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Week of May 22

Dear Parents,

I h ope you have a great weekend! There are a few things that your children will be working on over the next couple of
w eeks. Please check the Science section of this document. In Social Studies, we will be talking about scientific and
t echnological advances. Their task is to write a research paper about a scientific or technological advancement that
c h anged societys values or beliefs. This is an outside project due on Friday, June 2. Here is the rubric.

B e g inning D - to D+ D e v e loping C - to C + C o mpe tent B- to B + E x c eeding A- to A+

S tu dent d evelops a writing S tu dent d evelops a well-

S tu dent d evelops a writing piece S tu dent d evelops a writing
p ie ce w ith little explanation of w ritten piece that e xplains
w ith no e xplanation of h is/her p ie ce that explains his/he r
h is/her topic and includes 1 h is/her topic and includes
to p ic a nd/or lacks adequate to p ic a nd includes 2-3 facts
f a ct with limited evidence mo re than 3 ve ry specific
e v idence about how his/her topic a b out how his/her topic
a b out how his/her topic a n d detailed facts about
c h a nge d societys v alues or c h a nge d societys v alues or
c h a nge d societys v alues or h o w h is/her topic changed
b e liefs. b e liefs.
b e liefs. so c ie tys v alues or beliefs .

O ur class has MAP on Wednesday May 24 th , Monday May 29th , and Friday June 2nd. Please help to make
sure that your child is well rested and eats a good breakfast. Thank you!


Brian Hunt
Important Dates Reader/Writers Workshop: Knowledge Quest:
Navigating and Integrating Multiple Sources as
May 22-June 2 MAP Researchers
Math: Surface Area and Volume
May 26 (NO SCHOOL)
Ascension Holiday Science: Make observations and measurements
and measure and graph quantities to show that
June 1 PTO Meeting matter is conserved.
@ 8:00 Social Studies: How do scientific and
June 5 (NO SCHOOL) technological advances change societys values and
Pentecost Monday beliefs?

June 15 Moving Up

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