Dracula: L The Road To Castle Dracula

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L The Roadto CastleDracula

Then they spoke to each other in their own
language.I heard the name-'Dracula' and then
'vampire'.The word was in my book
another word

aboutTiansylvania.\Uhat wasa vampire?
I openedthe book quickly.Yes,there wasthe word
- vampire.I beganto read.
'There are many vampiresin tansylvania. They
have long, sharpteeth. They bite living peopleand
drink their blood. Then those people become
vampirestoo. Vampiresare terrible and they can
'Peoplewear a crossto keep themselvessafefrom
\ zf V name is JonathanHarker.I am a lawyerand
vampires.Holy bread from a church will keep
IVlf live in London. Part of my work is finding
vampiresawaytoo. And they hate the smellof garlic.'
housesfor rich peoplefrom foreigncountries,
I smiled.I couldnot believethesestories.I shutthe
Sevenyearsago,somestrangethings happenedto
book quickly.
my friendsand myself,At last I havedecidedto write
Soon it was time to leave.There was a crowd of
aboutthat terribletime.
peopleoutsidethe inn. They all lookedat me in fear.
My storybeginsin 1875.I receiveda letter from a
I got into the coach and the inn-keeperran up
rich man calledCount Dracula.The Count lived in
to me.
Tiansylvaniaand he wanted to buy a house near 'Do not go to CastleDracula!It is a terribleplace,'
London. I found a largeold housefor the Count and
he said.
he agreedto buy it. There were many papersfor him 'l must go. I have businesswith the Count,'
to sign.To *y surprise,the Count askedme to take
I answered.
the papersto tansylvania. 'God help youl' the inn,keepersaid.'Here,takethis
Tiansylvaniais far away in EasternEurope,I was
cross.Wear it round your neck. It maykeepyou safe.'
busyand I would soonbe marriedto my darlingMina.
I took the crossand the coachbeganto move.The
I did not want to leaveEngland.
'Youmustgo, 'The sun wasshining and the high CarpathianMountains
Jonathan,'Mina said. Count is a
werecoveredwith snow.They werevery beautiful.
rich man and you must pleasehim. The journeywill
The road went higher and higher. Then the sun
be interesting.You will be back in two weeks.Read
went behind the mountains.Suddenly,everything
this book aboutTransylvaniaon the train!'
was dark. I heard a terrible sound- the howling of
The train reached Bistritz, a small town in
wolves!They were very near.Later,the moon came
Tiansylvania,on 4th May.There abovethe town were
out and then at last,we wereat the Borgopass.
the greatCarpathianMountains,but I could not see
A small carriage, pulled by four black horses,
CastleDracula,whereCount Draculalived.
camedown the narrowroad.It stoppedand the driver
A qoachfrom Bistritzwould take me to the Borgo '\Vhere is the Englishmanfor Castle
Pass.I had time for a meal. I went into the crowded
inn and askedfor food and drink. I spoke to the ' H e r e ! ' la n s w e r e d .
'l am goingto CastleDracula,'I said.'What canyou I took my bag and sat down besidethe driver, He
drove very fast and I was terrified. Black clouds
tell me aboutthe Count?'
coveredthe moon and the wolveshowled.
The man did not answer.He lookedveryfrightened.
Suddenly,the carriagestopped.I had arrived at
Everyonein the inn stoppedtalking. They looked
CastleDraculalThe carriagedroveoff. I wasalone.In
front of me wasa greatwoodendoor.It openedslowly.
90 1
2 APrisoner in the Castle
very tall, old man was standing there. His face
and hair were white and his clotheswere black.
He held up his lamp
'Come in, Mr Hurk.r.
Welcometo Castle Dracula,'
he said.
He held my arm with his strong,cold hand. Then he
locked the door.
He took me up many stairsand alongdark passages.
He opened a door and we were in a room with
no windows.
Through the other doors,I could seea bedroomand
a room with somefood.
After my meal,I sat by the fire with Count Dracula.
Outsidethe castle,the wolveshowled.
'Listento the children
of the nightl' the Count said. Laterthat night, I had terribledreams.I heardwolves
love their music.' howling and strangelaughter.I woke up late and I did
He smiled.His teeth werelong and sharp. not seethe Count all day.
I found his library.There weremany booksin English
and I spentthe dayreading.
In the evening,I told the Count abouthis housein
London. He waspleased.The Count went on talking
for a long time and I fell asleep.
When I woke up, his face was very near mine. His
breathhad a terriblesmell.
I slept badly again and got up early.I got out my
shavingmirror and beganto shave.
morning,' said a voice behind me. It was the
Count. \7hy had I not seenhim in the mirror?
have cut yourself,'the Count said, 'There is
blood on your neck.'
He put out his hand, but it touchedthe crossand he
moved away.Then he took my mirror and threw it out
of the window.
'l do not have mirrorsin CastleDracula,'he
I was alone all day. I walked along dark passages.I
climbedup manystairs.All the doorsin the castlewere
locked. The windows were hundredsof metres above
the ground.There wasno way out. I wasa prisoner!

