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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Jada Dosty
7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843

Governor Jerry Brown

c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814

To Whom It May Concern:

hello, my name is Jada Dosty and I am writing this letter concerning the refugee crisis happening in syria. There
are 4.8 million refugees who have had to flee their country and move to neighboring countries. That number
alone should spark something inside to help the people of syria come to the U.S to get away from the cruelty
happening in their country. Also leaving their country can be just as dangerous as staying in syria so why not

The current situation in syria has become terrible it is a war zone going on in syria that has lasted for around six
years. It has resulted in many families being bombed, shot, etc. Also leaving family members trying to figure
out how to survive and where to go to keep their families safe.

I believe that the syrian refugee crisis is similar to the world war refugee crisis that happened awhile ago. In
world war two there were many of jewish refugees that needed to be displaced and the U.S did not do all that
they good to make things right for the jews. The difference between the two are that the U.S is trying to do more
than they did last time but they haven't let in many refugees still.

I disagree strongly with the law makers. I feel like the U.S can do a lot more than what they are for the refugees
from syria. I think the biggest fear is that the refugees are going to turn out to be terrorists or spies and hurt our
country. I feel like we need to make sure we do checks on the refugees and have watch on them so we know
what they are doing and then we have no excuse for not helping and accepting the refugees.

My main point is I feel like we need to do more on our part to help the refugees get safe from the horror
happening in their country. I hope the senate will come around and vote to let refugees into the U.S so we can
help them get away from what is happening. Also so we can help families stay alive and together.


Jada Dosty
Antelope High School Student
Respectful. Responsible. Proud

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

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