Sejarah KFR

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Physical therapy and rehabilitation services began in 1899 in England and

1921 in the United Serikat

Dr. Howard A. Rusk showed that the rehabilitation program is more important
rather than an attempt for healing
In 1937, a doctor of physical therapy recognized as a new medical specialty. In
the Faculty of Medicine, this section is called the Department of Physical
In 1938, a term given by Dr.Frank H.Krusen to distinguish the technician called
physical therapists, this new profession called fisiatris (physiatrists).
The term physiatrists received by the AMA in 1946
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (KFR) formally accepted as a medical
specialty in 1947 with the establishment of the American Board of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR).

Medical Services Rehabilitation in Indonesia known since 1947, when Prof. Dr.
R. Soeharso establish rehabilitation centers for persons with disabilities who
are victims of the war of independence.
in 1973, the Ministry of Health set up rehabilitation services in the Hospital
Dr. Kariadi Semarang as a pilot project called the Preventive Rehabilitation
Unit (PRU).
SK Minister of Health No. 134 / Yan.Kes / SK / IV / 1978 states that all
hospitals class A, B, and C should develop PRU
PRU term later changed to the Medical Rehabilitation Unit (URM). the
necessity of a doctor with a specialization capabilities Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation to lead the Medical Rehabilitation Unit (URM).
Ministry of Health began sending medical doctor from Indonesia to
participate in education became a specialist in Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University
of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines. There are eleven Indonesian doctors
who managed to become a specialist KFR of the University. Some doctors
have also been sent for education in Prague and in the Netherlands.
After returning from school, the doctor known as Doctor Specialist Medical
Rehabilitation establish Ikatan Dokter Ahli Rehabilitasi Medik Indonesia
(IDARI) in 1982
In 1987. three education centers, namely: University of Indonesia, Airlangga
University, Diponegoro University.
Later received recognition by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) in
1990. The name IDARI transformed into Medical Rehabilitation Specialist
Doctors Association of Indonesia (PERDOSRI).
Since the IV National Congress held in 1998 in Jakarta, Chairman elect
PERDOSRI (late) Dr. Thamrinsyam, SpRM form the College Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation according to the instructions of the IDI with the task of
escorting or support Medical Rehabilitation Specialist Education
Starting in July 2009, graduate degree Doctor of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Specialist (SpKFR). In accordance with the results of IDI XXVIII
Congress in 2009 in Palembang title changes approved by the IDI SpRM
becomes SpKFR degree.

in 1951, a surgeon dr. raden soeharso helping the victims of war using a
prosthesis made of bamboo and established the first academy in Indonesia
physiotherapy in the city of Surakarta and establish rehabilitation Surakarta
city centrum in that became hospital orthopedics today.
In 1961, doctors raden oemijono moestari, a specialist neurology-psychiatry,
because the number of cases of poliomyelitis at the time, had the
opportunity to learn in the field of rehabilitation medicine at New York
University under the guidance of a doctor howard rusk.
In 1966 doctors oemijono establish physiotherapy unit at the neurology-
psychiatry RSUD Soetomo, led by Prof soejonoes
1987 authorized the establishment of an educational center of medical
rehabilitation physician specialties in the three cities, Jakarta, Semarang and
Surabaya, and now grow two, Bandung and Manado

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