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Evaluation of a Compact Differential Cell for Secondary pH

Measurements by a Bilateral Interlaboratory Comparison
Fabiano Barbieri Gonzaga,*a Jlio Cesar Dias,a Diana Jehnert,b Barbara Werner,b Karin Schrpler,b Leos Vyskocilc
a Chemical Metrology Division, National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO), Av. Nossa Senhora das
Graas, 50, Xerm, 25250-020 Duque de Caxias, RJ, Brazil
b Zentrum fr Messen und Kalibrieren -ANALYTIK- GmbH (ZMK), Areal A, Filmstrae Nr. 7, Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen,

06766 Wolfen, Germany

c Slovensky metrologicky stav (SMU), Karlovesk 63, SK 842 55 Bratislava 4, Slovakia

Received: March 20, 2013

Accepted: May 16, 2013
Published online: June 21, 2013

This work presents a new differential potentiometric cell for the standardization of pH buffer solutions and its eval-
uation, by means of a bilateral interlaboratory comparison, in relation to a traditional Baucke cell. The results ob-
tained with the two cells were exactly the same for three of the pH buffer solutions analyzed (1.68, 4.01, and 6.86)
and similar to each other for the remaining buffer solution (9.18). The new cell showed an average measurement
time of only 21 minutes, in comparison with one to three hours for other cells described in the literature (including
the Baucke cell).

Keywords: Differential cell, Potentiometry, pH, Standardization, Buffer solution

DOI: 10.1002/elan.201300135

1 Introduction quires the establishment of a metrological calibration hi-

erarchy linking the quantity in the sample to a unit in the
The most widely used measurement for the acidity of sol- International System of Units (SI) or, where this is not
utions is pH, which is defined as the negative logarithm possible, to another valid international reference. For pH,
of the activity of hydrogen ions [14]. It is one of the a traceability chain can be established by calibration
most common and frequent quantitative measurements in using primary reference buffer solutions, for which the
chemical analyzes [57]. This status of pH was achieved pH values are obtained by utilizing the internationally
not only because its measure is usually fast, inexpensive, recognized measurement procedure [3]. This procedure,
and easy to perform, but also because it has many areas called primary pH measurement, is based on potentio-
of application, such as health care and safety, biochem- metric measurements for electrochemical cells without
istry, geochemistry, industrial processes, and environmen- liquid junctions (frequently called Harned cells), with
tal monitoring. The rate of important chemical reactions each cell containing the pH buffer solution, a hydrogen-
within industrial processes can be altered by changing the bubbled platinum/platinized (or palladinized) electrode
pH level. For geochemistry and environmental science, (also called a hydrogen electrode), a silver/silver chloride
measuring the pH values of fresh waters accurately is of electrode, and a known amount of chloride [2, 3, 911].
great importance. Moreover, research in environmental However, in some cases, these primary standards are
science and in biochemistry has given evidence that the too expensive for common laboratories dealing with rou-
measurement uncertainty in pH forms a central contribu- tine pH measurements. In these cases, laboratories can
tion to the uncertainty budget of thermodynamic data as achieve traceability by means of secondary reference
well as to geochemical transport models. In addition, buffer solutions. These solutions can be standardized in
since the solubility and bioavailability of substances are comparison with primary buffer solutions using a proce-
functions of the pH value, it is also a critical input quanti- dure that is typically simpler and faster and employs
ty for climate modeling [712]. cheaper instrumentation [9]. This secondary pH measure-
Practical pH measurements of real samples are mostly ment is also internationally recognized and was first de-
performed by potentiometry using a glass indicating elec- scribed in 1994 by F. G. K. Baucke [15], who designed
trode connected to a digital pH meter, which must be a cell that was later named the Baucke cell. This stand-
calibrated using reference buffer solutions [13, 14]. Confi- ardization procedure usually makes use of a differential
dence in the reliability of the measurement results re- potentiometric cell with a single junction (without a salt

Electroanalysis 2013, 25, No. 8, 1955 1959  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1955
Full Paper F. B. Gonzaga et al.

