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A reprinted article from Volume 9, Number 1, 2008


Ideas That Changed the Theory
and Practice of Investing,
A Conversation with
Eugene F. Fama, PhD

I M CA | i nvest m ent man age me n t co n sul tan ts asso ci ati o n

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

Ideas That Changed the Theory

and Practice of Investing
A Conversation with Eugene F. Fama, Ph.D.

nown as the father of the ecient Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics.
markets hypothesis, Eugene F. Fama is His other awards include the Chicago Mercantile
among the most prolic and widely cited Exchange Fred Arditti Innovation Award
economists, scholars, and nancial researchers (2007) and the Nicholas Molodovsky Award
in the world. Over the past 45 years, Dr. Famas from the CFA Institute (2006) for outstand-
groundbreaking ideas have reached far beyond ing contributions to the investment profession.
academia as his theoretical and empirical studies The rst elected fellow of the American Finance
of asset pricing and portfolio theory have changed Association, Dr. Fama has been awarded honor-
the way market participantsboth professionals ary doctorates by the University of Rochester,
and individual investorsthink about and practice Eugene F. Fama, Ph.D. DePaul University, Catholic University of Leuven
nance and investing. in Belgium, and Tufts University.
Dr. Fama earned his undergraduate degree in Romance In March 2008, Dr. Fama spoke with members of the
languages from Tufts University in 1960 and his M.B.A. Journal of Investment Consultings Editorial Advisory Board
and Ph.D. in economics and nance from The University of about the genesis of his ecient markets hypothesis, active
Chicago in 1963 and 1964, respectively. His doctoral disserta- versus passive management, and his thoughts on the role of
tion, The Behavior of Stock Market Prices, which found that personal preference, or taste, in an ecient market. Joining
the movements of stock prices are not predictable, was pub- the discussion were Edward Baker, the Journals editor-in-
lished in 1965. Rewritten into a less technical version for the chief, of The Cambridge Strategy, London and San Francisco;
Financial Analysts Journal later that year, Random Walks Mark Anson of Nuveen Investments, Chicago; Roger Edelen
in Stock Market Prices notably coined the term ecient of University of California, Davis; Ronald Kahn of Barclays
markets and helped to popularize the idea of random walks. Global Investors, San Francisco; and Meir Statman of Santa
While still a graduate student, Dr. Fama was named assistant Clara University, California. This interview is the seventh in
professor of nance at The University of Chicago Graduate the Journals Masters Series, which presents topical discus-
School of Business in 1963. He has spent his entire teaching sions with leading experts and visionaries in nance, econom-
career at the school, becoming a full professor in 1968 and ics, and investments.
serving as the Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Ed Baker: Gene, I think youve had a chance to review
Professor of Finance since 1993. In 1982, Dr. Fama joined the the topics we hope to cover with you today. Why dont
board of directors of Dimensional Fund Advisors, an invest- we just start at the beginning and ask you to give us some
ment rm founded on his innovative theories. He continues background on the major factors that shaped your career
to serve as a board member of DFA as well as a member of and what you regard as your major achievement and biggest
DFAs investment strategy committee and consultant for the disappointment?
rms xed income and value strategies. Eugene Fama: My early career was shaped a great deal
The author of more than 100 articles for professional by Merton Miller1 and Harry Roberts2 and by the topics
journals, Dr. Fama also has published two books: The Theory that interested them and a few others when I was a graduate
of Finance (1972), co-authored with Merton H. Miller; and student at The University of Chicago. After that, I think it
Foundations of Finance: Portfolio Decisions and Securities was serendipity. I followed several dierent paths, and many
Prices (1976). His writing has been recognized with awards of them turned out to be successful. How exactly, I couldnt
including the Jensen Prize from the Journal of Financial really explain.
Economics in 2001 and 2006 and the Smith-Breeden award Meir Statman: Was your early work on random walks
for the best paper in the Journal of Finance in 1992. In (1965)3 in any way motivated by the claims of those on Wall
2007, Dr. Fama was named the rst recipient of the Morgan Street that they could beat the market?
StanleyAmerican Finance Association Award for Excellence Eugene Fama: No, I attribute it to the advent of com-
in Finance; in 2005, he was the inaugural winner of the puters. In the early 1960s, the rst computers had been