3 The Vampires
he papersweresignedand I wantedto leave.But
the Count would not let me go. Everyday I felt
more afraid and I wasvery tired.
One afternoon, I lay down on my couch. It was
getting dark. Then, suddenly,the air was full of
The dust moved about in the air. The golden dust
turned into three,beautifulyoungwomen.Theirteeth
werelong and sharp,but I wantedthem to kissme.
The women laughed and came nearer and nearer.
I closed my eyes and then Count Dracula was in
the room.
'Get awayl' he shoutedto the women. 'You cannot
havehim! He is minel'
I fainted with fear. \fhen I woke up, the sun
I went down some stairs and into an old chapel.
Therewerefifty woodenboxeson the stonefloor of the
chapel.They werefull of earth.
Count Draculawas insideone of them. His hair was
dark now and his face was red. Blood came from his
lips. His eyeswere open, but he did not seeme. The
vampirewasrestingafterhis meall
I heardshoutsand hid myself.The Count'smen ran
in. They put lids on all the boxes.Draculawasgoingto
Englandin a box of earth.
I ran backto Dracula'sroom and took somegoldcoins
from the table.
The door waslockedbut the window wasopen.I had
to getout! With a prayerto God, I beganto climb down
It was now 19th May. The Count mademe write a the castlewall.
long letter to Mina. I had to date the letter 29thJune.
'Tell Mina
that you are on your way home,' Count
Draculasaid. will postthe letter for you. I shall leave
for Englandon that date too.'
But I could not leave.I wasDracula'sprisoner.I had
to makea plan.
One night, I sawDraculaleavehis room.He climbed
out of the window and went down the castle wall
- headfirst. He returnedat dawn.
Vampireshave no powersduring the day.Somehow,I
climbedout of my windowand got into his room.It was
empty,but a door wasopen.

4 AYisit to
T) ack in London, Mina was very worried. It A few nights later, Mina found Lucy sitting by her
Dru, now the middle of July and Jonathanhad bedroomwindow.A hugeblack bird wasbesideher. It
not returned. Then she had a letter from her friend, flew slowly away.Lucy was asleep.Her face was white
LucyWest. but the marks on her neck were red. Mina was
'My husband is away too,' Lucy wrote. 'Come to very afraid.
Hythe and stay with me' The time will pass
So Mina went to staywith her friend Lucy in Hythe.
Hythe wasnearthe sea.At first, the weatherwasfine,
but in August,therewasa terriblestormand a shipwas
wreckedon the shore.It was a Russianship, full of
woodenboxes,but there wereno peopleat all.
Men came from London and took away the boxes'
What wasin them?
That night, Mina hearda noise.She lookedfor Lucy,
but she was not in the house.Mina dressedand ran
aboutthe streets,callingLucy'sname.
Then she found her, sitting half-asleepin the old
churchyardon the hill. There were two red markson
Lucy'sneck.What werethey?Lucyremembered nothing.
On 19thAugust,a letter camefrom Jonathan.He was
in a hospitalin Budapest.
'l mustgo to him at once,Lucy!'Mina cried.'But I do
not want to leaveyou. You are ill.'
'Arthur will be home soon. You must 9o,'
Lucy replied.
So Mina took the train to Budapest.She saw her
Jonathanagainat last. He lookedpale and ill. But he
slowlygot better.
Mina told him aboutLucy.Jonathanwasvery afraid'
'Terriblethings happenedto me in CastleDracula,'
'Are there vampires in
Jonathan told Mina.
'Don't talk aboutthem,'Mina said.'We aretogether
now and the Count is far away.'
Jonathanand Mina were marriedin Budapest'They
returned to London in the middle of September.As
they drove along the busy streets,Jonathan gave a
terrible cry.
'Look! That's Count Draculal' he cried. 'Why is he
here,in London?'
When they got home, there wasa letter from Arthur
'My dearwife is dead.She wasburiedyesterday.'
'That wasa weekago!Draculathe vampirehasdone
'lnvite Arthur hereand I will tell
both of you all aboutthat wickedman!'

