Muto equalized in the sixth minute and Koroki gave Clint Dempsey blasted a left footer just one win in their last seven. 4-0 victory over D.C. United, while
Jiangsu, who nished second in the league last sea- Urawa the lead for good on 20 minutes. from outside the box into the top- Elsewhere, Justin Meram scored his Shkelzen Gashi scored his rst two
son and were also runners up in the Chinese FA Cup, Tomoaki Makino and Takahiro Sekine added goals right corner of the net to equalize. third goal of the game in added time to goals of the season and the Colorado
have struggled so far this year but moved up to 14th in and an own goal by Albirexs Romero Frank ensured David Accams goal in the 60th earn Columbus a 3-2 win at Montreal Rapids ended a seven-game winless
the 16-team league with a 2-1 victory that came cour- the visitors of a comfortbale 5-1 lead at the break. minute restored Chicagos lead. Bastian and spoiled marquee signing Blerim streak with a 3-0 victory over the San
tesy of Alex Teixeiras stoppage time winner. Wataru Endo completed the rout two minutes into Schweinsteiger tapped it to Michael Dzemailis debut. Jose Earthquakes.
Guangzhou R&F are third despite being held to a the second half as Urawa improved to 22 points, one de Leeuw, on the right side of the box, Substitute Niko Hansen set up Scott Caldwell scored in the opening
whose cross was trapped by Accam just Meram for an easy goal on a counter- minutes and the New England Revolu-
1-1 draw by Hebei CFFC. Eran Zahavi cancelled out ahead of Kashima Antlers which lost 2-1 to Vissel outside the 6-yard box and red into the attack to complete the hat trick with tion used a rst-half blitz to rout Real
Ezequiel Lavezzis late goal for Manuel Pellegrinis Kobe. back of the net to make it 2-1. his seventh goal of the season. Meram Salt Lake 4-0.
Hebei side and the result leaves Dragan Stojkovics In other matches, Cerezo Osaka beat Sanfrecce Hi- Luis Solignac added a goal in the scored twice in the rst half to set up Kei Kamara, Diego Fagundez and
team ve points off the summit. roshima 5-2 while Kawasaki Frontale defeated Jubilo 73rd and Nikolic scored his second a two-goal lead, before Ignacio Piatti Lee Nguyen also scored as Revolution
This game was very difcult, very hard, competi- Iwata 2-1. and a joint MLS-leading eighth goal of and substitute Anthony Jackson-Hamel won its rst in six games.