6 THE JOURNAL OF Investment Consulting

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

introduced. People like Harry Roberts, who were basically brought back those considerations that are dierent from
statisticians, were interested in using them, and some of the risk. In particular, you mentioned social responsibility and
most readily available data were stock-market data. Most of tastes, or preferences. Why in the beginning was the focus
this work centered around the University of Chicago and the entirely on risk, which still may be the only legitimate factor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where people were in the eyes of many?
groping at the general idea of what you would expect to see Eugene Fama: Taste always has been important in eco-
in stock prices if the market were working properly. In other nomics. Basically, economics is taste on one side and oppor-
words, they were looking at the idea of an ecient market. tunity on the other. If you go back to Fama and Miller (1972)
However, they didnt have any clear concept of what an e- or any of the other early work, basically it says that people
cient market was. invest in order to consume. We never took into account the
Back when I was an undergraduate at Tufts, I had worked possibility that investment itself could be a consumption
for a professor who had a stock market forecasting service. good. Fama and French (2007) said that you have to allow for
I was very good at devising techniques for predicting past the possibility that people have tastes for particular securities.
data. The professor, who was a very smart statistician, always Social responsibility is one example of a preference. Theres
had me set aside a holdout sample.4 The forecasting never nothing irrational about that. Its just an expression of taste.
worked on the holdout sample, and that made me suspicious Meir Statman: I dont argue that theres anything irra-
of the whole process. Then when I went to Chicago, people tional about it, but I wonder what it does to the concept of
were talking about what it meant to say that the market was market eciency. After all, when we see two car models sell-
working properly. The rst proposition was the random walk ing at dierent prices, we dont say the market is not ecient.
model, which turned out to be a little bit o the mark. So We say there are features, some of them rational and some of
basically, I went to Merton Miller with four thesis topics. I them taste-related, such as status or social responsibility.
had two children by that time and was anxious to graduate, Eugene Fama: I think taste is just another enhancement,
and he suggested that I pursue the one involving the behavior another dimension above and beyond risk that one might
of stock prices. Thats where the story started. have to take into account in explaining prices. I dont think of
Meir Statman: When your thesis was published in the that as an ineciency. I might say to an investor: You want
Journal of Business in 1965, did you hear any reaction from a socially responsible product. Okay, but the implications are
practitioners, or was it quiet? going to be that, if large numbers of investors want socially
Eugene Fama: No, there was considerable reaction. responsible investing, expected returns for socially respon-
Reaction these days is much faster than it was then, so sible securities will probably be lower than for other securi-
response to the work Ive done with Ken French,5 for example, ties. And the investor looks at it and says: Yes, thats ne. Im
has been much faster among practitioners than the reaction willing to pay that price.
to my paper back in 1965. It took a long time for the idea of Ron Kahn: Are you saying that youre not going to be able
passive funds to penetrate. to nd rms that basically have the same cash ows but arent
Roger Edelen: As your career has progressed, have you viewed as socially responsible?
perceived any kind of paradigm shift or fundamental change Eugene Fama: Thats a good example. Take two rms
in your views with respect to how you look at things, or do with exactly the same cash ows; one is socially responsible,
you think its more of a continuum? and the other isnt. If you have investors who want socially
Eugene Fama: I think its more of a continuum. When responsible products, the prices on the socially responsible
I started, asset pricing theory, or the theory of riskreturn, ones are going to be higher, and the expected returns are
really didnt exist. It was the mid-1960s before [William] going to be lower.
Sharpe (1964) and [John] Lintner (1965) came along with Meir Statman: In your 1965 paper in Financial Analysts
the capital asset pricing model, and it took another ten years Journal, I believe you dened an ecient market as one
before multifactor models took hold. So we didnt really have where price is equal to fundamental value, or intrinsic value,
a good way to think about risk and return when I started. and you dened value as strictly the present value of divi-
Putting together risk and return stories with the ecient mar- dends, or the expected cash ow. It had nothing to do with
kets theory gave rise to the whole area of asset pricing, which factors such as social responsibility, to take this example.
now has grown into a huge area. My views have evolved along By that denition, the market where social responsibility is
with the evolution of work on risk and return, but my view on priced cannot really be ecient, is that right?
market eciency hasnt changed. Eugene Fama: Not if youre dening it that way, no. I can
Meir Statman: If I could follow up on that, we actually look at risk and return and say that the price of risk depends
had asset pricing models all along. We had asset pricing on taste. Thats true. So I say, Okay, but risk isnt the only
models for automobiles, for watches, for houses, for example. thing that counts. Maybe, just as an example, social respon-
Why is the market for securities seen as entirely dierent? To sibility also counts. Well, thats going to aect pricing. Thats
clarify, in a more recent paper (Fama and French 2007) you perfectly rational. Theres nothing wrong with that. Intrinsic

