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Enterprise Resource Planning

MCA 512

Unit -1:

Short Questions:

Q1. Define the term enterprise.

Q2. What is operational & archived data with their importance?
Q3. Explain the role of CIO in implementation of ERP project.
Q4. Differentiate Intranet & Extranet.
Q5. What are the attributes used to assess the quality of
information. Give examples.

Long Questions:

Q1. Define the conceptual model of ERP

Q2. Explain business modeling.
Q3. List the various advantages of ERP.
Q4. Explain architecture of ERP.
Q5. Explain the advantages of ERP.

Unit -2:

Short Questions:

Q1. What is OLAP & OLTP means? Write two differences between
Q2. What are the different phases of a Product life Cycle?
Q3. What is Data Mining?
Q4. Explain LAP.
Q5. What is meant by Re-engineering?

Long Questions:
Q1. What are the technologies that improve the efficiency of ERP
systems & enable the companies to do business at internet
Q2. Explain uses of data warehousing.
Q3. What are the limitations of the ERP system?
Q4. What is the difference between a data warehouse and a data
Q5. Explain Business Process Reengineering.

Unit -3:

Short Questions:
Q1. Define feasibility study with its types.
Q2. Explain the role of SDLC in ERP implementation.
Q3. How the gap analysis helps in selection of a specific ERP
Q4. How database play a vital role in ERP implementation?
Q5. Explain the role of vendors in ERP implementation.

Long Questions:

Q1. Develop the ERP package for any service industry with proper
Q2 Write a short note on quality management modules
Q3. Explain the E-Commerce aspect of ERP.
Q4. With a help of a diagram explain the sales and distribution
Q5. Explain pros and cons of ERP implementation .

Unit -4:

Short Questions:
Q1. What is pre-evaluation screening? Why is it required?
Q2. What kind of contract is necessary with vendors & employees
in ERP environment?
Q3. Why server based environment is better than client based
environment for ERP?
Q4. Explain the role of vendors and consultants in ERP
Q5. Discuss the ERP implementation methodologies.

Long Questions:
Q1. Explain ERP implementation life cycle.
Q2. Discuss the importance of post implementation phase of ERP
implementation. How is it carried out?
Q3 Suggest any four future directions in ERP
Q4. How would you develop ERP for a hospital?
Q5. Explain how EDI is integrated with ENTERPRISE RESOURCES
PLANNING. What is the use of Enterprise Resources Planning in
manufacturing Industries?

Unit -5:

Short Questions:

Q1. Define GIS role in ERP.

Q2. Define e-commerce.
Q3. What is EDI & EFT? Draw a diagram to explain it.
Q4. Explain SAP.
Q5. Write short notes on Global Information Technology.

Long Questions:

Q1. Explain the case study related to SAP or ORACLE format of ERP
Q2. What is EAI? Define the role of CRM & SCM in enhancing the
competitive position of organization.
Q3. Explain in detail role of Internet in ERP.
Q4. What do you understand by computer integrated quality
management (CIQ)?
Q5. How ERP support the organization for enhancing the

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