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Dr jasmine j
The Ezine Team:
Dr.P.Singh (Editor),
Dr. B.S.Suvarna (Asso. Editor),
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad, Dr. Samir Chaukkar, Dr. Ajit
Singh, Dr. B.K.Srivastava, Dr. Rajneesh Sharma,
Dr. Shalini, Dr. Varsha V. Sharma, Mr. S.
Parihar, Dr. Nahida Mulla, Aabha Pandey.
General Theme :: Homeopathy and Geriatrics
- Dr. Ajit Singh
Geriatric Health :: An Homeopathic Approach to
Old Age Diseases
- Dr. Santosh Joshi
Homoeopathic Therapeutics for Elderly
- Dr. V. Krishnamurthy
Top Ten Remedies for Seniors
- Miranda Castro
Ageing Gracefully :: Make-Up after Forty
- Dr. B.S. Suvarna
Homeopathic Tonic Therapy
- Dr. Sayeed Ahmad
Geriatric Health Care
- Dr. Anoop Kumar Srivastava
New Papers
Haematuria and Homeopathy
- Dr. Rajneesh K. Sharma
Varicose Veins and Its Homeopathic
- Dr. Ambreesh Pandey
Ageing Happily with Homeopathy
Author : Dr. P. Singh, M.D. (Hom) India

As emphasized by Shakespeare old age or +60 age is

when the person starts declining- physically, mentally,
socially as well as psychologically and the journey
wherein the person reaches this stage is known as
ageing. , also known as senescence.

slow, progressive and universal process ,with various

changes in the organ system.
There is slow deterioration of the physical,

psychological, physiological, biomedical and

behavioral systems.

During the process, there is gradual decline in the

magnitude and speed of internal response towards
external environment.

Personality remains more or less the same in old age

and at the same time there can be considerable
growth - prudence, wisdom, experience, reasoning etc.
Ageing is not a disease, but a natural part of the
development of our bodies that started the day we
were born.
The study of gerontology focuses on human and how
and why we age. Normally, the process of in the
human body starts at middle age around 45
Causes some amount of reduction in the rate of human
cell multiplication (cellular senescence) and also
causes some of the cells to function inappropriately.
Specific Changes In Men And Women

In their 50s, women experience menopause, leading to

changes in breast tissue, the bladder and the urethra.
Because of the decline in estrogen levels, women are at
greater risk of osteoporosis than men are. During this
period, women may gain weight.

Men may experience male syndrome from their mid-30s to

mid-60s as their testosterone level drops. These changes
lead to a decrease in the levels of libido, muscle and body
mass, bone strength and also impotency in some males.
Other changes that may be noticed in males include
increased forgetfulness, insomnia and irritability.
Difficulties Most Commonly
encountered in Old Age
Vision Problems:
Minor eyesight problems are often corrected by wearing
spectacles. But when associated with Cataract, amblyopia,
astigmatism it requires serious medical aid.
Hearing Loss:
As a person ages, his ability to hear and discriminate sound
It is naturally for elderly people to be upset and anxious, as it
interferes with normal communication.
'Hard of hearing' or partial deafness are the common complaints
among the elderly.
However, with the advancement in science and technology, a wide
range of hearing aids are available today. Programmable hearing
aids are the latest devices that can make understanding people
With increase in age, a significant decrease in bone mass or
density is observed making them brittle and weak. This is
turn increases the chance of developing bone fractures. A
minor fall or even coughing can put elderly in the risk zone
of bone fractures. Although more common in women over 65
men too can develop osteoporosis at an early age due to
inadequate calcium intake.

In old age the cartilage of joints begins to wear away as
such the bones rub against each other, causing
inflammation and pain in the joints. Joint problems such as
morning stiffness in the elderly are warning signs of
osteoarthritis. In this condition, the joints are less flexible
and cause pain during normal movement.
Urinary Incontinence:
It is the condition where a person passes urine
involuntarily. Weakened pelvic muscles in old
age may lead to leakage of urine when the
pressure inside the abdomen is raised e.g. when
coughing, sneezing, laughing or lifting heavy
How is Homeopathy more suitable for
One can always slow down the progression of these
elderly health issues, by leading a healthy lifestyle.
Habits like smoking can lead to early manifestation of
Calcium deficiency in the diet can make a person
prone to bone diseases.
So, following a healthy diet and an exercise program
can prolong and even prevent the occurrence of these
elderly health issues.
Other than healthy life style Homeopathy medicines
also help in relieving age related complaints.
If old people are alert and physically fit it would
increase their desire to live longer. They will enjoy life
rather than be miserable.
Some Homeopathy Remedies for
Baryta carb - delays process.