bridge) separating two half-cells: one contains the pri- xpart  xref 
mary buffer solution and a hydrogen electrode (reference q
En   2
potential), and the other contains the secondary buffer Upart 2 Uref 2
solution and another hydrogen electrode. The two buffer
solutions must have the same nominal composition, and where xpart is the result of the participating laboratory, xref
the two electrodes must be as similar as possible to each is the result of the reference laboratory, Upart is the ex-
other. Since the hydrogen pressures in the half-cells are panded uncertainty (coverage factor of 2) of the partici-
about the same, and because the quasi-identical solutions pating laboratory, and Uref is the expanded uncertainty of
can hardly cause any interdiffusion, the liquid junction the reference laboratory. As the Baucke cell is the cell
potential (LJP, developed in the junction between the traditionally employed for secondary pH measurements,
two half-cells) is only on the order of microvolts, and its ZMK was defined as the reference laboratory.
effect on the pH result measured for the secondary buffer
solution can be neglected. Thus, the pH of the secondary
2.2 Equipment
buffer solution (pHS) is obtained using Equation 1:
Two similar measurement systems were employed by
ZMK and INMETRO. In addition to the cell, each mea-
DECell F
pHS pHP  1 surement system was composed of a digital multimeter
RT ln 10
(for measuring voltage and temperature), a thermostatic
bath, a temperature sensor (immersed into the bath), and
where pHP is the pH of the primary buffer solution, a gas flow controller (for controlling the hydrogen flows
DECell is the potential difference between the hydrogen entering the cells). For the system containing the Baucke
electrodes after stabilization (in V), F is the Faraday con- cell (ZMK), a Fluke 8508A digital multimeter, a Schott
stant, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the temper- CT44 thermostatic bath, two Pt 100 resistance thermome-
ature (in K) [3, 4, 15]. Using his cell, F. G. K. Baucke re- ters, and an Agilent ADM1000 gas flow controller were
ported measurement times between one and three hours used. For the system containing the new cell (INME-
(the time required for stabilization of the potential differ- TRO), an Agilent 34970A digital multimeter, a Hart Sci-
ence) [15]. More recently, two papers [7, 16] have report- entific 7011 thermostatic bath, a type J thermocouple,
ed on modified cells for secondary pH measurement. The and two MKS 1479A gas flow controllers were employed.
last one [7], from 2011, reported measurement times of Both potentiometric cells used in this work are made
about one hour. of glass and have a D4 porosity sintered-glass disk (10 to
Although the Baucke cell is still used, it presents some 16 mm pore width) separating the two half-cells (contain-
drawbacks, such as the relatively large amount of solution ing the hydrogen electrodes and the buffer solutions).
required to fill the cell and the long measurement time. The Baucke cell has two glass tubes for inserting hydro-
Thus, this paper presents a new differential potentiomet- gen into the two half-cells, each tube with a D3 porosity
ric cell for the standardization of pH buffer solutions. The sintered-glass disk (16 to 40 mm pore width) at one end.
new cell was evaluated by means of a bilateral interlabor- For saturating the hydrogen with water vapor, the distan-
atory comparison, where one of the laboratories used ces between the porous disks and the electrodes are kept
a traditional Baucke cell. at a minimum of 20 mm. The depths of the disks in the
solutions are about the same in order to have the same
hydrogen pressure in the two half-cells. The hydrogen
flows leaving the half-cells are combined within a T-
shaped tube and bubbled through a flask containing
water. The volume of solution required to fill both half-
2 Experimental cells of the Baucke cell is about 200 mL. A more detailed
description of the Baucke cell and an in-depth description
2.1 Bilateral Interlaboratory Comparison
for preparing the platinum/platinized (or palladinized)
A bilateral interlaboratory comparison on secondary pH electrodes can be found in the literature [15]. The new
measurement was performed, with participation of cell presented in this work also has two glass tubes for in-
a German calibration laboratory (Zentrum fr Messen serting hydrogen into the two half-cells. However, before
und Kalibrieren ZMK, DAkkS accreditation number entering each half-cell by a D1 porosity sintered-glass
D-K-15186-01-00) and the Brazilian metrology institute disk (100 to 160 mm pore width), the hydrogen flow from
(National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology each tube passes through two additional compartments
INMETRO), in order to evaluate the new differential (containing buffer solutions for the prehumidification of
potentiometric cell, used by INMETRO, in comparison hydrogen), also connected to each other by a D1 glass
with a Baucke cell, used by ZMK. The results from both disk. The depths of the porous disks at the bottom of
laboratories were compared to each other using the nor- each half-cell are about the same in order to have the
malized error statistical test (En) [17], as shown in Equa- same hydrogen pressure in the two half-cells. The hydro-
tion 2: gen flows leave the cell by two holes (about 1 mm diame-