Liverpool control destiny for top four

Hull relegated
LONDON, May 14, (AFP):
Philippe Coutinho red
Liverpool within touching
distance of the Champions
League as the Brazilians
masterclass inspired a 4-0
demolition of West Ham on
Jurgen Klopps side took the
lead when Coutinhos sublime
pass was converted by Daniel Stur-
ridge in the rst half at the London
Coutinho stole the spotlight again
in the second half
with a superb
solo strike and a
cool nish to put
Liverpool three
goals ahead be-
fore Divock Ori-
gi netted to cap
the Reds swag-
gering display.
Coutinho moved back one
point above Manchester City into
third place in the Premier League.
Although City and fth placed Arse-
nal both have a game in hand, Klopps
men will be guaranteed a Champions
League berth if they beat relegated
Middlesbrough at Aneld next Sun-
In the unlikely event Arsenal lose
at home to relegated Sunderland on
Tuesday then Liverpool will clinch a
top four spot without playing.
West Ham ended Tottenhams title
dreams in their previous match, but
Coutinho ensured they never came
close to derailing Liverpool.
Al-Tadhamon U-19 players celebrate with the Championship trophy.
Al-Tadhamon Under-19 complete double
It might have been different if West
Ham had capitalised on two early chanc- Al-Tadhamon Under-19 football Prior to this game, the team had Al-Tadhamon, while they reached a ter they won the double silverware players for adhering to the instruc-
es. team overwhelmingly won the well- won the local league by topping 2-2 draw in the second game. this season. tions of the technical crew and the
Sam Byram red inches past the post deserved double trophies in the the league table ahead of Al-Ara- Chairman of the Games Com- He afrmed that the cash prize administration, and praised them
before Edimilson Fernandes forced Liv- current season when they beat Al- bi team. Both teams tied with 61 mittee at Al-Tadhamon Club Talal was aimed at appreciating the play- for being punctual during the daily
erpool goalkeeper Simon Mignolet into Nasser Under-19 football team by points each, after which they met Al-Mershad disclosed that the man- ers for their concerted efforts dur- training sessions, which was the
a smart save. 2-1 during the nal game at the sta- in two-legged games. The rst of agement of the club has paid KD ing the two championships. main factor behind such a rare ac-
Sandwiched in between was Liver- dium of Kazma Sports Club. the two legs ended 2-0 in favor of 50,000 to the under-19 players af- Al-Mershad commended the complishment.
pools rst chance of the afternoon after
11 minutes. West Ham manager Slaven Bilic has Can freed Georginio Wijnaldum and Hull City crashed out of the Premier Palace had needed a point to stay up Zaha gleefully pounced on the loose ball
Coutinhos corner was met by Joel made no secret that Sturridge is on his Adrian again came to the home sides League on Sunday as Crystal Palace and their dominant display completed to slot home.
Matip whose header bounced down and transfer wish-list. rescue at his near post. secured their own survival with a 4-0 boss Sam Allardyces latest survival Hull were rocked by that self-inicted
off the crossbar as West Ham somehow For now, Sturridge was focused on The crossbar was still shaking from thrashing of their relegation rivals at Sel- mission after he rescued Sunderland last wound and James Tomkins almost dou-
scrambled the ball clear. sending Liverpool closer to the top-four Wijnaldums erce volley when Coutin- hurst Park. season. bled Palaces lead with a glancing head-
Liverpool began to nd some mo- but their lead should have evaporated ho gave Liverpool breathing space in the Marco Silvas side knew only a vic- Swansea Citys win at Sunderland on er from Jason Puncheons corner.
mentum and Sturridge freed Adam Lal- moments before half-time. 57th minute. tory would give them a realistic chance Saturday had left Hull with no margin With just one away league win all
lana, who shot straight at Adrian. Manuel Lanzinis corner found its Coutinho weaved his way through of staying up, but goals from Wilfried for error and Palaces desire to secure season, the odds were heavily stacked
The Hammers goalkeeper also had to way to Andre Ayew but the striker hit tired West Ham bodies before nally Zaha, Christian Benteke, Luka Milivo- their safety meant the stakes couldnt against Hull and Alfred NDiaye
be alert to keep out James Milners low the post from two-yards out before in- beating Adrian with a ne, low drive. jevic and Patrick van Aanholt consigned have been higher. couldnt nd a cure for their travel sick-
drive before watching Coutinhos long- credibly repeating the trick from the It was game over when Coutinho them to the drop. In the circumstances, the rst goal ness as he blazed well over.
range effort drift just over the top of his rebound. struck again ve minutes later on the Third-bottom Hull, winners just once would be crucial and Hull, who had won Hulls fate was sealed in the 34th
crossbar. That could have changed the course counter-attack. in their last six matches, return to the only once at Palace in 32 years, were get- minute when Benteke barged in front
Milner dragged his shot wide when of the match but instead, Liverpool took West Ham were angered that Matip Championship just 12 months after their ting a sinking feeling in south London of Harry Maguire to meet Puncheons
well placed but the breakthrough arrived full control. escaped with an elbow on Winston promotion via the play-offs. once again after Zaha punished a terrible corner with a close-range header that
via Sturridge in the 35th minute. Adrian foiled them on three occasions Reid but Liverpool broke and Coutinho They paid the price for a chaotic blunder to open the scoring in the third ashed past Eldin Jakupovic.
Coutinho split open the West Ham in quick succession. danced past Collins easily before netting. campaign marred by poor signings and minute. When Puncheon escaped without con-
defence with a majestic long pass and Origis low shot was pushed out be- There was still time for Origi to stab boardroom turmoil. When a Palace pass went astray, An- ceding a penalty after blocking Kamil
Sturridge strode through, rounded Adri- fore Lallanas drive was blocked by the home from close-range in the 76th The Tigers will join already relegated drea Ranocchia had the simple task of Grosickis free-kick with his hand, Silva
an and slotted home his rst goal since Spaniards feet. minute following Wijnaldums miscued Sunderland and Middlesbrough in the hoong clear, but instead the Hull de- and his players must have realised there
Jan 2. When West Ham failed to clear, Emre shot. second tier next season. fender completely missed his kick and would be no great escape.