5 How Lucy Died
Jonathan told Mina and Arthur everythingabout
J the Count and CastleDracula.
'Count Draculais a vampire,'Jonathan 'He
said. tried
to kill me and now he haskilled dearLucy.How can we
'\7e gan't, but my old friend, Professor Van Helsing
can,' Arthur said. was in Hythe when Lucy died.
He is in Amsterdamnow. But he promisedto return if
anything happenedto Lucy.'
'i did not understandhim then, but I do now.Lucy is
a vampiretoo. Somechildren in Hythe have seenher,
but only at night. They talk abouta beautifulladywith
long, black hair. It is Lucy. She kissesthem and her
kissesleavered markson their necks.That is how one
Arthur sent for ProfessorVan Helsing and he cameto
Englandat once.
'l was afraidof this,' the Professor 'BeforeLucy
died,I put garlicin her room.Vampireshate garlic,but
Draculawastoo strong.He madeLucy throw the garlic
away.Then he drank Lucy's blood and now she is a
wanted to kiss her. But you would not let me,'
'Now I understandwhy.
Arthur said to Van Helsing.
But what can we do?'
mustopenLucy'scoffin,hammera sharppieceof
wood through her heart and cut off her head. Then
Lucy can restforever,'
'lt is terrible,but we mustdo it,' Arthur said.'Let us
go back to Hythe at once!'
Lucy'scoffin wasin a vault. But the coffin wasemptyl Then they sawLucy comingtowardsthem.Bloodwas
'Where is my
wife?'Arthur cried. running from her lips and her eyes were red. The
'She needsblood. Vampireslook for their victims at
vampireheld out her armsto Arthur and smiled.
'We must wait for Lucy to 'Kissme!' shesaid.
night,' Van Helsingreplied.
comeback.) ' But Van Helsingheld up a cross.Lucy screamedand
ran back into her coffin. The friends hammeredthe
stakethroughLucy'sheart. She screamedagain.Then,
at last,shewasat peace.
'You can kissyour wife,'Van Helsingsaidto Arthur.
'Now we mustfind Dracula.\X/ewill destroyhim too.'

