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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Ruby Raya Garcia

7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843

Governor Jerry Brown

c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello I am Ruby Raya and I am writing to you today to inform you about the Syrians Refugee Crisis. To
start off I would like to start that 11 million Syrians have fled their homes for safety in 1 year. Furthermore,
my name is Ruby Raya I am currently a sophomore at Antelope High School my parents came to the U.S to find
a better life as immigrants now my mother is a U.S citizen, both my parents are persistent and hardworking. It
has been a difficult journey, but they strive to make a better future for me and my 2 sisters and for our Country.
As I begin this letter there has been many debates over this specific topic about if Syrian refugees should
be permitted. In many discussions I believe that they should be allowed as they are in poverty and in need of
help and support. Furthermore, 13.8% Syrian refugees have lost their shelters and homes due to this crisis.
The problem that is being discussed today is alike to the Jewish refugees fleeing their homes, to find help
and shelter in the U.S. Syrians and the Jews were faced with the same situation where the U.S is afraid to take
them in and help out because they feared that they would just take advantage of them and or harm them in any
way which is not the case. They are similar in the way that they both seek shelter, but many are not willing to
help due to one selfish ways which will cause regret later on in history.
I very much disagree with the decision that is being made about not letting Syrians seeking for help come
for a better life. To start off we should not fear that the Syrian refugees would cause terrorist attacks since they
are looking for help and want to survive as well as the others. Many of us know that Syrian refugees will not
cause a problem as far as laws. Therefore, revealing how if we allow Syrians to come get help they will not
bother or hurt anyone in any way since they are just looking for survival and a better future such as everyone
who comes to America,
In conclusion, I suggest that you shall allow these Syrians refugees looking for help to let them in
into our beautiful country. As all they want is support and a better life for them and their children.
These refugees in my belief will not cause any problems and the chances of criminality are very slim.
As if we do not let them we will later regret in the future and look back in history and see our
inhumane and selfish ways. As America is the land of the Free and we should not deny their rights
since their humans just like you and me. We can make a difference and help these Syrians seeking for
help find a home where they will not live in fear. I greatly appreciate your time and taking time to read
this as I know that you are very busy. Thank you and have a nice day.
Ruby Raya

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