Inter suffer 4th straight defeat

Napoli blast five past Torino

MILAN, May 14, (Agencies): Napoli sible third defeat from their past ve
continued their free-scoring season games.
by thumping Torino 5-0 away in Se- But Lazio coach Simone Inzaghi
rie A on Sunday while hapless Inter rested several key players ahead of
Milan lost again in front of disgrun- the Cup nal date with treble-chasing
tled fans at San Siro. Juventus, and Paulo Sousas hosts
Inters 2-1 loss to Sassuolo was capitalised to claim a precious win
their fourth defeat in a row and most that sent them up to seventh, one
of their hardcore fans walked out in point behind Europa League-chasing
protest in the 25th minute, leaving a AC Milan, who were held 1-1 away
banner on the curva Nord saying they to fth-placed Atalanta.
had gone to lunch. Gerard Deulofeu got the equaliser
With two rounds of matches to for Milan three minutes from time
play after Sunday, Juve lead with 85 after prolic goal-scoring defender
points, ve ahead of Napoli, with AS Andrea Contis opener just before the
Roma a further two points behind.
Juventus were away to Roma in the SOCCER
evening game, needing one point to
wrap up their third successive title. break -- his eighth of the season.
Jose Callejon gave Napoli a sev- Napolis Brazilian midelder Jorge The result ensured Atalanta qualify
enth-minute lead at Torino, sending Luiz Jorginho (right), vies with To- for next seasons Europa League after
an angled drive past Joe Hart and into rinos Serbian forward Adem Ljajic a 26-year absence from continental
the far corner. during the Italian Serie A foot- competition.
West Ham Uniteds Sam Byram (left), and Liverpools Philippe Coutinho battle for the ball during the English Pre- Lorenzo Insigne added a second ball match Torino vs Napoli at the In Florence, Babacar spurned a
mier League soccer match at London Stadium, on May 14. (AP) goal on the hour, then Mertens sur- Olympic Stadium in Turin, on May chance to level moments after Bal-
prised Hart at the near post to score 14. (AFP) des strike when Lazio goalkeeper
Cairney rescues Fulham vs Reading the third before Callejon slid in Faou-
zi Ghoulams cross for his second of
Thomas Strakosha sent a clearance
straight to the Senegal striker but
the match. made amends by tipping his curling
Huddersfield frustrated by Wednesday in play-off Piotr Zielinski put the nishing
touch as Napoli took their tally for
drive to safety.
But Strakosha was left stunned
LONDON, May 14, (AFP): Hudderseld were unable to Slavisa Jokanovics side fell behind to Jordan Obitas the season to 86 goals. when the big centre-forward pulled
turn their dominance into a priceless goal as gritty Shef- strike early in the second half at Craven Cottage. Inter, who sacked coach Stefano Fiorentina level minutes later with a
eld Wednesday held on for a 0-0 draw in the rst leg of the But Cairney bagged a vital equaliser before Reading cap- Pioli on Tuesday, did no better under header at the keepers near post.
Championship play-off seminals on Sunday. tain Paul McShane was sent off in the closing stages as Ful- caretaker Stefano Vecchi as Pietro Sousa, who according to reports
David Wagners side controlled possession for long peri- ham pressed in vain for a winner. Iemmello scored either side of half- could be replaced by ousted Inter Mi-
ods at the John Smiths Stadium, but couldnt nd a way past With honours even in west London, a place in the play- time to put Sassuolo 2-0 ahead. lan coach Stefano Pioli, made a series
Wednesday goalkeeper Keiren Westwood. off nal at Wembley remains up for grabs for both teams in Eder pulled one back for Inter but of substitutions that added impetus in
Hudderseld, who nished one place below Wednesday in Tuesdays second leg at Readings Madejski Stadium. it did little to inspire his team or quell a busy nale.
the second tier table, saw Izzy Brown hit the crossbar in the Fulham nished the season in the sixth and nal play-off the protests. Strakosha blocked a Matias Vecino
rst half, while Nahki Wells twice tested Westwood. place, but they were the divisions joint-highest scorers with There were bizarre goals else- snapshot, and although Viola keeper
