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Ny f° oo op:a4 = P82 2 97801197 Australian Standard® suse ee ABC anys «oreo wee 1 AS 1141.14—1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates vein By Method 14: Particle shape, by proportional calliper en Era 1 SCOPE This Standard describes the determination of the proportion of flat particles, elongated partictes and, flar and elongated particles found in those fractions of a coarse aggregate retained on 4.9.50 mm test sleve, using a proportional calliper. 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents axe referred to in this ‘Standard: as : : 1141 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates 1141.2 Method 2: Basic testing equipment 1152 SpeciZieation for test sieves 3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 3:1 Elongated particle—m clongated particle 1s one having 2 ratio of leagth (L) to width (W) greater than ths calliper ratio adopted. _ 32 Flat and elongated particle—a flat and elongated particle is one having 2 ratio of ea with (on eof wth (7) w eC) Be aa Be ips ratio 33. Flat partlcle—a flar particle is‘one having 2 ranio of wideh (W) to thickness (7) ‘greater than the calliper ratio adopted. 34 Length, width and thickness—the length (L), width (W/), and thickness (7) are, respectively, the greatest, intermediate and least dimensions of any particle, as measured slong mutually perpendicaler directions, Le. they sre the principal dimensions of the circumscribing rectangular prism. 3.5 Proportion of elongated particles—the proportion of clongated particles is the percentage of elongated, and flat end clongated particles. 436 Proportion of flat particles—the proportion of flat particles 1s the perceutags of ‘fat, and flat and elongated, particles in the aggregate retained on 950 mm test sieve, determined by summing the weighted percentages. 3.7 Proportion of misshapen particles—the proportion of misshapen particles is the Peceemmage of flat, elongated, and flat and clongeted particles in the size fraction moasured, determined by summing the weighted percentages. 3.8 Size fraction—a size fraction is that portion of the sample retained between two of ‘the mocessive sieves specified for the test. . 49 Weighted percentage—the weigined percentage is the percenmge of 2 type of misshapen pardele in a paricular size fraction multiplied by the amoont of material in that sive fraction (expressed as a percentage of all the materiel measured) and divided by one hundred. convniany STANDARDS AUSTRAUA ALe— 185: 2 4 APPARATUS The following apparatus, complying with the relevant ris AS 11412, is required: ied ae @ “@) © @ © ‘Balance—of adequare cepecity, with a limit of performance not exceeding 25 g, Calliper—proportiogal calliper made of steel as shown in Figure 1. The shall be suitably hardened, ae Oren—A thermerascally conmolled oves to operate at toupee of 105°C to ‘110! NOTE: Material may be dried to constant mass using other methods such as microwave ovens, intra-ad Lights or botplates provided toss havo sbown that these techniques do got Gistupt or weaken perticies to the exteat that changes occar in the property being messured. ‘The determisation of constant mast shall be such that after further peciods of drying Se minced said eTocs Hr tase dos ot exon pores of te wal tes of aise, Sample divider. Siaves—complying with AS 1152 as required, ic. $3.0 mm, 375 mm, 26.5 max, 19.0 mm, 13.2 mm, and 9.50 mm. 5 TEST PORTION ‘The test portion shall be of 2 size which will yield not less than 100 particles of cach size frection larger than 9.50 mm present in an amount of not less than 10 percent af the sample. 6 TEST PROCEDURE Tho procedure shall be as follows: ® ) © @ © Dry the test portion at 105°C to 110°C to constant mass. NOTE: See Note under Clanse 4{¢). Separate the test portion Into size fractions on the following sieves: ® 330mm ow)" 9.0mm 32mm () 9.50 mm: Determine the mass of each size fraction and calculate the grading of the aggregate as received, on a percentago passing basis. * Calculate the percentages retained in each size fraction (percentages B in Teble 1). Discard the fraction passing the 9.50 mm test sieve. If any size fraction constimtes less than 10 percent off the aggregate as received, it shall be excluded from shape measurement and from subsequent calculations. Recalculate the proportion retained in each remaining size fraction as a percentage of the total amount of the remaining size fractions, Le. thore to be measured (percomage C). In any size fraction (present in the amount of 10 percent or more of the sample 2s received), if there are considerably more than 100 particles present, reduce the amount of marerial by sample division to obtain ar least 100 particles to be measured, Determine the mass of these particles (mass D) and record the number of particles present. ~ 22/03 "99 MON 09:43 [TX/RX NO 8785] oo ov:4s «P61 2 97562197 SMEC ave SHBG Swye & fren —_— 3 asuau—ws (1) Test each of the particles in each of the size fractions propared for measurement. ‘using the proportional calliper set at the calliper ratio adopted, as follows: ® Test for flamass Set the largest opening equal to the width of the particle. If the thickness of the particle can be placed within the smaller opening, the ‘pemicle is deemed to be flat (Test for elongation Set the large opening equal to the langth of the particle. If the width of the particle can be placed within the smaller opening, the particle is deemed to be elongated. @ Sort the particles in each of the size fractions being measured into the following four types (see Note 2): . ® Fe (8) Elongated. G8) Flat and elongated. Gv) Neither flat nor elongated. Determine the mass of each of types (D, (ii) and (ii), (masses E, F and G respectively). NOTES: a 4s desired only to determine the proportion of flat particles, the test procedure can be are by setng into tro rope only, Le. hee whlch comply with he pear shape etiidon end those which do ct. 7 CALCULATIONS Calculate and report the results of the test to detemmine the perceumage of misshepon particles from the weighted percentages of fiat, elongated, and flat and clongated particles. ‘Weighted pereonmges are calculated (percemages H, J, K) to the nearest 0.1 percent. ‘The total percentage (Z) of mischapen piricles fs expressed to the nearest 1 percent. ‘Table 1 shows an example of the calculation procedure, @ REPORT The following shall be reported: (@) Total percentage of misshapen particles to the nearest 1 percent. (&) Uf required, the flat, elongated, and, flat and clongated particles to the nearest 0.1 percent (©) Calliper ratio. (@ Reference to this Standard, AS 1141.14, neiny 0a WON ar43 ITY/RE NO 87557 Qoos s++ SMEC dys & Tren suc eer 2 97se1is7 4/03 99 09:46 if, ah e995 “Varo Jow e pm poagzas wr ofdwer oop Jo asm 0} UI) f= ae UR pope FOO, SOI» a a |! vea00}2 Son veun | eae | ma topusoed Ne a fs Sronee | Ae | oma sya Bong SHIOILUVd NAUVHSSIW AO ZOVINAIUAd BNIRWALAG OL NOLLVIOO1VO 40 SHTdWVXE 1 ave a COPYRIGHT 22/03 ‘98 MON 09-43 ITE/RE NO A785] is we verae | ee ee % ‘Swinging arm ‘NOTE: Toleranced dimensions are maandazory. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. FIGURE'1 PROPORTIONAL CALLIPER ARRANGEMENT AND DETAILS we coPyRIGHT 22/03 '89 MON 09:43 (TX/RX NO 8785]

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