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Aylin Rodriguez

Sierra Vista High School 3600 N. Frazier St. Baldwin Park, CA

October 19, 2016

Ms. Angulo
Sierra Vista High School
3600 N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706

Dear Ms. Angulo:

The topic that I have chosen is the controversial issue of Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus
is considered to be a historical figure for discovering the Americas, and upon discovering it, he
enslaved indigenous people throughout his journey. Many people protest that Columbus Day
should be changed to Indigenous Peoples Day. The reason I chose this topic was because it is
rather ignored and I want to speak out on the issue and inform people about it.

I plan to prove that Columbus Day should not be celebrated and that it should be changed into
Indigenous People's Day. But I also plan to argue that Columbus is a historic figure in American
history for reasons. To prove my thesis, I plan to provide historical and factual evidence from
online articles and library books and also by prior knowledge to prove my point.

My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses

words and not give them credit. I understand that Sierra Vista High School holds a high standard
of academic honesty that I will abide by. I will submit my research paper to www.turnitin.com
which checks for plagiarism. I also understand that if I were to copy or plagiarize my research
paper, I will not be given credit and this may result in a disciplinary action and possible failure of
the first semester of junior English.


Aylin Rodriguez

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