Volume 9 | Number 1 | Fall 2008 7

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

value is going to have to take that into account. Im still saying Roger Edelen: So you never said that the model excluded
that price equals intrinsic value is a denition of market e- factors such as taste or social consciousness?
ciency. Its just rening the concept of what intrinsic value is. Eugene Fama: No. But Meirs right. My thinking was
Ron Kahn: Going back to our example of two assets with restricted in those days to the thinking of, basically, Irving
the same cash ows, where one is socially responsible and Fisher.7
one isnt, doesnt that then allow for riskless returns? Ed Baker: But there were attempts to generalize the
Eugene Fama: Yes, thats true. If there are investors who framework, were there not? That is, there were attempts to
look at the two securities and say they dont care about social make utility of consumption a starting point of the theory.
responsibility, theyre going to push the price back in the However, somehow that never caught on. I guess it was just
other direction, and thats going to mitigate some of the price too dicult to do anything meaningful?
eects of social responsibility. Eugene Fama: Thats the way Fama and French (1993)
Meir Statman: That idea originated in behavioral nance, phrase the whole thing. That is, its all driven by the utility of
and its been around since before your work with Ken French. consumption, but it didnt say that investment itself could be
That seems to be a shift that both you and Ken have made, a consumption good.
and I welcome it. I think that it is just a question of how dif- Ed Baker: So thats the subtlety there?
ferent it is from what was accepted before. I dont think that Eugene Fama: Right.
idea would have been accepted by Merton Miller. Roger Edelen: One follow-up on the question of asset
Eugene Fama: Oh, I think Merton would have had to pricing, going beyond the securities markets and cutting to
agree. Were talking price theory here. Thats all were really the chase in housing markets: I guess there are securities on
talking about. So theres another dimension to an asset that mortgages, but overall its a nonsecuritized market. What
has to be taken into account. He couldnt argue with that. No is your view of market eciency with respect to these pure
economist could argue with that. assets as opposed to securities?
Mark Anson: Is this the way you also see behavioral nance? Eugene Fama: I would think housing has to be a very e-
Eugene Fama: Much of behavioral nance is about irra- cient market, in the sense that people commit large amounts
tional behavior. What weve been talking about up to here is of their current and future expected wealth to a home
rational behavior. purchase. For most people who own houses, its by far their
Ed Baker: Another factor that complicates these socially major asset. They take that purchase very seriously, doing lots
responsible investing features relative to risk is their lack of of investigation into information such as comparable prices
homogeneity. You can model risk more easily as a homo- and the like. I would think that market works very well.
geneous characteristic to which everyone responds. I guess Roger Edelen: In the context of behavioral factors that
that doesnt eliminate your perspective as being wrong. It just might be more on the irrational side, one could argue that
makes any attempt to model it or capture it in a framework if a purchase is really major, these factors would dominate
more dicult. decision making. However, it sounds like you would take the
Eugene Fama: Its very complicated. It may be a reality, opposite viewpoint and say that people are actually more
but youre absolutely right. I mean, model-wise, its kind of a careful in cases like this?
horror story. Youre opening up a big box, and a huge amount Eugene Fama: I think that in this case, theyre probably
of stu could pop out of it. very careful. One of the major shortcomings of nance is that
Roger Edelen: One way of possibly interpreting all of this there isnt really any very good real estate research, because
would be that in your earlier work, you never said that there the data are so dicult to get. Work on securities markets,
wasnt an expansion of the model, is that right? You were just where you have quoted information on prices, gains, what-
saying that if we start with the notion of basic risk and cash ever, is much more advanced than that on real estate markets.
ows, we have this model, but other dimensions could be out Meir Statman: If you look at the current situation, where
there. weve of course had quite a decline in the housing market,
Eugene Fama: Right. If you go back to the rst statement would you say that this is just a matter of the economy head-
of what market eciency meant, it wasnt in my doctoral the- ing into a recession, or of peoples changes in taste? What hap-
sis. It was in a review paper I wrote in 1970 in the Journal of pened to cause such a run-up in prices and now this decline?
Finance, and even that had some mistakes in it. It wasnt until Eugene Fama: Thats an interesting question. When the
Foundations of Finance in 1976 that I arrived at one clear prices were running up toward their peaks, real interest
statement of it.6 Basically, it said that you have to put aside rates were very close to zero. When real interest rates get
intrinsic value. Youve got a basic communication problem very close to zero, prices can do almost anything. So the real
here. You have to tell me what you mean by intrinsic value, question is what in the world would push real interest rates to
and then we can work from there to decide whether the mar- zero? I dont know the answer to that.
ket sets price equal to intrinsic value. The model for intrinsic Mark Anson: Its called the Fed.
value is totally aside, totally separate from that. Eugene Fama: Well, we could spend two hours on that one.

