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3.1 Data Analysis Procedure

Berthold and David (2007:03) data analysis is the process of

computing various summaries and derived values from the given

collection of data. The word "process" is important here. It means

that data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleaning,

transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering

useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting

decision-making. In this study the researcher uses content

analysis model to analyze the data, because the model has

characteristic that can discuss written information deeply, and

this model is appropriate with the research which is analyze the

written document such as magazine, newspaper, advertisement,

novel etc. To answer the research problem, in collecting the data,

the researcher analyzed them systematically as the purpose of

this study, the researcher are going to investigate the phrases in

novel Memoirs of A Geisha by following some steps, bellow:

1. Reading the whole novel to find out the phrases and

selecting the phrases which have difference of the

structure in novel.
2. Analyzing the phrases
3. Identifying the phrases to know the function of a phrase
4. The last, interpreting the novel to find out the meaning of


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