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Request for Pr oposal (RFP): Gr aphi c De sig ne r

Assess, Transform Reach Consulting (ATR) is an Afghan-owned firm legally registered in

Afghanistan with AISA, which provides research services to Embassies, the United
Nations, donors, Afghan Ministries, NGOs and contractors, and increasingly to the
private sector.

The firm provided the following services: research, capacity building, M&E, polling and
strategic advisory. ATRs main office is located in Kabul. ATR Consulting also has
activities in Mali, Iraq and Central Asia.

Project Description: Graphic Designer

The ATR Consulting is seeking proposals to establish a long term agreement through
competitive bidding for the commissioning of graphic art and/or design work. The
overall goal of this procurement is to engage one contractor to design graphic art
products including but not limited to logos, reports, conference program guides,
brochures, fact sheets, drawings, and graphic items for use on project reports,
presentations, company website and in social media. These products will need to be
developed or saved in various formats for use in online and print media. The designer
is required to meet with staff of ATR Consulting prior to publication to understand
needs, and work with the Research Team on design and content specifications after
publication to seek continuous improvement.

Design Requirements

Ensure a consistent brand identity in the design of all ATR Consultings visual media.

Estimated Project Duration

ATR Consulting requires the contract services of a graphic designer from May 2017 to
May 2018 with the possibility of contract renewal for an additional year upon the
mutual agreement of the Designer and ATR Consulting.

Functional Requirements

The functional requirements of the contract may vary in scope and length from month
to month dependent upon the requirements of the project. The summary below reflects
anticipated requirements for the upcoming year. Additions/subtractions may occur.

Please note that the design/ownership/copyright and original source (Illustrator,

Photoshop) files must remain with ATR Consulting and that all work products created
as part of this project will be the sole property of ATR Consulting.
Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Proposer:

The Designer must have extensive experience with design software, including but not
limited to, InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Experience packaging printed
materials for full colour output is a must.

Response Format

The following items are to be included in your proposal in the order listed. Deviation
from this may render your proposal non-responsive. ATR Consulting will accept
proposals in soft and hard copy.

The proposal must include:

Company information
Graphic designer qualifications / expertise
Company references
Approach to scope of work, including expected timeframes
3 examples of past design work (one report, one fact sheet, one website
design or PowerPoint presentation)
Cost of services

Cost Estimate

All candidates must submit a cost estimate based on the work outlined in this RFP,
printing fees excluded, and an hourly or per item rate for design services.
Company Information

Provide the following information as listed: company name, address, phone

number, name(s) of principals if applicable, main contact, email address and
company website and if individual full CV.
Identify the year in which your company was established and began providing
graphic design services.
Provide a comprehensive list of all services you provide.
Describe all previous graphic design experience including name of client,
description of the work,
and budget of the project.

Graphic designer qualifications

Provide CVs including all relevant qualifications and experience of designer/s.

Company References

Provide three client references. ATR Consulting reserves the right to contact the
references provided in your proposal as well as other references without prior
notification to you.

Approach to Scope of Work

Briefly describe any project approaches or ideas you feel would set you apart from
other bidders, including expected timelines to complete the design of a report of 50
pages, a fact sheets of 3 pages, and PowerPoint of 20 slides. Describe the methods,
timeline, approach to communication with ATR Consulting, and which software you
would use and why.

Three examples of past design work

Proposers must provide three examples of past design work in the following formats:

An example of fully designed report (does not need to be the full report),
showcasing headings, infographics & charts.
An example of fully designed fact sheet, showcasing headings, infographics and
Either an example of a website design or PowerPoint design, showcasing
headings, infographics and charts, info-graphic drawings

Cost of services
Proposers are to include an itemized rate (either per page or per hour), as well as
estimates indicating how long it would typically take to complete:

Full report, including text, graphics and charts, of maximum 50 pages

Fact Sheet of 3 pages, including text, graphics and charts
PowerPoint presentation of maximum 20 slides
Cost to provide design services for the ATR website

Proposers should provide breakdown costs associated with the above including initial
layout design and revisions.
Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Proposals

Designers are expected to have sole responsibility for taking steps to carefully
examine in detail the full consistency of its proposal to the requirements of the RFP,
keeping in mind that material deficiencies in providing information requested by ATR
Consulting, or lack of clarity in the description of services to be provided, may result in
the rejection of the proposal. ATR Consulting shall not assume any responsibility
regarding erroneous interpretations or conclusions made by the Designer in the course
of understanding the RFP.

Evaluation Criteria #1 Proposed Timelines

Proposers will be evaluated on their specific timelines or schedules required for the
various stages of work to be done (beginning of initial layout up to but not including

Evaluation Criteria #2 Value/Costs of Eforts

Proposers will be evaluated on their itemized costs for:

Full report, including text, graphics and charts, of maximum 50 pages

Fact Sheet of 3 pages, including text, graphics and charts
PowerPoint presentation of maximum 20 slides
Cost to provide design services for the ATR website

ATR will take into account the initial layout/design cost and revision costs.

Please indicate if you limit the number of proofs a client can view. Indicate if you
charge for proofs and changes.
Evaluation will also include:

Relevant experience / technical skills

Creative fit with the ATR image
Fee schedule
Completeness of response to this RFP
Style and fit with the Research Team
Interpersonal communication skills

Right to Vary Requirements at the Time of Award

At the time of award of Contract, ATR Consulting reserves the right to vary the
quantity of services and/or goods, without any change in the unit price or other
terms and conditions.

Submission Information

Submissions, including a cover letter, portfolio samples, hourly or per item rate, and
cost estimate, may be submitted to (if files are over
15mb, proposers are requested to send files in separate emails) by 5pm, Sunday,
May 16, 2017.

Prospective bidders must submit written inquiries via email to obtain clarification of
RFP requirements. No inquiries will be accepted after 5pm on May 10, 2017. Inquiries
about this RFP should be referred to:
Subject line: Design RFP Update Inquiry

Deadline for submission is 5pm on Sunday May, 16, 2017


The selection process including interviews will occur during May, 2017. Interviews
and negotiations with the winning bidder are expected to result in candidate
selection by late May with work to commence upon contract signing.

Request for Graphic Design Page

Services 6

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