8 THE JOURNAL OF Investment Consulting

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Meir Statman: Its probably not that real interest rates then that becomes more a matter of active management,
were close to zero at one point, because people should antici- rather than an attempt to earn a risk premium.
pate that they wont stay that way forever. In fact, thats what Roger Edelen: To the question of whether commodities
happened. People who jumped in the real estate market must should be a natural long portion of a typical investors portfo-
be regretting it at the moment. Is that just something they lio, it sounds like your answer is probably not.
couldnt see? Eugene Fama: Yes, probably not, but I dont have enough
Eugene Fama: Maybe theyre regretting it. I dont know. I information to really tell. Thats a complicated economic
suspect people regret many things after the fact. I dont know question about who is bearing the risk, and who is willing to
that a decline in housing prices like this has ever happened pay for bearing the risk.
before. This is not a normal kind of event. Ed Baker: Somehow weve not managed to nish the rst
Mark Anson: To follow up on that point, I think the question on our list yet. We havent gotten you to confess
consensus now is that were in a recession. It could be brief, your biggest mistake and/or disappointment.
it could be slight, but have you ever seen housing prices Eugene Fama: I cant remember. I dont dwell on them.
decline this rapidly before? What does that say about real Maybe thats a good knack, not to be able to remember your
estate as an asset class? Is it so inecient that its not priced biggest mistakes.
appropriately? Ed Baker: I think its a human characteristic.
Eugene Fama: No, Ive never seen a decline like this. The Meir Statman: And good for presidential candidates.
real question is why havent real estate prices been more vari- Ed Baker: Well, Ill ask another question then. When I
able in the past? was a student, I really enjoyed The Theory of Finance, the
Ed Baker: I disagree. If you look outside the United textbook you wrote with Merton Miller in 1972. I wondered
States, youll denitely see property markets where you have why it was not more widely used, and why you have never
much more rapid price adjustments, Hong Kong being a come out with further editions.
prime example. Mark Anson: Some of us on this call still have that book
Eugene Fama: I think the commercial property market on our bookshelves.
here in the United States is quite variable. You cant be sure Eugene Fama: Its very simple. I think that book sold
because data are dicult to get, but rental rates for commer- maybe 5,000 copies. It was much quoted and never pur-
cial properties appear to vary dramatically. chased. If you look on eBay and ever see it, it sells for a very
Ed Baker: Yes, thats certainly true, but I think its true of high price. One thousand dollars is not uncommon.
residential property in Hong Kong as well. Ron Kahn: It may not be on Marks shelf much longer.
Roger Edelen: Whats your view of commodities as part Ed Baker: Why do you think it did not become more
of an investment portfolio? popular?
Eugene Fama: I dont see them. I dont know what they Eugene Fama: Because its too dicult.
produce. Where do you expect to get a return? Ed Baker: It certainly is more mathematically rigorous.
Meir Statman: Well, obviously people hold them as Eugene Fama: Yes, more rigorous. Its unbelievable that
part of a portfolio. Take gold, for example. I imagine people we wrote that as a textbook for a rst course in nance to
expect capital appreciation to provide the return, rather than be taken by students who would never take another nance
dividends. course.
Eugene Fama: Right. But who are the natural buyers and Ed Baker: I thought your discussion of stable distribu-
sellers? And do the natural sellers of risk want to be short tions was especially forward-looking, but again, thats a topic
or long? Thats the whole issue. Theres an ancient theory of that somehow got lost in the shue of time. Why do you
commodity prices, but it all hinges on whos going to be the think that is?
net buyer and whos going to be the net seller. Whos trying to Eugene Fama: Well, because basically the evidence says
lay o the risk, and whos going to assume the risk? thatand Benot Mandelbrot8 has spent his life pushing
Meir Statman: Thats an interesting question, because thisall probabilities or real outcomes are fat-tailed,9 but sta-
theres no anchor. Typically, dividends would serve as an ble distributions say something more specic. They say that
anchor so that prices cannot go beyond a level that is reason- as you add these things up, the distribution doesnt change; it
able relative to the cash ows you can expect. For gold, it remains the same stable type. When you look at stock returns
must really just be a matter of the eye of the beholder. over longer periods and you add them up, they look a little
Eugene Fama: Not really. Again, there are risks in com- more normal than they do over shorter periods. You wouldnt
modity prices, and there are people who use commodities as expect that with stable distributions. So people lost interest,
input. The question is do they want to lay o that risk, or do and I think theyve lost interest to too great an extent. Many
they want to bear it? of the market tragedies that you see are the result of extreme
Ed Baker: But certainly there are demandsupply dynam- events in the markets that people take to be unusual but that
ics driving the pricing. So one could speculate on that, but really arent that unusual.