Cautious Wednesday failed to muster a shot on target, but 85 goals, including a 5-0 thrashing of Reading in December. where. Ciprian Tatarusanu was happy to see
the stalemate means they return to Hillsborough for the sec- Royals boss Jaap Stam, mindful of that mauling, opted Chievo were left fuming when Inter Milans Mauro Icardi controls Gil Patrics deected effort come off
ond leg next week as favourites to reach the Wembley nal for a ve-man defence as the former Manchester United star the ball during the Serie A soccer
goalkeeper Stefano Sorrentino lost match between Inter Milan and the upright, Fiorentina had the mo-
for a second successive year. tried to frustrate Fulhams potent attack. his boot during a clash on the byline mentum.
Hudderseld almost landed an early goal when Wednes- The cautious approach worked well and, after keeping Sassuolo at the San Siro Stadium
but play was waved on and Fabio in Milan, Italy, on May 14. (AP) Strakosha did well to parry a Cris-
day defender Glenn Loovens failed to clear Wellss header Fulham at bay in the rst half, Reading took the lead eight Quagliarella scored into an empty net tian Tello strike, but it came off Lazio
and the ball landed to Brown eight yards out, but his shot minutes after the interval. to put Sampdoria ahead. with a goal by Marcus Rohden while man Stefan Radu and became an assist
skimmed the bar. That turned out to be the best moment for Roberto Inglese volleyed home Empoli lost 3-2 at Cagliari. Palermo for Kalinic as the Croatian red the
either side in the rst half as Wednesdays resolute defend- SOCCER early in the second half to give the and Pescara are already down. hosts into a 2-1 lead on 73 minutes.
ing kept Hudderseld at bay.
Wells threatened after the interval when he turned his Fulham felt Stefan Johansen was fouled in the build-up as Flying Donkeys a 1-1 draw. Lazio stumbled ahead of next A curling drive from Kalinic had
marker and produced a chip that had Westwood back-ped- McShane ploughed through the mideld and fed Obita on Genoa lost 1-0 at relegated Paler- weeks Italian Cup nal showdown Fiorentina 3-1 up minutes later when
dling before tipping over. the left. mo when their goalkeeper Eugenio against Juventus falling to a 3-2 Serie it came off the far post and off the leg
Hudderselds Tommy Smith red over before Wells had Obita wasnt closed down quickly enough by Ryan Fred- Lamanna caught a harmless Andrea A defeat at Fiorentina. of Lombardi.
another chance when a loose ball fell to him eight yards from ericks and drilled a low drive in off the far post. Rispoli header under the crossbar but Second-half strikes from Khouma Lazio were forced to nish with 10
goal but Westwood was out quickly to deect it wide. There was an immediate response from Fulham and they stepped backwards into his goal and Babacar and Nikola Kalinic, and a men when Marco Parolo hobbled off
Wednesday were beaten by Hull in last years play-off - were level in the 65th minute. took the ball over the line with him. Cristiano Lombardi own goal sealed after Inzaghi had used all three sub-
nal and their bid to avenge that painful defeat remains on Scott Malones cross was palmed out by Ali Al Habsi Genoas defeat left them with 33 three points which kept Fiorentinas stitutes.
track after they subdued Hudderseld in the closing stages. straight to Cairney, who nodded into the empty net for his points, only two ahead of Crotone Europa League hopes alive. But the visitors came ghting
Meanwhile, Tom Cairney kept Fulhams Premier League 13th goal of the season. in the relegation zone with Empoli Keita Baldes 55th-minute opener back, Luis Alberto nding Alessan-
promotion bid alive as his equaliser rescued a 1-1 draw McShane was shown a red card for an awful challenge on sandwiched in between. for Lazio, his seventh in four games, dro Murgia with a cross that saw his
against 10-man Reading in the Championship play-off semi- Kevin McDonald with 10 minutes left, but Fulham couldnt Crotone continued their bid for a had Fiorentina hanging their heads looping header go over Tatarusanu
nal rst leg. nd a priceless second goal. great escape by beating Udinese 1-0 in desperation and staring at a pos- and into the far top corner.
monday (all times are kuwait local)