1956  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2013, 25, No. 8, 1955 1959
Compact Differential Cell for Secondary pH Measurements

(called the TB sample). Therefore, and as explained

before, four primary buffer solutions (the pH values were
obtained by primary pH measurements [24]) with the
same compositions as described above were also used in
the measurements.

2.4 Experimental Procedure

Similar measurement procedures were employed by
ZMK and INMETRO. Aliquots of a primary and a secon-
dary buffer solution (with the same nominal composi-
tions) were added to the potentiometric cell, with each
solution in one of the half-cells containing the hydrogen
electrodes. Then, the cell was immersed into a thermostat-
ic bath (set to 25.0 8C), the hydrogen flows were turned
on (8 to 10 cm3 min1), and the potential difference and
the temperature were taken after the potential difference
stabilized. This procedure was carried out three or four
times (measurement replicates) for each secondary buffer
solution. Finally, the average potential difference and the
average temperature (between the three or four repli-
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a system for secondary pH cates) were used (Equation 1) for calculating the pH
measurement (left side) and, in details, a drawing of the new po- result.
tentiometric cell presented in this work (right side): (a) digital The two laboratories employed different criteria for
multimeter, (b) thermostatic bath, (c) hydrogen flow controllers, measuring the potential difference. For each replicate
(d) hydrogen gas, (e) potentiometric cell, (f) temperature sensor,
(g) tubes for connecting the hydrogen flows, (h) hydrogen elec-
using the Baucke cell (ZMK), and according to the mea-
trodes, (i) D4 porosity sintered-glass disk, and (j) D1 porosity surement times reported in the literature [15], 30 meas-
sintered-glass disks. urements were taken (one per minute) after a stabilization
time of 90 minutes, giving a total measurement time of
120 minutes. Then the average result was used. As the
ter, not shown in Figure 1), one in the upper side of each new potentiometric cell was significantly smaller than the
half-cell. Due to its small size, the volume of solution re- Baucke cell, a different approach was employed in order
quired to fill both half-cells of the new potentiometric to verify the possibility of using shorter measurement
cell is only about 20 mL. Figure 1 shows a schematic rep- times. Therefore, for each replicate using the new cell
resentation of a system for secondary pH measurements (INMETRO), measurements were taken periodically
and, in details, a drawing of the new cell. (every one minute) without any initial stabilization time,
The new electrochemical cell is an improved version of while employing a continuous evaluation of the measure-
an old cell already described in the literature [16]. The ments stability. Thus, the measurements were considered
main difference between the old cell and the new cell is stable when the last five measured values presented,
that a capillary U-shaped tube formed the connection be- three times in a row, a variation along time (slope from
tween the two half-cells (a free-diffusion junction) in the linear regression) lower than 5 mV min1 and an ampli-
old cell. In addition, each half-cell in the old cell had only tude (difference between the highest and lowest values)
one compartment for the prehumidification of hydrogen. lower than 10 mV. The average result from the last seven
It is also important to point out that there is no descrip- measurements was then used.
tion in the literature of a measurement comparison be- Before the analysis of each buffer solution, INMETRO
tween this old cell and the Baucke cell. and ZMK checked the proper functioning of the poten-
tiometric cells by measuring the potential difference
when both half-cells contained the same solution (pri-
2.3 Samples
mary or secondary). The measured value, DEBias, was ne-
Four pH buffer solutions, having the following composi- glected if j DEBias j was lower than 3 mV. Otherwise, if
tions (as recommended by IUPAC [3]), were analyzed for j DEBias j was higher than 3 mV, it was used to correct the
secondary standardization (secondary buffer solutions) in potential difference measured for the subsequent ana-
the interlaboratory comparison: 0.05 mol kg1 potassium lyzes.
tetroxalate (called the TO sample), 0.05 mol kg1 potassi-
um hydrogen phthalate (called the PT sample),
2.5 Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty
0.025 mol kg1 disodium hydrogen phosphate
/0.025 mol kg1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate (called A measurement uncertainty was estimated for the pH
the PP sample), and 0.01 mol kg1 disodium tetraborate result of each secondary buffer solution analyzed, accord-

