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Module 2:Modification by vibro replacement

Lecture 4:Special Techniques

The Lecture Contains:

Stone Columns

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Module 2:Modification by vibro replacement

Lecture 4:Special Techniques

Special Technique

Improvement of granular soil

1. Compaction by drop hammer

2. Compaction by pile

If N < 10

Figure 4.1

Drop Hammer:

Usually w = wt of hammer
W =2.5t
H = Height of full = 1- 2.5m


1. Fore of influence is restricted deporting on the size of wt.

2. To a depth compacted width of hammer.

3. improve the ground for shallow foundation.

Sometimes it refers to a dynamic consolidation means it dissipiates excess pore water by dynamic

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Figure 4.2

Beyond a depth of 2.5m there is no improvement.

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Module 2:Modification by vibro replacement

Lecture 4:Special Techniques

Stone Columns


Done by trial and error method:

Take a small portion as a trial and

error area. It is divided into no. of
areas. For different valves of wt of
hammer the density before and often
the compaction is foundout. The best
result gives the wt of hammer used in
the field.

Figure 4.3

Compaction piles

Instead of allowing the hitting of hammer

directing into the ground it hits on the cassion

Figure 4.4

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Figure 4.5

Stone columns:

First decide the depth of improvement after that change the cassion pile.

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Module 2:Modification by vibro replacement

Lecture 4:Special Techniques

Stone Columns

Parameters required

1. Wt of hammer
2.No of blows predertermined
3. Height of fall

Closer spacing better compactions.with Increase in the no of blows the compaction goes up

Stone columns:

Applicable to granular soil it is a device to provide vibration.


1. Vibro floatation
2. Rammed stone Column

Vibro floatation:
Vibro float is allowed to vibrate in horizontal direction by allowing water through the cashing.

Figure 4.6

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Three Actions:

1. Pushed into ground.

2. Passage of water loosening the soil.
3. Vibrate in horizontal direction.

After vibration the gap is filled with stone.

Figure 4.7

Rammed stone columns:

The whole soil mass is takenout & then it is filled by stone columns.
A stone column spacing (s/d) of 2.5 - 4 is adopted for most practical problems.
It has been recognized that closer spacing is preferred under isolated footing than beneath large rafts.

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