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Latest sports scores at

Spurs edge Man U in Lane farewell quickly reasserted control.

Kane the hero United goalkeeper David de Gea was
the busiest man in the stadium, parry-
ing a strike by Son Heung-Min, acro-
LONDON, May 14, (AFP): batically denying Dele Alli and saving
Homegrown hero Harry with his legs from Kane, who also
Kane scored Tottenham Hot- clipped the bar with a header.
Kane struck three minutes into the
spurs last goal at White Hart second half, innovatively volleying
Lane as they bade farewell to home Christian Eriksens free-kick
their home with a 2-1 victory from the left to take his goal tally for the
over Manchester United on league campaign to 22.
Rooney reduced the arrears in the
Sunday. 71st minute, prodding in Martials low
Kane, born up the road in Ching- cross and giving United their first goal
ford, added to Victor Wanyamas in an away game against another mem-
early header to secure a victory ber of the top six this season at the fifth
that conrmed Spurs will nish and final attempt.
in second place in the Premier As a steady rain began to fall, Alli
League and ended Uniteds hopes came close to restoring Spurs two-goal
of a top-four nish. cushion, but his curling effort was
Demolition headed off the line by Phil Jones.
work at the Standings
Lane, Spurs
home since x-Chelsea 36 28 3 5 76 29 87
1899, will start Spurs 36 24 8 4 73 24 80
on Monday, Liverpool 37 21 10 6 75 42 73
with Mauricio Man City 36 21 9 6 72 38 72
Arsenal 36 21 6 9 72 43 69
Po c h e t t i n os Man Utd 36 17 14 5 52 29 65
side playing at Everton 37 17 10 10 61 41 61
Wembley next West Brom 36 12 9 15 41 46 45
Southampton 36 12 9 15 41 47 45
season before Bournemouth 37 12 9 16 54 66 45
Kane moving into Leicester 36 12 7 17 46 56 43
their new West Ham 37 11 9 17 45 63 42
ground, which is being built on the Palace 37 12 5 20 50 61 41
Stoke 37 10 11 16 40 56 41
same site, in 2018. Burnley 37 11 7 19 38 53 40
The Lane has been graced by such Watford 36 11 7 18 37 59 40
Swansea 37 11 5 21 43 69 38
SOCCER Manchester Uniteds Dutch midelder Daley Blind (left), vies with Tottenham Hotspurs English defender Eric Dier during the English Premier League
y-Sunderland 36 6 6 24 28 62 24
Spurs greats as Jimmy Greaves, Steve football match between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United at White Hart lane in London, on May 14. (AFP)
Perryman and Glenn Hoddle and it An on-pitch ceremony featuring four for the third time in four seasons, Mourinho made eight changes to the United briefly threatened to draw Note 1: Top four qualify for
was fitting that Kane, emblem of their famous figures from the clubs past was Jose Mourinhos team must now beat team that had edged Celta Vigo in the level, Rooney heading over the bar from Champions League; teams finishing
exciting current side, should be their due to take place after the match. Ajax in the Europa League final in Europa League semifinals on Thursday, a Daley Blind corner and then playing fifth to seventh qualify for Europa
final goal-scorer there. Sixth-place United, who replied Stockholm on May 24 to procure a with 19-year-old defender Axel an outside-of-the-foot pass down the League; bottom three relegated to
It was Spurs 14th successive home through Wayne Rooney, fell to a second place in the Champions League. Tuanzebe lining up in midfield, and line to Anthony Martial, who cut in and Championship.
league win equalling the club record, successive league defeat, having seen a The teams emerged to find the within six minutes his side were behind. curled wide. But with Spurs fans hap- Note 2: Standings read as played,
set over two seasons in 1987 and 25-game unbeaten run ended by a 2-0 famous old arena awash with blue and Spurs played a corner short on the pily serenading favourites of yesteryear won, dram, lost goals for, goals against
meant they finished a league campaign loss down the road at Arsenal last week- white as Spurs fans waved flags bearing left and Ben Daviess deep cross was Ledley King, Teddy Sheringham, and points.
unbeaten at home for the first time end. the legend THE LANE, THE FINALE emphatically headed home by the leap- Aaron Lennon, who is fighting mental Note 3: x denotes Champions y
since 1964-65. Guaranteed to finish outside the top and filled the air with songs. ing Wanyama. health issues at present the hosts denotes relegated.