Conium - Excellent for muscular weakness due to

old age.
Selenium - Has marked effects on the genito
urinary system.

Thiosinaminum - The drug is suggested for

retarding old age

Nux Moschata - Effective drug for old age

problem of weakness.

Withenia somnifera - Weakness in old age.

Old age, despite the physical limitations, can be
a time of variety, creativity, and fulfillment. So
old age can be pleasurable if one learns to accept
life as it comes and be happy.
Author : Dr. Ajit Singh, Homeopath

"We do not count a man's years until he has

nothing to count".
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses
on health care of the elderly. It aims to promote
health and to prevent and treat diseases and
disabilities in older adults.
The term comes from the Greek geron meaning
"old man" and iatros meaning "healer"
The body of an elderly is substantially
different physiologically from that of an
Geriatricians aim at treating the disease
and decreasing the effect of aging on the
elderly life. and
recognizing the difference between normal
aging and what is actually pathological.
some adult physicians just prescribe
medications to their specific specialty not
reviewing other medications used by the
The polypharmacy may result in many drug
interactions and may be some drug adverse
Also drugs are excreted mostly by kidneys
or liver which maybe impaired in elderly
and medication might need adjustment
Geriatrics giants and elderly diseases
'Geriatric giants' are immobility, instability,
incontinence and impaired intellect/memory.
Psychology of life
"Youth is not a time of life - it is a state of mind.
It is not a matter of ripe cheeks, red lips and
supple knees; it is a temper of the will, a quality
of the imagination, vigor of the emotions, it is a
freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth
means a temperamental predominance of
courage over timidity, of the appetite for
adventure over love of ease.
If you do not wish to grow old, quit thinking
and acting as if you were aging. Instead of
walking drooped shoulders and with a slow
dragging gait, straiten up and put elasticity
into your steps.
if you make friends with them, enriching your
nature, sweetening and ennobling your
character and prolonging your youth even to
the century mark".
We are eating foods modified by the use of
sprays, dusts, washes and other physiological
diseases and food grown with use of synthetic
fertilizers. We are taking synthetic vitamins
and our children are being immunized against
small pox, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,
typhoid fever etc.
All these things help to increase the life span
but are leaving and spreading a greatly
increased number of suppressions with a
marked increase of neurosis and accompany
(If you are unwell give homeopathy a trial,
and it will not disappoint you. It will save
your time, trouble and money. Further it is
a fact that in patients with cardio-vascular
heart conditions, hypertension and other
local disorders, good homeopathic
prescribing can prolong lives and keep you
working longer and give you more comfort
than any other method of treatment. It is
again a fact that the people who take
homeopathic treatment regularly in life are
less likely to develop heart troubles or at
least will develop much later in life).
Ambra griesia:
Great remedy for the aged with the
impairment of all functions, weakness,
coldness and numbness, usually of single
parts, fingers, arms etc.
Thinking difficult in the morning with old
Anacardium Orientale:
It is a remedy for those who are exhausted,
suffered, be it after serious illness, sexual
excesses or the breaking down processes in
old age.
The greedy, suspicious, malicious old man
can use this remedy for all his physical and
mental symptoms since amelioration
through eating is indicated and so
strongly leading this symptom.
Antimonium Tartricum:
In old people who have catarrh of the chest
for years when every sharp cold spell in the
winter brings on catarrh of the chest with
thick white mucus attended with great
dysponea , must sit up and be
fanned, can not lie down, because of the
difficulty of breathing and filling up of the
Ant T will ease him over a number of these
attacks before he dies.
When the expectoration is yellow Ant T will
tide him over a good many winters.
Bacillinum: Lungs of old people with
chronic catarrhal condition and enfeebled
pulmonary circulation.

Baryta Carbonica: It is adapted to the aged

with mental and physical weakness, mental
exhaustion, stupor, groaning, murmuring,
childish behaviour of old people.
Crotalus Horridus:
Nutritional trouble of old age.

It is useful in senile dementia with

forgetfulness, of figure, names of places.
Antipathy to his family; he imagines himself
as if surrounded by foes or by hideous

Spasmodic cough in old people at nigh from
continuously from tickling in throat as if
palate were too long.
Bronchitis with thick yellow tenacious
stringy phlegm in exhausted old people.

