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Task 23 plans for photoshoot

My theme for the campaign is going to be a natural summer
theme that is based around summer clothing with a sporty look.
All my shots are going to be outdoors and will be weather
permitting but I am going to aim to shoot them when it is
The initial shoot will be on the 6th of April from 1:30pm-2:30pm
this is because it will be in school time.
The reshoot for anything that might need correcting like errors
in the photos. This will take place on the 8th April 10:30-11:30.
The final shoot will be on 10th April 12:30-13:30.
First model:
Name: Sam James Barber
Age: 16
Height: 59
Hair colour: Brown
Gender: Male
Target audience: Sam fits the target market because he likes
style and likes looking good but doesnt have a lot of money to
spend. So for charity shops to be selling good quality cheap
clothes he doesnt mind going and having a look at what the
shops have on offer.
Second model:
Name: Thomas Stephan sim
Age: 16
Height: 511
Hair colour: Blonde/brunette
Gender: Male
Target audience: Tom fits into the target audience because it is
non-specific. Therefore, I have done it so that there is a male
and a female advertising the clothes. If you go into a charity
shop, there is always clothes of both genders. So tom also fits
the target audience because of my age bracket which is aimed
at the people who want to always look fashionable, brands
arent fashion they are just expensive.
Costume 1: Green/Brown Lightweight Puffer Jacket, Dark blue
denim Jeans, White cotton T-Shirt and Soft grey ankle
Costume 2: Crystal white patterned T-Shirt (Honour), Dark blue
denim jeans and Grey Trainers with gold heel accents.
Costume 3: Black hoodie, Grey and red accents jogger bottoms
and Black and white sole canvas skater shoes.
1. Priestley College, loushers Ln, Warrington WA4 6RD
2. Loushers Ln park, Warrington WA4 6RD
3. Preistley College, Loushers Ln, Warrington WA4
6RD (Benches)

Legal and ethical issues:

I have legal issues which are enforced by the law to take into
account. These have to be followed in order for my posters for
the campaign to be published.
I also have ethical issues which I should morally take into
account when producing my campaign in order not to offend or
harm peoples reputation or harm their lively hood.
There are six sections to the legal and ethical aspects of the
radio advert theses are:
Copyright-The point of copyright is to protect peoples work
against other artist or general public using their work for
themselves or advertising it as their own.
Trademark-These have to symbolise a service which has the
trademark registered otherwise it doesnt apply and counts as
Intellectual property law-If you or a company was to have an
idea that hadnt yet been published and you were to get it
trademarked or copyrighted, then you could sue them if they
were to use it.
Privacy Law-Refers to the laws that deal with the regulation of
personal information about individuals, which can be collected
by governments and other public as well as private
Defamation of character- Defamation of character occurs when
someone makes a false statement about you to a third party
that is damaging to your reputation.
Obscenity-The law states that the required work has to meet
the standards set by the law of Obscenity. (Since 1857)
I have to follow all of the above in order for me to not cross
and boundaries and maybe risk having my photos/adverts
taken down. So when doing my shoot, I will take all of these
into account and only use final shots if they havent been
compromised by these laws.

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