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University of North Texas Art Education

I. Title

Groovy Glow with Lines and Color

II. Grade:


III. TEKS: 117.117. Art, 1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 4a

IV. Objectives:

Students will explore abstract painting and discuss the work of Wassily Kandinsky
Create a non-objective work of art using intersecting lines and analogous colors and creating
free form shapes from the intersecting lines
Color wheel concepts are also explored.

V. Activity:

Students will be given a 12x12 piece of black construction paper. Onto this base the students will
transfer their lines designs first with pencil then metallic silver glue.
Students will then fill in their design by using chalk pastels while focusing on analogous colors.

VI. Instruction:

Day 1:

Discuss and evaluate the artwork of abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. Discuss his style and use of
using lines and colors to create art.
Give students a piece of black construction paper and have them draw different types of lines on their
paper using metallic glue. The lines should intersect and go completely across the page. No more then
8-12 lines. Use a variety i.e. swirl, straight, zig-zag, curvy

Put on drying rack to dry.

Day 2/3:

Use chalk pastels to color each free form shape that is made from the intersecting lines. They should
use no more than 2-3 colors in each section and the colors should be analogous.

VII. Resources:

- PowerPoint presentation with examples from Wassily Kandinsky, along with a student example.
VIII. Materials:

Black construction paper

Metallic glue
Chalk pastels

IX. Vocabulary:
Line, Shape, Analogous Colors

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