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Ionu Nistor

The Macedo-Romanian problem and the Romanian foreign affaires (1912-1913)


The Balkan wars from 1912-1913 were the final act of the Oriental Problem before the First
World War, and Romania couldnt stand indifferent to this conflict when political and strategic
interests were in stake. Romanian involvement in the Balkan problems took little in account the
situation of Rumanian population, placed secondary. Not in the conflict time nor the Bucharest
negotiations, did Romania use its position to ensure a better future for the Rumanians. Their
destiny was sealed due to a letter correspondence between the Romanian Prime Minister and the
Serb, Greek and Bulgarian Prime Ministers, after making peace that guaranteed to this
community free access to culture in maternal language and Romanian support for the
maintenance of the culture institutions.

Keywords : the Balkan Wars, the Oriental Problem, Romanian foreign affaires, nationalism

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