Electroanalysis 2013, 25, No. 8, 1955 1959  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1957
Full Paper F. B. Gonzaga et al.

Fig. 2. Ishikawa diagram related to the measurement uncertain-

ty estimation of the secondary pH measurements.

Fig. 3. Variation of the potential difference (squares) over time,

ing to international guidelines [17, 18]. An Ishikawa dia- and its first derivative (circles), for one measurement replicate
gram [19] (also called a cause-and-effect diagram) related using the new potentiometric cell.
to these uncertainty estimations, showing the uncertainty
sources taken into account in the calculation, is given in
Figure 2. 21 minutes, in comparison with one to three hours for
other cells (including the Baucke cell) [7, 15]. This shorter
measurement time can be explained by the small size of
3 Results and Discussion the new cell, allowing faster saturation (with hydrogen)
of the solutions into the half-cells. In addition, and as
The pH results (with expanded uncertainties) obtained in cited previously, the new cell has two compartments for
the secondary pH measurements from ZMK and INME- the prehumidification of hydrogen before entering each
TRO are given in Table 1, together with the En results for half-cell, which may also have contributed to this shorter
comparing them. This table also shows the pH values of measurement time. For illustrative purposes, Figure 3
the primary buffer solutions used in the calculation of the presents the variation of the potential difference over
secondary pH results. time, and its first derivative, for one measurement repli-
As can be seen, all En results were lower than 1, mean- cate taken with the new cell, showing the prompt stabili-
ing that the results obtained with the new potentiometric zation of the potential difference within a relatively short
cell and the Baucke cell were statistically similar to each measurement time.
other considering the corresponding measuring uncertain- Table 2 shows the uncertainty budget related to the un-
ties. Moreover, the results from both cells were exactly certainty estimation for one of the secondary pH results,
the same for three of the four samples, showing that the as an example. It is important to point out that, although
results of the new potentiometric cell are quite reliable.
The small difference found between the results of the two
cells for the TB buffer solution may have been caused by Table 2. Uncertainty budget for one of the secondary pH results
some carbon dioxide (from air) interference in the new of INMETRO.
cell, since the hydrogen outputs in the new cell are in Uncertainty Standard un- Sensitivity co- Uncertainty con-
direct contact with air (unlike the Baucke cell). source certainty (ui) efficient (ci) tribution (ui  ci)
The use of the new potentiometric cell allowed signifi- pHP uncer- 0.001 1 0.001
cantly shorter measurement times compared to other tainty
cells described in the literature. The average measure- DECell re- 1.2  105 V 16.9 V1 2.1  104
ment time for one replicate using the new cell was about peatability
LJP 7.2  106 V 16.9 V1 1.2  104
Multimeter 1.5  107 V 16.9 V1 2.5  106
Table 1. The pH results with expanded uncertainty (coverage (Voltage)
factor of 2) and statistical comparison using the normalized error T repeatabili- 0.1 K 4.1  106 K1 4.1  107
test (En). ty
Multimeter 0.1 K 4.1  106 K1 4.1  107
Buffer solution pHP pHS Baucke cell pHS new cell En
TO 1.680  0.002 1.679  0.003 1.679  0.002 0.00 Combined 0.001
PT 4.006  0.002 4.010  0.003 4.010  0.002 0.00 uncertainty
PP 6.863  0.006 6.863  0.006 6.863  0.006 0.00 Expanded (coverage 0.002
TB 9.170  0.003 9.180  0.003 9.178  0.003 0.47 uncertainty factor of 2)