Nadal edges out Thiem for fifth Madrid Masters

MADRID, May 14, (AFP): Rafael first Masters series final.
Nadals flawless record on clay this Nadal disposed of Novak Djokovic
season continued as he outgunned the for his first win over the Serb for three
impressive Dominic Thiem to win the years on Saturday and victory saw
Madrid Masters for a fifth time 7-6 him level Djokovics record of 30
(10/8), 6-4 on Sunday. Masters Series titles.
The Spaniard is now 15-0 on his Thiem didnt finish his semi-final
favoured surface this year having against Uruguayan Pablo Cuevas until
also picked up his 10th titles in after midnight on Sunday morning.
Monte Carlo and Barcelona in recent However, that lack of recovery time
And the 14-time Grand Slam TENNIS
champion is now strong favourite to
add a 10th French Open crown next didnt show as Thiem struck the first
month as he romped to victory on blow by breaking the Nadal serve to
home soil for the loss of just one set all move into a 3-1 first set lead.
week. Thiem handed the break back by
Victory also moves Nadal above netting a simple volley for 3-3, but
Roger Federer to fourth in the world showed admirable resistence to battle
rankings. back from 0-40 when serving to stay
To play here and win here means a in the set a 4-5 to force a tie-break.
lot to me, said Nadal. Both had their chances in the tie-
I am always very nervous and break as Thiem again fought back
emotional to play a final in Madrid. from 3-5 down to have two set points Spains Rafael Nadal holds the tro-
Thiem also fell victim to Nadals of his own only to be denied by two phy as he celebrates winning the -
supreme form in the final in Barcelona punishing Nadal forehands. nal of the Madrid Open tennis tour-
two weeks ago, but there was little for And eventually it was Nadal who nament in two sets, 7-6 (10-8), 6-4,
the 23-year-old to be dispirited about prevailed with his fifth set point when against Austrias Dominic Thiem in
as he pushed Nadal all the way in his Thiem fired long. Madrid, Spain, on May 14. (AP)

Feyenoord win
league crown
(RTRS): Feyenoord won the
Dutch league title on Sun-
day after veteran striker Dirk
Kuyt scored a hat-trick in a
3-1 home win over Heracles
Almelo that left them one-
point clear of arch rivals Ajax
Kuyt, the clubs 36-year-
old captain, scored after 40
seconds to set the Rotterdam
side on their way to the win
they needed for a first title in
18 years.
It was Feyenoords 15th
Dutch title, following their
last success in 1999.
Feyenoord, coached by for-
mer Arsenal and Barcelona
player Giovanni van Bronck-
horst, had a chance to secure
the championship last week,
but were surprisingly beaten
3-0 by neighbours Excelsior
Rotterdam in a nervy perfor-
Yet any apprehension their
supporters might have had
on the final day of the regu-
lar league season evaporated
right from the start as Kuyt
took advantage of a defensive
slip to hammer home from a
tight angle at close range with
his right foot.
It was his 100th goal for the
club and was followed within
11 minutes by a towering
header as he connected with
Eljero Elias cross to spark
early celebrations in a packed
Feyenoord Stadium.


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