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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Division of Sarangani
West Maasim District
Grade 6 Reading Comprehension Activity


During summer, I often go to the beach with Mama and Papa. And I
would bring along some old newspapers. Undisturbed, I would make paper
boats of different sizes and float them on a river I carved out of the sand.
Then I would sit nearby, contented and proud of my handiwork.

But one day, a boy came. He had a toy boat which could be moved by
remote control. It could be directed to where the boy wanted it to go: north,
south, east or west.

High-tech! I said with awe, quoting a common way of describing

something that uses modern technology. Remarkable!

I could see that the onlookers were just as fascinated as I was .

suddenly, I felt small. My paper boats seemed trash compared to the high-
tech boat.

I was about to leave when I noticed that the high-tech toy slowly
halted. Why? many spectators asked.

Ahh..h, the boy said The battery is slow. I have to recharge it.
Immediately, he took the boat back to his cottage .

I looked at my paper boats. There they were, still floating, freely

dancing on the river. I could not help smiling. Again, I felt contented and
proud of my paper boats.

Activity 1:
Look up the dictionary to find out if the following compound words
should be written as one word, two separate words, or as hyphenated

North bound any way paper


Remote control battery charger some time

Activity 2:

Write the following compound words correctly:

1. News papers- 6. Some time-

2. Toy boat- 7. Battery
3. Paper boat- 8. Get
4. Remote control- 9. On looker-
5. Any way- 10. North

Activity 3:

Arrange these events according to the sequence of the story

happened. Number the events 1-5 on the space provided before
the letter.

______ a. The boy realized that his paper boat was still the best.
______ b. The boy contentedly played with paper boats on the
______ c. Another boy with a high-tech toy boat came.
______ d. The boy felt sad about his paper boat.
______ e. The high-tech toy boat stopped; it needed new

Activity 4:

By reading between the lines and noting details, one can predict
outcomes and infer traits and feelings of characters.

Think of the answer to each question. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.

_______ 1. What would be the best ending for the story?

a. Next time, Ill bring a bigger high-tech toy boat.

b. Ill tell Mama how proud that rich boy is.
c. Next summer, I will still be bringing old newspapers.
d. When I go to the beach, Ill not go near the boy.
_______ 2. Would the speaker ask his mama to buy him a high-tech toy

a. No c. Perhaps
b. Yes d. Precisely

_______ 3. Did he envy the boy with the high-tech toy boat?

a. No c. Perhaps
b. Yes d. Precisely

Activity 5:

Answer the following questions.

1. Who is telling the story?

2. What did he do one summer?
3. How did he feel as he played with his paper boat?
4. Why did his feeling change upon seeing another boys toy boat?
5. What lesson does the story give?

Prepared by:
Grade 6 adviser- DALIAO ES

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