Volume 9 | Number 1 | Fall 2008 9

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

Ed Baker: They become complacent with their assump- genius rather than the market. So even the idea of basic
tions of normal distributions. adjusted returns, where you subtract the market, is foreign to
Eugene Fama: Right. So theres almost no interest at most investors, it seems.
this point. Ed Baker: You do see that kind of withdrawal behavior
Ed Baker: I think interest may be coming back in that among hedge fund investors, though.
area. The hedge fund world has certainly showed very clearly Eugene Fama: They pull out very quickly when returns go
that nonnormal distributions are a matter of course, at least bad. Even if faced with the reality that most of the variability
as far as hedge funds are concerned. of returns is just chance, they still move quickly. If were all
Eugene Fama: Once you become levered, it becomes driven by taste, you wouldnt expect that.
much more important, right? Ron Kahn: What do you think of the trend among
Roger Edelen: The banking industry and those looking academics to focus on market ineciency, and then many of
at the distribution of housing prices probably are scratching them go into the active management business?
their heads about the same issue right now. Eugene Fama: Yes, the lure of the 2 and 20.10 Its hard to
Meir Statman: It seems like the hedge fund indus- turn down. What would be really fascinating would be a study
try didnt really get the point of fat tails because they got that examines the performance of academics versus that of
themselves in trouble. Perhaps you could take it from there nonacademics in the hedge fund industry.
and speak about the hedge fund business. It seems like its a Meir Statman: What would be your hypothesis?
booming business with great demand. Do you think hedge Eugene Fama: I think the academics are probably worse.
funds provide real value, or is it also a matter of just satisfying From personal experience, I know some academics who have
some tastes that have nothing to do with returns? gone into the hedge fund business based on statistical phenom-
Eugene Fama: I know you like the taste story, Meir, and ena that, in my opinion, were marginal at best. They were going
thats ne. But heres my take on active investing. Before to lever that up, but that doesnt make it any less marginal.
costs, its a zero-sum game. Lets take a simple example. They were betting on something happening that had happened
Suppose everybody is an active investor, and there are no pas- on average in the past but without much statistical reliability.
sive investors. Then you know that, if there are some active So the chance that these people get blown away is rather high.
winners, there have to be active losers. In aggregate, there are Roger Edelen: From the investment consulting point of
neither winners nor losers. In the actual situation, you have view, do you think theres a reasonable amount of eort spent
some passive investing, but one cant claim that active inves- trying to identify that ex-ante?
tors gain at the expense of passive investors because the evi- Eugene Fama: Theres no evidence that anybody can pick
dence says passive investors basically get the returns they sign a good active manager, as far as I can see. Ken French and I
up for. That means again that the active investors who win (2008) are nishing a study of the mutual fund industry where
have to win at the expense of other active investors. So before active managers as a whole basically hold the market, and
fees and expenses, active investing is a zero-sum game. After investors lose by the amount of fees and expenses they pay,
fees and expenses, active investing is a negative-sum game. almost right on the money. If you look at persistence, theres
Ed Baker: But thats in aggregate. a bit of persistence, but it depends on how you measure it,
Meir Statman: So why do people play? and its very short-lived. If you try to do a general study where
Eugene Fama: Thats a good question that Ive never been you take account of the fact that there are so many funds out
able to answer. there that lots of them are bound to win or lose by chance
Mark Anson: Do you think there are skillful active weve constructed a way to do that, toothen you nd no
managers? evidence at all that there are any winners out there.
Eugene Fama: Possibly. However, there are also active Meir asked a good question: Why do people continue
managers who are systematically bad. There have to be, in to play? This is where I think behavioral nance has a lot to
order to make up for the ones that are systematically good. say about individual behavior thats irrational. Id never deny
On average, they have to come out to zero. that. I cant argue with the studies that have been done on
Meir Statman: The question of why people play has to be individual behavior. Theyre typically well done. Theres lots
a puzzle, given that youve already talked about your opinion of evidence that individuals behave irrationally much of the
of the taste theory. Then again, it seems that taste also could time. The implications of that for market prices, though, are
be an answer to the question, that is, people play because they more dicult to ascertain.
enjoy playing. Meir Statman: What do you think is the line between
Eugene Fama: If they enjoy the play, would they pull their irrational behavior and a matter of taste? For example, if I
money out very quickly when things go bad? buy a Rolex for $10,000 rather than a Timex for $50, I would
Meir Statman: Maybe, if they get the point that they call that a matter of taste, because Im getting pleasure out of
are losing. I think that most investors dont even adjust for the beauty and status that the Rolex conveys. Do you see a
the market. They think that if the market goes up, it is their distinction between the two at all?

