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What is stem it stand for science ,technology ,engineering and mathematics .

im go
deeper into the for staring with science Anyone can have an idea about how science
works.Some people think their idea is correct because "it seems right but this is not
enough for A scientist will test the idea in the real world. And that is called a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is sometimes described as an educated guess. That's not the
same as just guess anything you have to think befor let's move
onto technology technology has changed significantly over the year from pay phone
to cell ,from book to computer it advised wolder so far. It use to take 20min just write a
letter and it take longer to send a letter now we have a cell phone at the pom of are
hand and we can send a text in 1 min that's how advised it got in the last 200 hundred
year. In Technology is only getting better. Let talk about Engineers are shaping the
future by applying their skills to almost everything you can think of, from medicine to
renewable energy, food technologies to sustainable mining. Mathematica is a
symbolic mathematical computation program, sometimes called a computer
algebra program, used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical, and
computing fields. stem important because if we didn't have technology the
world would be so advised.



All of STEM are connected like technology is also an application of science to

solve problem they are different subject but they work hand in
hand.Technology comes about through science. Science is the study of the world
around us, how to understand it and how to make it better. Without science there would
be no technology. We wouldn't be communicating on computers if scientists like Ben
Franklin, Thomas Edison or Nikola Tesla had never tried to understand electricity. I
could not find a lot engineering but what i could find was Scientists and engineers both
use the facts and method s of science, and both often use MATH and COMPRS in their
work. we actually use a lot of math in science especially chemistry and physics to do
experiments and like predicting weather and a lot more. Mathematics is the Mother of all
Sciences and Governs the World,of late economics ,Finance.Social Sciences etc. and
what not. An Engineer can be a Good and Successful Engineer, only if he is Good in
When you get out of bed and you use your phone and wash up do you think you useing
STEM you might not know but you are. everything you use to get ready in the morning
that is man made is part of engineering and Technology. STEM is so useful we made
car so people can get to work fast get there kids to school on time and more. Back in
the olden day we had pay phone we use to put 25 cent into the pay phone and make a
call but now we have cell phone we can call from about anying were now . if we want to
know what was going on in the world we use to get a newspaper and read it now we
can go on the internet in just look up the story or tuer on the tv in watch it. We have
came so far with Technology its this thing call 3D printed object is achieved using
additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down
successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be
seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.

astronauts perform many tasks as they orbit Earth. The space station is designed to be
a permanent orbiting research facility. Its major purpose is to perform world-class
science and research that only a microgravity environment can provide. The station
crew spends their day working on science experiments that require their input, as well
as monitoring those that are controlled from the ground. They also take part in medical
experiments to determine how well their bodies are adjusting to living in microgravity for
long periods of time. Scientists use their senses when solving science problems.
They use their eyes to spot details. They use their noses to detect if
something is stinky. They use their hearing, touch, and even sense of taste.
Those are to job that have to do with STEM

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