6 The Houseof the YamPire
''We can use the Count's powet to destroy him,'
he friends now made their plan.
''We must get into Dracula'shouseand find the Mina said'
'You must 'How?'Arthur asked.'His powerls very strong''
boxesof earth,' Frof.rro, Van Helsingsaid. 'Professor, 'l
stayhere, Mina, but be careful.Don't go outside.Stay you musthypnotiseme,'Mina said' think
i. ihe houseand you will be safe.' that I can tell you Count Dracula'splans''
When the three men reachedDracula'shouse, it
'Draculais not here now,' Van Helsing said.'While
he is awav,we mustflnd the boxes.I will put holy bread
in eachone.Then the vampirewill be in our power.'
The boxeswerein an old room underthe house.The
room smelledof blood.
'We must work quickly,'Professor Van Helsing said'
'Draculamustnot find us here''
Van Helsing stood on the stepswith a crossin his
hand.Jonathanand Arthur openedeachbox and put
holy breadinside.Then Van Helsinggavea shout.
'The Count is coming! Leave the last box and
The friendsran, but Draculawastoo quick for them'
He cametowardsthem. His facewaswhite and angry'
His eyeswerered.Van Helsingheld up the cross.
'l have lived for hundredsof yearsl I have fought
armies! Three men cannot stop mel' Count
The housefilled with mist and the friendscould not
seethe vamPire.
They got out through a window and ran acrossthe
garden.Outsidethe house,the air wasclear.
'We must get back to London. Mina may be in Van Helsing sat down besideMina. He moved his
danger!'Van Helsingcried. hand in front of her face.Her eyesclosed.
'Where is Count Dracula?What are his plans?'Van
But they weretoo late.Mina had walkedout onto the
balconyof her bedroom.A dark shapewasleaningover Helsing askedMina.
'l hear water.Dracula is on a ship. He is returning
her. It wasCount Dracula!
The vampirewasnot drinking'Mina'sblood now.He h o m e , ' M i n ar e p l i e d .
'Then we areall safel'Jonathan cried'
had takenhis meal.But he wasmakingMina drink his 'That is not true,' ProfessorVan Helsing said sad\'.
blood.It wasa terriblesight. 'Mina is in greatdanger.She is very weak now. lf she
Van Helsingheld up the cross.Draculalookedup and
gavea cry.At that moment a cloud coveredthe moon dies before we kill Dracula, she will be a vampire
and everything was dark. When it was light again, for'Then everl'
Draculahad gone. let us follow Draculaat once,'Jonathansaid.
''We can go by train and get to tansylvania
Jonathanheld his wife, Mina, in his arms, 'l
'Oh, beforehim.'
Jonathan,I wasso afraid,'Minacried, hearda 'You must hypnotiseme every day on our joumev.'
child cryingin the garden.I went onto the balcony, but
'Then I can tell you CLrunt
Count Dracula was there. I have drunk the Count's Mina saidto the Professor.
blood and I am in his power.The vampirehaswon.' Dracula'splans.But be careful.Everyday he has m.'re
'No, he is afraidof us.We know too much abouthim,' poweroverme too.'
'He will usethe lastbox to return
Van Helsingreplied.
to his castle.You mustsleepnow,Mina''
7 The Return to CastleDracul.a
The Professorput holy bread inside.Now Dracula
f-\racula travelledbackto his castlein Tiansylvania
L)bv water.After the seajourney,he went up the could neverreturn.
River Seruth.Castle Draculawas 20 kilometresfrom The Professorfound the tombs of the women too.
the river. The three vampireswere resting inside them. The
'We must stop Draculabeforehe reacheshis castle,' Professorhammered stakesthrough their hearts and
'You and Arthur must they turnedto dust.Then he went back to Mina.
Van Hel'singsaid to Jonathan.
'Jonathanis near,but so is the Count!' Mina cried.
follow hlm by boat. I will take Mina with me by land.
'Look, they arecomingalongthat roadnear the riverl'
We will get to the castlemore quickly.Dracula'stomb
is there, in the chapel. I will put holy bread in the The sunwasgoingdown behindthe mountainsand it
tomb. He will not be ableto restthere.' wasnearly dark. A cart with a woodenbox on it was
The ProfessorhypnotisedMina every day. But the moving quickly along the road. Count Dracula was
poor girl wasvery ill. They werenearthe vampirenow. returning to his castle!But two men on horseswere
His powerover Mina wasvery strong.\Uould Mina die riding afterhim.
'lt is 'They are
beforeDraculacould be destroyed? Jonathanand Arthur!' Mina cried.
The high mountainswerecoveredwith snow.Wolves movingfasterthan the cart!'
'They must be quick. They must destroy Dracula
were howling, but the Professorwas not afraid. He
made a fire and put piecesof holy bread in a circle beforeit is dark,''theProfessorsaid.
aroundit. The Professor and Mina satnearthe fire and As they watched, the two men reachedthe cart.
they weresafe. The driver ran away and Jonathan pulled the box
At night, the threewomenvampirescamenear.They down onto the snow. The hd fell off and there was
calledto Mina, but they could not reachher. Count Dracula.
In the morning,the Professor walkedup the road to Jonathanhammereda stakeinto the vampire'sheart.
CastleDracula.The door to the old chapelwasopen. Arthur's knife cut through his throat.
The chapelwasfull of old tombs.The biggesttomb had Draculagavea terriblecry and then therewdssilence.
the nameDRACULA on it. But therewasno blood on the snow.The Count'sbody
had turnedto dust.
Mina ran towardsJonathanand he took her in his
arms.They weresafe.The vampirewasdead.The years
of blood and fearwereover.

A KissBeforeSying
flsd I rsmptstetlil of all llrtrcmillarRoadersat

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