10 THE JOURNAL OF Investment Consulting

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Eugene Fama: Empirically, would I ever be able to tell? to hedge funds, churning and churning and churning.
Yes, I suppose I would if I asked, Are you buying into this Rational or irrational? Well, its very cheap now to make a
active mutual fund because you think theres prestige associ- trade. The other part of itthe actual total amount spent
ated with buying an active manager, or do you actually think on trading as a portion of aggregate stock market capitaliza-
youll have higher returns? If the investor says prestige, then tionhasnt changed very much over the past twenty-ve
Ill think its taste. If he says higher returns, then Ill tell him years or so, according to his paper. I have no explanation for
that he should do a lot of reading, because on average hes volume, unfortunately.
not going to get anything for what hes paying. Youre buying Ed Baker: Changing the focus a little and looking forward,
something that youre not getting any value from, and its what do you think are some of the major questions we will be
costing you something. However, we couldnt resolve the confronting as we roll forward?
issue if we didnt ask that question. Eugene Fama: Theres been a ton of work done on asset
Ed Baker: I think in a way its easier to make the distinc- pricing, risk, measurement of risk, and measurement of the
tion with the example of Rolex versus Timex because people relationship between expected return and risk, but it hasnt
think theres an inherent value in things, or a resale value. been all that satisfying. For example, if we knew more, the
Certainly with eBay, there are people who will pay $1,000 for Fama-French three-factor model11 would not have had such
your nance textbook. So theres obviously a scarcity value a large impact, because its a pure empirical asset pricing
that people attribute to it. model. We concocted that model to cover what we observed.
Mark Anson: And thats certainly not irrational. Its used among academics; its used everywhere. Thats a
Roger Edelen: You made the distinction between putting comment on the fact that more formal theories developed
an irrational label on an individual as opposed to the pricing to explain risk and return just havent worked that well. An
eects of that behavior in aggregate. To me, that gets at the empirically generated theory such as the Fama-French model
notion of liquidity. If theres ample supply counteracting the seems to do better than the theoretically constructed para-
irrational subset, then its not going to make its appearance digms. Now when people do tests of risk and return, if they
in prices. Do you think there are some asset markets where do as well as the Fama-French three-factor model, or even
the supply osetting the irrational forces is inadequate, so come close, they proclaim victory. I think thats the big chal-
you actually do see price distortions, but you could think of it lenge of the future: to nd better ways to measure risk and the
as providing liquidity to the irrationals? information thats coming out of the riskreturn story.
Eugene Fama: I think you may be mixing two concepts. I Meir Statman: Do you think that size, or market capital-
dont see where liquidity has anything to do with any of that. ization, and book-to-market ratio [i.e., growth versus value]
Roger Edelen: Im thinking of the basic concept of the indeed are measures of risk, or do you think they might possi-
informed trader versus noise trader. When noise traders bly be matters of taste?
[those who make trading decisions without the use of fun- Eugene Fama: They might be matters of taste. It could
damental information] come into the market, they push the just be that people like growth stocks and dislike value stocks.
price, and informed traders [those who have fundamental If it turns out that people just like growth stocks and dislike
information] trade against it. The informed traders basically value stocks, then thats taste.
are providing liquidity to the noise traders, but there is a Ed Baker: Do you think further work will be done with
price distortion. asset models? Youve recently introduced your momentum
Eugene Fama: Thats a theory of liquidity, but my problem factor. Do you think thats just the rst of new factors that
has always been nding those informed traders. Ive never might be identied, or has that subject been exhausted?
been able to identify them. Eugene Fama: Thats again in the vein of something totally
Ed Baker: One place where you can see those distortions empirical. We have probably 20,000 nance researchers and
is in panic-selling moments, when everyone wants to sell and academics out there, maybe more. Theyre all spinning the
there are limited buyers. You could argue that then there are same two tapes, Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP)
moments where prices go further than they reasonably should. and Compustat. Theyre going to come up with everything
Meir Statman: Theres generally a problem with volume. thats in the data, whether its there by chance or whether its
Many people have commented that trading by itself is a a systematic risk story. My hope is that momentum turns out
puzzle in a world where people are rational. Surely the kind of to be the one thing that looks robust at the time but in fact is
volume that we see is puzzling. Is that simply another facet of a purely chance phenomenon. If you want to characterize past
the behavior of irrational investors? returns, adding a momentum factor will help you, because
Eugene Fama: Im not sure, but I do agree that we dont we know it was there in the past. Adding a momentum factor
understand trading. The statistics now are getting a bit more to your empirical description of the sources of returncall-
distorted. Ken French recently wrote a paper (2008) on the ing it an asset pricing model is to glorify itor to your return
cost of active trading that basically documented the huge attribution model may be a better way to put it, will denitely
increase in trading that has taken place. Much of it is due help to enhance that model.

