Career Powerpoint

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Rowe Balmer
Financial Literacy Period 7
My Hobbies and Activities
Horseback riding
Community service
Personality Tests- Jung
Personality Tests- VALS
Write Up
According to the tests, I am an achiever, experiencer, and
I am classified as ISTJ- introverted, sensing, thinking, and
judging. I think that my strengths are my ability to think
and judge. I reason a lot and I think critically of decisions and situations. I am
literally not capable of thinking theoretically- I am a concrete thinker which
works well for me in my math and science classes. Most of all, I am a very
motivated and hard worker. I am introverted when it comes to new people, but
otherwise I am pretty outgoing and love physical activity and stimulation. A
weakness of mine is close-mindedness. I like to do things my way and its hard to
get me to change my mind.
Career Interest Game Hobbies that match up:
Who I would sit with (in order of appeal): Reading
Team sports
Investigative Babysitting
Social Community service
Four potential careers:

Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Special Education Teacher Secondary School
Job Description
As a veterinarian, I would

Diagnose health problems in animals

after examination
Treat animals for health issues
Treat and dress wounds Specifically, I would specialize in
Perform surgery equine science and become an
Test for and vaccinate against diseases Equine Veterinarian.
Operate medical equipment
Talk to animal owners about the health of their animals
Prescribe medication
Euthanize animals
Hours I need to work
50 hours of average work per week

x 50 weeks

x 46 years expected to work

= 115,000 hours I will work in my lifetime

Special Skills or Abilities
Veterinarians must be good at

Compassion they have to be kind with animals and compassionate with the owners
Decision-making skills they have to correctly diagnose and decide the best course of treatment
Interpersonal skills they need to be able to productively communicate with the owners
Management skills veterinarians who run their own clinic or lead a group of students or a
research lab need to be organized and on top of things
Manual dexterity need to have good hand and motor skills for treating injuries and performing
Problem-solving skills they have to establish a diagnosis
Working Conditions
For the kind of practice that I plan on
doing, my work environment will
constantly be changing. Instead of my
patients coming to me, I will be travelling
to different farms and barns. Regardless of
weather, I will have to be outside and in
and out of barns. For small animal
veterinarians, their work is in a office.
They see patients in a hospital just like
physicians see their patients.
Challenging/Rewarding Aspect
I have always loved animals, especially horses. I have always had animals in my
life and have never lived in a house without a dog. Not only would I be able to
help animals, but I would be helping the owners too. Pets are becoming more and
more part of families and are gaining importance to their owners. I know how
important my dogs are to me and I really appreciate good veterinarians. Even
though it will be hard to lose patients, if I am able to help at all, I will be happy.
The starting salary for
veterinarians is $71,000.
In 2016, the average national salary
for veterinarians was $88,490.
The 75th percentile was
The 25th percentile was
In Illinois, the average salary for
veterinarians is $82,6450.
Education needed There are only 27 accredited Veterinary colleges or
universities in the United States.
It depends on the school, but most Vet schools require
2-3 years of undergrad studies.
After undergrad, you go to Veterinary Graduate School
for 4 years and have get your DVM (Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine) and pass the NAVLE (North American
Veterinary Licensing Examination).
After grad school, you may open your own clinic, work
for a clinic, or get more experience in a specific study.
For example, I plan on working as a large
animal/equine surgeon so I would intern or work
for that a large animal clinic.
*Highlighted means
Schools known for producing Veterinarians its on my own
personal list*

Undergraduate School Graduate Schools

University of Kentucky University of California, Davis

Michigan State University Cornell University
Clemson University University of Pennsylvania
University of Illinois Michigan State University
University of Alabama Colorado State University
Colorado State University University of Illinois
Drexel University Texas A&M University
University of Maryland
Future Employment Opportunities
Jobs working with farm animals are easier to get because people are
competing more to work with small animals! However, the number of
graduates from veterinary school has been increasing by 3,000 every year.
According to Milwaukee Career College, there are three important
trends in the veterinary industry right now.

1.) The abundance of animal treatment drugs for extensive and new found
illnesses brings more customers in, meaning practices need more staff.
2.) Pet owners are spending more and more on caring for their pets
health. More money put in the business means more money for the
3.) More and more people are getting pets and they are seeing them
increasingly more as family members, meaning theyll do whatever it
takes to make sure they are happy and healthy- which usually involves
spending money at the veterinarians office.
Most famous Veternarian
The most famous veterinarian is James Herriot. He was a British
veterinarian surgeon. He wrote If Only They Could Talk, a
series about his working as a vet and also about his training the
Royal Air Force and his time in World War II. His series didnt do
great in United Kingdom, so his first two books were put together
into one volume and was titled, Creatures Big and Small, one of
my favorite books! Before writing, he travelled around from
everywhere to USSR to Istanbul treating all different types of
animals. He received the American Veterinary Medical
Associations Award of Appreciation in 1975, made fellow of the
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1982, and had a television
show based off of Creatures Big and Small in the 1980s.
Works Cited
"Veterinarian." Veterinarian Career Profile. Truity, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
"America's Top Veterinarians." America's Top Veterinarians. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
"QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015 - Veterinary Science." Top Universities. N.p., 22 Nov.
2016. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
"Compare Colleges with Pre-Veterinary Studies Degrees." 2017 Best Colleges Offering Pre-Veterinary
Studies Degrees. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
Payscale. "Veterinarian Salary." Veterinarian Salary. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.
"Veterinarian: Salary Details." U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World Report, 2016. Web. 15
Feb. 2017.
"Veterinarian." The World's Best Career Test - Sokanu. Sokanu, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.
"Three Major Trends in Veterinary Industry." Milwaukee Career College. Milwaukee Career College,
07 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.
"James Herriot Life and Times." Life and Times | James, n.d. Web. 15
Feb. 2017.

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