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At the background of the photo, which it is quite blurry, we can see people
struggling to pass through a crowded space, just the way to a new
homeplace and a new life. That must be due to deplorable conditions in
their current lives, which moves them to migrate and run away.

Furthermore, we can appreciate at the center of the photo, the focus of the
image, a group of people who carry lots of package and poorly dresses
humble and dirty clothes, trying to protect themselves from wter and
getting wet, and a noticiable cold that haunts their lives. They are trying to
cross the river that seems very flooded that makes their path more difficult
to cross.
This photo is focused on some refugees. Their scared and hollow faces make
us fell fortunate with our loves, but this is something we can change. Cant
we give them a better life?.

(Marina Garcia, Chitra Nuncio, Chaima, Thas Haider, Alvaro Marn. 4t C)

In this photo we can see a group of people, probably Syrian, who are in a
river and the dirty water is arriving until their knees. Furthermore they are
wearing scarfs and blue raincoats. All the raincoats are blue, so we think
that an ONG gave them. They have a lot of equipment to spend some nights
outside their home, at the refugees camps.

They are in a queue trying to get a better place. Some people on the left are
helping them to cross the river and also some cameramen recording this
terrible moment. Tha refugees seem scared and anxious to cross the river.
We hope they will find a home soon.

(Ot Bertran, Bernat Luco, Christian Melndez, Arnau Miret, Arnau Osorno,
Carles Rica. 4tB)

In this picture we can see some Syrian people walking through a train rail on
a sunny day. In the middle of the photo we can appreciate a family with five
kids, two of them teenagers. All of them are wearing warm clothes even if it
seems sunny. The oldest son, nearly a man, is carrying a heavy bag with all
the things they need to survive.
We can imagine that the kids are happy meanwhile they are leaving their
hometown in war. A big part of the childrens hapiness is the way of acting
of their parents, trying to hide feelings and the terrible situation they are
living. We think they are looking for a new future, a new life, a new chance
to reach a better life. Therefore they show a postive attitude during this
though situation and however they do not know it, they are encouraging us
to be brave, because they are forced to leave their home and go anywhere
but witha smile in their face instead of being sad.

(Sara Codina, Laura Telles, Gerard Valls. 4t C)

In this photo taken from the newspaper, we can see a lot of people walking
on the train rail that seems abandoned and rusty. Actually, they are in a
forest where we can see a lot of tres along the path.

There are seven adults, six of them are women and there is only a man.
Around them we can see children following the adults. They are also
carrying heavy bags. They look all tired, specially adults. In contrast, the
children seem to be motivated because they are smiling.

As far as clothes are concerned, the women are wearing a gelalea and a
higale meanwhile men wear t-shirts and denims. They are in the centre of
the photo walking on a path. Behind them, there is another family. This
picture makes us think about refugees and the cruelty and consequences of
a war.

(Jiaying Ye Qiu, Saadia O., Ins Cambra,Irina Gmez, Maria Rodriguez. 4t B)

This picture shows us a group of refugees arriving to the coast. This picture
could be taken in Europe because there is a lot of information talking about
countries in war that have to migrate to developed countries. As a result,
the rich countries do not want to have too many people from other countries
and that is the reason why they set a maximum rate of a country.

On the top left corner we can see people with lifejackets. It seems that thay
have been rescued by boat. At the background, we can see a mountain or it
might be an island. In the center of the photo a man is holding two children
who are crying and scared of what they are living.
(Adri Lopez, Joel Guitart, Dragos leon, Xavi Ferrera, Julia Ribalta. 4tB)

In this picture we have some Syrian people that probably they are running
away of their country. Also we see a fence that maybe was a part of a
frontier between two countries. Consequently the people that we see in the
picture are from different ages because a lot of citizens want to emigrate.

The clothes of these human beings look dirty and old because of their
economic situation. They seem very sad and ungry meanwhile they are
trying to fall down the fence to search a better future. There are some
photographers who are witnesses of all this and whose role is to inform the
society that they need to place to live.

(Ramn Valls, jaume mallart, Dani Sanchis, Quim Fillat, Sergio Cortes. 4tB)
This picture shows us a lot of immigrants walking somewhere, maybe thay
are going to try to have a better life. Nevertheless there are some
policemen that keep them out of the country and the wish to live a new life.

Most of them are men between 30-40 years old. However there are some
women and children too. They are wearing old clothes with scarfs and hats,
therefore it may be winter. The police wear a thick uniform and helmet to
protect themselves from being hurt.

Next to the road, on the right side, we can see a grren field and at the
background a little forest and a house. The immigrants are disappointed,
serious, tired and worried about this unfair situation .

(Berta Vilella, Sara Pelej, Sara Casadess, Alba Martinez, Maria Sevillano,
Alba Pelfort. 4tB)

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