Volume 9 | Number 1 | Fall 2008 11

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

Ed Baker: You think going forward that may not be the to justify what theyre doing. If people nd anomalies in the
case? Is that what I hear you saying? market, they can make jumps to say therefore active manage-
Eugene Fama: Im hoping it isnt. I look to the Fama- ment can work. People want to do that because theres big
French three-factor model. First you have the marketevery money to be made.
asset pricing model says you need the market. Then you have Meir Statman: Its not just anomalies. We had a beauti-
the size factorwell, we can tell dierent stories about that ful model in the CAPM that started with individuals and
one. Then you have the value/growth factorand we can rational choices and went to asset pricing. Now instead we
tell dierent stories about that. Then if you add the fourth have an empirical model, which you introduced, that does the
factorthe momentum factoryou can tell really dierent job, but evidently even you dont nd it beautiful. I think the
stories about that, some rational and some irrational. The same applies to, say, mean variance. Surely Harry Markowitz12
momentum factor gives me more diculty because the popu- would say that people dont follow his rules to form portfolios,
lation turns over too quickly. It discourages me to think that and so on. It seems like theres a disconnect between reality
the risk characteristics of securities are changing so rapidly, and theory. Theory is, as you say very frankly, I dont know
because that makes things rather dicult empirically. too many questions and too few answers.
Ed Baker: But if taste factors are driving these identiable Eugene Fama: At the peak of euphoria in research on
factors, couldnt you expect a certain amount of transfer? nance in the early 1970s, about the time the Fama and
Eugene Fama: I can tell a taste story for value versus growth. MacBeth (1973) paper was published, until then, and includ-
I may be able to tell a taste story for small cap versus large cap. ing that paper, the CAPM looked rather good, and market
Ed Baker: Why not momentum? Dont people like stocks eciency looked rather good. However, then things on the
that are moving up? asset pricing side started to fall apart. In my view, people
Eugene Fama: They like stocks that are moving up if they are spending inordinate amounts of time on consumption-
were there when they started to move. based asset pricing, and it hasnt yielded anything. Some of
Ed Baker: But investors do show a tendency to chase such the best brains in the business have spent their lives on that,
things. and empirically it hasnt amounted to anything. The other
Eugene Fama: They do. The question is why are they theories? It turned out that the CAPM never really worked.
doing that? We had just never looked at it carefully enough. So we have
Ed Baker: Taste. more uncertainty now about what it means to say something
Eugene Fama: Again, we should stop them and ask them. is risky and how you measure the relation between risk and
Are you investing in these stocks because you like them, or do expected return. In the process, however, weve learned a
you think theyre going to continue to go up? great deal about how prices actually behave. Were just much
Ed Baker: Of course, theyll say the latter. more uncertain about how to interpret it.
Meir Statman: I remember that Merton Miller had very Meir Statman: At Dimensional Fund Advisors, I think
little patience with studying the behavior of individualsand they now place a good deal of emphasis on educating advi-
even professionals. He said just show me that in the prices. It sors and helping them to educate individual investors. But
sounds like your view may be a bit dierent? we dont really see that in academic work. When you look at
Eugene Fama: Merton basically was saying what I said studies of the behavior of investors, its still not work that is
earlier. That is, maybe a lot of the behavior at the individual respected in the top journals. Do you think thats the way it
level is irrational, but it doesnt have any particular implica- should be, that its just a matter of time?
tions about whether prices are irrational. I think thats what Eugene Fama: No, I think the people who work on study-
he was trying to emphasize. You cant make that leap. Just ing the behavior of individuals get a positive hearing. The work
because individual behavior is irrational, to jump from there thats been done has been well received, I think, by the journals.
to say that prices are irrational is a leap that must be docu- Ed Baker: Moving to another topic if we could, the area
mented with empirical support. of regulation in capital markets certainly has seen a huge shift
Meir Statman: In my time in the profession, which is toward excess in the face of some of the issues weve had.
almost as long as yours, there was a point at which it seemed What are your thoughts about that?
that we had solved everything. We had the capital asset pric- Eugene Fama: Thats a very dicult question. Its very
ing model (CAPM), we had market eciency. Now it seems dicult to say what is excessive, because a world in which
like everything is in tatters. Would you comment on that? there is no fraud is impossible. I know that people spend a lot
Eugene Fama: There was a topic on your list that asked of time trying to measure the costs and benets of regulation,
why academics seem to be focusing on market ineciencies, but I dont know how you answer that question in a convinc-
or the tatters as you called it. I think theres just increased ing way. I think Sarbanes-Oxley probably went too far, but I
demand for it. Academics, like everyone else, respond to dont know how to document that.
demand. Theres a great deal of demand for anomalies. Its Ed Baker: Do you think thats an area where academics
basically a way for the popular press and active managers should put some more eort?

