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Chapter 9 Heat - 9.

1 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium

We use scientific methods to provide exact heat measurements
Energy must be added or removed to change the temprature of a substance
Temperature - The measure of the avg, kniectic energy of the particle in a substance

Energy resulting from atomic motion is known as INternal Energy (U)

Internal energy (U)= the energy that results from both the motion of particles in a substance and
the potential energy from the distance between them. (what theyre doign and the their postiion)

U= internal energy
triU= change in interna; energy
Thermal Equilibrium= the state in whcih two bodies in physical contact have the same
Thermal Expansion- objects expand as their temperature increases
Coefficient of volume expansion determines how much an object expands under certain heat
1. Fahrenheit F= 9/5C+32 (1.8)
2. Kelvin K= C+273.15
(melting point) (boiling point)
0C 100C
32 F 212 F
273.15 K 373.15 K

9.2 Defining heat

Heat = the nergy transferred btwn objects bc of a diff in the temperatures
- Energy tends to travel from a hotter object to a cooler one
- Thermal conduction - energy transfer that increases an objects temperature
- Different substance have different rates of thermal conduction
Conservation of Energy
^PE +^KE +^U = 0 ^PE= mgh ^KE= 1/2mv^2
Potential kinetic interval


9.2 Specific Heat Capacity - the quantity of heat required to raise 1kg if homogenous material by
1 C given constant pressure and volume
*Different substances have different temperature chanfes under the same conditions

Cp = Q(energy transferred as heat) / m (mass) * ^T (change in Temperature Tf- Ti)

Specific Heat Capacity Q= 4186 J/kgC

9.3 Phase Changes

- Latent heat- the energy(Q) added or removed per unit mass during phase change
- Heat of Fusion - energy needed to transfer btwn solid and liquid phases
Heat of evaporation - energy needed to transfer btwn liquid and gas phases

10.1 relationships btwn heat and work
^ internal Energy ---- > through Increase work -----> increase heat

In thermodynamics work is define is terms of CHANGES in pressure and volume

Pressrue - P (Pa Pascal unit) = F/A
^V (Vf-Vi) = Ad (Area times distance) P ^V= W
- W= work done ON the system +W= work done BY the system
Work is only done if volume changes under constant pressure
Thermodynamics processes
1-Isovolumetric - Volume remains constant - No work is done
Change of V = 0 so W= 0 , therefore change of U = Q

2- Isovolumetric 0 volume remains constant - No work is done

3- Isothermal - temperatue remains constant - internal energy is unchanged - must happen
3- Adiabatic- No energy - is transferred - must happe rapidly


1- Energy conservation- energy is conserved for any system and its surrounding is the 1st law
of thermodynamic
- Mathematically we express the first law of thermodynamics as
- Change in U = Q (heat added to system)- W (work done by the system )
- Q= change of U + U that lost + W
Q > 0 - energy added to system as heat
Q< 0 energy removed from system as heat
Q= 0 no transfer of energy as heat
W> 0 = work DONE by system ( ex- expansion of gas)
W< 0 - work done on the system (compression of gas)
W= 0 no work is done

10.3 second law of thermodynamics

2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that no engine can perfect convert all the energy from anher
source into work.
REMEBER- Wnet Qh(total heat u out in)-Qc(heat lost)so the law tells us that Qc cannot be zero.
No cyclic process that converts heat entirely into work is possible
Qc =\ 0 Qc>0
Some cyclic processes convert more heat into work than others = more effeicient
Efficiency of a system = Wnet / Qh , Wnet= Qh-Qc

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