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Blood Bowl Quest

Gladen Cloudrunner

An ex Pro Elf Union Blitzer turned head coach after an ogre blew his leg out from
under him. Wasted most of his money drinking, along with a crafty loophole within
his sponsorship contract. Has been given the job of leading the Hobtown Hoodlums
by Commisioner Crawshank Crabhammer.

Hobtown Hoodlums

A merry band of backbiting, sneaky, foulmouthed, stinky, stickyfingered Hobgoblins

and run o' the mill Goblins and one ornery troll. . Currently has won zero games in
the season and has gone through five (5!) coaches. Only someone with the cunning,
patience and brutality can only hope to bring them into line.

Commisioner Crawshank Crabhammer

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