Profuse secretion of mucus in the lungs of
old people with loose rattling cough.

Agaricus Muscarious:
In old people with indolent circulation of
drunkards especially for their headaches.
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people; in
GENERALS - OLD AGE - premature
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people; in -
bachelors; old
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people; in -
maids; old
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people; in -
men; old
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people; in -
women; old - thin, scrawny
GENERALS - PARALYSIS - old people; in
GENERALS - WEAKNESS - old people; in
GENERALS - EMACIATION - old people; in
GENERALS - HEAT - lack of vital heat - old
people; in
people; in
GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - old
people; in
MIND - OLD people agg.
MIND - CHILDISH behavior - old people; in
MIND - DEMENTIA - senilis
MIND - MENTAL EXERTION - agg. - impossible
- old people; in
MIND - INSANITY - old people; in
MIND - SADNESS - old age; in
MIND - FEAR - old; of getting
emaciated persons, in
MIND - MOANING - old age, in
BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary -
night - old people
people; in
SKIN - ITCHING - old people; in
HEARING - IMPAIRED - old people
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - old people; in


Blood - ANEURISM, of large arteries


COUGH - OLD people


RECTUM - DIARRHEA - old people
Winter and Senility
The climate conditions of winter are highly
favorable for the development of all kinds
of weakness and tendencies to organic
disease, especially of the brain, heart, blood
vessels, kidneys, and liver.
defects in these organs manifest themselves
most frequently and severely in cold
The whole constitution is lowered by the
conditions of winter, and, to an extent
devitalized. The aged must be helped by the
provisions of heating apparatus. The room
temperature must be maintained as normal
during winters.
Geriatric Health :: An Homeopathic
Approach to Old Age Diseases
Author : Dr. Santosh Joshi, BHMS

As one grows old due to the aging process

there is wear and tear in the body. The
degenerative diseases can take a toll on the
body also the complications of diseases like
diabetes, hypertension, disease of the joints
etc can make life uncomfortable.
Homeopathy is a Holistic system of medicine
which takes into consideration the
Emotional,Intellectual,Spiritual and Physical
state of the patient and according to the
individual the medicine is selected.It is an
individualized approach.

In degenerative disease the homeopathic

remedies will help in arresting the disease and
relieving the sufferings.
Other areas of interest in the geriatric age are
the Arthritis, Joint diseases, psychiatric
problems like depression, Memory loss,
Alzhiemers disease,Dementia etc.

The right homeopathic medicine helps to bring back

the lost harmony and we have been able to help few
cases of Alzhiemers disease where when the correct
Homeopathic remedy was given there was a
improvement in the understanding of the patient.

how the Homeopathic medicines act ? The

homeopathic medicines helps the body by
stimulating it at three levels the Pyscho - Neuro-
Endocrinal axis.The medicines will stimulate the
internal mechanism which will in turn take care of
the disease.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally

occurring substances and are safe and effective.The
important aspect in the treatment is a correct case
history the patient should provide all the details
pertaining to him.No matter how trivial the person
might feel the information is it has to be
provided.Let your doctor decide what is important
and what is not.
a proper counseling will be the first and
major step in averting the future diseases.A
proper understanding of the various stages
of life helps in making living a pleasure.

As life is a continues process where change

is happening at every passing second it is
how we adapt to the situation is important.