1958  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2013, 25, No. 8, 1955 1959
Compact Differential Cell for Secondary pH Measurements

the liquid junction potential is usually neglected in the Acknowledgements

calculation of the pH results, it is considered an uncer-
tainty source. Its uncertainty contribution to the potential J. C. Dias wishes to thank FAPERJ for a fellowship (Pro-
difference measured is estimated as 10 % when the two cess E-26/101.936/2008).
half-cells contain buffer solutions with the same nominal
composition [9, 20, 21].
In addition, as can be seen in Table 2 and as already References
known [3, 4], the most important uncertainty source in
secondary pH measurements is the uncertainty of the pH [1] S. P. L. Srensen, K. Linderstrm-Lang, E. Lund, Compt.
Rend. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg 1924, 15, 1.
value of the primary buffer solution used in the measure-
[2] R. G. Bates, Determination of pH Theory and Practice,
ments. In this example, it accounted for more than 97 % Wiley, New York 1973.
of the total uncertainty of the secondary pH measure- [3] R. P. Buck, S. Rondinini, A. K. Covington, F. G. K. Baucke,
ment. That is why the final uncertainty value of a secon- C. M. A. Brett, M. F. Cam es, M. J. T. Milton, T. Mussini, R.
dary pH measurement, after rounding to three decimal Naumann, K. W. Pratt, P. Spitzer, G. S. Wilson, Pure Appl.
places, is usually the same as that from a primary pH Chem. 2002, 74, 2169.
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2002, 7, 242.
[6] C. P. Kitsos, K. G. Kolovos, Instrum. Sci. Technol. 2010, 38,
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A new differential potentiometric cell was described and [8] P. Spitzer, B. Werner, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2002, 374, 787.
successfully evaluated in comparison with a Baucke cell [9] P. Spitzer, K. W. Pratt, J. Solid State Electrochem. 2011, 15,
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obtained using the two cells were exactly the same for [10] M. F. Camoes, M. G. Lito, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2002, 374,
three of the four buffer solutions analyzed and statistical- 806.
ly similar to each other for the remaining buffer solution, [11] L. Falciola, P. R. Mussini, T. Mussini, P. Pelle, Anal. Chem.
2004, 76, 528.
demonstrating the good performance of the new poten- [12] M. J. G. H. M. Lito, M. F. G. F. C. Cam es, Anal. Chim. Acta
tiometric cell. The new cell is compact, requires a smaller 2005, 531, 141.
volume than the Baucke cell and has specific compart- [13] P. Spitzer, G. Meinrath, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2002, 374,
ments for the prehumidification of hydrogen. These char- 765.
acteristics allowed significantly faster measurements in [14] R. Naumann, C. Alexander-Weber, R. Eberhardt, J. Giera,
comparison with other cells described in the literature P. Spitzer, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2002, 374, 778.
[15] F. G. K. Baucke, J. Electroanal. Chem. 1994, 368, 67.
(including the Baucke cell). On the other hand, the small
[16] L. Vyskocil, M. Mrissy, A. Mathiasov, Metrolgia a sku-
difference found between the results of the two cells for sobnictvo 2002, 1/2002, 3.
the one alkaline buffer solution analyzed may indicate [17] ISO 13528, Statistical Methods for Use in Proficiency Testing
that the results of the new cell can be affected by some by Interlaboratory Comparisons, International Organization
carbon dioxide interference when measuring alkaline sol- for Standardization, Geneva 2005.
utions. The new cell will contribute to the certification of [18] ISO/IEC Guide 983, Uncertainty of Measurement, Part 3,
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measuremen, In-
pH reference materials with a shorter analysis time, lower
ternational Organization for Standardization, Geneva 2008.
cost, and lower waste generation. This will enable new [19] EURACHEM/CITAC Guide CG 4, Quantifying Uncertain-
commercial laboratories to certify and sell pH reference ty in Analytical Measurement, EURACHEM, Uppsala 2012.
materials, extending traceability to a higher number of [20] K. Ishikawa, Guide to Quality Control, Asian Productivity
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Electroanalysis 2013, 25, No. 8, 1955 1959  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1959

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