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Student ID: 20016726

Subject name: HE608-WIL1 Extended Industry Experience 400

Demonstrate understanding of effective opportunity-search

Recruitment or selection method is considered as the pivotal process in
managing people in an organization. Recruitment process is all about the
management of employment relationship within a company. So that, this
process places a significant role in selecting capable people to the
organization in order to enhance the performance of the organizations.
Effective recruitment is neccessary in selecting the right person with
appropriate skills to improve the outcomes of company. There are three main
methods in recruitment: direct, indirect and third party measurement.
First of all, in the direct method, organization will send their representative to
the university or training institutes to select the right candidates such as in
career expo in their school. Besides, if the organization has contacts with the
professors in school, they can ask for the recommendation from reliable
people to nominate potential candidates to the employers.
Differrent from the direct method, the indirect method is all about selection
candidates through using communication mediums such as: newspaper,
recruitment website or through social media. This method is the most
common one in recruitment processes. When trying to utilise this ways,
employers have to visualise in their mind about the suitable candidates for
the vacancy in their organizations. Further, the employers need to list out the
responsiblity as well as the benifits that candidates can get in the job
description. Moreover, they have to decide the mediums that they are going
to use to approach the potential candidates. This method is very good in
attracting a large amount of candidates so that the employers have many
different choice.
The third method is third party measurement. Enterprises use this method
to select candidates through the third party companies which are experts in
selecting people such as: employment agencies, labour contractors or
management consultants. When using this kind of method, employers do not
to worry too much about how to recruit the right choice. Most of the
processes will be done by the recruitment company that they are hiring.
Human is the core factor in a business. Therefore, employers have to
consider carefully in choosing the one that they are going to commit with the
organization in the long term.

Apply understanding of recruitment/selection methods to

To select a right candidate to work for your organization, recruiters need to
consider through many different qualities. One of the qualities of the
candidates that recruiters are looking is intellegence. The intellegence of the
employees are expressed thought the ability of planning, organizing, solving
problems and acomplishing the job. Therefore, the candidates can show their
intellegence to the recruiters through the way they ask and and answer the
questions in the interview.
Besides, recruiters also pay attention to the leadership ability of the
candidates. The candidates must illustrate to the recruiters the willingness to
take the responsibility of the work when they are allocated in order to
complete the mission to achieve the final result.
Thirdly, the candidates need to be honest in every perspective. They need to
be honest about themselves by admiting about what are their strengths as
well as their weaknesses. The most important, the candidates must be loyal
to the enterprise and willing to admit the false if they make mistake.
Furthermore, teamwork is the key of success when working in an enterprise.
Thus, recruiters will focus on about how you can coporate with others when
working. The more you can coorporate with each other, the more you can
gain the efficiency and the productivity in workplace.
Moreover, the potential candidates are the one who is passionate about what
they are doing, is proud of what they are delivering to the customers. This
quality will get the great scrore in the eyes of the interviewers.
On top of that, candidates need to pay attention to the resume when they
apply for a job. The resume is not only the paper about what you did and
what you learnt, it is also the passport to catch the good impression from the
recruiters. Accordingly, candidates must customise the resume in the
precise, clear way to demonstrate all what you have been through in the
most impressive way to get the attention form the recruiters.

Demonstrate ability to use relevant vacancy information, including

ways of accessing unadvertised vacancies;
Currently, most of the jobs are not advertised publicly so that candidates will
find it difficult to approach those opportunities. Therefore, the conventional
vacancy-searchings are not appropriate in this situation. In this
circumstances, networking is considered as the helpful method to help
candidates to touch those hidden opportunities.
Networking is a activity between man with man. Through this process,
people gather together to build up the business and social relationship.
Through those relationships, people can provide us useful information about
job vacancies, a private contact that have authority to hire you. When in a
networking, you have to show them about what is your plan as well as what
are you going to do by informing them that you are seeking a new position.
Further, networking is essential in generating communication channel which
may help you in the future. We can expand our networking through attending
party, through the relationship with your friends, your co-workers, with you
alumni or through the introduction of your teachers in school.
I get the currently job Pullman hotel also through the networking. Before, I
struggled with finding a place to implement my workplacement. At that time,
I found a chance to work for Hotelstaff agency. AT that moment, Pullman
hotel was short of staffs so that they requested some staffs in Hotelstaff to
work for them in some functions. Through Hotelstaff agency, I had chance to
work in the hotel. When working, I made friend with some officially staffs of
Pullman. They told me that Pullman need to hire more staffs. I thought that
was a great chance for me. I directly talked to the manager of the Banquet
department about the hope of becoming a part of Pullman hotel. Eventually, I
became a member of Pullam hotel till now.Through that, we can see the
significant of networking in discovering uncover career opportunities.

Demonstrate ability to present oneself effectively in selection

interviews and other selection processes
Interview is the last step to impressive the recruiter as well as pursuade
recruiters whay they should hire you. When you get the interview, that
means your resume and cover letter appeal the recruiters and match their
Before the interview, you have to get yourself ready through implementing
those steps. First of all, you have to focus on the job description as well as
their requirements so that you can satisfy their demanding. Then, you have
to spend time in researching about the enterprise that you are willing to work
with. You also have to go throught their missions, values and what they have
been done so far. Next, based on what your knowledge about organization,
you have to imagine what questions that they will ask you in the interview.
Accordingly, you can practise to answer all those of questions. This process
will make you more confident when you face them in the interview session.
Besides, you have to be careful in your body language as well as eye contact
when in the interview. This is very important to show them that you are
relax. Finally, you have to be true about yourself and let they see your great
personlity during the interview.

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