Agaricus (Paralysis) - sense of languor as if the
body were bruised and the joints dislocated;
sense of weariness and weakness all down the
spine; paralysis of lower limbs, with slight
spasms of arms; palsy of upper and lower limbs
from incipient softening of spinal cord;
paraplegia from congestion of lumbar cord;
violent pains in all paralyzed parts; pain in
lumbar region and sacrum, agg. while sitting or
during exertion in daytime; formication in
upper and lower limbs as if gone to sleep; limbs
cold, blue; crosswise affections. senile tremor.
Allium cepa
senile gangrene.
Allium cepa (Ulcers)
ulcer on heel from friction; gangraena
Ambra (Asthma) - asthma senile et siccum; also
suitable to children and scrofulous persons,
with short, oppressed breathing, paroxysms of
spasmodic cough, with expectoration of mucus,
wheezing in the air-passages and pressure in
the chest, followed by eructations of wind from
stomach; asthma accompanied by cardiac
symptoms, oppression of breathing and a
feeling as of a load or lump in left chest and
fluttering in the region of the heart, or
palpitations, especially in nervous, thin,
scrawny women; oppression in left chest
through to the back and between the shoulders,
as if emanating from the heart, with
palpitations, anguish and loss of breath;
asthma while attempting coition
Ambra grisea - tearing pain in upper half of
brain. senile dizziness.
Anacardium orientale
senile dementia.
Ant-tart (Asthma) - asthma senile; asthma of
children; anxious oppression, difficulty of
breathing and shortness of breath, with
desire to sit erect; oppression and
suffocative fits, coming on suddenly, agg.
evening, morning, in bed; mucus and
rattling in chest; suffocative cough or
congestion of blood to chest and palpitation
of heart; gasping inhalation, feeling of
fulness and contraction of chest; the cough
after having lasted some time becomes loose
and relieves the contraction of chest.
Ars-alb. (Asthma) - periodical asthma; asthma of
senility, after suppressed coryza and coexistence of
emphysema and cardiac affections; loss of breath
immediately on lying down, in the evening, with
whistling and constriction in the trachea, agg. from
motion; must incline chest forward, must spring
out of bed, especially about midnight, in order to
breathe; chest feels as if too narrow; throat and
chest feel as if bound together; increasing dyspnoea
with despair and anxious sweat all over; asthma
from fatigue, from emotions, from suppressed itch;
agg. after coughing, with sensation of contraction of
chest and stomach, abating as soon as he raises
frothy saliva, thick mucus or streaked with blood;
amel. from warmth, warm food, agg. from cold
Ars-alb. (Gangrene) - senile gangrene; ulcers
extremely painful or entirely insensible, with
elevated edges, secreting a bad, watery foetid
ichor; hard, shining, burning swelling with
bluish-black, burning vesicles, filled with acrid
ichor, amel. from warmth, agg. from cold;
extreme restlessness; gangrene accompanied by
foetid diarrhoea; great weakness and
emaciation; numbness, stiffness and
insensibility of the feet; general coldness with
parchment-like dryness of the skin, followed by
Ars-alb. (Pruritus) - itching with burning or an
eruption emitting watery fluid like sweat and
attended with much constitutional weakness;
chronic cases; senile pruritus in broken-down
constitutions, agg. from cold applications, amel.
from warmth; itching of genital organs.
Ars-alb. - gangrena senilis sicca, with coldness,
desire for more covering; > from warmth.
Arsenicum iodatum
arteriosclerosis, myocardial degeneration ,
senile heart.myocarditis and fatty
Asparagus off (Dropsy)
old people with heart disease; weak action
of heart;
when urinating the last drops, constricting
pain in cardiac region, turns blue in face,
urine has an unpleasant odor; must sit up in
bed to relieve dyspnoea. hydrothorax in
senility on a gouty diathesis.
Bar-c. (Debility)
suits first childhood and senility (old age)
with mental or physical debility; old people,
especially when fat or when they suffered
from gout; constantly weak and weary,
wishes to lean on something, to sit or lie
down, and still feels weak and weary;
deficient memory, absent-mindedness.
Baryta carb - emaciation senilis
Baryta carb (Asthma)
asthma senile (after ant. tart.); suffocative
catarrh of fleshy old people, with
impending paralysis of lungs; cough and
shortness of breath in old phlegmatic
persons; night cough with asthmatic
breathing, chest full of phlegm, want of
clear consciousness; whining mood;
circumscribed redness of cheeks;
immovable pupils; cold hands and feet.
asthma of scrofulous children, with
enlargement of tonsils and cervical glands;
light hair; agg. from wet weather, warm air,
and followed by frequent and copious
Baryta carb (Insanity) - senile dementia, mental
and physical debility; mental weakness and
timidity of dwarfish children with undeveloped
brain, who learn with difficulty because they
cannot remember; forgetful, in the midst of a
speech the most familiar words fail him;
loss of memory, especially for recent events,
groaning and murmuring, pusillanimous; peculiar
dread of men, imagines she is laughed at, which
frightens her; full of anxiety and evil forebodings
about the most trivial affairs; no self-confidence,
fears to undertake anything; full of delusions,
thinks his legs are cut off, and that he
walks on his knees; aversion to strangers,
fear of and in the presence of others
Baryta carbonica - affects glandular structures,
and useful in general degenerative changes,
especially in coats of arteries, aneurism, and
Baryta carbonica - senile dementia.

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