12 THE JOURNAL OF Investment Consulting

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

Eugene Fama: Yes, denitely. Ed Baker: And thats a constantly changing playing eld,
Ed Baker: And why arent they, do you think? so its hard to hedge that.
Eugene Fama: Because its such a dicult topic. Eugene Fama: Europeans probably never pay taxes on divi-
Measuring costs and benets is just so dicult. dend income. They just dont le tax returns in most European
Ed Baker: But perhaps that is a future area of very fruitful countries. But if Europeans invest in the United States, they are
work on someones part? subject to a withholding tax, while U.S. investors arent. So dif-
Eugene Fama: I would think so, yes. ferential taxation on foreign investment will have an eect.
Meir Statman: Some insight into that comes from a Roger Edelen: Speaking about an investors overall portfo-
comparison of regulations among dierent countries and the lio and returning to the topic of housing, you said that housing
eects of dierent cultures on nancial markets. For example, is such a very large part of most investors actual portfolio.
a recent paper entitled Trusting the Stock Market (Guiso, Do you see that asand I dont want to use the term market
Sapienza, and Zingales forthcoming) found that places where ineciency here in the same sense that weve been using it
people trust one another are also places where people are beforebut is that an opportunity for nancial engineers to try
more likely to invest in the stock market. Do you see that as a to provide some vehicle for investors to mitigate that enormous
promising avenue? part of their portfolio? Say, for example, housing futures?
Eugene Fama: Indeed, I think that type of research is Eugene Fama: Those have not done very well. There are
very promising. Explaining the kinds of situationscultural, things like reverse mortgages, for example. I dont know why
institutional, and so onthat give rise to more successful it took so long for those to come about. That seems like a
economic outcomeswhat question could be more impor- normal progression. In the past, older people had to move
tant than that? Its hard to think of one. out of their houses in order to get their capital back, and now
Ed Baker: What about the area of international investing they can just take a reverse mortgage and stay where theyve
generally? How would you suggest people should think about always been.
that? Should they be thinking globally, or is it still appropri- Roger Edelen: Im thinking more of people in their mid-
ate to think of international as a separate part of their invest- thirties, with huge exposure to this one asset. Ive always
ment portfolio? thought of that as inecient in a statistical sense. Why havent
Eugene Fama: Your portfolio always has to be viewed as a nancial markets come up with a product to mitigate this?
whole. If we never had wars or conicts, the answer would be Eugene Fama: Right, because theyre holding it in a lever-
simple. What do boundaries mean if everything is integrated aged form. I think the reality was that the variation in housing
economically? The only problem with international investing in prices in the past was not high enough to make it worthwhile.
the past has been that returns for local investors were dierent You could lean on that fact to explain why you could ever
from returns for foreign investors, because of the intervention get an 80-percent mortgage. Its got to be that the loss of 20
of major events such as wars. In a war, investors of the enemy percent was an unusual event.
automatically get expropriated. They never get their invest- Roger Edelen: So, in other words, even if youre highly
ments back, and nobody cares. If you look at international levered, its not necessarily that much risk.
investing during wars, there have been major losses that dont Meir Statman: Do you have one more moment to say
show up in the data we typically use to measure the benets of something about fundamental indexes?
international investing, because thats all post-1973. The same Eugene Fama: Fundamental indexing is a triumph of
is true for countries that experience nancial distress. Those marketing over new ideas.
kinds of events never make it into the data. A government tells Roger Edelen: So marketing over economics is what
foreign investors that they cant repatriate their gains for who youre saying?
knows how long. Thats a cost to foreigners not borne by locals. Eugene Fama: No, theres just nothing new there.
It gives rise to some amount of home bias in investing. Its not Meir Statman: But we in nance tend to underestimate
irrational to take into account the possibility of this kind of marketing.
expropriation. And its not as if its unusual. In the past twenty Eugene Fama: But I dont.
years, many countries have imposed capital controlSpain, Ed Baker: And most of the other practitioners dont either.
Great Britain, Franceand thats without even getting into Ed Baker: Unfortunately, Gene, I think weve used up our
emerging markets, where its a fairly frequent occurrence. time with you. Is there any nal comment youd like to leave
Meir Statman: Home bias changes depending on the rela- us with, or a word of inspiration?
tive returns. I think home bias generally has declined during Eugene Fama: Actually, I was waiting for you to ask
the last ten years, as foreign markets have performed better me about my thoughts on portable alpha, because I had an
than the U.S. markets. answer prepared.
Eugene Fama: Thats true. Its also that the frequency of Ed Baker: Okay, what are your thoughts on portable alpha?
major events, at least in Asian markets, has gone down. But Eugene Fama: Its very simple. Since alpha is equal to
even dierential taxation can have an eect. zero, its very light, and that makes it portable.

Volume 9 | Number 1 | Fall 2008 13

2008 Investment Management Consultants Association Inc. Reprint with permission only. All rights reserved.

Ed Baker: What a note to end on! It was very nice talking arrangement is known as 2 and 20, i.e., a charge of 2 percent of assets
with you, Gene. Thank you for your time. under management plus 20 percent of prots above a predetermined
Eugene Fama: Thank you also. benchmark, such as the London Interbank Oering Rate (LIBOR).
While the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) relies on a single
ENDNOTES factorbeta (risk)to compare excess portfolio returns with
Merton H. Miller (19232000), winner of the Nobel Memorial excess returns of the market as a whole, Fama and French (1993)
Prize in Economics in 1990 (with Harry M. Markowitz and added two other factors to CAPM: market capitalization (size) and
William F. Sharpe) for pioneering work in the theory of nancial book-to-market ratio (value). The resultant three-factor model was
economics, served as Dr. Famas doctoral advisor at The University based on their observations that small-cap stocks and those with
of Chicago Graduate School of Business. high book-to-market ratios historically tended to perform better
Harry V. Roberts (19232004) was a professor of statistics and than the market as a whole.
quality management at The University of Chicago Graduate School Harry M. Markowitz (1927 ), an economist at the Rady School
of Business. An early proponent of computers, Dr. Roberts joined of Management at the University of California, San Diego, is best
the UC faculty in 1949 and taught until 1995; he received the known for his pioneering work in modern portfolio theory, studying
universitys Norman Maclean Faculty Award in 1997 for his contri- the eects of asset risk, correlation, and diversication on expected
butions to teaching and the student experience on campus. investment portfolio returns. In 1990, he shared the Nobel Memorial
Dr. Famas Ph.D. thesis (1964), which concluded that stock prices Prize in Economics with Merton Miller and William Sharpe.
follow a random walk, was published by the Journal of Business
(1965a) under the title, The Behavior of Stock Market Prices. A REFERENCES
simplied version of the article, entitled Random Walks in Stock Fama, Eugene F. 1965a. The Behavior of Stock Market Prices. Journal
Market Prices, subsequently appeared in Financial Analysts of Business 38, no. 1: 34105.
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Professor of Finance at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth Finance Association, New York, NY, December 2830, 1969).
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14 THE JOURNAL OF Investment Consulting

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